Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Supplement to the Virginia gazette. July 28, 1774


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Supplement to the Virginia gazette. July 28, 1774



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Page 1

Supplement to the Virginiia Gazette. July 28, 1774.

Column 1

At a Meeting of the Freeholders of Hanover County, at the Courthouse, on
Wednesday the 20th of July, 1774, the folowing Address was agreed

To JOHN SYME and PATRICK HENRY, Junior, Esquires.
YOU have our Thanks for your patriotick, faithful,
and spirited Conduct, in the Part you acted in the
late Assembly as our Burgesses; and as we are greatly
alarmed at the Pro-ceedings of the British Parliament
respecting the Town of Boston and the Province of
Massachusetts Bay, and as we understand a Meeting
of Delegates from all the Coun-ties in this Colony is
appointed to be in Williamsburg on the first Day of
next Month, to deliberate on our publick Affairs, we do hereby appoint
you, Gentlemen, our Delegates; and we do request you then and there
to meet, consult, and advise, touching such Matters as are most likely to
effect our Deliverance from the Evils with which our Country is threatened.

The Importance of those Things which will offer themselves for your
Deliberation is ex-ceeding great; and when it is considered that the Ef-
fect of the Measures you may adopt will reach our latest Posterity, you
will excuse us for giving you our Sentiments, and pointing out some
Particulars proper for that Plan of Conduct we wish you to observe.

We are Freemen. We have a Right to be so, and to enjoy all the
Privileges and Immuni-ties of our Fellow Subjects in England; and
while we retain a just Sense of that Freedom, and those Rights and
Privileges necessary for its Safety and Security, we shall never give up
the Right of Taxation. Let it suffice to say, once for all, we will
never be taxed but by our own Representatives. This is the great
Badge of Freedom, and British America hath been hitherto distinguished
by it; and when we see the British Parliament trampling upon that
Right, and acting with determined Resolution to destroy it, we would
wish to see the united Wisdom and Fortitude of America collected for
its Defence.

The Sphere of Life in which we move hath not afforded us Lights
sufficient to determine with Certainty, concerning those Things from
which the Troubles of Boston originated. Whether the People there
were warranted by Justice when they destroyed the Tea, we know not;
but this we know, that the Parliament, by their Proceedings, have made
us, and all North America, Parties in the present Dispute, and deeply
interened in the Event of it, inso-much that if our Sister Colony of Mas-
sachusetts Bay is enslaved we cannot long remain free.

Our Minds are filled with Anxiety when we view the friendly Regards
of our Parent State turned into Enmity, and those Powers of Govern-
ment formerly exerted for our Aid and Pro-tection formed into dangerous
Efforts for our Destruction. We read our intended Doom in the Boston
Port Bill, in that for altering the Mode of Trial in criminal Cases,
and finally in the Bill for altering the Form of Government in the
Massachusetts Bay. These several Acts are replete with Injustice and
Oppression, and strongly expressive of the future Policy of Brit-ain
towards all her Colonies. If a full and uncontrouled Operation is given
to this detesta-ble System in its earlier Stages, it will probably be fixed
upon us for ever.

Let it therefore be your great Object to obtain a speedy Repeal of
those Acts, and for this Purpose we recommend the Adoption of such
Measures as may produce the hearty Union of all our Countrymen and
Sister Colonies. United, we stand; divided, we fall. To attain this
wished for Union, we declare our Readiness to sacrifice any lesser In-
terest arising from a Soil, Climate, Situation, or Productions peculiar
to us.

We judge it conducive to the Interests of America that a general
Congress of Deputies, from all the Colonies, be held, in Order to form
a Plan for guarding the Claims of the Colonies, and their constitutional
Rights, from future Encroachments, and for the speedy Relief of our
suffering Brethren at Boston. For the present we think it proper to
form a general As-sociation against the Purchase of all Artcles of Goods
imported from Great Britain, except Negroes Clothes, Salt, Saltpetre,
Powder, Lead, Utensils and Implements for Handicrafts, Men and
Manufacturers that cannot be had in America, Books, Paper, and the
like Necessaties, and not to purchase any Goods or Merchandise that
shall be imported from Great Britain after a certain Day that may be
agreed on for that Purpose by the said general Meeting or Deputies at
Williamsburg, except the Articles aforesaid, or such as shall be al-lowed
to be imported by the said Meeting; and that we will encourage the
Manufactures of America, by every Means in our Power. A Regard
to Justice hinders us at this Time from withholding Exports; nothing
but the direst Necessity shall induce us to adopt that Proceeding, which
we shall strive to avoid as long as possible.

