Supplement to the Virginia gazette. Number 419, Thursday May 19, 1774

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Supplement to the Virginia gazette. Number 419, Thursday May 19, 1774



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Column 1

Mrs. RIND,
THE inclination we all possess to stand fair in
the good opinion of the world obliges me to
beg a place in your paper, that I may con-
vince the public of the disingenuous behaviour
of the sheriff of Berkeley, in endeavouring, as
I am informed, to prepossess it with an opinion that I
have lately acted in direct opposition to the laws, by not
peaceably permitting him to wrest from me, with an arm-
ed force, all my property, without any lawful authority.
The following plain relation of facts will, I hope, easily
do it.

Some time ago Mr. James Hunter, of Fredericksburg,
obtained a judgment against me in the county court of
Frederick for a considerable sum of money, and upon
his giving me some indulgence, I promised him, that if
he should be obliged to issue an execution against my
estate, I would not replevy. The time of indulgence
elapsed, and I was not able to discharge all his demand.
A fieri facias then issued to the sheriff of Berkeley; a de-
puty who had farmed the office informed me of it. I
immediately delivered him a schedule of effects of about
3500£. value, upon which he levied it. These goods he
left in my possession till the day appointed for the sale,
without ever demanding any security from me for the
delivery of them at that time. The deputy called upon
me on the day in order to see, and I as readily delivered
the goods to him then as i did when he executed them.
But no buyers appeared, and he was obliged to return
the writ without the desired effect. At this time nothing
could have induced me to replevy. A venditioni exponas
then issued, but nothing was sold, for the same reason.
A second issued; still there was no sale, and for the same
reason. But I continued to deliver effects to the sheriff,
a negro, and sundry other goods, and offered the plaintiff
himself (then present) as much of my estate, at three
fourths of the value, or upon three months credit, as
would pay off his whole demand; both of which reason-
able proposals he refused. Probably a want of the money,
which should and would have been paid him long ago
if I could have done it, made him forget his usual calm-
ness and lenity, and obliged him to insist on a sale at any
rate, and upon any terms. Thus situated, what could I
do? Who has fortitude enough patiently to see his for-
tune sold for one quarter of its value? Who can hear the
cries of a distressed family, with poverty staring them in
the face, when they might be hushed into peace by offend
ing only against a punctilio of honour? Which I think I
am released from by offering my estate at 3/4 of its value.
Let those who can boast their stoicism; I frankly own I
could not. A third venditioni exponas issued; and upon
my tendering to the sheriff, who had levied the execution,
bond and security, approved by him, to pay the debt,
&c. within three months, he accepted it, and restored
my goods to me, having first informed himself from his
counsel that he had a right to do so. I then thought the
matter over, and was exerting myself to discharge the
bond by the time it became due; but to my great sur-
prize, at the succeeding Frederick court, a motion was
made by Mr. Hunter’s attorney, to quash the sheriff’s
return on the last venditioni exponas, viz. The within
goods and chattels are replevied by bond, and to direct
the clerk to issue a new one, in which they succeeded. I
was at a loss to know what this order meant, or how a
venditioni exponas could issue, when it appeared to the
court that the goods, by being replevied, had been
peaceably delivered to me, and that the writ could not,
for that reason, be executed. I imagined that the re-
plevy bond, in which my friend stood engaged with me
for the payment of this debt, would have been delivered
up, or otherwise cancelled; but it was not, and still is in
the clerk’s office. I then waited with impatience for the
event. The deputy sheriff was said to be too indulgent
although I am convinced that he did no more than he
thought strictly legal, and agreeable to the advice he had
received from his counsel. The sheriff himself determin-
ed to interfere, not from any particular attachment or
regard he has to doing justice, but to wreak his vengeance
upon me for endeavouring to force from him that justice
which a court and HONEST JURY had determined I had
a right to. Some few days after this last venditioni ex-
ponis issued, the deputy sheriff called upon me, and in-
formed me that the high sheriff had taken upon himself
the execution of that writ, and desired to know whether
if the goods were demanded I would deliver them. I
laughed at him, and told him, what every man in my
situation would have done, that the effects had been
peaceably delivered to me by the officers who had taken
them, and that therefore he might know what I would
do. Who would do what must be of such mischief to
him? Will any man do wrong to himself? Surely, Sir,
you forget the situation of this affair; and words to the
like effect. These, or words like these, passed between
us. The next morning, long before sunrise, the sheriff,
with about forty men in arms, came to my plantation,
and without making any demand of my goods, or in-
forming me what he wanted, broke open the doors of
my outhouses, carried off part of my negroes, some that
had never been executed, broke down my fences, entered
my fields, drove away many of my horses, and at length
came in great parade to my dwellinghouse, unlocked the
doors of my wife’s chamber, took from thence, and car-
ried away, a bed and furniture, and absolutely refused
to inform me by what authority he did so, although fre-
quently demanded of him. Amazed at such proceedings,
and having, from my earliest infancy, been taught to
know, “that a man’s dwellinghouse was his castle, his
sanctuary, to which he might fly for protection of himself
and goods, the doors of which could not be broke open
but at the suit of the king,” and well assured that I had
not committed any thing criminal (unless it be criminal
not to pay a dept when it is impossible to do it) I won-
dered where he would stop. Upon reflection, I thought
unassisted at that time by any cousel) that since in a
civilized country the civil power is sufficient to execute
its laws, and that an armed force ought not, under the
pretence of doing justice, to be employed in laying waste
a man’s property, the sheriff had certainly offended
against those laws he had solemnly sworn to preserve and
execute; but whether it amounted to a felony, riot, or

