Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4673: "MS1957-01-02_0103.jpg"


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here & not exported it to the Island of
Madeira, should not have drawn so largly
for tho' I bought a small part of the Cargo
only yet have disbursed of that voyage
considerable sums of money, on Account of
freight, Storage, British & Virginia Duties.

I am, Gentlemen
Yours &cc
Robert Carter

Edward Hunt & Sons.

July 7th


The ship Hanbury Captain James Esten is
now lying in York-Road to take in part
of her Load   I shall go on board to ac
knowledge my Signatures & Seals to the
arbitration Bond you transmitted to
me, (in the presence of said Captain & some of
his officers) who will deliver said Bond
to you: Your engaging in that Dispute
shews great benevolence of Heart, a
Virtue which doth honour to human Nature,
& whatever may be your opinion in that matter
I shall cheerfully acquiese therein.

My State with regard to Messrs: Jackson
& Rutherfurd is unfortunate, it appearing
by all the legal proof that can be gotten,
that I was the sole & only Agent in loading
& dispatching the Snow Anne Captain Ayres