Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 260, January 9, 1756


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 260, January 9, 1756



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January 9, 1756 No. 260
With the freshest ADVICES, FOREIGN and DOMESTICK.

Column 1

The two remaining Letters of the Reverend Mr. George<
Whitefield's, promised in Gazette, No 256.
Lisbon, March 1754.

My dear Friend,
PROVIDENCE still detains us at Lisbon, and therefore I know
you will be enquiring what more News from thence?------
Truly as extraordinary as ever.------For I have now seen
the Solemnities of an Holy Thursday, which is a very high Day
in this Metropolis, and particularly remarkable for the grand
Illuminations of the Churches, and the King's washing twelve
poor Men's Feet------Through the Interest of a Friend I got Ad-
mittance into the Gallery where the Ceremony was performed.------ It was
large and hung with Tapestry; one Piece of which represented the humble
Jesus washing the feet of his Disciples.------Before this, upon a small
Eminence, sat twelve Men in black.------At the upper End, and several
other Parts of the Gallery, were Sideboards of Gold and Silver Basons and
Ewers molt curiously wrought; and near these a large Table covered with
a Variety of Dishes, all Gold, set off and garnished after the Portuguese
Fashion.------Public high Mass being over, his Majesty came in, attended
with his Nobles [damaged,illegible]
made a most glittering and splendid Blaze.------The great Altars also of the
other Churches were illuminated most profusely, and Silver Pots of artifi-
cial Flowers, with a large Wax Taper between each, were fixed all round
several of them.------Between these were large Paintings, in black and white
representing the different Parts of our Savior’s Passion.------And, in short,
all was so magnificently, so superstitiously grand, that I am persuaded seve-
ral Thousand Pounds would not defray the Expences of that one Day.------
Go which Way you would, nothing was to be seen but Illuminations with-
in, and Hurry without.------For all Persons, the crowned Heads themselves
not excepted, are obliged on this Day to visit seven Churches or Altars, in
Imitation of our Lord's being hurried from one Tribunal to another, before
he was condemned to be hung upon the Cross.------I saw the Queen pass by
in great State to visit three of them.------Velvet Cushions were carried be-
fore her Majesty, and Boards laid along the Streets for herself and Retinue
to walk on.------Guards attended before and behind, and Thousands of
Spectators stood on each side to gaze at them as they passed along.------
Being desirous of seeing the Manner of their Entrance, we got into the last
Church before they came.------It was that of St. Domingo, where was the
Gold Altar before mentioned, and at which her Majesty and her Train knelt
about a Quarter of an Hour.------All the while the Dominican Friars sung
most surprisingly sweet.------But as I stood near the Altar, over against the
great Door, I must confess my very inmost Soul was struck with secret Hor-
ror, when looking up, I saw over the Front of the great Window of the
Church, the Heads of many Hundred Jews, painted on Canvas, who had
been condemned (by what they call the Holy Inquisition) and carried out
from that Church to be burnt.------Strange Way this, of compelling
People to come in ! Such was not thy Method, O meek and compassionate
Lamb of God! Thou camest not to destroy Men's Lives but to save them.
------But Bigotry is as cruel as the Grave.------It knows no Remorse.------
From all its bitter and dire Effects, good Lord deliver us.------But to return
to the Queen.------Having performed her Devotions, the departed, and went in
a Coach of State, I believe, directly from the Church to her Palace, and
I believe sufficiently fatigued. For, besides walking thro' the Streets to the
several Churches, her Majesty also, and the Princesses, had been engaged
in waiting upon and washing the Feet of twelve poor Women, in as pub-
lic a Manner as the King.------In our Walk home we met his Majesty with
his Brother and two Uncles, attended only with a few Noblemen in black

Column 2

Velvet, and a few Guards without Halberts.------I suppose he was returning
from his last Church, and as one may well imagine, equally fatigued with
his royal Consort and Daughters.------When Church and State thus com-
bine to be nursing. Fathers and nursing Mothers to Superstition, is it any
Wonder that its Credit and Influence is so diffusive among the Populace?------
O Britain, Britain, hadst thou but Zeal proportionable to thy
Knowledge, and inward Purity adequate to the Simplicity of thy external
Worship, in what an happy and god-like Situation wouldst thou be!

