Supplement to the Virginia gazette Number 418, May 12, 1774
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Column 1
COLOGNE, February 22
BY letters received here from Kiow, in Russia
minor, the rebel Pugatschew continues his ex-
actions in the neighborhood of Ornbourg. He
massacres all the Russian subjects, but spares the
foreigners and peasants, in hopes of gaining
them over to his party. He has already ravaged the lines
of Sakaru, and depopulated the fortress which served
as barrier to that country; he has plundered the town of
Offa, and made incursion towards Moscow, and the op-
posite side towards Astracan. All the officers who fall
into his hands must enter into his service, or lose their
lives, most of whom prefer their honour to their life.
He intends to enter into Siberia, and it is easy to see
what he aims at , though we cannot get a fight of his
manifestness because the government takes all the pains
imaginable to suppress them, and they are besides written
in the language of the Nomades; a people whom he
endeavors to gain over to his interest by flattering
promises. The report of general Bibicow’s having join-
ed the rebels is without foundation.
PARIS, February 28. There has been an insurrection
at Tours, on account of the dearness of corn. Five or
six boats on the Loire have been pillaged, and the grain
with which they were loaded was carried off by the in-
habitants of several parishes in the neighborhood of
Tours, who had assembled for that purpose. Some bri-
gades of the marshalsea endeavoured in vain to oppose it.
Many persons were killed, and others wounded. The
lieutenant general of justice was thrown into the river
by the populace, but happily taken out alive. The court
being informed of this tumult, hath sent orders to the
regiment of Berry to march immediately to Tours, from
whence it happens to be at no great distance.
THE earl of Dartmouth presented to the house of
lords a message from his majesty, wherein his ma-
jesty was most graciously pleases to recommend to their
most serious consideration the late disturbances in Ame-
rica, particularly the unjustifiable outrages lately com-
mitted by the people of Boston; to which most gracious
message an humble address was immediately moved for
and ordered to be presented to his majesty by the lords
with while staves. Lord Dartmouth likewise presented
the house of peers several papers relative to the late
disturbances in America, which were ordered to be taken
into consideration on Thursday fe’ennight, and the lords
to be summoned.
This day lord North presented a message from his ma-
jesty to the house of commons, and desired leave to bring
it up. The members were all desired to be uncovered,
and it was read, setting forth, that of late several unhap-
py disturbances had arisen among his majesty’s subjects in
America; that he had ordered such papers as could be laid before
both house of parliament, hoping to have their assistance
in seeing the laws duly executed. Lord North then pre-
sented a bundle of papers respecting America, the heads
of which were read over, purporting to be letters to and
from the Massachusetts Bay, Boston, New Hampshire,
&c. letters from lord Barrington, lord Hillsborough
Mr. Grey, Cowper, &c. Mr. Rice moved, that an ad-
dress be presented to his majesty for his great goodness in
ordering his message and the American papers to be laid
before the house, and to assure his majesty that this faith-
ful commons would, without delay, exert every means
in their power to see the laws duly executed in America.
He prefaced his motion with a long account of the rise
and progress of the American rebellious proceedings,
and was much for using spirited measures to bring them
to a compliance. Lord C______re said he agreed with the
honourable gentleman, and hoped he should see this
measure carried through with unanimity; he should
therefore second the motion. Mr. Dowdeswell spoke
greatly against the propriety of measures that had been
heretofore adopted, and said, let those wise heads who
brought us into the trouble now extricate us. He was
very severe on administration throughout his whole
speech. Colonel Jennings said he would object to the
words every means, and should move an amendment, that
proper means. Mr. E_____is said nearly the same as
Mr. Rice, and was for spirited measures being used. Mr.
