Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 261, January 16, 1756


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 261, January 16, 1756



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JANUARY 16, 1756. THE
With the freshest ADVICES, [page cut, illegible]

Column 1

From the Monthly Review for July

PONTOPPIDON, Bishop of Bergen in Norway, in his natural
History of that Country, lately published, gives us an Account
of the most enormous Animal that ever has been mentioned with
Expectation of gaining a serious Assent. This is the KRAKEN
as we are told it is named by Way of Eminence, whence it
probably signifies the Creature. By others it is called Krabben
from its supposed Resemblance to a Crab, being roung, flat, and full of
Arms or Branches. As this immane Monstier is likely to exercise the Rea-
der's Faith and Imagination, we could wish the Evidence of it had been
more particular and cogent, since the most rare and astonishing Productions
of Nature, seem to require the most authentic and irresistable At-

Now as a full grouwn Kraken has never been seen in all its Parts and Di-
mensions, an accurate Survey of which must employ some Time, and not a
little Motion, it is impossible to give a compleat Description of one. Ne-
vertheless we shall submit the Probability of its Existence on the best Infor-
mation our Author could collect, which seems to have fixed his own Be-
lief of it; tho', at the same Time, he acknowledges the Account is very de-
fective, and supposes a farther Information concerning the Creature may be
reserved for Posterity.

'Our Fishermen' says the Author, 'unanimously and invariably affirm,
that when they are several Miles from the Land, particularly in the hot
Summer Days, and by their Distance, and the Bearing of some Points of
Land, expect from eighty to an hundred Fathoms Depth, and do not find
but from twenty to thirty; and more especially if they find a more than
usual Plenty of Cod and Ling, they judge that the Kraken is at the Bot-
tom; but if they find by their Lines, that if the Water in the same Place still
shallows on them, they know he is rising to the Surface, and row off with
the greatest Expedition, till they come into the usual Soundings of the
Place; when lying on their Oars, in a few Minutes the Monster emerges,
and shews himself manifestly, tho' his whole Body does not appear. Its
Back and upper Part, which seems an English Mile and an Half in Cir-
cumference, (some gave affirmed more) looks like a Number of small
Islands, surrounded with something that floats like Sea-Weeds. At last
several bright Points or Horns appear, which grow thicker the higher they
emerge, and sometimes stand up as high and large as the Masts of middle
sized Vessels. In a short Time it sinks, which is thought as dangerous as
its rising, as it causes such a Swell and Whirlpool, as draws every Thing
down with it.' The Bishop justly regrets the Omission of, probably, the
only Opportunity, that ever has, or may be presented of surveying it alive,
or seeing it entire when dead. This, he informs us, once did present, on
the Credit of the Reverent Mr. Friis, Minister at Nordland, and Vicar of
the College for promoting Christian Knowledge; who informed him, that
in 1680, a Kraken (perhaps a young and careless one, as they generally
keep several Leagues from Land) came into the Waters that run between
the Rocks and Cliffs near Alstahoug; where, in turning about, some of its
long Horns caught hold of some adjoining Trees, which it might have easily
torn up, but that it also was entangled in some Cliffs of the Rocks, whence
it could not extricate itself, but putrified on the Spot. Our Author has
heard of no Person destroyed by the Monster, but relates a Report of the
Danger of two Fishermen, who came upon a Part of the Water full of the
Creature's thick slimy Excrements (which he voids for some Months, as he
feeds for some others): They immediately strove to row off, but were not
quick enough in turning to save the Boat from one of the Kraken's Horns
which so crushed the Head of it, that it was with Difficulty they saved
their Lives on the Wreck; tho' the Weather was perfectly calm, the
Monster never appearing at other Times. His Excrement is said to be at-
tractive of other Fish, on which he feeds; which Expedient was probably
necessary, by Reason of his slow unwieldy Motion, to his Subsistence: As
this slow Motion may again be necessary to the Security of Ships of the
greatest Force and Burthen who must be overwhelmed on rencountring such
an immense Animal, if his Velocity was equal to his Weight; the Norwe-
supposing, that if his Arms, (on which he moves, and with which
he takes his Food) were to lay hold of the largest Man of War they would
pull it down to the Bottom.

