Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 1218, December 8, 1774


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 1218, December 8, 1774



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Page 1

DECEMBER 8, 1774. THE NUMBER 1218.
With the freshest ADVICES,FOREIGN and DOMESTICK.
Printed by ALEX. PURDIE, and JOHN DIXON, at the POST OFFICE.

Column 1

WILLIAMSBURG, December 1, 1774.
IT is a Duty incumbent on me, before I resign the
Conduct of this Gazette, to return my sincere and
most grateful Acknowledgments to all our Customers,
and to the Publick in general, through whose Favour
the Press has been for a Number of Years supported,
in a way that (most flattering to the Printer) has
given such general Satisfaction, and often recom-
mended it to distinguished Marks of their Approba-

Immediately after Christmas, I shall begin doing
Business for myself, and intend to print a GAZETTE
as soon as I am furnished with a moderate Number of
Customers; for which Purpose I have sent Subscrip-
tion Papers into all publick Places of the Country, and
hope to have them soon returned, that I may be
enabled to go to Work and serve the Publick in my
Profession. Such as live convenient will please to
favour me with their Commands by Letter, and those in
this City who incline becoming Subscribers will be kind
enough to leave their Names at my Office, which
is the House formerly occupied by Mess. Tarpley,
& Co. on the main Street, and adjoins
Mr. Robert Anderson's Tavern.

In the Management of my Gazette, neither Pains
nor Expense will be spared to render it worthy of the
publick Favour; and the Motto I intend for it, scru-
pulously to be maintained, shall be. " ALWAYS

Meanwhile, I have opened a large and valuable
Collection of NEW BOOKS, amongst them a great
Variety for the Use of Schools; which, together with
a well chosen Parcel of MUSICK, for the Harpsi-
chord, Violin, &c. and a Number of STATIONARY
ARTICLES, will be disposed of on the easiest and
very best Terms. I shall be exceedingly obliged to
the Publick for their Favours, and intend presenting
them with a Catalogue of all my Books, &c. as soon
as I possibly can.

It shall be my constant and never-ceasing Study, in
prosecuting the different Branches of my Business,
to give Satisfaction to all who may please to employ
me, not only as to the Reasonableness of my Charges,
but in the Punctuality and Precision with which the
Whole shall be conducted.
I am the Publick's much obliged
and obedient Servant,

I beg the Favour of my BROTHER PRINTERS
to the Northward to furnish me with their Newspapers,
and they shall be sure to have mine, as soon as I begin
to print.

WILLIAMSBURG, December 1, 1774.
THE CUSTOMERS to the Partnership of
PURDIE & Dixon, for-Books, Station-
, &c. as well as those under whose Patron-
THE VIRGINIA Gazette has been so
long continued, will please to accept my most
grateful Thanks for their many Favours con-
ferred upon us. I flatter myself that my Con-
duct, while in Company with Mr.
met with general Approbation, and that my fu-
ture Endeavours to serve the Publick, in Con-
junction with Mr.
HUNTER, Son of the late
WM. HUNTER of this City, Printer,
will render me an Object worthy of their En-
couragement. I am
The Publick's much obliged
Humble Servant,

0 N T E M P E R A N C E.
O TEMPERANCE, thou Virtue without Pride, and
Fortune without Envy, that giveth Indolence of Body
and Tranquility of Mind; the best Guardian of
Youth, and Support of old Age; the Precept of Reason
as well as Religion, and Physician of the Soul as well
as the Body; the tutelar Goddess of Health, and
universal Medicine of Life; that clears the Head, and
cleanses the Blood; that eases the Stomach, and
purges the Bowels; that strengthens the Nerves, enlightens the Eyes,
and comforts the Heart; in a Word, that secures and perfects Digestion,
and thereby avoids the Fumes and Winds to which we owe the Cholick
and Spleen, those Crudities and sharp Humours that feed the Scurvy and
Gout, and those slimy Dregs of which the Gravel and Stone are formed
within us, Diseases to which Mankind is exposed rather by the Vicious-
ness than by the Frailty of our Nature, and by which we often condemn
ourselves to greater Torments and Miseries of Life than have perhaps been
yet invented by Anger or Revenge, or inflicted by the greatest Tyrants
upon the worst of Men.

Column 2

L O N D O N, September 23.
FOUR Spanish Men of War, two Frigates, and some Transports,
sailed from Cadiz the 18th [illegible]. There are on Board this Squadron
2000 Troops, exclusive of Officers, and their Destination is said to be
South of the Line.

The Master of a Vessel arrived in the River from Portugal gives an
Account, that two Frigates, one a Spanish and the other a Portuguese,
have had an Engagement off Lisbon, which lasted three Glasses, when
the latter sheered off with the Loss of great Part of her Crew, and with
Difficulty got into the Tagus in a most shattered Condition.

On Account of the great Number of young Gentlemen in the East India
Company's Service, who are not commissioned Officers, and who re-
ceive no more than Cadet's Pay, Orders, it is said, are given that no
more Volunteers be sent out for one Year.

The building of a new Six Clerks Office, which was to have been be-
gun this Summer, is postponed till next Spring, when it will be rebuilt
on the same Spot of Ground that it now stands on.

On Monday and Tuesday Night last were seized by Mr. Downs, an
Officer belonging to his Majesty's Customs, 37 Bags of fine Hyson Tea,
near Navstock in Essex, which were brought to the Customhouse on

Yesterday, in the Forenoon, a Fire broke out in a Bakehouse between
Shoemaker Row and Houndsditch, which consumed the same, with four
other Outhouses, and the back Part of a Dwelling-House; some other
Houses were damaged.

At the great Sessions lately held at Caernarvon were tried a Man and
his Wife, for the Murder of an Infant of six Years old, the natural Son
of the Husband, who was acquitted as Accessory before the Fact; but
the Wife was found guilty upon the clearest Evidence, whereupon Sen-
tence of Death was pronounced upon her.

Yesterday a Woman of genteel Appearance was taken into Custody in
Whitecross Street, offering to put off light Guineas. Several were found
upon her, each which wanted nine Shillings of Weight, yet they ap-
peared as if just out of the Mint, and a fine Dye. She was carried before
the sitting Alderman at Guildhall, who sent her to Wood Street Compter
for farther Examination.

Yesterday the Lord Mayor committed four Fruit Women to Bridewell,
to 14 Days hard Labour, for obstructing the Footway upon Holborn Hill,
and grossly abusing several of the Inhabitants, when they desired them in
a civil Manner to get out of the Way, that their Customers might have a
Passage to their Shops.

The same Day a poor Lad, about 14 Years of Age, applied to the
Lord Mayor for some Relief. He declared, that he was born abroad, that
his Friends brought him over very young, but were all dead; that he had
not been in a Bed for two Years, and was perishing for Want of the
common Necessaries of Life. His Lordship sent him to the London Hos-
pital, with Orders that he may be taken care of and clothed.

Yesterday being the Anniversary of their Majesties Coronation, at
Noon there was a great Court and Drawing Room at St. James's. Se-
veral of the Nobility came to Town to pay their Compliments to their
Majesties on the Occasion, and all the young Princes and Princesses were
present. Their Majesties dined at the Queen's Palace, and in the Even-
ing returned to Kew.

Yesterday Morning, previous to the Drawing Room at St. James's,
Lord Rochford, Secretary of State for the Southern Department, had a
great Levee at his Office in Cleveland Row, at which all the foreign
Ministers in Town were present.

It is surprising that Great Britain, from political Principles, could be
so absurd as to attempt to enforce Laws on the Americans without their
Consent. It is an historical Truth, that the Rigour of ancient Athens to
its Colonies brought on the Ruin of that noble Republick, and the Loss
of the Liberties of Greece. We have more than one Macedon at Hand,
ready to avail himself of any false Step we may take. The Pretender to
the Crown of these Realms, who was in the Heart of our Country in-
vading us about 29 Years ago, hath not forgot his Pretensions; nor his
Friends, in the Midst of us, their ancient Attachment to him. But our
Colonists bear an invincible Aversion to the whole Stuart Race, which
Accounts for the Dislike so many of us entertain of them.

The Tory Ministry, in the three last Years of Queen Anne's Reign,
had a Design, it is well known, of bringing in the Pretender; and, if we
are to judge from Facts, the present Tory Ministry have the same Inten-
tion: For by establishing the Popish Religion in the British Dominions
by Law, they have removed the only Objection and Impediment to the
Restoration of the Stuart Family. It is absolutely impossible to account
for the Actions of the present Ministry, but by supposing they have such
a traitorous Design. Are there no faithful Subjects to the House of Han-
over living? What is become of our Devonshires, Marlboroughs, New-
castles, and all the true Friends of the happy Revolution, whose Ances-
tors had a chief Hand in settling the Crown of this Kingdom on the House
of Hanover? Are they all extinct, and have we no great Men of true
Revolutional Principles left to inform his Majesty of the imminent Dan-
ger of such unconstitutional Proceedings? Hath a fatal Lethargy seized
upon them all? And will none do their Duty to the Crown and their
Country? Or are they all turned Tories, and become Jacobites?

If the Ministry should succeed in the approaching Election of a Lord
Mayor for this City, they will certainly carry four Court Members for
the next Parliament. The Choice of a chief Magistrate is therefore, at
this Juncture, of the utmost importance to the Citizens of London, as
well as to the Nation in general; for should the Minister carry Members
for this City, the Example would have great Weight throughout the
Kingdom. To prevent therefore the pernicious Consequences of such a
Choice of Members, it is to be hoped that the Liverymen of London will
unite, and exert all their Strength and Spirit in the Election of an honest
and brave Lord Mayor, for which End they must return two Gentlemen
for that high Office on whom they can equally depend, as the Court of
Aldermen have the ultimate Choice of the two; for should they return a
doubtful Person, together with a known steady One, they may be assured
that Court would make Choice of him that was dubious.

If a Foreigner dies in France, the King seiizes all his Effects, though
his Heir should be upon the Spot. If an English Protestant goes to France
for the Recovery of his Health, attended by his Wife or Son, or both,
and dies with Effects in the House to the Amount of 1000 Guineas, the
King seizes the whole, the Family is left destitute, and the Body denied
a Christian Burial. A truly Christian Country, governed by bis Most Chris-
tian Majesty!

The Expedition, Captain Spence, arrived in the River from Senegal,
has brought over two fine Tigers, from his Excellency Charles O-Hara,
Governour of Senegambia, as a Present to his Majesty.