Lisbon, April 13, 1754.
My dear friend,
AFTER the News sent you in my last, I thought our Lisbon Corres-
pondence would entirely have been put a Stop to.------For up-
on returning to my Lodging (as weary I believe as others that had been
running from Church to Church all Day) Word was sent to me, that our
Ship would certainly sail next Morning. This News I own, was not al-
together agreeable to me, because I wanted to see the Conclusion of the
Lent Solemnities.------However I made ready; and having dispatched my
private Affairs over Night, was conducted very early in the Morning, by
my kind Host, down to Bellem, where the Ship lay. We parted, the
Wind promised to be fair ; but dying away, I very eagerly went ashore
once more.--But how was the Scene changed! Before all tied to be Noise and
Hurry------Now, all was hushed and shut up in the most awful and
profound Silence. No Clock or Bell had been heard since Yesterday Noon,
and scarce a Person was to be seen in the Street all the way to Lisbon.------
About Two in the Afternoon we got to the Place where (I had heard some
Days ago) an extraordinary Scene was to be exhibited.------Can you guess
what it was? Perhaps not; why then I'll tell you; " It was the Crucifixi-
'on of the Son of God, represented partly by dumb Images, and partly
'by “living Persons in a large Church belonging to the Convent of St. De
'Beat.'------Several Thousands crouded into it; some of which, as I was
told, had been waiting there ever since Six in the Morning.------Through
the kind Interposition and Assistance of a Protestant or two, I was not only
admitted into the Church, but was very commodiously situated to view the
whole Performance.------We waited not long before the Curtain was drawn
up. Immediately, upon a high Scaffold, hung in the Front with black Bays,
and behind with Silk purple Damask laced with Gold, was exhibited to
our View an image of the Lord Jesus at full Length, crowned with Thorns,
and nailed on a Cross, between two Figures of like Dimensions, repre-
senting the two Thieves. At a little Distance on the right Hand was placed
an Image of the Virgin Mary, in plain long Ruffles, and a kind of Widow-
Weeds. Her Veil was Purple Silk, and she had a Wire Glory round her
Head.------At the foot of the Cross lay, in a mournful pensive Posture, a
living Man, dressed in Woman's Cloaths, who personated Mary Magdalen;
and not far off stood a young Man in Imitation of the beloved Disciple: He
was dressed in a loose green Silk Vesture, and bob Wig. His Eyes were
fixed on the Cross, and his two Hands a little extended. On each Side,
near the Front of the Stage, stood two Centinels in Buff, with formidable
Caps and long Beards; and directly in the Front stood another yet more
formidable, with a large Target in his Hand, We may suppose him to be
the Roman Centarion.------To compleat the Scene, from behind the purple
Hangings came out about twenty little purple vested winged Boys, two by
two, each bearing a lighted Wax Taper in his Hand, and a Crimson and
Gold Cap on his Head. At their Entrance upon the Stage they all gently
bowed their Heads to the Spectators, then kneeled and made Obeysance,
first to the Image on the Cross, and then to that of the Virgin Mary,------
When risen, they bowed to each other, and then took their respective
Places over again it one another, on Steps assigned for them at the Front
of the Stage. Opposite to this, at a few Yards Distance, stood a black
Friar, in a Pulpit hung with Mourning. For a while he paused, and then,
breaking Silence, gradually lifted up his voice 'till it was extended to a
pretty high Pitch, though I think scarce high enough for so large an Au-
ditory. After he had proceeded in his Discourse about a Quarter of an
Hour, a confused Noise was heard near the Front great Door; and, upon
turning my Head, I saw four long bearded Men; two of which carried a
Ladder on their Shoulders, and after them followed two more with large
gilt Dishes in their Hands, full of Linnen, Spices, &c. These, as I ima-
gined( were the Representatives of Nicodemus, and Joseph of Arimathea.
On a Signal given from the Pulpit, they advanced towards the Steps of the
Scaffold: But upon their first attempting to mount it at the watchful Cen-
turion’s Nod, the observant Soldiers made a Pass at them, and [damaged, illegible]
the Points of their Javelins directly to their Breasts.------[damaged, illegible]
Upon this a Letter from Pilate is produced. The [damaged, illegible]
his Head, and with Looks that bespoke a forced [damaged, illegible]
the Centinels to withdraw their Arms. Leave being [damaged, illegible]
ascend and having paid their Homage by kneeling [damaged, illegible]
the Cross, and then to the Virgin Mary, they [damaged, illegible]
Stage. Still the Preacher continued declaiming, [damaged, illegible}
explaining the mournful Scene. Magdalen [damaged, illegible]
and variously expressing her personated Sorrow; [damaged, illegible]
regardless of all besides) stood gazing on the [damaged, illegible]

