Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 39, from Thursday February 23 to Thursday March 2, 1775


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Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 39, from Thursday February 23 to Thursday March 2, 1775



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Page 1



From THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23, to THURSDAY March 2-----1775. (no. 39.)

Column 1

To his Excellency William Franklin, Esq; Cap-
tain General, Governor and Commander in
Chief in and over his Majesty’s Province of New
Jersey, and Territories thereon depending in
America, Chancellor and Vice Admiral in the
same, &c.

WE his Majesty’s most duti-
ful and loyal subjects, the
council of the province of
New Jersey, beg leave to re-
turn your Excellency our
thanks for your speech at the
opening of this sessions; and
to express our obligations for
having given us so early an
opportunity of transacting
the public business, and that you have been pleased to
consult our conveniency,

We agree with our Excellency, that it would ar-
gue not only a great want of duty to his Majesty, but
of regard to the good people of this province, were we
on this occasion to pass over in silence, the present a-
larming transactions, which are so much the objects of
public attention; and therefore beg leave to assure you,
that feeling ourselves strongly influenced by a zealous
attachment to the interests of Great-Britain and her
Colonies, and deeply impressed with a sense of the im-
portant connections they have with each other, we shall,
with all sincere loyalty to our most gracious sovereign,
and all due regard to the true welfare of the inhabi-
tants of this province, endeavor to prevent those mis-
chiefs which the present situation of affairs seems to
threaten; and by our zeal for the authority of govern-
ment on the one hand, and for the constitutional rights
of the people on the other, aim at restoring that health
of the political body, which every good subject must
earnestly desire.

Your Excellency may be assured, that we will exert
our utmost influence, both in our public and private
capacities, to restore that harmony between the parent
state and his Majesty’s American Dominions, which is
so essential to the happiness and prosperity of the whole
empire; and earnestly looking for that happy event,
we will endeavor to preserve peace and good order
among the people, and a due submission to the laws.

By Order of the House,
Peter Kemble Speaker.
COUNCIL Chamber, January 30, 1775.

I Heartily than you for this Address Your senti
ments concerning the present alarming transactions,
--Your expressions of zealous attachment to the inter-
rests of Great-Britain and her Colonies.—Your promises
to exert your utmost influence to restore harmony be-
tween them, and to preserve peace, good order, and a
dutiful submission to the laws, are such as evince your
loyalty to the most gracious of sovereigns, and your
regard for the true welfare of the people. Their con-
stitutional rights will ever be found best supported by
a strict obedience to the laws and authority of govern-
ment. Whenever that Barrier is broken down, anar-
chy and confusion, with all their attendant evils, will
most assuredly enter, and destroy all the blessings of
civil society.


Please to insert the following Letter, which appeared
some time ago in the English papers, as it may serve
to give some insight into the conduct and character of
the British ministry at that Period, and oblige

Yours &c.


Column 2

ought we then to condole with your Lordship, who are placed, by
the favour of your Sovereign, in the most exalted situation in the
kingdom; and consequently, are looked upon as the greatest cri-
minal in it? That you begin already to be considered in this light,
is plain, from those cargoes of dirt and scurrility, with which the
News-papers are constantly freighted; and you must expect, my
Lord, that they will come laden, every day more and more, with
this vile commodity. The wind of faction and party malice, is sure
to set in strong against the Minister; and calumny, falsehood, and
misrepresentation, are the staple articles which brings it in; it is as
certain and regular as the TRADE WINDS, that follow the course
of the sun, and blow invariably against that climate, which he
warms, and chears, with his influence. I am happy, however, to
observe, that the accusations, hitherto alledged against your Lord-
ship, are too false and frivolous to notice. The appoint-
ment of one of the properest men in the kingdom, to the office of
a judge, and the return of a northern baronet to his duty in Parlia-
ment (from which it is well known he absented himself, out of
picque to the late Premier) are such absurd, and groundless matters
of complaint, that it would be an affront to common sense to an-
swer them. I sincerely wish every future charge against your Lord-
ship may be equally foolish and frivolous – you will then continue
to deride the important malice of the present desperate Faction, let
them hoot, and bark, as owls, do at the moon, with unmeaning
clamour, and ceaseless impertinence. Innocence my Lord is a ma-
gic circle, more safe and impregnable than any recorded in days of
romance and incantation: whoever keeps within That, may defy
the malice of his enemies: -Their fury cannot hurt him; -every
shaft which they aim at him, will fall short of the mark; and, like
the javelin, thrown by the nerveless arm of Priam,
……………Tellum imbelle fine Ictu

But at a crisis so big with difficulty and danger as the present, in-
nocence is not the only requisite; it may be sufficient to justify a
man to himself, and to conciliate the silent approbation of his own
conscience; but it will not command the applause of grateful citi-
zens, without spirit, intrepidity, and firmness, When licentious
ness overleaps the bounds of the constitution, and insolently attacks
the peace of the King, and the province of the Legislature, it is
high time, my Lord, to make a resolute stand, or uproar and con-
fusion must be the certain, miserable consequence. The eyes of
the whole nation are at present fixed upon your Lordship, in ex-
pectation how you will treat the late audacious insult, which has
been offered to the Throne, and the House of Commons. Let me
remind you, my Lord, that there is no one instance in history,
where Concessions, extorted by fear, have quieted the ravenous cra-
vings of Sedition; which will still cry out, like the daughters of the
horseleach, Give, Give! But there are innumerable examples to
prove, that states have been overturned, and princes ruined, by
timid compliances with wayward and unruly Factions. Indeed the
utmost that can be expected from such weak and decisive measures,
is to postpone and to palliate: and where a wound is ulcerous,
palliatives are ever dangerous to the constitution, as they only skin
and film it over; while, as the poet says,
---Rank Corruption, mining all within,
Infects unseen.--
No! the several Sinuses must be laid open, and the proud flesh re-
moved, before a perfect cure can be effected.

In all popular tumults, THE MANY, who are easily caught by
any thing, which carries the appearance of bravery and boldness,
deserve compassion: it is the movers and leaders only that merit
punishment. Who these are in the present instance, every one
knows: a merchant, who is more interested in the welfare of Ame-
rica than of England, a flaming Republican, a Zany, and a Mad-
man, are the four puppets in the hand of the Lord M_____, him-
self the Archpuppet of Taycho. All the rest are little more than
bare spectators called in to see the shew; who think it very fine,
and set down their names to give credit to the shewman’s bill.
How must we bewail the relaxation of government, when a wretch,
destitute of all principle of honour and integrity whose very tone
of voice proclaims the vulgarity of his soul, born to tyrannize over
slaves, himself the servile slave of a discontented, factious, distem-
pered lunatic, shall dare to insult he throne with menaces equally
unmerited and audacious? I own I lose my good humour, when I
think upon the subject, and all the splendid Bile in my nature
turns black and acrid: I hope, however, to recover it; when your
Lordship’s wisdom, spirit and resolution shall have baffled the vil-
lainous attempts of those pests of their county, who would involve
the kingdom in the worst of all calamities, the Horrors of a civil
War. The present posture of affairs is too serious, and alarming,
to admit of ridicule: but I trust I shall soon be enabled to laugh a-
gain at the opposition, whom I now execrate, and who deserves the
indignation and abhorrence of all honest men, and good citizens.




MUCH time and treasure have been spent, to accommodate the
the contests between Britain and her colonies; thought the
affair has been very serious, yet not one just or proper step has been
taken to accomplish it. Every one, wo can see the length of his
nose, must see folly of all irritating measures; such ludicrous at-
tempts have, and forever will widen the breaches between Great-
Britain and her colonies. The temperate, discreet colonists, have
been too indolent; whilst restless spirits, by ignis fatuus. led the
inconsiderate into the deep gulphs of sedition, where they lost vir-
tue, loyalty, and good manners.

The mode of accommodation, or opposition, (call it what you
please,) adopted by the congress, was borrowed from the seditious
Bostonians, who formed the plan, before the congress had a being
(and was vigorously opposed, by the virtuous among themselves)
by the name of a solemn league and covenant; which the seditious
entered into, in the manner, and enforced by the penalties, the as-
sociation is established by.