A Letter from Auld Haiks, in Fifeshire, Scotland, dated the 7th of
September, has the following Passage, with Regard to the Herring Fishery
there: " This Day four Sloops arrived, and are buying up the Fish at
2d, the Hundred. The Fishermen all agree that there are about four
Miles square of Herrings. No Man remembers so great a Fishing. As
many as a Cart can hold, which is supposed to be about 4000, are sold
to any who comes for 3s. 6d. Some Merchants purchase them at the Rate
of 18d. per twelve Hundred. For a Friend I bought no less than 10,000
for 4s. and in the Course of this Business was offered 30,000 for a Bottle
of Gin; which I could not accept of, having neither Salt nor Barrels."

The Axe seems now to be laid to the Root of those Schools of Intempe-
rance called Gin Shops, otherwise Wine Vaults, a Nuisance which the
Publick, with great Justice, have long complained of; for on Tuesday
last, which was Licensing Day for those Houses, the Worshipful the Jus-

Column 3

tices of London and Westminster absolutely refused granting a single Li
cense, a Circumstance that must redound much to the Honour of these
Gentlemen, as in future the Community at large will experience the hap-
py Effects thereof.

On Wednesday last the noted Drybutter went on Board the Ship Mary,
Captain How, bound for Dunkirk, in Order to procure a Passage for
that Place, and thereby avoid that Sentence which he is confident an
honest Jury must inflict on him whenever his Trial comes on. On his
arriving on Board he desired to be shown a Bed immediately, which rather
surprised some Ladies that were in the Cabin; when one of the Passen-
gers looking at him, remembered to have seen him, and instantly pro-
nounced his Name and Principles, upon which the Captain (much to his
Honour) declared that such a Wretch should not disgrace his Ship, and
ordered him on Shore; but the Crew refused to carry him, on which he
called a Sculler and was put on Shore at Gravesend.

Monday Night last some Villains found Means to break into the House
of Mr. Young, Watchmaker, at Canterbury, from whence they took
Money, Plate, and Watches, to the Amount of near 200l, and got
clear off.

On Tuesday Night last, about ten o 'Clock, as Mr. Thomson, Iron-
monger, in Beach Lane, Whitecross Street, was returning from on Board
an East Indiaman lying at Blackwall, he was stopped near the Isle of
Dogs by two Footpads, armed with Bludgeons, who robbed him of five
Guineas and some Silver, and likewise his Watch; they then beat him in
a most cruel Manner, and made off.

Wednesday Evening, between seven and eight o'clock, a Robbery
was committed by three Footpads (supposed to be Jews) on two Gentle-
men and a Lady, as they were returning across the Fields from Highgate
to White Conduit House. The Villains presented a Pistol to each of the
Persons, and demanded their Money, &c. but one the Gentlemen being
reluctant, one of them drew a Hanger and cut the Gentleman's Hand
nearly off. The Lady, frightened at the shocking Sight, shrieked out;
upon which the same Villain instantly gave her a desperate Wound on the
Shoulder, and the other two robbed them of about 3l. in Cash, a Silver
Watch, and their Shoe Buckles, with which they instantly made off to-
wards Holloway.

A few Days ago a private Letter was found in a great Personage's
Closet, purporting a Discovery of some particular Abuses; which, though
done under the Royal Inspection, have not, it seems, been noticed.

No less than six new Enclosure Bills are preparing for the approaching
Sessions of Parliament, so that it is plain our Landed Men are determined
to go through with their Improvements in this Kingdom.

A Gentleman, just arrived from New England, assures us that a Com-
putation has lately been made, by which it appears that near 1000l, per
Day are expended in Boston since the new Governour and Troops arrived

A Scheme is in Agitation to grant the East India Company a Bounty on
the Importation of low priced Teas, to prevent their being smuggled into
this Kingdom and Ireland from France and Holland.

A Correspondent observes, that it makes a great Difference in Govern-
ment whether a Person is desirous to be a King or a Father of his people.
The King is obeyed, and perhaps hated or despised. The Father is obeyed,
with Love and Reverence. The proud Man is a King, the good tempered
Man a Father. It is very soon known by a Man's Actions to which
Class he belongs, and he cannot long deceive the Publick; but there is
one sure Way of coming at the Knowledge of him, that is, from his chief
Counsellor and Favourite, to whom the apparent chief Minister acts only
in Subordination. The Master of the Puppet in the show is always out
of Sight.

Extract of a Letter from Northallerton, September 10.
" Last Thursday was married at Whitby, by the Reverend Mr. Eglin,
Mr. Thomas Benson, of Whitby, aged 76, to Miss Nanny Robson, of
the same Place, aged 22; a most accomplished young Lady, with a
Fortune of 2000l.-----How often do we see most adorable Creatures,
whose Fortunes are dependent on their avaricious Parents, sacrificed to
Persons they cannot love! To describe the Behaviour of both, during
the Ceremony, would be needless; let it suffice, she received the old
Dotard with her beautiful Eyes bathed in Tears, while her Heart seemed
to disavow the Action of her Hand. Short-sighted Mortals, is it thus
you consult the Happiness of your Children!"

On Monday arrived in the Brig Sally, Captain Foote, from Tetuan,
one Mr. James Pollett, who had been a Slave in the interiour Parts of
Africa above 20 Years, having been taken by a Corsair in the Year 1753.

Wednesday Night Mr. Wadney, Cheese Factor, near East Smithfield,
was attacked on the Whitechapel Road by a single Highwayman, who
demanded his Money; but Mr. Wadney, instead of complying, drew a
Pistol and fired at him, the Ball of which is supposed to have lodged in
his Shoulder. The Highwayman, however, rode off; and, although
closely pursued, escaped by the Goodness of his Horse.

Yesterday Morning a middle aged Man was found dead, with his Skull
fractured, on the Kentish Road. By a Paper found in his Breeches
Pocket, it appears his Name was Julius Delilian, a Native of Amsterdam.
There being neither Watch nor Money found upon him, it is imagined
he was robbed and murdered by some Footpads.

A Letter from Paris, dated September 18th, says: " The Obsequies
of the late King will be made at the Church of Notre Dame on the 27th
Instant, and the present Parliament will attend. It is said the King will
come soon and hold a Bed of Justice, to reinstate the old Parliament;
and that the Duke de Choiseul, and the other Peers of France, will
attend that Sitting."

The last Letters from Paris advise, that the Publick is impatient to see
what the Bed of Justice, which the King is going to hold there, will
produce; and whether, upon this Occasion, his Majesty will restore the
old Parliament, or any part of it. Many people think themselves
authorised to entertain that Opinion, from the frequent Conferences that
have lately passed between the Prince Condè and M. d'Aligre, firit Pre-
sident of the said Parliament; and from the latter's paying a Visit to M.
de Maurepas, who received him with great Attention and Respect.
Great Preparations are making at Versailles for the Reception of the
Queen's youngest Brother, Prince Maximilian of Austria; who proposes,
after a short Stay at Paris, to accompany the Court to Fontainbleau,
and go from thence to Italy."

From the Hague they write thus: “ We may judge of the Importance
to the Ruffians of the Peace lately concluded between them and the
Turks, by what Mr. Swart, our Minister at Petersburg, writes upon
that Subject; importing, that in a Conversation he had with the Count
al, de Panin, that Minister said, he never expected to see a Peace concluded
so truly glorious and advantageous for Russia as the present Peace.”

The last Night of Mr. Foote's Performance this Season at the Hay-
market, Mr. Fisher, one of the Patentees of Covent Garden Theatre,
applied to the Box Keeper for Admittance GRATIS, and was highly of-
fended his Name was not set down as free of the House. " Foote never
" pays for Admission into our House, says he; we looked on him as a
" BROTHER MANAGER; but by G--d he shall always leave his Money
" at the Door for the future, as I do now.” At these Words, he flung
into the Box. When the Humourist heard this Circumstance the next
Morning, he wrote Mr. Fisher a Letter, purporting, that he wished to
inform him he did not derive his Freedom of Covent Garden Theatre from
being a Brother Manager, but from having written several dramatick
Pieces which had been played with great Success there, and which, from
an old theatrical Custom, entitled him to the Liberty of the House. Af-
ter having explained this Matter, Foote concluded with assuring Mr.
Fisher, that whenever He (Mr. Fisher) wrote any Thing for the Hay-

Page 2
Column 1

market Theatre, which was worthy the Countenance of the Publick, he,
his Wife, his Children, and his Children's Children, should have Places,
GRATIS, at the Haymarket, not only while they possessed the THIRD
PART of the FOURTH Part of the Patent they now enjoyed, but even
if they were to divide and sub-divide their Shares into as many Semibreves,
Minums, Crotches, Quavers, and Semiquavers, as were to be found in
any Solo or Sonata Mr. Fisher ever composed.

October. 1. Yesterday his Majesty came from Kew to St. James's,
where there was a Levee, and afterwards a Council was held, at which
the Lord Chancellor, Lord North, the Lords Dartmouth and Barrington,
&c. assisted, when his Majesty signed the following Proclamation for
dissolving the Parliament, and for calling another.

By the KING.
Α Ρ R O C L Α Μ Α Τ Ι O Ν,
For dissolving this present Parliament, and declaring the calling of another.

Whereas we have thought fit, by and with the Advice of our Privy
Council, to dissolve this present Parliament, which now stands prorogued
to Tuesday the 15th of November next, we do, for that End, publish
this our Royal Proclamation, and do hereby dissolve the said Parliament
accordingly; and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights,
Citizens, and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs,
of the House of Commons, are discharged from their Meeting and Atten-
dance on Tuesday the said 15th of November next. And we being desir-
ous and resolved, as soon as may be, to meet our people, and to have
their Advice in Parliament, do hereby make known to all our loving
Subjects our Royal Will and Pleasure to call a New Parliament; and do
hereby farther declare, that, with the Advice of our Privy Council, we
have this Day given Order to our Chancellor of Great Britain to issue out
Writs in due Form for calling a New Parliament, which Writs are to
bear Test on Saturday the 1st of October next, and to be returnable on
Tuesday the 29th of November following.

Given at our Court at St. James's, the 30th of September, 1774, in
the 14th Year of our Reign.

Another Proclamation was likewise issued yesterday by his Majesty and
Council, directing all the Peers of Scotland to assemble and meet at Holy-
rood House, in Edinburgh on Tuesday the 15th of November next,
between the Hours of twelve and two in the Afternoon, to nominate and
choose the sixteen Peers to sit and vote in the House of Peers in England
in the ensuing Parliament, by open Election and Plurality of Voices of
the Peers that shall be there present; and ordering the Provost of Edin-
burgh, and all other Magistrates, to prevent all Riots, Tumults, Disor-
ders, and Violence whatever, during the said Election.