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Column 1

Time it was near Three o Clock, and therefore proper for the Scene to be-
gin to close. The Ladders are ascended, the Superscription and the
Crown of Thorns are taken off, long white Rollers put round the Arms
of the Image, and then the Nails knocked out which fastened the Hands
and Feet. Here Mary Magdalen looks most languishing, and John, if
possible, stands more Thunder struck than before. The Orator lifts up his
Voice, and almost all the Hearers expressed Concern by weeping, beating
their Breasts, and smiting their Cheeks. At length the Body is gently let
down. Magdalen eyes it, and gradually rising, receives the feet into her
widespread Handkerchief; whilst John (who hitherto stood motionless like
a Statue) as the Body came nearer the Ground, with an Eagerness that be-
spoke the intense Affection of a sympathizing Friend, runs towards the
Cross, seizes the upper part of it into his clasping Arms, and with his dis-
guised Fellow-Mourner , helps to bear it away. And here the Play should
end, was I not afraid you would be angry with me if I did not give you an
Account of the last Act, by telling you what became of the Corps after it
was taken down. Great Preparations were made for the Interment. It
was wrapped in Linnen and Spices, &c. and being laid upon a Bier
richly hung, was afterwards carried round the Church Yard in grand Procession.
The Image of the Virgin Mary was chief Mourner, and John and Magdalen
with a large Troop of [illegible] followed after. Determined to see the whole
I waited its Return, and in about a Quarter of an Hour the Corps was
brought in and deposited in an open Sepulchre prepared for that Purpose;
but not before a Priest, accompanied by several of the same Order, in
splendid Vestments had perfumed it with Incense, sung to and kneeled
before it. John and Magdalen attended the Obsequies; but the Image of
the Virgin Mary was carried away and placed upon the front of the
Stage, in order to be kissed, adored and worshipped by the People.
This I saw them do with the utmost Eagerness and Reverence. And thus
ended this Good Friday's Tragi-comical, superstitious, idolatrous Droll.
------A Droll, which, whilst I saw, as well as now when I am descri-
bing it, excited in me a high Indignation.------Surely thought I, whilst
attending on such a Scene of mock Devotion, if ever, now is the dear
Lord crucified afresh; and I could then, and even now, think of no other
Plea for the poor beguiled Devotees, than that which suffering Innocence
put up himself for his Enemies, when actually hanging upon the Cross,
viz. Father, forgive then, for they know not what they do.------There was
but one Thing wanting to raise one's Resentment to the highest Pitch,
and that was for one of the Soldiers to have pierced the Side of the Image
upon the Cross.------This in all Probability you have heard hath actually
been done in other Places, and with a little more Art, might, I think, have
been performed here. Doubtless it would have afforded the Preacher as
good, if not a better Opportunity of working upon the Passions of his
Auditory, than the taking down the Superscription and Crown of Thorns,
and wiping the Head with a blooded Cloth, and afterwards exposing it to
the View of the People ; all which I saw done before the Body was let
down. But alas! my dear Friend, how mean is that Eloguence, and how
entirely destitute of the Demonstration of the Spirit, and of a divine Power,
must that Oratory necessarily be, that stands in Need of such a Train of
superstitious Pageantry to render it impressive!------Think you, my dear
Friend that the Apostle Paul used or needed any such Artifices to excite
the Passions of the People of Galatia, among whom, as he himself informs
us, Jesus Christ was crucified, and evidently set forth? But thus it is, and
thus it will be, when Simplicity and Spirituality are banished from our re-
ligious Offices, and Arifice aud Idolatry seated in their Room. I am well
aware that the Romaniffs deny the Charge of Idolatry; but after having
seen what I have seen this Day, as well as at fundry other Time, since my
Arrival here, I cannot help thinking but a Person must be capable of mak-
ing more than metaphysical Distinctions, and deal in very abstract Ideas
indeed, fairly to evade the Charge. If weighed in the Ballance of the
, I am positive the Scale must turn on the Protestant Side.
------But such a Ballance these poor People are not permitted to
make Use of! Doth not your Heart bleed for them? Mine doth I am
sure, and I believe would do so more and more, was I to stay longer and
see what they call their Hallelujah and grand Devotions on Easter Day.---
But that Scene is denied me.---The Wind is fair, and I must away.

From the London Daily Advertiser.
THE greatest Navy France ever had consisted of 115 Capital Ships,
carrying 7080 Guns. In the last War we had in Commission above
10,000 Guns, and our Navy at present is near double of that of the
French. Surely, if this naval Superiority of Power and Strength be well
conducted, and honesty exerted, it is sufficient to destroy all the foreign
Commerce of France, and to drive those Sons of Violence out of the com-
mercial World, who refuse to live peaceably in it. What Sovereign
Power in Christendom would be sorry to see this turbulent, restless, ambitious,
thievish Power, overwhelm'd, and so crush'd as to be unable to disturb the
Repose of Mankind for the future? Within about half a Century, [illegible] Am-
bition cost Europe above a Million of Men's Lives, and above 5oo Mil-
lions of Money. But this is not the only Evil its Pride and Ambition has
introduced, it has also laid all Europe under a Necessity of keeping up a stand-
ing military Force, by its continuing constantly armed, and erecting For-
tresses on its Frontiers, always replete with the Sons of Rapine. But this
answers no End, as by other Powers continuing armed likewise, the rela-
tive Power of France is no greater, than it would be if it did not keep in
Pay 10,000 Troops in Time of Peace

For once let us exert our whole naval Strength, and leave Holland and
the Empire to take Care of themselves, France must sink with the Destruc-
tion of her Commerce, which our Fleets are able to compleat. If the Au-
strian Netherlands are over-run, France will soon be glad to restore them,
[damaged, illegible]the Pais Conque an Equivalent for her Ravages, when the
[damaged, illegible]destroyed her Shipping, cut off her foreign Trade, and
[damaged, illegible] When the Support and Supplies the French Com-
[damaged, illegible] intercepted, the national Funds arising from Taxes
[damaged, illegible] Army must dwindle, together with their Navigation
[damaged, illegible]
[damaged illegible] seen what it did in the Year 1672, when several
[damaged, illegible] French King, and the King of England, had
[damaged, illegible]Confederacy against it, we need not therefore be un-

[damaged, illegible]

Column 2

Let us not, then, suffer a Ship to rest in our Harbors, nor a Gun to ly
in our Arsenals, till the French are entirely driven out of North America,
and we have recovered our ancient Possessions. The Cod Fisheries, and
the Furr Trade, &c. will then be all our own; the French will be deprived
of the principal Seminary of their Sailors ; and the English recover the
sole Possession of a Fishery worth more than Mines of Gold. This is our
indubitable Right, this, 'tis our Duty to resume, and this we should have
had in our Possession long ago, had we not been betrayed by a Faction.