Column 2

breach of the peace, I could not determine. The next
day I applied to a magistrate, and informed him, on
oath, of the treatment I had received of the sheriff’s
hands. He issued his warrant, directed to any sworn
officer, reciting the above facts, and commanded him to
bring the sheriff, and many others who had assisted him,
before him, or some other magistrate, to answer the said
complaint. A constable informed that the sheriff, with
others were under arms at the gaol, summoned about
twenty men to assist him in the execution of that warrant,
who determined to execute it peaceably, proceeded to the
gaol (the gaoler and some others there with him being
among the trespassers) without the least direction from
me or intention to rescue or retake the goods, &c. I
having by this time determined to seek my remedy, if
any, at law. The gaoler, after some shew of resistance,
decoyed the constable into the gaol, immediately locked
the door, and drew his sword upon him, assisted by ano-
ther fellow, who presented a gun at his breast. Upon
the constable’s calling out for assistance, the men attend-
ing broke in to relieve him, and the negroes then con-
fined took that opportunity to escape, and brought home
the horses with them. This, and this alone, was the
true reason why the gaol was broke, and not any inten-
tion to rescue the goods, as has been most falsly sug-
gested. To endeavour to secure these negroes from a
second attack, I sent them, with many others, to my
brother’s in Frederick county, wither they were pur-
sued by a party of the Berkeley militia, without any
warrant to retake them. All were here taken in the
night, brought back, and sold by the sheriff for any
thing he could get for them. I attended this sale, ex-
plained to the people the manner in which the goods
were taken, and forbade them to purchase at their peril.
Upon the gaol being thus broke open, the sheriff applied
to two magistrates who, upon oath being made, issued
their warrant to bring the constable, together with the
men that attended him, and all others found aiding, &c.
before them, to answer his complaint for “feloniously,
arbitrarily, and in an atrocious, riotous manner, con-
trary to the peace of our sovereign lord the king, and
the good rule of government, breaking open the doors
of the gaol, &c. &c. &c.” The men, thus charged and
loaded with the most reproachful terms, thinking they
had not offended, but if they had, ready to receive pu-
nishment adequate to their offences, upon being inform-
ed that such a warrant would issue the next day, and that
a body of the militia in arms would assist in executing it,
went to two magistrates, informed them of their situati-
on, and that they were then come to deliver themselves
up, to be dealt with as the law might direct. The ma-
gistrates thinking they had been guilty of nothing crimi-
nal, and but only of a breach of the peace, and knowing
all the men to be residents in the county, and that they
would appear at the next county court, which wa to
set in three days, refused to commit them. Soon after
their return home, they were arrested, under the warrant
from two other magistrates, by a deputy sheriff, and
a body of armed men, hurried to a tavern near the
courthouse, and there confined under guard about 18
hours. The next day the county court was to be held,
but the magistrates refusing to sit, because not only the
clerk was absent, but his deputy was in the number of
prisoners, and because some of them were informed that
the sheriff, should the court sit, was determined to enter
the courthouse with an ARMED FORCE, and take the clerk
away, the prisoners were brought before some of them
in the courthouse to be tried. The king’s counsel was
heard in support of the charge; but when the prisoners
arose, and moved that the militia, then in arms sur-
rounding the courthouse, and blocking up the doors,
might be removed, or that their arms might be taken
from them, it was refused him, though the courthouse
was so full that an escape was impracticable. The
magistrates determined the offence to be felonious, and
ordered a court to be summoned for their examination,
as criminals, and admitted the prisoners to bail them-
selves in 1500£. each, and two securities, for each of
them, in 750£. each, notwithstanding they were informed
that almost every man was in very indigent circumstances,
and that the excessiveness of the sum might amount to an