His Majesty also has issued an Order in Council for dissolving the Con-
vocation, and for electing new Members; the Writs are to bear Test the
3d of October, and to be returnable on the 30th of November. Like-
wise a Proclamation for proroguing the Parliament of Ireland, from the
27th of last September to the 18th of April next.

We hear there was but one dissenting Voice in the Council, on the
Measure of dissolving the Parliament.

Yesterday the Lord Chancellor signed all the Writs for calling a new
Parliament, several of which were immediately sent away to the return-
ing Officers.

This Morning, about Half after 11 O'Clock, and not before, Orders
were sent down from the Secretary of State's Office, to the General Post
Office, to tax all franked Letters (except Newspapers) this Day, which
detained the Letters near three Hours.

The Dissolution of the Parliament is said to be principally occasioned
by the present critical Situation of Affairs in America, which renders the
Advice of a new Parliament necessary ; but it is with more Justice
thought to be done to prevent the too long Continuance of Idleness and
Drunkenness, which would otherwise have prevailed till March next.

There have been but two instances, since the Accession of his late
Majesty, of a Parliament being dissolved before the Expiration of seven
Years, viz. in 1746, and the present Year.

It is now expected that a general Change of the Ministry will take
Place, before the Meeting of Parliament.

It was yesterday reported, that Advice has been received of there hav-
ing been some Commotions at Boston in New England, that a very great
Number of the Army have deserted, and that some Mischief has been

Extract of a Letter from Vienna, September 12.
" This Morning his Imperial Majesty set out for the Camps in Mora-
via and Bohemia, from whence he will proceed to Poland, to view the
Fortresses that are erecting in his new Acquisitions there.

" Accounts from Turkey represent that country in the utmost Confu-
sion; and it is said the Asiatick Troops, who deserted from the Army of
the Grand Visiar, joined by the Mob, commit daily the greatest Outrages,
have laid the City of Adrianople in Ashes, and that a great Number of
them are arrived at Constantinople, where the People exclaim greatly
against the Peace, crying out, “ Away with such a Peace, so dishonour-
able to the once glorious Porte.” And there are many who doubt whe-
ther the Treaty will be signed by the Grand Seignior, as many Members
of the Divan are utterly against it, alledging that they know nothing of a
Congress or Negotiation for a Peace having existed; adding, that the
Power and Authority which the Grand Visar had at the former Con-
gresses were expired, and consequently he had no Right to conclude a
Peace, nor is the Sultan any Way bound to ratify such a treacherous
Action. The Result of all this, however, a short Time must discover;
for, according to the Agreement between Count Romanzow and the late
Grand Visiar, but two Months were allowed for returning the Treaty
from Constantinople, signed by the Sultan, which Time being now ex-
pired, we must soon learn the whole Matter. In the Meantime, the
Russians have not evacuated any of their Conquests, but are waiting for
the event of the Affair at Constantinople.

" Within these few Days a Report has been current here, that 20,000
of our Troops have suddenly invaded the Provinces of Wallachia and
Moldavia, and put the Imperial Arms on the Gates of the Cities and all
the publick Offices."

Letters from Warsaw advise, that the State, at the Intercession of M.
Stackelberg, Minister from Russia, will pay the Debts of the King, which
amount to thirteen Millions of Florins, and that the Revenues of the King
will be augmented four Millions of Polish Florins; so that that Prince
will receive actually eight Millions per Annum, besides having four Sta-
rosties which he reserves to himself, and six more to which he will have
the Nomination.

We are credibly informed, that there are at this Instant 12,000 Acres
of Oats in the newly enclosed Fens in Lincolnshire, from three to five
Feet under Water. Before the Rains, it was thought the Crop was as
large as had ever been known on the same Quantity of Land.

In Buckinghamshire, we are told that a great Deal of Wheat is yet
abroad, and that the Beans are sprouting and shedding in the fields.

October 4. Yesterday Afternoon, pursuant to Advertisements in the
publick Papers for that Purpose, there appeared at Guildhal a very
numerous and respectable Part of the Livery to nominate four Gentlemen
to represent this great City in the ensuing Parliament.

Mr. Stavely being voted into the Chair, he opened the Business of the
Meeting in a very spirited Speech, wherein he set forth the vast Impor-
tance of the Business about which they were met ; that the Eyes of the
whole Nation were upon them; and this being the first City in the World,
it was expected they would set a glorious Example, and not elect any
Persons but such as were known Friends to Liberty, not only by Profes-
sions, but Experience. He begged the Livery to consider that such another
Opportunity would not offer itself for seven Years, a Time, in his Opi-
nion, much too long; that they ought to consider and proceed on their
Business with Coolness, Candour, and Deliberation; that were we only
to cast our Eyes to America, we should see to what a dreadful Situation
those brave People were reduced, through the iniquitous Conduct of the
late corrupt Houses of Parliament, and the Unanimity the Americans
have shown to resist all such arbitrary Acts, and the noble Struggle they
make to preserve their Liberties, ought to be an Example to us; that we
might depend upon it the Persons who wished to enslave America would,
if it lay in their Power, shackle us.

After Mr. Stavely had concluded, Mr. Compton moved that a Paper
of Instructions, which had been drawn up by a very respectable Commit-
tee, for the Candidates to sign before they were put in Nomination, might
be read; which was accordingly read, and is as follows: " We do most
" solemnly promise, and engage ourselves to our Constituents, if we
" have the Honour of being chosen to represent this City in Parliament,
" that we will endeavour, to the utmost of our Power, to restore and
" defend the excellent Form of Government modelled and established at
" the Revolution, and to promote and procure, and, having procured,
" to maintain and continue, Acts of the Legislature For shortening the
" Duration of Parliaments. For excluding Pensioners and Placemen
" from sitting in the House of Commons. For subjecting each Candidate
" for a Seat in Parliament to an Oath against his having used Bribery,
" or any other illegal or unconstitutional Means of gaining his Election.
" For establishing a more fair and equal Representation of the People in

Column 2

" Parliament. For vindicating the injured Rights of the Freeholders of
“ Middlesex, and, through them, of the whole Body of Electors in this
" united Kingdom. For restoring to our Fellow Subjects the essential
" Rights of Taxation by Representatives of their own free Election, and
" for repealing the universal Excise which has lately been substituted in
" the Colonies instead of the Laws of Customs. For repealing the four
" late iniquitous Acts respecting America, viz. the Quebeck Act,
" establishing Popery, and the arbitrary System of French Canadian
" Laws in that extensive Province; the Boston Port Act; the Act for
" altering the Charter of the Province of Massachusetts Bay; and the
" Act for the Trial in Europe of Persons accused of criminal Offences in
" America ; being fully persuaded that the passing such Acts will be of
" the utmost Importance for the Security of our excellent Constitution,
" and the Restoration of the Rights and Liberties of our Fellow Subjects
" in America. We do also solemnly promise, never to accept from the
" Crown, or its Ministers, Place, Pension, Contract, Title, Gratuity,
" or Emolument, of any kind whatsoever; and we do farther promise,
" to follow, on all Occasions, such Instructions as our Constituents, in
" Common Hall assembled, shall think proper to give us."

Mr. Wilkes them came forward, and addressed the Livery to the
following Purport:
" Gentlemen of the Livery,
" Last Year, on the Vacancy of a Person to represent you in Parlia-
ment, I had the Honour to nominate our present excellent chief Magis-
trate, knowing him to be a Person of an upright, honest, and fair
Character. I so far succeeded, Gentlemen, in my Wishes, as to see him
elected; and I trust that his Conduct, through a long and interesting
Session of Parliament, has been such as will merit your future Favours:
Therefore, Gentlemen, if he has no Objection to sign the Articles pro-
posed, I will, with your Permission, nominate him again for the same
important Trust."

After Mr. Wilkes had concluded, the Chairman acquainted the Livery,
that the Lord Mayor, the Aldermen Crosby, Sawbridge, and Hayley,
had subscribed to the Articles proposed.

On this Declaration of the Chairman, W. Baker, Esq; came forward,
and informed the Livery that it might appear rather extraordinary that he
should offer himself a Candidate, and at the same Time refuse to sign their
Articles. He commented upon each Article separately, and objected to
that one which obliges the Candidate to vote for the Expulsion of ALL
Placemen and Pensioners, observing, that SOME Men in Office were
necessary for the carrying on Business; therefore, in his Opinion, the
Number ought to be limited; that as to repealing the Quebeck Act, the
Boston Port Bill, the Bill for regulating the Government of Massachusetts
Bay, and the Bill for Trials of Persons in England accused of Crimes in
America, he thought they ought to be repealed; that he had given his
Vote against those Acts, yet he did not choose to be tied down in Arti-
cles, as it was his firm Opinion that a Member should approach the
Doors of the House of Commons free as the open Air. He was proceeding,
but the Livery became very clamorous, crying out, sign or decline. He
attempted several Times after to speak, but was not suffered; upon
which William Lee, Esq; one of the late Sheriffs, came forward, and
addressed the Livery to the following Effect:

Gentleman of the Livery,
" I beg your Attention. I promise you, on my Word, I will not
detain you three Minutes. I think there is some thing so extraordinary in
the Behaviour of the Gentleman who spoke last as to merit Notice. He
solicits your Favour, and in the same Breath refuses to sign your Requisi-
tion. When a Person becomes your Representative he is your Servant,
and consequently ought to do as his Masters direct."

Mr. Baker attempted to answer him, but the Livery would not allow
him to speak; upon which the Chairman put up the Lord Mayor, Alder-
men Crosby, Sawbridge, and Hayley, separately. Each had a very great
Show of Hands, and many loud Claps, Huzzas, &c. after which W.
Baker, Esq; was nominated, when there appeared for him a few Hands,
but many Hisses. The Chairman then called aloud several Times to
know if any Gentleman had any other person to nominate, when a Mr.
Townsend nominated Richard Oliver, Esq; but on his Name being put
up, there was Groaning and Hissing for near five Minutes, and but few
Hands held up.

The Chairman then declared the Choice to have fallen on Mess. Bull,
Crosby, Sawbridge, and Hayley; upon which the Lord Mayor came
forward, and addressed the Livery as follows:

" Gentlemen of the Livery,
" I return you my sincerest Thanks for the Honour you have conferred
on me, by again nominating me to represent you in Parliament. Should
I be the happy Object of your Choice, depend upon my serving you to
the utmost of my Abilities."

Mr. Crosby next came forward, and addressed the Livery to the fol-
lowing Purport:

" Gentlemen of the Livery,
" I return you my sincerest Thanks for the Honour you have conferred
on me, and I assure you that I will live and die in the Cause of Liberty.
Should I be so fortunate as to be elected, I will do the utmost in my
Power to protect your Rights and Franchises,”

Mr. Sawbridge next came forward, saying,
" Gentlemen of the Livery,
" I return you my most cordial Thanks for the high Opinion you have
expressed of my past, and the great Confidence you put in my future,
Conduct. I have been bred up in the Principles of Liberty, and I assure
you I will remain in the same until the latest Hour of my Life."