It is apparent that we have a Navy able to carry Conquest wherever
it extends its Wings; a public Credit [illegible], unshaken; and resources
in a rich People; whilst the French are most cruelly burdened already
with Taxes on Trade, Industry, and all the Necessaries of Life ; and each
pays four Times the Sum the English Commerce and Populace bear. Let
us then lay our Hands on the Altar, and swear never to sheath the Sword,
never to close the Gates of Janas, till we have reduced this restless, this
proud, this persidious Nation to Reason, to Justice, to Peace; a Nation
that has hitherto held for Honor what pleaseth, and for honest what pro-
siteth; a People whose most candid Politicians teach, that no Treaty
is to be observed, if the Interest of the Public requires that it should be
broken: A Maxim held by them as just, for which they ought to be de-
clared Enemies to the Human Race, and to be extirpated from the Face
of the Earth, or at least to be so humbled as to be obliged to live peace-
ably with their neighbouring Powers.

This we might easily compass, if we would exert our antient Spirit,
tread in the Steps of our Predecessors, and employ the Thunder God has
put into our Hands. The restless Power, that, like the Devil " goes
about amongst its Neighbours seeking whom it may devour," might soon
be confined to its own Kingdom of Chains and Darkness if we would
continue to exert our Naval Force, regardless of fallacious Terms of
Peace, which will only be proposed to gain Breath for War.

Whilst France has a large Fleet the World will never be at Peace. Her
Navy must be ruined, or the Repose of Christendom renounced. No
Treaty of Peace ought to be made with her till her Ships of War are de-
stroyed, and she is limited never to build or buy above such a Number,
as may render her unable to disturb the Peace of Mankind without the
Dread of having all her Commerce ruined.

By the good Conduct of the present Administration, to their immortal
Praise be it spoken, the British Fleet is able at this present Juncture to back
such Demands, and exact such Conditions which would be equally glo-
rious to the Nation and salutary to Europe.

[damaged, illegible]
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[damaged, illegible]

And, Mr. Touchit, as every one now is so public spirited, as at least, to
affect the Politician, tho' very few may really deserve the Name, so I think,
I can hardly forbear some kind of political Application of this Tale about
my naughty School Boys, whom I have omitted to correct, as I might have
done, upon their engaging to be, and continue good Lads.

And similar to this, perhaps, if our most gracious Sovereign Lord and
Master, can have a voluntary Promise, and most solemn Engagement from
Mr. Monsieur, the Grand Monarch, of his making full Restitution, being
forever hereafter a good Boy, and doing so, (I mean Wrong and Robbe-
ry) no more, and will, and can believe, or give Credit to him, or at all
confide in him, it may, perhaps, I say, be both gracious and Christian
Condescension, and also not bad Policy, upon such Conditions, not to whip,
but forgive him this Time; but I say, not without paying for the Rods
which are held over him; and with which he doubtless might be severely
whipt; but not to talk much about most Catholic or most Christian, it
may upon these Conditions, be real Christian Condescension, Charity,
and Humanity, to omit it at this time, and forgive him ; and more e-
specially, as this is all that we can with any Reason possibly expect or
hope for from the most severe Whipping and Correction.

Our most gracious King seems averse, and far from even desiring to
make any Acquisitions on any part of his Dominions, his whole Care and
Concern has been to preserve and maintain the undoubted Rights and Pri-
vileges of his people; and to that great and glorious End his Measures
are preventive and defensive: But if such Endeavours fail of Success, the
most vigorous Resolutions, and a speedy Execution of them, will certainly
be justifiable, and doubtless soon follow from Compulsion, and that Ne-
cessity, which has no Law, in order to confound, resist, and defeat our
most persidious Enemies. I am, worthy Sir,
Your humble Servant,
. 30, 1755. MATT. MODERATE.

To Thomas Touchit, Esq;
, THE French still bite the Ends of their Fingers, and gnaw the Tips
of their Thumbs at the Liberty taken by the English Press; espe-
cially, your preaching to the Irish Brigades : For, you must know, their
unhappy Wretches (perverted by French Jesuitism) notwithstanding all

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Column 1

Orders to the contrary, find Ways and Means slily to come at your Paper.
Many of whom have began to reassme their Reason, and make nice En-
quiries into the Truth of the Doctrine, which you have of late born very
hard upon, viz " That the Love of our Country, which includes that of
our Brethren, is Virtue in its most exalted State." And I can assure you,
few who have honestly entered upon this Enquiry, but have come to the
Resolution; that, that Religion which teaches the Hatred of our Country,
and to slaughter at any Rate every one who differs from us in the Way of
thinking, must itself proceed from Regions of Darkness; and cannot raise
or be productive of any Merits in its Adherents, unless it be the Merits of
holding a Post in the doleful Apartments of Death and Hell, and standing
Centinel, in the hideous Receptacles of the damned.

