Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 287, November 7, 1771


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 287, November 7, 1771



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Page 1
p>THURSDAY, November 7, 1771. Number 287.
Open to ALL PARTIES, but influenced by NONE.
Column 1

ABOUT ninety years after Bacon's rebellion we had
an impartial and circumstantial account of its rise,
progress, and termination. That precious little morsel
of our history deserves to be preserved. Ninety years
hence posterity may have as valuable a history of the late
proceedings in Carolina. It is scarce to be expected at
this time, when both the Regulators and their enemies
deny, with all asseveration, every charge exhibited by
one against the other; probably with very little candour
on both sides. Should the inclosed find a place in your
Gazette, I should be pleased to see it contribute to extort
histories of the Carolina troubles, carefully exhibiting
its causes, &c. Though I question not but they would
be partial, we might, however, from the two best pieces,
on different sides, attain something like truth.
I am, Sir, your, &c.

On voyait alors des scenes bien disserentes. D'un
cotè le désespoir et la suite d'une partie de la nation:
De l' autre de nouvelles sêtes à Versailles-Trianon
bati, &c. &c.

A COMPLETE detail of those facts which
preceded the slaughter at Almance would,
no doubt, give particular pleasure to public
curiosity. It is very difficult for a stranger
to combine the detached relations of parti-
cular incidents, so as to form a complete idea of the whole
transaction. Indeed the Pennsylvania Gazette, of Au-
15, contains almost the only connected account we
have. It appears to have been digested from the papers,
and verbal informations, of Herman Husbands, when he
was in that city. That paper has every appearance of
truth that can be desired, and this, among others, that
it remains unrefuted; and, as to the principles which
governed the Regulators, it is authority, than which
there can be no better. You will observe in that account,
that the Regulators did not [illegible] too
ready to return, [illegible] if [illegible]
piece abovementioned be [illegible]
men of North Carolina [illegible]
seems as though [illegible] because [illegible]

Besides that paper we have only such facts as appear
in various vindications of the Anti-regulators, some of
which are difficult to excuse.

A publication in our Gazette gave an account of Col.
Cornell's frolic at Newbern, when Leonidas was honour-
ed with the faggot. To that account was subjoined a
defence of the conduct, held toward the Regulators. I
imagined, from a perusal of those matters, that corporal
correction was not confined to the soldiers for the mere
purposes of discipline.
Read that paper.

You say that Col. Tryon wished, and endeavoured,
to promote universal and impartial justice. That is
very difficult for the head of a party. Consult the Penn-
sylvania Gazette
above mentioned. It is good to hear
both parties. The universality and impartiality of his
justice may there appear. However, to drop the subject
of a character, for which I have not the smallest vene-
ration, can it be averred that, in your courts, universal
and impartial justice prevailed--prevailed free from il-
legal shackles
and incumbrances? Was there neither
actual nor virtual combination among the limbs of the
law to extort unwarranted, and often enormous, fees?
Was there any law, when the troubles began, to restrain
their rapacity? Did not the expençes to a plaintiff, for
a small debt recovered, frequently equal, nay exceed
the debt? To answer in the negative would evince great-
er hardiness than sincerity. Col. Fanning and others
were found guilty of extortions upon several indictments:
But the extortions, you say, were so trivial that very
lenient fines were imposed; a circumstance, which with
you (lawyers perhaps) evinces the futility of the obnoxi-
ous grievances. Those, I suppose, were extortions of
office: If so, it is very probable, they were trivial, each
in particular
. But will not an accumulation of any, say
the smallest extortions, amount to an intolerable grievance?
Ought not the fine imposed by the Judge, to have been
sufficient to deter the guilty from repetitions ? Was it
not evident that the prosecutors acted in behalf of others,
as well as themselves? Could they promise themselves
any other benefit from the imposition of high fines, than
a cessation of those extortions? People prove their com-
plaints to be grounded in reason, and the Judge, as a
patron to delinquents, dismisses them unredressed, and
covered with shame and confusion. (Amazing con-
nivance! which, lege ruentis acervi, may be extended
at discretion.) It is not in the human heart to brook
that situation. The Judge may therefore be considered,
next to Col. Fanning, as a principal incendiary of the
late sedition. Redress under injury is recommended
by even Machiavel, that preceptor to tyrants; otherwise
private revenge will operate in either a public or private
manner. The following query is not to be understood as
[illegible]: I ask, for information, if no part of the
[illegible] a proportion to the profits of certain

Column 2

officers, over whom his guardianship of the laws gives him
controul? If not, he may be an imprudent Judge, and
ignorant politician; but, if yes, he is open to suspicion.
To countenance, to connive, at the smallest extortion
of public officers, is inexcusable in a Judge; but if those
extortions be, in any respect, to his own benefit, his de-
merit exceeds all censure.

The causes assigned, for so general a spirit of licenti-
ousness, are not grounded in probability or experience.
What a crude suggestion (usually demonstrative of the
badness of the heart and head of the author) that the
Regulators intended to have usurped the province ! Such
is a charge brought in a late paper against them. The
propagation of a lie neither did nor could cause the Ca-
sedition. Men feel a distress before they hazard
their lives and fortunes for relief; neither do they put
them to hazard, but, when other methods have failed,
it becomes their last remedy. You say Governor Tryon
gave orders to the Attorney General to prepare indict-
ments for every accusation which should be presented to
him, in the very breath in which you speak of the vigour
of his exertions to redress grievances. Then there were
grievances, to redress which those vigorous exertions
were necessary; and those orders to the Attorney Gene-
ral must, it would seem, have been necessary (being
numbered among the Governor's vigorous exertions) be-
fore the injured could prefer indictments. Indictments
preferred, the grievances made manifest, and redress
denied, to what were the people to recur? Whoever is
tame in that situation, is tame through coercion, and
want of power. You have given a lesson to every go-
vernment in America, and, I believe, yours the first
government in a condition to give that lesson. There
were grievances: Every Regulator, secret and avowed,
will give that testimony. Your Assembly acknowledged
their reality, when the number of complaints extorted a
remedy, last autumn, to some of those grievances. The
law was probably passed with great reluctance, and a
spirit of resentment, against the principal persons who
put [illegible] necessary. They followed
[illegible] I am certain it would have been ho-
nester. Nothing could be less likely to restore tranqui-
lity than the measures pursued. Indeed, the restoration
of tranquility was not intended. An injured people were
not likely to deliver up their arms, and the objects of
their love and reverence,
into the hands of their enemies.
Their refusal was foreseen, and, of course, their de-
struction (the pretended consequence of their refusal)

It is odious to justify ill proceedings by partial laws
and proclamations, framed on purpose to support those
proceedings. They may have weight in the courts of
Carolina, but not with the consciences of men, not with
their understandings.