Column 3

Had the congress checked the seditious then; had they supported
the loyalists, who had long, bitterly complained; had they oppos-
ed the anarchy and tumultuous tyranny then prevalent; had they
laid the Bostonians under firm obligations to do justice to the India
Company; and to make decent acknowledgements to their sove-
reign, for their violence and insults; had this been the preamble to
the association, the port might have been opened, the three-penny
duties and petty complaints removed, their loyalty and our liberty

Something like this would have laid a foundation to have built u-
pon; the congress might then have merited the praise of the Bosto-
nians forever, and of the colonies during good behaviour: This was
the way to have entered into an accommodation; and it was so
plain and obvious, that nothing but a peculiar inchantment would
have led them from it: However, they joined the factions, and by
that junction, the virtuous were and are persecuted, all government
trampled upon, the King’s officers civil and military insulted, and
his property invaded: They also wantonly adopted, “approved,
recommended,” the seditious resolves of Suffolk county. This im-
prudent, ill-timed conduct, threw the province into an irregular
fit; out of which it is not likely to recover; confirmed the sediti-
ous, and gave too much countenance to sedition in the colonies.

Now, seeing we can entertain no hopes of peace with our parent
state, from the mediation of the congress, let us consider the pro-
vision made for the peace of the colonies. The association, which,
with some, is every thing, is calculated for the meridian of a Spa-
nish inquisition; it is subversive of inconsistent with, the wholesome
laws of our happy constitution; it is abrogates or suspends many of
them, essential to the peace and order of government; it takes the
Assembly; and the execution of the laws out of the civil magistrates
and juries The congress exercises the legislative, the committees,
the executive powers: The injustice of the one, and the other, are
self-evident: But as it is of the Bostonian manufactory, a new edi-
tion, fitted to the necessities of his Majesty’s most loyal subjects, at
home and abroad, will soon appear in both worlds with a pacific,
patriotic address, agreable to the old, catholic, generous principles
of the colony.

In the mean time, we must learn the humiliating doctrine of a
blind implicit faith, and of passive obedience, and non-resistance;
for a committorial court of inquisition, is introduced throughout the
deluded colonies; with all its horrid appendices; our lives, liner-
ties, and properties are submitted to it. These inquisitors and spies,
are to inspect, and watch the motions of the colonists, and to in-
force a due obedience to the rules of the congress.

Their power is arbitrary and unlimited, they may judge by ap-
pearance, and condemn unseen and unheard; they are under no
check, there is no appeal to another court, they are not accountable
to any power: Willing, and unwilling, we must be willing to obey
the mandates of the congress; we, though unwilling, must will all
the profits of our late importations to the seditious saints at Bo-
ston. The charitable congress have given a title to them; the com-
mittees by, and with the authority of lawless mobs, claim them;
the very least these pious saints can do, for such unheard of favours,
is, to stir up sedition, and pray for the continuance of such chari-
table donations.

But, as the power is tyrannous, so, the punishment is horrible;
they are authorized to proclaim his Majesty’s best subjects, foes to
America! to pass an act of outlawry against them! to call them
out of all civil society? deprive them of the benefit of law
and civil commerce! For the same reason, they might have proclaimed
them traitors! Foes to America! Why are the best subjects so wan-
tonly abused? Are they foes to the King? no, but you want they
should be. Are they foes to the laws of the empire or province?
no, but the association is? Are they foes to the interest of Ameri-
ca? no, but their persecutors are. Why are the best men out-law-
ed, who obey the laws of God, of nature, of the province, and of
the empire. Where there is no law, there can be no transgression.
How will the loya; Canadians relish your insidious, insnaring, ad-
resses, when they hear of a tyranny that exceeds all they had ever
heard of?

The Canadian act, which occasioned so much canting on the one
hand, and disloyal invectives on the other, has no such hostile ap-
pearance as this: This however, reminds me of a remark, that
the late usurper’s finger was heavier than King, lords! and commons:
He used these engines to cover and forward his rebellious pranks;
and as he gained ground, he built upon them, until, at length, he
and his tools passed an edict that it was high treason against the
common wealth, for any person, in any case, to aid and assist the
King, the Queen even not excepted! By these wicked arbitrary en-
gines, the rebels were encreased there, as they have been here; and
a pretext given to murder the best people in the nation, and to
seize, their estates, the King not excepted!

Send back, we pray you, these insidious engines of persecution
and cruelty from whence they came; for you have no reason, no
right, no power to use them: How familiar your ends and designs
are to his, your next addition may horror inform us; Fie, fie,
Americans, fie! Are these proofs of your love and gratitude, to your
good King, and happy country? Are these the effects of your feign
ed patriotism and liberty? You see who went before you, with all
your specious pretext of patriotism and everything else; and you
know how they all ended Review the tyranny, the horrors, and
havock of those days, and how long they lasted, even until all
things returned into the old channel again.

But it is time to think of terms of accommodation of our King
and his parliament; and who are proper persons to undertake this?
The congress have adopted such irritating measures, as disqualify
them for this pacific office; and we pray that love and duty to their
King and country may induce them forever to decline that very
great undertaking.

After the hostile combinations entered into by the colonies, we
can expect nothing of this nature; for our King
cannot dispence with the rebellion of the Bostonians, without sub-
mission, and proper acknowledgements: He cannot repeal the acts
of parliament in a lump; nor yet declare that they have not a law-
ful authority. If then, we go on, as we have begun, he
must either attack us, sword in hand; or, as he is averse to shed

Page 2
Column 1

human blood, he may lawfully sell his colonies to such as can, and
will govern them. We cannot exist without government and we
are not in a capacity to unite among ourselves, nor to govern one
another. And then like the miserable Corsicans, we shall pay very
deal for our past rebellion and ingratitude.

It is then our duty and interest to offer terms of reconciliation
to our parent state; and they ought to be reasonable ones. – Such
as may be made with safety on our side; and accepted with dignity
on theirs. I can think of no example, so worthy of our imitation,
as the prodigal sons. Let us then arise, and jointly, by and with,
the influence of our worthy representatives, go, and address our
most gracious King and Parliament, saying, Fathers, we have
sinned against Heaver, and before you; and we are not worthy to
be called your loyal subjects. – Such filial love, duty and obedience,
will assuredly meet with a kind, and welcome reception; and, be
indulged with all that we can reasonably want here, or justly hope
for hereafter.
By America’s Real Friend.
Suffolk County, (New England) Feb. 4, 1775.

Form of an Association in Cortlandt’s Manor
in New-York Government.

