Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 31, September 1, 1775


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 31, September 1, 1775



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Page 1

September 1, 1775. The Number 31.

Always for LIBERTY, And the PUBLICK GOOD.


At a meeting of the COMMITTEE of
SAFETY, in the town of Richmond, the
26th day of August, 1775.

Ordered, THAT the chairmen of the
several committees in this
colony do deliver the publick arms, to be by
them collected, pursuant to an ordinance of
Convention, to the captains who shall be ap-
pointed to command the companies of regu-
lar troops to be raised from their respective
districts, taking their receipts for the same;
and that the said captains take proper
measures for their safe conveyance to the
place of rendezvous.
And it is farther
ordered, that the said chairmen do respec-
tively correspond with the President of this
committee, informing him of their progress
in the minute service and when they shall
have completed each the number of regulars
required from their respective districts.

(a copy)
JOHN PENDLETON, jun. clerk.

AUGUST 26, 1775
at a meeting appointed at Hanover
town on the 18th of next month, intend to
proceed to the choice of all officers within
their appointment, particularly a comissary
of provisions, or contractors for each of the
regiments to be raised pursuant to an ordi-
nance of Convention, previous to which all
persons inclined to contract, or to be ap-
pointed commissary, are desired to send their
proposals, in writing, to EDMUND PENDLE-
TON, esq; President of the committee, en-
closed and sealed. At the same time the
committee will be ready to deliver the com-
missions, and administer the oaths, to the
field officers of the regulars chosen by the
Convention; and all captains and subalterns,
who may be chose by the district committees,
are also to attend, to receive warrants for
the money necessary in recruiting, and their
By order of the committee.
JOHN PENDLETON, jun. clerk.

CAMBRIDGE, August 3.
SOME very late intellgence hath been
received at head-quarters this week
from Canada, the substance of which is,
that the Canadians and Indians cannot be
persuaded by governour Carleton to join
his forces, but are determined to remain
neuter; that there are but 500 regulars
in Canada, and near all those stationed at
St. John’s, in order to make a stand
against the provincials expected down the
lake; and that consequently Quebeck and
Montreal have been left quite bare of
troops, except a small guard at each place.

Last monday morning, near Charlestown
neck, a warm fire began between our ad-
vanced parties and those of the enemy,
attended with cannonading from the ene-
my’s works on Bunker’s hill. We took
two marines prisoners, and killed several
of the regulars, with the loss of one man
belonging to Marblehead, who was killed
with a cannon ball.

Parties of rifle-men, together with some
Indians, are constantly harrassing the ene-

Column 2

my’s advanced guards, and say they have
killed several of the regulars within a day
or two past. One of the rifle-men is mis-
sing, and is said to be taken prisoner.

Last monday morning about 800 men
went from Roxbury to the spot where the
light-house lately stood, where they found
40 of the enemy, 28 soldiers, and 12 tory
carpenters and labourers, who were sent
from Boston to erect a building for fixing
up lights. Our people, before they sur-
rendered, killed four of them (among
whom, it is said, was the lieutenant) and
took the rest prisoners, being 24 regulars
and the 12 workmen, with the loss of one
man on our side. The same day the whole
number were brought to head-quarters in
this town, and the day following sent off
to Worcester. On thursday last notifica-
tions were posted up in the town of Boston,
to inform all such of the inhabitants as
were desirons of qutting the town that
they might give in their names to the
town-major. Great numbers immediately
applied, and several have had permission
to come out. The reason of this permis-
sion is owing to the scarcity of provisions,
Gage thinking he must be obliged to fur-
nish them out of the king’s stores, or let
them starve. They were not permitted
to bring out their effects.

A GENTLEMAN from Cambridge in-
forms, that advice has been received
there, by several regular soldiers who
have deserted, that it had been determin-
ed to attack the lines of the American
army on sunday last, but that not more
than one quarter of the troops destined
for the attack could be prevailed on
to come out, the others declaring they
would much rather die within their own
lines than turn out to be slaughtered; and
that Gage has, in consequence, been obliged
to lay aside the project. Some move-
ments made at Bunker’s hill, and the
landing of a number of troops at Charles-
town, on sunday, corroborate this intelli-

NEWPORT, July 31.
LAST thursday a large schooner came
into this harbour, supposed from
Boston, inquired for the men of war, and
finding they were gone out, she immedi-
ately tacked and stood out again, in pur-
suit of them.