You are severe on Leonidas for saying the Governor
fired before the hour; as though it were not repeatedly
published in the Gazettes, by persons, who seemed to be
Anti regulators, present in the skirmish. The first ac-
count in our Gazette most ridiculously trumpeted forth
the glorious victory of Almance ! and was full of barba-
rous exultation over the dead countrymen of the writer.
That, or the next, account expressly asserted that the
Governor fired a few minutes before the two hours (there
said to be allowed) were expired. The reason was
given; for all must be justified. Certain movements of
the Regulators alarmed the Governor, and he thought
fit to begin the engagement.
Who could doubt the fact
(seeing it came from Anti regulators ) that can rely upon
Gazette authority. Do your assertions come with great-
I believed it, and still give it entire credit. Whether
true or false, your countrymen have been attacked with
success, and that success you say, has happily fancified
the measure
. Yes, Phocion and you may add the de-
vastation of their fields, the arbitrary confiscation of their
, and the rewards held out to murders (which,
if committed in this country, would have shewn the mer-
cenary bravoes rewarded at the * gallows.) You may
add the extortions and denial of justice, which involved
the Regulators, their wives and children, in such com-
plicated destruction. Phocion, upon the faith and ho-
nour of a person, without a temptation to falshood, I
heard, from unquestionable authority a frequent witness
of what he advanced, such a relation of the lawyers
fancified exorbitances in your country (antecedent to the
late troubles) that I thought it no presumption to charge
the representatives of Carolina with the utmost deficien-
cy of duty. My surprise soon yanished: I was told the As-
sembly, the abler, the more active, part consisted of law-
yers and officers. Men, capable of the most unjustifiable
exactions, were no less capable of leaving their constituents
exposed to such exactions. When that authority, is con-
firmed by the repeated testimony of persons in this colony;
connected with yours, and the uniform testimony of thou-
sands, whom you stile renegadoes, what are we to think
* I have just thought of Collier, and the Surry venire;
so retract that assertion

Column 3

of the passing compliment Leonidas paid to the members
of the law in your country, but that (however coarse
his expression) it is not destitute of foundation ? Renega-
signifies a renouncer ; banditti, banished men. Those
who are expelled their country by illegal exactions, un-
constitutional laws, inhuman violences; those who are
expelled their country despoiled of the means of sub-
sistence, and against whose bosoms the sword of the assassin
is invited by promise of recompence, they indeed may be
called banditti; but renegadoes are rather those who
have driven them to such horrid extremities, renouncers
of their brethren, and of all that is amiable in humanity.
Are we to close our ears to the complaints of the injured
and undone? Are we to regard, as fallacious, their de-
clarations, and believe none but their enemies, however
preposterous their accusations ? Remain such justice to
the southward of Moratue. Consciences, galled and
sore, labour to compose their own agitations; but it is a
pleasure to observe with what inscrutable magic supreme
wisdom has coupled crime and remorse. The real crimes
of the Regulators not deserving so rigid a treatment as
they have met with, you labour to persuade yourselves
they had views the most criminal, the most improbable.
Indeed, Phocion, your colony appears terrible. With
what a small exaltation of the same spirit might it soar
to any enormity! Men, who have none of your party
passions, whose minds are warmed with benevolence, la-
ment those dreadful deeds, the consequence of oppressions,
armed with public authority. Pennsylvania and Virgi-
might have had their tragedies also. But another
spirit animates those governments.

I know, in adopting the sentiments I entertain, they
would wear a face of absurdity, if applied to almost any
other colony. But yours is not, generally speaking, upon
a footing with the other colonies. Few of your consi-
derable men bave seen their fathers considerable there
before them. A great proportion of inhabitants [torn, illegible]
of a concourse of emigrants from other countries,[torn, illegible]
thither by mercenary motives, whose interests [torn, illegible]
who have not as yet, had either time sufficient, [torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]to form that coalition which [torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
brethren; but to multitudes in Carolina whose terms are
less endearing than elsewhere. The [illegible] is
circumscribed, and few can pronounce, with glowing,
assent, that omnes charitates [illegible] una com-
. Such being the case, the Anti-regulators, no
less than the Regulators, are open to a suspicion of mis-
conduct; and facts alone, stated by impartiality, and
good information, can determine which have been the
most heinous offenders.

May a wiser policy, and milder spirit, guide your fu-
ture counsels, and prevail with you to restore (it may be
a compliment to your new Governor) the unhappy exiles
to the cultivation of their farms, and prosecution of their
domestic duties. May the more than widowed wives,
and orphan children, be re united to their husbands and
fathers, and cease, in fine, to eat the bread of bitterness
and sorrow. May the memory, and, as far as possible,
the consequences of the late feuds, be forever abolished;
and may wise, equal, and conscientiously executed, laws
give your country greater happiness than she has yet ex-

Vis consili expers mole ruit sua.
Vim temperatam dii quoque provehunt
In majus.
Idem odêre vires
Omne nesas animo moventes.

As for the rest I have received no impressions, but
such as my notions of justice have inspired, from relati-
ons on which my judgment relied. Men of no principles
eagerly seek to lull the attention of those who might de-
tect their practices. I am in guard against their- artifice,
and have not always believed their insinuations. I desire
no man to be convinced by what has convinced me, or to
adopt my opinions, of which, I can only say, that they
are expressed with candour. Your writings, like those of
Leonidas, are adorned with flowers of a certain rhetoric,
rather too common in our American publications: A
proof that we are not, as yet, sufficiently removed from
barbarity. I shall receive a chaplet of those flowers from
Phocion, or a sentence to the faggot from Col. Cornell,
and his companions, with all imaginable satisfaction. The
treatment my performance may receive, will not alter
the principle by which it is dictated. If it has errors
(as nothing is more common) let them be corrected. To
acquire a truth, and lose an error, is a double advantage,
to which no person is more sensible than
Petersburg, October 20, 1771.
P.S. A government has rarely been overturned by
a first sedition. Happy the government which examines
into, and carefully corrects the causes of the first. Ano-
ther is sure to arise, the causes of the first subsisting. The
same causes produce the same effects. The terror which
benumbs the audacity of the turbulent, is insensibly dissi-
pated The government grows secure : They with re-
venge to gratify, become more deliberate, more deter-
mined, and therefore more dangerous. However successful

Page 2
Column 1

an insurrection may be in the colony where it originates,
I know for a long time to come) it must yield to the
united efforts of the other colonies, that is, it must give
place. The insurgents will retire to the frontiers, and re-
vive the days of the Italian banditti, when almost every
city had banished one half of its inhabitants. In the mean
time what must be the distress of that colony ! It was
wise and prudent in the colonies adjoining to Carolina,
to allow the fugitive Regulators an asylum. Men should
never be driven to desperation; the desperate never com-
pelled together. Our President's proclamation was a
mere compliment to Carolina. The federal governments
owe a civility to each other, but no Regulator was mo-
lested in this colony. Governed by men of honour we
see our laws in Virginia carried easily into execution.
The authority our Magistrates derive from the law, ren-
dered venerable by the influence of their private virtues,
answer all the purposes of standing armies, and levies of
troops. There is little occasion to arm against a people
whose happiness is the aim of its government.

To his Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of
DUNMORE, his Majesty's Lieutenant and Gover-
nor General of the colony and dominion of
and Vice Admiral of the same.

May it please your EXCELLENCY,
We his Majesty's dutiful and affectionate subjects,
the merchants and traders of this colony, beg
leave to approach your Lordship with our very sincere
congratulations upon your safe arrival to your govern-
ment and to assure you that we feel ourselves impressed
with the most lively sentiments of gratitude to his Ma-
jesty for his gracious attention to the welfare of this
colony, in appointing a Nobleman of your distinguished
rank and abilities to govern and reside among us, at a
time when oar minds were deeply affected by the loss of
the much lamented Lord BOTETOURT, your Lord-
ship's noble predecessor.

A tear is justly due to the memory of that amiable man,
and most excellent Governor; but we felicitate ourselves
in the pleasing prospect of happiness, from the upright-
ness and wisdom of an administration, which, from a
fitter colony, has received the most cordial thanks and
universal applause.

My Lord, the commerce of this country being cer-
tainly an object of no small consequence to the British
empire, we entertain no doubt of its meeting with your
Excellency's warmest patronage and encouragement.

We take this opportunity of declaring our inviolable
fidelity to his Majesty's sacred person and government,
and of our resolution to contribute every thing in our
power to render your Lordship's administration agreea-
ble and happy.