When the minds of the people are agitated, some with just,
and some with false ideas of their rights and privileges,
when anarchy and confusion are spreading their baneful wings over
this once happy and flourishing continent: At this most interesting
period, it is the duty of every individual, for the good of himself
and posterity, to pursue that course which conscience dictates to be
right. No one, if impartial, can be at a loss for the clue of direc-
tion, the object is plain to every honest, tho’ ever so illiterate ca-
pacity: The loyalty we owe to the best of Kings is the grand mag-
netic point, that will infallibly fix us on a solid basis. There are
none amongst us (if we coolly reflect) but what will find themselves
bound by the strongest ties of gratitude, to acknowledge that we
have been, and still may be, the happiest people on earth, under
the glorious and unparalleled constitution of Great-Britain! And if
prejudice, popular declamations, and the hateful current of party
faction, are not too strong for truth and matters of fact; we must
allow that the grand pitch of commerce we have arrived at, the pro-
gress we have made in arts and sciences; the amazing rapidity in
extending, settling and improving our land estates; the magnificent
appearance and flourishing condition of our towering cities; the o-
pulence of the inhabitants, and every other blessing under God
which we do, and still may enjoy, derived their origin from, and
have their existence in the laws, the lenity, and the unlimited in-
dulgence of our parent state; which has hitherto protected us, is
ever able, and would be ready, if we deserve it, to defend us against
all invaders of our peace and tranquility, by sending to our support
the terror of the universe, the British arms!-For proof of this
let us revert to the late war, when the French and savages with fire
and sword, were ravaging the country; when the cries of murder
and scalping were echoed from every quarter of the woods; the in-
fants brains dashed out before the eyes of their afflicted parents;
the parents tortured to death by the horrid and shocking barbarities
of the Indians; and numbers flying from their habitations, expo-
sed to famine, and every species of distress. Let us reflect on those
direful calamities; Let us be grateful to the power which preserved
us, which sent forth her invincible Veterans, vanquished our ene-
mies, and finally reinstated us in quiet possession of our own.----
If we have a right to complain of the British acts of Parliament,
we have a Governor, council, and assembly, to represent our grie-
vances to the King, Lords, and Commons; we are assured that we
shall be heard: We have no business with congresses and commit-
tees. Such methods only serve to irritate our best friends. Let us
proceed tin the direct line of our duty: We are contending with a
mighty nation, of great mercy and long forbearance, ever sparing
of the effusion of blood; but when roused to resentment, we may
feel the weight of her indignation. ---Therefore we, the subscribers,
freeholders, and inhabitants of Cortlandt’s Manor, in the county
of Westchester, being actuated by no other motives than the dic-
tates of conscience and common sense, are led to declare our firm
and indissoluble attachment to our most gracious Sovereign George
the Third, his crown and dignity; and with grateful hearts to ac-
knowledge, that we are indebted to his paternal care, for the pre-
servation of our lives and fortunes: And as we have ever been a
happy and free people, subject only to the laws and government of
Great-Britain we will pay no regard to any resolves, or restrictions,
but such as are enjoined us by our constitutional Delegates, Every
thing to the contrary, we deem illegal.
**The above is subscribed by several hundred of the inhabitants.

Proceedings of the Committee of Observation at
Newark, in New Jersey. From the New-York Journal.

AS the present critical situation of our nation, and especially of
British America, make it highly necessary, that every public
exhibition form the press, should be stripped of all false disguises,
and fairly hold up to view the only alternative, viz. a tame sub-
mission to a tyrannical ministry, and its consequence, abject slavery:
or a brave, manly, and constitutional resistance; as the only likely
means of obtaining, and enjoying liberty: Therefore, the commit-
ee of observation, for the township of Newark, beg leave to pub-
lish the following queries, and resolves.

Query 1. Whether a press, which weekly throws out Pamph-
lets, and other public pieces, replete with the most bitter invectives,
scandalous and criminal reflections upon that reputable body the
Continental Congress, and their Constituents; and all with a ma-
nifest design to blind the eyes of the less judicious; sow the seeds of
faction, and discord, and thus gratify the pernicious authors by pre-
judiciing the honest unthinking against their real interest; Whether
such a press is not inimical to the country, where it is, and does not
forfeit its support?

Query 2. Whether such a Printer, and the authors of such
pieces (when known) are not according to the strict sense of the
Grand Congress, those very persons, who by them, are considered
such enemies to their country, that every true friends of Liberty
ought to avoid them.

Query 3. Whether a Printer in ---- ---- in the space of
three or four years, by the profits of his press, and a moderate per
cent]on KEYSER’S Pills, with a few other insignificant perquisites,
can from a low ebb of fortune, if not bankruptcy, acquire such in-
dependence, that he dare publicly, with an air of supercilious
haughtiness proclaim himself independent of the country, and that
he could live without their custom.

Query 4. Whether such a man, is not a Ministerial hireling;
who is endeavoring to sacrifice his country, to his own private in-

And whereas, it is too evident to the Committee, that the a-
bove character is exactly fitted to J. R________:Therefore re-


That this Committee will henceforth take no more of his papers,
pamphlets, or any other public performance of his press; neither
will we deal with him in any other way: And we would heartily
recommend, that our Constituents may take this matter into seri-
ous consideration; and as far as it shall carry conviction to them,
treat him with a correspondent conduct.

By order of the Committee,

CALEB CAMP, Chariman.

Column 2


OPPORTO, (A main town in Portugal,) Decem. 1. Since the
arrival of the Morroco Ambassador at Lisbon, we learn that a
proposal has been made on the part of the Moors to this Court, of
entering into am alliance offensive and defensive.----The novelty
of such an uncommon application has greatly embarrassed our mi-
nistry.—The hostilities already commenced between the Moors and
Spaniards considered, with the polite conduct and martial spirit of
the present Emperor, inspire us with hope that his upright charac-
ter and the favourable opinion he professes to have; of the justice
and integrity of his most faithful Majesty, promises to weigh in our
Councils. The difference in religion seems to have no sway in the
deliberations of the Moor.---A connexion between the two Powers
would not much hurt or disturb the general repose and tranquility
of Europe; and in the opinion of the most sensible people here, the
conclusion of such a treaty, (including commercial regulations,)
would be of immense service to this Country, as well as a future
safe-guard against Spanish encroachments, which we have not long
ago sensibly felt at home, and have lately been threatened with

We are informed that a free trade between both nations is in part
the object of contemplation; if this takes place, what, what accumulated
wealth will accrue to this kingdom? Beside the open trade with
our settlement at Mogadore, we shall have the liberty of pervading
the internal parts of this opulent empire. We hope from thence
that rich sources of commerce will be discovered, that civilization,
arts, and commerce; will spread through that barbarous and un-
cultivated land, which cannot but be a mutual happiness, and dif-
fusive blessing to both nations.

Our situation regard to Morroco would render such a treaty
more beneficial to our trade and security, than the protection and
guaranty of any power in amity with us.

Did time permit, could enumerate many of the advantages we
should derive from such an alliance: We earnestly wish it may be
concluded, and think we have reason to expect it will be brought
to an issue, now, the philms of darkness, superstition, and bigotry,
are wearing of daily.

This kingdom tho’ small, is inferior to few in riches; our wor-
thy Sovereign, who has effected so great a change in our religious
constitution, and fee’d his subjects from ecclesiastical oppression, is
now deservedly become the beloved object of his people: the greatest
happiness a Monarch can enjoy.

PARIS Dec. 4. All the maritime towns in France have charged
their Deputies, in this city, to make remonstrances against the or-
ders they have received to conform in future to the conventions
which the Court of Great-Britain has obtained for the prohibition
of sending foreign manufactures to their colonies. The Deputies
went, upon this occasion, in a body to Mr. de Trudenne, Superin-
tendant of the demand made by the court of Great-Britain, was
nothing more than the execution of the treaties subsisting between
the two Courts, and which his Majesty lately renewed; and there-
fore, they must not expect any alteration in respect to the affair in

HAMBURGH, Nov. 11. Letters from the Russian army advise,
that Field Marshall Ceunt Romanzow, is so extremely ill, that there
remains but little hopes of his recovery, the same letters give a
report, that the Grand Signior was deposed.

If we may credit letters from Polish Prussia, the grand affair of
settling the boundaries of the dismembered part of Poland, meets
with great obstruction, and the Commissaries of the Republic have
declared, they have no power to grant all his Prussian Majesty is

PETERSBURG, Oct, 28. They write from Moscow, that Pu-
gatcheff is expected there; he keeps a profound silence, which seems
to proceed from despair; but he is so strictly watched, and bound
so closely in an iron cage, that he cannot possibly make any attempt
on his life; he endeavored to starve himself to death, by refusing
with the utmost obstinacy all aliments; but a way has been found
out to make him take some nourishment against his will. Some
days before that rebel was taken, he was in a dreadful situation for
want of provisions, seeking his food among the roots that grow in
in the fields; he had just killed his horse in order to eat him.


House of Commons, Dec. 16.

The House was this Day remarkably full, considering the occasi-
on, upwards of 300 Members being present, including those in the
gallery. Mr. Cooper presented the malt bill, which was read and
ordered to a committee. Mr. Burke took the chair, in a commit-
tee on the Indian Corn Bill, which, with the amendment, was or-
dered to be reported on monday.

Ordered, that the house be called over on Wednesday, the first
of February next.

The order of the day was now called for the house to go into a
committee of supply; and Sir Charles Whitworth having taken
the chair of the committee, Lord Barrington moved that 17,542
effective men be employed for the land service for the year 1775.

