Deneufville family papers
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Deneufville family
Deneufville family papers
18 items
Papers, primarily 1785-1815, of brothers Jean Augustine (1763-1838) and Peter Robert
Deneufville (d. 1809), who arrived in Hanover County and Williamsburg, Va., from France about 1780
and became merchants. Included are letters from merchants, customers, and friends; bonds; receipts; a
copy of Peter Robert Deneufville's will; a letter between two of Augustine's granddaughters; a land grant
from the governor of Georgia, Edward Telfair, to Daniel McLane; and indentures between various
Deneufville relatives. Names prominent in the papers include: Robert Anderson, Andrew Buchanan,
James Lee, John Saunders, John Taliaferro, Edward Teagle, and Dr. Wiscart.
Deneufville (d. 1809), who arrived in Hanover County and Williamsburg, Va., from France about 1780
and became merchants. Included are letters from merchants, customers, and friends; bonds; receipts; a
copy of Peter Robert Deneufville's will; a letter between two of Augustine's granddaughters; a land grant
from the governor of Georgia, Edward Telfair, to Daniel McLane; and indentures between various
Deneufville relatives. Names prominent in the papers include: Robert Anderson, Andrew Buchanan,
James Lee, John Saunders, John Taliaferro, Edward Teagle, and Dr. Wiscart.
French, English.
Acquired by Special Collections through Miss Emma Lou Barlow of Williamsburg, May 1941. Miss Barlow, the daughter of Mary Marion Deneufville and John H. Barlow, Jr., was the great grand-daughter of Jean Augustine and Mary Goddin Deneufville.