His Lordship's A N S W E R.
[torn, illegible] with infinite satisfaction this address, ex-
[torn, illegible] of your fidelity to his Majesty's person and
[torn, illegible] and of your obliging [torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
commerce of this country, it shall always be an object
of my greater care and attention; and it shall be my;
constant study to deserve the high honour conferred on
me by being appointed to succeed a Governor who had
made himself so universally approved, and whose death
is now so justly lamented.

On Tuesday last died, in the 83d Year of his Age, the
Honourable JOHN BLAIR, Esq; a Gentleman who,
in the Course of his long Life, discharged the Offices of
Representative, Auditor, Judge, Privy Counsellor, and
President of the Colony, with unblemished Integrity.
The Virtues of his private Character have been but
rarely equalled and, perhaps, never yet excelled.

Captain FOY is appointed Auditor, in the Room of
the Honourable JOHN BLAIR, Esq; deceased.

Last Tuesday, at the General Court, George Dalton,
and George Gray, for horsestealing, and John King,
for burglary, received sentence of death; and
Colin Campbell, for maiming, was burnt in the hand.

By his Excellency JOHN Earl of DUNMORE, his
Majesty's Lieutenant and Governor General of the
Colony and Dominion of
Virginia, and Vice Admiral
of the same

WHEREAS complaint has been made to me, upon
oath, by Benjamin Clark of the county of Lu-
, that Daniel Mackey, of the said county, did,
some time in the year 1770, maliciously bite off one of
the ears of the said Benjamin, and otherwise barba-
rously maim him, for which offence he was examined be-
fore a Magistrate, and while a recognizance of bail was
making out for his appearance at court, to undergo an
examination for the said offence, he found means to make
his escape, appeared not at the court appointed for the
purpose, nor has yet surrendered himself, but goes
armed against all legal authority, and in defiance of an
escape warrant, which has been granted for apprehend-
ing him: I have therefore thought fit, by and with the
consent and advice of his Majesty's Council, to issue this
proclamation, in his Majesty's name, hereby offering a
reward of TEN POUNDS to any person, who shall ap-
prehend and bring to justice the said Daniel Mackey.
And I do also require all officers, both civil and military,
and all other his Majesty's subjects, within this dominion,
to be aiding and assisting herein, as they shall answer the
contrary at their peril.
Given under my hand, at Williamsburg, this 6th
day of
November, 1771, and in the twelfth year
of his Majesty's reign.

Column 2

FOUND, by the Printer hereof, a BAG con-
taining GOLD. The Owner may have it on
Application to him.

THE young man who advertises himself in this gazette,
No. 284, as coming from Nassau Hall college, New
, and as wanting a tutor's birth in a family, is de-
sired to apply to W. Rind, in order to be acquainted with
the proposals of a person who wants such.

BEING very desirous to settle all my affairs, and to
release the Gentlemen who at my request became
trustees from their engagements for me, I propose to sell
at Rocky Ridge, on Monday the 2d of December next,
to the highest bidders, 2500 acres of exceeding rich and
valuable L A N D, lying just below the falls of James
river, in the county of Chesterfield, on which is an ex-
ceeding good dwelling house, and all conveniences for
cropping, There will be land enough sown in wheat to
produce 5000 bushels. A stream of water runs through
it sufficient for a mill. I likewise intend to sell the ware-
houses and many lots in Rocky Ridge, the valuable fer-
ries on each side the river, the fishery known by the name
of Sandy Bar, with several hundred acre lots in Hen-
, and many lots in Shockoe. At the same time will
be sold 200 Negroes, and stocks of all sorts. The time
of payment will be agreed on at the day of sale. Those
who have an inclination to purchase may be shown the
premises by applying to Mr. David Pattison.
- W. BYRD.
N B. The land will be sold altogether, or in parcels,
as on the day of sale shall appear most adviseable.

On Wednesday next, being the 13th instant,
Will be performed
The vocal parts by
With select pieces on the MUSICAL GLASSES, and
To begin exactly at 6 o'clock.
Tickets to be had at the bar of the Raleigh, and at
the post office, at five shillings each.
There will be music provided for such of the
Ladies and Gentlemen as chuse to dance after the con-

ESSEX, October 25, 1771.
To be SOLD to the highest bidder, on the last Thurs-
day in
November, if fair, otherwise the next fair day,
ALL that tract or parcel of LAND lying in Pet-
parish and Gloucester county, known by the
name of Paradise. The quantity for which quit rents
have been paid is 1140 acres, but it will be ascertained
by survey before the day of sale; and it is expected it
will measure about 1300 acres. It lies very convenient
to Portopotank inspection of tobacco on a creek of York
river, and [torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
of which is exceedingly good, and well [torn, illegible]
William Pollard, who lives near the land, will be kind
enough to shew it to any person who may chuse to look
over it. The proprietors of this land live in the pro-
vince of Maryland, who have authorized me to dispose
of it, and have possessed me with their title papers, for
the inspection of those who chuse to purchase. I will
make a private bargain for the land between this and the
day of sale, but if I do not, the terms will be then made
known by JOHN LEE.

To be SOLD, at Dumfries, in Prince William county,
the 2d day of
Thirty choice S L A V E S ,
Part of them for cash, and part for twelve months credit.
Their titles will be warranted, for which undoubted se-
curity will be given if required.

To be SOLD, at Loudoun court-house, the 9th of
Twenty-five choice Virginia born
Part for cash, and part for twelve months credit. Their
titles will be warranted, for which undoubted security
will be given if required.

WHEREAS the estate of Benjamin Grymes cannot be
got in order for sale by the 25th instant, there will,
on that day, be sold, at the place where the said Grymes
lives, for ready money, as many Negroes and horses as
will raise about 1500l, and the residue of his estate, con-
sisting of about 120 Negroes, several horses, oxen, wag-
gons, carts, houshold furniture, and books; also about 2000
acres of land, upon Mattapony river, in Spotsylvania
county, which will be laid off in lots and put under in-
closures, will be sold on the first Monday in February, at
the said plantation where the said Grymes now lives,
which is about 6 miles from Fredericksburg, on credit till
the 25th day of April, 1773, the purchasers giving bond
and security to the trustees, who will attend the sale and
make a good title. Five per cent discount will be allowed
for ready money; and all bonds not discharged at the
time they become due, to bear interest from their date.
The two vessels before advertised, being a brig and a
schooner, about 100 tons burthen each, will be sold by the
subscriber, at any time between this and the day of sale.
Agent to the trustees.
N. B. There are among the Negroes some good col-
liers, carters, forgemen, watermen, and a very good
furnace keeper. November 1, 1771.

FREDERICKSBURG, November 4, 1771.
ALL persons having any demands against the estate
of the late Dr. John Sutherland, are desired to
make them known to the subscribers, or one of them,
on or before the next April General Court, that they
may be settled and discharged. Those indebted are re-
quested to make payment by the above time, as no longer
indulgence will be granted, FIELDING LEWIS,

Column 3

To be SOLD, pursuant to the will of John Morton Jordan,
Esq; deceased,
His tract of LAND in Richmond county, lying on Rap-
river, containing upwards of 3000 acres;
the land is well timbered, and great part thereof very
good. Also to be sold, his lots, store house, warehouses,
and wharf, in the town of Leeds. The terms may be
known by applying to THOMAS JETT, Executor,
*** All persons indebted to Mr., Jordan, and Mess.
John Morton Jordan and company, are desired to be
speedy in their payments.