Last saturday the ships Rose, Swan, and
Kingfisher, with the above schooner, re-
turned into this harbour, and brought in
two brigs and three sloops from the West
Indles. They have released one brig.

NEW YORK, August 7.
LAST thursday capt. Patrick Sinclair,
lieutenant-governour and superin-
tendent at Michillimachinack, who lately
arrived from North Britain at some port
in Maryland, and after passing through
Pennsylvania and New Jersey, was appre-
hended by order of our provincial con-
gress, and sent to Suffolk county on Nas-

Column 3

sau island, there to reside on his giving
his parole of honour that he will not take
any part in the present unhappy contro-
versy between Great Britain and the
colonies, and that he will not depart from
or go out of the said county without per-
mission of the Continental Congress, or
of this or some future provincial congress,
until the present unhappy controversy be-
tween Great Britain and the colonies shall
be determined.

August 10. By a return express, who
left the camp at Cambridge last friday eve-
ning, we are informed that six sail of trans-
ports sailed from Boston, under convoy of
a man of war, some time ago, for the
eastward of Casco Bay, for forage; that
they landed a numnber of men for the pur-
pose; that while the men from the ships
were landed, a number of men from the
shore possessed themselves of five of the
ships, made the seamen and soldiers priso-
ners, and secured the ship out of the reach
of the men of war.

Last monday an express arrived from
East Hampton, with the following intel-
ligence: That several vessels were seen
cruising off Fisher’s island and Long island,
with an intent to carry off some of the
stock from the east end of Long island and
Gardiner’s island, for the use of the army
and navy at Boston; and that the inhabitants
were assembling under the arms to oippose
their landing, and to drive the stock from
those places where they were most likely
to be taken off. Our porvincial congress
immediately ordered four companies of
general Wooster’s forces, in conjunction
with the men now raising in Suffolk coun-
ty for the continental service, to repair
thither to the assistance of the inhabitants.
General Wooster moved accordingly, from
his camp at Haerlem, last tuesday. By
an express, which arrived on tuesday,we
learn the number of ships was 13.

Last tuesday the first division of col.
M’Dougall’s battalion of provincial troops
sailed, under the command of lieutenant-
colonel Ritzema, to join major-general
Schuyler at Ticonderoga. They will be
soon followed by the second, under major
Zedwitz, and their colonel is preparing
immediately to follow with the third and
last division.

Extract of a letter from New York, August 7.

TEN carpenters, going to repair the
Boston light-house, were taken by
the Americans.

”Yesterday we were informed that the
two men of war, and three transports,
which left Boston some time ago, had ar-
rived at Montauck point, the east end of
Long Island, and were getting provisions.
Some of the Long Island companies, I am
told, are gone to oppose them.”

Extract of a letter from Cambridge, July 31.
”Last friday we were informed, by our
out sentries at the foot of Bunker’s hill,
that the enemy had cut down several large
trees, and were busy all night in throwing
Page 2
Column 1

up a line and abbatis in front of it. In
the evening, orders were given to the
York county rifle company to march down
to our advanced post on Charlestown
neck, to endeavour to surround the ene-
my’s advanced guard, and to bring off
some prisoners, from whom we expected
to learn the enemy’s design, in throwing
up the abbatis on the neck. The rifle
company divided, and executed their plan
in the following manner: Capt. Dowdle,
with 39 men, filed off to the right of Bun-
ker’s hill, and, creeping on their hands
and knees, got into the rear of the enemy’s
sentries, without being discovered; the
other division, of 40 men, under lieute-
nant Miller, were equally successful in get-
ting behind the sentries on the left, and
were within a few yards of joining the di-
vision on the right, when a party of re-
gulars came down the hill to relieve their
guard, and crossed our rifle-men under
capt. Dowdle, as they were lying on the
ground in an Indian file. The regulars
were within 20 yards of our rifle-men be-
fore they saw them, and immediately fired.
The rifle-men returned the salute, killed
several, and brought off two prisoners and
their muskets, with the loss of corporal
Creuse, who is supposed to be killed, as
he has not been heard of since the affair.

”In return for this, the enemy alarmed
us last night in their turn. At 1 o’clock
this morning, a heavy firing of small-arms
and cannon occasioned our drums to beat
to arms; the army was immediately order-
ed under arms to their posts. The firing
continued in three different quarters. Rox-
bury, Sewell’s Point, at the mouth of Cam-
bridge river, and at the advanced posts
on Charlestown neck. Some hours elaps-
ed before we knew the design of the ene-
my, which was this: We had surrounded
some of their out-guard the night before,
which induced them to serve our sentries
in like manner.