Mr. R. Fuller rose and said, he had no motion to make, but
he would be glad to know from the Lord at the head of the Tre-
sury, if he had any information to lay before the house, or any
measure to propose respecting America; because if he had not, he
thought it the duty of parliament to interpose and call for papers,
and proceed on such information, however defective, as well as they
could. He added, that he looked on the measures adopted by the
last parliament impolitic and impracticable; and that they could
never have been prudently or effectively put in execution.

Lord North confessed the very great consequence and importance
of the subject, the hon. member now mentioned: said, it would
require the utmost diligence and attention, as a matter of the grea-
test magnitude ever debated within those walls. He could not, he
said, entirely acquiesce in the condemnation of measures hastily,
which had been taken up and adopted on such motives; that at the
time it was impossible to fortell precisely how they might answer;
but that shortness of the time and other circumstances considered,
they should have a fair trial before they were reprobated, and that
the wisdom and policy of them could be only finally known in the
event. He concluded, By assuring the house that he had informa-
tion to lay before it shortly after the holidays; and that he would
so far adopt his hon. Friends ideas behind him, (Mr. Fuller,) as
to propose to appoint a committee for taking the affairs of America
into consideration.

Mr. Crugar, as a young member, gave his opinion on the state
of the colonies with great becoming diffidence; and was heard with
a considerable deal of attention. He recommended conciliatory

Lord North, on the whole, was plausible, sententious, and af-
fected great moderation. Governor Johnstone having alluded to
something his lordship had said on a former occasion, relative to
Great Britain never receding or relaxing, till America was at her
feet; his Lordship observed that it was hardly fair to quote what a
man had said seven years before, and what he had explained on the
spot before he left the house; this explanation then, and now was
he said, that by being at the feet of Great Britain, he meant obe-
dience to the mother-country. Such as if they thought themselves
aggrieved to apply by petitions and dutiful remonstrances to the
Parliament or the throne. He said, he thought it the duty of e-
very member, as well in the house as out of it, to interpret what
might fall in the heat of debate, lor warm discussion, in the manner
it was explained by the speaker: That if he had been thus candid-
ly dealt with, the author of a late pamphlet, written in America,
should never have asserted, that he insisted that Britain should never
recede, till the laws and liberties of America were at her feet: for
as he never meant the one, so he never said the other. And he

wished, that on the present occasion he should be understood accor-
ding to his present explanation and no other.

Mr. Haley was for making the Americans contribute to the ge-
neral defence of the empire, by way of requisition, and read in
his place one or two of the resolutions entered into by the conti-
nental congress, to shew their willingness to comply with such a

The question was at length put on Lord Barrington’s motion,
and agreed to; as were the others in course, providing for the whole
of the military establishments.

In the House of Commons, December 17.

Mr. Sawbridge moved for a call of the House for Wednesday,
February 1, with the usual formalities! and then gave notice, that
he intended to make a motion for leave to bring in a bill to shorten
the duration of parliament- His motion for the call of the House

Lord North arrived soon after, when the Speaker left the chair,
and the House went into a committee on the supply: when Lord
Barrington made a motion that 17, 547 effective men, including
commission and non-commission officers, be employed in the land
service for the year 1775. This occasioned a long and interesting
debate. Mr. Rose Fuller began by desiring to be informed what
forces were employed in the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England.

Lord Barrington, though he said the question was unusual, re-
plied seven battalions, five companies, and three battalions more
were on their destination, but not arrived there.-------Mr. Fuller
then observed, that if so large a force was necessary there, he hoped
the reason would appear by the Ministry’s laying before the House,
in the course of this session of Parliament, the state of affairs in
North-America. Lord North answered, that if no other member
had made the motion, he certainly should, for such was the un-
happy situation of that country, that the affairs of America would
force themselves into Parliament; he observed that the measures he
had advised the last sessions, had not been attended with the success
himself, and some others more sanguine in them than in himself,
had expected from them; but that when the day appointed for con-
sidering them came, and he should move for a day on purpose after
the holidays, he did not doubt of justifying them. Capt. Luttrell
complained of the absence of the country gentlemen upon this im-
portant question, and said he was sorry to find the number of sea-
men reduced and not the army.

Mr. Thomas Townshend wished to know, whether the forces
now required for the land and sea service were all that the Ministry
would require: If they thought themselves strong enough with this
force, for all events, in case of no conciliation in America; if they
declared this, he would join in thanking them for the reductions,
but not if they meant afterwards on any pretence to ask further sup-
plies and grants of Parliament, before the end of the session.

Mr. Van, member for Brecon, was nearly of the same opinion,
Governor Johnstone seemed to think, that we should not have a
sufficient force left in the kingdom if rigorous measures were con-
tinued against America, to defend us against an invasion; and said,
that it would be very practicable, if ever a rising genius in France
should seriously set about it; and then introduced a comparison be-
tween American and Ireland; this enlarged the debate, and extended
it digressively from the motion before the committee, to American

Mr. Crugar, the new member for Bristol, an American by birth,
in a most pathetic speech, expatiated on the fatal breach between
the mother country and the colonies; he asserted the supreme au-
thority of the British legislature, and maintained that it was fully
acknowledged by the Americans in all commercial points, and in
every other, the right of taxation excluded; he condemned the
measure taken by administration; but with great tenderness added,
that he did not doubt they were such as seemed best at a difficult
and delicate crisis, ---humanum est errare, he applied in a home
but respectful manner to the Minister, and hoped he would now see
his error for severe measures might drive them into the arms of a
foreign power, to avoid the cruelty of an unrelenting mother.

Governor Johnstone having in the course of his speech mentioned
something of a comparison between the state of America and Ire-
land, Lord Clare was very warm in reply; and was followed in the
same spirit by Sir William Mayne. They were both answered by
Mr. Rigby and Mr. Fox, who contended generally, that, the su-
preme power of the state has a right to exercise a power of legisla-
tion over every part and parcel of the British empire.

Extract of a letter from Madrid, Nov. 15.

”England may sleep secure in the arms of peace, for this king-
dom has work enough cut out to war with the Barbarians, who are
become so powerful, both by sea and land, that I believe the King
of Spain will be obliged to call in the assistance of some Christian

Dec. 14. The hereditary Prince of Brunswick has lately obtain-
ed the post of a Field Marshal in his Prussian Majesty’s service.

The late Lord Clive, in Jaghire and estate is said to have died
upwards of fifty thousand pounds a year. The former, however,
(which is 30,000l. per annum) has but a certain number of years
to run.

It is said that by a clause in his father’s will, Lord Clive will not
enter into possession of his fortune until he has attained the full age
of twenty five, till when 5000l. is allowed to him.

The talk for building a palace to the King is again revived and
the profits of the next year’s lottery are to be appropriated to that
use. Indeed it has long been the amazement of all foreigners, that
the King of Great Britain should be so poorly lodged as he is.

Were the people of America once clearly quit of their prejudices,
or rather their affection to this country, how evidently must it ap-
pear to be their interest to trade with France, who take their corn,
fish, staves, hoops, and every kind of produce, and in return give
them cheap clothing either for winter or summer, together with
wine, oil, fruit, &amp.c, &c.

We are assured, from good authority, that the vast quantity of
herrings caught round the Isle of Man this season, upon an average
of 25. per hundred, amounts to 100,000l.


Several resolves of the continental Congress are published in the
London Papers. These resolves seem to stagger the military; In
short the scale is likely to turn in our favour, if we continue FIRM
and united. The toast of the day is, The nine protestinsh Lords

Lately arrived here the Neptune schooner, Capt. Goldthwait,
from Newport, Rhode-Island, with five hundred barrels of gun
Powder, a donation to our poor distressed brethren in this town.

In Provincial Congress at Cambridge, Feb. 7, 1775.

WHEREAS it appears to this Congress, that certain persons
are employed in divers kinds of work for the army, now
stationed in Boston, for the purpose of carrying into execution the
late acts of parliament, and in supplying them with iron for wag-
ons, canvas, tent-poles; and other articles of field equipage,
whereby said army may be enabled to take the field, and distress
the inhabitants of this country.