AGREEABLE to an order of Chesterfield court will
be let to the lowest undertaker, the moving and
repairing two large warehouses at Rocky Ridge, in
the town of Manchester, on Friday the 15th of November

AS I have removed from my seat, I am willing to rent
it to any Gentleman for a term of years: It is plea-
santly situated on Gray's creek, in Surry county, about
two and a half miles from the river, opposite James
, and hath thereon the following improvements:
A brick dwelling house, with two rooms and a passage be-
low stairs, and the same above, a large kitchen, dairy, and
all other convenient houses, together with a garden and
yard, all built within these four years. As I propose con-
tinuing my Negroes on the said plantation, I would not
chuse to rent any of the land with the houses, except a
sufficient quantity for pasturage. There appears to be
a very extensive opening for one in the practice of physic:
Any Gentleman of that profession would be very conveni-
ently settled. For further particulars apply. to me in
Cobham, near the said plantation.

To be SOLD to the biggest bidder, on Thursday the 19th
December, at Sussex court house, being court day,
A VALUABLE tract of LAND, on Nottaway river,
containing 1200 acres, or thereabouts, well situated
for making corn, wheat, and tobacco. Credit will be
given, I2 or 18 months, it required, for the greatest part
of the purchase money, giving bond, with good security,

NORFOLK, November 4, 1771.
To be SOLD by the subscriber, on the most reasonable
terms for ready money, at their store opposite Mr.

Maximilian Calvert's house
A VARIETY of white and coloured THREADS,
with sundry other European and West India

To be SOLD by the subscriber, living in Pittsylvania
county, on six months credit,
ONE thousand two hundred acres of LAND, lying in
the said county, on the branches of Elkhorn creek,
about two miles from Peytonbsurg, which said tract of
land I purchased from the executor of Robert Wade, jun.
deceased. Any person inclinable to purchase the same
may know the terms by applying to JOHN COX.

To be SOLD by the subscriber, the following tracts of
NINE hundred acres in the county of Orange, part of
the Brookesby tract, the soil well adapted for corn,
wheat, and tobacco and as good a range as [illegible]
colony, [illegible, torn] county of [illegible]
[torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible] Queen county plea-
santly situated upon [torn, illegible]
house land, subject to the dower of Mrs. Catherine Leigh.
10 lots in the borough of Norfolk, on Smith’s creek,
most of them water lots. 5 lots in the most flourishing
town of Beaufort, on Rappahannock river. Three years
credit will be given for the land in King and Queen, and
the rest as can be agreed on with the purchasers. For
terms for the lots in Norfolk apply to Mr. Philip Car-
, and the rest to the subscriber in Fredericksburg.

To be SOLD by the subscriber,
A VERY pretty and convenient situation, agreeable
either for public or private life, with good buildings
thereon, such as are fit for the reception of a Gentleman;
the dwelling house almost new, with 5 rooms below stairs
and 3 above, with the stairs passage, brick chimnies, a
brick cellar the whole length of the house, and all other
out houses, kitchen, quarter, smokehouse, dairy, corn-
house, stable, a barn now on the stocks, and many other
convenient houses, with a paled garden I20 feet square,
both apple and peach orchards, and several good springs.
Great part of the land is very level and well timbered, and
is a very fine soil for tobacco, with manure none better,
also good for corn, wheat, or any other grain. It is
likewise convenient to churches, mills, and warehouse,
and not more than 4 miles from York and Chickabomony
rivers, where is always to be got fish, fowl, and oysters,
very plentifully in their season. There is nothing but the
great and many disappointments I have met with in the
way I have lived (by trusting too many villains, who have
greedily swallowed down my effects, without giving the
least thanks for it, much less the notion of ever paying
what they justly owe, which is one reason, and by being
fond and very desirous to pay my debts, is another) which
could have prevailed upon me to part with this place, so
conveniently situated in the very heart of the country.
There will be a good title made to the purchaser, and
possession given at Christmas. Whoever inclines to pur-
chase may know the terms by applying to me on the
premises. JAMES DILLARD.
N. B. The purchaser shall have a bargain in the above

SOUTHAMPTON, October 7, 1771.
Pursuant to the last will and testament of Mr. Lewis
Davis, deceased, will be exposed to public sale, on Fri-
day the 13th of December next, on the premises,
A TRACT of good LAND, containing, by estimation,
200 acres, lying on Nottaway river, joining the land
of Mr. Richard Williams, in Nansemond county, about
4 miles from the mouth of said river, and about half a
mile from a landing. It is well wooded, watered, and
timbered with oak and cypress. A good herring fishery
may be cleared thereon. There is on the premises a
small dwelling house and some out houses, apple and
peach orchards. The time of payment will be agreed on
at the sale. Bond with approved security will be required
by NICHOLAS MAGET, executor.

TAKEN up in Botetourt, on Catawba creek, a
small black horse, 5 years old, branded PK.
Posted, and appraised to 4l, 10s.
GEORGE [torn, illegible]

Page 3</h5
Column 1

RUN away from the subscriber, living in Amherst
county, near the Tobacco Row mountains, about
the middle of September last, a middle sized outlandish
Negro man, he can speak English to be understood, has
a remarkable flesh mould between his eyes, about the
size of a small walnut, his right leg has a large scar on
it, and his left knee appears to have been put out of joint
when small; his cloathing is oznabrig and cotton.
Whoever apprehends the said slave, and secures him so
that I get him again, shall receive a reward of TWEN-
TY SHILLINGS, besides what the law allows.

JAMES CITY, November 7, 1771.
RUN away on the 2d of this instant, a Negro man
named JAMES, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches
high, 24 years old, is a good sawyer; had on blue stock-
ings, and a pair of old shoes, the rest of his cloathing the
same as other plantation Negroes generally wear, has a
remarkable down look, and two large knots, occasioned,
I suppose, by a whip. He formerly belonged to Mr.
Ezekiel Lane, on the Eastern Shore, Whoever takes
up the said Negro, and delivers him to me at Green
, or secures him in any gaol, shall receive FOR-
TY SHILLINGS, and if out of the colony FIVE
POUNDS, and all reasonable charges, paid by
N. B. I forewarn all masters of vessels to employ or
take him off at their peril.

STOLEN from the subscriber's waggon, in Frede-
, on the 26th of September at night, a
black mare, about 14 hands high, well made, and
paces, one eye out, but cannot say which, branded I R
on one of her shoulders, and shod before. They took
off with her the waggon saddle. Any person bringing
her to me in Augusta, or to Mr. Benjamin Johnston in
Fredericksburg, shall receive FORTY SHILLINGS
reward, and on conviction of the thief FIVE POUNDS,
besides what the law allows.

STOLEN in the night of the 7th instant, out of the
stable of Mr. Matthew Moody, in Williamsburg,
a small black horse, bought of John Carlyle, Esq; in
Alexandria, branded on the near shoulder and buttock
I C. and has a notch cut in the top of his left ear.
Whoever will apprehend the thief, or give notice to the
subscriber, so that the offender may be brought to justice,
shall, upon conviction, receive FIVE POUNDS re-
ward, or if offered to be sold, the person or persons
who secures the horse and party, shall be entitled to
the same reward. THOMAS WALL.M

TAKEN up at the neck of land in Chesterfield, a
small black horse, about 4 feet high, with a dull
star in his forehead, saddle spots on his back, bis near
hind foot white, and branded on the near buttock G,
It's tail appears to have been bobbed some time ago, and
considerably grown out.
[torn, illegible] ODSON.

