Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 1178, Thursday May 5, 1774


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 1178, Thursday May 5, 1774



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Page 1

MAY 5, 1774. NUMBER 1178

with the freshest ADVICES, FOREIGN and DOMESTICK.

In Civitate Libera Linguam Mentemque Libera Esse Debere.———Suet in Tib. S. 28.

Printed by ALEX. PURDIE, and JOHN DIXON, at the POST OFFICE.

Column 1

TREASURY OFFICE, April 10, 1774.
THEseveral Inspectors and all other Per-
sons whatever, who are in Arrear to the
Treasury, are desired to discharge their respective
Balances in the Course of the present General
without Fail, as no Indulgences can be

RO. C. NICHOLAS, Treasurer.

HAGUE, January 28.
ALL the Letters from Poland agree that the Russi-
ans have repassed the Danube, and are gone into
Winter Quarters. They likewise add, that though
they did not succeed in their Attempts upon Silis-
tria and Varna, they have nevertheless, in some
Measure, gained their Ends, by destroying the Ma-
gazines belonging to the Turks, and laying waste a
Tract of Land of upwards of twenty Leagues, upon
the right Shore of the Danube, in Order to prevent being molested in
their Winter Quarters.

LONDON, January 25.
IT is computed that the Provinces of Massachusetts Bay, New York,
Philadelphia, Carolina, and Rhode Island, are able to bring 100,000
fighting Men into the Field.

The Era is now arrived when the Ministry may very truly be said to
have their "Hands filled for Great Britain."

A certain noble Lord has given his Opinion, in Council, that the
American Tea Act ought to be repealed, in order to prevent any farther
Disturbances in the Colonies.

Orders were on Saturday given from the Ordnance Board to prevent
the Exportation of Small Arms to America, or the West Indies, except
on Government Account; and the Commissioners at all the out Ports
are enjoined to see this Order complied with. [They may be had else-
where we suppose.]

The following shocking Affair happened at Munich, the Beginning of
this Month. Baron Waldeck was stabbed by his Valet de Chambre in
his Bed; the Murderer was instantly detected, but he begged Leave of
the Guard to go with him into his Room, as he wished to take along
with him some Papers of Consequence. This was granted, and the
Guards posted themselves at the Doors and Windows; but not minding
farther what the Prisoner was about, he took a well charged Pistol and
shot himself. It since appears, by some Notes found upon him, that he
was promised 3000 Florins for that heinous Action; and the Hand Writ-
ing appears to be that of his young Master, the only Son of the Baron,
about seventeen Years of Age, who was immediately secured, upon Sus-

January 28. Letters from Boston complain much of the Taste of their
Fish being altered. Four or five Hundred Chests of Tea may have so
contaminated the Water in the Harbour that the Fish may have con-
tracted a Disorder, not unlike the nervous Complaints of the human
Body. Should this Complaint extend itself as far as the Banks of New-
foundland, our Spanish and Portugal Fish Trade may be much affected
by it.

Council, last Week, oply voted two Regiments to America. His
Majesty has ordered five more from Ireland, The Bostonians are to be
chastised, and are to drink Tea, though ever so great an Emetick.

The Polly, Captain Ayres, is just arrived at Dover, returned from
North America with Tea. On her Arrival at Philadelphia, the Inhabi-
tants informed the Captain that they would not suffer him either to land
or enter his Cargo at the Customhouse.

It is said that the Tea thrown into the Sea at Boston is valued at
18.0001. at 1 s. 6d. a Pound. The Whole sent to America is said to
be worth about 300,000l. which is returning home, not being suffered to
be landed.

Extract of a Letter from an English Gentleman at Copenhagen, Dec. 14.
"By some of the English Newspapers which have lately fallen into my
Hands, I find that you in England think the King of Denmark is in a
State of Imbecillity. Be that as it will; however, if he is so, his Subjects
are happy, and his Actions every Day prove that his Mind is less tainted
than the Minds of any neighbouring Princes. He has lately struck out a
Number of Pensions which were burthensome to his People, and has
found a Scheme himself to lessen several heavy Taxes very much. Are
these Actions that denote a weak Mind? If they are, I should not be
sorry to hear that your King was in a State of Imbecillity; you would
perhaps then be happier than you are."

We are told that a Gentleman of the Turf (C. B. Esq.) laid a Wager
of 1000 Guineas, play or pay, that he finds a Person who shall sink a
Vessel of forty Tuns Burthen in 1oo Feet Water, with a Man in the
Vessel, who shall remain in her twelve Hours under Water; after which
Time he is to cause the Vessel to come above Water, with the Man in her
alive and well, and all Pipes of whatsoever Construction communicating
with the free Air are barred. The Bets are six to four it will be done,
to any Amount.

January 31. A short Time since, Dr. Benjamin Franklin, Agent to
the House of Assembly of New England, presented a Petition from the
House of Assembly to the King, assuring his Majesty that the People of
New England had no Confidence in their Governour; that they considered
him as an Enemy to the Province; that the Breach between them and
him was so open and avowed, and the Enmity between them so declared
and positive, the publick Business of the Province was thereby so essenti-
ally injured and impeded, that it was necessary, for the publick Service,
as well as their Happiness, to remove him; and concluded with a Re-
quest to remove him from that Government. The King gave no Answer
to the Petition, and it was imagined no Notice would be taken of it;
but upon reconsidering the Matter, it was thought most prudent to refer
it to the Privy Council. Administration were thus obliged to take it up;
a Sort of mock Trial was resolved upon, that the Truth of the Allegati-
ons might be affectedly inquired into, and upon which some Judgment
was to be formed and reported to the King. The Inquiry came on last
Saturday, before the Privy Council. Dr. Franklin attended according to
Order; and the Attorney and Solicitor General being, by Order of Ad-
ministration, Counsel for Governour Hutchinson, Dr. Franklin was al-
lowed Counsel likewise. He had Mr. Serjeant Glynn, and Mr. Dunning.
The Matter turned chiefly upon the extraordinary Letters (which have
been published) of the Governour and Lieutenant Governour to the late
Mr. Whateley. It was some Time doubted whether Copies of them
could be admitted as Evidence; but it being impossible to obtain the Ori-
ginals, they being before the House of Assembly, the Copies were at
length admitted. The Event of the Inquiry is not yet made publick.
The Fate of America, and in that of Great Britain, depends upon the
Advice, or rather Report, which the Privy Council shall make to the
King upon this occasion. The Situation of Affairs in America is become
more truly alarming than ever. The Union throughout that Continent,
to reject the Tea, while it is subject to a Duty to be paid there, shows
that the Ministers, or rather the Cabinet Juncto, in whom only the

Column 2

King thinks proper to confide, are as cordially despised in America as
they are detested in England.

On Saturday last the Privy Council met to hear the Arguments for and
against the Petition of the Assembly of Boston, praying that his Majesty
would be pleased to remove the Governour, &c. Serjeant Glynn, and
Mr. Dunning, were Counsel for the Petition, and urged very strongly
the Expedience and Necessity of granting the Prayer of it. Mr. Solicitor
General was employed on the other side, and instead of answering the
learned Arguments of his Brethren, or refuting the Allegations of the
Petition, contented himself with pronouncing a most severe Pbilippick
on the celebrated American Philosopher, in which he loaded him with all
the licensed Scurrility of the Bar, and decked his Harangue with the
choicest Flowers of Billingsgate. The Doctor seemed to receive the
Thunder of his Eloquence with philosophick Tranquillity, and sovereign
Contempt, whilst the approving Smiles of those at the Board clearly
showed that the coarsest Language can be grateful to the politest Ears.

The King of Prussia, in one of his Epistles, calls Dr. Franklin “ ce
nouveau Promethee.
" Our Correspondent says, that he could not help
wishing (while the Solicitor General was pouring forth his Tide of Scur-
rility) that the American Prometheus could have called Fire from Heaven
to blast the unmannered Railer.

The faithful Services of Dr. Benjamin Franklin to his American Con-
stituents have been most graciously requited, by the Ministers taking from
him the Office of Postmaster General of North America, which he held
jointly with John Foxcroft, Esq; who is to remain sole Postmaster
General of that Department; and a Bill in Chancery is ordered to be
commenced against the Doctor, to compel a Confession from whence he
derived the Letters to Mr. Whateley, that have occasioned the late
unhappy Distractions between Governour Hutchinson, the late Lieutenant
Governour Oliver, the Honourable the Council, and the House of
Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay.

The Place lately held by Dr. Franklin, of Postmaster General in
America, from which his Majesty was pleased to dismiss him on Saturday
last, is given to Hugh Finley, Esq; Surveyor of the Post there.

The Ships destined for America are ordered to be completely manned
and victualled, and out at Spithead by the 4th of March.

The Clerks in the Plantation Office are extremely busy at this Time in
regulating and adjusting the American Accounts, for the Inspection of

His Majesty having likewise given Orders for laying before the Lords
of the Council on Account of the Exports to America since the Conclu-
sion of the late Peace.

The following Notice has been sent by the Sheriffs of Middlesex to

In Obedience to a Letter from the Right Honourable Sir Fletcher
Norton, Knight, Speaker of the House of Commons, we hereby
summon you to attend your Service in Parliament on Tuesday the 15th
of February next. We have the Honour to be, Sir,
Your most obedient humble Servants,
JANUARY 28, 1774.
To which Mr. WILKES returned the following Answer the Day after.

I HAVE the Letter which you did me the Honour of writing to me
yesterday, in Pursuance of the Orders you rececived from the Right
Honourable Sir Fletcher Norton, Knight, Speaker of the House of
Commons, requiring you to summon all the Members in your Jurisdiction
to attend their Service in Parliament on Tuesday the 15th of February

Conscious of the clearest Right to a Seat in the great Council of the
Nation, given me by the free Choice of mv noble Friends the Freeholders
of Middlesex, I have always been ready to attend their Service in Parlia-
ment. On that Day I will certainly make my personal Appearance at
the House of Commons, and again demand, as one of the Represen-
tatives of this Country, to be sworn in and admitted to the Exercise of
those Powers long usurped by a Gentleman whose sole Title is founded
in a desperate Act of enormous Wickedness, perpetrated without Re-
morse by a most abandoned Majority, against the solemn Trust reposed in
them by the People.