”They sent two flat-bottomed boats
to Sewell’s Point, to attack our redoubts
there; sallied out at Roxbury, and set fire
to the George tavern, our advanced guard-
house. Our people attacked, beat them,
ond took one prisoner, who is expected
here every minute. The flat-bottomed
boats, after an useless fire of many hours,
retired; the piquet guard of the enemy,
on Charlestown neck, attacked and drove
in our advanced guard of 60; who, being
reinforced by general Lee’s order, reco-
vered their ground, and beat off the ene-
my, killed several, and brought off seven
muskets, without lossing a man, although
our men engaged them under their guns,
within point-blank shot of their lines.
We are just informed, that 250 of the
Marblehead sailors have formed on Plowed
hill, near Bunker’s, and have drove in all
the out-guards of the enemy. The enemy
do not appear to be very fond of coming
out. We shall harrass them continually,
and for this reason want the aid of the rifle-
men. Only one company, as yet, come

August 12. We hear from Cambridge,
that captains Percival and Sabine of the
marines, Johnson of the Royal Irish,
Lemoin of the train, and a number of
privates of the ministerial troops, in all
about 60, were killled last week; also a
captain mortally wounded, who is a son
of lord Chedworth’s.

Corporal Creuse of the rifle-men, now
prisoner at Boston, has sent a letter to his
comrades in the camp, informing that he
was treated kindly by the regulars.

The express who was sent by the Con-
gress is returned from the eastward, and
says he left the camp last saturday; that
the rifle-men had picked off ten men in
one day, three of whom were field-officers,
that were reconnoitring; one of them was
killed at the distance of 250 yards, when
only half his head was seen.

Column 2

NEW YORK, August 21.
A GENTLEMAN belonging to Philadel-
phia arrived here last friday evening
from Boston, by way of Rhode Island.
The 25th of July he was taken by the
Glasgow man of war, 150 leagues from
the land, in the ship Charming Sally,
capt. Doman, with 2200 barrels of flour,
from Philadelphia for Lisbon, and carried
into Boston the 4th instant. He informs
us, that general Gage was dismantling
Castle William, and removing the cannon,
with the garrison, up to town; that near
400 of the wounded soldiers had died since
the battle at Bunker’s hill; that there was
not the least appearance of any embarka-
tion among them, and that it was the
general opinion among the military that
nothing farther would be attempted by
general Gage until he had other accounts
from England; that provisions of all forts
were scarce and dear, mutton 18d. per
lb. geese 8s. and every other thing in pro-
portion, notwithstanding a ship had just
arrived from Ireland with salt provisions.

BALTIMORE, in Maryland, August 24.
BY a vessel just arrived at Philadelpia,
from Ireland, in a short passage, we have
advice of the arrival of John Watts and
Roger Morris, esquires, two of his majes-
ty’s council for the province of NEW YORK,
at London; and that they had been exa-
mined touching American affairs by the
ministry and the lords of the privy coun-
cil, who were so greatly alarmed by their
representations that the orders which had
been despatched to Ireland, for six regi-
ments more to embark for this country,
were countermanded. His majesty was
also advised to call the parliament toge-
ther immediately, which he did according-
ly; and it was said it was either sitting, or
was convening, when the last accounts
came away. The ministry are, it appears,
in the horrours, and the whole nation
under the most direful apprehensions of
seeing ” the wide arch of the raised em-
pire fall.”
Such has been the folly and
madness of British councils, that the great
empire, which was wont to conquer others,
hath made a shameful conquest of itself.

Extract of a letter from general Washington,
dated camp at
Cambridge, August 10,
1775, directed to the Provincial Congress
New York.

”We have had no occurrence in the camp,
for several days, worthy of notice; but
by some advices from Boston, and several
concurring circumstances, we have great
reason to suspect that a part, or the whole,
of the ministerial troops, are about to re-
move. New York is the place generally
talked of as their destination. I give you
this intelligence as it came to me, but do
not vouch for its authenticity.”

A schooner with arms and ammunition
was lately seized by the Nautilus man of
war, near Newcastle, on Delaware.

WILLIAMSBURG, September 1.
SINCE our last, the hon. PEYTON RAN-
and GEORGE WYTHE, esq; set out for
Philadelphia, to attend the General Con-
gress on the 5th of this instant, accompa-
nied by their several ladies.

