Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1763 February 9

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Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1763 February 9



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Wms.burgh Feby. 9th 1763


It was yesterday resolved in Council that if
things come to an Extremity, and that Captn. Longbottom
could not otherwise procure such Security as Mr. Sprowle
should be satisfied with, I should endorse his Bills on
the Commissioners of the Navy : but this is not to be done
unless an unsatisfactory Answer should come from
New. york. In that Case if you shall find there is no
other Remedy left that the Spanish gentleman may de
part, after settling and adjusting the Acct. between you,
you may safely take his Draughts on the Navy office
which you may depend on my endorsing if made paya-
ble to me, without farther delaying the Gentlemen
by sending them up to me and waiting the Return.
I rely on your Conduct in this Affair for the Security
of the Colony, and am Sr yr very hum : Servt.
Fran : Fauquier

To Mr. Steuart

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To Mr. Chas. Steuart
Mercht. In

The Honble. Francis Fauquier Esqr.
Williamsburg february 9. 1763


Original Format

Ink on laid paper


Fauquier, Francis, 1704?-1768, “Francis Fauquier letter to Charles Steuart, 1763 February 9,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed February 6, 2025,