TAKEN up [torn, illegible]
Lancaster [torn, illegible]
eye, switch tail and hang[torn,illegible] hands and
a half high. Appraised [torn, illegible] OBERTS

TAKEN up in Charlotte, a black horse colt,
branded →. Appraised to 2l.

TAKEN up in Mecklenburg, near Capt. Cox's, a
chestnut sorrel horse, about 4 feet and a half high,
6 years old, paces naturally, with two white feet, a
hanging mane and switch tail, branded on the near but-
tock S, a small star in his forehead, and a saddlespot on
his off shoulder. Posted, and appraised to 81.

TAKEN up, a bay mare colt, supposed to be a year
old early last spring, or 2 this fall, about 4 feet
4 inches high, has no white about her, is neither docked
or branded. Posted, and appraised to 41.

TAKEN up in Buckingham, near the head of Ap-
, a dark bay horse, about 8 years old,
about 4 feet 8 inches high, branded on the near shoulder
N A, with a small sprig tail, one of his upper fore teeth
out, and has but one eye. Posted, and appraised to

TAKEN up inBedford, a dark bay horse, about 5
or 6 years old, about 4 feet 4 or 5 inches high,
branded on the near shoulder something resembling an R,
and on the near buttock I M, a star in his forehead,
hanging mane and switch tail, trots and paces flow, had
on a large bell, with a small piece broke out of the edge
of it. Posted, and appraised to 51. 2s. 6d.

TAKEN up on Buck Mountain creek, in Albemarle,
a dark bay mare and yearling colt, both near of
a colour, the mare is about 4 feet 5 or 6 inches high,
and each of their hind feet white; the colt is branded
T; the mare's brand is not perceivable.

TAKEN up in Botetourt, on the south side of James
river, a bay mare, branded on the near shoulder
something resembling an H, and on the near buttock 0,
with a small star in her forehead, and a saddle spot on
the near side of her back, trots naturally, about 12 and
a half hands high, and about 9 years old. Posted, and
appraised to 1l. 17s. JOHN TAYLOR.

TAKEN up at the Tinkling Spring, in Augusta,
a bay mare, about 13 hands high, 6 years old,
neither docked or branded. Posted, and appraised to 41.

TAKEN up in Amherst, on Stovall's creek, a
dark bay horse, about 4 feet 6 inches high,
branded on the near shoulder M, paces naturally, with
a small star in his forehead, half his mane roached, his
tail bobbed [torn, illegible] is about 6 years old. Posted, and ap-
praised [torn, illegible] EDMUND HODGES.

Column 2

DUMFRIES, October 22, 1771.
THE subscriber intending for Britain next spring,
begs the favour of those who have open accounts,
standing on his books, to make a settlement as soon as con-
venient, which he hopes will be before he is obliged to
leave the colony, By this means any dispute will be pre-
vented, that otherwise might possibly arise after his de-
parture, and he would willingly chuse to leave every
matter clear to his successor.

The store will be continued, as usual, under the directi-
on of Mr. Alexander Campbell.

To be SOLD, pursuant to a decree of the county court of
Gloucester, on the 11th day of November, if fair, if
not the next fair day

THIRTEEN likely Virginia born SLAVES belonging
to the estate of the Rev. Robert Yates, deceased. The
sale will be at the plantation of Mrs. Mary Fates, within 3
miles of Capahosiek ferry. Twelve months credit will be
allowed the purchaser, on giving bond and security to

WILLIAM HOLT, of Amelia county, intends to
leave the colony for a few months.

For S A L E ,
The subscriber may be treated with for him at his house in
Westmoreland. RICHARD LEE.

NORFOLK, October 28, 1771.
I INTEND for England early in the spring, and request
those indebted to me to make payment before the 1st
of January, or they may expect no longer indulgence;
and those to whom I am indebted to bring in their ac-
ounts. I have several convenient dwelling houses for sale,
situated upon the main street leading to Princess Anne
county. For terms apply to JOSHUA WRIGHT.

Just imported from London, in the Betsy, Capt. Hatch,
and to be sold cheap for ready money, at Richmond
town, by Eliza Strachan and Sisters,
A GENTEEL assortment of MILLENERY and other
articles, viz, a variety of fashionable lustrings, per-
sians, purple and white calicoes, bumhums, and long lawns;
fine book muslin, apron wide and common ditto, striped
and thick muslin, plain ditto; striped book muslin hand-
kerchiefs, lawn and thick ditto, worked lawn aprons,
figured gauze ditto ; full suits of fashionable blond lace,
plain gauze ditto ; great variety of caps and fillets in the
newest taste; blond and Italian stomachers and knots;
Ladies casting handkerchiefs, laced and flowered, mode
plain and figured silk, and plading satin cardinals, plain
and trimmed bonnets; boys satin caps and feathers; russell
and silk quilts; mens best Didsbury's shoes and pumps,
womens satin and calimanco ditro; mens buckskin and
lamb gloves; womens best white kid gloves and mits, co-
loured lamb ditto, black and white ditto, silk ditto ; tab-
by and ticking stays;, mens and womens fine silk and cot-
ton hose, raw silk ditto ; genteel wedding, mourning, and
other fans ; marquiset and paste pins ; plain and paste
tortoishell combs; neat oval stone stock and knee buckles;
plain gold, and garnet shirt buckles ; stone rings; best
double gilt stock, shoe, and knee buckles ; fine penknives,
womens scissars; silver thimbles ; morocco pocket books,
awith instruments compleat ; getiteel fancy bordered
pocket [torn, illegible] white
[torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible] fashionable gown trimmings,
great [torn, illegible] of ribband; India pearl falling necklaces,
and earrings; wax pearl ditto, bloom dicto; French fancy
collars, jet and common necklaces; egrets and Italian
nosegays; fine and coarse cap wire, skeleton ditto ; nuns
thread: best London pins, Whitechapel needles; diaper
and holland tape; dressed dolls, with a great variety of

***They make up all kinds of millenary; and as they
hope always to have an early supply of the newest fashions
in that way, those Ladies who chose to favour them with
orders, may depend on being served in the newest taste,
and most expeditious manner.

To be RENTED or LEASED for a term of years,
THE well knowo ordinary called Westham, whereon
Mr. Lewis Ball now lives, with the smith's and
tailor's shop, and may be entered on at Christmas next;
or, I will give good encouragement for a person that is
capable and comes well recommended for a tavernkeeper.

COMMITTED to the gaol of Westmoreland, on Mon-
the 21st of October, two Negro men, the one a
yellow fellow, with a remarkable flat nose, the other
black, with filed teeth, about 4 feet 8 or 9 inches higheac
They are both Africans, and speak very little English
so that they are not able to tell their master's name. They
had with them two muskets, and two small books, in one
of which is wrote Elijah Worden. They are supposed to
have run from Maryland, as there was a strange canoe
found near the place they were taken. The owner is de-
sired to take them away and pay charges as the law directs.

RUN away from the subscriber, living in Bedford coun-
ty, a Negro man named J A CK, about 25 years old,
well built, about 5 feet 8 inches high, speaks plain, is fond
of liquor, much pock marked about his nose, and the
joints of his great toes stick out in knots. The said run-
away was seen, between Rocky Ridge and Warwick, mak-
ing down the river, with a view, it is thought, of getting
on board some vessel. I hereby inform all masters of
vessels and others from employing or entertaining the said
Negro. I suspect he will endeavour to pass for a free man
and get to Norfolk. Whoever apprehends the said Negro,
and brings him to New London town, shall have FOUR
POUNDS reward; and if secured in the gaol of the
county where the takerup lives, TWENTY SHILLINGS,
besides what the law allows. The said Negro is outlawed.
+4 WILLIAM TRIGG junior.

