The Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 42, Thursday, March 23, 1775
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NORFOLK: - Printed by the PROPRIETORS at their Office; where Advertisements, Essays, and Articles of News from VIRGI-
NIA, NORTH-CAROLINA, and MARYLAND, will be gratefully received and duly inserted.---Advertisements of a moderate
Length for 3 s. the first Week, and 2 s. each Week after---Price of the PAPER, 12 s. 6 d. per ANNUM.
As the establishing of manufactories among ourselves must
undoubtedly be of great advantage to the public, it is
hoped that every friend to his country will endeavour
to promote the following plan, to which a considerable
number of gentlemen have already subscribed.
WE the subscribers, being deeply impressed with
a sense of our present difficulties, and ear-
nestly solicitous, as far as in our power, to
support the freedom, and promote the wel-
fare of our country on peaceable and constitutional prin-
ciples; and well knowing how much the establishing ma-
nufactories amongst ourselves would contribute thereunto,
besides exciting a general and laudable spirit of industry
among the poor, and putting the means of supporting
themselves into the hands of many, who at present are a
public expence, and also to convince the public that our
country is not unfavourable to the establishing manufac-
tories, DO AGREE to form ourselves into a company for
the promoting of an American manufactory on the fol-
lowing principles, subject to such rules and regulations as
shall be hereafter agreed on.
I. That the company be called THE UNITED COM-
II. That the company shall continue for three whole
years, commencing on the day of the first general meeting
of the subscribers.
III. That a share in the company be fixed at TEN
POUNDS, after payment whereof every subscriber shall be
entitled to a vote in common on all occasions, and also to
be elected to any office belonging to the company, and no
person shall be entrusted with any office but a member
IV. That we will begin with the manufacturing of
woolens, cottons and linen, and carry on the same to
the greatest extend and advantage our stock will admit of
during the three years aforesaid, for which purpose we do
agree to pay into the hands of the treasurer, who shall be
hereafter chosen, one moiety or full half of each of our
subscriptions, within one week after the first general meet
ing of the subscribers, and the other moiety within two
months after the aforesaid general meeting; all which
monies paid as aforesaid, together with all the profits a-
rising from the manufactory, shall be continued as com-
pany stock for the space, and to the full end of three
whole years, commending on the day of the first general
meeting of the subscribers aforesaid.
V. That a general meeting of the subscribers shall be
called by written tickets within one week after two hun-
red subscriptions are obtained, in order to choose by
ballot, for the first years, twelve managers, a secretary
and treasurer, to fix the time of the annual meeting for
our future elections, and to do all other matters and
things as may then be deemed necessary for the better re-
gulating the affairs of the company.
VI. That one third of the managers, and no more, be
changed annually, on the day of the election, by their
drawing lots for their going out, and on the death or
departure out of the city and its districts, of any mana-
ger for the space of three calendar months, the other ma-
nagers may choose another in his stead, who shall be con-
sidered as acting in the room of the deceased or departed
VII. That the managers carry on the manufactory a-
greeable to the rules of the company, and shall have the
whole direction thereof, and shall attend two by two in
turn every day at the manufactory store, at such hours as
they shall agree upon, to oversee the business, draw orders
on the treasurer, and give the necessary directions.
VIII. That the treasurer shall give security for the
faithful discharge of this trust; and for accounting for,
and delivering up to his successor in said office all such
monies, books, writings and effects, as shall then be in his
hands belonging to the company, at such times as the
managers of a majority of them shall direct and require,
which security the managers are hereby required to see
duly given, executed and recorded in the office for record-
ing of deeds for the county of Philadelphia, before any
such treasurer, so elected, shall enter upon his said office:
And the treasurer is hereby enjoined to answer no order
but such as shall be signed by the two attending managers
for the day, as aforesaid, which said orders shall be good
vouchers to indemnify him.
IX. That a state of the manufactory and of the com-
pany’s accounts shall be fairly made out at the end of
every six months, and kept in the manufactory store, for
the inspection of the members.