Before the Period of their political Dissolution, which to the great
Joy of all good Men approaches very fast, I should be happy to find
that a true sense of their deep Guilt produced in these hitherto hardened
Sinners a due Compunction. They will then not only render Justice to
the Nation at large but provide an effectual Security against so trocious
and alarming a Precedent as that gross Violation of the Right of Election.
May the Wisdom and Justice of Parliament embrace the Opportunity
which you, Gentlemen, have afforded of reconsidering and amending
the former Proceedings, and establish a firm and solid Barrier for the
future against every Inroad of courtly or ministerial Despotism, both for
ourselves and our Posterity!

I am, with great Regard, Gentlemen, your humble Servant,

February 1. There is not the least Foundation for the Report of Sir
Basil Keith being to set out soon for America. On the contrary, it is
not even expected that he will go to Jamaica, but that another Gover-
nour will shortly be appointed, Sir Basil being to be employed on more
essential Service.

The Manner in which a celebrated Agent obtained the very extraor-
dinary Letters which have occasioned so much Noise is said to be from
the late Mr. Fitzherbert, who had them of Mr. Whateley, to whom
they were written. This is not given as the Fact but is the Report
that is current of that Matter.

Lord Effingham Howard, on the Matter respecting literary Property,
concluded his Speech with declaring that he was satisfied in himself that
the Liberty of the Press was of such infinite Consequence in this Country,
that if the Constitution was overturned, and the People enslaved, grant
him a free Press, and he would undertake to restore the one and redeem
the other.

Lord Camden, who spoke against the common Law Right of Authors
in Perpetuity, happening to mention Milton, observed, that " that
wonderful Man did indeed sell the Copy of his Paradise Lost for so small
a Sum as 15l. the Receipt of a Part of which was conditional; but,
a dded his Lordship, Milton did not look for pecuniary Reward, he pro-
posed Immortality as his Retribution, and Posterity have in that Respect
most liberally rewarded him."

The Honourable Charles Fox received a Letter from Lord North on
Thursday Night, acquainting him that a great personage had no farther
Occasion for his Services. When the Letter was given to him, he re-
turned for Answer, that the Minister had not behaved like a Man of
Spirit.” Sir William Meredith, it is said, will be appointed in his Room.

It is reported that all the Boroughs in the Kingdom are in an Uproar
at the Question being carried in favour of Mr. George Grenville's Bill
against Bribery and Corruption. Every Man now sees, that as the Com-
mittee of Elections is made perpetual, Bribery and Corruption in every
Shape, even that of a Treat, must be abolished. By these Means there
is an End of the Innholder, the Vintner, and the Brewer; and an Elec-
tion Day will be carried on as quietly, for the future, as the Debates in a
certain House about shortening the Duration of Parliament,

Mr. C. J. Fox was not turned out in the usual Way, which is by
Letter, saying the King has no farther Occasion for the Person. Mr.
Fox's Dismission, it is said, was by a laconick Epistle to this Effect:

Column 3

A new Commission is come out, and I do not see your Name in it,

February 3. The Bishop of Gloucester, we hear, lies dangerously ill,
and it is thought cannot recover. This is the last literary Genius of the
last Crop of what is usually called the Augustan-Age, which flourished
in the latter End of the Reign of Queen Anne, and that of George I.

America. Their Councils are discordant, their Penetration superficial,
and their Courage rank Cowardice. In a Word, America, like France
or Spain, is now a Match for them. They are unequal to the Business,
and therefore true Types of the Hand that made them; nor is it difficult
to guess for what Purpose they are continued in Office, since daily Expe-
rience convinces the whole world that the British Empire is mouldering
away in their Hands.

By all Accounts from New England, the People are in such a Ferment
about the Tax upon Tea, and the East India Company's fending at this
Time such a Quantity of it there, as bids fair to disturb the Peace of all
our Colonies in America. The Conduct of Government, towards all
our Colonies, has been highly detrimental and injurious to the Trade
and Commerce of this Kingdom, The Ministry do not seem to know
that the principal Advantages which this Country can reap from its
Colonies are the Increase of its Trade and Commerce, and also of its
Navigation. But it is the Misfortune of this Nation to have Persons in
Power who turn all publick Advantages into private Jobs; and instead
of increasing the Trade, Commerce, and Navigation of this Kingdom,
by the Means and Intercourse of its Colonies, they study to impose Taxes
upon our Fellow Subjects in those Countries, in order to create Places
of Profit for their Creatures and Dependents. This is the Source and
Foundation of all the Uneasiness and Disturbances which have arisen,
and are now got to the greatest Height, in our American Colonies; and
this is the Cause that hath deprived this Nation of almost all its Trade and
Commerce with them. For the Taxes which the Ministry have in vain
endeavoured to saddle upon them were such as would have raised only
a trifling Sum, such as could have been of no publick Service or Benefit
whatsoever, but were calculated merely for promoting the Interest of the
Minister, by enabling him to provide for more of his Dependents; and
thus the Advantages of Trade, Commerce, and Navigation of this
Kingdom, with its Colonies, have been lost in endeavouring to create
Places of Profit for the Creatures of the Ministry.

February 4. A Correspondent reading a Paragraph in our Paper res-
respecting an Intention of seizing the Committee Men of Boston, sending
them over here, and trying them on the Act of 35th of Henry VIII.
says, that not only himself, but every free Briton, will coincide in Opi-
nion with the Writer, viz, that such a Measure is most consistent with
the Genius of our Court, chiefly because it is evidently repugnant to the
Spirit of the Constitution, every Idea of British Liberty, and a palpable
Affront not only to common Sense, but to the Principles of the Revo-
lution, to try Men by an obsolete Act made in an arbitrary Reign; and
it is as apparent an Absurdity in civil Matters, as it would in spiritual
Concerns, to revive upon us Protestants the bloody Fire and Fagot Laws
of that inglorious Period.

By a ship just arrived in the River, we learn that the Bostonians,
Philadelphians, and inhabitants of New York, were in an open State of
Rebellion when she sailed from Boston; and that the Governour had
sent off an Express for more Troops to join the Welch Fusileers, who
were almost constantly under Arms, and greatly fatigued with such
harassing and disagreeable Duty.

Among the many illiberal Reproaches made Use of by the Solicitor
General against Dr. Franklin, which were so far upon the Greek Model
(as the Scouts of Office boast of) that they highly partook of the
Atbean Billingsgate, he spoke of his being a Man of Letters with great
Contempt, by punningly saying he was so far a Man of Letters that he
was Homo trium Literarum (a Term of Reproach used by Plautus to the
worst of Characters) said he ought to be expelled the Royal Society, of
which the Doctor is a Member; and ignorantly, as wantonly, compared
his Conduct to that of Zanga, in Dr. Young's Revenge, which he con-
cluded by observing was in Favour of the African Prince, who was by
much the honefter Man. [There is no Party Man so violent as an Apostate.]

We hear that Mr. Wedderburne, by the late Exertion of his oratorical
Powers, has shown Government to what Lengths he is willing to serve
them, that nothing less than the Seals are talked of as a Recompense for
so industrious a Servant.

One of the vacant Blue Ribands is likewise talked for Governour
Hutchinson, as the proper Reward for the Man who, in the Court
Phrase, it is said, has faced every Danger for the Service of his Country.

February 5 So vastly, beyond all Conception, have our American
Colonies increased within the last twenty Years, that a Gentleman lately
arrived from thence, who had the best Means of Information, and was
at the greatest Pains to obtain as accurate an Account of their Numbers
as possible, assures us that there is no less than 240,000 Men on the
Militia Roll of the seven Northern Provinces.

We hear that the Scheme of the Americans is to give Land to every
Soldier that is sent over against them, whether from England, Scotland,
or Ireland; by which Means, we shall furnish them with a sufficient
Force to beat ourselves.

Yesterday General Gage, Commander in Chief of his Majesty's
Forces in North America, was at Court, and had a long Conference
with his Majesty. The General will soon go again in that Station.

Upon Examination of a certain Agent at a certain Board, a great Law
Officer called the Agent Homo trium Literarum Fur est. The Agent bore
this terrible Accusation without the least Emotion, upon which the
Orator was provoked to make Use of the most bitter Sarcasms. It is
thought the Prudence of the Agent prevented such a Return to the
Lawyer's Attack as might have been expected.

February 6. By certain Advices from New York, we learn that the
American Sons of Liberty, being fearful that their humble Petitions to
his Majesty and Council will be without Effect, are come to an unani-
mous Determination not to part with their Liberties but with their Lives,
and are accordingly preparing for either Peace or War.

By certain Advices from New England, of undoubted Authority, we
learn that the Ladies throughout the four Provinces have entered into a
solemn Agreement not to drink any Tea imported from Great Britain,
nor to wear any British Manufactures, until the Acts of Parliament
imposing a Duty upon Tea exported to America are totally repealed.

February 14, The Place lately held by Dr. Franklin, of Postmaster in
America, from which his Majesty was pleased to dismiss him on Saturday
last, is given to Mr. J. Garnier, Lord Weymouth's Acquaintance; a
Gentleman well known at Arthur's, in St. James Street.

We hear that a great Number of the Freeholders of Middlesex intend
to wait on Mr. Wilkes, in Prince's Court, to-morrow, at 12 o 'Clock
at Noon, to escort him to the House of Commons.

To-morrow the Question relative to the shortening the Duration of
Parliaments, it is believed, will undergo a very full Discussion in the
House of Commons.

Daniel Chamier, Esq; of Baltimore Town, in Maryland, is appointed
Commissary of Stores and Provisions in America, in the Room of Robert
Leake, Esq, deceased.

The two grand Questions to be decided in Council, or in Parliament,
with Respect to America, are these: " Whether each of about thirty
"Assemblies are to he left to tax themselves, judging of the proporti-
"onate Sums each for themselves, without Stipulation of the British
" Legislature (which they contend for) or whether they are to co-operate
" by Representation, in the British Parliament, in assessing themselyes?"