Mr. Hayley next addressed the Livery, as follows:
" Gentlemen of the Livery,
" It is now my Turn to express my Duty to you for the generous Sup-
port I have met with to-day. Should I gain the Honour I now solicit,
depend upon my exerting the utmost of my Abilities to do you Justice."

The above Speeches were received with loud Shouts of Applause, after
which a Motion was made that the Resolutions and Nomination should
be published; which being agreed to, Mr. Baker came forward, and
acquainted the Livery, that although he had not been fortunate enough
to meet so cordial a Reception as he imagined, owing to his not having
signed the Articles, for Reasons which he had mentioned, yet at the same
Time informed the Livery, that he would stand the Poll to the last, and
doubted not but between this and the Poll his Character, both in publick
and private Life, would be well known, and be of such a Cast as to gain
him many Friends.

Mr. Lee then moved, that the Thanks of the Hall be given to Mr.
Stavely for his impartial and spirited Conduct as Chairman of that Meeting,
which was unanimously consented to, and thus ended the Business of
the Day.

At a numerous and respectable Meeting of the Electors of the City and
Liberty of Westminster, held this Day in Westminster Hall, the Right
Hon. Lord Viscount Mountmorris, the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Mahon,
and Humphrey Cotes, Esq; were severally put in Nomination, who, in
the Presence of the said Electors, signed an Engagement which was there

This Day several Gentlemen attended at St. Margaret's Hill, to offer
themselves Candidates for the Borough of Southwark, when the following
Gentlemen were nominated: Mr. Sheriff Lee, Henry Thrale, Esq; Sir
Abraham Hume, and Nathaniel Polbill, Esq;

The Election for Middlesex, we hear, will come on the 20th Instant.

Yesterday a Letter was received from on Board the Scarborough Man
of War, arrived express from Boston in New England, which says that
the People there were in great Commotion, and that the Army under
General Gage was in a very disagreeable Situation. The Man of War
waits at Shithead, to return with an Answer to the Express. It is said,
that none of the Crew of the above Ship are permitted to come on Shore.

Orders are gone to Portsmouth for four Sail of the Line to be got ready
immediately for America, from among those which are in the greatest For-
wardness. They are to be victualled in Ireland, and from thence, it is
supposed, will also carry over some Land Forces.

A great Deal of Mischief was done at Sea, on Thursday and Friday last,
by the Thunder and Lightning; in Consequence of which several Ships
have put into Plymouth, and other Ports, to repair their Damages.

October 5. As many Causes have been assigned for what is called the
sudden Dissolution of Parliament, most of which have either been invidi-
ous or ridiculous, there is one which we are informed has some Founda-
tion in Truth, and serious People think it highly reasonable. There are
at present many very great national Objects on the Carpet, which must
have long engaged the Attention of Parliament to settle Satisfactorily;
and as the last Sessions of it must have expired in March, the general
Election would have come on at a Period when Business of the first Con-
sequence was before the House, but by this judicious Dissolution the Par-
liament will be enabled to continue sitting till these national Concerns are
despatched. From this View of the Dissolution, it appears both wife and
political; but when we consider that it will prevent long and expensive
Canvassing, which is the Ruin of good Neighbourhood, and the Destruc-
tion of many worthy Families, subverting Peace and good Order, by
slackening the industry and corrupting the Morals of the People, it ap-
pears as salutary as wise.

Column 3

The Affairs of America will be the first Matter agitated in the new

Eleven Sail are getting ready, to proceed immediately to America; it
is expected, to offer New York the new Regulation Bill.

Governour Tryon is to go out Governour again to New York, as his
Behaviour at that place was generally approved by the Inhabitants, and
the Schemes of the Ministry more likely to succeed

Colonel Barre, the immortal American Patriot, is now at Boston
attending on his Constituents (he being one of the Agents for Massachu-
setts Bay) to give his Advice and Assistance, as well as to receive their
Directions for his future Conduct.

Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, October 4.
" Since the Scarborough Man of War has arrived from Boston, not
one of the Men have been fessered to come on Shore, neither are their
Friends permitted to go on Board. The Ship is anchored at some Dis-
tance from any other, and so careful are the Officers to keep every Thing
secret that when any Provisions are sent on Board they stand on the Side
of the Ship to prevent any conversation passing between the People that
carry it and the Crew; from which it is conjectured, that Things are
worse at Boston than Government are willing the Publick should be
acquainted with. The Men in the Yard are ordered to work double
Tides, to get some Ships ready for Sea as soon as possible. It is said that
they are to relieve the Guardships, which are to come into Dock to be
cleared and victualled for a long Voyage. By all the Appearances here,
we are at the Eve of a War."

Last Night, about nine o'Clock, Lord North was robbed of his Watch
and Money at the End of Gunnersbury Lane. The Highwayman fired
at the Postboy, and the Ball grazed on his Belly.
October 6. At the final Close of the Poll this Day, for Lord Mayor, the
Numbers were as follows: For Alderman Wilkes 1957, for the Lord
Mayor 1923, for Sir James Esdaile 1474, for Alderman Kennet 1410.
After the Poll was closed the Sheriffs adjourned the Common Hall to
Saturday next, when the Numbers will be declared, and the Return
made to the Court of Aldermen, who will immediately proceed to the
Choice of one of the two to be Lord Mayor.

Kings Arms Tavern, Cornbill, October 5. At a very numerous and
respectable Meeting of the Livery of London, in the Interest of Mr.
Alderman Oliver, it was unanimously resolved that the most grateful
Thanks of this Meeting be given to Richard Oliver, Esq; Alderman,
and one of the Representatives in the last Parliament for the City of
London, for his uncorrupt and disinterested Conduct, &c. &c. That
Mr. Alderman Oliver be nominated and supported by this Meeting, as a
proper Candidate to represent the City of London in the ensuing Parlia-
ment. That a Committee of thirty Gentlemen be appointed to wait on
Mr. Oliver's Friends in the different Parts of this great City and solicit
their Support, and that the said Committee be an open Committee.
That the Committee do appoint their Place of Meeting, and defray their
own Expenses. That no Paragraph whatever, either Offence to others,
or Defence of Mr. Oliver, be published in any of the publick Papers by
Mr. Oliver's Committee; it being the well known Opinion of that Gen-
tleman, that it is equally base to impose upon the People as to corrupt
them, and his determined Resolution to leave his past Conduct and
Character to speak for themselves.

The Election for the City of London comes on next Saturday, at

The Westminster Election is fixed for Tuesday, the 11th Infant.

It is said that Colonel Luttrell will again put up for Middlesex.

Yesterdayday Lord North set out for Banbury in Oxfordshire, to offer
himself again a Candidate to represent that Borough in Parliament; and
it as expected that his Lordship will be re-elected, without Opposition.

If any Thing could show the Want of Principle, or the Want of
Shame, so peculiar to our Patriots, in a Light additionally striking, it
would be the incessant Charges of Venality which are brought against a
Government that has actually laid the Axe to the Root of Corruption.
The Perpetuity of Mr. Grenville's Bill has rendered more essential Benefit
to Freedom than any one Measure, of any one Reign, since our first
Existence as a People; yet the Parliament that adopted this Measure is
pronounced, by our popular Incendiaries, the most injurious to Liberty
that ever blackened upon our Annals: and even the late unexpected Dis-
solution, which has rendered Bribery almost impossible, is mentioned as
a new Attack upon the national independence. It is true none but very
wicked Men can propagate Calumnies so gross, and none hut very foolish
Ones believe them. However, when we consider the daily Instances of
Depravity and Weakness which mark the Characters of modern Refor-
mers, we are neither to be surprised at the Circulation, nor at the Belief,
of the strangest Contradictions.

A Letter from Warsaw, dated September 17th, says: " Ever since
the Conclusion of the Peace between Russia and the Porte, a remarkable
Coldness has been observed between the Courts of Vienna and Petersburg.
which is said to be occasioned by a Declaration which the Russian Am-
bassadour has made to the Court of Vienna; wherein he declares, that if
a War should break out between Great Britain and Spain, or France, her
Imperial Majesty is fully determined to assist Great Britain, her natural
Ally, and all those in Alliance with that Kingdom, and to act with the
utmost Vigour against any Kingdom, or their Adherents, that shall at-
tack her. This Declaration was received with an uncommon Frown at
the Court of Vienna."

An English Merchant at Lisbon writes thus to his Correspondent in
London: This Court and that of Spain seem as if they could not tell
whether to quarrel or to keep the Peace. We have no more Favour
Shown us than formerly, and I am inclined to think these Powers are no
farther in earnest than to try how your Court would act upon the Occa-

By Letters from Paris, they advise, that Cervioni and his Adherents
have at last declared, that however disagreeable any foreign Yoke may
prove to them, yet, for the sake of restoring Peace to their unhappy Coun-
try, they are willing to come in and make their Submission as soon as
Corsica is ceded to the King of Sardinia, or reduced under the Govern-
ment of any Power except France or Genoa. The Deputies who deli-
vered this Declaration, and to whom the Count de Marbœuf had allowed
a Passport, were then assured by that Nobleman, upon his Honour, that
the King of Sardinia would take Possession of the Country before the End
of November. At the same Time the Malcontents were solicited to lay
down their Arms, and accept a Pardon. This they did not choose to
comply with, but a Cessation of Hostilities was agreed upon on both
Sides; nevertheless, Cervioni and his Party continue still strongly fortified
in the Passes among the Mountains.

By Advices from different Cities and Boroughs, very pleasant Accounts
are received of the industry used on both Sides to prevent Bribery and
Corruption. Bread, Meat, Wine, and Beer, are watched on both sides
as contraband Goods; the Agents employed by each Candidate are as
keen as Customhouse Officers, and every Man that eats or drinks seems
to sculk like a Smuggler.

There was a Mistake in the Account of Captain
JOHN MORTIMER's Death, inserted in this Gazette
a few Weeks ago. That Gentleman died the 4th of
November, instead of the 14th.


GLOUCESTER, December 1, 1774.
of Land adjoining, will be rented to the highest Bidder, on Thurs-
the 15th Instant (December) on the Premises. Possession will be
delivered the 1st of January (I) THOMAS WHITING.

