Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

File #4749: "MS1957-01-03_0037.jpg"


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was pleasing & advantagious to him I am
Your humble servant
Robert Carter

To Mrs, Ogle
at Annapolis

September 18th


All the Cash & Bills of Exchange paid to me
on account of Goods sold at Bell-Air
last Spring belonging to the Estate of the
late Colonel Tasker junior, amount to £30..17..6
sterling I have paid £26..5.9 sterling, &
have assumed to pay sundry Demands
agaist said Estate

That Estate will not be sold before some
Doubts are removed, & I conceive that
the Trustees may postpone the Claims of the
Creditors against it, till they shall receive
assets However I will pay one third
of Mr Patrick Smith's Account when he
shall have proved it

It appears by a Copy of an Account taken
from Mr Tasker's Ledgers, which you sent to
me, that Colonel Byrd's Trustees have paid
to the late Mr Tasker sundry Bill of
Exchange & accepted his order, they it
& the Bills making £1983..7..5 sterling
on account of Interest on their joint Bond
payable to him; that he chose to assign
to m £608..9..3 part of the payment
namely £213..11 £33..11 £217..9 & £143.18.3
but what part of £1983..7..5 I collected
& transmitted to Mr Tasker does not appear
That matter is explainable from the Accounts
I sent to Mrs Tasker & Mr Daniel Dulany
last Summer, also the Object in View
therefor beg leave to refer Mr J, Ridout
& yourself to those Papers And hope that
you will signify to me the Result of