Extract of a Letter from Gibraltar, Sept
, 12.
" The Prince of Morocco has made himself Master of the two Towns
of Sallee, and laid a Fine of 70.000 Ducats on the Inhabitants; and
10,000 Ducats on each Christian Merchant's House ; robbed and plunde-
red entirely that of Mr. Montenay, and afterwards ordered him to be
bastinadoed to Death, being an English Subject, declaring the same Treat-
ment to [illegible] Pettigrew, if he got him into his Custody (which it is
hoped will not happen, as Commodore Edgecomb and another Man of
War sailed Yesterday for Tetuan, to demand him). The Prince has or-
dered his two Cruizers at Sallee to be immediately sent to Sea, and to take
all the English they can meet with. "Tis said he intends marching to-
wards Arzilla, Tangier, and Tetuan, with an Army of near 40000 Men,
which has greatly alarmed the whole Coast."

The present Spirit shewn by Great Britain in supporting her Colonies
and Commerce, is such as raises the Attention, and at the same Time the
Respect of all Europe; they see that however pacific in our Disposition,
however void of Ambition, however tender of breaking Peace with our
Neighbours, we are, when roused, capable of defending ourselves and
exacting a just Satisfaction for any Injuries or Insults that may be offered us.

We have now shewn the World, that the Dominion of the Sea is not
an empty Claim; but such a one we can and dare assert whenever it
becomes absolutely necessary. We never disturb our Neighbours with
our Intrigues, we never encroach on their Territories, we never exert our
Power to distress those who are weaker. But when we are threatened. de-
ceived and encroached upon ourselves, then it appears to do ourselves

In this State we stand at present. What the great Event will be, is in
the Hand of Providence. But if we must plunge into a War, in Order
to obtain what was secured to us by the most solemn Treaties of Peace,
we have just Grounds to hope the Decision will be in our Favor. A
good Cause, a fine Fleet, and intrepid Seamen, who have their Country's
Honor at Heart, are, blessed be God, on the side of Britain.

BOSTON, Sept. 12.
By Capt. Hibbert, arrived at Marblehead from Cadiz, (which Place he
left the 1lth of November last) we have the following Account, viz. That
on the first Day of November, he was on Shore in the City, and as the
Clock was striking 11 in the Forenoon, he felt a Shock of an Earthquake,
which lasted about 3 Minutes ; That being sensible what it was, he imme-
diately retired to the Mole, which was about a Quarter of a Mile from the
House where he was when the Shock happened, where he met three
other Masters of Vessels belonging to New England, and consulting with
each other, whether it was best to go off on Board their Vessels, or to re-
turn into the City again, three of their resolved to go off, and according-
ly slept into one of their Boats; and after they had put off from the
Mole, they saw a heavy Sea (about half a Mile distance) coming towards
the Shore, that with Difficulty they got on Board the first Vessel, before
the Sea came; that it immediately put the Shipping into great Disorder,
and did some considerable Damage to them.------That as soon as the Sea
came into shoal Water, it broke in a heavy Manner and very high, de-
stroyed every Thing without the Walls, carried before it a great Length
of the Town-Wall, dismounted several Batteries, and ran over a good
deal of the lower part of the City------that all the Carriages and Passengers
that were passing at that Time to and fro on the Neck that joins the City
to the Continent, and many Hundreds, and some say Thousands, of
People were lost, and particularly four eminent Merchants in Coaches
were destroyed.------That about a Quarter of an Hour after the first Sea
came, there came a second as awful, and about the same Space after came
a third more awful, and beat on the Shipping and Shore in the same Man-
ner; and that prodigious Damage is done to the Buildings.------That they
had received Accounts from several Places adjacent where they had suffered
much Damage:------That a Vessel from Bilboa bound to Cadiz, laden with
Iron, was off Lisbon at the Time of the Shock, and there was such a Con-
cussion as shook his Iron very much in the Hold :------That they had not
had any Accounts from Lisbon when he came away, and that the People
at Cadiz dreaded what Accounts they might receive from the Northern
Parts of the Country.

Extract of a Letter from Cadiz, November 4, 1755
------"A great Earthquake happened the first Instant, and has occasi-
oned great Confusion : This Day News came from Seville, that that Place
has received Damage to the Amount of two Millions of Dollars:------That
the Town of Algezire is entirely sunk; and that many little Villages are
swallowed up, and great Damage done to the Shipping."

By Capr. Collins, arrived at Cape Ann from Lisbon, we have the fol-
lowing short and imperfect, but surprizing and melancholy Account, viz.
That on the first of November past, at 11 o'Clock in the Forenoon, that
fair, large, rich and noble City, was entirely shaken down by the Earth-
quake which did so much Damage at Cadiz the same Day and Hour, as
declared above, not a Building being left standing, but two Churches and
the Mint-House; and that the Rubbish taking Fire, the whole of it was
soon consumed to Ashes.------That the King being in the Country at the
Time of the Shock, saved his Life, as did likewise Sir Henry Frankland,
late of this Town, Knight, but it is said his Family perished. 'Tis also
said, that the Shipping suffered very much, and that St. Ubes, a few

Column 2

Leagues below the City, was sunk, and all the People destroyed. It is
said the City of Lisbon contained Two Hundred Thousand Inhabitants,
and some pretend that One Hundred and Ten Thousand have now perished;
but this we have no Authority to affirm. We may expect a more circum-
stantial Account by the next Vessel. Capt Collins left Lisbon the 5th of

Friday last Capt. Foss arrived here in 6 Days from Chignecio, in Nova-
Scotia, who informs, that about a Week before he sailed, 7 of his Ma-
jesty’s regular Troops being about some Business in the Woods at some Dis-
tance from the Fort, without Arms, they were surprized and taken Pri-
soners by the French and Indians; and that a little before, 3 or 4 other
Soldiers had been captivated the Enemy, who are seen almost daily lurk-
in the Woods near the Fort, and vastly exceed our People in Point of Sa-
gacity and Stratagem.

