Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4551: "MS1957-01-01_0028.jpg"


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purchace 250 £ Sterling on the conditions
mentioned, thenthat deficiency shall be sent
You immediately upon my information
of it A neighbor desires me to
make enquiry for a single Man well
qualified in the Bakers Art, such a
one disposed to live here may expect
Civil treatement & receive wages punc
tually, if any Person should be will engage on this
application, (You would recommend)
Let him write his Terms to me, they
will determine if acceptable, or not,
& the answer will direct the Person
accordingly If You will negotiate
this Matter, & communicate Your endea
vours, it will add to the favour already
granted to Sir
Your humble Servant
Robert Carter