Edmund Burke desired his majesty’s speeches from 1768
to 1770, and the answers, might be read (all which tended
to America) and the last answer was nearly the same as
the present address proposed, setting forth, that his
faithful commons would, without delay, exert every
means, &c. He said he had looked carefully over the
journals, and could not find one measure that parliament
adopted that session, notwithstanding their promise to his
majesty; he should therefore be against their promising
again, unless he was sure they meant to perform. The
solicitor general said it was not right to recriminate on
persons that had done wrong heretofore; that the only
way to settle this business would be all to go about it
unanimously. Mr. Edmund Burke, in a speech of an
hour and a half, set forth the absurdity of the proceed-
ings concerning American affairs heretofore; saying,
were we to expect any good from the same person who
adopted those measures? He said we wanted a change of
governors both at home and abroad, and was extremely
severe on lord North and administration, and arraigned
the whole of their conduct. On recapitulating the whole
of the stampact, he said, before they presented their ad-
dress, promising to redress evils, it would be more parli-
amentary to enquire whthr those abuses existed. As to
recriminating, it was very proper, as we might then see and
learn from experience, what good might be produced
Lord G_____ne said, in his opinion, our repealing the
stampact had made the Americans think we had no right
to tax them, and in a great measure was the cause of our
misfortunes. Mr. Edmund Burke replied to him. Ge-
neral Conway set forth the nature of the proceedings
heretofore, and said, in his opinion, had the stampact
not been repealed, we should entirely have lost America.
He said, we must now come to a resolution, either to tax
or not tax America. In his opinion, we had no right to
tax them; that they were a loyal people, as might be
seen by their former conduct. Lord North said that the
Column 2
time allotted for the reading of the press was Thurs-
day, but as there were more of them than the first ima-
gined, he had no objection to postponing the reading of
them until Friday next, and on Monday next to resolve
upon them. The motion concerning the address was
put and carried.
LONDON, March 10.
TWO methods are proposed to be laid before parlia-
ment in order to bring back the Americans to their
duty. One is to new model their several governments
and constitutions, the other to enforce the last act for
raising the revenue in its full and literal extent.
The lords of the admiralty have ordered ten vessels,
from 350 to 600 tons burden, to be taken up in the river
on government account.
Orders are dispatched to Ireland to prepare six regi-
ments to embark at a week’s notice.
It is said that some bomb vessels are ordered to be fitted
out to America.
We hear that the most vigorous measures are resolved
to be taken with the turbulent and refractory colonies.
Four regiments of foot are to be sent to Boston, and six
men of war are to block up the harbour.
It is whispered that the Bostonians are to have their
charter taken from them, and that they are to be made a
king’s government.
The 4th, 5th, 38th, and 43rd regiments, are destined
for America.
A letter from Petersburg, dated February 26, says:
”The report of a peace with the Thrks again prevails
here very strongly, and we have more reason to believe
the court will now adopt pacific measures by the grand
preparations which are making for the reception of a
plenipotentiary from Constantinople, who is daily expect-
ed here. An assertion gains much credit that the empe-
ror of Germany, together with the kinds of Prussia and
Sweden, will meet at this court in the month of June
next, when the armistice with the Ottoman porte will be
finally settled, and the affairs of Poland undergo a new
They write from Constantinople that the Ottomans
have a most pleasing prospect under the reign of the new
sultan. He is about 53 years of age, and has spent the
most of his time in study. He is master of several
languages and sciences, and he has translated Belisarius
(of the celebrated Monsieur de Marmontel) into the
Arabic. His particular study is natural philosophy, in
which science they say he has wrote several works. He
has likewise an extensive knowledge in politics and the
art of war; in short, they assert that there never was
before such a learned man upon the Ottoman throne.
A letter from Petersburg, dated February 4, says:
The beginning of last month general Ribicow set out,
at the head of 15,000 men, against the rebels in the Oron
bourg government, and, in order to hasten his march,
he put his whole army into sledges; officers, soldiers, ar-
tillery, and provisions.. They filled 20,000 sledges, and
set out with the usual velocity of those conveyances to
the music of the whole army. They had 500 miles to
go before they arrived at their journey’s end.