Last Tuesday Evening there were several hard Claps of Thunder,
with sharp Lightning, a Thing uncommon at this season of the Year.

And last Friday Evening, between nine and ten o'Clock, were some
sharp Flashes of Lightning, but without Thunder, the Moon shining bright,
and the Sky serene; and about a Quarter of an Hour after Ten, a con-
siderable Shock of an Earthquake was felt by many People both in Town
and Country, accompanied by a Noise, as usual, though not so very

We have received further Accounts of the following Elections, viz.
For Albemarle, Mr. John Nicholas, Mr. William Cabell.
Amelia, Mr. Thomas Tabb, Mr. Richard Booker.
Goochland, Mr. John Payne, Mr. John Smith.
Halifax, Mr. Samuel Harris, Mr. John Bates.
Prince Edward
, Mr. John Nash, Mr. Charles Anderson.
, Mr. Robert Anderson, Mr. Charles Barrett.

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S.

And to be sold at the Printing-Office, (Price 3s.)
To the best Foreign POT-ASH.

In Consequence of the late Encouragement granted by PARLIAMENT
for that Purpose.

STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber living in James-City County, about the End
of September last, a light grey Mare, branded on the Buttock with a Dot, has an
hanging Mane and Switch Tail and marked with a Slit in the right Ear, and a Crop in
the Left. Also a gray Mare Colt, two Years old next Spring, either docked nor
branded. Whoever brings the said Mare and Colt to me, living near Glass's Ordinary,
or gives Intelligence of them so that I may have them again, shall have Half a Pistole
Reward, by
|| William Harrison.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber living in Augusta County, near the Court-house, a
Bay Horse, about thirteen Hands high, has a Star in his Forehead, and branded on
the near Buttock T. The Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
|| Jebs Colter.

To be SOLD,
Two Lots in the Town of Fredericksburg, fronting the main Street, opposite to
Fredericksburg Warehouse, whereon there is a convenient Dwelling-House, with
seven Rooms in it, three of which are Fire Rooms, as also a Kitchen, Stable, Meat-
House, Garden, Store-House, and a large commodious Warehouse, the Whole pailed in.
Any Person intending to purchase may apply to William Cunningham, in Falmouth, or
to John Sewars, in Fredericksburg. ||

By the Hon. ROBERT DINWIDDIE, Esq; his Majes-
ty's Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Colony
and Dominion of Virginia:
For taking off the Prohibition against the Exportation of Wheat, Bread,
and Flour

WHEREAS upon Consideration formerly had of the violent
Drought, which was likely to occasion a short Crop, and the
great Scarcity of all Grain, it was found necessary to prohibit the Ex-
portation of the same ; and whereas it has been since represented to
me, that there is no Occasion to continue the said Prohibition in Re-
gard to Wheat, Bread and Flour, and that it will tend greatly to-
the Benefit and Advantage of this Colony, to have a free Exporta
tion of the same. I have therefore thought fit, by and with the
Advice of his Majesty's Council, to issue this Proclamation, hereby
taking off the said Prohibition; upon giving Bond and Security be-
fore taking any of the said Articles on Board to return Certificates, in
four Months of their being landed in some of the British Colonies
in Madeira from the Consul in six Months. And I do [damaged, illegible]
quire the Officers of his Majesty's Customs, to [damaged, illegible]
the same is made void and of no Effect, with [damaged, illegible]
thereof, as respects the above Articles.

Given under my Hand at the Council-[damaged, illegible]
this 11th Day of December in the [damaged, illegible]
Majesty's Reign, Anne Domini 1755
ROBERT [damaged, illegible]
[damaged, illegible]

Page 4
Column 1

TAKEN up by the Subscriber living in King-William County, a Steer about Six
Years old, of a red and white Color, mark'd with a Crop in each Ear, and the
Ends of his Horns saw'd. He has been posted and appraised according to Law. The
Owner may have him of me paying as the Law directs.
Henry Gutbry.

THESE are to acquaint the Freinds and Employers of the Subscriber, that he has re
moved to Flower de Hundred, where he is to be found at the House of Mr. John
at which Place an Apothecary's Shop will be kept by Robert Arbuthnot, where
Drugs and Medicines of all Kinds are to be sold at reasonable Rates ; The House in
Williamsburg where he formerly lived is to be sold; any person inclinable to purchase it
may know the Terms, by applying to Mr. John Palmer, Attorney at Law, in Williams-
, or to the Subscriber.
Alexander Jameson.