This day WILLIAM GODDARD, esq;
surveyor, &c. to the constitutional post-
office, arrived in this city, on a tour through
the several united colonies, to establish
offices in the principal towns and other
commerical places, under the authority
of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, esq; who is ap-
pointed postmaster-general by the Hon.
the Continental Congress; and as soon as
the officers are commissioned, and the
routes fixed, the establishment will imme-
diately take place.

NORFOLK, August 30. Lord Dunmore
has lately made seizure of another vessel
belonging to mess. Eilbeck, Ross and co.
for government service forsooth!

Column 3

The goods imported in the scow Unicorn,
seized by lord Dunmore as above-mention-
ed, were ordered by the Norfolk borough
committee to be immediately returned in
the same vessel; but his lordship has taken
care to prevent that, by laying his hands
upon the goods, and converting them to
his own use; and the vessel, we hear, is
intended for St. Augustine, to bring the
remainder of the 14th regiment.

It appearing that the above goods, im-
ported in the Unicorn, had been counter-
manded by mess. Eilbeck, Ross, and co.
the committee of this borough have acquit-
ted them in this instance of any breach of
the association.

We are assured, from good authority,
that general Howe is appointed to the
command of the troop’s at Boston, sup-
posed to be at the request of general Gage.

A correspondent writes, that a certain
sloop of war, not 100 miles distant, was
lately kept in constant alarm a whole night,
with her matches burning, tomkins out,
guns loaded with grape shot, and all hands
at their quarters, till day-light discovered
the formidable enemy, which had caused
such terible apprehensions, to be only one
of the neighbours with his negroes catching
mullets! A certain govenour, it is said,
was in all haste sent for, to assist with his
sage advice at the council of war that was
held on this mighty occasion.

This day arrived from London the famous
major Rogers, formerly of the rangers.

THAT it be recommended
to the committees of the
several counties and corporations in this
colony to call all collectors and receivers
of fines heretofore imposed by any court-
martial, and all other persons who have
any money in their hands arising from such
fines, to an immediate account for the same,
and, after paying any arrears which may
be due for arms or trophies formerly pur-
chased, apply any such money for pro-
viding arms and ammunition for the use of
their respective counties and corporations,
in such manner as they shall think best.

Extract from the ordinance for regulating
the pay of the MILITIA.

AND be it farther ordained, that Wil-
liam Langhorne, Henry King, John
Scasbrooke Wills, William Norvell, Cham-
pion Travis, or any three of them, be,
and they are hereby appointed commissi-
oners to examine, state, and settle an ac-
count of the pay and provisions of the vo-
lunteer companies who have been lately
called into actual service for the defence
of the lower parts of the country, making
the same allowance as is settled by this
Convention for the regular forces, and un-
der the regulation of the late invasion law
as to the number of men which is to en-
title officers of a certain rank to pay, ex-
cepting that mr. Charles Scott, comman-
der in chief of the said volunteers at Wil-
liamsburg, shall be allowed 12s. 6d. per
day from the time he was chosen to that
commend, and certifying the same as is
directed in the case of the militia on the
frontiers; and upon such certificate, the
treasurer, by warrant from the Committee
of Safety, is required to pay the money
so certified to be due. And each of the
said commissioners shall be allowed 15s.
per day, for the time they shall be employ-
ed in settling the said accounts.

To the honourable the PRESIDENT, and
the rest of the DELEGATES of the
PEOPLE of VIRGINIA, now sitting
in Convention: The petition of sundry
MERCHANTS, and others, NA-
and resident in this colony,

THAT your petitioners being chiefly
agents, factors, and persons who,
from their youth, have been bred up