To be SOLD on Friday the 13th of January, if fair,
otherwise next fair Day, at a Plantation near
tersburg, lately the Property of Doctor John Ravens-
croft, to the highest Bidders,

ABOUT twenty very likely NEGROES, chiefly Virginia born, con-
sisting of Men, Women, Boys, and Girls; several Horses and
Cattle, a Yoke of Oxen and Cart, all the Utensils of Husbandry belong-
ing to the said Plantation, and a considerable Quantity of Fodder.____
Twelve Months Credit will be allowed for all Sums above 51. the Pur-
chasers giving Bond with approved Security; and if the Bonds are not
punctually discharged, to carry Interest from the Date.
Attorney for George McMurdo, and John Ravenscroft.

TAKEN up, in Caroline, a BAY HORSE, about four Feet seven
Inches high, twelve Years old, and branded on the near Buttock
M. Posted, and appraised to 10l,

Page 3</h5
Column 1

Just Published {Price 2s. 6d.) and to be sold by Dixon & HUNTER,
and ALEXANDER Purdie, at their respective Printing Offices,

ON Tuesday the 10th of January one Hun-
dred and fifty choice Virginia born SLAVES will be offered for
Sale at Gloucester Courthouse, on eighteen Months Credit; and on Friday
the 13th, at the Dwelling-House of the late Honourable John Page, all
the valuable HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, together
with the Stocks of CATTLE, SHEEP, HOGS, and HORSES, on his
Estate in Gloucester County. Bond, with sufficient Security, will be re-
quired for all Sums above 51, by the Executors.

To be RENTED, and delivered on New Year's Day,
A GOOD Dwelling-House, Storehouse, and Granary, suitable for a
Merchant, and has been applied to that Use for several Years past.
It lies on Pamunkey River, and is known by the Name of Cumberland.
For Terms apply to Mr. Richmond Allen, or the Subscriber.

To be S O L D,
THE Purchase I lately made of Warner Washington, Esq; consisting
of an exceeding good Brick House with five Windows in Front, a
very good Kitchen and Laundry, Coach House and Stables (the latter
entirely new) Negro Quarters, &c. together with 2000 Acres of Land,
more or less, whereof about 500 Acres adjoin to the House, and the rest
in two Tracts, contiguous to each other, lies at but a little Distance; on
one Part of which are two new Corn Houses, and sufficient Quarters for
Negroes, the other Part let out to three under Tenants.---Also an ex-
ceeding well watered Mill now in Hand, which (before the Addition of a
new Sluice) was let at 100 Barrels of Corn a Year.----Likewise all the
Stock of Horned Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, and Horses, belonging to the
Farm, English and Country made Ploughs, Carts, Waggon, Axes, and
all other implements of Husbandry, together with all or any part of the
Corn, Wheat, Fodder, and the rest of the Stock in Hand and in the
Ground.---Also the Stock of Negroes, consisting of eleven Men, three
Women, and eight Children, will be all sold together with the Land, or
separately, as the Purchaser may choose.---All, or any Part of the House-
hold and Kitchen Furniture (Plate and Pictures excepted) Linen, China,
Books, &c. with the Stock of Liquors in the Cellar, will be disposed of.
Likewise an exceeding good Coach and Phaeton almost new, a one Horse
Chair, and the Coach and Saddle Horses, with two very fine Brood Mares,
one if not both with Foal, and three fine Colts just fit for Use.---A suffi-
cient Discount will be made for ready Money, which will be expected for
most of the Articles, and for the House and Land also a proportionable
Abatement; but Credit will be allowed the Purchaser if desired, upon
giving approved Bond and Security to the Subscriber; who intends to
quit the Colony in a few Months, or sooner, if he possibly can settle his
Affairs therein. JONATHAN WATSON.

*** The Plantation being situated on Pianketank River, its Landing
is very convenient to Fish and Oysters. It has also been long remarkable
for its fine Peach Orchards.

To be SOLD at the late Dwelling-House of Thomas
Phillips, deceased, in the lower End of York County,
Thursday the 22d Instant (December)

ALL the Household and Kitchen Furniture, forty Head of Cattle,
among them two Yoke of Oxen, twenty Head of Sheep, Hogs,
&c. Corn, Pease, Fodder, Plantation Utensils, &c. Six Months Credit
will be allowed for all Sums above 10s. on giving Bond with approved
Security to the Administrator. THOMAS PHILLIPS.

To be SOLD at Blandford, to the highest Bidders, on
Tuesday the 17th of January, if fair, otherwise
22ext fair Day,

FIFTEEN or twenty valuable Virginia born NEGROES, consisting
of Men, Women, Boys, and Girls. Credit will be allowed for
one Half till the 25th of April 1775, and for the other till the 25th of
April 1776, the Purchasers giving Bond, with approved Security, to

To be SOLD at Dinwiddie Court, on Monday the
19th Instant

A TRACT of LAND containing 193 Acres, sufficient cleared to
work five Hands, with a Peach and Apple Orchard; there is a
Dwelling-House 16 Feet square with an outside Chimney, a new Barn
32 by 20 Feet, and 13 Feet Pitch. The Land lies on Butterwood Creek,
joining the Globe Land. Credit will be allowed until he 25th of April,
on giving Bond with satisfactory Security to Mr. John Baird.

To be SOLD on Monday the 2d of January, to the
highest Bidders, at the
Indian Fields, in Charles
City County, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,

TEN likely Virginia born SLAVES, several of which are good House
Servants, Stocks of Cattle, Horses, Hogs, and Sheep, belonging
to the Estate of Captain Littleberry Hardyman, deceased. Twelve Months
Credit will be allowed, the Purchasers giving Bond with approved Secu-
rity, to carry Interest from the Date, if not punctually paid.

RUN away last Night from Dorsey's Forge, three Servant Men, viz.
WILLIAM GEORGE, born in England, about 34 Years of Age,
five Feet seven Inches high, has a down Look, light coloured short Hair,
Pock marked, round shouldered, has had his left Wrist broke, which
occasions it to be much larger than his right, and is a Carpenter and
Joiner by Trade; had on, and took with him, one Check Shirt, one Os-
nabrug Do. old Leather Breeches, light blue Jacket without Sleeves,
small round Hat, bound with black Worsted Binding, and has a small
piece of Crape tied round the Crown, a pair of ribbed Worsted Stock-
ings, and a pair of Pumps with Steel Buckles. Had on an Iron Collar.
_______SOLOMON BURNHAM, born in Yorkshire, and speaks in that
Dialect, professes himself to be a complete Farmer, about 26 Years of
Age, five Feet ten Inches high, swarthy Complexion, a down Look,
and short black curled Hair; had on, and took with him, an Osnabrug
Shirt, blue gray Jacket without Sleeves, Leather Breeches, a coarse Hat
about Half worn, a Pair of Yarn Stockings, and a pair of Shoes and
Buckles. Had on an Iron Collar._____SAMUEL CHAPMAN, an
Englishman, 28 Years of Age, five Feet seven Inches high, a lusty well
made Fellow, a little round shouldered, is of a swarthy Complexion, has
a large boney Face, thick Lips, and a very full Set of Teeth; had on,
and took with him, a Cloth Jacket, an Osnabrug Shirt, a Check Do.
Osnabrug Trousers, two Pair of Stockings, new Shoes with Buckles, and
a new Felt Hat-----Whoever takes up the said Servants, and brings them
to the Subscribers, shall have if twenty Miles from home 30s. if thirty
Miles 40s. and if sixty Miles 51. for each, including what the Law al-
lows, and reasonable Charges. SAMUEL DORSEY, Jun.
MARYLAND, September 25, 1774.

RUN away from the Subscriber, a Negro
Fellow named WILL, upwards of five Feet high, of a yellowish
Complexion, can read Print, and very possibly will endeavour to pass for
a free Man. All Persons are forewarned from carrying him out of the
Colony. I will give 40s. Reward, besides what the Law allows, if he is
delivered to me in Surry County, or to Mr. Thomas Skinner in Williams-
, who will pay the Reward.

STOLEN out of my Stable in Williamsburg,
in the Night of Saturday the 4th Instant (December) a DARK BAY
HORSE fifteen Hands high, with a hanging Mane and Switch Tail, one
of his hind Feet white, shod before, and trots and gallops. Whoever
brings the said Horse to me shall have 10s, Reward, or 51. on Conviction
of the Thief. JOHN DRAPER.

Column 2

To be SOLD pursuant to the last Will and Testament
Thomas Simmons, deceased, to the highest Bid-
ders, at the late Dwelling-House of the said
mons, in Brunswick County, on Thursday the 5th
January, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,

A TRACT OF LAND known by the Name of the Smokey Ordinary,
conveniently situated for a Merchant and Ordinary, containing
between 4 and 500 Acres. Thereon are built a good Dwelling-House,
commodious Storehouse, Compting Room, large Lumber House, two
Stables, a Kitchen, and Dairy; the Buildings are almost new, and the
Workmanship well executed. Sixty Acres of the Land are cleared, and
under a good Fence. Credit will be allowed the Purchase for one Half
the Purchase Money until the 1st of January 1776, and for the Residue
until the 25th of October following.____At the same Time and Place
will be sold about thirty valuable SLAVES, together with a large Quan-
tity of Corn and Fodder, four Steers, and the Utensils of Husbandry be-
longing to the said Plantation. The Purchasers to the Amount of 25s.
and upwards, to be allowed twelve Months Credit. Bond and approved
Security will be expected. (4∥) The EXECUTORS.

WILLIAMSBURG, Dec. 1, 1774.
AS the Partnership of Purdie & Dixon will
expire the 18th Instant, we think it necessary to inform the Pub-
lick that THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE will be printed by us from the
first of next Month, upon good Paper and new Type, assuring them no
Pains or Expense shall be wanting to make the Gazette as useful and en-
tertaining as ever, and that our Press shall be as free as any in America.
Our constant Study will be to give Satisfaction to all Customers for any
Thing in our Business, and Orders from the Country shall be punctu-
ally complied with, either for BOOKS, STATIONARY, or PRINT-
ING WORK.____We beg Leave to send our Papers regularly to the old
Subscribers: If any Gentlemen choose to discontinue their Subscriptions
at the End of the Year, we request the Favour of them to let us know by
that Time. We are
The Publick's obedient Servants,

We have now in the Press, and soon will be published,
Virginia Almanack
For the Year of our LORD God 1775,

FREDERICKSBURG, November 23, 1774.
THE Subscriber has just received by the
last Ships from London and Liverpool, a general Assortment of
Goods, which he will dispose of at his Store in this Place, upon the most
reasonable Terms, for ready Money, Tobacco, Wheat, Flower, Corn,
&c.-----As he intends to leave the Colony as soon as possible after the
ensuing April General Court, he, in the mean Time, earnestly requests
all those indebted to him to be as speedy as possible in their Payments.
Those who cannot immediately pay he hopes will, by no Means, have
any Objection to giving their Bond, in order that he may be enabled
properly to settle his Affairs before his Departure.
*** He has GARDEN SEEDS for Sale.