Letters from Stockholm advise that the king of Sweden
intends to make a tour in the approaching summer to
Petersburg, in order to pay a visit to the empress. But
most persons think, if it takes place, something more is
intended than a mere visit.
When the last letters left Cadiz there were in that port
eight ships of the line, two frigates, and a number of
other vessels, with their sails bent all ready for sailing.
Yesterday the following bills received the royal assent,
by virtue of a commission from his majesty, viz. The
bill for allowing the exportation of corn and grain, and
other articles, to his majesty’s sugar colonies in America,
and to explain the act to regulate the importation of
wheat, meal, malt, flour, rye, and barley, to Guern
sey, Jersey, Aldernsey, &c. the bill for punishing mutiny
and desertion in his majesty’s American dominions, and
for the better payment of the army and their quarters;
the bill for the regulation of his majesty’s marine forces
while on shore; the bill for reducing the duties payable
upon the exportation of gum senaga; the bill for allow-
ing the free importation of salted beef, pork, butter,
and bacon, from Ireland.
A plan has been proposed for suppressing all the royal
plates given for the encouragement of running horses
throughout the kingdom, as this particular breed of ani-
mals is without use, and too often tends to the destruction
of the first families of the kingdom.
It is now talked that all the old guineas will be called
in, and that such of this king’s as were of a prior date to
1766 will be received by the revenue officers at their full
value, and that the loss will not fall on individuals, but
the public at large.
Advice is received, by a Dutch ship from Batavia, that
the Spaniards had lost at Manilla, in the months of Sep-
tember and October last, upwards of three thousand
persons of both sexes by an epidemic flux, which was not
quite abated when the letters came away.
On Friday morning, about one o’clock, lord Stanley
and his brother coming in a post chaise and four from
Chelsea to town, were stopped by four footpads, two of
whom seized the horses, and put pistols to the breasts of
the postilions; the other two went on each side of the
carriage, and presenting their pistols, were resisted by the
houourable Mr. Stanley, whom one of the villains fired
at, on which lord Stanley seized the man on his side by
the arm, and wounded him on the back of the head with
a seymetar. The two ruffians at the heads of the horses,
then went to the assistance of their comrades, when the
postilions driving furiously on, the nobleman and his
brother escaped unhurt, though one of the villains fired
a second pistol.
Thursday a young man of genteel address was appre-
hended at a public house in the city, on a charge of
marrying nine wives in less than four years, who are all
now living, and with each of whom he had a fortune.
March 12. The general opinion seems to be that the
Bostonians will be punished with a deprivation of their
charter, and the burthen of a military establishment, for
their late proceedings.
Letters from Petersburg advise, that it has been de-
clared at court that the grand duchess is pregnant.
Column 3
Last Thursday died, on his way to Bristol, of a con-
sumption, in the 25th year of his age, William Monck-
ton Arundel, viscount Galway, and baron of Killord,
in Ireland, member of parliament for the county of Pon-
tesract. He is succeeded in title and estate by his brother
Robert, who was born August 28, 1772.
An express was sent on Thursday night from the ad-
miralty office to Portsmouth, with orders for fitting for
sea immediately several frigates, which are intended to
go with the men of war already appointed for the Ame-
rican station.
Extract of a letter from Vienna, dated February 23.
”We find the greatest part of our troops are march-
ing with the utmost expedition towards the Turkish fron-
tiers. The death of the grand signior seems to be very
advantageous to the house of Austria; for as it will be
impossible for the Turks to maintain a war against the
emperor and Russia, they will be obliged to restore to the
emperor all the provinces that have been wrested from
the house of Austria in former wars; and we are infom-
ed that the emperor is resolved not to renew the truce
until all these provinces are restored. But as the present
sultan is known to have an uncommon inclination for
war, our court has taken the precaution to put their
troops and fortresses in the best situation. We hear that
the grand signior is to take the chief command of his ar-
mies himself, his highness having declared, that at this
juncture, when nothing less than the fate of the Ottoman
empire is depending, he can trust no person with that
important post
Resolutions are forming to encourage, in the most effec-
tual manner, the different fisheries in Scotland and Ireland.