Page 3
Column 1

to and employed in the business of
commerce, have at no time interfered
with the civil institutions of the country,
but have always acted in conformity to the
laws under which they have enjoyed the
best security for their persons and proper-
ty. With this experience of the protecti-
on derived from these sautary laws, as
well as from the happy intercourse they
have enjoyed with the inhabitants, many
of your petitioners have formed counnecti-
ons of the most endearing nature, and
have invested considerable proportions of
their property in real estates, with a view
of continuing their residence among a
people with whom they have hitherto lived
in such harmony. Your petitioners beg
leave to represent, that their fears are
much awakened from the ill-grounded pre-
judices which they are informed actuate
the minds of some of the people of this
colony against your petitioners, as a body,
who are not natives of the land; a cir-
cumstance which, being accidental, can-
not be imputed to them as a fault, and
therefore, on that account, they hope to
stand in the same light with other subjects
who conform to the laws. They are
sensible the unhappy differences subsist-
ing between the parent state and her co-
lonies have given rise to distinctions to
their prejudice among the natives of
the country, and excited jealousies of them
which otherwise had never existed. Dis-
criminated from the rest of the society, and
placed in a suspicious point of view, they
presume to lay before this Honourable
House the hardship of their situation, and,
in the sincerity of their hearts, to declare,
that they hold this people in the highest
estimation, as friends and fellow-subjects;
and that, in war or peace, they will cheer-
fully contribute with them to the exigen-
cies of this their common state: That in
all internal commotions, or insurrections,
they pledge their faith, at the risk of their
lives and fortunes, jointly with their fel-
low subjects of this colony, to defend the
country; and that in case of an attack
from the troops of Great Britain, they
will not aid in any manner or communicate
intelligence to them by letter or other-
wise. Permit your petitioners to assure
this Honourable House, that they wish
not an exemption from the hardships and
burthens to which the peole of this
country are exposed, from the civil con-
test subsisting with the parent state; but
are willing, and ready, to participate in
all instances, except taking up arms against
those people among whom they were
born, and with whom perhaps they are
connected by the nearest ties of consangui-
nity. To this circumstance they entreat
your impartial and favourable attention,
and that you would be pleased to mark
out a line of conduct by which your peti-
tioners, in this dangerous crisis, may
move as useful members to the community,
without being held to the necessity of
shedding the blood of their countrymen;
an act at which nature recoils, and which
every feeling of humanity forbids. This
allowed your petitioners, they again re-
peat their readiness to stand up with the
foremost in defence of the country against
internal insurrections, and in its support by
the most liberal and cheerful contribution.

That the supreme director of the uni-
verse may inspire you with wisdom to put
a period to this unnatural contest, and re-
store this once happy land to peace, safety,
and union with its parent state, is the ar-
dient wish of
Your respectful and dutiful petitioners.

FRIDAY, August 25, 1775.
THE foregoing petition was presented to
the Convention, and the following re-
solution thereupon unanimously agreed to:

Resolved, that the said petition is rea-
sonable; and it is recommended to the

Column 2

committees of the several counties and
corporations, and others the good people
of this colony, to treat all such natives of
Great Britain resident here, as do not show
themselves enemies to the common cause
of America, with lenity and friendship:
To protect all persons whatsoever in the
just enjoyment of their civil rights and li-
berty; to discountenance all national re-
flections; to preserve, to the utmost of
their power, internal peace and good or-
der; and to promote union, harmony,
and mutual good-will, among all ranks of

Resolved also, that the said petition,
together with this resolve, be forthwith
published in the Virginia gazettes.
RO. C. NICHOLAS, president pro tempore.
(a copy)
John Tazewell, clerk of the Convention.
*** On TUESDAY will be published


WHITEHAVEN, June 2, 1775.
HAVING erected a complete MILL on
my estate at Saint Elizabeth’s, in
Goochland county, and put it under the
direction of Mr. James Riddell, with ex-
press orders that the grain carried there
to grind be worked in the best manner,
and no tricks played in the manufacture
of the flour: I give this notice, that all per-
sons who grind wheat with me, on paying
the customary toll, shall be entitled to
carry away with their flour the bran which
the wheat produced, having despatched
my orders to Riddell for that purpose.

DUMFRIES, August 15, 1775.
I INTEND for Great Britain in a few

To be SOLD or LET,
A PLANTATION on Rocky run, in
Fauquier county, 16 miles from Fal-
on Rappahannock river, and about
the same distance from Aquia, on Potow-
The land is very suitable for grain,
it is well timbered with good pine, and
there is a meadow of good timothy grass
containing 20 acres, which may be watered
at a finall expense. There is on said plan-
tation a grist and saw mill, with all con-
veniencies for the use of the mills and plan-
tation and very good roads to it. Also
another tract of land on Summer Duck run,
within two miles of the mills, containing
between 4 and 500 acres, well timbered,
and a good range for stock. Also for
sale, a parcel of land joining Rappahannock
forge, containing 25 or 30 acres, well
timbered, and some small islands in the
river, convenient to receive drift wood
and rails. The land is well timbered, and
a good situation, having a fine prospect
of Falmouth and Fredericksburg, with the
country joining. I have also a complete
and well finished tanwork to let, within
half a mile of Falmouth, belonging to
which there is a dwlling-house, and land
sufficient for the yard. I have also to rent,
two tenements in the town of Fredericks-
and one in Falmouth.——For terms.
apply to || RICHARD LEWIS.