Page 2
Column 1

February 15. Mr. Wedderburne, by using such opprobious Language
against Dr. Franklin, has really disgraced himself; but what renders his
Case particularly unfortunate is that his Abuse happens to fall upon a
Man who is by his Learning an Ornament to his Country (a Circumstance
of which the Solicitor was very possibly entirely ignorant) and whom all
Lovers of Science respect, however they may differ from him in their
said political Opinions. Dr. Franklin is perhaps the Person of the Age to
whom philosophical Knowledge is most indebied. All our capital and
found Notions on the interesting Subject of Electricity were hinted by him,
and, which is no small Increase of the Merit, he has himself improved
most of his Hints. He first had the grand and bold Thought of seeking
among his electrical Globes for the Cause and Manner of the Formation
of that awful Phenomenon, Lightning; and by discovering the Secret of
Nature, and showing us how to exhaust and dissipate her formidable
Shafts, he has provided for the Safety of Mankind, effected what was
deemed even impious for Man to attempt, and completed the greatest Dis-
covery of the Age. Ignorant Men may, to serve their petty Purposes, pour
Abuse against Dr. Franklin, and make a Merit to themselves of their
Gothick Zeal, but the Effect of their scurrilous Veciferation extends no
farther than the actual Compass of their Voice, while the Doctor's
Name continues to be mentioned with Respect over all Europe, and will
still continue so Centuries after the World shall have forgot that there
ever was was such a Thing as a Solicitor Wedderburne.

Should an Armament be sent against the Americans, it is not impro-
bable but it may meet with a similar Fate with the India Company's Tea,
M viz, some sunk, some burnt, and some sent back for a better Errand.

Mr. Wilkes attended yesterday at the Door of the House of Commons,
but was refused Admittance.

February 18. As the following Paragraph comes from an anonymous
Correspondent, the Reader will give so much Credit to it as it may be
thought worthy of. We are told that Mr. Rotch, Owner, and Captain
Hall, Master, of the Dartmouth, one of the TeaShips lately arrived from
Boston, with several Gentlemen Passengers, chiefly Natives of New
England, also Dr. Williamson of Pbiladelphia, were on Wednesday
examined at Lord Dartmouth's Office concerning the Tea Riots. From
this Circumstance, it is probable that American Affairs will soon become
the Subject of serious Speculation, whence they may also become the
Subject of serious Action.

February 28. Sir Robert Fletcher gave Notice that he would on Friday
fe'nnight move the House to go into a Committee to take into farther
Consideration the Affairs of the East India Company, and it was accord-
ingly made an Order of this Day.

Mr. Attorney General. I mean to offer a Petition to the House for
Leave to bring in a Bill for vesting the several Estates, Heritages, Fish-
eries, &c. of the late Simon Lord Lovat, which were justly forfeited,
about thirty Years since, in his Son Major General Simon Frazer, on
paying a reasonable Crown Rent. The Circumstances which distinguish
this Gentleman's Cafe from all others will, I trust, make that Impression
on the House so consonant with, and which may be so justly expected
from, their Candour and Humanity. His Lordship had made a Settle-
ment of such a Nature as was, at the Time, deemed out of the Power
of Forfeiture. The Matter came before the Lords of Session in Scotland,
and on the Decision the Petitioner lost it but by one Voice; and though I
do not mean to impeach that Judgment, yet I am free to declare that I
myself retain a different Opinion, and that several of the most eminent
Lawyers at that Time in this Country were of the fame. Besides this,
his consequent Conduct, his dutiful Acquiescence under a Judgment that
was even then thought severe, if not cruel, and above all, the very high
and important Services he rendered his Country during the succeeding
War, when properly considered, must, I believe, plead so fully in his
Favour as to render it totally unnecessary for me to take up the Time of
the House.

Lord North. I have it in Command from his Majesty to acquaint the
House that his Majesty consents to the Contents of the said Petition, as
far as his Interest is concerned therein.

Mr. T. Townshend. I rise to second the Motion of the learned
Gentleman over the Way, and think the peculiar Circumstances which
distinguish this Cafe from all others of a similar Nature recommend it
very strongly to our Attention. The imperious Commands of a Father,
the Gentleman's Youth and Inexperience, his tried Principles since, and
his offering his Services to a Government by which he had been stripped
(however justly) of every Thing that could be held dear by him, with
his raising, at a most critical Time, 1800 Men in a Month, whose
martial Feats and distinguished Valour are too well known to need
recounting, cannot fail of having an Effect on the House fully answerable
to the most sanguine Expectations of the Petitioner,

Sir William Meredith. It is very plain this Gentleman's Principles
were always the same. He received his Education at Glasgow, from ten
Years of Age; and what he there learned has since, I think, been fully
testified to the World,

Mr. T. Townshend. I by no Means meant, when I rose to second
this Motion, to say any Thing which might bear the most distant Con-
struction of a Reflection on the Honourable Petitioner. The Manner I
stated the Matter, I should have imagined, would have totally precluded
any such Imputation; nor would I have suggested a stronger Reason in
Proof of his real Principles than the Circumstance alluded to, as being
so strongly contradistinguished to the whole Tenour of his Conduct and
Sentiments both before and since.

Mr. Dowdeswell. I have a full Memory of the Case now so truly
stated to the House. I remember the peculiar Hardship of the Decision
of the Court of Session; and I likewise recollect, when the Act for
vesting the forfeited Estates unalienably in the Crown came under the
Consideration of Parliament, the Speakers of both Houses, Lord
Hardwicke and Mr. Onslow, expressed themselves in the warmet Terms
in Behalf of the Petitioner, and thought his Case exceedingly worthy of
Commisseration. But see what has been the Conduct of this Gentleman !
refusing the Offer of a Regiment in the Service of our Enemies, he
silently submits under such a Complication of Misfortunes as seldom unite
in one Man, and turns himself to the Study of a Profession ; yet he has no
sooner acquired a Proficiency in it, sufficient to render him easy and inde-
pendent, but he at once foregoes those Advantages, and offers his
Services to his Country in the very first Instant he imagined they were

A Bill was ordered to be brought in pursuant to the Prayer of the above
Petition, without one dissenting Voice.

If a commeon Strumpet any Way gets a legal coverture, she calls
herself an honest Woman. Just so the late literary Pirates (not as yet
gone to the Devil) look on themselves as mighty honest Fellows, having
Impunity for former spurious Productions, and a Sanction for future

A Copy Right Bookseller complaing that his Property, for which he
had transferred some good tangible Acres, was become Waste Paper,
was answered, “ Pho! all Paper will be so by and by; if Mr.______
becomes Chancellor, we may light Pipes with Exchequer Bills.

The late Great Commoner conquered America in Germany. Lord
knows how, where, or when, the present Minister will do it!

Cardinal Mazarine used to boast, that if he could get two Lines of any
Man's Writing he would be able to cut off the Writer's Head. It is
certain the House of Commons were in Possession of 200 Lines of Mr.
Horne's Writing, and yet durst not touch a Hair of his Head.

The Court carry Matters so swimmingly against a poor, insignificant,
and dispirited Minority, that they have no Occasion to have Recourse to
their old Trick of a Coalition of Parties, which is one of the greatest
Evils that the People of this Kingdom have to dread.

The Union of Parties (says a Writer) is nothing else but a Conspiracy
of all the great Scoundrels in the Nation to rob and plunder the People,
and deprive them of their Liberty, under the Pretence of uniting for the
Publick Good.

April 4
The following are the heads of a subscription which was laid before the
Committee of Correspondence at Boston.

WHEREAS,in our present Struggles with the British Admini-
stration, it is of the last Importance to have a free and safe
Communication throughout the whole Extent of English America, a
Channel established by an Act of the British Parliament for the express
Purpose of raising a Revenue here, and under the absolute Controul
of the British Minister, being both in Principle and Operation highly
dangerous; and whereas we are certified from several of the southern
Colonies that a Post OFFICE has been erected in Maryland and Penn-
sylvania, on the Principles of a voluntary Subscription, and we have
good Reason to believe the salutary Institution will be generally adopted
by all the intermediate Colonies, as well as those on both Extremes;
and whereas the said Institution, if generally adopted, will defeat one
Revenue Act, and obviate all its pernicious Consequences, will unite
all the Friends of America in one common Bond of Alliance, and reduce
the Postage of Letters one Third, as well as ensure the Transmisson of
interesting Advice to the Place of Destination: We the Subscribers do
severally promise to pay to the Postmaster who shall be hereafter appointed
by a major Vote of our Body the several Sums annexed to our Names,

Column 2

or to the Successour in said Office, to be by him, or them, employed in
furnishing Post Riders to the several Stages we may agree upon, and
securing himself, or Deputies, from any Losses and Damages that
accrue unto him, or them, by Means of their Offices; meaning and
understanding this present Instrument to be a Deposit and Security to the
said Postmaster, to be recoverable by him, in whole, or in Proportion to
the Sums subscribed, and to make up the Deficiencies, if any there
appear, to a Committee of our Body chosen to inspect Accounts, after
the whole Amount of the Monies received for Postage shall have been
placed to our Credit. In Testimony, &c.

The Speech of His Excellency the Right Honourable
DUNMORE, his Majesty's Lieutenant and Governour General of the Colony
and Dominion of Virginia, and Vice Admiral of the same, to the
ASSEMBLY, convened at the Capitol, on Thursday the 5th of May,

Gentlemen of the COUNCIL, Mr. SPEAKER, and Gentlemen of the
HAVING had nothing in particular Charge from his Majesty to offer
to your Consideration, I have consulted only your own Ease in the
Time of assembling you for the necessary Business of the Colony, in
which I recommend to you to proceed with that Despatch which the
publick Convenience requires.
Mr. SPEAKER, and Gentlemen of the House of BURGESSES,
I have not, at this Time, any Thing to require of you, but I hope
that your Resolutions, on the various Matters which shall be the Subject
of your Deliberation, may be influenced by Prudence and Moderation.
Gentlemen of the COUNCIL, Mr. SPEAKER, and Gentlemen of the

My ardent Desire faithfully to promote the Service of his Majesty,
who ever evinces the Good of his people to be the first Object of his
Thoughts, will make me heartily concur with you in all Measures, and
assent to all such Laws, as shall be for the Welfare and true Interest of
this Country.