They write from Modavia that the Turkish grand
army has been augmented with 45,000 men since the
Russians repassed the Danube, and that the troops are
obliged to exercise every day, though in winter quarters.
A letter form the Hague says: “The proposal for an
augmentation of the marine and land forces is deferred
sine die.”
By a letter from Hamburg we are informed that orders
have just been issued in the electorate of Hanover to re-
gister every man that is able to bear arms. They add,
that the same is done upon the whole continent, and that
a French army is assembling near the Rhine in an invisi-
ble manner. This intelligence may be depended on.
The king of Denmark, by advice of his college of
economy and commerce, has promised a reward of 50
rix dollars to any one of his subjects who shall fabricate
the best piece of work in imitation of that called Man-
chester velvet.
The lord chancellor has made an order that the com-
missioners of bankrupts do, where a person that becomes
a bankrupt more than once, enquire very particularly into
the cause of such failure, and the time since he was a
bankrupt before, and certify the same to him; his lord-
ship being determined, where there shall appear the least
fraud, not to grant a certificate.
To his excellency the right honourable JOHN earl of
DUNMORE, his majesty’s lieutenant and governor
general of the colony and dominion of Virginia, and
vice admiral of the same.
The humble address of the COUNCIL.
WE his majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects the
council of Virginia, now met in general assembly,
beg leave to return your excellency our most cordial
thanks for our speech at the opening of this session, and
to acknowledge, that your lordship, as well upon this as
every other occasion, since the commencement of your
administration, hath consulted the ease and convenience
of the people committed to your care.
To promote the service of his majesty, and to advance
the interest of our country, every have been the first objects
of our wishes. Actuated by these motives, we will con-
cur with the house of burgesses in framing such laws as
shall be for the welfare and true interest of this colony,
and with that dispatch the importance of the subjects
will admit of.
Permit us to take this opportunity of congratulating
your excellency on the safe arrival of the countess of
Dunmore and your family in this country; an event,
which, while it adds greatly to your lordship’s domestic
felicity, gives us a pleasing earnest of our intention of
continuing among us.
To which his excellency was pleased to return the
following ANSWER.
Gentlemen of the council,
THE faithful and united assistance, which I have con-
stantly received of you, fully convinces me of your
zeal for his Majesty’s service, as well as of your firm
regard to the interests of your country, and makes this
fresh declaration of both extremely grateful to me, as it
must be likewise to your sovereign and country.
I thank you very heartily for your kind congratulation
on the arrival of my family; the happiness of which will
increase to me as it proves more agreeable to you, from
whom I have received every mark of regard and attention.
To his excellency the right honourable JOHN earl of
DUNMORE, his majesty’s lieutenant and governor
general of the colony and dominion of Virginia, and
vice admiral of the same.
The humble address of the HOUSE of BURGESSES.
WE his majesty’s most dutiful and loyal subjects, the
burgesses of Virginia, now met in general assem-
bly, beg leave to return your excellency our unfeigned
thanks for your kind speech at the opening of this session.
Sensible as we are of the importance of that variety of
business, which will probably come before us, we shall
esteem it our bounden duty to proceed in the discussion
of it with coolness, deliberation, and as much dispatch,
as circumstances will admit; and we flatter ourselves
that every resolution, we may find it expedient to adopt,
will be marked with that prudence and moderation,
which you are pleased to recommend.
The fatherly attention of our most gracious sovereign
to the happiness of his subjects, in making the good of
his people the first object of his thoughts, cannot but im-
press our minds with the liveliest sense of duty and gra-
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Column 1
titude; and it is with great satisfaction that we receive
from your excellency those earnest assurances, that you
will heartily concur with us in all measures, and assent
to all such laws, as shall be for the welfare and true in-
terest of this country.