X. That the managers shall have power to call a gene
ral meeting as often as they shall find it necessary to take
the advice of the company in any affair, or to lay any
proposal or matter of importance before them.
XI. That after the first general meeting of the sub-
Column 2
scribers, three weeks notice of the time and place of
meeting, on one of the News-papers, shall be sufficient to
call a general meeting of the company; and no rule nor
regulation shall be binding on the company, but such as
shall have received the approbation of a majority of the
members present at a general meeting.
Members to their ELECTORS and a VISION on the
You are a fool for believing this voluble fellow. -MOMUS.
TO see the zeal of our candidates, to hear their pro-
fessions, and to read their promistory virtuous con-
duct; a man, with more understanding than myself, may
be inclined to believe that the new Parliament promises
to be something better than the last; and Indeed there is
very great room for amendment, for if ever one was more
polluted, more prostituted, and more putrid at the very
heart than another, the last Parliament claims a charact-
ter of more infamy than ever fell to the share of the
people before.
For my part, I doubt the amendment; virtue is not
amongst the people, and it is with them that this improve-
ment must originate. What can we say, when we see bo-
roughs reject virtuous men, and take the most abject, sup-
ple tools of administration-fellows with only the parts
to do evil, and impudence to put virtue out of counte-
nance. Clerks of offices, needy dependents; fangled Se-
cretaries, dupes to power; Agents to regiments, garbled
to prostitution; Nabobs without sense, reason, honor, or
reflections; Captains without principles, Knights without
truth; Baronets without confidence; Honorables, and
Right Honorables, without the least pretence to honor,
truth, sense, dignity, or elocution; and still we hope
great things from the new Parliament. I own, I de-
spair - my hope is sunk - the dice are cast- and Eng-
land is undone. But not to be serious longer - to laugh
at these new motely fools is better; we may laugh them
into reason - and if we succeed, it will be a great com-
pliment to the risible god. The first specimen of their
abilities, we are presented with in the public prints, where-
in we see them exhibit their best productions; for the de-
dictory address to the worthy freemen, &c. comes forth
well penned like a lad’s exercise at school, only not so
well written, nor quite so grammatical. But writing,
every elector should pass by, as it is not the agreement
between the member and his constituents; the latter on-
ly engage their Parliament men to speak for them, and
therefore whatever ignorance they discover in their ad-
dress, is no disparagement, as it is not any part of the
business of a burgess in Parliament; consequently as good
writing and good sense have nothing to do in the compo-
sition of these strange creatures, we may with impunity
make a few remarks on their various motely addresses to
the different freemen of this country.
First of all, Mr. W. Dowdeswell and E. Foley speak
very prettily to the freeholders of the county of Wor-
cester; by begging permission humbly to entreat the fa-
vour of their votes and interest, and to assure them how
sensible they are of past-favours; all the obligation they
feel on that account will be doubled by a repetition and
a continuance of confidence. No one in the county
doubts this home felt zeal; but though Mr. Dowdeswell
was bold in company, as hounds are in pack, yet, when
he is reduced to a non-substantive, and standeth by him-
self, he confesseth himself guilty of great presumption in
offering his services, as a speedy recourse to a warmer
climate is absolutely necessary. Therefore, the county of
Worcester hath great expectation from a member who
will retreat with the sun, and not return, cum hirundine
Now although Mr. Plumer is a candidate for the coun-
ty of Hertford, yet Lord Grimstone out plumes him in
rhetorical flourishes, when he says, I am firmly resolved
to adhere to the principles of my ancestors, which have
ever been-repugnant to those of the Revolution -
choose me, (says my Lord) I shall be always happy in
shewing myself. But he does not mention whether he
means at Almack’s, Whites, Boodle’s, or Mrs. Goadby’s;
and therefore it is impossible to judge of his Lordship’s
Our good friend, Mat. Brickdale, hath a pleasing me-
thod of speaking of himself to the freemen of Bristol, nor
is he backward in his own praise; but as it his native
city, he may be more free with his kinsmen than he could
venture to be with strangers. Should your kind suffrages
replace me in your service, I shall continue to act with
the same honesty. Now supposing Matthew to be an
honest man, it does not become him to say so of himself;
and if he is not, why he assures us he shall be but as ho-
nest as usual; and so far, Master Matthew, that is honest.