In Confirmation of the Reality of this Animal, our learned Author cites
Debe's description of Faroe, for the Existence of certain Islands which sud-
denly appear, and as suddenly vanish. Many Sea faring People, he adds,
give Accounts of such, particularly in the North Sea, which their Supersti-
tion has either attributed to the Delusion of the Devil, or considered as in-
habited by evil Spirits. But our honest Historian, who is not for wronging
the Devil himself, not unreasonably supposes such mistaken Islands to be
nothing but the Kraken, called bu some the Sea trolden, or Sea-mischief;
in which Opinion he was greatly confirmed by the following Quotation of
Dr. Hierue, a learned Swede, from Baron Grippenhielm; and which is cer-
tainly a very remarkable Passage, viz. 'Among the Rocks about Stock-

Column 2

[page cut, illegible]
a competent Enquirer will determine of every surprising Relation, by the Force
and Consistence of the Evidence; by the Harmany or Discordance of the va-
rious Circumstances respecting it; and by the Analogy of the Object related
with less rare and astonishing Appearances in Nature. In the present In-
stances, and particularly that of the Kraken (not the most digestible of them)
after paying but a just Respect to the moral Character, the reverent Func-
tion, and diligent Investigations of our Author, we must admit the Possi-
bility of his Existence, as it imples no Contradiction; tho' it seems to en-
counter a general Prepossession of the Whale's being the largest Animal on,
or in our Globe; and the Eradication of any long Prepossession is attended
with something irksome to us. But were we to suppose a Salmon, or a
Sturgeon, the largest Fish any Number of Persons had seen or heard of,
and the Whale had discovered himself as seldom, and but in Part, as the
Kraken, it is easy to conceive, that the Evidence of the Whale had been
as indigestable to such Persons then, as that of the Kraken may be to some
others now. Some may incline to think, such an extensive Monster would
encroach on the Symmetry of Nature, and be over proportionate to the Size
of the Globe itself: As a little Retrospection will inform us, that the
Breadth of what is seen of him, supposing him nearly round, must be full
2600 Feet (if more oval or Crab like full 2000) and his Thickness, which
may rather be called Altitude, at least 300; our Author declaring he has
chosen the least Circumference mentioned of the Animal, for the greater
Certainty. These immane Dimensions, nevertheless we apprehend, will
not argue conclusively against the Existence of the Animal, tho' considera-
bly against a numerous increase or Propagation of it. In Fact, the great
Scarcity of the Kraken, his Confinement to the North Sea, and perhaps to
equal Latitudes of the South; the small Number propagated by the Whale,
who is vivavaparous; and by the largest Land Animals, of whom the Elephant
is said to go near two Years with young, all induces us to conclude from
Analogy, that this Creature is not numerous; which coincides with a
Passage in a Manuscript ascribed to Svare King of Norway, as it is cited by
Ol. Wormius, in his Musacum, P. 280, in Latin, which we shall exactly
translate.-----'There remains one Kind, which they call Hafguse,whose
Magnitude is unknown, as it is seldom seen. Those who affirm they
have seen its Body, declare, it is more like an Island than a Beast, and that
its Carcase was never found; whence some imagine, there are but to of
the King in Nature.' Whether the vanishing Island, Lemair, of which
Capt. Rodney went in Search, was a Kraken we submit to the Fancy of our
Readers. In fine, if the Existence of the Creature is admitted, [torn, illegible]
seem a fair Inference, that he is the scarcest as well as the [torn, illegible]
World; and that if there are larger in the Universe, they [torn, illegible]
some Sphere or Planet more extended than our own.[torn, illegible]
Pretence to limit: and that Fiction can devise a much [torn, illegible]
evident, from the Cock of Mahomet, and the Whale [torn, illegible]
pf the Talmud, which were intended to be credited [torn, illegible]
our Kraken is a very Shrimp in Dimensions.

Column 1

[page cut, illegible]

Extract from the Unfortunate Officer; or, the History of
Bertin, Marquis de Fratteaux, Knight of the mi-
litary Order of St.
Louis, and Captain of Horse, who was
March 27, 1752, forced away from London to France.

THE Particulars of his Story, so far as relates to his being seized,
and, in a clandestine Manner, conveyed out of England, is yet
fresh in the Memory of every one who looks into the News Papers; but
the Author of these Memoirs acquaints us with many Circumstances re-
lating to the Marquis, that were not publickly known before.

The Father of the Marquis de Fratteaux was Mr. John Bertin de St.
Geyran, honorary Master of the Requests, and Counsellor of the Parliament
of Bordeaux. This unnatural Father is, it seems, the voluntary Author
of all the Misfortunes that have befallen his son; and these Misfortunes
appear to have been neither few nor trivial. At sixteen Years of Age, the
Marquis began to feel the Effects of paternal Cruelty. His Father intend-
ed him for the Law, that being the Profession by which himself had amass-
ed a great Fortune; but young Bertin's Inclinations were towards the
Army. The Father violently opposed the military Scheme, but in vain;
the Son's Resolution, or Obstinacy, prevailed, and into the Army he went,
behaved well, grew into Favor with his Prince, and met with Preferment.
However, old Bertin was not to be satisfied, or reconciled. He prosecuted
his Son with unceasing Malice. He was all Fury and Vengeance; the
Marquis all Duty and Submission; the Father was an unnatural Tyrant, the
Son a weak, illjudging Slave, the Dupe of Custom, and blind Obedience to
an Authority that had forfeited its Right to Power, by a wild and wicked
Exertion of it.