These, Madam, are the facts, or the greater part of
them, without the lest exaggeration; every one of
which I can prove by undeniable testimony. Had I set
forth the number of taunts, incivilities, and indeed as-
saults, I have met with in the course of this very trou-
blesome and extraordinary affair, it might be thought I
intended to move the pity, instead of desiring the impar-
tial judgment, of the candid public. I wish the sheriff
may have stated the facts as fairly and as truly. If he
has not, I hope any gentlemen, who have been preju-
diced against me by private misrepresentations, will pub-
lish their states, and let us stand or fall upon the proof
of our assertions.


STOLEN from the subscriber’s door on Saturday
night the 7th instant (May) a dark brown bay horse,
with saddle and bridle on, about 15 hands high, nine
years old, trots and gallops, is a little touched in his
wind, has a long bob tail and hanging mane, and no
perceivable brand. Whoever brings the said horse to
me shall receive TWENTY SHILLINGS reward, and
FIVE POUNDS on conviction of the thief.
WILLIAMSBURG, May 10, 1774.

TAKEN up, in Buckingham, a small bay mare,
with three white feet, has a small star in her fore-
head, grey hairs in her tail and mane, docked, but no
perceivable brand, about 2 or 3 years old, about 4 feet
1 inch high, and is very gentle. Posted, and appraised
to 3£. 10s. * ISAAC CHASTIN.

TAKEN up, a small dark iron grey mare colt, about
2 years old, has a long tail, and is branded on the
rear buttock, as well as I can make out, [upside down C] I. Posted,
and appraised to 2£. 5s. JOHN BRUIN.