Tom Egerton, addressing the county palatine of Lan-
Column 3
caster, vows, if again he should be the object of their
choice. Now, by hoping to be the object of their choice,
I should be apt to think Tom was a pretty fellow and in
this he was casting a sheep’s eye at the ladies.
Upper Ossery and Mr. Ongley are very clear in their
address to the county of Bedford; for say they, The dis-
solution of Parliament must necessarily produce a new
day of election. It did not require a ghost to tell us that !
Mr. Peachy hurries his periods on to the county of
Sussex, as if he meant to be angry, when he says, I did
not attend at the meeting at Lewis. That is as much as
to tell us he was not there; for which he is sorry, as it
may be the unlucky means of losing his election.
Mr. Fenwick talks to the freeholders of Westmoreland
as if he meant they ought to believe him, when he strikes
his pensive bosom, and cries, Here lies an upright heart!
Indeed, I shall be very sorry if they do not credit a gentle-
man, who takes so much pains to give so much credit to
”In manners humble, in affections cold,
”In wit a spark, and tho’ not WELL not old.”
Lord Bulkeley like another Phaeton, mistakes the hus-
tings for the chariot of the sun, and to the good people of
Angelsea declares (as if the reins and whip were given him)
Ambitious of the honour, I’ll ride and drive; and if you
have a mintl to save my horses, as the people did those of
the two great patriots, Sir, Watkin Lewes and Mr. Meak,
why draw my carriage and be d---d-!
Our young George Grenville rather treats the Buck
cavalierly, Being as ambitious of representingyou, as I am
ignorant of your dispositions. – George, stop! How can
you, my dear Georgy, be ambitious of representing a
people you declare you know nothing about? Oh, the
rod hath never tickled your tail, or you had never thus
publicly exposed it, my dear Georgy!
Here I have showed you the penmanship of those caval-
leros, who solicit your votes to elect them to Parliament;
and now, with your permission, I shall shew you the abi-
lities of others who are already elected, and who humbly
thank their constituents for the honour, glory, favour, dig
nity, respect and trust, which they have conferred upon
them; not that I think their gratitudes have produced a
title more good sense than their solicitous addresses and
dedicatory prayers.
The first man (not returned) is the redoubtable Admi-
ral Pudding, whom an impudent sailor presented with an
halter in a pye on the Hustings, and entreated him to use
it for the peace of himself, and the good of his country.
No address of thanks came from his mouth; he only hung
his handkerchief across his nose, which looked like a sprit-
sail loosed to dry on the Barfleur’s boltsprit. Chagrined
and disappointed, the gallant mariner retired to town, to
lull his cares in the arms of some admiring fair one; for
no sailor ever climbed the shrouds with that success as our
hero ascends into the ladies favours; and when unable to
arise to the top gallant bliss of his hope, he mounts in a
basket to their bossoms.
SIC ITUR AD ASTA –some pius Aeneas.
Mess. Strutt and Nassau first come pricking o’er the
plain, pleased with their success, which they gave us a
small sense of --Thus The Honor you have done us, and
the spirit you support our election with, demand our war-
mest thanks. But here we are alarmed! We repeat, it
is our resolutions to recover your lost rights, and are with
gratitude for your lost rights – which is absolutely so, ac-
cording to the old stroke of nominative café and verb. --
I suppose, they meant to confess obliquely, that they have
bought their rights, and so they have lost them in course.
Now the Lord Waltham does not shew much grief up-
on his defeat; for he seems determined to be jolly, and
inviteth all the defeated electors to dine with him on the
first of November, to get them into heart and spirit a-
gainst another rencounter. His Lordship wishes much
for this convivial mark of their attention; and if I know
the stretch of a stomach in Malden, I will be grilled for
a kidney if there is a man among them disappoints his
Lordship in that particular. – Capt. Lutrell, who haran-
gued so well for the liberty of the nation at Malden be-
fore, has the mortification to find, that his words made
no impression on the leaden fronts of the freemen; his
patriotic speech vanished into thin air, and like the baseless
fabric of a vision, left not a wreck behind---but poor
Lord Waltham!