The African Trade for Slaves we consider as most dangerous to Vir-
tue, and the Welfare of this Country. We therefore most earnestly wish
to see it totally discouraged.

A steady Loyalty to the Kings of England has ever distinguished our
Country. The pre-sent State of things here, as well as the many In-
stances of it to be found in our History, leave no Room to doubt it.
God grant we may never see the Time when that Loyalty shall be found
incompatible with the Rights of Freemen. Our most ardent Desire is,
that we and your latest Posterity may continue to live under the genuine
unaltered Constitution of Eng-land, and be Subjects, in the true Spirit
of that Constgitution, to his Majesty and his illustrious House; and
may the Wretches who affirm that we desire the contrary feel the Punish-
ment due to Falsehood and Villainy.

While Prudence and Moderation shall guide your Councils, we trust,
Gentlemen, that Firmness, Resolution, and Zeal, will animate you in
the glorious Struggle. The Arm of Power, which is now stretched
forth against us, is indeed formidable; but we do not despair: Our

Column 2

Cause is good; and if it is served with Constancy and Fidelity, it cannot
fail of Success. We promise you our best Support, and we will heartily
join in such Measures as a Majority of our Countrymen shall adopt for
securing the publick Liberty.

Resolved, that the above Address be transmitted to the Printers, to be
published in the Gazettes.

AT a general Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the
County of Caroline, at the Courthouse, on Thursday the 14th
of July 1774, assembled for the Purpose of deliberating and giving their
Sentiments upon the present State of Affairs in America, and what
ought to be done at this most alarming Crisis, the following Points were
agitated, and agreed to as the Opinion of this County.

That the Design of our Meeting may not be misinterpreted, we think it
proper to declare, what would otherwise be unnecessary, that we will
preserve all due Obedience and Fidelity to the Royal Person and Govern-
ment of his sacred Majesty King George III. and that we will, at all
Times, when called on for that Purpose, maintain and defend, at the
Expense of our Lives and Fortunes, his Majesty’s Right and Title to
the Crown of Great Britain and his Domin-ions in America.

That a firm Union, and mutual Intercourse and Reciprocation of
Interests and Affections, between Great Britain and her Colonies, is
desirable and beneficial to both; and that whoever shall go about to
dissolve that Union, by attempting to deprive the Colonies of their just
Rights, on the one Hand, or to effect their Independence, on the other, ought
ever to be considered as a common Enemy to the whole Community.

That for Americans to be exempted from every Kind of Taxation,
except by the consent of their own Representatives, in their several
Provencial Assemblies, to be heard in their De-fence when accused of
Crimes, and tried by their Peers, are Rights they derive from natu-ral
Justice and the British Constitution, to which they are equally entitled
with their Fellow Subjects in Great Britain, and from constant Usage,
so long as the true Principles of the Con-stitution have been suffered to
direct the publick Councils.

That the British Parliament, in their several Acts of imposing a Duty
upon Tea, to be paid in America; for blocking up the Harbour and
stopping the Commerce of the Town of Boston, in the Massachusetts
Bay, for supposed Offences with which they were charged, and con-
demned unheard; for altering the Form of that Government, estab-
lished by Charters and long Usage; and for empowering his Majesty to
order Persons charged with certain Of-fences committed in America to be
carried to Great Britain, and there tried; have been influ-enced by evil
Counsellors to depart from the true Principles of the Constitution, and to
violate the most sacred and important Rights of Americans, from which
they never can depart.

That those Acts, whether intended to operate only in one Province,
or generally in all, ought to be considered as the common Cause; and
that a firm and indissoluble Union and Association of the Whole ought
to be formed, to oppose their Operation by every just and proper Means.
To effect which, we think the sending Deputies from each Province, to
meet in a general Congress, will be a very proper Measure; and we de-
sire our Dele-gates may unite with others, in the general Meeting for this
Colony, in electing such Depu-ties.

That Tea being the Subject of the Tax complained of, and the East
India Company having acted ungenerously in sending great Quantities of
it to America, to fix the Precedent of Taxa-tion (though desired to for-
bear) we most cordially concur with the late Representatives of this
Colony to disuse Tea, and not to purchase any East India Commo-
dities from hence-forth, until the just Rights of America be restored.