A TRACT of LAND in Gloucester County, on Pianketank River, ad-
joining the Land of Jonathan Watson, Esq; containing about 350
Acres. There is a good Plantation on it, and a fine Marsh adjoining
thereto. For Terms apply to JOHN SMITH.
MIDDLESEX, November 24, 1774.

WARWICK County, December 1, 1774.
ALL Persons that were indebted to Young
deceased, are requested to make immediate Payment;
those who purchased at his Sales and have not given their Bonds are de-
sired to do it; and all Persons that have any Demands against the said
Estate are desired to make them known to the Executor of Young More-
's Executrix. (∥)SAMUEL THOMAS.

MY DWELLING-HOUSE, &c. in York Town.
Five Years Credit will be allowed, the Pur-
chaser giving Bond (with approved Security) bearing
Interest from the Time the Bargain is concluded upon.
For Terms apply to me, in this City.
YORK Town, November 29, 1774.

RICHMOND Town, November 28, 1774.
THE Subscribers take this Opportunity to
inform their customers that they determine for the future to
work for ready Cash only, or such Articles as will answer the same Pur-
pose for carrying on the Cabinet Making Business.

Just imported from London, in the Westover, Captain
Stevenson, a choice Assortment of Medicines, viz.
TURLINGTON's Balsam of Life, Stoughton's Elixir, Bateman's
Drops, Pectoral Balsam of Honey, Elixir Bardana, Daffy's Elixir,
James's Fever Powders, Castor Oil, fine Sallad Oil, Anderson's Pills,
Spirit of Turpentine, &c._____Likewise West India Rum, Muscovado
Sugar, Loaf Sugar, Molosses, Coffee, Pimenta, Ginger, English and
Virginia Leather, Madeira Wine, &c. &c, which are to be sold on very
reasonable Terms, for ready Money. ROBERT BROWN.

To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, at Surry Court-
house, on
Tuesday the 27th of December, being
Court Day

THE well known RUNNING MARE belonging to the Estate of
Mr. Matthias Marriott, deceased, now with Foal by the noted
Horse Irishman. Six Months Credit will be allowed the Purchaser, on
giving Bond and approved Security to the Executors. Who desire all
Persons that have any Demands (of what Nature sorever ) against the
Estate of the said Deceased, to make them known; and those indebted
thereto are requested to settle and discharge the same immediately, either
by Bond or Payment.
JOHN WATKINS, Executors.

To be RENTED for a Year, or Term of Years,
houses, and Garden, conveniently situated in the County aforesaid.
For Terms apply to ELIZABETH MARRIOTT.

WHEREAS the Practice of Hunting on
my River Plantation in the County of Isle of Wight, on Lawns
Creek Neck, lays the said Land under many Inconveniences; I hereby
forewarn all and every person whatsoever from hunting, hawking,
fowling, or carting, on the said Plantation, as they shall answer the
same at their Peril. ROBERT TYNES.

To be SOLD for ready Money, on Saturday the 10th
Instant (December)

RIALS, of George Wilson, deceased. All Persons indebted to the
said Wilson are desired to make speedy Payment, and those that have
any Claims to give them in before the Sale to
GEORGE REID, Administrator.

Column 3

To be SOLD at Bremo, on Monday the 19th of De-
cember, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,

ALL the Household and Kitchen Furniture, six or eight valuable
Work Horses, with the Stocks of Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, be-
longing to the Estate of Colonel Bowler Cocke, deceased. Also the present
Crop of Corn and Fodder, made on the Plantation at Bremo. Credit will
be allowed for all Sums above 40s . till the 25th of October next, the
Purchasers giving Bond and approved Security.
GEORGE WEBB, Executor.

To be SOLD on Friday the 16th of December, if
fair, otherwise next fair Day, agreeable to the last
Will and Testament of
Jacob Valentine, deceased,

A TRACT of LAND in Henrico County, within four Miles of Ricb-
, and on the main road leading from Williamsburg to that
Town. It contains by a late Survey 383 Acres, has a great Quantity of
fine Timber on it, is very good for Corn and Wheat, about 8o Acres of
the Land cleared, has a pretty good Orchard on it, and lies in good Order
for Cropping. The Crop of Corn, Fodder, and Plantation Utensils, will
be sold at the same Time and Place. The Widow has her Dower in the
Land, but has agreed to acknowledge it to any one that may become a
Purchaser.----On Monday the 19th will be sold, if fair, otherwise next fair
Day, at the late Dwelling-House of the said Deceased, in King William
County, fourteen likely NEGROES, consisting of Men, Women, and
Children, and mostly Virginia born, all the Household and Kitchen Fur-
niture, some Stock, the Crop of Corn, Fodder, Plantation Utensils, and
a Riding Chair. Eighteen Months Credit will be allowed the Purchasers,
for all Sums above 25s. on giving Bond and approved Security; the
Bonds to carry Interest from the Date, if not punctually paid.

*** All those who have any Demands against the Estate are requested
to bring in their Accounts, properly attested; and those indebted to the
Estate are desired to make speedy Payment.

OSBORNE's, November 18, 1774.
RUN away from the Subscriber, a Virgi-
born Negro Fellow named WALTON, 23 Years of Age, of
a light Complexion, middle Size, has a pleasing Countenance, his Skin
very smooth, one of his upper fore Teeth is decaying, which it is likely
he will pull out, and his Hair on the fore Part of his Head is cut short;
he carried with him four Shirts, two of them new Sheeting, two Suits
of Clothes, one Russia Drilling, the other dark brown Dussil, trimmed
with gilt Buttons, &c. He had a Surtout Coat, Velvet Cap, Hat,
and every Thing else suitable for a Waitingman. As he is a very artful
and likely Fellow, he may endeavour to pass for a free Man, and I am
doubtful has got a Pass from a Negro of mine who can write a good Hand.
This Fellow has waited on me for three Years past, and always rode
with me, so that he has a general Acquaintance; but as he was raised in
Nansemond, near the old Town, it is probable he is gone there, as his
Friends live in that Neighbourhood. Whichever takes up the said Run-
away, and brings him home, shall have 31. Reward, or 30s, if commit-
ted to Jail. All Persons are forbid harbouring or carrying the said Slave
out of the Colony. PETERFIELD TRENT.

*** As the said Fellow ran away without receiving any Abuse, the
Taker up is desired to give him ten Lashes every ten Miles.

RUN away from the Subscriber's Plantation
in Manakin Town, the last of July or first of August last, a black
Negro Man named TOM, formerly the Property of Major Henry Gaines
of King William, but since the said Gaines's Death has been sold several
Times, and is now my Property. He was bred by Major Gaines to
keeping Horses and riding Races, but is now a good Sawyer. He is
not tall, knock-kneed, full Eyes, and I believe a Speck in one of
them, caused by a Chip as he was cutting with an Axe. He values him-
self for his fine Dancing, is subject to Liquor, and fond of talking about
Religion. If he is taken in the Colony, and brought to me, near the old
Courthouse, in Albemarle County, or my Overseer, James Scott, at Mana-
Town, I will give 31. and if out of the Colony 10l.

STRAYED from the Subscriber, on Hatch
's Run, in Dinwiddie County, the first of July last, four MILCH
COWS, two black and two red, branded on the Horn with a Rose.
One of them had on, when they went off, a small Bell tied with a piece
of small Rope double. Whoever secures the said Cows, so that I may get
them again, shall have 20s. Reward, upon giving Notice to Thomas Audas,
on Hatcber's Run, or William Stenback, in Petersburg.(2∥)

TAKEN up, in Charlotte, a Bay Mare four Feet five Inches,
has had a Fistula, some Saddle Spots on her Back, a small Under-
keel in her right Ear, and on a Bell, and has some Appearance of Band
on her near Buttock, but so dull as not to be made out. Posted, and
appraised to 31. (∥) CHARLES HUNT

TAKEN up, in Bedford, a Gray Horse about twelve years old, four
Feet five Inches high, and branded on the near Cheek, Shoulder,
and Buttock, 9. Posted, and appraised to 61.

TAKEN up, in Chesterfield, a Sorrel Horse eight or nine Years old,
four Feet five Inches high, a Star in his Forehead, [illegible] on his
Nose, Switch Tail, some Saddle Spots on his Back, but no Brand per-
ceivable. Posted, and appraised to 101.

To be SOLD, on Monday the 2d of January next,
before the
RALEIGH TAVERN, to the highest Bid-
ders, at three o'Clock in the Afternoon,

TEN valuable Virginia born SLAVES, one of them an exceeding
good Cook; also a HOUSE and LOT on the back Street, with
sundry Outhouses, and a good Well; being the Estate of Thomas Penman,
deceased, and sold by Virtue of a Power of Attorney from bis Heirs in
Great Britain, by ROBERT NICOLSON.

N. B. Credit will be allowed till the 10th Day of October next, the
Purchasers giving Bond and approved Security. (6)

WHEREAS I gave my Bond, dated in
October 1772, and payable the 25th of December 1774, to John
Bowden, Thomas Adams
, and his Wife, of Cumberland County, for 62l.
in Consideration of a Tract of Land in Henrico County; and whereas
I have paid Part of the Bond, and am threatened to be sued for the Land,
in Consequence of an Agreement they made with Captain Julius Allen of
Henrico, notwithstanding I believe that Allen hath no Right to the Land, yet
I may be put to the Trouble and Expense of a Lawsuit: I therefore give
this Notice to the Publick to caution them from taking an Assignment of
the said Bond, as I do not intend to pay it until I am farther satisfied I
shall not suffer. (∥) JOSEPH GATHRIGHT.

To be SOLD for ready Money, on the Premises, on
16th Day of December, if fair, otherwise next
fair Day,

A VERY valuable Tract of Land in Fairfax, being one Half of a
Patent for 500 Acres, which adjoins the Dwelling Plantation of
Col. John West, in the said County, and contains better than 250 Acres,
a great proportion of which is low Grounds; the chief Part thereof is
cleared, and now under a Crop of Wheat well enclosed. None of the
high Land is cleared. The Convenience of this Land, from its Situation,
is very considerable, the low Grounds being formed by Potowmack River,
and a small Creek issuing out of the same, and its Distance from the
Town of Alexandria being only about two Miles by Water, and four by
Land. A Deed to the Purchasers for the said Land will be made by the
Executors of Newton Keene, deceased, who has ordered the same by his
Will to be sold, and by William Keene, the Heir at Law of the said New-
. The Purchaser must pay for the Wheat sowed on the said Land
and the Expense of putting the same in the Ground, and may have Pos-
session the 1st of January next. The twenty NEGROES belonging
to the Estate of the said Newton Keene, lately advertised to be sold the
10th of January next, will not be then sold.
DAVID BOYD, Executors.