It will ever, my lord, afford us much pleasure to ob-
serve and increase of your domestic felicity; we there-
fore, with the greatest cordiality, embrace this first op-
portunity to congratulate your excellency on the happy
arrival of the right honourable the Countess of DUN-
MORE, your lordship’s amiable and most respectable lady,
with so many promising branches of your noble family;
an event which we consider as having brought with it
the surest pledges of our mutual happiness.
To which his Excellency was pleased to return the
following ANSWER:
Gentlemen of the House of Burgesses,
THE terms of duty and gratitude in which your loyal
address is conceived afford me the highest satisfaction,
and must ensure his majesty’s most favourable countenance
and protection to this faithful colony.
I shall ever retain a cordial remembrance of the parts
you take in my domestic happiness, and of your obliging
manner of expressing it on the occasion of the arrival of my
family, which event I shall be much pleased to find con-
sidered as a pledge of my regard and attachment to this
WILLIAM and MARY college, May 10, 1774.
I INTEND to leave this colony shortly.
At the theater in Williamsburg, on Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday evenings next,
THE noted BAYLY will exhibit his grand medley
of ENTERTAINMENTS (Delactando,
Pariterque, Monendo) consisting of sundry curious per-
formances by DEXTERITY of HAND, inter-
spersed with moral and entertaining LECTURES on
the art of deception and force of credulity, with the
tragical, comical, farcical, operational, whimsical humours
of Seignior PUNCHINELLO, and his artificial company
of comedians, 4 feet high, richly dressed &c. by whom
will be performed a play and farce, with sundry drolls.
Between the parts sundry prologues and epilogues, and
the humours of MERRY ANDREW, with an ad
dress to everybody, by somebody,
in character of nobody. To conclude with a grand piece
of machinery, 15 feet square, representing the sea in its
natural motion, with fish of all kinds and sea monsters,
ships sailing, boats rowing, troops landing, &c. &c. With
the regular siege of the Havannah by the British ships of
war and troops, and regular firing from the ships, forts
and batteries, till victory be obtained; with good scenes
and decorations, warlike and soft musick, &c. &c. Boxes
3s. 9d. Pit 2s. 6d. Gallery 1s. 6d. Children under 10
half price. Ladies and gentlemen may be assured the
strictest regularity, decency, and decorum, will be ob
served throughout the whole performance.
Vivant Rex & Regina
THE improved SQUARE of LOTS
adjoining the lots belonging to Mr.
E. DEANE, coachmaker in PALACE street, Williamsburg. JOHN TAZEWELL,
esquire, of this city, is empowered to sell.
If the purchaser, or purchasers, do not
pay ready money, his bond, with approved
securities, made payable to ROBERT CAR-
TER, will be satisfactory. tf
RUN away, from Neabico furnace, the 16th of
March, a light coloured mulatto man named
BILLY, or WILL, the property of the houourable
John Tayloe, esquire. When I tell the public that he
is the same boy who for many years used to wait on me,
in my travels through this and the neighboring pro-
vince, and by his pertness, or rather impudence, was
well known to all my acquaintances, there is the less
occasion for a particular description of him. However,
as he is now grown to the size of a man, and has not at-
tended me for some time past, I think it not amiss to say
that he is a very likely young fellow, about 20 years
old, 5 feet 9 inches high, stout and strong made, has a
remarkable swing in his walk, but is much more so by a
surprising knack he has of gaining the good graces of
almost every body who will listen to his bewitching and
deceitful tongue, which seldom or ever speaks the truth.
He has a small scar on the right side of his forehead, and
the little finger of his right hand is quite straight by a
hurt he got when a child. Had on, when he went away,
a blue fearnought jacket, and an under one of green
baize, cotton breeches, oznabrig shirt, mixed blue sale
stockings, country made shoes, and yellow buckles.
From his ingenuity, he is capable of doing almost any
sort of business, and for some years past, has been chiefly
employed as a founder, a stone mason, and a miller, as
occasion required; one of which trades, I imagine, he
will, in the character of a free man, profess. I have
some reason to suspect his travelling towards James river,
under the pretence of being sent by me on business.