That a general Association between all the American Colonies, not to
import from Great Britain any Commodity whatever, ought to be en-
tered into, and not dissolved till the just Rights of the said Colonies are
restored to them, and the cruel Acts of the British Parliament against
the Massachusetts Bay and Town of Boston are repealed.

That it is the undoubted Privilege, and indispensable Duty, of the
Representatives of the People of this Colony, when met in General As-
sembly, to deliberate freely upon all Invasions of the Rights, Liberties,
and Properties of their Constituents, and consider of the proper Means
of Redress; and therefore, that the Interposition of the executive Power
here, by Mandate from the Ministry, to dissolve the Assembly, whenever
they complain of Attempts to destroy those Rights, tends to deprive us
of all Benefit from a Legislature, and is an Evidence of the fixed Intention
of the Ministry to reduce the Colonies to a State of Slavery.

That, in this distressed Situation of our Affairs, all Luxury, Dissi-
pation, and Extrava-gance, ought to be banished from among us; and
every Kind of Manufacture, Industry, and Economy, encouraged.

That the African Trade is injurious to this Colony, obstructs our
Population by Freemen, Manufacturers, and others, who would
emigrate from Europe and settle here, and occasions an annual Balance
of Trade against the Country; and therefore, that the Purchase of all
imported Slaves ought to be associated against.

Though we are happily allowed to proceed to the Choice of new
Representatives, yet as the Return of the Writs is made to the 11th of
August, and there is Reason to doubt the As-sembly may not be held at
that Time, we think it highly expedient there should be a Meeting at
Williamsburg on the 1st of August, as appointed, to consider fully of the
several Matters herein before mentioned; and we do appoint EDMUND
PENDLETON and JAMES TAYLOR, Esquires, Deputies on our Parts,
to meet such as shall be named for other Counties and Cor-porations, at
Williamsburg, or such other Place as may be agreed upon on the Day
aforsaid, or any other Time, to deliberate freely, and agree to the above
Resolutions, or any other that may be judged more expedient for the
general Purpose intend-ed.

Page 2
Column 1

At a Meeting of the loyal and patriotic People of the County of Henrico, at
their Courthouse, on the 15th of this Instant July, the following Address to
their late worthy Representatives was agreed on, and signed by a great
Number of the Freeholders.

WE the Subscribers, Freeholders of the County of Henrico, assem-
bled for the Purpose of deliberating on the present Posture of
publick Affairs, return you our Thanks for the Part you acted in the
late Assembly, as our Burgesses.

When we reflect on the alarming and critical Situation of Things
respecting the Mother Country, our Minds are filled with the most
anxious Concern. The Acts of the British Parliament made for punishing
the Inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay are repugnant to the first Principles
of Justice, and if they are suffered to have a full Operation will not only
crush our Sister Colony, and involve the Guilty and Innocent in one
common Ruin, but will stand as a fatal Precedent to future Times for
adopting the same fatal Measures towards this and every other British
Colony. We therefore have passed this Determination, and shall conduct
ourselves conformably, that the Cause of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay
in general, and of the Town of Boston in particular, is the Cause of this
and every other Colony in North America.

We hope Gentlemen, that the exceeding great Importance of the
present Crisis will plead our Excuse for giving you our Sentiments touch-
ing that Conduct which we wish you to observe in the ensuing Congress,
on the first Day of August next, at Williamsburg, to which we depute
you to act on our Behalf.

With Grief and Astonishment, we behold Great Britain adopting a Mode
of Government towards her Colonies totally incompatible with our Safety
and Happiness. We cannot submit to be taxed by her Parliament; we
cannot sit still and see the Harbour of Boston blocked up by an armed
Force; we cannot behold, without Indignation, the Charter Rights of a
Sister Colony violated, or the Form of its Government changed, by an
Act of Parliament as derogotary to the Honour of the Mother Country as
it is repugnant to Justice; and lastly, we will not suffer our Fellow Sub-
jects to be seized and transported beyond Sea, to be tried for supposed
Offences committed here. If these Things are suffered to be reduced to
Practice, we shall account ourselves the most miserable of Men, unworthy
the Name of Freemen; we shall not wonder if in future we are treated
as Slaves.

