Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1762 November 12

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Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1762 November 12



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Wms.burgh Novr. 12th. 1762


The Master of the packet delivered me
Your letter, and the Cask of Wine for wch. I beg the
Favor of you to return my thanks to Don Pedro
Bermudez, and should be glad to be informed in what
I can render him any acceptable Service or pleasure.

As the Council are adjourned to Monday sinnight
I can do nothing in the Affair of Victualing the Men
more than desire you to do it on the Terms you pro-
pose till I consult them upon it, which I will do
on their first meeting and immediately let you know
the Result of our Consultation

I am Sr.
Yr. very hum : Srvt.
Fran : Fauquier

Mr. Charles Steuart.

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The Honble Francis Fauquier Esqr.
Williamsburg November 12. 1762


Original Format

Ink on paper


Fauquier, Francis, 1704?-1768, “Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1762 November 12,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed October 3, 2024,