Column 3

Just imported from London, and to be disposed of by the
subscriber, at a low advance, for ready money only,
A NEAT and elegant assortment of MILLINERY,
JEWELLERY, and other GOODS, which are
exceeding well chose, and in the newest taste, viz. Patent,
nett, and blond lace hoods, rich suits of ditto, puffs,
whims, fancy, true Italian, and gauze caps, ditto nosegay
and breast flowers, sultains, egrets, fillets, baves, plumes,
minionet lace, blond ditto, and thread edging, gentle-
mens laced ruffles, ladies tupees and French curles, blue,
black, and white ostrich feathers, riding hats, suitable
gloves to ditto, Jacob’s ladder, velvet collars, locket,
crown taste, and a great variety of other ribbands, true
Italian, lace, ribband, fancy, and silver stomachers, silver
corals and bells, plain and set combs, paste buckles,
bows and soletaires, various kinds of sprig and paste pins,
blue agate set round with marcasite, pinch wax, real gar-
net and mock, paste, white wax and wax pearl necklaces
and earrings, cluster, garnet, plain gold, and marcasite
lockets and crosses, black pins, earring and stay hooks,
paste ditto, gold bands, buttons, and loops, watch strings,
keys, seals, and trinkets, smelling bottles, tortoiseshell dan-
dy prats, pocketbooks with instruments, fine India cot-
ton thread, floss, and sewing silk, green silk purses,
needles, pins bobbins and tapes, single and double black
pins, curling tongues, and hair powder, patent, ribbed,
and white China hose, fine cotton and thread ditto, Dids-
bury’s shoes, Gresham’s pumps, pink, blue, and white
sattin ditto, pink, blue and white sattin quilts, black
russell ditto, beautiful wedding and French mounted
fans, second mourning, black, and common ditto, rich
white flowered and plain lustring, shot and striped ditto,
plain and striped taffeties, India chintzes and callicoe,
fine Irish linen, superfine India dimity, black bombazeen,
grained kid, lamb, silk gloves and mits, boys caps and
feathers, chipped and cane hats, bonnets and cloaks,
book and thick muslins, cambricks, lawns, white and
black gauzes, catgut and queen’s nett book muslin and
lawns, needle worked aprons, black, white and coloured
flowered casting handkerchiefs, muslin, lawn, gauze,
and checked ditto, rich sword suits, undressed dolls, very
nice brass mounted trucks, either for chariot or chaise;
and a multiplicity of other articles, too tedious to enu-
merate. M. DICKERSON.
N. B. She returns those gentlemen and ladies, who
have favoured her with their custom, her most cordial
thanks; particularly her good friends in the country;
and as it shall ever be her study to give satisfaction, they
may rely on their orders being attended to with the
strictest care, by their much obliged, and very humble
servant, M. D.

PURSUANT to a decree of the honourable the gene-
ral court will be sold, for ready money, at Hamp-
shire courthouse, on the second Tuesday in June next,
three tracts of LAND, of 500 acres each, in the said
county of Hampshire, on George Andis’s mill run, and
adjoining the lands of Henry Heath, the property of the
late Mr. Joseph Watson, deceased, and by him mort-
gaged to Mr. Garret Meade of Philadelphia, who has
obtained a decree for a sale to satisfy his demand. A
conveyance, with special warranty, will be made the pur-
chaser by The SHERIFF of HAMPSHIRE.
*** These lands were formerly advertised in this paper
for sale, and prevented by bad weather, but will now be
sold without fail.

DUMFRIES, May 2, 1774.
THE members of the Dumfries jockey club are de-
sired to meet here on Saturday the 11th of June,
to settle the time of the races. Such members as cannot
conveniently attend, and want to fix them at any parti-
cular time, will please to signify the same by letter to
me, and their respective proposals shall be laid before the

To be SOLD in Brunswick, on the Great Creek,
SEVEN hundred and thirty acres of land, most part
of which is good for tobacco. There are several
improvements on it, as to buildings, a good orchard, &c.
Any person inclinable to purchase may know the terms
by applying to the subscriber, on the premises.

ALL persons indebted to the estate of Richard Kel-
sick, deceased, of the borough of Norfolk, are
requested to make immediate payment; and those who
have any demands against the said estate, are desired to
make them known to

WHEREAS it has been reported by some ill disposed
person or persons, and that in the most virulent
and sarcastic terms, which is commonly the case of
malevolents, with a determined resolution it should
reach the ears of every one, and was consequently propa-
gated by some or other of the vicious race of mortals,
who delight in nothing better than backbiting their neigh-
bours, that I the subscriber hereof have been guilty of
using too much familiarity amongst my scholars, and
thereby rendered them disobedient, so that it could not
possibly be expected they would profit much in coming to
me; In vindication of that notorious falsity, and for the
beings, I do entreat him or them, to repair to my
school room, at Mr. Robert Jackson’s whensoever it shall
suit, and should he or they be disposed to believe his, or
their own eyes, I can flatter myself to be capable of shew-
ing them as well disciplined a school as any in the city of
Williamsburg; and in order to prevent any the like dis-
turbances for the future amongst my benevolent and kind
wellwishers, or friends, who informed me of this unjust
charge, he or they shall receive as severe a reprimand as
can be offered by his or their humble servant.

