Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Browse Items (1 total)

  • SCRB01469_001.jpg

    A letter to the inhabitants of the province of Quebec. Extract from the minutes of the Congress. Philadelphia: : Printed by William and Thomas Bradford, October, 1774.

    "Cushing, Lee and Dickinson were appointed, October 21, a committee to prepare this letter, the draft of which, both by common acceptance and by the statement in Dickinson's 'Writings' (published in 1801, under his supervision), is referred to Dickinson's pen; yet John Adams (Diary in 'Works,' II, 392), on October 4 writes, 'General Lee came to my lodgings, and showed me address from the C. to the people of Canada, which he had'--or, eleven days before Dickinson was elected to the Congress, and eighteen days before the committee was appointed."--Ford, P.L. Some materials for a bibl. of the ... Continental Congress, Boston, 1890, no. 7.

    Originally intended to be part of: United States. Continental Congress. Extracts from the votes and proceedings of the American Continental Congress. Philadelphia, 1774 (Evans 13726).

    Rockefeller Library copy with names of John Leeds and dates 1774-1790; John Leeds Bozman and dates 1790-1821 and John Bozman Kerr and date 1844.

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