Whoever apprehends the said fellow, and brings him to
me, or to his master, the honourable John Tayloe, at
Mountairy, or secure him so as to be had again, shall
have treble what the law allows, and all reasonable
charges paid. tf THOMAS LAWSON.
THE subscriber intending to settle over the mount-
tains makes him offer his lands in Amelia for sale.
There are near 800 acres (a little more than 100 of
which ae subject to a widow’s dower) with a very good
dwellinghouse, and all necessary house, lately repaired,
with an extraordinary fine apple and peach orchard of
the best kind of fruit; cherries of all sorts. There are
near 100 acres of low ground very suitable for a meadow,
near 100 acres of low ground very suitable for a meadow,
on which is a great abundance of fine timber. The
purchaser may know the terms by applying to Joseph
Eggleston, in Amelia, adjoining the said land, Richard
Eggleston, in Cumberland county, or the subscriber, in
the county of Frederick. WILLIAM EGGLESTON.
Column 2
THINKING this a very proper season for taking
into consideration certain matters in which the
clergy are most immediately and deeply concerned, and
finding several of my brethren, whose opinions have
great weight with me, to be very confident, that if our
whole body should be desired to meet, they would not
at this time shew a general backwardness to honour the
request, I have come to a resolution of appointing, and
do accordingly appoint, the Thursday after Whitsunday
for the clergy to convene upon at the college of William
and Mary. When the day appointed comes, I hope
those who advised me to this measure will with me enjoy
the satisfaction of finding their expectations fully an-
wered by being able to assemble with a very respectable
number of their fraternity on an occasion which they as
well as I deem important. I am, with ardent prayers
for your real welfare, and the good of the community,
reverend gentlemen, your loving and affectionate bro-
ther, JOHN CAMM.
COLLEGE, May 5, 1774.
Just Imported from LONDON, and sold by the
subscriber, at her store opposite the Raleigh
A WELL chosen assortment of the neatest GOODS,
consisting of fine thread and blond lace, white
sattin and lustring, blue sattin and sarsnet petticoats,
white ditto for weddings, sattin and queen silk shoes,
muslin, gauze, catgut, and wire, worked linen, ribbands,
plain and ribbed, silk, cotton, and thread stockings, small
ditto for children, patent net aprons, equal in beauty to
joining lace, silk gloves and mits, roles and curls, tam-
bour sword knots, boys beaver and hussar caps, ladies
riding hats, feathers, and whips, childrens sashes and
stays, a large quantity of Didsbury shoes, sheneel, fine
chip and cane hats, fans, cloaks, gauze handkerchiefs,
purses, bags, and puffs, purl for work, tureen, pump,
and pap ladles, stone, silver, gilt and pinchbeck, both
shoe and knee buckles, paste, garnet, gold, and black,
stock ditto, India plate salts, ditto snuffers and snuffpans,
silver teaspoons, teatongs, and saltshovels, ditto coral
and bells, paste, marcasite, pearl, and bead, necklaces
and earrings, gold wires, silver bowed scissars, and silver
tipped sheaths, lancet cases, watch chains and keys,
combs, pocketbooks, and etwee cases, freemason and
other broaches, paste sprigs and pins, tooth brushes, fine
Irish wafers, sword canes, and penknives, black bags
and roses, black pins, stay hooks, thimbles, silver shoe
clasps, fruit knives, dolls and other toys, with many
other articles too numerous to insert; all to be sold on
reasonable terms, for ready money only, by
At the same place my be had an exceeding fine
SILVER WATCH, capped, which runs on diamonds,
and a GOLD WATCH, with gold hands, and an en-
graved case.