We therefore most solemnly charge and conjure you to use your best
Endeavours to save us from these Calamities. We earnestly entreat you
for your utmost Exertion, to procure, by all possible Ways and Means,
a total Repeal of the late oppressive and detestable Acts of Parliament.
We trust you will heartily concur in such Measures as the said Congress,
shall judge most efficacious to preserve our ancient Rights; for be assured,
Gentlemen, that nothing shall ever induce from us a Submission to
Tyranny, and that we resolve, once for all, to live and die Freemen.

In Order to effect those desirable Ends, we give it as our Opinion
that the most effectual Method for opposing the said several Acts of
Parliament will be that a general Association between all the American
Colonies ought immediately to be entered into, not to import from Great
Britain any Commodity whatsoever, except such Articles as the General
Congress shall judge necessary, until the just Rights of the Colonies are
restored to them, and the cruel Acts of the British Parliament against the
Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and Town of Boston, are repealed.

A love of Justice, and the tender Regard we have for our Friends, the
Merchants and Manufacturers of Great Britain, to whom we are indebted,
and who must of Course suffer in the common Cause, prevents our recom-
mending the stopping our Exports at this Time; but, at a future Day,
we will heartily concur with the other Counties of this Colony to stop all
Exports, as well as Imports, to and from Great Britain, unless what we
have already recommended to you shall be found effectual.

We most cordially recommend that no Time be lost in administering
every Comfort and Aid to our distressed Brethren of Boston that their
unhappy State may require, and may comport with our Situation to

We farther recommend to you, that you will, in Conjunction with
the Deputies from the different Counties of this Colony, choose fit and
proper Persons, on the Part of this Colony, to meet the Deputies from
the other Colonies in a General Congress, at such convenient Time and
Place as shall be agreed on, then and there to advise and consult upon
such Measures as (under the Circumstances of Things at that Time) they
shall deem expedient.

We strictly charge and enjoin, that at all Times, and on all Occasions
which may present, you testify our Zeal for his Majestly’s Person and
Government; and that we are ready and willing, with our Lives and
Fortunes, to support his Right to the Crown of Great Britain, and all
its Dependencies.

AT a general Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the
County of Nansemond, on the 11th Day of July 1774, the follow-
ing Resolutions were proposed, and unanimously agreed to.

Resolved, that we will, at all Times, whenever we are called upon
for that Purpose, maintain and defend, at the Expense of our Lives and
Fortunes, his Majesty’s Right and Title to the Crown of Great Britain
and his Dominions in America, to whose Royal Person and Government
we profess all due Obedience and Fidelity.

Resolved that the Right to impose Taxes or Duties to be paid by the
Inhabitants within this Dominion, for any Purpose whatsoever, is pecu-
liar and essential to the General Assembly, in whom the legislative Autho-
rity of the Colony is vested.

Resolved, that every Attempt to impose such Taxes or Duties by any
other Authority is an arbitrary Exertion of Power, and an Infringment of
the constitutional Rights and Liberties of the Colony.

Resolved, that to impose a Tax or Duty upon Tea by the British Par-
liament, in which the Commons of the North American Colonies can
have no Representation, to be paid upon Importation by the Inhabitants
of the said Colonies, is an Act of Power without Right, is subversive of
the Liberties of the said Colonies, deprives them of their Prroperty without
their Consent, and thereby reduces them to a State of Slavery.

Column 2

Resolved, that the last cruel, unjust, and sanguinary Acts of Parlia-
ment, to be exercuted by military Force and Ships of War upon our Sister
Colony of Massachusetts Bay, and Town of Boston, is a strong Evidence
of the corrupt Influence obtained by the British Ministry in Parliament,
and a convincing Proof of their fixed Intention to deprive the Colonies
of their constitutional Rights of Liberties.

Resolved, that the Cause of the Town of Boston is the common Cause
of all the American Colonies.

Resolved, that it is the Duty and Interest of all the American Colonies
firmly to unite in an indissoluble Union and Association, to oppose, by
every just and proper Means, the Infringement of their common Rights
and Liberties.

Resolved, that a general Association between all the American Colo-
nies, not to import from Great Britain any Commodity whatsoever, ought
to be entered into, and not dissolved until the just Rights of the said
Colonies are restored to them, and the cruel Acts of this British Parlia-
ment against the Manssachusetts Bay, and Town of Boston, are repealed.