STRAYED, or STOLEN, from Amphill,
in Chesterfield, some time early in July,
two GRAY HORSES, viz. one a large
horse about 14 hands and a half high,
with a hanging mane and switch tail, and
branded WG. The other about 14 hands
high, with a hanging mane and a switch
tail, paces and canters well, but his
brand, if any, unknown. Whoever
brings the said horses to me, in Chesterfield,
or to Archibald Bolling, in Buckingham,
shall have a reward of 40s. for each.

Column 3

WILLIAMSBURG, August 25, 1775.
I DO hereby give notice, that I have
conveyed my estate, both real and per-
sonal, to Payton Randolph, John Blair,
and James Cocke, esqrs. who are autho-
rised to sell the same. All persons who
have any demands against me are desired
to make them known to those gentlemen
at the meeting of the merchants, in Octo-
next. I intend to leave the colony for
a few months; and beg the favour of those
who have any business to transact with
me, as attorney-general, to apply to John
Blair,<.em> esq; who has been so kind as to
engage to act for me during my absence.

WHEREAS Joseph Goodman, and
Timothy Goodman, of Hanover coun-
ty, passed a bond, payable to me the 25th
of December 1776, for 100£. current mo-
ney, and have since assigned the said bond
to Christopher Hutchings of Pittsylvania,
I therefore forewarn the said Joseph and
Timothy Goodman from paying the said
bond to said Hutchings, or any person that
may tak an assignment from him.

To be SOLD, at Kinsale, in Westmoreland
county, on monday the 25th of Septem-

THE personal estate of the late doctor
William Flood, consisting of a variety
of plantation utensils, house and kitchen
furniture, stocks of horses, cattle, sheep,
and hogs, about 700 bushels of very clean
salt, and many other useful articles. One
hundred acres of land, more or less, will
be sold at the same time, which is ex-
tremely well timbered, of a good quality,
and immediately contiguous to a branch
of Potowmack, abounding with fish and
oysters. The purchasers will have six
months credit, on giving bond and ap-
proved security. If the bonds are not
particularly discharged when they become
due, interest will be charged from their
dates by The EXECUTORS.

To be SOLD, agreeable to the last will and
testament of
James Balfour, deceased,
on tuesday the 11th of
September next,
on the premises.

NINE hundred and forty acres of land,
lying in Brunswick county, near Fon-
creek, being the land he purchased
of Grey Briggs. Credit will be allowed until
the 1st of January 1777 for one half of
the purchase money, and until 1778 for
the other half, giving bond with approved
security, to carry interest from the date
if not punctually discharged.; All persons
who have any demands against the said
estate are desired to make them known, as
soon as possible.

COMMITTED to the jail of Prince
George county, a small negro fellow,
upwards of 30 years old, who says he be-
longs to
Thomas Butler in Brunswick.
The owner is desired to take him away, and
pay charges.

COMMITTEED to York prison, the 12th
of this instant (August) a stout made
negro man named BEN, who says he belongs
to mr.
Robert Gilchrist of Port Royal; he
is 5 feet 7 inches high, much marked on his
back with whipping, has been bit by a dog
in the leg, which occasions it to be much
swelled, and is clothed as field negroes gene-
rally are. Also, on the 17th instant, a likely
negro man named ROBIN, 5 feet 7 inches
high, slender made, has on an osnabrug
shirt, blue breeches, and a blue jacket, and
says he ran away from the palace in
amsburg. The owners are desired to prove
their property, and pay charges to


Page 4
Column 1

WOODSTOCK, August 4, 1775.
THE gentlemen who purchased at the
sale of the estate of col. John Carter,
deceased, are desired to discharge their
bonds immediately, either by payment to
the subscriber, or capt. William Carr,
merchant in Dumfries.