To be SOLD, to the highest bidder, at Henrico court-
house, in Richmond on Monday the 6th of June,
THE TENEMENT lately occupied by Mr. James
Buchanan on part of which Byrd’s warehouses
now stand. It may, with convenience, be divided into
three separate tenements, one of which will include a
very good dwellinghouse, kitchen, smokehouse, dairy,
and a garden under good paling. The second will in-
clude a very good brick store, a large commodious lum-
berhouse, and the reversion of Byrd’s warehouses. The
third joins the lands of Colonel Thomas Turpin, where-
on are the houses now in the tenancy of Mess. Trents and
Mr. Powell. There is a good stable on this lot, and a
large new house that may, at a small expence, be con-
verted into a dwellinghouse, or store. The situation of
these lots, and convenience to the houses, will sufficiently
recommend them to those who view them. They will
be sold together or separately, which ever shall appear
most advisable. Half of the money to be paid at or
before the meeting in November next, and the remainder
by the first of May, 1775. The bonds to bear interest
from the date, unless the agents of Mess. James and
Robert Donald, and company, should agree upon other
terms on the day of sale. Any person inclining to pur-
chase may be shown the premises, and know the terms at
large, by applying to Mr. James Buchanan.
All those indebted to the said Mess. James and
Robert Donald, and company, for dealings with Mr.
James Buchanan at their stores in Richmond, Albermarle,
and Amherst, are once more requested to make speedy
payment; and as many accounts are yet standing open,
particularly at their store in Richmond, those concerned
are desired to close the same immediately, otherwise
longer indulgence cannot be given.
Just imported, and to be sold by the subscriber,
A GENTEEL assortment of MILLUNERY, in the
newest taste. Mecklin, Bursselss, and minionet lace,
blond ditto, a variety of white and coloured silks, plain,
striped, and sprigged muslins, jewellery, childbed linen,
robes, ladies and gentlemens silk and cotton hose, Dids
bury’s shoes, Gresham’s sattin and calamanco ditto, ladies
black and white riding hats, and many other articles.
May 4, 1774. J. CHARLTON.
THE treasurer, trustees, and subscribers, to the fund
for the relief of the widows and orphans of clergy-
men, collected last Sunday from the two audiences
25l. 14s. 5d. for which they beg leave to return their
thanks to the generous contributors. On the day fol-
lowing they ordered 80l. to be distributed among six wi-
dows, and the orphans of four clergymen, and appointed
officers for the ensuing year, namely, the reverend Mess.
John Camm, treasurer, Price Davis, Devereaux Jarratt,
William Bland, John Bracken, Thomas Price, and
Thomas Lundie, trustees; William Harrison morning,
and Robert Andrews evening preacher.
The clergy have a most grateful sense of the presents
of 20l. and 3l. 2s. 6d. from two unknown persons, by the
hands of the reverend Mr. Henley. This acknowledg-
ment would have been made last year had not the said
charitable contribution come some days too late to be
inserted in our last year’s advertisement.
Column 3
THE subscriber, in Gloucester, has for sale, a few
hogsheads of good OLD RUM; also a few pipes
and hogsheads of OLD MADERIA WINE, of the
London and New York quality.
To be SOLD, on the premises, on the third Thursday
in June next,
THE very profitable ORDINARY, belonging to the
subscriber, at King William courthouse, with 600
acres of very valuable LAND adjoining to it. The place
is so well known that it is unnecessary to describe it, or
to point out the advantage of its situation, which is so
central that it is daily resorted by travelers from all
parts; so that it has constant custom. The ordinary,
and some small tenements on the land, have rented for
170l. a year, or
more. The purchaser may have possession the first day
of November next, and is to pay one fifth of the pur-
chase money that day, and one other fifth annually after,
until the whole is satisfied. Bond, with good security,
for the payment thereof, must be given to the subscriber,
who will treat privately with any person inclined to pur-
chase the day of sale. JOHN QUARLES.
YORK town, June 9, 1773.
