Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4545: "MS1957-01-01_0022.jpg"


PDF Text



To Messrs Cary & Company Merchants
in London
Willamsburg 14th July 1762


It is my earnest wish that Colonel Philip
Ludwell Lee's Interest procures a load of
Tobacco from the Latitia Captain Hammond what
Tobacco I grew last year is engaged
& was to sail by agreement with his Majestys
Ship the Chesterfield By your favour
of the 10th April your yearly Ship for Potomac
river, may, or may not Arrive to car
ry the present growth of Tobacco to Britain
with Convoy I can't make promisess
when the event is so uncertain; but to act
the Candid Man you must know that a
small proportion of my Tobacco is engaged
yealy on consignment (to buy British
Manufactures my wants require) the
balance I sell to the purchacers here if the
prices is an enducement, if otherwise
the Common freight makes it an ac