Extract of a Letter from Gibraltar, dated August 28, 1773
"Wheat Sold last Spring at Malaga, Cadiz, and Seville, from
12 to 14. s. Sterling per Bushel; and if it had not been for the Ame-
rican Wheat and Flower, and some Supplies from the Island of
Sicily and the Barbary Coast, there would certainly have been a Famine
in Spain, all their old Resources being expended. Notwithstand-
ing which, till the new Crop came in, they were in very distressed
Circumstances; and even that yielded very scantily, as well as in the
South of France, so that it is imagined the Price of Wheat, &c. will be
as high in those Countries, the ensuing Year, as it was the last. The
Spanish Ministry are so sensible of the great Scarcity that they have made
several Contracts with the Nothern Parts of Europe, and are now upon
Terms with the Emperour of Morocco for a Supply of 300,000 Bushels
of Wheat; but there Precautions, it is thought, will very little affect the
present high Price of Wheat and Flower, both in Spain and at Marseilles,
where American Flower is now in high Repute, and probably will be
in very great Demand.”

By Captain Foster, of the Ship Sally, arrived in Potowmack River
from Glasgow, we learn that he took up at Sea the Crew of a Ship loaded
with Tobacco from Baltimore in Maryland, one Wylie Commander,
who had been four Days in the Longboat, but had the good Fortune to
have fine Weather all the Time, and Plenty of Provisions. The violent
Fatigue of Pumping, while on Board, forced the Blood out at their
Mouth and Ears; and although they threw all but the lower Tier of the
Tobacco over, they were unable to discover the Leak, which made it
necessary for them to quit the Vessel, which they saw go down quickly

Captain Moodie, arrived in York River from Glasgow, informs that
on the 9th of April, in Latitude 36:30, Longitude 56, he fell in with a
Snow lying on her Broadside, which appeared to be very clean, had a red
Bottom, and tarred Sides; her Trysail was new, made of No.4. Canvas,
and stamped William Johnson, Sailmaker in Annapolis. He hoisted out
his Boat, and went on Board the Vessel, but found no living Creature
except a Cat, which he took from the main Topmast Head, and carried
her to his Vessel. He cut away-her Trysail and fore Topsail, which were
very much damaged by lying in the Water; and it was impcssible to see
the Vessel's Stern, so that he could not tell whether she had a Head
or not, nor could it be discovered what she was loaded with.

of New Kent County; an agreeable young Lady, with a handsome

Mr. ISAAC QUARLES, of King William, to Miss SOUTHERLAND,
of the same County, a Lady of considerable Fortune.

County, a Lady whose Accomplishments cannot fail of rendering the
Marriage State completely happy.

Deaths.] Reverend ROBERT YANCEY, Rector of Trinity Parish,
in Louisa County, after many. Years labouring under a tedious Illness.
His Candour, and exemplary Piety, render his Loss much regretted by
all who had the pleasure of his Acquaintance.

Entered in the Upper District of JAMES River.

May 3. Ship Watt, William Bewsher, from Liverpool, with Euro-
pean Goods.

FRIDAY, May 6. This Day the two following Criminals received
Sentence of Death, at the Bar of the General Court, namely; Catharine
Peppers, from Bedford, for Murder, and John M'Clure, from Orange,
for Horsestealing. And John Conner, from New Kent, for Manslaugh-
ter, Henry Bullard, from Isle of Wight, for Manslaughter, and Michael
Wheatley, from Williamsburg, for Grand Larceny, were burnt in the

This Day JOHN RANDOLPH, Esq; his Majesty's Attorney Ge-
neral, was chosen to represent the College of William & Mary in General

By the Northward Post, just arrived, we learn that the long expected
Tea Ship, Captain Lockyer, arrived at New York the 18th ult, who be-
ing informed that it was the sense of the Citizens that he should not pre-
sume to go near the Customhouse, and to make the utmost Despatch in
procuring the necessary Articles for his Voyage, very readily answered,
" That as the Consignees would not receive his Cargo, he would not go
" to the Customhouse, and would make all the Despatch he could to
" leave the City; upon which a Committee of Observation was imme-
diately appointed to go down in a Sloop to the Hook, there to remain
near the Tea Ship till she departed for London.___And that Advice being
received from Philadelphia that Captain Chambers, of the Ship London,
of New York, had taken on Board at London eighteen Boxes of fine
Tea, which were regularly cleared, and the Mark and Numbers taken
from the Cocket by Captain All of Philadelphia, the Committee and In-
habitants, upon that Information, determined to examine into the Mat-
ter with great Vigilance. As soon, therefore, as the Ship came into
the Hook, the Pilot asked the Captain if he had any Tea on Board,
who declared he had none. Upon this, two of the Committee of
Observation went on Board Captain Chambers, and informed him
of the Advices received of his having Tea, and demanded a Sight
of all his Cockets, which were accordingly given up; but the Cocket
for the Tea was not found among them, nor was the Mark or Number
on his Manifest. About four o'clock the Ship came to the Wharf,
when she was boarded by a Number of the Citizens. Captain Cham-
bers was interrogated relative to his having the Tea on Board, but
he still denied it. He was then told it was vain to deny it, for there was
good Proof of its being on Board, for it would be found, as there were
Committees appointed to open every Package, and that he had better be
open and candid about it, and demanded the Cocket for the Tea; upon
which he confessed it was on Board, and delivered the Cocket. The
Owners and the Committee immediately met at Mr. Francis's, where
Captain Chambers was ordered to attend. Upon examining him who
was the Shipper and Owner of the Tea, he declared that he was sole
Owner of it. After the most mature Deliberation, it was determined
to communicate the whole State of the Matter to the People, who
were convened near the Ship, which was accordingly done. The
Mohawks were prepared to do their Duty at a proper Hour, but
the Body of the People were so impatient, that, before it arrived, a
Number of them entered the Ship, about eight o'clock, took out the
Tea, which was at Hand, broke the Cases, and started their Contents
in the River, without doing any Damage to the Ship or Cargo. Several
Persons of Reputation were placed below, to keep Tally; and about
the Companion, to prevent ill disposed Persons from going below the
Deck. At ten, the People all dispersed in good Order, but in great
Wrath against the Captain ; and it was not without some Risk of his Life
that he escaped. Saturday, at eight in the Morning, all the Bells of the
City rang, pursuant to the Notice published on Thursday; and, about
nine, the greatest Number of People were collected, at and near the
Coffeehouse, that was ever known in the City. At a Quarter past

Column 3

nine the Committee came out of the Coffeehouse, with Captain
Lockyer; upon which, the Band of Musick attending, played God
save she King.
Immediately there was a Call for Captain Chambers,
Where is he? Where is he? Captain Lockyer must not go till we
find Captain Chambers, to send him with the Teea Ship. This produced
Marks of Fear in Captain Lockyer, who imagined some Mischief
was intended him ; but, upon Assurances being given him to the
contrary, he appeared composed. The Committee, with the Musick,
conducted him, through the Multitude, to the End of Murray's Wharf
where he was put on Board the Pilot Boat, and wished a safe Passage;
upon which the Multitude gave loud Huzzas, and many Guns were fired,
expressive of their Joy at his Departure. Thus, to the great Mortifica-
tion of the secret and open Enemies of America, and the Joy of all the
Friends of Liberty and human Nature, the Union of these Colonies is
maintained in a Contest of the utmost Importance to their Safety and


Reverend SIRS,
THINKING this a very proper Season for taking into Consideration
certain Matters in which the Clergy are most immediately and
deeply concerned, and finding several of my Brethren, whose Opinions
have great Weight with me, to be very confident that, if our whole Body
should be desired to meet, they would not at this Time show a general
Backwardness to honour the Request, I have come to a Resolution of
appointing, and do accordingly appoint, the Thursday after Whitsunday
for the Clergy to convene upon at the College of William and Mary.
When the Day appointed comes, I hope those who advised me to this
Measure will, with me, enjoy the Satisfaction of finding their Expectati-
ons fully answered, by being able to assemble with a very respectable
Number of their Fraternity, on an Occasion which they, as well as I
deem important. I am, with ardent Prayers for your real Welfare, and
the true Good of the Community, Reverend Gentlemen, your loving
and affectionate Brother, JOHN CAMM.
COLLEGE, May 5, 1774.

THE Treasurer, Trustees, and Subscribers
to the Fund for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Cler-
gymen, collected last Sunday, from the two Audiences, 25l, 14.s. 5d.
for which they beg Leave to return their Thanks to the generous Contri-
butors. On the Day following they ordered 80l. to be distributed among
six Widows and the Orphans of four Clergymen, and appointed Officers
for the ensuing Year, namely, the Reverend Mess. Jobn Camm, Trea-
surer, Price Davis, Devereux Jarratt, William Bland, Jon Bracken,
Thomas Price,
and Thomas Lundie, Trustees, William Harrison, Morning,
and Robert Andrews, Evening Preacher. The Clergy have a most grate-
ful Sense of the Presents of 20l. and 3l. 28. 6d. from two unknown
Persons, by the Hands of the Reverend Mr. Henley. This Acknowledg-
ment would have been made last year, had not the said charitable Con-
tributions come some Days too late to be inserted in our last Year's Ad-

County, takes this Method to forewarn all Persons from
taking an Assignment of a Bond, bearing Date July 1772, given by him
to one John Chiles, late of the said County, as he is determined not to pay
any Part of said Bond, the said Chiles not performing the Conditions for
which the said Bond was given. (2∥)

GLOUCESTER, April 27, 1774.
THE Subscriber has for Sale a few. Hogs-
heads of good old RUM, also a few Pipes and Hogsheads of
old Madeira WINE of the London and New York Qualities.

To be S O L D,
THE HOUSE and LOT in the back Street in
Williamsburg, now in the Possession of Robert
. The Terms may be known by applying
to James Shield in York County, or to the Subscriber
in Charles City.

GLOUCESTER, May 4, 1774.
INTEND for England shortly.

LAMB's Creek, May 2, 1774.
INTEND to leave the Colony immediately,
and shall return in a few Months.

AMELIA, May 2, 1774.
I INTEND to leave the Colony immediately.

NORFOLK, MAY 3, 1774.
I INTEND to leave this Colony very soon.

KING WILLIAM, May 1, 1774.
I INTEND to leave the Colony in a few

To be SOLD, the first Thursday in June, at Gloucester
A TRACT of fine LAND lying on Gwyn's Island,
containing about 420 Acres. Twelve Months
Credit will be allowed, upon the Purchaser giving
Bond and good Security to

MOST of the Bonds due to the Estate of George
Christopher White
, of Amelia County, deceased,
having been due a considerable Time, it is expected
that Payment will be made the ensuing Meeting of
the Merchants in Williamsburg, after which Time
no Indulgence can be given.