Counsellor Bertin endeavoured to distress his Son, by every Method he
could devise; and even added Ingratitude to Malice. A Knight of Malta
took it into his Head to make free with the Counsellor's Character. His Son,
his injured, hated Son, resented the Indignity, and came to an honorable
Eclaircissement with the Knight; but was soon afterwards rewarded with a
Lettre de Cachet, of that very Father's procuring, whose Reputation he was
so zealous to defend, by Virtue of which he was imprisoned several Months.
The strange Pretence for this was, that the Marquis had harboured a De-
sign of poisoning his Father; but when his Innocence was made known,
the Letre de Cachet was repealed. The true Cause of this detestable Pro-
[torn, illegible] told, was this; The Counsellor had a younger Son, a Fa-
[torn, illegible] he was desirous of leaving that great Fortune to which
[torn, illegible] Heir; and therefore he resolved to cut off the Marquis
[torn, illegible] false Witness, and the Scaffold, rather than not re-
[torn, illegible] Way.-----Such transcendent, supernatural Wicked-
[torn, illegible] here averred for Truth, and the whole Story seems
[torn, illegible] no where the Marks of Romance.

Column 2

After this, we are told, the Counsellor hired Bravoes to dispatch his
Son in a private Manner; but this, and several other Schemes of the like
Kind, failing, he again had Recourse to a Lettre de Cachet, and once more
threw him into Prison, on a fresh Charge of Parricide; to support which he
had suborned Evidence, that promised fair to go through with their Work;
some of them having lived Servants with the Marquis, and had been dis-
charged for Misbehaviour. By the most artful Representations to the Mi-
nistry, old Bertin now found Means to prejudice them against his Son;
whom they were at Length induced to regard as a Madman, an Atheist,
and a Parricide in Intention. In short, had not the few faithful Friends
that remained true to the Marquis procured his Liberty by Violence, (break-
ing open the Place of his Confinement in the Night Time) it is probable
a Period had then been put to his Sufferings.

He now fled for Refuge to a Relation at Madrid, who protected him for
some Time; but when it was no longer possible for him to remain in Safety
there, he found Means to convey himself into England, and arrived at
London in the Beginning of the Year 1750. He at first lay concealed for
some Time in private Lodgings, first at Paddington, and afterwards at
Marybone, under the assumed Name of Mr. de St. Etienne. His Father,
however did not drop the Prosecution; he left no Means untried to get the
unhappy Fugitive again into his Power; and at last succeeded, through the
Treachery of those whom the Marquis took into his Confidence, after his
Arrival in this Kingdom. One Dages de Souchard, a Frenchman, was
recommended to the Marquis as his Secretary, to manage his Correspon-
dence in France, and assist him in drawing up Memorials, &c. relating to
his Case, to send to the French Court. This Fellow betrayed him to his
Father, and having received Assurances of an ample Reward, engaged to
spirit him out of the Kingdom. To this Purpose he agreed with one Blazdell,
a Bailiff, for Thirty Guineas, to take out a Writ, arrest the Marquis as a
Debtor, and then carry him over to Calais. Other Persons were concerned
in this Scheme, which was executed in the following Manner.

"Blazdell knew his Time;----------he takes Coach with his Follower,
an Italian, thorough-paced in his Profession; and about nine o'Clock in
the Evening, on Friday, March 27, 1752, he arrives at the Marquis's
Lodgings, where-----they were not only let in, but, without any Questions,
contrary to the Marquis's repeated Desire, shewn into his Chamber.

The Marquis seeing them come in, immediately concluded, that
they came upon no good Design, and cried out, "I am a dead Man,
help." But Blazdell cut him short, saying, "No Noise, Sir, you are the
King's Prisoner, and I must have you along with me; but the Marquis
still kept out crying for Help, and in a Posture to oppose any Violence.
Several Persons now came in, and asked Blazdell what all this Bustle meant,
who acquainted them with his Business; they advised the Marquis to sub-
mit. One of them in particular, exhorted him 'not to oppose the Officers
of Justice,' promising that, by some Means or other, he would find Bail
for him.----------Overcome by such Persuasions, he walked to the Coach,
and Blazdell carried him to his House.----------

The Marquis had not been long there, before five Gentlemn came from
Marybone; one of them, 'whose Mein and Dress spoke him a Person of
Note, said to the Bailif, with a very discontented Accent, "Mind, Blazdell,
if that be your Name, you shall be answerable for that Man, Body for Body.'
(pointing to the Marquis) "and if any Thing amiss befalls him; I will
call you to an Account for it. In the mean Time, I insist that a Man
whom I have here, stay with him all Night, to attend upon him till Tomor-
row, when we shall canvass this Affair, and terminate it one Way or other."
The Bailiff made no Objection to this Proposal; and the Gentlemen there-
upon took Leave of the Marquis; but about Midnight, Blazdell, with his
Italian Attendant, 'bolting into the Marquis's Room, and taking hold of
his Safe-guard, said to him, "Friend, you'll be pleased to take yourself
away, no Company-keepers are allowed of here; who knows what you
two may attempt? Come walk away."