Page 4
Column 1


Η Α Ρ Ρ Ι Ν Ε S S.
Be gone! ye Vulgar and Profane,
Urania begins the Strain,
With Energy divine;
In Numbers yet unheard she'll sing,
To Souls immaculate will bring
Improvement to the Mind.
The Earth-born Monarchs, proud and great,
On whom a Thousand Slaves await,
Obedient to their Nod;
From one superlatively high,
Derive their Wealth, Parade, and Joy,
From Jove, the Sovereign God.
There are whom rural Labour love,
And take Delight to rear the Grove,
With utmost Cost and Care;
Yet both the Low-born and the Great
Must equally submit to Fate,
Her Laws impartial share.
With studious Ardour, Statesmen long
For Adulation from the Throng,
Whose Voice ne'er Merit knew;
But, dazzled with the Tinsel Lace,
The Pageant fix in Merit's Place,
And rest their Praise on Shew.
The daintiest Dishes yield no Joy
To him whore Mind the Vices cloy
With uncontested Sway;
Him gentle Sleep will e'er disdain,
But round the Cot, and weary Plain,
With balmy Wings will play.
Whoe'er by Nature's Dictates steers,
The stormy Ocean never fears,
Nor Acherus malign;
Whether his Vines are smote with Hail,
Or his expected Harvest sail,
With Peace he can resign.
Nor so th' imperious Lord, who lays
His rocky Basis in the Seas,
Where lofty Domes arise;
Where the rich Columns vaunt in Air,
Corroding Thoughts and black Despair
Polluted Minds surprise.
Since neither Riches Comfort yield,
Nor Purple State with Anguish steel'd
Afford Felicity,
Our Lives we'll square by Reason's Sway,
And scorn from Nature's Rules to stray,
That happy we may be.

THE DISTILLERY at Alexandria in Vir-
, with other Improvements, to be LET for a Term of
Years. Inquire of Mr. William Holt at Williamsburg, William Davies,
Esq; at Norfolk, Mr. George Gilpin, or Mess. Harper & Hartsborne, at
Alexandria, Mr. John Cornthwait, at Baltimore, or of Daniel Roberdeau,
Esq; at Philadelphia. The Distillery and Improvements consist of a
Distillery built of Stone, 71 Feet by 39; a Stone Store 50 by 50, with
Granaries, in two Stories above the Ground Floor, and a Sail or
Rigging Loft above, the whole Length of the Building; a Molosses Store,
framed, that will contain 140 Hogsheads; and a framed Cooper's Shop
16 by 23, with a suitable Chimney. The Distillery is furnished with two
new Stills about the same Size, that will hold to work 2500 Gallons ;
and the Working Cisterns, twenty in Number, will contain the same
Quantity each. It is also furnished with a third Still, that contains to
work 600 Gallons, for Low Wines. Each of these Stills have suitable
Worms and Worm Tubs. There is also a suitable Low Wine Cistern, and
five very ample Return Cisterns outside of the House, and under Cover.
The Whole, and every part of the Improvements, are entirely new,
executed by Workmen from Philadelphia, and the Distillery under the
immediate Eye and Direction of a Gentleman of eminent Capacity in
Distillation. The Works are supplied with good cool Water from an
ample Spring, by two Pumps with Brass Chambers 6 Inches Diameter:
and the Cisterns are charged with two other Pumps, with Chambers of
Block Tin of 5 Inches Diameter, through Suction Pipes of yellow Poplar.
All these Pumps are worked by a Horse, in an adjoining Mill House of
large Diameter, well constructed. There is also a Woodyard, boarded
seven Feet, that will contain much more than necessary for the Distillery,
in which the Wood may be thrown from the Water. The Whole of
these Improvements are situated in Alexandria, below the Bank; the
Distillery on fast Ground, and the Cisterns fixed above the highest Tide
Waters; the Stores and Yard on a Wharf which, with the publick Wharf
adjoining, of 66 Feet, makes an Extent of more than 200 Feet in Width,
156 Feet of which run 300 Feet into Potowmack.

As it does not suit the owner of these Improvements to remove his
Residence from Philadelphia, he will let them at a moderate Rent, with
a Contract for 300 Cords of Ash Wood yearly, for five Years, cut into
four Feet Lengths, and delivered on the Maryland Shore, directly oppo-
site to the Distillery, and so near the Water as to render any Carriage
unnecessary, by the Heirs of Thomas Addison, Esq; deceased, at the Rate
of a Dollar per Cord.

Any person inclining to lease the Premises, may be furnished, on a
speedy Application, with about 160 Hogsheads of good well chosen
Molosses, with Indulgence for Payment. Inquire as above. (tf)

NEWCASTLE, November 17, 1774.
THE Partnership between David Cochran
and Robert Ferguson being this Day dissolved, the LOTS and
HOUSES in this Town, belonging to the said Partnership, are to be dis-
posed off either by private or publick Sale, as may best suit the Purchasers.
There will be sold, on the 26th of December, four Negroes, three of which
are Watermen, one 36 Hhd. Flat, four Horses, several Hogsheads of
Rum and Molosses, several Barrels of Coffee, and sundry other Things
too tedious to mention. Six Months Credit will be allowed, on Bond
with approved Security to the Subscriber. All Persons indebted to the
said Partnership are immediately requested to pay, or give Bonds for their
respective Balances to DAVID COCHRAN.

SEVERAL likely NEGROES, a Variety of
Household and Kitchen Furniture, among which is a small Quantity
of fashionable Plate, the Stocks of Cattle, Horses, Sheep, and Hogs,
the Crops of Corn, Fodder, &c. belonging to the Estate of Mr. Augus-
tine Smith
, late of Middlesex, deceased, will be sold, to the highest Bid-
ders, the first Monday in January next, at Shooter’s Hill, in Middlesex.
The Purchasers will have Credit allowed them for all Sums above 51,
until the 1st of May next, giving Bond with approved Security to
JOHN SMITH, Executor.

*** I should be obliged to all Persons who have Demands against
the Estate to send in their Accounts. JOHN SMITH.

To be RENTED for a Year, or Term of Years,
THE ORDINARY commonly called Rhodes’s, where Captain John
now lives, about twelves Miles (on the main Road) from
Williamsburg to Cowles's Ferry, Holt's Forge, and Doncastle's Ordinary.
The Situation of this place exceeds most, provided it was well kept.
To such a Person I would let it go at a low Rent, and make all neces-
sary Repairs for the Reception of the best of Company. There are 75
Acres of Land belonging to it, mostly cleared, which produces good
Indian Corn, and other Grain. I have a Plantation within Half a Mile
of it, which I would suffer Fire Wood to be taken from, to supply the
Ordinary. It may be entered upon at Christmas next, and for Terms
apply to me in Williamsburg. JOHN LEWIS.

Column 2

To be SOLD on Tuesday the 20th Instant (Decem-
ber) on the Premises,

THE Tract of Land whereon David Minitree, deceased, lately lived,
containing 163 Acres, within five Miles of Williamsburg, adjoining
Greenspring and Powhatan Swamp, chiefly Wood Land, and some excel-
lent Swamp already drained, and now fit for a Meadow. The Terms
will be made known on the Day of Sale.

WHEREAS I gave my Note of Hand to
Joyce Price of Orange for 241. Current Money, payable the last
Day of June 1774, and since that Time I have fully paid the aforesaid
Sum, but have neglected to get the said Note of Hand, I therefore fore-
warn all Persons from taking an Assignment of the said Note.

To be SOLD at the late Plantation of John Kerby, de-
ceased, of
Charles Parish, on Monday the 19th of
December, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,

THE Remainder of his Household and Kitchen Furniture, Stock of
Cattle, among which are three Yoke of good Oxen, Horses, Plan-
tation Utensils, Carts, a large Quantity of Indian Corn, Wheat, &c.
with many other Articles. On the following Day will be sold, twelve or
fourteen likely Virginia born SLAVES, nine of which are Fellows,
and a likely Cooper and Weaver among them. Twelve Months
Credit will be allowed, giving Bond with good Security; and if the
Bonds are not paid in twenty Days after they become due, to carry In-
terest from their Date. All Persons who have any Demands against the
Estate are desired to make them known, whether by Bonds or open Ac-
counts; and if the Decedent is Security for any Person or Persons, the
Possessor of the Bonds are desired to make the same known to
(∥) THOMAS KERBY, Executor.

Five Pounds Reward.
RUN away last Night from the Subscriber, in Botetourt, an English
Servant Man named WILLIAM THOMSON, by Trade a Book-
binder, about 35 Years of Age, five Feet five or six Inches high, dark
Hair, gray Eyes, of a tawny Complexion, and pretty much marked
with the Smallpox; had on, when he went away, a new Wool Hat,
Virginia Cloth Coat of a Copperas Colour, a Waistcoat filled with red
and blue Yarn, Linen Breeches, blue Worsted Stockings, Shoes, and
two Pair of Shoe Buckles, one Silver, the other Brass, and he took with
him an old smooth Bore Gun. Whoever secures the said Servant in any
Jail, so that his Owner may get him again, shall have the above Reward,
besides what the Law allows. JAMES ALCORN.

*** If he is taken, write to Mr. Patrick Lockhart, Merchant in Botetourt.

RUN away from the Subscriber, two indented Servants, imported by
Capt. Joseph Street last September, one named ROBERT MILLS,
a Gardener, who is an Irishman, about 22 Years old, a likely fresh coloured
Man; had on, and took with him, a Snuff-coloured Cloth Coat and
Breeches, a red Jacket, two white Shirts, one Check one, Shoes and
Stockings, a Hat, and a Silk Handkerchief. The other a Yorkshireman,
named JAMES BELL, a Miner, about 40 Years old; took with him,
a dark blue Coat, a brown Jacket, Snuff-coloured Breeches, a Hat, Pair
of Shoes, Stockings, and several small Bells. Whoever takes up the said
Servants, or either of them, and brings them Home, shall have 31. for
each, besides what the Law allows.

STRAYED, or STOLEN, from the Sub-
scriber in York Town, eight Weeks ago, a young BAY MARE
about 13½ Hands high, and branded pretty high upon one of her But-
tocks with a Cross. Whoever brings me the said Mare shall have 20s.