Therefore, Resolved, As the opinion of this Congress, and it is
accordingly strongly recommended, to the inhabitants of the several
Towns and Districts of the province that should any person or per-
sons, presume to supply the troops now stationed at Boston, or else-
where in said province, with timber, boards, spars, pickets, tent-
poles, canvas, bricks, iron, waggones, carts, carriages, intrenching
tools, or any materials, for making any of the carriages, or imple-
ments aforesaid, with Horses or Oxen for draught, or nay other mat-
terials whatever, which may enable them to annoy, or in a manner
distress said inhabitants, he or they so offending shall be held in the
highest detestation, and deemed inveterate enemies to America, and
ought to be prevented and opposed by all reasonable means what-

And whereas it appears to this Congress, that large quantities of
straw will be wanted by the inhabitants, of this province, in case

Page 3
Column 1

we should be driven to the hard necessity of taking up arms in our
own defence:---Therefore Resolved, That no person or persons
ought to sell or dispose of any straw, which he or they may have on
hand, except to the inhabitants of this province for their own pri-
vate use, or the use of the said province. And it is strongly recom-
mended by this Congress to the Committees of Correspondence and
Inspection in the several Towns and Districts in this province, to see
that the above Resolves be strictly and faithfully adhered to, till
otherwise ordered by this or some other Provincial Congress, or
House of Representatives.

A true Extract from the minutes,


By a courier just arrived from Cambridge, we learn, that the Pro-
vincial Congress, now sitting there, have appointed a committee to
examine, into, and answer his Majesty’s most gracious Speech!
And to assure him that there is not a prevailing Disposition to in-
fringe the Laws, as has been maliciously and falsely represented to
his Majesty.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentlemen in London, to his Friend

in this Town, dated December 9th, 1774.

”The King’s speech and address, it is agreed on all hands, are
not designed in terrorem only, and that they speak no more than
is really intended. But however determined the King’s speech
shews him to be, he gives such evidence of the goodness of his heart,
that upon return of the Colonies to their former state, he
would no doubt receive them as tenderly and affectionately, as the
father in the gospel received his younger son, upon his return home,
after he had wasted his substance with riotous living.”

Wednesday last the Provincial Congress met at Cambridge, when
the Hon. JOHN HANCOCK, Esq; was chosen President----Present
187 Members.

The Provincial Congress of New Hampshire consisting of 144 De-
legates, have adopted the continental Resolves; chosen John Sullivan
and John Langdon, Esqrs; Delegates for the next Continental
Congress, and have passes a number of Resolves.

Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman of military Distinction in

Connecticut, dated Jan. 23, 1775.

’Every body among us seems determined not to survive the Loss
of their civil and religious Liberties. We have favourable Senti-
ments of the Justice and Clemency of our Sovereign, but are prepa-
ring against the worst.

”It is not pretended to vie with a Sister Colony in the noble
Art of War; though you must allow One that has had long Ac
quaintance with the Service, to assure you, that our Militia is be-
come respectable. By fresh Returns from various Parts of the Go-
vernment, we find that a Park of forty Pieces of Cannon may be
formed in the Spring, should there be Occasion (which may God
forbid) and our Army will be pretty expert at most of the Ma-
noeuvers, will have in first grand Division about ten Thousand
Men, that need not blush to encounter as equal Number of foreign
Troops form any Quarter of the Globe,. This and some neigh-
bouring Towns are preparing a Token of their Sympathy for the
distressed inhabitants of Boston, which will be sent to the honourable
Committee who merit highly of their Country.

Extract of a Letter from New-York, dated Jan. 30.

”The enclosed will unriddle the Joy that fills the Breasts of all
the Friends to Government, Decency and good Order: --Since the
glorious Eleven, with Colonel Phillips at their Head, have carried
the Day; two more Members are come, both of which are of the
right Side; so that there is now no chance of the Assembly’s aiding
or abetting the Congress. The Friends to Government plume
themselves on this victory, and are now open-mouthed against the
Proceedings of the Congress, and no One dares, among Gentlemen,
to support them.---Worthy old Silver Locks (Lieut.. Gov. Colden)
when he heard that the Assembly had acted, right, cried out ----Lord,
now lettest thy Servant depart in Peace.”

NEW -YORK, February 9.

A Seaman belonging to one of the Vessels that was lately cast a-
way at Turks-Island, having with some more of the crew got on
the side of the Sloop, jumped over board in order to save some-
Boards that were floating along Side, but was soon attacked by a
large Shark, who at three Bites took off his Leg and part of his
Thigh, notwithstanding which the poor Fellow got into the Sloop
again, but died in about three hours later.

The ship James, Capt. Watton, arrived at Sandy-Hook the
2d instant from Glasgow, with coals, and a few dry goods on board.
---A pilot took charge of the vessel, on the first of February, P.M;
however as she did not get within Sandy-Hook, till the next day,
her arrival was pronounced by the Committee, out of time to land
her cargo; and the parties interested agreeing to send her to Jamai-
ca, under the superintendence of Mr. Douglas, one of the freighters,
she proceeded accordingly for that island, on Sunday last.

By accounts form Madeira, we are informed that on the 8th of
December an heavy gale of wind drove 7 or 8 sail of vessels ashore.

Extract of a Letter from Kent County on Delaware.

”With regard to political matters, the people here begin to
change their sentiments, concluding in their more deliberate mo-
ments, that such violent measures as have been pursued, will not
heal, but on the contrary widen the breach; many, who have kept
their sentiments to themselves, begin to whisper their dislike of the
proceedings gone into. I believe the Friendly Address and other
performances of the moderate stamp, have done much good, in
opening the blind eyes of many, and when people come to taste
feelingly of the hardships, which a suspension of trade will occasion,
they will change sides; nay, I believe, if the King’s standard was
now erected, nine out of ten would repair to it.

”The people have not, till lately, considered the consequences
of a civil war with so brave and powerful a nation as that of Great-
Britain; the heat and rage of party had not given them leisure to
reflect on the devastation and havock it would occasion, and if our
rashness should bring one on, Qnere, if such reflections as these
would not arise with many? I have seem this land blest with peace
and plenty, under the happiest form of government in the world;
every branch of business is flourishing; men secured in their liberty
and property; a trade open to foreign parts of the world, which
occasioned a ready sale for or produce; I have neem in possession of
a wife and many children, some of whom are numbered among
the slain and other far separated; I have lived in a happy harmo-
nious neighborhood, where the violence of party and the appela-
tions of Whig and Tory were unknown. Who could think that a
three-penny duty on tea could have occasioned all these difficulties,
when only a refusal to purchase the article would have kept us free.

Extract of a letter from London, dated Dec. 10, 1774


The ground of contest between Great-Britain and her colonies
seems to be changed; you have lately taken in a larger scope of ar-
gument; and your leaders sally forth resolved to demolish every
instance of Parliamentary jurisdiction: Thus, you now deny what
you formerly asserted as a necessary authority in Parliament, the
superintendence and regulation of the trade of the whole British
empire. Internal taxes were formerly the only objects of clamours;
but now external impositions are in the same predicament: In
short, every species of legislation, exercised by Great-Britain, is
equally liable to objection, in point of right; and your warm par-
tizans have only a little too soon exposed those conclusion, which
intelligent men long ago perceived to be concealed under their prin-
ciples. The sum total of those claims is independence on Great-
Britain; for a subordination, without your being subject to the legi-
slative authority of England, is a doctrine rather unintelligible.

As an American, I wish my Country every blessing of freedom;
but I think, we can expect more happiness, by an union with Eng-
land and subordination to the supreme legislature, than by an fan-
cied schemes of independent states. The superintendence and me-
diation of Great Britain seems to be necessary to balance and decide
the different interests of the several plantations and colonies, and to
direct, command, and govern the operations and powers of each,
for the benefit and defence of ALL.