'The Marquis flew into an inexpressible Rage upon being thus depriv-
ed of a Man, whom he looked upon as the Pledge of his Liberty; the
Bailiff artfully took Advantage of his Ferment. "I'll have no such Noise
in my House, Sir! It will be best to carry you to the County-Goal, and
there you will be safe without any Keeper; and when the Gentlemen call
To-morrow, I will let them know how I have disposed of you." the
Marquis swallowed the Bait, imagining he would be secure from any other
Attempt in a Prison, and made no Objection against going, which they
immediately set about.

'When the Coach came to the Water-side, the Marquis was not so ig-
norant of London, but he began to apprehend that something extraordi-
nary was designed against him: The People, indeed, got about the Coach,
but as the Marquis knew very little English, and Blazdell told them, that
it was a French Fellow, who designed to give his Creditors the Slip, and
that he was carrying him to the Marshalsea, they began to drop away. This
Impediment being now over,-----when they came to the proper Place,
the Bailiff and his Company alighted, and took the Marquis thro' a narrow
Passage which led to the River, where a Boat was ready to receive him.
The Marquis drawing back with some Violence, the Italian Follower
drew a Pistol, and swore he would blow his Brains out, if he rode resty, and
did not sit down in the Boat, which accordingly carried him on Board the Ves-
sel a little below the Tower. When they were seated in the Cabbin, the
Bailiff's first Salutation was, that every good Son was glad to see his Father,
and that he was in a fair Way of having that Pleasure.-----

They continued falling down to Gravesend, and the Marquis being now
and then in extreme Transports of Passion, and crying out, the Bailiff
told the Men in the Vessel, that the Gentleman had been bit by a mad
Dog, and that they were going to try the Salt-Water with him, The
Seamen deposed at the Secretary's Office, that this was what the Bailiff
said to them over and over, and that it was not till they were very near
Gravesend, that he had spoke a Word of going over to Calais.

Being landed in France, and delivered into the Hands of his Father's
Agents, who conveyed him to the Place of his Destination in Paris, we
shall here take Leave of our unhappy Marquis, who is now supposed to be
languishing in Prison, possibly for the Remainder of his Days.


Column 1

From the Boston Gazette, November 10, 1755.

HISTORY gives us an Account of a General of an Army who was
of mean Birth and Parentage. and his father was a Potter.-----This
General having once beseiged a Town was addrest by some People on the
Walls in this contemptuous Manner.-----"Potter where will you get Money
to pay your Troops?" To which he bravely answered, "I will tell you
when I have taken your City."-----It is very like, this honest Warrior,
had he been asked, where he would get Provisions, to feed his Soldiers, would
have answered in much the same Manner.

I can tell you a story of another General, who undertook a March of
about one Hundred and ten Miles----------His March was very cauti-
ous and very slow-----for in five Months he advanced about sixty Miles,
and in that Time his Army consumed as much Bread and Meat as al-
most caused a Famine, and then decamped for want of Provisions-----
----------Indeed I never heard who or what this General's Father was,
or whether ever he had one, but from Circumstances I have heard of
touching him, shreudly guess he was of Dutch Extract, or some Way
related to that People.

It is said of John Duke of Marlborough, that he spent the Nation vast
Sums of Money, but then he had always something to show for it,-----He
seldom or ever waited for the Enemy to attack him, but followed them to their own Quarters, and in every Battle was victorious-----Some Generals
have expended or occasioned the Expence of as great Sums in Proportion,
and had nothing to show-----'twas thought indeed they would have been
hanged or broke, but they took their Flight-----Some to France, some
to the Highlands of Scotland, and others among the wild Indians of

Very like you have heard of Oliver Cromwell,-----they tell us his
Ghost appeared lately in England-----He came to offer his sage Advice
and appeared very mild-----I am apt to think, if he should appear to some
other Folks, he would "grin horribly-----a ghastly Smile"----------This
great General we are told, once shot two or three of his Men for refusing
upon some Pretence about Pay, to obey Orders to march, after which
Things went on well.-----I suppose the Parliament alway supplied him
with Provisions enough-----at least he knew there was enough where
he was going, and the Men ought to have trusted for their Pay till they had
done their Work-----however, this General differed much from another
I have some where read of many Years ago, who tho' a Pagan Chief
and so much Christian Love even to his Enemies, that he threatened to
shoot the first of his own Men that offered to pursue, tho' by that Means
they might have put them all to the Sword.

