Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4637: "MS1957-01-02_0067.jpg"


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Pray pay to Mr John hough of Loudoun
County my Rents, when they shall become due for
the year 1767, and his Receipt shall be an acquit
tal, witness my Hand the day & year above writ
ten. Robert Carter inclosed this order in the prece
eding Letter addressed to John Hough

To Mr. Landon Carter junior in Prince William County
Williamsburg 15th June 1767

Dear Sir

As your residence is very nigh my Quarters
on Bull & Cub-Runs, it may be convenient for you to
superintend them, & if you will do that business, seal the in
closed letter before you send it to the overseer: It is sent
open that you may read it. But if you shall decline my
proposal, then tear the letter, & advise me accordingly.

An attention to the inclosed paper will show the neat
profits of my quarters in Prince William & Loudoun counties
for the year 1765, and in what manner the crop of Tobacco was
disposed off; which form I desire may be observed at
our yearly settlement; except this difference only for
you may see that Robert Mathist the late overseer & brother
of the present overseer, received 2/18 of the crop of tobacco
& 2/19 of Grain, for the overseer is to have one 7th part
of the neat Profits. By this agreement I expect that the over
seer will be as desirous of selling advantagiously
whatever articles he shall make, as he was in rais
ing & making them. The overseer must not sell but
to such Persons, who you shall approve off. and you are
to receive the money & to account with me for it.

I desire that the tobacco be not cut down before it shall
be ripe, that if be very much deadened in the field, & then
thinly hung in the Houses, ΒΌ to be stemmed, the whole to