Column 2

Protected by her navy and armies, we shall rise with fresh vigour
and strength, and see her free and well-ballanced constitution gra-
dually communicated to us. In a state of separation; on the con-
trary, ages may pass, and rivers of blood be shed, before any regu-
lar form of government could be adopted and fixed on a firm basis.
The history of all nations confirms these observations, which have
dropt from my pen before I was aware that I had plunged myself
headlong into politics; ---edge-tools which a man, who intends to
make the free crimes of America his country, must, I find, from
your news-paper,, be cautious of meddling with. There is some-
thing extremely absurd in some men’s eternally declaiming on free-
dom of thought and the unalienable rights of Englishmen, when
they will not permit an opponent to open his mouth on the subject
in dispute, without danger of being presented with A COAT OF

Had moderate measures been pursued by you; had you first done
justice yourselves, before you complained of injustice in others; had
you petitioned, instead of threatened; stated your rights with pre-
cision, instead of holding up loose claims, founded on I know not
what, fluctuating ground of natural Rights: Had you discussed these
matters in your legal assemblies, instead of leaving them to the de-
cision of a body which the constitution is ignorant of, and whose
decrees cannot be acted on, and may be contradicted with impunity,
---had a line of conduct like this been pursued, I have reason to
assure you, that your petitions would have been attended to, and
the present disputes terminated by a liberal and firm constitution;
preserving a necessary supremacy to Parliament, and securing you in
those liberties which your charters are totally silent on; or absolute-
ly exclude you from.

What now will be the consequence, I cannot determine. Calm-
ness and temper will be preserved on this side; and acts of severi-
ty, will be with the utmost reluctance, forced from the ministry.
They consider your interest as their own, and therefore will be a-
verse from every thing that may injure you. They would gladly
forgive, if they could see any marks of contrition in the disobedi
ent: But the dignity of government will never permit a parliament,
which the most powerful states of Europe would dread to insult, to
make advances towards a reconciliation with you, while you com-
mand it by threats and menaces. Violence commenced with Boston,
and the first step to a reconciliation, in Justice, ought to be a satis-
faction to the honour of Great-Britain, and a redress of the inquiry
done to its merchants.”

The County of Fairfax, in Virginia.

Col. GEORGE WASHINGTON, in the Chair.

RESOLVED, that it be recommended that the sum of three
shillings per poll, for the aforesaid, be paid, by and for every
tithable person in this county, to the sheriff, or such other collector
as may be appointed, who is to render the same to this committee,
with a list of the names of such persons as shall refuse to pay the
same, if any such there be.

And also resolved, that such of the inhabitants of this county as
are from sixteen to fifty years of age, do form themselves into com-
panies of 68 men, to chuse a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign,
four serjeants, four corporals, and a drummer, for each company;
that they provide themselves with good firelocks, and use their ut-
most endeavours to make themselves masters of the military exercise
published by order of his Majesty, in 1764, and recommended by
the provincial congress of the Massachusetts Bay, on the 29th of
October last.
Extract oi a letter from Amsterdam, Novem. 15, 1774.

”Since my last, a very extraordinary affair has happened here.
A mail brig, the Master’s name Page, form Rhode-Island, or Bos-
ton, was loading with cordage, junk, powder, guns, &c. of which
the ministry having intelligence, a small cutter of six three
pounders, and thirty hands, was dispatched from Dover, with or-
ders to come directly here, and when the brig failed to sail with her
and while at sea, to board her and carry her to England. The
cutter arrived here the 23d or 24 of last month; the brig had a full
load, and was ready to sail at that time, but the cutter’s officers
coming ashore, by good fortune, came to the house where I lodged,
and in a few hours I discovered their business.

As this was the only vessel when in port of that kind, I was at
no loss; and called that night on Mr. H-------n, to acquaint him
with my suspicions, which he could not believe; but he has had
sufficient proof since, for they lay looking at each other from that
time to the 8th instant, when the brig made sail, the cutter got
under way, which the brig observing, she came to and landed the
cargo. There is certain advice that the cutters people went down
to the Texel; and got all the brig’s papers form the custom house
there, and also at this city.---A brig has since arrived from New-
York, but the Merchants will not ship goods in any English vessel,
as there is several cutters cruising off Dover, to search all English
vessels that pass through the channel, for arms, &c. &c.

HAMPTON, March 2.


Friendship, Capt Reid from Grenadoes, with Ballast only.

Hannah, Capt. Wells form St. Croix, with 24 Tierces and 7 Bar-
rels foreign brown Sugar, 4 Hogsheads Molosses, 2 Barrels foreign

Dorothy, Capt. Mosely from Antigua, with 4 Hogshead Rum,
16 Barrels brown Sugar.

Polly, Capt. Worsely form New-York, with 2 Barrels Coffee,
1 Tierce Loaf-Sugar, 4 Boxes Candles, 3 do. Chocolate, 12 Kegs
Biscuit, 40 Tons [torn, illegible]-Iron.

Betsy, Capt. Bryson from Saint Eustatia, with 20 Hogsheads

Fanny, Capt. Watson from Jamaica, with Ballast, and 13 Ne-

Warwick, Capt. Darrel Harvey, from Turks-Islands, with
3000 Bushels Salt.


Swallow, George Burrell for Madeira, with 3500 Bushels Wheat,
800 Staves.

Patty, John Barret for Barbados, with 4700 Bushels Corn,
60 Barrels Bread, 15 do. Pork, 1 Tierce-Hams, 6 Barrels Flour,
50000 Shingles, 1500 Feet Scantling, 4 Hogsheads Tobacco.

Favourite, John Davis for Cadiz, with 8000 Bushels Corn,
200 do. Beans, 25 Barrels Flour, 2000 Staves.

Betsy, Robert Hatton, for Barbados, with 1795 Bushels Corn,
78 do. Oats, 19 Barrels Port, 3 Tierces Hames, 84 Barrels Flour,
162 Bushels Pease, 1750 Staves and Heading, and 200000 Shingles.

Abby, Jonas Herbert, for Liverpool, with 41 Hogsheads To-
bacco, 300 Barrels Tar, 319 do. Turpentine, 3100 Bushels Wheat,
2000 Staves.

Neptune, Elisha Hopkings for Salem, with 1650 Bushels Corn,
6 Barrels Tar, 7 Cwt. Bread, and 2 Barrels Pork.

Neptune, Jonathan Paine for Falmouth in New-England; with
2000 Bushels Corn, 20 Barrels Flour, 500 lb. Bacon, 4 Firkins
Butter, 7 Barrels Pork, 1 Barrel European Goods, 5 Pair Boots,
300 lb. Cheese, and 3 Dozen Spades.

NORFOLK, February 23, 1775.
Extract of a Letter from Bristol, dated Jan. 22, 1774,
SOME of the sad effects of our unhappy differences with Ame-
rica, begin to be felt already in this City; a vessel who had
taken in her loading for Philadelphia, and was just ready to sail,

Column 3

is now unloading at our Quay, on account of the detera [illegible, torn]
the Congress, to the great injury of the Merchants and the [illegible, torn]
tradesmen who had goods shipped on board. And it is expe [illegible, torn]
the most dreadful consequences will be experienced by the differ [illegible, torn]
manufacturers in the kingdom.

Last Saturday, one KEATON a sail-maker, was found dead in
the old-feld in this borough; one of his arms had been o-
pened, (supposed by himself) and bled till he expired. An inquest
was held on the body, when the Jury brought in their verdict, Lu-

On Monday, Mr. ROBERT CLARK, of Madeira, Merchant, was
unfortunately drowned nigh the wind-mills on Smith’s Point.

THE Subscriber sells by Wholesale and Retail
all Sorts of DRUGS and MEDICINES at a
low Advance; for READY MONEY.-----He wants a
Quantity of VIRGINIA SNAKE ROOT well cured;
for which he will give five Shillings current Money of
VIRGINIA, per Pound._____He wants also a Quantity
of BEES WAX, for which he will give eighteen
Pence per Pound. ALEX. GORDON.

NORFOLK, February 28, 1775. (3) 39.




Now lying at NORFOLK.

BURTHEN about 300 Hogs-
heads, or 7500 Bushels-
For TERMS, apply to Mr. THOMAS SHOR[illegible, torn]
or the Subscriber.