A General of an Army may be compared to a Servant in Trust, sent
on a very important Errand-----if he does his Business well, he shall have
the Reward of a good and faithful Servant; but if he stops by the Way,
and spends his Money idly, he shall be beaten with many Stripes.

I would never chuse to have a Servant, whose Father or intimate Friend
would be my Rival in Business, for I should think there would be the greatest
Hazard of his betraying my Interest: And whoever depends on a General
whose Friends and Countrymen are in an Interest diametrically opposite to
theirs, will depend on a broken Reed.-----

To speak a little of America-----

When New-England Men took Cape Breton, they had a New-England
General-----they went upon they most daring Enterprize and succeeded
well, for they were all hearty in the Cause-----that General (I mean the
true-hearted Pepperrell) never called a Council of War to know whether it
was proper to proceed or not, for he knew his Orders; he pushed on under
great Disadvantages, for he was both brave and true-----he knew the
Salvation of his Country was at Stake, and he chose rather to die than be-
tray his Country.

General Pepperrell took Louisbourg in a few Weeks, with about three
Thousand New-England Men-----I have heard of another General who
some Centuries ago was as many Months on a March to a Fort of not half
the Distance, nor half the Strength, and never saw it-----'tis true, he was
no New-England Man, but he had at least an Hundred Thousand Men as
brave as New-England Men-----The first of these Generals met with the
greatest Reward, viz. the Euge of his Sovereign and the Applause of his
Country: If you ask what Sort of a Reward the other had, I cannot tell
you-----whether he was applauded or disgraced upon his Return, or what
became of him finally, History is silent.-----


Vulneris id genus est quod cum sanabile non sit
Non contestari tutius esse patem. OVID.

A War with France is certainly not to be wished for by England. But
if France is resolved to destroy England, then it is better to begin
War than to be destroyed without a Chance. War then is to be gone in-
to as the least of two Evils. Now France, by fitting out such a Fleet as
could make her Mistress of the Seas, was taking into her Hands the Power
of destroying us at her Will: and our Liberties and Independency, if once
they had the Superiority at Sea, must depend on her pleasure. She shew-
ed her Will by her Attempts on our Trade in all Parts of the Earth, from
the Line to the Polar Circles: The Empire of America she projected, and
pursued the Project for many Years, by peopling the most Northern Part
as a Nursery of warlike Men, and then the Southern Mouths of the Missisippi.
Next she strove to join thesr two; which would give her the absolute
Power of America. By making a Chain of Garrisons from Canada to the
Mouths of the Missisippi, she backed all our Settlements, and might at
Pleasyre destroy them by drawing over the Indians West of that River,
who are infinitely more numerous, and less effeminated by Luxury, than
the Eastern ones. But if she did not do that, she must destroy us, as soon
as this Communication quietly takes Place, by Trade and Planting. For
as those Settlements and Lands on Missisippi back all our Plantations,
she will have Corn and Flour in the same Latitudes as New-York and
Philadelphia; Tobacco in the same Latitudes as Virginia; Rice in the
same as Carolina; and Cattle and Lumber; or Timber, in all. She will
have Men to carry on these by the Outlaws, Renegado's, and Discontented
of the Several Colinies, since the French receive the Negroes, indented Ser-

Column 2

vants, and Bankrupts who run away to them, and carry them the Know-
ledge of the different Branches of the Planting in which they were em-
ployed in the English America. They have an easy Carriage by Boats
down the Missisippi to the Balleries below New Orleans, and at the Mouth
of that River, and from thense can supply their Sugar Colonies, where
they will have a Market for Provisions and Lumber, as in Old France
for Tobacco.

Now that we have waked France, it is necessary to prevent her from being
able to execute those Schemes, which must be our Ruin; So we for our
own Safety must either break their Communication down the Missisippi,
by taking Canada, or we must lose North-America and the Sugar

If they have a Fleet superior to ours, we hold our All at their Discre-
tion: Therefore we must prevent their having a Fleet. If we do not,
or cannot do these Things effectually, it would have been better, with
my Motto, not to have tampered.


We have received further Accounts of the following Elections vis.
For Prince William, Mr. Henry Lee, Mr.----------Bell.
Mr. John West, Mr. George William Fairfax.
Mr. Thomas Bryan Martin, Mr. Thomas Walker.

RAN away, about six Weeks ago, from the Subscriber, in Lunenburg, a Negroe Fel-
low named Dick about 18 Years of Age, Virginia born with a yellowish Complexion,
had on an old Hat, a Virginia Cloth Jacket, filled with white Yarn, a VirginiaCloth
Shirt, a Pair of Leather Breeches, without Seams between the Thighs, Plaid Stockings,
a Pair of double stitched Shoes, has a remarkable large Foot, and the Bite of a Dog up-
on his Ham. Whoever takes up the said Runaway, shall have a Pistole Reward if taken
up in the County, two if out of the County, and in Virginia; or out of the Colony Five.
John Bruton.