RUN away from the subscriber, on the 1st instant
(May) a servant man named JOHN MASON, of a
dark complexion, short dark hair, about 5 feet 10 inches
high, has lately had a cut over one of his eyes, supposed
to be the left, and is by trade a perukemaker; had on a
dark blue coat, striped waistcoat, white breeches, and
pale blue stockings. Whoever secures the said servant,
so that I get him again, shall receive 40s. and if delivered
to me, in Norfolk, 3£. DAVID REYNOLDS.

Page 2
Column 1

THE improved SQUARE of LOTS
adjoining the lots belonging to Mr.
E. DEANE, coachmaker in Palace street,
Williamsburg. JOHN TAZEWELL,
esquire, of this city, is empowered to sell.

If the purchaser, or purchasers, do not
pay ready money, his bond, with approved
securities, made payable to
TER, will be satisfactory. tf

THINKING this a very proper season for taking
into consideration certain matters in which the
clergy are most immediately and deeply concerned, and
finding several of my brethren, whose opinions have
great weight with me, to be very confident, that if our
whole body should be desired to meet, they would not
at this time shew a general backwardness to honour the
request, I have come to a resolution of appointing, and
do accordingly appoint, the Thursday after Whitsunday
for the clergy to convene upon at the college of William
and Mary. When the day appointed comes, I hope
those who advised me to this measure will with me enjoy
the satisfaction of finding their expectations fully an-
swered by being able to assemble with a very respectable
number of their fraternity on an occasion which they as
well as I deem important. I am, with ardent prayers
for your real welfare, and the good of the community,
reverend gentlemen, your loving and affectionate bro-
ther, JOHN CAMM.
COLLEGE, May 5, 1774.

Just imported from London, and sold by the
subscriber, at her store opposite the
in Williamsburg,
A WELL chosen assortment of the neatest GOODS,
consisting of fine tread and blond lace, white
sattin and lustring, blue sattin and sarsnet petticoats,
white ditto for weddings, sattin and queen silk shoes,
muslin, gauze, catgut, and wire, worked linen, ribbands,
plain and ribbed, silk, cotton, and thread stockings, small
ditto for children, patent net aprons, equal in beauty to
joining lace, silk gloves and mits, roles and curls, tam-
bour sword knots, boys beaver and hussar caps, ladies
riding hats, feathers, and whips, childrens sashes and
stays, a large quantity of Didsbury shoes, sheneel, fine
chip and cane hats, fans, cloaks, gauze handkerchiefs,
purses, bags and puffs, purl for work, tureen, pump,
and pap ladles, stone, silver, gilt, and pinchbeck, both
shoe and knee buckles, paste, garnet, gold, and black,
stock ditto, India plate salts, ditto snuffers and snuffpans,
silver teaspoons, teatongs, and saltshovels, ditto coral
and bells, paste, marcasite, pearl, and bead, necklaces
and earrings, gold wires, silver bowed scissars, and silver
tipped sheaths, lancet cases, watch chains and keys,
combs, pocketbooks, and etwee cases, freemason and
other broaches, paste sprigs and pins, tooth brushes, fine
Irish wafers, sword canes, and penknives, black bags
and roses, black pins, stay hooks, thimbles, silver shoe
clasps, fruit knives, dolls and other toys, with many
other articles too numerous to insert; all to be sold on
reasonable terms, for ready money only by

*** At the same place may be had an exceeding fine
SILVER WATCH, capped, which runs on diamonds,
and a GOLD WATCH, with gold hands, and an en
graved case.

WANTED for the lighthouse directors eight second-
hand ANCHORS, nearly a thousand weight
each. Any person having such for sale are desired to
make their terms known to the subscriber in Norfolk.

TO be fought on Whitsuntide Monday, at Mr. Har-
dyman Dancy’s (or better known by the name of
Eggmond’s Ordinary) between the gentlemen of the up-
per and lower ends of Charles city. To shew 20 cocks
for 3£. a battle, and 15£. the odd one. There will be a
ball in the evening for the ladies.