CAROLINE, April 30, 1774.
AS I intend soon to remove to North Caro-
, I shall be glad that every Person who thinks he has a Claim
against me would make it known. Those that are indebted to me, by
Account, are desired to settle the same. Mr. John Taylor, of this
County, will finish the Suits that I am engaged in; and any Payments
made to him for me will be allowed.

Just Imported, and to be Sold by the Subscriber, on
very reasonable Terms, in
A GENTEEL Assortment of MILLINERY in the newest Taste,
Mecklin, Brussels, and Minionet Lace, Blond Ditto, a Variety of
White and Coloured Silks, Plain, Striped, and Sprigged Muslins,
Jewellery, Childbed Linen, Robes, Ladies and Gentlemens Silk and
Cotton Hose, Didsbury's Shoes, Gresham's Satin and Calimanco Ditto,
Ladies Black and White Riding Hats, and many other Articles.

Page 3
Column 1

ANY Person who has a good Negro COOK
WENCH to dispose of may be informed of a
Purchaser, by applying at the Post Office.

To be SOLD at King William Courthouse, on Wed-
nesday the 11th Instant (May) for ready Money,
by Virtue of a Writ of
Fieri Facias and four Writs
Venditioni Exponas,
TWENTY valuable Virginia born SLAVES, belonging to Colonel
John Quarles, and James Richeson; to satisfy Thomas Archer,
George Clarke, David Cocbran
& Co. Andrew Cocbran & Co. and Tho-
mas Mallory
, by THOMAS ROSE,Sheriff.
N. B. The above will certainly be sold on the Day mentioned.

Just imported from London, and sold by the Subscriber,
at her Store opposite the
Raleigh in Williamsburg,
on reasonable Terms, for ready Money only,
A WELL chosen Assortment of the neatest Goods, consisting of fine
Thread and Blond Lace, white Satin and Lustring, blue Satin
and Sarcenet Petticoats, white Do. for Weddings, Satin and Queen Silk
Shoes, Muslin, Gauze, Catgut, and Wire, worked Linen, Ribands,
plain and ribbed Silk, Cotton and Thread Stockings, small Do. for
Children, Patent Net Aprons, equal in Beauty to Joining Lace, Silk
Gloves and Mits, Rolls and Curls, Tambour Sword Knots, Boys Bea-
ver and Hussar Caps, Ladies Riding Hats, Feathers, and Whips, Childrens
Sashes and Stays, a large Quantity of Didsbury's Shoes, Sheneal, fine
Chip and Cane Hats, Fans, Cloaks, Gauze Handkerchiefs, Purses,
Bags and Puffs, Pearl for Work, Tureen, Punch, and Pap Ladles, Stone,
Silver, Gilt, and Pinchbeck Buckles, both Shoe and Knee, Paste, Gar-
net, Gold, and Black Stock Do. India Plate Salts, Do. Snuffers and
Snuff Pans, Silver Tea Spoons, Tea Tongs, Salt Shovels, Do. Coral and
Bells, Paste, Marcasite, Pearl, and Bead Necklaces and Earrings, Gold
Wires, Silver bowed Scissors and Silver tipped Sheaths, Lancet Cases,
Watch Chains and Keys, Combs, Pocket Books and Etwee Cases, Free-
mason and other Brooches, Paste Sprigs and Pins, Tooth Brushes, fine
Irish Wafers, Sword Canes and Pen Knives, black Bags and Roses, black
Pins, Stay Hooks, Thimbles, Silver Shoe Clasps, Fruit Knives, Dolls
and other Toys, with many other Articles too numerous to insert.
N. B. At the same Place may be had an exceeding fine SILVER
WATCH, capped, and runs on Diamonds; also a beautiful GOLD
WATCH, with Gold Hands, and an engraved Case.

YORK TOWN, May 2, 1774.
THE Ship PLANTER, bound for London,
which now lies off York Town, has on Board 500 Hhds. of
Tobacco, and Craft out for 100 Hhds. more, will take in that Quantity,
on Liberty of Consignment, at 81. Sterling a Tun. I shall be much
obliged to Gentlemen, who may incline to ship, to send their Orders
immediately to me here; the Reason for my now wanting such a Num-
ber of Hogsheads being occasioned by fair Promises, and the Tobacco
afterwards given to other Ships.____There is exceeding good Accommo-
dation for Passengers on Board, and I shall certainly sail directly after the
ensuing Merchants Meeting. THOMAS LILLY

A PURSE of SEVENTY FIVE POUNDS. To be run for at
Cabin Point on the fourth Thursday of this Instant (May) by any
Horse, Mare, or Gelding, carrying Weight for Age, according to the
Rules of Racing; two Mile Heats, the best two in three. A Non-Sub-
scriber to pay 11l. before he has a Right to start, as Entrance Money.
All Subscribers, starting a Horse, are to enter the Horse, the Day before
the Race, with Francis Moreland, and to pay 20s. Entrance Money, also
to bring proper Certificates of the Horses Age. The Entrance Money
to be run for the next Day, by the losing Horses of the preceding Day;
the same Distance, and carrying the same Weight. The above Purse to
be run for annually, during the Term of four Years. Any Person may
become a Subscriber, by applying to Francis Moreland, who wants a
Man as a WAITER that understands Accounts. Such a One coming
recommended will meet with Encouragement, for about eight Days.

THE Subscriber intending to settle over the
Mountains, makes him offer his Land in Amelia for Sale. There
are near 800 Acres (a little more than 1oo thereof subject to a Widow's
Dower) with a very good Dwelling-House, and all necessary Houses,
lately repaired, an extraordinary fine Apple and Peach Orchard of the
best kinds of Fruit, and Cherries of all Sorts. There are near 100 Acres
of Low Ground very suitable for a Meadow, on which is great Abun-
dance of fine Timber. The Purchaser may know the Terms by applying
to Joseph Eggleston in Amelia, adjoining the Land, Richard Eggleston in
Cumberland, or the Subscriber in Frederick.

JUST arrived in Rappahannock from London,
the Planter, Captain Bowers, with 76 healthy indented SERVANTS,
most of whom are very useful Tradesmen, Farmers, Husbandmen, &c.
The Sale will commence in Fredericksburg, on Monday the 16th of this
Instant (May) and continue until all are sold.____ The Planter is to load
with Tobacco at Port Royal, in the Interest of Mr. Samuel Gist. Those
Gentlemen who please to favour him with Consignments are requested to
send their Orders to Edward Carter, Esq; in Fredericksburg, Thomas Fett,
Esq; in Leeds Town, the Captain on Board, or the Subscriber in Hanover.
N. B. The Brilliant, Captain Miller, in the same Employ, is expected
into York River within a few Days.

F O R S A L E,
One Thousand six Hundred and sixteen Acres of LAND, lying in
the lower End of Pittsylvania County, on Banister River; the Land
is good for either Tobacco or Grain, but particularly Grain, it being
very level. It lies convenient to two Water Mills, not above three Miles
from either, and within the same Distance of a Church, and is thought
by good Judges to be one of the best Situations in the County for raising
a Stock of Cattle, Horses, &amp:c. being within a Mile of Lightfoot's Mea-
dows, where grows such a vast Quantity of Forage that the under Grass
continues green the whole Winter, there being a constant Verdure, so
that there is no Occasion to lay up much Winter Provision for your
Cattle, &c. There is also Plenty of Fish to be caught at the smallest
Expense and Trouble, by Means of a small Stone Dam across Banister
River. I will sell it altogether or in Parcels, and give long Credit for the
best part of the Money. The Land will be shown by Mr. William Todd,
or Mr. John Cox, living near the Premises, and the Terms known of the
Subscriber, in King William County,

To be S O L D,
A VALUABLE Tract of LAND, lying in the lower End of Amberst
County, on James River, containing upwards of 1000 Acres.
nearly adjoining the Land of Dr. William Cabbell, running near three
Miles on the River, with an Island adjacent, containing between thirty
and forty Acres, to be sold with or without the said Tract. There is a
Plantation thereon in good Order for Cropping, sufficient for ten or
twelve Hands, a White Shad Fishery, and Plenty of Lime Stone for
building. Any Person inclinable to purchase may know the Terms by
applying to the Subscriber in Henrico, who is one of the Trustees of Mr.

To be S O L D,
A TRACT of LAND on Mayo Creek, Halifax County, containing
364 Acres, about 150 of which are rich Low Grounds. One Half
of the Money to be paid at Christmas, the other Half twelve Months

To be SOLD, on Friday the 27th Instant(May)
before the Raleigh Tavern,
EIGHT Hundred Acres of very valuable LAND lying in Kingston
Parish, Gloucester County, near New Point Comfort, which is well
timbered with Pine and White Oak. Upon it there is a Dwelling House
with two Brick Chimnies, all convenient Houses, one Peach, and three
Apple Orchards.____ At the same Time will be sold thirty likely Virginia

Column 2

Wants Employment,
ONE who understands keeping a COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE,
and can be well recommended. Any Person in Want of such a
One may know the Terms, and the Advertiser's Name, by Application
to Mr. John Tunsall
, Clerk of King & Queen. (∥)

On the 3oth of March made her Escape
out of the Jail of Prince George (in Company with a Wench be-
longing to Mrs. Posey) a Negro Woman named BETTY, about five
Feet three Inches high, twenty one Years old, of a yellow Complexion ;
had on a Virginia Cloth Gown, white Dimity and striped Virginia Cloth
Petticoat, and Osnabrug Shirt. She had a Pass when committed, and
was endeavouring to pass for a free Woman. I will give 20s. Reward,
besides the Allowance by Law, to any person who brings her to me in
New Kent, near Bottom's Bridge. JOHN MOSS.

MAY 3, 1774.
RUN away from the Subscriber, living at
Cabin Point in Surry County, on the 27th ult. a Negro Fellow
named TOM, about 33 Years of Age, has something of an impediment
in his Speech, has followed the Sea for about eight or nine Years, and
is well known by many of the Gentlemen in Norfolk and Portsmouth. I
will give 5l. Reward to any Person who shall apprehend and convey him
to me, or 31. to have him secured in any of his Majesty's Jails and Notice
given me thereof, or 151. if apprehended out of the Colony and conveyed
to me; and as I imagine he will endeavour to make out of the Country,
I forewarn all Masters of Vessels from carrying him out, as they must
answer the contrary at their Peril.