Annapolis, January 10th, 1756.
RAN away from the Subscribers last Night, the following Servants, viz.
Robert Pearce,
a Convict, belonging to Patrick Creagh, by Trade a Ship Carpenter,
about 30 Years of Age, a tall thin Man, with a large Scar down his left Leg, another on
one Side of his Face; had on when he went away a brown Wig, Country Cloth Waste-
coat, Cotton Breeches, Country Stockings and Shoes, and Oznabrig Shirts.

Henry Dellamore, an indented Servant, belonging to said Creagh, by Trade a Caulker,
a short well made Man, fresh Complexion, and black Beard, had on when he went away
a brown Wig, a greay Coat with white Mettal Buttons, a black Wastecoat and Breeches
a dark Watch Coat, Oznabrig and white Shirt, and Oznabrig Trowsers.

William Aiton, a COnvict, belonging to Gamaliel Butler, by Trade a Joiner, about five
Feet, 3 or 4 Inches high, about twenty eight Years of Age, has a Scar in his Lip and
lost some of his fore Teeth; and born in England; had on when he went away a green
Wastecoat without Sleeves, a dark color'd Frock, Country Shoes and Stockings, a Pair of
Leather Breeches, a Felt Hat, and short brown Hair: They have with them several
other Cloaths, and a Chest of Carpenter's and Caulker's Tools, and likewise took a
Yaul with them belonging to the saif Creagh, with a white Bottom, and her upper
Works painted red, two Pair of Oars, two Spirit Sails, Rudder and Tiller. Whoever
takes up the said Servants and Boat, or any of them, and secures them so that their Ma-
sters may have them again, shall have Five Pounds Current Money, Reward, for each of
the Servants, and three Pounds like Money for the Yaul, &c. and reasonable Charges
allowed, if either of them be brought home, to
Patrick Creagh,
Gamaliel Butler.
There are two Servants that are supposed to have gone with them, viz. Thomas
belonging to Stephen Bradley, Esq.; by Trade a Bricklayer, a young thin Man:
the other belonging to Dr. George Stewart, a tall thin Fellow, who calls himself a Vint-
ner and Cook.

CAME to my Plantation in King-William County, a light grey Mare, four Feet,
four Inches high, branded on the near Buttock ∞ has a dark Spot on one of her
Shoulders. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
|| Thomas Fox,


By the Hon. ROBERT DINWIDDIE, Esq; his Majes-
ty's Lieutenant-Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Colony
and Dominion of Virginia:


For taking off the Prohibition against the Exportation of Wheat, Bread,
and Flour.

WHEREAS upon Consideration formerly had of the violent
Drought, which was likely to occasion a short Crop, and the
great Scarcity of all Grain, it was found necessary to prohibit the Ex-
portation of the same; and whereas it has been since represented to
me, that there is no Occasion to continue the said Prohibition in Re-
gard to Wheat, Bread and Flour, and that it will tend greatly to
the Benefit and Advantage of this Colony, to have a free Exporta-
tion of the same. I have thereofre thought fit, by and with the
Advice of his Majesty's Council, to issue this Proclamation, hereby
taking off the said Prohibition; upon giving Bond and Security be-
fore taking any of the said Articles on Board to return Certificates, in
four Months of their being landed in some of the British Colonies
in Madeira from the Consul in six Months. And I do hereby re-
quire the Officers of his Majesty's Customs, to take Notice, that
the same is made void and of no Effect, with Regard to so much
thereof, as respects the above Articles.

Given under my Hand at the Coucnil-Chamber in [torn, illegible]
this 11th Day of in the Twenty N[torn, illegible]
Majesty's Reign, Anno Domini 1755.

Column 1

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living on Meherrin River, in Southampton County,
a middle siz'd gray Horse, undocked, branded on the near Buttock with something
resembling this Mark ♀. The Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
Joshua Dawson.

To be SOLD by the Subscriber living in Spotsylvania
A TRACT of Land lying in Caroline County, containing about five hundred Acres,
with two good Orchards, a convenient Dwelling-House, and a new build Water
Mill thereon, most Part of it is good and fit for Cropping, and convenient to the Ware-
houses on Pamunkey River. Also to be sold by the Subscriber, several other Tracts of
Land, with or without Plantations thereon, for Cash, Bills of Exchange, or Tobacco,
William Waller.

To be SOLD for Ready Money on Wednesday the 21st of
this Instant,

TWENTY choice Virginia born SLAVES, and all the Rest of the personal Estate
belonging to Nathaniel Crawley, junior, at his Plantation in York County, taken
by Execution obtained in the County of York, by Hannah Crawley against the said
Samuel Reade, Sheriff of York County.

STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber living in James-City County, about the End
of September last, a light grey Mare, branded on the Buttock with a Dot, has an
hanging Mane and Switch Tail and marked with a Slit in the Right Ear, and a Crop in
the Left. Also a gray Mare Colt, two Years old next Spring, neither docked nor
branded. Whoever brings the said Mare and Colt to me, living near Glass's Ordinary,
or gives Intelligence of them so that I may have them again, shall have Half a Pistole
Reward, by
|| William Harrison.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber living in Augusta County, near the Court-house, a
Bay Horse, about thirteen Hands high, has a Star in his Forehead, and branded on
the near Buttock T. The Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
|| John Colter.

And to be Sold at the Printing-Office, (Price 3s.)
To the best Foreign POT-ASH.

In Consequence of the late Encouragement granted by PARLIAMENT
for that Purpose.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Amelia County, a black Horse, branded on
the near Buttock thus C- and dock'd. The Owner may have him of me, pay-
ing as the Law directs.
Robert Cowsins.

To be SOLD.
A Valuable Tract of Land in Hanover County, about ten Miles above the Court-house
situate on [smudge, illegible] main Road that leads up the middle Fork from the Southanna Bridge,
to the Fork Church, from which it is distant about two Miles. The Land is good for
Cropping, lies quite level, is well wooded and watered, and is very convenient to several
good Mills; there is good Ground, well fenced sufficient to work four Hands; there is on
it a good Dwelling-house with two Brick Chimnies, sash'd above and below, and well
under pinn'd; a well built Store with Compters, Shelves, Glass-Press and Drawers; also
another Store plank'd above and below; a Kitchen; a Dairy with a Cellar under it; a
Smoak-Hoose, Hen-House, Barn. large Tobacco House, framed and double teir'd;
an exceeding good well fixt Stable and Chair Shed; a large Garden and Yard neatly pailed
in; the Garden is well stored with all Sorts of Garden Stuffs, Flowers, &c. a young Or-
chard, and several Fruit Trees. Any Person inclinable to purchase, may see the Land,
and know the Terms by applying to the Subscriber living on the Premisses.
James Mills.

WHEREAS Lawrence Dully, Pedlar owes to the Subscribers the Sum of One Thou-
sand Pounds Current Money of Virginia, and has given us a Bill of Sale for his
whole Effects and Debts of every Kind, 'til the said Sum is paid. These are therefore to
give Notice to all Persons indebted to the said Lawrence Dully, not to pay him any Money
or other Effects for the Payment of any Debts due to him, but to make the Payments to us
who will indemnify them from any Claim that the said Dully may bring against them.
||10|| Andrew Anderson,
Henry Ritchie,
John Gilchrist,
John Deans,
James Young.

Norfolk, December 19th, 1755.
WHEREAS Capt John Stewart, who advertised in the Gazette of the 12th Instant,
a Quantity of fine Indico Seed, of the Guatamala Kind, fresh imported from South-
has put the greatest Part thereof into my Hands. I do hereby give Notice, that
I will supply any Gentlemen therewith, at Six Pistoles per Bushel; or if any Person will
take a Barrel, which contains about five Bushels, I will supply them at five Pistoles per
Bushel, the Money to be paid on the Delivery of the Seed, at Norfolk, or without fail,
at next April General Court, between the 20th and 30th of the said Month.
No less Quantity than a Bushel will be sold to any Person.
Robert Tucker.

To be SOLD on the first Thursday in February next, at the
Court-house Door in
Smithfield Town;
[torn, illegible] Houses belonging to the Subscriber in the said Town; also a choice
[torn, illegible] European Goods; the said Goods will be set up in Lots of about 20 £.
[torn, illegible] will be given 'til the 10th of April next; the Purchaser giving
[torn, illegible]
Miles Wills.

Column 2

To be SOLD at King-William Court-House, the 15th Instant, pursuant
to the Will of Mr.
Armistead Burwell, deceased,
THE Remainder of his Lands in King-William County, being 1600 Acres, within five
Miles of Aylet's Warehouse. For Conveniency of the Purchasers, the Whole will
be laid off in Lots. Credit will be given 'til the 10th of June next, the Purchaser giving
Bond and Security, as usual to
Lewis Burwell,
Nathaniel Burwell,
} Executors.

To be SOLD, by the Subscriber, at the College,
A VERY good Coachman, and many other valuable Negroes, belonging to the Estate of the
late Dr. William Dawson, deceased. Six Months Credit will be allowed. For
further Particulars enquire of
Thomas Dawson, Administrator.

THE Subscriber intending to leave the Raleigh Tavern, about the 25th of July next,
desires the Favor of all Persons indebted to settle their Accounts before that Time
which will oblige their Very humble Servant,
Alexander Finnie.