ALL persons indebted to the deceased Col. Francis
, of Essex county, are requested to pay im-
mediately; and those who have any demands against the
estate are desired to make them known to
N. B. A tract of land in King & Queen county, con-
taining, by estimation, twelve hundred acres, is for sale.
For terms apply to the said executors

TAKEN up in Caroline, near Chesterfield, a red heifer,
about 2 years old, with a white streak under her belly,
marked with a crop in her right ear, and a crop and under
keel in her left. Also a white ewe, marked with a crop,
under keel, and hole in the right ear, and a crop, three
slits, and underkeel in the left. Posted, and appraised,
the heifer to 35s, and the ewe to 6s.

Column 3

WILL be sold at Albemarle court house, on Thursday
the 12th of December next, on credit till the 1st of May,
1773, with interest from the date if the money is not paid
by the 10th of June, 1773. Their titles will be warranted,
for which undoubted security will be given if required;
and the public may be assured that the above number will
be exposed to sale that day, let the weather be ever so bad,
N. B. Very good bargains will be sold for ready mo-
ney or short credit.

Just imported in the Chatnaman Frigate, Capt./em>, Anderson,
and to be sold reasonably, for ready cash,/em>
A LARGE assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES:
among which are the following articles : Peruvian
bark, ipecacuana, jalap, rhubarb, manna, sena,cremor
tartar, quicksilver, Russian and Hudson's Bay castor, saf-
fron, cochineal, pot ash, essence of lemons and burgamot,
magnesia alba, castor oil, femarouba, cascarilla, Indian
pink, borax, calomel, aqua fortis, China and sarsaparilla
roots, sperma cæta, Spanish liquorice, verdigrease, cop-
peras, Canadian balsam, balsams of tolu, capivi, and
peru, Glauber's, Epsom's, and Lymington salts, æther,
white wax, calcined mercury, white, red, and black lead,
French chalk for taking grease out of silks, and fine cloths,
spa and pyrmont waters, shavings of hartshorn, isinglass,
vermacelli, fago, falop, pearl barley, gruts, currants,
fine candied ginger, candied eringo and angelica, mace,
cloves, cinnamon, nutmegs, allspice, black, white, and
long pepper, best sallad oil, linseed oil for painting, al-
mond powder, beaume de vie, capilaire, Jesuit's drops,
Anderson's, Hooper's, and Lockyer's pills, Squire's, Daf-
s, Bostock's, and Stoughton's elixirs, Freeman's and
Godfrey's cordial, Greenough's tincture, British oil,
Bateman's drops, anodyne necklaces, eau de luce, elixir
bardana, lavender and hungary water, orange flower wa-
ter, court plaister, lip salve, gold, silver, and Dutch
leaf, best lancets, fine lint, tow, twine, pill boxes, white
skins, vials, gally pots, glister pipes, glass funnels, vial
corks, ivory and pewter syringes, Prussian blue, vermili-
on, logwood, saltpetre, &c.

SURRY county, October 18, 1771.
RUN away from the subscriber's plantation, in North-
, on Tar river, last May, a Negro man named
EMANUEL, he is a spare made fellow, of a yellowish
complexion, Virginia born, twenty odd years of age,
and speaks remarkably hoarse. He formerly belonging to
Mr. Simon Holier of Elizabeth City, I suspect he is
lurking about Williamburg, as I heard of him there last
August. Whoever apprehends the said fellow and brings
him to me, or secures him so that I get him again, shall

Just imported from London, and to be
SOLD for ready money only, at the
cheapest rates, by the subscriber, at her shop,
where Mr.
AYSCOUGH la[torn, illegible]
lived, opposite the south side of [torn, illegible]
[torn, illegible]

of which consists of the under named articles) of the
newest fashion, being chosen by herself, and purchased
since July last, from the most eminent shops, and on the

- White sattins and lustrings with trimmings to suit,
satin cloaks and bonnets, wove in imitation of lace, plain
and trimmed silk cloaks and hats, the greatest variety of
caps, egrets, plumes, and sillets, Dresden ruffles, Rane-
lagh ruffs, Italian flowers, stomachers and knots, tupees
and curls, childrens sashes, bonnets and whisks, gilted
puddings, black silk aprons (much wore in London) white
and coloured sattin quilted coats, silk breeches patterns,
white and black, patent, net and other hoods, from 5s, to
125, 6d. do, aprons, patent net in the piece for ruffles and
handkerchiefs, minionet lace, white and coloured head
and breast flowers, cambricks, narrow edgings for trim-
mings, a great variety of velvet, silver and other ribbands,
wires, Didsbury's leather coloured sattin and stuff shoes,
white sattin and Queen's silk do. black, white, and co-
loured silk hose for Ladies and Gentlemen, cotton ditto,
Gentlemen and boys fine newest fashion hats, wig cauls,
silk purses, thin bone and pack thread stays for children of
three months old, and upwards, Gentlemens under flannel
waistcoats faced with sattin, single and double night caps,
furr'd gloves, plain do. for Ladies and Gentlemen, paste,
garnet, and bead ear-rings, gold wires, paste, mock, and
garnet necklaces and roses, silver and pinchbeck shoe and
knee buckles, do. garnet and silver stock buckles, paste,
tortoise, and horn crooked combs, plain and set lockets,
paste, garnet, and gold broaches, paste stay hooks do.
and chains, silver tea spoons, sugar tongs, nutmeg graters,
and thimbles, neat etwee cases and pocket books with
instruments compleat, tocth pick cases, ivory and tor-
toise tooth picks, pocket books, with instruments, asses
skin do. travelling shaving cases compleat, with rasors,
glass, &c. jubilee knives and forks, silver cork screws,
decanter corks, with lables, corals and bells, silver pap
boats, silver shoe clasps for children, ivory pocket rules,
childrens toys of all sorts, gold and silver hat bands, tooth
brushes, ivory and box combs, black pins, walking
sticks, and sword canes, riding wbips a very great varie-
ty, paste combs from 12s. 6d. upwards. Also several pa-
tent medicines, particularly Hemet's (Dentist to her Ma-
jesty) essence of pearl, and pearl dentrifice for preserving
and cleansing both teeth and gems, an ointment for the
itch, and all scorbutic disorders of ever so long standing,
without confinement or regimen. Also fine ivory blacking
cakes for shoes, in universal repute, shaving powder, and
many other articles too numerous to mention. As it was
imposible to get a house on the main street, the subscriber
hopes the little distance will make no difference to her for-
mer customers.

TAKEN up in Fauquier, sometime in May last, a black
mare, about 4 feet 6 inches high, a small blaze in
her face, one white foot, branded on the near shoulder A,
and has an underkeel in her right ear. When she came
she was heavy with foal, and has since brought a colt.
Posted, and appraised to 121. JAMES SCOTT, jun.

TAKEN up in Dinwiddie a grey horse, about 4 feet 6
or 7 inches high, branded on the near buttock ...
Posted, and appraised to 10l.

Page 4
Column 1

WANTED immediately, a young
man qualified for an assistant in
a store, and understands book keeping.
Such a one, well recommended, may
have good encouragement by applying
to the printer hereof.

THE subscriber having given a bond for sixty pounds
current money to the late Honourable Peter Ran-
, Esq; and one to Colonel Philip Johnson for
twenty pounds, both which bonds have long since been
discharged, but never delivered to him; he therefore
requests the favour of that Gentleman, and the executors
of Mr. Randolph's estate, to lodge the said bonds with
the printer hereof. NATHANIEL TERRY.