THE treasurer, trustees, and subscribers, to the fund
for the relief of the widows and orphans of clergy-
men, collected last Sunday from the two audiences
25£. 14s. 5d. for which they beg leave to return their
thanks to the generous contributors. On the day fol-
lowing they ordered 80£. to be distributed among six wi-
dows, and the orphans of four clergymen, and appointed
officers for the ensuing year, namely, the reverend Mess.
John Camm, treasurer, Prince Davis, Devereaux Jarratt,
William Bland, John Bracken, Thomas Price, and
Thomas Lundie, trustees; William Harrison morning,
and Robert Andrews evening preacher.

The clergy have a most grateful sense of the presents
of 20£. and 3£. 2s. 6d. from two unknown persons, by the
hands of the reverend Mr. Henley. This acknowledg-
ment would have been made last year had not the said
charitable contributions come some days too late to be
inserted in our last year’s advertisement.

To be SOLD, on the premises, on the third Thursday
in June next,
THE very profitable ORDINARY, belonging to the
subscriber, at King William courthouse, with 600
acres of very valuable LAND adjoining to it. The place
is so well known that it is unnecessary to describe it, or
to point out, the advantage of its situation, which is so
central that it is daily resorted by travellers from all
parts; so that it has constant custom. The ordinary,
and some small tenements on the land, have rented for
170£. a year, and are now well worth 200£. a year, or
more. The purchaser may have possession the first day
of November next, and is to pay one fifth of the pur-
chase money that day, and one other fifth annually after,
until the whole is satisfied. Bond, with good security,
for the payment thereof, must be given to the subscriber,
who will treat privately with any person inclined to pur-
chase before the day of sale. JOHN QUARLES.

Column 2

ON Wednesday the 14th of April last ran away from
the subscriber, in Westmoreland county, Thomas
Puttrell, an indented white servant man, by trade a
butcher, but understands gardening and farming, and
says he is acquainted with the business of a bricklayer
and plaisterer. This is the third time of his running
away, and when he went off before he was near two
months in the neighbourhood of Richmond town, and
lived with one Isaac Parker, and probably may be in that
part of the country now. In July last he was taken up
in Bedford county. He is a trunchy well made man, of
a fair complexion, has hazle eyes, brown hair, which
curls in his neck, is round faced, has very white teeth,
which he shews when he speaks or grins, and speaks
sharp and quick. He had the common apparel of ser-
vants, and he has a forged pass, signed by James Mose-
ley, master of the schooner Nancy, discharged from Alex-
andria, and is called a native of old Nansemond town in
Virginia. There went off with the said Thomas Putrell
an indented white servant man belonging to Thomas
Attwell of Westmoreland, who has likewise a forged
pass, signed by the same James Moseley, and is therein
called John Underwood, although his right name is Ed-
ward Duberg. He is a slim, well made man, near six
feet high, was a sailor, and has been in Spain, Portugal,
and France. He says he was brought up at Cambridge,
and pretends to understand Latin, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, and Dutch. He came in the Success’s In-
crease, captain Curtis, into Rappahanpock, and was sold
for a shcoolmaster. He robbed one Mrs. Hume of about
20£. worth of wearing apparel, among which were some
jewellery, caps, aprons, handkerchiefs, &c. which he
and Puttrell sold as they went along. The above servants
were seen on their way to Gloucester town, between
York and Rappahannock, and it is supposed they will
pass for sailors, and go to Norfolk, or make for Caro-
lina. Whoever apprehends them, so as they be delivered
to their masters shall have a reward of FOUR POUNDS
for each, besides what the law allows.