THE subscribers being very solicitous to comply with
the will of their testator, the late Honourable
William Nelson, desire that all persons who were indebted
to him will endeavor to make as speedy payments as
possible. Those who have accounts open on his books,
and who cannot immediately discharge the balances,
are desired to give their bonds. This request is the
more necessary, as most of the legacies bequeathed by
the testator are to be paid in sterling money, and he has
directed that his younger sons fortunes shall be placed
out at interest upon undoubted securities, so soon as it
can be done. Those who have any demands are desired
to make them immediately known.
ABOUT twelve thousand acres of exceeding rich
TOBACCO LAND, in Amherst county, whereon
are several plantations and improvements sufficient to
work forty or fifty hands. There is on this land for sale
a very valuable GRIST MILL lately bult, with a
stone dam and a pair of good COLOGNE MILL-
STONES, which mill ha for two years past got up-
wards of 100 barrels of toll corn, and is situated on a
never failing stream. The land will be shewn by William
Womack, who lives at one of the plantations, and the
prices of the land made known by him. One or two
years credit will be allowed, interest being paid for the
second year, and also for the first, it the money is not
paid agreeable to contract. The land is to be laid off
and surveyed by Colonel William Cabell, at the expence
of the purchaser. Deeds will be made, upon bond and
approved security being given, either to Call, William
Cabell, or the subscriber. Six per cent. discount will be
allowed for ready money, or good merchants notes. If
any person would chuse to exchange lands in the lower
part of the country, on or near some navigable river,
that are good, it is more than probable we should agree.
SEVERAL valuable tracts of LAND, adjoining each
other, or both sides of Chappawamsick Run, in the
counties of Stafford and Prince William, containing 2600
acres, being the seat whereon the subscriber formerly re-
sided. These lands are situate four miles above Aquia
warehouses, and four miles below the town of Dumfries,
the soil of more than half or it exceeding good; there is
on it as fine a mill seat as any in the colony, upon a large
and never failing stream. There is a great appearance
of iron ore, and a large quantity of white oak and pine
timber, a tolerable commodious dwellinghouse, a great
number of convenient outhouses, good orchards, and
several tenements in order for cropping. There are also
200 acres of fine meadow ground, half of which was
sowed in timothy last fall and this spring. A more par-
ticular description will be unnecessary, as it is presumed
that any person inclinable to purchase will view the pre-
mises; and the subscriber earnestly entreats all such to
form their ideas of the value of this estate from their own
observations, and not from any accounts they may receive
from others, as there are some persons, who are thought
good natured, worthy men, amuse themselves with de-
crying the property of their neighbors, even at the
expence of truth, and under the mask of friendship to
the person injured. And the subscriber is more parti-
cular in this caution, as he hath formerly received several
severe injuries of that kind from one in that neighbour-
hood. The above lands are under the incumbrance of
two mortgages; the one for a considerable sum, made
by the subscriber himself, the other for an inconsiderable
sum, made by the person of whom he purchased one of
the small tracts, which mortgages are to be first pad out
of the money arising from the sale. For terms apply to
THE public STOREHOUSE in that part of the town
of Richmond called Shockoes, rented at fifteen
pounds a year; the two half acre lots, No. 400 and
No 670, in the same town; the valuable lot of one hun-
dred acres of timbered and, near the same, known by the
description of No. 799; also the two half acre lots, No.
116 and No. 267, in the town of Manchester or Rocky
Ridge, on the south side of the falls of James river. For
terms apply to Joshua Storrs of Richmond, or the sub-
scriber. TOMSON MASON.
To be SOLD, and entered upon immediately,
A TRACT of LAND containing 1300 acres, more
or less, on Pianketank river, in Gloucester county.
It is needless to be particular about it as it is the same I
advertised last year and then gave a full account of it,
since then I sold it to John Attaway Clarke, of Maryland<
but as he refuses to take it, necessity obliges me once more
to offer it to the public. Any persons inclinable to pur-
chase may know the terms by applying to me in Mid-
dlesex. I want part of the money at the meeting of the
merchants, and for the remainder I will give reasonable