STRAYED, or STOLEN, from the Sub-
scriber, at William & Mary College, on the 5th Instant (November)
a BAY HORSE and MARE, each of them near fourteen Hands high,
with hanging Manes and Tails. The Horse is somewhat chafed with
Harness across the Breast, a Star in his Forehead, shod before, and his
Hoofs much impaired by a Founder, which occasioned him to limp a
little in his Gait; and his Brand, if any, is not recollected. The Mare
is remarkably Pot-bellied, which is increased at present by being with
Foal, is sluggish in her Gaits, and bends much on her Pasterns. I am
not certain whether she has a Brand; if any, I believe it is RI. Whoever
brings them to me at the College, or gives me such Information that I
may procure them again, shall have 10s, for his Trouble.

For C H A R T E R,
THE Brigantine Abby, Jonas Herbert Master,
Burthen about 240 Hogsheads, or 8000 Bushels.
For Terms apply to (tf)
NORFOLK, November 5, 1774.

PRINCE GEORGE, November 10, 1774.
RUN away from the Subscriber, a Mulatto
Boy named SAM, about 16 or 17 Years old, of a very light Com-
plexion, and will endeavour to pass for a free Boy, has gray Eyes, brown
Hair, a smooth artful Tongue, is a great Villain, but a very good Barber.
In the Month of June last he was put in York Jail, on Suspicion of having
stolen some Money in Williamsburg. He made his Escape from thence and
got to Norfolk, where he was put in Jail and sent to me by Water.
The next Day (September 20th) he made his Escape from my Overseer,
and has not since been heard of. He was born in Frederick Town, Ma-
, has lived in Fredericksburg, Norfolk, and York Town, and is well
acquainted with most parts of Virginia. He was very meanly clad, hav-
ing been so long in Jail, but it is probable will procure Clothes. I will
give 40s. Reward to have him committed to any of his Majesty's Jails,
if taken in the Colony of Virginia, and if out of the Colony 5l. All
Captains of Ships, or Masters of Vessels, are hereby forewarned from car-
rying him out of the Country, or employing him.

I HAVE laid off several Lots, or Half Acres
of Land, contiguous to the Town of Alexandria, which are to be
leased in Fee on Ground Rent. Any Persons inclinable to rent the same
may make Application to Robert Hanson Harrison, Esq; Attorney at Law,
resident in the said Town, who will let them know the Terms, and
agree for me, he having a proper Power to act.

To be HIRED for the ensuing Year, at King William
Courthouse, on Thursday the 29th of December, if
fair, otherwise next fair Day

ABOUT FIFTY likely Virginia born SLAVES, consisting of Men,
A Women, Boys, and Girls, some of which are excellent House Ser-
vants, being part of the Trust Estate of Colonel Philip Johnson. Bond
and Security will be required, to carry Interest from the Date, if not
punctually paid. All Persons who hired the the above Slaves the last
Year are desired to have them there that Day, well clothed, together
with the Money for their Hire, if possible.
(7) JOHN WATKINS, for the Trustees.

THE Ship Londsdale, James Grayson Master, Burthen about 430
Hhds. British built, two Years old, a very good Vessel, well fitted
and found. For Terms apply to Richard Squire Taylor, in King William
County. (tf)

Column 3

Wanted immediately,
A JOURNEYMAN SHOEMAKER that understands the Business
well in all its Branches. Such a One, that can come well recom-
mended, for an honest, industrious, sober Man, will meet with Encou-
ragement to his Satisfaction, a good Seat of Work, and his Money
paid every Saturday Night if he chooses it. Inquire for the Subscriber,
near the upper Church, in Middlesex County.

NEW YORK, July 27, 1774.
WHEREAS, on the 19th of June last past, a certain JOSEPH
THORP was intrusted with a considerable Sum in Half
Johannesses, of nine Pennyweight, to be delivered by him at Quebec, and
as he has not yet made his Appearance there, with other suspicious Cir-
cumstances, it is apprehended he is gone off with the Money. He is a
Native of England, about six Feet high, swarthy Complexion, very dark
keen Eyes, and pitted with the Smallpox, of a slender Make, stoops as
he walks, talks rather slow, with some small Impediment in his Speech.
He lived some Time in Boston, from whence he removed to Quubec,
assuming the Character of a Merchant in both Places; he was also once
in Trade in Newcastle, Virginia, and has a Brother settled there. It is
believed he went on Board Captain John F. Pruym, for Albany, and took
with him a blue Casimir and a dark brown Cloth Suit of Clothes.
Whoever secures the said Joseph Thorp, in any of his Majesty's Jails on
this Continent, shall be entitled to ten per Cent, on the Sum recovered,
and the above Reward of 501. when convicted. Apply to Curson and
Seton of New York, Joseph Wbarton, Junior, of Philadelphia, Robert
of Baltimore, James Gibson and Co. Virginia, John Bondfield of
Quebec, Melatiab Bourne or John Rowe of Boston. It is requested of those
who may have seen this Joseph Thorp, since the 19th of June last past,
or know any Thing of the Route he has taken, that they convey the most
early Intelligence thereof to any of the above Persons, or Greentwood,
, and Marsh, in Norfolk, or to Robert Pleasants and Co. at Four
Creek, Henrico County; the Favour will be gratefully acknow-
ledged. All Masters of Vessels are forewarned from taking him off the
Continent. (tf)

WILLIAMSBURG, September 29, 1774.
COMMITTED to the Publick Jail, on the
3d Instant, a Negro Man named CHARLES, who told me he
belonged to Doctor Corbin Griffin of York, which I have repeatedly notified
to the Doctor; but no Application having been made from him for the
said Fellow, it is probable he has told me a Falsity. From his own Story,
he was lately the Property of Mr. James Pride, from whom Doctor
Griffin received him last February, and kept him in Possession till the July
following, at which Time he eloped. He is about 25 Years old, five
Feet nine Inches high, slim made, well dressed, and fit to act in the Ca-
pacity of a Waiting Man. His Owner is desired to take him away, and
pay Charges. (tf) PETER PELHAM.

A TRACT of LAND in York County, about four Miles from Willi-
amsburg, containing 250 Acres. It lies in about three Quarters of
a Mile of York River, and about the same Distance from the Oyster Rocks,
joins Colonel John Tabb's, and Colonel Landon Carter's Land, and has
as much Timber as will pay for it in one Year, by selling Wood to the
Inhabitants of Williamsburg. It is under a Mortgage to Mr. William
of York County, for about 1901. which Sum must be paid him
at the Acknowledgement; for the Remainder of the Money one or two
Years Credit will be given, as can be agreed on, and Possession may be
had at Christmas. For Terms apply to Captain William Gregory of
Charles City, or the Subscriber in the same County, about three Miles
from the Courthouse. (tf) AMBROSE JACKSON.

To be SOLD or RENTED (Preference will be given
to the first)

A PLANTATION on Allen's Creek in Mecklenburg, within a Mile
of Roanoke, consisting of about 120 Acres of Land, the Property
of Mess. Alexander Donald and Co, and whereon the Subscriber now lives.
The Land of itself is valuable, exclusive of the Improvements, which are
a good Dwelling-House, with other necessary Outhouses, and a large and
convenient Storehouse, 32 by 44 Feet. There are about 20 Acres of
the low Ground well set in Timothy and Clover, and notwithstanding
this dry Summer, 15 Acres of it have yielded above 30,000 Weight of
Hay, which, with about 300 Bushels of Oats in the Straw, some Indian
Corn, 40 Head of Cattle, 50 Head of Sheep, and some Hogs, will be
sold on reasonable Terms. The Purchaser may have Possession of the
Premises as soon as he pleases, and long Credit (if required) will be al-
lowed for the Land, on his giving Bond and Security. It is expected
the Store will be continued, and of course the Purchaser will have the
Benefit of the Board of the Storekeepers, and besides the Situation of the
Place (being on Taylor's Ferry Road) makes it well calculated for a

To be S O L D,
A TRACT OF LAND in Surry County, containing 450 Acres, known
by the Name of Cabin Point, on which are a new Set of Brick
Warehouses, which bring in about 70l. a Year, and a new Brick Mer-
chant Mill completely fitted with two Water Wheels on a never-failing
Stream, within 100 Feet of the Wharf. The Land is very good for Grain,
and has about 40 Acres that may be made fine Meadow. This is one of
the most improveable Estates in the Country. Half the Purchase Money
to be paid in twelve Months, the other Half may lie for seven Years, on
good Security being given, and punctual Payment of Interest. If the
Land is not sold by Christmas, it will be rented out.

TWO THOUSAND Acres of LAND, lying on the River Shenando,
in the County of Frederick, eight Miles above Ashby's Gap. One
Third of the Purchase Money to be paid on the Day of Sale, and an ex-
tensive Credit will be given for the Remainder. Mr. James Brown will
show the Land to any person inclinable to purchase, and I shall be on
the Premises the 15th of November next.
Isle of WIGHT, July 19, 1774.

F O R S A L E,
A TRACT of LAND in Amelia County, containing 500 Acres, about
four Miles below the Courthouse, it is remarkable fine Land for
Grain, and will bring good Tobacco. The Plantation is in good Order
for Cropping, sufficient to work six or eight Hands, with all necessary
Houses. Any Person inclinable to purchase may depend on having a
Bargain, and know the Terms by applying to

For SALE, ABOUT twelve Thousand Acres of exceeding rich TOBACCO
LAND, in Amherst County, whereon are several Plantations and
Improvements sufficient to work forty or fifty Hands. There is on the
said Land for Sale a very valuable GRIST MILL, lately built, with a
Stone Dam and a pair of good Cologne Millstones, which Mill has for two
Years past got upwards of 100 Barrels of Toll Corn, and is situated on a
never failing Stream, The Land will be shown by William Womack, who
lives at one of the the Plantations, and the Prices of the Land made
known by him. One or two Years Credit will be allowed, Interest being
paid for the second Year, and also for the first, if the Money is not paid
agreeable to Contract. The Land is to be laid off and surveyed by
Colonel William Cabell, at the Expense of the Purchaser. Deeds will be
made upon Bond and approved Security being given, either to Colonel
William Cabell, or the Subscriber. Six per Cent. Discount will be allowed
for ready Money, or good Merchants Notes. If any Person will choose
to exchange Lands in the lower Part of the Country, on or near some
navigable River, that are good, it is more than probable we should agree.

ALL Persons may be supplied with this PAPER at 12s. 6d. a Year, and have ADVERTISEMENTS (of a moderate Length) inserted in it for
3s. the first Week, and 2s, each Week after.---- *** All Sorts of PRINTING WORK done at this Office in the neatest Manner, with
Care and Expedition

Original Format

Ink on paper



Purdie and Dixon, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 1218, December 8, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 25, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/146.