To be SOLD at public Sale, at Prince-George Court-House, on Tuesday
the 13th of January ;
FOUR valuable SLAVES for ready Money or Tobacco, or on a short Credit; the
Money to be paid, or Bonds given to John Hood, for the Discharge of my debts.
Henry Harvey.

By the Honorable Robert DINWIDDIE, Esq; His
Majesty's Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief of the
Colony and Dominion of Virginia:
To all to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting.

WHEREAS Complaint hath this Day been made to me, by Captain Carter Harrison,
That the following Persons have deserted from his Company, viz.
Richard Wood, a Virginian, of a fair Complexion, well made, five Feet nine Inches
high, and twenty Years of age.
Charles Carter, a Virginian, of a fair Complexion, well made, twenty three Years of
Age, and five Feet nine Inches high.
Francis Roberts, a Virginian, of a swarthy Complexion, five Feet nine Inches high
well set, twenty three Years of Age.
Thomas Hensley, a Virginian, of a fair Complexion, well set, twenty Years of Age, five
Feet nine Inches high.
James Thomson, a Virginian, of a swarthy Complexion, five Feet ten Inches high, and
twenty three Years of Age.

THESE are therefore in His Majesty's Name, to require and command all Sheriffs,
Constables, and other His Majesty's [illegible] People within this Colony, to make diligent
Search and Pursuit, by Way of [illegible] and Cry, after the said Deserters, and them
being found, to apprebend and carry before any one of bis Majesty's Justices of the
Peace, within this Colony, to be dealt with according to Law.

GIVEN under my Hand, and the Seal of the Colony, at Williamsburg, the Fifth
Day of
December One Tbousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-five, in the Twenty-ninth
year of his Majesty's Reign.


To be SOLD,
A Valuable Tract of Land in Hanover County, about ten Miles above the Court-house
[illegible] on the main Road that leads up the middle Fork from theSouthanne Bridge,
to the Fork Church, from which it is distant, about two Miles. The Land is good for
Cropping, lies quite level, is well wooded and watered, and is very convenient to several
good Mills; there is goed Ground, well fenced sufficient to work four Hands ; there is on
it a good Dwelling house with two Brick Chimnies, sash'd above and below, and well
under [illegible] a well built Store with [illegible] Shelves, [illegible]; also
another Store plank'd above and below; a kitchen; a Dairy with a Cellar under it; a
Smoak House, Hen House, Barn, large Tobacco House, framed and double teir'd
an exceeding good well fixt Stable and Chair Shed; a large Garden and Yard neatly [illegible]
in; the Garden is well stored with all sorts of Garden Stuffs, Fiowers, &c. a young Or-
chard and several Fruit Trees. Any Person inclinable to purchase, may see the Land,
and know the Terms by applying to the Subscriber living on the Premises.

WHEREAS Lawrence Dully, Pedlar, owes to the Subscribers the sum of One Thou-
sand Pounds Current Moncy of Virginia, and has given as a Bill of Sale for his
whole Effects and Debts of every kind, 'til the said Sum is paid. These are therefore to
give Notice to all Persons indebted to the said Lawrence Dully, not to pay him any Money
or other Effects for the Payment of any Debts due to him, but to make the Payments to us
who will indemnify them from any Claim that the sald Dully may bring against them.
l0|| Andrew Anderson.
Henry Ritchie.
John Gilchrist.
John Deans.
James Young.

Norfolk, December 19th, 1755.
WHEREAS Capt. John Stewart, who advertised in the Gazette of the 12th Instant
a Quantity of fine Indico Seed, of the Guatamala Kind, fresh imported from South
, has put the greatest Part thereof into my Hands. I do hereby give Notice, that
I will supply any Gentlemen therewith, at Six Pistoles per Bushel; or if any Person will
take a Barrel, which contains about five Bushels, I will supply them at five Pistoles per
Bushel, the Money to be paid on the Delivery of the Seed at Norfolk, or without fail,
at next April General Court, between the 20th and 30th of the said Month.
No less Quantity than a Bushel will be sold to any Person.
Robert Tucker.

To be SOLD on the first Thursday in February next, at the
Court-House Door in
Smithfield Town ;
THE Lot and Houses belonging to the Subscriber in the said Town; also a [illegible]
Parcel of European Goods; the said Goods will be set up in Lots of about 20s
Sterl. per Lot. Credit will be given 'til the 10th of April next; the Purchaser giving
Bond and Security, to
Miles Wills.

To be S O L D at King-William Court-house, the 15th Instant, pursuant
to the Will of Mr.
Armistead Burwell, deceased;
THE Remainder of his Lands in King-William County, being 1600 Acres, within five
Miles of Aylet's Warehouse. For Conveniency of the Purchasers, the Whole will
[damaged, illegible]. Credit will be given 'til the 10th of June next, the Purchaser giving
[damaged, illegible] to
Lewis Burwell,
Nathanial Burwell
, Executors

Column 2

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Amelia County, a black Horse, branded on
the near Buttock, thus C- and dock'd. The Owner may have him of me, pay-
ing as the Law directs.
Robert Cowsens.

To be LETT on easy Terms,
THE Raleigh Tavern, with a fine Piece of Pasture Ground just behind it, and all its
Improvements. Enquire of the Subscriber,
George Gilmer.