COMMITTED to the gaol of Norfolk borough, two
Negro men, one named Anthony, the other Goan,
who say they belong to Mr. James Farley of the county
of Prince George. Anthony formerly belonged to Capt.
Lasorey, is a slim fellow, about 24 years of age, and 5 feet
8 inches high. Goan formerly belonged to Peter Robin-
, about 36 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches high, and has
an old look. Goan was committed the 11th of September,
and Anthony the 5th of 0ctober. The owner may have
them on paying charges, and applying to

COMMITTED to the county gaol of Norfolk on the
19th of September last, a likely stout Negro man,
who says nis name is Isaac, and that he belongs to one
Mr. John Page, jun. in Gloucester county.

ALBEMARLE, September 12, 1771.
RUN away from the subscriber, on Saturday the 31st
of August, a likely Negro man, who calls himself
John Cellars, 25 years old, and about 5 feet 8 or 9 in-
ches high; he is a good carpenter and cooper, reads and
writes tolerably well; and I doubt not but he will en-
deavour to pass for a free man. He took with him a likely
bay mare, 5 years old, about 5 feet high, paces well,
shod before, and not branded that I remember. The said
fellow is of a yellowish complexion. What kind of cloaths
he might take with him I cannot say. Whoever brings
the said Negro to me shall have a reward of 3l if taken in
this colony, 10l, if out of it, and for the mare 2l.

STOLEN from the subscriber on the 6th of September,
out of Mr. James Allen's pasture, near Acquia, in
Stafford county, a bright bay mare, branded on the near
buttock M, has lost her light eye, she trots and paces.
Whoever conveys the said mare to me, near the place
where she was lost, shall receive TWENTY SHILLINGS
reward, and FIVE POUNDS for the thief.

TAKEN up in Fairfax, a light bay mare, about 14
hands high, about 7 or 8 years old, paces pretty
well, branded on the near shoulder I, and on the near
buttock W, she has some saddle spots, a long swob tail,
and a hanging mane, one half roached. Posted, and ap-
[torn, illegible,] to 81.FRANCIS/COFFER.

TAKEN up in King George, a middle sized black
[torn, illegible] mare, branded on the left shoulder and buttock
GERARD [torn, illegible]

M. B R O D I E,
Just arrived from L O N D ON,
MAKES, in the newest taste, sacks and coats, [torn, illegible]
and petticoats, all sorts of Ladies new Bruns[illegible]
and jesuit dresses, sultana robes, robedecores, &c. She
served her time, and was successor, to the original makers
at their warehouses in Pall Mall. Her partner still con-
tinues to carry on the business in London, by whose assist-
ance, and that of the Queen's mantuamaker, she is every
three months to be supplied with the fashions. This, added
to great diligence, and a strong desire to please, the hopes
will be a sufficient recommendation to the Ladies to favour
her with their commands; which she will most thankfully
acknowledge, by shewing a punctual observance to their
time and orders, Ladies who it may not suit to come to
town, may be fitted by sending a sack or gown for a pat-
tern. She lodges, till she can get a convenient house, at
Mrs. Rathell's, where Mr. Ayscough formerly lived, near
the capitol.

THE subscriber, in Amelia, intends to offer his
land in Gloucester county, about 4 miles from
Gloucester town, for sale, on the 19th of November.
Long credit will be given for great part of the purchase
money if required, and Negroes will be taken in part of
pay if agreeable to the purchaser.

ESSEX, October 1, 1771.
RUN away from the subscriber, the 28th of last month,
an apprentice lad named William Hudson, by trade
a tailor, about 19 years of age, of a small size, wears his
own light hair; had on a Virginia cloth coat of a light
colour, bearskin jacket, lead coloured duroy breeches,
some oznabrig shirts, Virginia shoes and cotton stockings,
can play tolerable well on the violin. He has been seen
on his way to Lunenburg court house. He went away in
company with one Francis Thompson, of a smaller size, and
mean appearance, an arch fellow, and pretends to know
the slight of hand. Whoever apprehends the said Hud-
son, and secures him so that I get him again, shall receive
FORTY SHILLINGS, and reasonable charges paid, if
brought home, near Bowler's ferry.

GOOCHLAND, October 14, 1771.
COMMITTED to the gaol of this county, on the 27th
of last month, a Negro man, who calls himself SAM,
but cannot or will not tell his master’s name, he is about 5
feet 5 or 6 inches high, cloathed in the usual manner of
labouring slaves, has lost some of his fore teeth; and from
some circumstances have reason to believe he belongs to
David Stone, either in Henrico or Charles City county.
The owner may have him, on proving his property and
paying charges as the law directs, from the gaoler of the
said county.

Column 2

COMMITTED to the gaol of Prince George county,
the 14th of October, an outlandish Negro fellow, of
a yellowish complexion, 6 feet high, pitted with the small
pox, and a scar on the left side of his face; has on a cro-
cus shirt and trowsers, a cotton waistcoat, and a worsted
cap. His name is John, and says he belongs to John
. The owner is desired to fetch him away, and
pay charges to HENRY BATTE, gaoler.

To be SOLD, by virtue of a trust deed from Peter Fairar
to Robert Donald and company, on the fourth Thursday
in November next, at Amelia court house,
A TRACT of extraordinary good LAND, in said
county, containing about 350 acres, being the same
purchased of James Cheatham, too well known to need
further description. To be sold, on the same day and
place, another tract, in said county, containing about
200 acres, being the same purchased of John Roberts. On
the third Monday in December, at Prince Edward court,
will be sold the remainder of the said estate, consisting of
about 400 acres of LAND, on Sailor's creek, and 6 or 7
fine likely SLAVES. Merchants notes, payable in De-
and April courts, will be received in payment.

To be SOLD, on the fourth Thursday in November next
Orange court house, being court day, to the highest
Two tracts of LAND, in said county, one containing
1000 acres, about 9 miles above said court house,
lying between and joining a tract of land belonging to Col.
James Madison, known by the name of the Black Level,
and a tract whereon Mr. Richard Beale, lately deceased,
lived, whereon are good orchards of various kinds; it is
well watered and to timbered, with a large quantity of
ground convenient for making meadow, that may be water-
ed, and a sufficient quantity of good land cleared, that
has not been worked these two years, and some hundred
acres of good tobacco land, not cleared. The whole lies
level and convenient for planting or farming. Also a tract
of 400 acres, about 3 miles from the aforesaid tract, well
watered and timbered, but unimproved. Good titles will
be made the purchaser or purchasers, and immediate
possession given on paying one third of the purchase money
down, with bond and security for the balance, to be paid
in two equal yearly payments, to
N.B. The subscriber will attend on the land for three
days before the sale, in order to shew the same to any
person inclinable to purchase.

October 22, 1771.
To be S O L D, on Monday the 11th of next month, at
the late dwelling house of Col.
James Quarles, in King
William county, and on the Wednesday following, at
his plantation, about 4 miles above
Aylett's warehouse,
in said county
ALL the personal estate of said Quarles, consisting of a
great variety of household and kitchen furniture,
large stocks of horses, cattle, sheep, and hogs, the crops
of corn, fodder, wheat, pease, and cyder, plantation
utensils, and many other articles; also will be sold, at the
last mentioned time and place, the said last mentioned
plantation and land thereunto belonging, containing 609
acres, with exceeding good orchards, and the plantation
in good order for cropping. Twelve months credit
will be allowed, the purchasers giving bond and security; the
bonds to carry interest from [torn, illegible] discharged as
[torn, illegible]
JOHN QUARLES, jun. [torn, illegible]

WHEREAS my wife, Martha Clay, has for some time
past behaved in a very imprudent manner to myself
and family, from which she has absconded, this is there-
fore to forewarn all persons from trusting her on my ac-
count, as I will pay no debts of her contracting from the
date hereof. October 18, 1771. CHARLES CLAY.