WILLIAMSBURG, May 4, 1774.
STRAYED, or STOLEN, from the Sub-
scriber, on the 18th of last Month, a BAY MARE about thirteen
or fourteen Hands high, with a hanging Mane, short and very thick, a
Star in her Forehead, about five Years old, if any Brand unknown, trots
and gallops, and has good Spirit. Whoever brings her to me that have

TAKEN up, in Isle of Wight, a RED STEER marked with a Crop,
Slit, and Nick, in the left Ear, and a Crop in the right, and ap-
pears to be about six Years old. Posted, and appraised to 31. 10s.

Wanted Immediately,
understands Mens and Womens Work. Such a
One will meet with good Encouragement by applying
to me, in Williamsburg.

A VALUABLE Tract of LAND in Kingston Parish, Gloucester County,
containing 500 Acres, lying on a large Creek which makes out of
East River, a fine Place for Fish and Oysters. There is Land cleared
sufficient for six Hands, an Overseer’s House, and other out Buildings.
The uncleared Land abounds with a great Quantity of White Oak and
Pine Timber; the Timber supposed, by good Judges, to be worth 1000l.

STOLEN from the PALACE, about four
Months ago, a BULL DOG of a dark brown Colour, with some
White on his Neck and Breast, had an Iron Collar, and answers to the
Name of Glasgow___Stolen likewise, about six Weeks ago, two brown
and white Puppies of the POINTER BREED, a Dog and Bitch, with
long Tails.___A Reward of 20s. will be given for each, upon their
being brought to the Post Office, Williamsburg.

WILLIAMSBURG, April 28, 1774.
AS I intend leaving the Colony about the
last of next Month, and to return some Time in October, I think
it necessary to acquaint my Customers that the Business in the Meanwhile
will be carried on by my Son William Nicolson, whom I flatter myself
will use his best Endeavours to give general Satisfaction.

This Day was published, and to be SOLD at both
Printing Offices, Price 2s. 6d.
A CANDID REFUTATION of the HERESY imputed by Ro. C. NICHOLAS, Esq; to the
Reverend S. HENLEY.

NORFOLK, April 21, 1774.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a Number
of Vessels will be wanted this summer to bring about 6000 Tuns
of STONE from Mr. Brooke's Quarry on Rappahannock, and land the
same on Cape Henry, for the Lighthouse. Any Person, or Persons, in-
clinable to engage in such Work, are desired to treat with Matthew
Pbripp, Paul Loyall
, and Thomas Newton, Esqrs. The Directors of the
Lighthouse will also be glad to purchase one or two FLAT BOT-
TOMED VESSELS, from 80 to 120 Tuns Burthen.

THE Subscriber begs Leave to inform the
Publick, that he still continues to keep TAVERN a little below
the College, and can entertain ten or twelve Gentlemen genteelly, with
good Stabling, &c. for their Horses. All those who please to favour
him with their custom may depend upon being used in the best Manner,
by their humble Servant,

HANOVER, March 24, 1774.
I SOME Time ago purchased a Tract of
Land in Spotsylvania County of one Joseph Herndon, and have paid
him all the Consideration Money, except 100l, which becomes due in
April next, for which the said Herndon has my Bond with Mr. Garrett
Security, this is therefore to forewarn any Person from taking
an Assignment of the said Bond, as I am assured he cannot make me a
good Title to the Land. AARON FONTANE.

ALL Persons who have any Demands
against the Estate of Joseph Royall, deceased, either by Deeds of
Trust, Mortgages, Bonds, &c. are desired to make them known imme-
diately; and those indebted thereto are requested to make immediate
Payment, as no Indulgence can be granted.
( 2∥) PETER EPES, Sheriff.

YORK Town, April 25.
WILLIAM DAVIS, Tailor, begs Leave
to inform the Publick that he carries on his Business in this
Place, and will be much obliged to those who may please to favour him
with their Custom (especially such as he is indebted to) as he will ever
make it his Study to pay a strict Attention to their commands___He
will furnish the following Articles complete, for ready Money, viz.
A Suit of best superfine Cloth, middle Size, 71. 10s. Do. of Casimir, 81.
Do. of Duroy, lined through, 41. 5s. Do. of Sagathy, lined, 41. 15s.
A best Bath Coating Surtout Coat, 21. 18s. A Barb Coating Coat and
Waistcoat, 31. IOS.___He will likewise wait upon any Gentlemen, within
twenty or thirty Miles, to serve them; and he makes LADIES RIDING
DRESSES, in the genteelest Manner.( 2∥)

HANOVER Town, April 20, 1774.
Bales of RUSSIA DRILLINGS, to be sold at
a low Advance, for ready Money or short Credit, by

Column 3

TREASURY OFFICE, April 26, 1774
IT having been represented to me that Doubts are
entertained in several Parts of the Country of the
Goodness of some of the Treasury Notes of the
last Emission, because there are found double Numbers
of some of the Bills, I think it necessary to inform
the Publick that the upper Number of each Bill only
denotes the Number of the Book out of which it was
taken, and that the lower Number shows the Series of
the Bill; both of which are of singular Use to the
Treasury, where the original Books, with their Counter
Checks, are carefully preserved. The paper on which
the Money was impressed consisted of single Slips,
each containing two Bills; fifty of those Slips were bound
in separate Books, which were numbered from Book 1
to 78 inclusive; so that, of the Notes in Circulation,
there may be found one Hundred, whose upper Numbers
are the same, though the lower Numbers are all
different. The Manner in which it was proposed to
fill up these Bills was explained, and universally
approved, at the last Session of Assembly, and I did
not suppose the smallest Doubts could arise in any
Part of the Country. I have endeavoured to trace
every Report that has been circulated to the Prejudice
of the new Money, and can truly declare that I have
not the least Reason to suspect that any of it has been
counterfeited. I will not presume to say it is impossible
to be done ; but am hopeful that the great Difficulties,
which must attend it, have discouraged even an At-
tempt. These Bills, however, will be very speedily
called in, and I am persuaded that all Doubts and
Scruples will be effectually removed.
(2) RO. C. NICHOLAS, Treasurer.

TAKEN up, in Dinwiddie, a SORREL HORSE about four Feet
ten Inches high, four Years old this Spring, has some white Hairs
in bis Forehead, paces slow, but has no Brand perceivable. Posted,
and appraised to 151. (∥) JOHN WILLIAMSON.

THE Subscriber has for Sale on the most
reasonable Terms, and to be entered upon immediately, a
valuable Tract of LAND lying on both sides of Turable Creek in
Halifax County, within two Miles of the Courthouse, containing 702
Acres, about 100 of which are cleared Land, under a good Fence; there
is on the said Land a good Dwelling House completely finished, a Dairy,
Kitchen, Quarter, and sundry Tobacco Houses, all new. I have also
for Sale 402 Acres of WOODLAND, lying on both sides of Straight
Creek, in the lower End of Pittsylvania County, For Terms
apply to the Subscriber, on the first Plantation.

WILLIAMSBURG, April 28, 1774.
THE Subscribers beg Leave to inform the
Publick that they have lately opened Shop next Door below
Mr. Anderson's Tavern, where they make and sell all kinds of JEWEL-
on the most reasonable Terms. those who please to favour them with their
Business may rely on its being faithfully discharged, by their humble

At a General Court held at the CAPITOL the
23d of April, 1774.
George Riddell and Jaquelin Ambler, Plaintiffs,
Perkins, Buchanan, and Brown, late of London, Merchants,
William Goosley, Thomas Adams, Sampson & George
Matthews, Patrick Coutts, Amos & James Ladd, William
Acrill, Ryland Randolph, Major Wilcox, & Co. Thomas
Stewart, James Watt, Meriwether Smith, William Smith,
Carter Braxton, Corbin Griffin, Samuel Griffin
, and
William Grifin, Defendants,
In Chancery.

THE Defendants, Perkins, Buchanan, and Brown, being beyond Sea,
on the Motion of the plaintiffs, by their Counsel, it is ordered that
the other Defendants, who have Effects of the said Perkins, Bucbanan,
and Brown, in their Hands, as is suggested, do not pay the said Effects
to the Defendant Goosley, or any other person, nor convey away or secrete
the same, until the farther Order or Decree of this Court concerning such Ef-
fects; that the said Defendants, Perkins, Buchanan, and Brown, do appear
here on the first Day of the next Court, to answer the Bill of the Plaintiffs,
and that a Copy of this Order be, within fifteen Days, inserted in the
Virgina Gazette for two Months successively, and published on some
Lords Day, immediately after divine Service, in the Church of the Parish
of Henrico, in the County of Henrico, and be also posted up at the front
Door of the Capitol, in the City of Williamsburg. BEN. WALLER.

To be SOLD to the highest Bidder at Henrico Court
house, in
Richmond, on Monday the 6th of June,
THE TENEMENT lately occupied by Mr. James Buchanan, on
Part of which Byrd's Warehouses now stand. It may, with Con-
venience, be divided into three separate Tenements, one of which will
include a very good Dwelling-House, Kitchen, Smokehouse, Dairy, and
a Garden under good Paling. The second will include a very good Brick
Store, a large commodious Lumberhouse, and the Reversion of Byrd's
Warehouses. The third joins the Lands of Colonel Thomas Turpin,
whereon are the Houses now in the Tenancy of Mess. Trents and Mr.
Powell. There is a good Stable on this Lot, and a large new House that
may, at a small Expense, be converted into a Dwelling-House, or Store.
The Situation of these Lots, and Convenience of the Houses, will suffici-
ently recommend them to those who view them. They will be sold
altogether or separately, which ever shall appear most advisable. Half of
the Money to be paid at, or before, the Meeting in November next, and
the Remainder by the first of May 1775. The Bonds to bear Interest
from the Date, unless the Agents of Mess. James and Robert Donald, and
Co. should agree upon other Terms on the Day of Sale. Any Person in-
clining to purchase may be shown the Premises, and know the Terms at
large, by applying to Mr. James Buchanan.
** All those indebted to the said Mess. James and Robert Donald
and Co. for Dealings with Mr. James Buchanan, at their Stores in Rich-
mond, Albemarle
, and Amberst, are once more requested to make speedy
Payment; and as many Accounts are yet standing open, particularly at
their Store in Richmond, those concerned are desired to close the same im-
mediately, otherwise longer Indulgence cannot be given.

