Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4537: "MS1957-01-01_0014.jpg"


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common huckaback for Towels, 2 pieces white
strong linens @ 1s/3 per yard one piece best
white Ozenbrigs, one piece brown ditto
1 piece hempen Rools 1 piece large piece of
blue welch Cotton, 12 yards of blue livery
broad Cloath @ 8s/ a piece brown fustain
for Servants 4 Mens ^ large Caster Caster Hatts
6 Mens large felt ditto. 6 common blankets
for Servants 6 pair common brown Mens
thread Stockings 4 lb Ozenbrig Thread
1 lb blue ditto. 1 piece of none so prittie
Tape, 25 yards of corded Dimothy, 1 piece
clouting diapers 1 piece fine dark fine
Sagathee, half a piece fine brown holland
6 fine Caster Hats 2 sizes for 6 years & 4 years
old 4 pair worsted Stockings for ditto
4 pair brown thread for ditto 2 pairs silver
shoe & knee buckles buckles for ditto
2 silver laced Hatts for ditto