SURRY, August 15, 1775.
THE commanding-officers of the
southern district are requested to
appoint the general musters in September
next on the following days, when they
will be waited on, by their obedient
SURRY, friday 1.
PRINCE GEORGE, monday 4.
CHESTERFIELD, tuesday 5.
CUMBERLAND, thursday 7.
PRINCE EDWARD, saturday 9.
AMELIA, monday 11.
BRUNSWICK, wednesday 13.
DINWIDDIE, friday 15.
SUSSEX, monday 18.
SOUTHHAMPTON, wednesday 20.
ISLE of WIGHT, friday 22.
NANSEMOND, monday 25.
NORFOLK, wednesday 27.
- - - - - - - BOROUGH, thursday 28.
PRINCESS ANNE, saturday 30.

STOLEN from Amelia courthouse, the
22d of June past, a BRIGHT BAY
MARE about 4 feet 10 inches high, short
switch tail, hanging mane, a narrow
blaze in her face, and branded on the near
buttock x or nearly so; had on, a good
hogskin saddle with a blue cloth housing and
leather stitched on round it. Whoever will
contrive me the said mare, &c. near the
lower church in Amelia, shall be well sa-
tisfied for their trouble; and if the thief
be convicted, the reward shall be 20 dollars.

RUN away from Fredericksburg, on the
7th instant (August) JOSEPH SMITH,
a Scotchman, by trade a painter, appears
to be about 33 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10
inches high, very fleshy, much marked
by the small pox, has light brown hair,
which he commonly wears plaited behind,
curled at the sides, and fastened with pins.
He took with him two coats, one of them
a dark brown pretty much wore, the other
a light brown, very short, with buttons at
the sleeves, a nankeen and a gray cloth
waistcoat, two pair of brown linen and a
pair of black silk stocking breeches, three
check and two white shirts (he commonly
worked in his check shirts, therefore it is
proable they may have some paint on
them) two pair of stockings, one of them
mixed yarn, the other ribbed thread, two
pair of shoes, one of them old, the other
almost new, country made. Whoever
takes up the said servant, and secures him
in any jail, so that he may be had again,
or delivers him to col. Fielding Lewis in
Fredericksburg, or mr. Lund Washington
at Mount Vernon, in Fairfax county, will
be, by either of those gentlemen, paid the
above reward, exclusive of what is allowed
by law. (6)

NORTHHAMPTON, August 11, 1775.
RUN away from the subscriber, on wed-
the 14th of June last, a negro
man named Jonathan; he is a low black
fellow, with a round face and thick lips,
his clothes uncertain, as he may have ex-
changed them. He is a cunning artful
fellow, loves card playing, but otherwise
sober. Whoever takes up said negro, and
secures him in any jail, so that i may get
him, shall be well rewarded by

Columnn 2

COMMITTED to Nansemond county
jail, the 3d day of August 1775. a
negro man who calls himself WILL, and
says he belongs to William Bibb of Prince
county. He is a black fellow,
about six feet high, and appears to be
about 35 years old; had on, when taken,
a cotton jacket, and black cloth breeches.
The owner is desired to take him away,
and pay charges.

RUN away from the subscriber, in Pey-
tonsburg, Pittsylvania
county, the
24th of June, an English convict servant
man named JOHN WILLIAMS; he carried
with him a claret coloured frieze coat, a
light coloured Newmarket do. either bear-
skin or beaver coating, two osnaburg shirts,
and a pair of osnaburg trousers, a pair of
leather breeches, and a rackoon hat lined
with green persian. He is a thick well set
fellow, about 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high,
light hair, a brazen look, and is very fond
of spirits, has several large warts on his
hands, and a very remarkable scar on his
upper lip, right under his nose, thus X.
He formerly teached a reading school at
this place, for about six or eight months
past. As he understands the Prussian ex-
ercise very well, I expect he will endeavour
to pass for a deserter from general Gage,
or some of his majesty’s troops. I will
give 5£. reward for him if taken in Virgi-
and 10£. if taken in Carolina, Maryland,
or Philadelphia, or secured in any of his
majesty’s jails, so that I get him.

HANOVER July 25, 1775.
RUN away from the subscriber, on the
19th of this instant, PETER WILSON;
an indented servant man, about 24 years
old, 5 feet 5 or 6 inches high, has short
yellow hair, a very down look, is well set,
and round-shouldered; he is a native of
Scotland, and speaks broad, is a butcher
by trade, a good hostler, and a tolerable
good weaver. It is supposed he rode a
likely black horse about 4 feet 11 inches
high, with a switch tail; and he carried
away with him a black coat of suprerfine
broadcloth, half warn, a jacket and
breeches of white fustian, and a jacket of
dark do. a new felt hat, a pair of country
made pumps, and an old great coat.
Whoever will secure the said servant, so
that I get him again, shall have 40s. re-
ward, besides what the law allows.