We now travel to Stockbridge, and there we see the
lively Captain availing himself of the opportunity of re-
turning his warmest acknowledgements; he then, in a
N. B. pledges himself for his Father, which is more than
Lord Irnham would do for a son.
My Lord’s a good Father,
And Hal’s a good Brother;
But the devil take one for the sake of the other.
Mr. Stanley, that bur of state, who climbs into of-
fice like a parrot by the beak, and talks like the bird
too, only what he is taught; he, in conjunction with
Mr. Fleming comes forward, and insures the inhabitants
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of Southampton, That they will endeavour to deserve
their confidence by a steady attachment to the true inte-
rest of their country. What a saving clause is the word
endeavour! For let them err ever so much by palpable
design; they have always the good excuse at hand they
did endeavour to the best of their poor abilities. After
Mr. Stanley’s long ministerial attachments, how could
ye, ye, sons of Southampton, trust the man again?
The following is an address presented to General Gage,
from the Selectmen of six towns in the county of Ply-
mouth, occasioned by a number of soldiers being stati-
oned at Marblehead in said county, in a time of peace
To his Excellency THOMAS GAGE, Esq;
May it please your Excellency,
WE his Majesty’s loyal subjects, Selectmen of the se-
veral towns of Pymouth, Kingston, Duxburgh,
Pembroke, Hanover and Scituate, deeply affected with a
sense of the increasing dangers and calamities, which me
nace one of the most promising countries upon earth with
political exition, cannot but lament, that while we are
endeavouring to preserve peace, and maintain the autho-
rity of the laws; at a period, when the bands of govern-
ment are relaxed, by violent infractions on the charter of
the province, our enemies are practising every insidious
stratagem, to seduce the people into acts of violence and
We beg leave to address your Excellency, on a subject
which excites our apprehensions extremely: And in the
representation of facts, we promise to pay that sacred re-
gard to truth, which had our adversaries observed, we flat-
ter ourselves, it would have precluded the necessity of our
addressing your excellency on this occasion.
We are informed from good authority, that a number
of people from Marblehead and Scituate, have made ap-
plication to your Excellency, soliciting the aid of a de
tachment of his Majesty’s troops, for the security and
protection of themselves and properties. That their
fears and intimidation were entirely groundless, that no
design, or plan of molestation, was formed against them,
or existed in their own imaginations; their own de-
claration, and their actions, which have a more striking
language, abundantly demonstrate. Several men of un-
questionable veracity, residing in the town of Marblehead,
have solemnly called God to witness, before one of his
Majesty’s Justices of the peace, that they not only never
heard of any intention to disturb the complainants; but
repeatedly saw them, after they pretended to be under ap-
prehensions of danger, attending to their private affairs
without arms; and even after they had lodged their arms,
a few miles distant from their respective houses. They
frequently declared in conversation with their deponents,
that they were nor apprehensive of receiving any injury
in their persons or properties: and one of them, who is
a minor (as many of them are) being persuaded to save
his life, by adjoining himself to the petitioners, but af-
terwards abandoning them by the request of his father,
deposeth in the like solemn manner, that he was under
no intimidation himself, nor did he ever hear any of them
say that he was. It appears as evident as if written with
a sun-beam, from the general tenor of the testimony,
(which we are willing to lay before you Excellency, if
desired) that their expressions of fear, were a fallacious
pretext, dictated by the inveterate enemies of our consti-
tution, to induce Your Excellency to send troops into the
country, to augment the difficulties of our situation, al-
ready very distressing; and what confirms this truth, (if
it needs any confirmation) is the assiduity and pains which
we have taken to investigate it: We have industriously
and impartially scrutinized into the cause of this alarm,
and cannot find that it has the least foundation in re-
All that we have in view in this address, is to lay be-
for your Excellency a true state of facts, and to remove that opprobium, which this movement of the military
reflects on this county: and as a spirit of enmity and
falsehood is prevalent in the county, and as every thing
which comes from a gentleman of your Excellency’s ex-alted station, naturally acquires great weight and impor-
tance, we earnestly intreat your Excellency, to search in-
to the grounds of every report, previous to giving your
assent to it.