To be SOLD, by the Subscriber, at the College,
A VERY good Coachman, and other valuable Negroes belonging to the Estate of the
late Dr. William Dawson, deceased. Six Months Credit will be allowed. For
further Particulars enquire of
Thomas Dawson, Administrator.

THE Subscriber intending to leave the Raleigh Tavern, about the 25th of July next
desires the Favor of all Persons indebted to settle their Accounts before that Time
which will oblige their Very humble Servant,
Alexander Finnie

To be SOLD, the 2d Tuesday in February next, by Virtue of an Execution is-
sued out of the General Court
A Brick House and Lot in the Town of Hampton, lately belonging to Alexander Ha-
, deceased. Twelve Months Credit is allowed, the Purchaser giving Bond
and Security as usual.
Cary Seiden,
9 Sheriff of Elizabeth-City County.

THIS is to give Notice to all Persons indebted to James Gray and John Gilchrist,
Merchants of Tappahannock, on Account of John Elpbinston and Company, Mer-
chants of Aberdeen, to come and settle with James Elpbinston at Tappahannock, without
further Delay, otherways must expect to be proceeded against as the Law directs, with all
convenient Dispatch.
10|| James Elpbinston.

Williamsburg, October 18, 1755.
NOW in the Public Goal of this City, a Negroe Man, named James, who says he
belongs to Adam Porter, in North-Carolina : He hath been in Warwick Goal two
Months, according to law. The Owner may have him of me, on paying Charges.
t.f. Thomas Perman, K. P. G.

To be LET, and ENTERED on immediately,
A VERY commodious Dwelling-House, with a Well of very good Water, Out-
Houses, Garden pailed in, and other Conveniences, in perfect good Order, and
very convenient for a private Family, or Lodgers, and situated in one of the most agree-
able Parts of the Town: Also one other very good Dwelling-House, well accommodated
with Out-Houses, Garden, Well, fine large Stable and Coach-House, &c. situate on
the main Street, the lower Side of the Market Place.
t.f. Philip Ludwell

THE Virginia ALMANACK, for the Year of our LORD GOD, 1756
Being BISSEXTILK, or LEAP-YEAR. Wherein are contained, the Lunations
Conjunctions, Eclipses; the Sun and Moon's Rising and Setting; the Rising, Setting
and Southing of the Heavenly Bodies ; Weather ; Court Days on exact List of the
English Navy; a Lift of the Council, and House of Burgesses, of Virginia; a Summary
of the whole House of Commons; several useful Tables; Description of the Roads
through the Continent; Description of the Road to the Ohio ; Poetry ; Prudential Ad-
vice, &c. &c. Calculated according to Art; and referred to the Horizon of 38 Degrees
of North Latitude, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from the City of London ; fitting
Virginia, Maryland, North-Carolina, &c. By THEOPHILUS WREG, Philomat.
[Price Seven Pence Half-penny each, or, Five Shillings per Dozen]

FOR raising the Sum of £.6875, for the further Protection of his Majesty’s Sub-
jects against the Insults and Incroachments of the French, in Pursuance of an Act
of Assembly, posted the 9th Day of July laat.

This LOTTERY consists of 25,000 Tickets at 21s, 6d. each, 2050 of which
are Prizes, of the following Value:
Number of Prizes. Value in Current Money. Total Value.
1 of £.2000 £.2000
1 of 1000 1000
4 of 500 2000
5 of 200 1000
6 of 150 900
8 of 100 800
15 of 50 750
50 of 20 1000
150 of 10 1500
1810 of 5 9050
2050 Prizes, amounting to L 20000 Total Value
22950 Blanks.
25000 Pistoes, at 21s. 6d. each, is £. 26875
To be paid in Prizes, 20000
£. 6875 to be appllied to the particular
Purposes by the said Act directed, for the Protection of the Country.

If 20,000 Tickets are disposed of by the 11th Day of December next, the drawing of
the Lottery will then begin at the Capitol, in Williamsburg; and the Tickets remaining
unsold will be drawn on Account, and for the Benefit of the Country but if there
could be more than 5000 Tickets remaining unsold on that Day, then the drawing of
the said Lottery is to be put off 'til the 6th Day of May next.

As soon as the Drawing is finished, the Prize will be published in the Gazette, and
the Money paid to the Possessors of fortunate Tickets, if demanded in Six Months after.
But the Prizes, not demanded in that Time, will be deemed as generously given for the
Use of the Country, and be applied accordingly.

The Persons following are appointed Managers of this Lottery, viz. John Robinson
Charles Carter, Peyton Randolph
, Esqrs. and London Carter, Carter Burwell, Benjamin
, and James Power, Gentlemen, who have given Bend and Security, and are on
Oath, for the faithful Performance of their Trust.

TICKETS are to be sold by the said Managers, at their respective Dwellings.

RG: Printed by WILLIAM HUNTER, at the GENERAL POST-OFFICE; by [illegible] be supplied with this Paper Advertisements of a moderate Length are inserted for Three [illegible] Week, and Two Shillings each Week after.

Original Format

Ink on paper




Hunter, William, -1761, printer. , “The Virginia Gazette, no. 260, January 9, 1756,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 23, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/11.