Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4634: "MS1957-01-02_0064.jpg"


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To the honorable Benjamin Tasker at Annapolis
Williamsburg 13t June 1764.

Dear Sir,

Mr J, Wayles drew yesterday on Messrs
Farell and Jones of Bristol for 180£ 11s Sterling the balance which
was due to Mrs Anna Ogle, on Colonel Nat: Harrison's
Promissary note: I made out an Account from a copy of
the original, which you had worwarded to me, and my
Relation consented to pay that balance: But required
my Indemnification against the note. The Account, which I
delivered was as followeth.

Dr Colonel Nat: Harrison of Stafford County in Virginia
To Mrs Anna Ogle of Maryland

To your Promissary note for Sterling, which was due the
30th day of January 1766
£169   2 0
To 5 per Cent Interest on ditto from the 30th January 1766 to the
12th June 1767. one year 4Months & 12 daies}
    11   9
£180 11
Per Cent
By J, Wayles's bill on Farell & Jones of Bristol
for Sterling payable to Mrs Ogle}
£180 11

Pray notify the receipt of J, Wayles's bill, which I
shall inclosed in this Letter.

Your Packet which covered your bill on Messers:
perkin & Co. of London payable to George Wythe, the Turs
tee's bond, their Power of attorney, Colonel Nat Harrison's
promissary note &cc &cc Mr Ritchie put into my
hands, who received it fo his friend & neighbour
Colonel Tayloe.

Judgments will be entered the 3d Monday in next
Month against the Trustees, & Colonel Byrd, the former
will not negotiate the judgment, which shall be against
the latter, they say that they cannot be compeled to pay
Colonel Byrd's protested bill. Pray be explicit in