RUN away from the subscriber, at
West Point, in King William county
the 21st of last December, a very likely
Virginia born negro man, named MIKE,
about 22 years old, six feet high, and stut-
ters much; had on, when he went away,
a suit of negro cotton, but may probably
change his clothes. I forewarn all masters
of vessels from carrying him out of the
colony. Whoever brings the said negro
to me shall have 3£. reward, besides what
the law allows, and if taken out of the
colony 10£. (tf.) JOHN WEST.

TAKEN up in Orange, a DARK BAY
MARE about 12 years old, about 4 feet
7 inches high, has some saddle spots, and
branded on the near buttock with the figure
of 9. Posted, and appraised to 8£.

TAKEN up in Halifax, a DARK BAY
MARE about 4 feet 9 inches high, 5 years
old, has three small saddle spots on the left
side and one of the right, is crest-fallen,
and had on a bell about 2s. 6d. price, with
a leather collar, fastened with a large iron
buckle, paces slow and branded on the
near buttock WF in a piece. Posted, and
appraised to 15£. || JOHN WADE

Column 3

TAPPAHANNOCK, August 10, 1775.
INTEND to leave the colony for a few
months. In my absence, mr. George
or mr. William Shedden, will
transact my business, and the business of
mr.John McCall of Glasgow.

RUN away from the subscriber, in
Gloucester county, on the 14th of this
instant (May) a negro man named NED,
about 19 or 20 years of age, five feet two
or three inches high, rather of a tawny
complexion, has some ringworms on his
face, and some white hairs in his head;
his clothing was an old brown coat, and
a yellow striped cotton waistcoat. I
bought him last March at the sale of mr.
John Shermer in James City county, for
Mann Page, junior, esquire. He was
brought from one of his quarters in King
county, and I have reason to be-
lieve that he will go to those parts, or to
his mother, who lives with mr. Thomas
in Richmond town. Any person
who will take up the said slave, and secure
him so that I get him again, shall be paid
40s. by Mann Page, junior, esquire, to
whom the negro belongs.

A TRACT of LAND, containing 3000
acres, whereon is a plantation which
has employed, for some years past, twelve
or fourteen slaves; this tract lies in the up-
per end of King William
county. Also a
tract lying in the lower end of the said
county, containing 1100 acres, and
pleasantly situated on Pamunkey river; a
brick dwelling-house, with necessary offi-
ces, a fishing shore, and a lively ferti-
lity of soil, recommend the latter tract to
any gentleman who may be about to
settle in life. Possession will be delivered
on the 25th of December next, to the pur-
chaser, or purchasers, who will have li-
berty of sowing fall grain. Mr. Benjamin
jun. of Orange, will make known
particulars to any person who may be in-
clined to purchase the whole, or any part
of the said tracts. Credit till the first of
January 1777 will be allowed, by
Lucy Robinson,
Benjamin Grymes, jun.

To be SOLD in Amherst county,
FOUR THOUSAND acres of exceed-
ing good tobacco LAND, being part
of a large tract formerly advertised, toge-
ther with a very valuable gristmill, upon
Buffalo river. This land is equal to any
that has yet been sold of the tract. The
time of payment will be made agreeable
to purchasers. Mr. Gabriel Penn, who
lives near the land is authorized to bargain
for it, and will show it to any person in-
clinable to purchase.

For SALE<.
A TRACT of LAND in Caroline county,
near Newmarket, containing about
3000 acres of well timbered land, having
thereon two plantations, in good repair,
with proper and convenient edifices for
farming, or making tobacco. For terms
apply to the subscriber.

A TRACT of LAND in Caroline county,
contiguous to Mattapony, containing
about 2000 acres of well timbered land,
the property of mr. Robert Baylor. The
terms may be known by applying to mr.
Nathaniel Burwell in King William,, mr.
John Armistead in Caroline, or mr. John
executors. (tf)

ARTICLES of Intelligence, Essays, Advertisements, &c. are thankfully received for this Paper, the Price of
which is 12s. 6d. per Annum, Advertisements inserted as usual. PRINTING WORK done with Care and
Expedition, and on reasonable Terms.

Original Format

Ink on paper



Purdie, Alexander, -1779, printer, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 31, September 1, 1775,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 23, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/257.