To be SOLD, the 2d Tuesday in February next, by Virtue of an Execution is-
sued out of the General Court
A Brick House and Lot in the Town of Hampton, lately belonging to Alexander Ha-
deceased. Twelve Months Credit is allowed, the Purchaser giving Bond
and Security as usual.
9 Cary Selden, Sheriff of Elizabeth-City County.

THIS is to give Notice to all Persons indebted to James Gray and John Gilchrist,
Merchants of Tappahannock, on Account of John Elphinston and Company, Mer-
chants of Aberdeen, to come and settle with James Elphinston at Tappahannock, without
further Delay, otherways must expect to be proceeded against as the Law directs, with all
convenient Dispatch.
10|| James Elphinston.

Williamsburg, October 28, 1755.
NOW in the Public Goal of this City, a Negroe Man, named James, who says he
belongs to Adam Porter, in North-Carolina: He hath been in Warwick Goal two
Months, according to Law. The Owner may have him of me, on paying Charges.
t.f. Thomas Penman, K.F.G.

To be LET and ENTERED on immediately,
A VERY commodious Dwelling-House, with a Well of very good Water, Out-
Houses, Garden pailed in, and other Conveniences, in perfect good Order, and
very convenient for a private Family, or Lodgers, and situated in one of the most agree-
able Parts of the Town: Also one other very good Dwelling-House, well accoutrements
with Out-Houses, Garden, Well, fine large Stable and Coach-Hourse, &c. situate on
the main Street, the lower Side of the Market Place.
t.f. Philip Ludwell.

THE Virginia ALMANACK, for the Year of our LORD GOD, 1756.
Being [smudge, illegible]SENTILE, or LEAP-YEAR. Wherein are contained, the Locations,
Conjunctions, Eclipses; the Sun and Moon's Rising anf Setting; the Rising, Setting;
and Southing of the Heavenly Bodies; Weather; Court Days; an exact List of the
English Navy; a List of the Council, and House of Burgesses, of Virginia; a Summary
of the whole House of Commons; several useful Tables; Description of the Route
through the Continent; Description of the Road to the Ohio; Poetry; Prudential Ad-
vice, &c. &c. Calculated according to Art; and referred to the Horizon of 38 Degrees
of North Latitude, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from the City of London; fitting
Virginia, Maryland, North-Carolina,</em? &c. By THEOPHILUS WREG, Philoman.
[Price Seven Oence Half-penny each, or, Five Shillings per Dozen.]


FOR raising the Sum of £. 6875, for the further Protection of his Majesty's Sub-
jects against the Insults and Incroachments of the French, Pursuance of an Act
of Assembly, passed the 9th Day of July last.

This LOTTERY consists of 25,000 Tickets at 21s. 6d. each, 2050 of which
are Prizes, of the following Value:

Number of Prizes. Value in Current Money. Total Value.
1 of £. 2000 £. 2000
2 of 1000 2000
4 of 500 2000
5 of 200 1000
6 of 150 900
8 of 100 800
15 of 50 750
50 of 20 2000
150 of 10 1500
1810 of 5 9050
------ ------
2050 Prizes, amounting to £. 20000 Total Value.
22950 Blanks.
25000 Pistoles, at 21 s. 6 d. each is £. 26875
To be paid in Prizes, 20000
£. 6875 to be applied to the particular
Purposes by the said Act, directed, for the Protection of the Country.

If 20,000 Tickets are disposed of by the 11th Day of Decembernext, the drawing of
the Lottery will then begin at the Capitol in Williamsburg; and the Tickets remaining
unsold will be drawn on Account, and for the Benefit, of the Country; but if there
should be more than 5000 Tickets remaining unsold on that Day, then the drawing of
the said Lottery is to be put off 'til the 6th Day of May next.

As soon as the Drawing is finished, the Prizes will be published in the Gazette, and
the Money paid to the Possessors of fortunate Tickets, if demanded in Six Months after.
But the Prizes, not demanded in that Time, will be deemed as generously given for the
Use of the Country, and be applied accordingly.

The Persons following are appointed Managers of this Lottery, viz. John Robinson,
Charles Carter, Peyton Randolph,
Esqrs. and Landon Carter, Carter Burwell, Benjamin
and James Power, Gentlemen, who have given Bond and Security, and are on
Oath, for the faithful Performance of their Trust.

TICKETS are to be sold by the said Managers, at their respective Dwellings.

[torn, illegible] may be supplied with this Paper. Advertisements of a moderate Length are inserted for Three
[torn, illegible] Week, and Two Shillings each Week after.

Original Format

Ink on paper




Hunter, William, -1761, printer., “The Virginia Gazette, no. 261, January 16, 1756,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 20, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/12.