RUN away from my plantation near this place, last
night, two servant men, named George and John
Allen, very lately imported in the Justitia, consigned to
Mr. Thomas Hodge, at Leeds town. George is a likely
young fellow, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 10 or 11
inches high, stoops much, and is remarkable round
shouldered; had on when he went away a dark coloured
bearskin jacket and breeches, and a small round hat
with a black ribband and buckle. John is brother to
George, slender made, and two inches under his size;
had on the same sort of clothes, only a pair of old shoes
cut open at the toes. Any person who will apprehend
the said servants, and secure them so that I may get
them, shall be entitled to the above reward; and all per-
sons are hereby forewarned, as they may probably pre-
tend to pass for sailors, from carrying them out of the
DUMFRIES, April 25. 4

Just imported, and to be sold by the subscriber,
A GENTEEL assortment of MILLINERY, in the
newest taste. Mecklin, Brussells, and minionet lace,
blond ditto, a variety of white and coloured silks, plain,
striped, and sprigged muslins, jewellery, childbed linen,
robes, ladies and gentlemens silk and cotton hose, Dids-
bury’s shoes, Gresham’s sattin and calimanco ditto, ladies
black and white riding hats, and many other articles.
May 4, 1774.

THE ship CAESAR, William Wetherald, master, bur-
then about 450 hogsheads of tobacco, now lies at
Norfolk, and has made but one voyage. Apply to said

*** On board of said ship is a quantity of Whitehaven
COAL, of the best quality, which will be sold very
cheap. Apply to Mr. Joseph Kidd, in Williamsburg.

TAKEN up, in Lunenburg, a bay horse, about 9
years old, branded on the near buttock SH, and
about 4 feet 10 inches high. Posted, and appraised to

TAKEN up, in Lunenburg, a small roan sorrel
mare, about 4 feet 1 inch high, branded on the
near shoulder and buttock [upside down G], has a large blaze in her
face, her two hind feet white up to her hams, appears
to be about 10 or 12 years old, with a hanging mane
and switch tail. Posted and appraised to 3£. 10 s.

TAKEN up, in Fincastle, a sorrel horse, 4 years old,
13 hands and an inch high, with a white mane and
tail, his fore legs from the knees down almost white, and
the hoofs of his fore feet twist inwards, has a star in his
forehead, a small snip on his nose, branded on the near
jaw T, and has a bell on, with a leather collar and dou-
ble buckle. Posted, and appraised to 4£. 5s.

TAKEN up, in Fincastle, a black mare, about seven
years old, branded on the near shoulder A, with
4 white feet, and a blaze in her face, paces, is hipshot,
and about 13 hands 3 inches high. Posted, and ap-
praised to 7£. JAMES DAVIS.

THE ship OLIVE, Captain William Barrass, lies
at Broadways, on Appomattox, will sail early in
April, having three fourths of her cargo engaged, can
take in about one hundred hogsheads of tobacco, on
liberty of consignment. For terms apply to Mr. Bolling
Starke, in Petersburg, or us at Norfolk.

STANDS at Rosegill, and will cover mares at FOUR
POUNDS the season. Those who send mares must
send the money, otherwise they shall not be left. The
valuable qualities, and the pedigree, of this horse, are
sufficiently notorious.

Column 3

RUN away on the 20th of April last, from the sloop
FRIENDSHIP, William Johnston Rysam, master,
lying at York town, MINGO, a stout well made black
negro fellow, of a down cast look, limps on one side,
Virginia born, and about 35 years old, has been used to
plantation work and going by water. Whoever will deliver
him to William Reynolds, esquire, at York, John Perrin,
esquire, of Gloucester, or the subscriber, at Norfolk,
shall have THIRTY SHILLINGS reward, besides what
the law allows. 3 MATTHEW PHRIPP.

FINCASTLE county, to wit,
GEORGE the third, by the grace of God, of Great
Britain, France, and Ireland, king, defender of
the faith, &c. To the sheriff of Fincastle county, greet-
ing: We command you that you summon Francis Wil-
ley, an infant under the age of twenty one years, son
and heir of James Willey deceased, to appear before our
justices of our court of our said county, at the courthouse,
on the first Tuesday in next month, to answer a bill in
chancery, exhibited against him by William Calhoon;
and this he shall in no wise omit, under the penalty of
100£. and have then there this writ. Witness John Byrd,
clerk of our said court, this 9th day of June, in the 13th
year of our reign. * JOHN BYRD.