To be SOLD by the Subscriber, at Stafford Courthouse,
on the second Monday in
June, if fair, otherwise
first fair Day
THREE TRACTS of LAND adjoining each other, and lying in
Stafford County, on Potowmack Creek, on one of which is a very
commodious Tavern, and other necessary Houses, Garden, &c. within
a few Yards of the Courthouse. The Situation is very advantageous for
the Publican Business, and remarkable for Fish and Fowl. Fifteen
Acres of the Land were laid down in Timothy about four Years ago, and
there are very near forty Acres of Marsh, which might be early reclaimed,
at a asmall Expense. The Terms will be made known on the Day of Sale,
(5) GEORGE DENT, Junior.

Page 4
Column 1

S I M P L I C I T Y.
THE King (God bless him! ) is an honest Man;
To the Queen's Virtues Envy's Self is just;
I'll praise him sometimes, as I sometimes can,
And praise her always, as I always must.
Look, Jessy, what a busy bustling World !
What India Scenes of Plunder and Debate!
What Realms and States in dire Confusion hurled,
Impelled by savage Pride, and more than savage Hate!
Here the stern Russian raves with horrid Speed,
See there the Turks advancing Half the Way;
Grim Death applauds the Scene, and takes his Meed
By Thousands and ten Thousands in a Day.
Was it for this, vain Man, that God design'd
His fair Creation with such wondrous Art!
Was it for this he gave th' immortal Mind,
And stamp'd the heavenly Form and feeling Heart!
Oh! if War's horrid Storm its Rage must pour,
Far may it howl from this our humble Shed;
At Distance may we hear the savage Roar
Of human Tigers, that with Blood are fed!
Tir'd of the Scene, with Pleasure I return,
Dear peaceful Home! to rest my Mind on thee;
For thee, with Gratitude to Heaven I burn,
Which gave me all, for thou art all to me.
Bless'd be that gracious Power who kindly laid,
From the World's Sea, my little Bark ashore;
Gave me Content in still Retirement's Shade,
And bade my Heart be happy and be poor.
That gave me thee, my Jessy, thee, my Wife!
Well pleas'd I dwell upon that tender Name,
Which speaks th' endearing Ties of social Life,
In Titles nobler than the Rolls of Fame.
You smile, my Jessy, at my full fond Heart;
Love forms these Smiles, but Business of the Day
Demands my Care, then kiss me ere we part.
Here, Hannah, take these Breakfast Things away.

To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, before the Raleigh
Tavern, at the Meeting of the Merchants in Wil-
A TRACT of LAND on Chickahominy River, in James City County,
containing upwards of 650 Acres, just above Barrett's Ferry, and
about twelve Miles from Williamsburg. It is good for Grain or Tobacco,
a fine Place for Stock, Fishing, and Fowling. The Terms of Payment
will be published a few Days before the Day of Sale, and a Plan of the
Land shown by GOODRICH BOUSH.
NORFOLK, April 25, 1774.

RUN away, on Thursday the 21st of April,
two indented Servants, one named CHARLES BUTLER, an
Englishman, by Trade a Saddler and Harness Maker, five Feet nine Inches
high, well made, has very black Hair, and a remarkable black Beard; had
on, when he went away, a dark coloured Bath Coating Waistcoat, a
Pair of Russia Drab Breeches, a pair of Black Do. white Thread and
Worsted Stockings. The other named THOMAS FARRILL, an Irish-
, by Trade a Tanner, five Feet seven or eight Inches high, stout
made; had on, and took with him, an old green Coat, a Pair of old
white Breeches, white Shirt, old Worsted Stockings, and old Shoes.
Whoever takes up the said Servants, and secures them in any Jail so that
I get them again, thall have 31. for the Saddler, and 40s. for the Tanner,
besides what the Law allows; and if brought to Richmond, all reasonable
Charges will be paid by. MILES TAYLOR.

T'AKEN up, in Dorcester County, Mary-
, a likely Virginia born NEGRO WOMAN named DOLL
has a Scar under her left Eye, the Toes which ought to be largest are
smaller than the others, and they ride over one another. She was taken
up the 17th of January last, and says she ran away from Gloscow Neck,
in Virginia. She has been advertised in the Maryland Gazette. The
Owner may have her of the Subscriber, on the Mouth of Hungar River,
on proving his Property, and paying as the Law directs.

TAKEN up, in Halifax, two WHITE SOWS, with some black
Spots, marked with a smooth Crop in the left Ear, and a Crop
and a Slit in the right; also five SHOATS unmarked, spotted black and
white, and about a Year old. Posted, and appraised to 30S.

TAKEN up, in Prince Edward, a GRAY HORSE about ten Years
old, four Feet five or fix Inches high, a hanging Mane and Switch
Tail, and branded on the near Buttock, as near as can be made out, CM
in a Piece. Posted, and appraised to 71. 10s.

TAKEN up, in Amelia, a DARK GRAY MARE about thirteen
Hands high, two Years old, a Star in her Forehead, and branded
on the near Buttock Φ. Posted, and appraised to 5l.

TAKEN up, in Prince Edward, a DARK BROWN STEER about
three Years old, marked with a Crop and Half Crop in the left
Ear, and a Crop, Hole, and Slit, in the right. Posted, and appraised

TAKEN up, in Bedford, a BLACK HORSE about six Years old,
about four Feet five Inches high, a Star in his Forehead, hanging
Mane and Switch Tail, paces, trots, and gallops very well, and branded
on the near Buttock K. Posted, and appraised to 61.

THE Fair in Richmond Town begins the
second Thursday in May (being the 12th) the Purse will be
run for the first Day of the Fair, by any Horse, Mare, or Gelding, car-
rying Weight for Age, according to the Rules of Racing. Certificates
will be expected for the Age of the Horses, &c. Any Horse under Size,
will be allowed Weight for Size. All Horses, &c. to be entered with
James Gunn, the Day before.
N. B. Any Person that is inclined to start a Horse may become a
Subscriber, by sending a Line to James Gunn.

(For SALE, and to be seen in Williamsburg, from the
first of
May, and for some Time after, the high
blooded Horse

M A S T E R S T E P H E N.
He is young, strong, and large; has a good
Bottom, and runs fast. Whoever may be inclinable to
know his Pedigree, or to see him, may be satisfied by
applying to Phil: L. Lee, at his House in Williams-

NORFOLK, April 18, 1774.
TAKEN up, and stored by the Subscriber,
after lying two Days and Nights on the Wharf without Doors,
a Hogshead of RUM. The Owner may have it on proving his Property
and paying Charges. JOHN SCHAW.

Column 2

F O R S A L E,
FOUR Half Acre LOTS in the Town of Richmond, lying near the
Middle of that part of the Town as present inhabited. These Lots
are very level, and form a Square fronting a Street each Way. For Terms
apply to Thomas Stegar in Cumberland, or the Subscriber in Manchester.

To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, at Goochland
Courthouse, on Monday the 20th of June, being
Court Day
A TRACT of rich well timbered Land lying opposite to Elk Isand,
in the said County, belonging to the Estate of Mr. John Smith,
deceased, containing 2000 Acres, which will be put up in four separate
Lots Likewise a Tract containing between 3 and 400 Acres, lying
on both sides the Little Bird Creek, near the Head thereof, in said
County. Those Lands having been fully described in a former Adver-
tisement, renders it unnecessary here. The Time of Payment will be
made known on the Day of Sale, and Bonds with good Security required
of the Purchasers, by
(tf ) WILLIAM ANDERSON, Executor.
*** The Purchasers at the different Sales of the Negroes and personal
Estate of Joseph and Jobn Smith, deceased, are desired to take Notice
that their Bonds will, in a very short Time, become payable, and that
no Indulgence can, or will, be allowed to any Person. I thall constantly
attend at the County Courts of Henrico and Hanover, and the Meeting of
Merchants in Williamsburg, in order to receive Payment. Those who
have open Accounts on the Books of John Smitb, deceased, are once
more requested to come and settle.

RUN away from the Subscriber, in Fairfax County, the 4th Instant
(April) near the little Falls of Potowmack, a likely Country born
Negro Fellow, named GEORGE, straight made; had on, when he
went away, an old Cotton Jacket pretty much wore on the left Shoul-
der, a Pair of old gray Broadcloth Breeches with some Silver Twist But-
tons on them, a middling fine old white Shirt, a Pair of old white Cotton
Stockings, a Pair of British made Shoes about Half wore, with a Pair of
plain Iron Buckles in them, and a Boy's Leather Cap. He is a slow
spoken Fellow, was formerly the Property of one John Higbtower in
Carolina, whose firm Bill of Sale I have in my Possession, and he is sup-
posed to have gone that Way. Any Person who will apprehend the said
Fellow and commit him to Jail, or bring him to me, shall have the above
Reward, and all reasonable Charges paid.

ROCKY MILL, HANOVER County, April 14, 1774.
RUN away from the Subscribers, on the
27th of March, two indented Servant Men, namely, JOSEPH
GOTHARD, by Trade a Cooper, has a Scar over one of his Eyes and
Ankles; had on a Drab coloured Frieze Tacket, with Metal Buttons, old
Leather Breeches, a Half worn Har, a Pair of Sale Hose, and a pair of
coarse Shoes. THOMAS JACKSON, by Trade a Coachman, about
thirty Years of Age, of a ruddy Countenance, about five Feet eight
Inches high, with light Hair; had on an old Hat, dark Broadcloth Coat
much patched, an old Virginia Cloth blue twilled Jacket, with Pewter
Buttons, without Sleeves, a Pair of very narrow Duck Trousers patched
on each Knee with new Osnabrugs, a pair of Country Shoes, and black
Hose. Whoever will deliver both the above mentioned Servants at New-
, or the above mentioned Place, shall receive 5l. or 50s. for either,
if taken in the Colony; and if in any other, reasonable Satisfaction willbe
made by the Subscribers. JOHN SYME.