Resolved, that no Friend to the Rights and Liberties of America ought
to purchase any Commodity whatsoever which shall be imported from
Great Britain after a certain Time hereafter to be limited by the Congress
which is shortly expected to meet, nor ought such to have any Kind of
Dealing or Connexion with any Merchant who shall refuse to agree to
the Measure hereafter to be adopted by said Congress.

Resolved, that every Kind of Luxury, Dissipation, and Extravagance,
ought to be banished from amongst us.

Resolved, that Manufactures ought to be encouraged, by opening
Subscriptions for that Purpose, or by any other proper Means.

Resolved, that the African Trade is injurious to this Colony, obstructs
the Population of it by Freemen, prevents Manufacturers and other use-
ful Emigrants from Europe from settling amongst us, and occasions an
annual Increase of the Balance of Trade against this Colony.

Resolved, that this raising Sheep, Hemp, and Flax, ought to be en-

Resolved, that ot be clothed in Manufactures fabricated in the Colony
ought to be considered as a Badge and Distinction of Respect, and true

Resolved, that the dissolution of the General Assembly, by Order of
the British Ministry, whenever they enter upon the Consideration of the
Rights and Liberties of the Subject, against Attempts to destroy them, is
an Evidence of the fixed Intention of the said Ministry to recuce the Co-
lonies to a State of Slavery.

Resolved, that the People of this Colony, being by such Dissolution
deprived of a legal Representation, ought to nominate and appoint, for
every County, proper Deputies to meet upon the first Day of August, in
the City of Williamsburg, then and there to consult and agree upon the
best and most proper Means for carrying into Execution these,or any
other Resolutions, which shall be judged more expedient for the Purposes

Resolved, that LEMUEL RIDDICK and BENJAMIN BAKER, Esqrs.
our late Representatives, be, and they are hereby nominated and ap-
pointed Deputies, upon the Part of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of
this County, to meet such Deputies as shall be appointed by the other
Counties and Corporations within the Colony, in the City of Williams-
burg, upon the first Day of August next, or at any other Time or Place,
for the Purposes aforesaid.

Resolved, that at this important and alarming Conjuncture it be ear-
nestly recommended to the said Deputies, at the said general Convention,
that they nominate and appoint fit and proper Persons, upon the Part of
this Colony, to meet such Deputies, in a general Congress, as shall be
appointed upon the Part of the other continental Colonies in America,
to consult and agree upon a firm and indissoluble Union and Association,
for preserving, by the best and most proper Means, their common Rights
and Liberties.

Resolved, that this Colony ought not to trade with any Colony which
shall refuse to join in any Union and Association that shall be agreed
upon by the greater Part of the other Cononies upon this Continent, for
preserving their common Rights and Liberties.

Resolved, that a Copy of these Resolutions be transmitted to each of
the Printers of both the Gazettes, with the earnest Request of this County
that the other Counties and Corporations within the Colony will appoint
Deputies to meet at the Time and Place, and for the Puposes, aforesaid.


To be SOLD, and entered upon immediately.
THE PLANTATION of Moses Hare, deceased, of Hertford County,
North Carolina,
with several Pieces of valuable Land adjoining
thereto, the Whole about three Miles in Length and one in Breadth;
there is on the Plantation about 150 Acres cleared, with a beautiful
Meadow before of about 100 Acres, which affords a charming Prospect,
and makes an excellent Pasture; it is in very good Repair, with extra-
ordinary good Improvements of almost all Kinds, lies on the great Wag-
gon Road from Suffolk Town in Virginia to the greatest Part of Carolina,
and is most commodiously situated for a Store and Tavern, with many
other Conveniencies too tedious to mention. Any Person inclinable to
purchase may have a great Bargain, by timely applying to Captain Ed-
ward Hare,
near the Premises, or the Subscriber, near Bath Town, in
Beaufort County. MOSES HARE.

To Be SOLD by the Subsciber, in Petersburg, for
Cash, Wheat, or Tobacco,

Women’s Calimanco SHOES, 4d and 8d NAILS, some Boxes of assorted
DUROYS, SAGATHIES, and TRIMMINGS, also a few Pieces of

Original Format

Ink on paper



Rind, Clementina, -1774, printer, “Supplement to the Virginia gazette. July 28, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 19, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/220.