To be SOLD, by the subscriber, at Stafford courthouse,
on the 2d Monday in June next, if fair, otherwise the
first fair day,

THREE tracts of land, adjoining each other, and
lying in Stafford county, on Potowmack creek;
on one of which is a very commodious tavern, and other
necessary houses, garden, &c. within a few yards of the
courthouse. The situation is very advantageous for a
publican’s business, and remarkable for fish and fowl.
Fifteen acres of the land were laid down in timothy about
four years ago, and there are near 40 acres of marsh,
which might be easily reclaimed, and at a small expence.
Terms will be made known on the day of sale.
5 GEORGE DENT, junior.

And to be ENTERED upon at CHRISTMAS next,
A VERY valuable tract of LAND in King William
county, on Pamunkey river, adjoining the land of
the late Mr. John Smith, of Hanover county, deceased,
containing 800 acres, more or less, the soil is very rich,
and exceedingly well adapted for wheat, corn, or tobacco,
particularly the first and second, being low grounds;
and there is a considerable quantity of high grounds.
It has plenty of good pine and oak timber upon it, con-
venient houses, and is in good order for cropping, is
about two miles form Hanover town, and very convenient
to church and two mills. Any person inclinable to pur-
chase may be shewn the land by applying to Mr. Christo-
pher Taliaferro, or Mr. William Jones, who resides near
the same, and the terms may be also known by applying
to these gentlemen, or to the subscriber.

To be sold, to the highest bidder, at Goochland court-
house, on Monday, the 20th of June, being court day,
A TRACT of rich, well timbered LAND, lying
opposite to Elk Island, in Goochland county, be-
longing to the estate of Mr. John Smith, deceased, con-
taining 2000 acres, which will be put up in four separate
lots. Likewise a tract containing between 3 and 400
acres, lying on both sides of the Little Bird creek, near
the head thereof, in the aforesaid county. Those lands
having been fully described in a former advertisement
renders it unnecessary here. The time of payment will
be made known on the day of sale, and bonds, with good
security, required of the purchasers.

*** The purchasers at the different sales of the negroes
and personal estate of Joseph and John Smith, deceased,
are desired to take notice, that their bonds will in a very
short time become payable, and that no indulgence can
or will be allowed to any person. I shall constantly at-
tend at the county courts of Henrico and Hanover, and
the meeting of merchants in Williamsburg, in order to
receive payment. Those who have open accounts on
the books of John Smith, deceased, are once more re-
quested to come and settle.

The noted swift HORSE
(now, perhaps, the fattest horse in<.em> VIRGINIA)
STANDS at my hosue, in the lower end of Caroline
county, and covers mares this season at 2£. 10s.
good pasturage gratis, and great care taken of the mares,
but will not be answerable for any that may get away.
TRISTRAM SHANDY was got by Morton’s Traveller,
his dam by Janus, out a very fine English mare.

To be SOLD, together or in parcels,
THAT fertile and well timbered tract of LAND,
lying in princess Anne county, known by the name
of GIBBS’S WOODS, whereon are several settlements,
and whereof Jeremiah Tinker, esquire, grandson of the
late governor Gibbs now stands seized, under the deed
of gift of his mother, the daughter and heiress of the
said governor Gibbs. Persons inclining to purchase may
be informed of the terms by applying to Mr. James
Parker, merchant in Norfolk, or to Edward Foy, in
Williamsburg, who will give an undoubted title. tf

A FULL blooded horse, by FEARNOUGHT, out of
an imported mare, will stand this season at Mr.
Richard Taylor’s, near Petersburg, to cover mares, at
POUNDS the season, payable in October next. Those
gentlemen who are inclined to send mares may be assured
that the greatest care will be taken of them; but I will
not be answerable for any that shall get away.

TAKEN up, in Amherst, a slender made white mare,
dapple grey on each thigh, fleabitten on the head
and shoulders, with a hanging mane and switch tail, a-
bout 4 feet 6 inches high, no perceivable brand; had on
a large bell, with a patch on the inside, the collar of
which was fastened with a large buckle, Appraised to 6£.

Original Format

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Rind, Clementina, -1774, printer, “Supplement to the Virginia gazette. Number 419, Thursday May 19, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed September 8, 2024,