London, has opened Shop near the Capitol in Williamsburg, and
makes and sells all sorts of Knives, Razors, Scissors, Surgeons Instru-
ments, and Box and Spring Fleams on a new Construction, which are
much approved by the most eminent Farriers in Great Britain; also
grinds and repairs all sorts of Edge Tools in the above Branch, cleans
Fire Arms, and makes Springs and Screws for Do. All such as please
to favour him with their Custom may depend on the utmost Punctuality
and reasonable Charges, and Commissions from the Country duly
executed.___Razor Strops made and dressed.___Direct to the Care
of Mr. George Simmons, Peruke Maker.

TAKES this Method to inform the Ladies and Gentlemen that he
has opened Shop opposite the new Hospital, in Williamsburg, where
he carries on the Painting Business; he likewise paints all kinds of Land-
scapes with Accuracy, and repairs all kinds of Painting and Gilding in
the most elegant Manner. Those who please to employ him may de-
pend on a full Exertion of his Abilities to give general Satisfaction.
N. B. He will take a Negro Boy as an Apprentice.

NEABSCO FURNACE, April 1, 1774.
RUN away from the Neabsco Furnace, on
the 16th of last Month, a light coloured Mulatto Man named
BILLY or WILL, the Property of the Honourable John Taylor, Esquire.
When I tell the Publick that he is the same Boy, who, for many Years,
used to wait on me in my Travels through this and the neighbouring
Province, and, by his Pertness, or rather Impudence, was well known
to almost all my Acquaintances, there is the less Occasion for a particular
Description of him. However, as he is now grown to the size of a Man,
and has not attended me for some Time past, I think it not amiss to say
that he is a very likely young Fellow, about twenty Years old, five Feet
nine Inches high, stout and strong made, has a remarkable Swing in his
Walk, but is much more so by a surprising Knack he has of gaining the good
Graces of almost every Body who will listen to his bewitching and
deceitful Tongue, which seldom or ever speaks the Truth; has a small
Scar on the right side of his Forehead, and the little Finger of his right
Hand is quite straight by a Hurt he got when a Child. He had on when
he went away a blue Fearnought and an under Jacket of green Baize,
Cotton Breeches, Osnabrug Shirt, a mixed blue Pair of Stockings, a Pair
of Country made Shoes, and yellow Buckles. From his Ingenuity, he
is capable of doing almost any Sort of Business, and for some Years past
has been chiefly employed as a Founder, a Stone Mason, and a Miller, as
Occasion required; one of which Trades, I imagine, he will, in the Cha-
racter of a Freeman, profess. I have some Reason to suspect his tra-
velling towards James River, under the Pretense of being sent by me on
Business. Whoever apprehends the said Mulatto Slave, and brings him
to me, or to his Master, the Honourable Jobn Taylor of Mount Airy, or
secures him so as to be had again, shall have double what the Law allows,
and all reasonable Charges paid by

NORFOLK, March 26, 1774.
THE Subscribers have lately received from
the CARRON MANUFACTORY, in Scotland, a small Con-
signment of NAILS, from 4d. to 3od. which they will sell on short
Credit, at a very moderate Advance; and as they have Directions from
the Proprietors of this Manufactory to receive Orders on them for either
NAILS or STEEL, they would be much obliged to their Friends who
deal in those Articles for their Orders, which, from the Assurances given
them, they make no Doubt will be executed on as good Terms as from
any Part of Britain.
*** Who will be in Want of a very large Quantity of the WHITE
HOMINY BEANS next Year, and will give good Encouragement for
the Cultivation of them.___They have to Charter, to any part of Britain,
a NEW SHIP now lying at Baltimore in Maryland, which will carry
7 or 8oo Hogsheads of Tobacco, and can be in Virginia the Beginning of
May. Two ANCHORS, of 1400 Weight each, are wanted for this

Column 3

ESSEX County, April 2, 1774.
IN Consequence of the Death of Mr. James
of Essex, who was acting Attorney for Mess. John, William,
and James McCall, MCcall & Eliott, and MCcall, Elliot, & Snodgrass,
in the Business formerly under the Management of Mr. Wlliam Snodgrass,
we have received from his Executors the Books and Papers of said Com-
pany, and have put them into the Hands of Mr. James Gordon to collect.
We therefore earnestly request all indebted to those Concerns to pay off
immediately, as no farther Indulgence can be given. Mr. James Gordon
will reside in Tappahannock, and attend Essex, Middlesex, Gloucester, and
King and Queen Courts.

KING WILLIAM, March 31, 1774.
PLANK and SCANTLING to be sold
by the Subscriber at his Saw Mill near Aylett's Warehouse, Mat-
River, upon the most reasonable Terms, and of the following
Kinds, viz. White Oak, Black Walnut, Sweet Gum, Ash, Poplar.
Birch (which makes elegant Furniture) best Yellow Heart Pine for
Flooring, and clear of Heart and Sap if required, common high Land
and Slash Pine for other Uses. A reasonable Credit will be allowed,
and European or West India Goods received in Payment. I shall prepare
several Sets of Plank and Scantling for executing Hobday's Wheat Ma-
chines, which, or any other Kind of Plank or Scantling, I can send to
Norfolk, or any Part of York River. Orders, which may come by the
Port to the Post Office at Aylett's, will be duly complied with. I have
also for Sale a Quantity of excellent Madeira WINE, of the London
and New York Qualities, in Hogtheads and Quarter Casks, on twelve
Months Credit, and will receive Corn or Wheat in Payment.

To be SOLD, together or in Parcels,
THAT fertile and well timbered Tract of Land lying in Princess Anne
County, known by the Name of GIBBS'S WOODS, whereon
are several Settlements, and whereof Jeremiah Tinker, Esq; Grandson
of the late Governour Gibbs now stands seized, under the Deed of Gift of
his Mother, the Daughter and Heiress of the said Governour Gibbs. Per-
sons inclining to purchase may be informed of the Terms by applying to
Mr. James Parker, Merchant in Norfolk, or to Edward Foy, in Williams-
, who will give an undoubted Title (tf)

To be SOLD, on Tuesday the 14th of June next; to
the highest Bidder, on the Premises,

ALL the LOTS in Suffolk Town belonging to the late Partnership of
Gibson, Granbery, and Co. upon which are several good and con-
venient Warehouses, a Tar House, a Dwelling-House and Storehouse,
and all necessary Outhouses. Twelve Months Credit will be allowed,
the Purchasers giving Bond and Security. (6)

A SOBER Man that is well acquainted with Hair
Dressing and Wig Making, may meet with good
Encouragement by applying to the Subscriber.
*** Any Person who has a Servant's Time to dis-
pose of that understands the above Business, may
apply as above.

A TRACT of LAND in Amelia County, containing 500 Acres, about
four Miles below the Courthouse, it is remarkable fine Land for
Grain, and will bring good Tobacco. The Plantation is in good Order
for Cropping, sufficient to work six or eight Hands, with all necessary
Houses. Any Person inclinable to purchase may depend on having a
Bargain, and know The Terms by applying to

A VALUABLE FARM of 1500 Acres, within
fifteen Miles of Petersburg. The Terms may
be known on Application to the Subscriber.

NEWMARKET (Caroline) December 1, 1773.
RUN away from the Subscriber, the latter
End of October 1772, a likely Mulatto Man named RANDOLPH,
about thirty Years of Age, and five Feet eight or nine Inches high; he
had on, when he went away, a Suit of Green, with red Livery. As he
has many Acquaintances about Williamsburg, it is probable he is lurking
about that Place. Whoever delivers the said Slave to me shall have

ABOUT twelve Thousand Acres of exceeding rich TOBACCO
LAND, in Amherst County, whereon are several Plantations and
Improvements sufficient to work forty or fifty Hands. There is on the
said Land for Sale a very valuable GRIST MILL, lately built, with a
Stone Dam and a pair of good Cologne Millstones, which Mill has for two
Years past got upwards of 100 Barrels of Toll Corn, and is situated on a
never failing Stream. The Land will be shown by William Womack, who
lives at one of the Plantations, and the Prices of the Land made
known by him. One or two Years Credit will be allowed, Interest being
paid for the second Year, and also for the first, if the Money is not paid
agreeable to contract. The Land is to be laid off and surveyed by
Colonel William Cabell, at the Expense of the Purchaser. Deeds will be
made upon Bond and approved Security being given, either to Colonel
William Cabell, or the Subscriber. Six per Cent. Discount will be allowed
for ready Money, or good Merchants Notes. If any person will choose
to exchange Lands in the lower part of the Country, on or near some
navigable River, that are good, it is more than probable we should agree.

TWO TRACTS of LAND. One lies in Albemarle County, on
Hardware River, about five Miles from the great River, contain-
ing 370 Acres, 100 of which are the best Kind of low Grounds, and
situated so as always to have the best Range for Stock of any Land be-
tween the Capes and Little Mountains.
The other Tract lies in Goochland County, on Lickinghole Creek, near
the Three Notebed Road, and contains 700 Acres. The high Land is
equal to any in these Parts, fine for Tobacco and Wheat, or any Kind
of Grain or Meadow. About 200 Acres are cleared, now under good
Fences, laid off in three Fields, and in fine Order to work about ten
Hands to great Advantage. The Improvements are a good Dwelling-
house, Kitchen, Smokehouse, a Dairy, four good Tobacco Houses, with
Negro Quarters, and other convenient Buildings, also a fine Apple and
Peach Orchard. The Place is pleasantly situated, has fine Water, is as
healthy as any part of the Colony, and is convenient to Church or Pro-
Meetinghouse, and several Mills, besides one on the Land turned
by a Spring Branch to grind for three or four Families the whole Year,
and is not in the least unhealthy, as the Water may be ground off every
Day. Credit will be given for Part of both Tracts. Any Person inclin-
able to purchase may know the Terms by applying to Mr. William Mit-
, Merchant in Richmond, or to the Subscriber, who will show
the Land, (tf) WILLIAM PRYOR.
GOOCHLAND, November 3, 1773.

ALL persons may be supplied with this PAPER at 12s. 6d. a Year, and have ADVERTISEMENTS (of a moderate Length) inserted in it for
3s. the first Week and 2s.each Week after.___***All Sorts of PRINTING WORK done at this Office in the neatest Manner, with
Care and Expedition.

Original Format

Ink on paper



Purdie and Dixon, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 1178, Thursday May 5, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 23, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/149.