COMMITTED to the gaol of Augusta county, an
Irish servant man named William Morris, alias Wil-
liam Morrison
, he is about 5 feet 10 inches high, of a
dark swarthy complexion, and is lame of his left leg and
arm; has on a black callimanco jacket, check shirt, coarse
tow trowsers, a pair of new shoes, and an old castor hat.
Likewise one Peter Kinchler, an Irish servant, who ac-
knowledges he belongs to Robert Beedles of Orange coun-
ty; he is about 5 feet 5 inches high, of a dark complexi-
on; has on a blue jacket, brown linen shirt and trowsers,
old hat and shoes. Had in his custody, when taken, a
roan horse, which he says belongs to his master. Also
one Thomas Hansfield, an Englishman, who will not ac-
nowledge his master; he is about 5 feet 6 inches high, of
a dark complexion, black hair ; has on a grey frize fur-
tout coat, a snuff coloured tight bodied ditto, red plush
jacket, buckskin breeches, coarse shirt, yarn stockings, a
pair of boots, and a castor hat about half worn. Had in
his custody, when taken, a sorrel horse, the marks or
brands, it any, not known. The masters of said servants
and horses are desired to come and take them away, and
pay charges according to law.

To be SOLD, on Monday the 18th of November next, if
fair, otherwise next fair day, at the plantation of
Russell, deceased, in King William county,
ALL the estate of the said Russell consisting of 14
valuable Virginia born SLAVES, one of them a
very good young carpenter, stocks of all kinds, the crops
of corn, fodder, wheat and pease, a great variety of
household and kitchen furniture, a nine hogshead flat, and
many other articles, Also about 400 acres of LAND,
beautifully situated on Mattapony river; there is an ex-
ceeding good dwelling house thereon, with every conve-
nient out house, garden, &c. all in good repair, with
valuable apple and peach orchards. The mortgagees and
other creditors are desired to attend the sale, in order to
agree on the time of payment. It is hoped they will
make known their demands, whether by mortgage, bill,
bond or open account, immediately, to.
JAMES RUSSELL, administrators.
All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to
make immediate payment to Mr. William Aylett, who is
to collect the debts. The estate is so unhappily circum-
stanced that no indulgence can be allowed.

Column 3

TAKEN up in Fairfax, a large red steer, about 7 years
old, with a crop and two slits in the right ear, and a
crop in the left. Posted, and appraised to 4l.

EIGHT hundred and forty acres of
LAND (part of a tract called Brookesby) situate
in the county of Orange, which is well wooded and
watered, is esteemed an excellent place for stocks of all
kinds, and the soil suitable for either tobacco or grain.
Any person inclinable to purchase may apply to Zacha-
riah Burnley
, who lives in the neighbourhood thereof,
and will direct to whom a convenient application may be
made for an indisputable title.

KING and QUEEN, October 1, 1771.
To be SOLD, on the premises, in the county of Bute, in
North Carolina, on Monday the 25th of November
A VERY valuable tract of purchase
patent land, formerly the property of the late Go-
vernor Johnson, and known by the name of Oppossum
. It is generally allowed to be among the best high
land either in this colony or that province, and the soil
remarkable for producing the best tobacco. Two or more
years credit will be given without interest, as may be a-
greed on at the day of sale, and tobacco taken in discount
of payment. Col. William Johnston, who lives near,
will show the land, and has power to treat with any pur-
N. B. The land is distant from the several inspections
on Appomattox about 75 miles, from that of Halifax
town, in North-Carolina, about 35 ; and is subject to a
quit rent of only 6d. proclamation money, per 100 acres.

GEORGE the Third, by the Grace
of God, of Great Britain, France, and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To the sheriff of Fau-
county, greeting: We command you that you sum-
mon Henry Holtzclaw, son of John, to appear before
the Justices of our said county court, in chancery, at the
court house, on the fourth Monday in this month, to an-
swer a bill in chancery exhibited against him by Martin
and company. And this he shall in no wise omit
under the penalty of 100l. And have then there this
writ. Witness Humphrey Brooke, clerk of our said
court, at the court house, the 5th day of January, in the
eleventh year of our reign, 1771. H. BROOKE. [illegible]

NORFOLK, Sept 11, 1771.
I INTEND for England early in the
spring, and request all those who have open accounts,
on my books, to settle them. Bonds, or cash, will be re-
quired from all indebted, and payments made to those
that have balances in their favour.

I expect all persons concerned will pay due regard to
this advertisement, as all accounts unsettled after the first
day of January next, will then be put in suit.

My business here, after that time, will be transacted by
William Marsh and Richard Marshall.

CULPEPER, August [illegible], 1771.
[torn, illegible] L A N D,
[torn, illegible], Castle, whereon are
[torn, illegible] for cropping, great-
est part [torn, illegible]
tain, very valuable, is also in fine order for cropping.
Likewise about 400 acres, whereon Col. Green lately
lived, a pleasant, delightful situation, whereon is a large
dwelling house, two stories high, all convenient out
houses, part low grounds, several orchards, and is within
3 miles of the lower church in Culpeper, 2 miles of a mer-
chant mill, 10 miles of the court house, and about 30
miles of Fredericksburg. Those inclinable to purchase,
may see the land, and know the terms, by applying to
JOHN GREFN and others, executors.

ROCKY RIDGE, August 1, 1771.
For SALE, or to be rented for a term of years, and en-
tered on immediately,

THE capital prize drawn in Col.
Bird's lottery, consisting of a double forge, and va-
luable grist mill, with two acres and a half of land adjoin-
ing. Also two thousand acres of exceeding good land, the
farthest part of which is not more than three miles from
the works, The land will be fold or rented with or with-
out the forge and mill, and laid off in small parcels suita-
ble to the purchasers. Long credit will be given, if re-
quired, for the greatest part of the money, on giving
bond, with approved security.

The subscriber has no objection to dispose of one moiety
of the whole, or the stream without the land. It is capa-
ble of great improvement, as it is situated in the heart of
a wheat country. The forge may be converted to a good
merchant mill at a small expense, and will manufacture
one hundred thousand bushels of wheat in a season, besides
the profits among from the grist mill, which is worth, at
least, two hundred pounds per annum, The terms will be
made agreeable; and the land and works may be viewed
at any time, by applying to Mr. Richard Crump, mer-
chant at Rocky Ridge. HENRY MORSE.
N. B. The utensils and old iron belonging to the
forge will he sold on sensible terms.

General Post Office, New-York, Jan. 22, 1771.
GENERAL baving (for the better facilitating
of Correspondence between Great-Britain and Ameri-
) been pleased to add a 5th PACKET BOAT to
the Station between Falmouth and New York, Notice
is hereby given, that the MAIL, for the future, will
be closed at the Post Office in New York, at 12 of the
Clock at Night, on the 1st Tuesday in every Month,
and dispatched by a Packet the next Day for Falmouth.
By Command< of the DEPUTY POST MASTER

WILLIAMSBURG: Printed by WILLIAM RIND, at the NEW PRINTING-OFFICE, on the Main Street.
All Persons may be supplied with this GAZETTE at 12s6 per Year. ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length
are inserted for 3s the First Week, and 2s. each Time after: and long ones in Proportion.

Original Format

Ink on paper




Rind, William, 1733-1773, printer., “The Virginia Gazette, no. 287, November 7, 1771,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 24, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/20.