PETERSBURG, Feb. 4, 1775. (4) 36


FROM the Subscriber, on Wed-
nesday the 15th Instant, a
negoro Fellow named Caesar; about
Five Feet Eight or Nine Inches
high; had on when he went away,
a Virginia Kersey Jacket and
Breeches, stript with Yellow, and
a Virginia Tow Shirt.----It is i-
magined he is lurking about Norfolk, as he was seen
there the Evening he want away. ---I forwarn all per-
sons from employing the said Negro, and I will give
TWENTY SHILLINGS to an Person that will bring
him to me.

Princess-Anne, Feb. 21, 1775. (3) 38
AS I have the misfortune of being lame, I am thereby prevented
going from home, upon my usual business, in such a manne [illegible, torn]
as I could wish. I therefore take this method to inform the Public
that if any Person or Persons will furnish me with a quantity of
Wheat, in the course of the one Year, and will take Bread and Flour,
as it is manufactur’d, I will engage that it shall be good, and will
supply them with it upon very easy Terms, in Proportion to the
Price of the Wheat, I also will take in baking; for terms apply to.
Norfolk, Feb. 22, 1775. (3) 38 GOODRICH BOUSH.
ON February 2d. instant, There was brought in-
to Pepper Creek, a Schooner by two men; who
left her under my care, (till as they said) they should
go down to the Great-Bridge near Norfolk to their
Owner, and told me the Vessel belonged to one Mr.
Pendleton there. I have heard since, that the Men
were Runnaways and had stole the Vessel; this is all
the information I have got respecting her, but that
there are some Staves in her, and had some Shingles
on board which had been bought by an Andrew Ker
before the Schooner came in to Pepper Creek. Her
Stern is painted Blue, as also her Quarters; her Waist
painted Black and has got an Oak Gun-wale on it,
the Boom is painted Black at each End and Yellow in
the Middle, her Boltsprit painted in the same manner;
All her Sails are in bad condition except the Fore-
Sail which is middling good.----Whoever said Ves-
sel belongs to, may have her by applying to the Sub-
scriber in Gloucester County, Kingston Parish.


FROM the Subscriber, on Monday the twentieth
of February last: ISAAC GILDING, an English
servant Man, a House carpenter by trade; he is a short
well made man, about five feel five, or six inches high,
brown Hair, which he generally wears tyed, tho’ short.
Had on when he went away, a new Bearskin coat and
waistcoat, a pair of worsted Shag breetches with met-
tal buttons. He was seen at Hampton on Saturday
the twenty fifth of last month, with some Tools
which he carried with him.

Whoever takes up the said Servant, and conveys
him to me, or secures him so that I may get him again,
shall have a Reward of Three Pound paid by

WILLIAMSBURG March 1st, 1775. (2) 39
FOR SALE, about three Thousand Bushels of
WHEAT; for Terms apply to

Norfolk, March 1, 1775. (tf) 39

Page 4
Column 1


A FIT of the SPLEN.
A constant vapour o’er the palace flies;
Strange phantoms rising as the mists arise;
Dreadful, as hermit’s dreams in jaunted shades.

Rape of the Lock.

FAREWELL, vain world, and thou its vainest part,
O Lovely woman? fram’d for man’s destruction?
Beauty, like nightshade to the teeming wife,
If seen gives wishes restless, endless longings;
If tasted, death:--too hard decree of fate,
That life must be a burthen, or must end!

Farewell, vain world, dwelling of ills. and fears,
Full of fond hopes, false joys, and sad repentance;
For tho’ sometimes repentance lights a fire,
That mounting upwards darts its pointed head
Up, thro’ the unopposing air, to heav’n,
Yet then comes thought, consideration cold,
Lame afterthought with endless scruples big,
Benumb’d with fears, to damp the goodly blaze.

Farewell, vain world; - - - - yet e’er I die, I’ll find
Contentment’s feat, unknown to guilt, or sorrow,
Haste then, for nimble death pursues me close,
Methinks I hear his steps, tho’ trod in air;
My fluttering soul seems like a bird entrap’d,
That beats his wings against the prison walls,
And fain woul’d be at liberty again:,
And oft the death-watch with ill boding beats
Hath warn’d me that my time wou’d soon expire;
And that life’s thread, ne’er to wound up more,
Wou’d by the spring of fate be quickly drawn
To its full stretch.---Haste then and let me find
A shelter, that may shut out noise and light,
Save one dull taper, whose neglected snuff,
Grown higher than the flame, shall with its bulk
pr’most extinguish it; ---no noise be there,
[illegible torn] that of water, ever friend to thought.

Hail, gloomy shade, tho’ abode of modesty,
[illegible, smudged]ord of deceit;---no glittering objects here,
Dazzle the eyes: and thou, delightful silence,
[illegible, folded], the great Divinity’s discourse,
[illegible, folded]Angel’s language, and the Hermit’s pride,
the help of waking wisdom and its food:
In thee Philosophers have justly plac’d,
The sov’reign good, free from the broken vows,
The calumnies, reproached, and the lies,
Of which the noisy, bubbling world complains.

What are the falling rills, the pendant shades,
[illegible, folded} he morning bowr’s, the evening collonades,
[illegible, folded] soft recesses for the, uneasy mind
[illegible, folded] sigh unseen into the passing wind?
[illegible, folded] the struck doe, in some sequester’d part,
Lies down to die, the arrow in her heart;
[illegible, folded] here hid in shades, and wasting day by day,
[illegible, folded] nly the bleeds, and pants her soul away.

years old, burthen about seven thousand bushels.
And for Charter, new Brigantine about 10 or
ft 1,000 bushels burthen, for terms apply to

PORTSMOUTH 2d February, 1775.

TAKEN up on Thursday the 16th instant, on
suspicion of being a servant; one who calls him-
self Henry George Talbot, he brought a dark Bay
Mare about thirteen hands high, no brand perceivable,
a half-wore Sadle with a hogskin seat; he has likewise
with him a Silver Watch. Since committed to Jail I am
informed he stole the Mare and Watch: The Owner
may receive the Servant and hear of the above articles
by applying to ANDREW FLEMING, or to

On the 10th Day of April next, will be sold to the
highest Bidder, our Lots and Improvements thereon,
lying on CRAWFORD Street, in the Town of PORTS-
MOUTH, in three following Parcels, and under these
Circumstances, viz.

A Street of thirty Feet wide is to run through
them from North to South, parallel with Craw-
ford Street, and 210 Feet or thereabouts to the East-
ward thereof.----The Southerly LOT to contain
seventy three Feet on Crawford Street, and be bound-
ed by the Creek, that divides the Towns of Portsmouth
and Gosport to the South, and the middle Division to
the North.-----The middle LOT to contain eighty
Feet on Crawford Street, and be bounded by the
North and South Lots.-----The North LOT to
contain seventy three Feet on Crawford Street, and
be bounded by the middle Division and South Street.
-----The PURCHASER of the middle LOT is to have
the Privilege of bringing and heaving down any SHIP
at his Wharf; provided he covers no more of the other
two than is necessary, and not more of the one than
the other.------The Advantages attending these
Lotts in point of Situation, Water, and every Thing
else that can recommend them are so well known, that
any Thing further on this HEAD would be unnecessary.

Credit will be allowed the Purchasers, until the 10th,
of April 1776; upon giving Bond and Security to

PORTSMOUTH, Feb. 15, 1775. 37 (6)

NORFOLK: Printed by the PROPRIETORS at their OFFICE, where Advertisements, Essays, and Articles of News from
VIRGINIA, NORTH-CAROLINA, and MARYLAND, will be gratefully Received, and duly Inserted.---Advertisements, of a
moderate Length for 3s. the first time, and 2s. each time after.—Price of the PAPER, 12s. 6d. per Annum.

Column 2


FROM the Subscriber, about the first Ultimo.
WILLIAM NOONAN, a native of Ireland, five feet
high, thick made, walks quick, of a fair complexion,
had a scar above one of his eyes, and the brogue much
in his dialect. Had on when he went away, a blue
duffle coat; rides well. The Subscriber will give
Twenty Shillings for taking him up.

APPOMATOX February 11, 1775. 38 3

DECEMBER 7th, 1774.

I delivered to DANIEL COTTERAL, Skipper of a small
Schooner; sundry Goods for Mr. JOHN MILLS,
viz. Three Hogsheads Rum, a Barrel Brown Sugar,
one Tierce Spirits, two Kegs Barley, and a bundle of
Cutlery: these ought to have been delivered at COL_
CHESTER. Also two hundred Bushels Wheat, and one
Tierce Sprits; for Mr. RICHARD GRAHAM at DUM-
FRIES.---After the said Cotteral had taken on board
the Goods above mentioned, he took in a Cask of Sad-
lery, two baskets Cheese, one Cask Loaf Sugar, and
some other Goods, from Mr. JAMES MILLS, at Ur-
banna; which where also to have been delivered to Mr.
JOHN MILLS at Colchester; Mr. JOHN MILLS inform-
ed me by letter dated the 16th instant, that the said
Vessel or Goods have not yet appeared there. I therefore
apprehend that the said Vessel is carried off by one Isaac
Boston, who was a Sailor belonging to said Schooner:
and went off while the Skipper COTTERAL was on shore.

Mr. JOHN MILLS desires me to make this pub-
lication, and to offer a reward of Twenty POUNDS, for
apprehending and securing said Vessel and Cargoe;
or FIVE POUNDS, fo the Man who carried her off.-----
Boston is about 43 years of age, full six feet high, wears
a cut wig. His hair of a sandy colour, he had a son in
the Vessel with him, about 15 or 16 years of age. He
has two Brothers and a Sister, living on Pocomoke ri-
ver Maryland, and it is supposed he has gone that way:
he resided there lately. The Vessel has been of late
sheathed and ceiled, her quarter deck is covered over
with old canvas; she had no spring stay or shrouds, her
frame is mulberry; the reward will be paid by applying
either to Mr. JAMES MILLS at Urbanna, JOHN MILLS
at Colchester; SAMUEL JONES at Cedar Point or
TAPPAHANNOCK 20th January, 1775.


PRINCE GEORGE, November 10, 1774.
RUN away from the Subscriber, a Mulatto Boy named SAM,
about 16 or 17 Years old, of a very light Complexion, and
will endeavour to pass for a free Boy, has gray Eyes, brown Hair,
a smoothful artful Tongue, is a great Villain, but a very good Bar-
ber. In the Month of June last he was put in York Jail on Su-
spicion of having stolen some Money in Williamsburg. He made
his Escape from thence and got to Norfolk, where he was put in
Jail and sent to me by Water. The next day (September 20th) he
made his Escape from my Overseer, and has not since been heard
of. He was born in Frederick Town, and is well acquainted
with most Parts of Virginia. He was very meanly clad, having
been so long in Jail, but it is probable will procure Clothes. I will
give 5 l. Reward to have him committed to any of his Majesty’s
Jails, if taken in the Colony of Virginia, and if out of the Colony
10 l. All Captains of Ships, or Masters of Vessels, are hereby
forewarned from carrying him our of the Country, or employing

N.B. It is suspected he is lurking or conceals himself in or
about Norfolk, if brought there and secured, the Reward will be

A Vessel, that will carry about forty Thousand of
Lumber, to load here for Santa Croix, and
two Vessels of about two Thousand, five Hundred
Barrels each, to load Rice at Charles Town, South
Carolina, for Cowes and a Market.

Norfolk,, February 1, 1775. (tf) 35

From the Brig INNERMAY lying at Brandon; on
James river the 27th of December last, an Ap-
prentice lad named William Johnston about 17 or
18 years of age five feel six inches high, swarthy com-
plexioned and a little pitted with the small pox, knock-
knee’d, he was born in or near Williamsburg, where
it is supposed he is now harboured, he carried with him
a new sailor’s Jacket, blue duffle breetches lined with
quet pretty much wore, a blue and white broad strip’d
cloth coloured thread under Jacket, country made
shoes and stockings, one or two pair of sailors trowsers,
and his bed clothes. Whoever secures him so that I
get him again, shall have Fifteen Shillings reward.
All Captains of Ships, or Masters of Vessels, are fore-
warned from carrying him out of the Country or em-
ploying him.

CABIN-POINT, January 3d, 1775. 35
I INTEND for the WEST-INDIES, soon

Princess-Anne. Feb. 17, 1775.

Column 3

late of Wapping Street LONDON, Sand-man) be
alive, and see this Advertisement, He is desired furth-
with to apply, or write to Capt. David Ross, Com-
mander of the Ship Betsey, now lying at Norfolk;
who will thereupon inform him of matters greatly to
his Advantage: Or if he will send a power of Attorney
to Mr. Michael Henley of Wapping Merchant, con-
stituting him Agent, or Trustee to Act for him, till
he can come to England himself, and who will secure his
inheritance for him. ------Mr. Henley havingbeen an
intimate acquaintance of his late Father, will forward
his Affairs.

Any Person who can give an account of said John
Fowler, so as he may be found, or wrote to; or if
dead, will transmit an attested account of his death and
burial, when, and where, properly certified.-----All
Charges and Expenses attending the same, besides a
handsome Reward will be paid by applying to Capt.
N.B. The above John Fowler went from England as a Ser-
vant, about six or seven years ago, to some part of North-America.
NORFOLK February 23, 1775.

FOR removing and eradicating the most confirmed
Venereal Disorders, to be sold at the Printing-Office,
-----Also the late American Editions of JULIET
Boston Port-Bill; and a Variety of the newest and
most approved Books, Pamphlets and Plays.

N.B, Subscriptions are taken in there for a new
Book, in 2 vols.; entitled, A Voyage round the World,
performed by Capt. Cook, and Joseph Banks, Esq;
F.R. S; first published by the direction of the Lords
of the Admiralty; wrote by John Hawkesworth, L.L.D.
Ornamental with Cuts.
Norfolk, October 7, 1774.

RUN away from the Ship CATHERINE
THOMAS PATTON Master, an Irish Servant-
man, named JOHN KENNEDY, about Twenty
six years of Age, five feet 5 or 6 inches High, well
Set, long Visaged, straight black Hair: Had on when
he went away, a blue Jacket, drab-coloured woolen
Trowsers, a checked Shirt, and Dutch Cap.----It is
supposed he will attempt to pass for a free Man, as he
had a discharge from some Regiment in England, in
which he pretends he formerly served.

Whoever secures him so as his Master may have him
again, shall be paid the above Reward, on applying to
N.B. All Masters of Vessels and Others are forbid Harbouring
or carrying off said Servant at their Peril.
NORFOLK February 23, 1775.

BY the Subscriber for Cash only, four Negroes,
viz. one man that has been bred to the Sea, two
boys, has been accustomed, to wait in a Tavern, and
a likely young Wench; also twenty Hogsheads of Bar-
badoes Rum, for which, twelve Months Credit will
be given the Purchaser, on giving Bond with appro-
ved Security.
Norfolk, February 14, 1775. (2) 39.

A SHIP that will carry from 150 to 200 Thou-
sand of LUMBER to load here for JAMAICA,
and from thence to proceed to the Bay of HONDURSAS,
to load LOGWOOD and MAHOGANY for
Norfolk, March 1, 1775. (3) 39

WHEREAS the Partnership of CHISHOLM and HOLSTEAD, by mutual Consent of the
Parties, will be dissolved on the 10th Day of April
next: All those Persons who have any Demands
against them or the Subscriber, are desired to apply
for Payment; and those indebted, to pay off their se-
veral Balances immediately, or give Bond.----It is
expected that all Concerned, will duly regard this
Notice; save themselves Expences, and me the Trouble
and Inconveniency of making personal Application.--
This is the more necessary, as I intend to leave the
Colony soon, and am the only proper Person to
settle the Business I have transacted.
Norfolk, Feb. 28, 1775. (3) 39

ALL Persons indebted to the ESTATE of
Mr. ROBERT STEEL deceased, late of this
Place, are desired to make speedy Payment; and all
those who have any Demands, are requested to bring
them in properly proved, to
DANIEL BARRAUD, Administrator.
Norfolk, Feb. 28, 1775. (2) 39

Original Format

Ink on paper




“Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 39, from Thursday February 23 to Thursday March 2, 1775,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 19, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/518.