Signed by a number of selectmen.
Pembroke, February 7, 1775.
At a Meeting of the COMMITTEE for the County of
CRAVEN, and Town of NEWBERN, on the 4th Day
of March, 1775.
RESOLVED, that at this critical Juncture it becomes
the Duty of this COMMITTEE to remind their
Constituents, that several important Rules and Regula-
tions, established by the General Congress, have now late-
ly taken place; and they hereby beg Leave earnestly to
exhort them, as they regard the future Welfare of them-
selves and their Posterity, to remain firm and steady in
the common Cause of Liberty, and that they testify the
same by paying a sacred Regard to those Rules, as the
only Means left, under Divine Providence, of delivering
AMERICA from the cruel Hand of arbitrary Power: We,
of the COMMITTEE, at the same Time observe, with inex-
pressable Joy, that the People of New-York remain firm
in the good Cause of Liberty, notwithstanding every Art
that a corrupt Ministry, and a Set of despicable Scribblers
under them, could invent and put in Practice, to create
a Division of political Sentiments in that Province; and
that they have lately obliged Two Ships, richly laden
with BRITISH Goods, to leave their Port, and return to
the place from whence they came, agreeable to the Ar-
ticles of Association recommended by the General Con-
gress, which all are equally bound, by every Tie of Ho-
nour, mutual Faith, and personal Security, to observe
and support, for the arbitrary Designs of Parliament ap_
pear no longer under Disguise ---- the Standard of its Ty-
ranny is now erected in this once happy Land; and a
melancholy Sample have they afforded us, of what we
may expect in future from their Justice and Equity, if
we submit to their Edicts already past; for she not only
assumes the Right of taxing us at Pleasure, and, in short,
of making Laws to bind us in all Cases whatsoever; but,
to crown the Whole, she has past a Law for transporting
us like Felons occasionally over Sea, to be tried, con-
demned and punished, in Case we should at any Time
murmur at our Hardships, or prove otherwise obnoxious
to Men in Power; and to carry this most cruel Scheme
Column 2
of Tyranny into Execution, we find the Towns of our
Fellow Countrymen to the Northward infested with
Armies, and their Ports and Harbours with Fleets. Be
sensible, O Americans! of your Danger; let that unite
you together as one Man, and cease not to implore the
great Disposer of all Things to assist and crown with
Success the Councils of the General Congress.
R. Gogdell, Abner Nash, Richard Blackledge,
Farnisold Green, John Fonveille, James Davis,
Edmond Hatch, James Coor, Jacob Johnston,
Jacob Blount, Joseph Leech, Alex. Gaston,
William Bryan.
By his Excellency, JOSIAH MARTIN, Esquire,
Captain-General, Governor, and Commander in Chief,
in and over said Province.
WHEREAS an Advertisement is printed in the
Public Newspapers, and also industriously, circu-
lated about this Colony in hand-bills, dated from Per-
quimans County, the 11th day of February, 1775, re-
questing the counties and towns thereof to elect Delegates
to represent them in Convention at the town of Newbern
on Monday the 3d day of April next, and signed John
Harvey, Moderator AND WHEREAS the Name and
Authority of such an Officer and such Meeting is unknow
to the Law and Constitution of this Country, and such
an Invitation to the People may tend to ensnare the un-
wary and ignorant among his Majesty’s loyal and faithful
Subjects in this Province to partake in the Guilt of such
unlawful Proceedings, AND WHEREAS the Assem-
bly of this Province, duly elected, is the only true and
lawful Representative of the People to chuse
another Body of Representatives to meet at the Time and
Place appointed for the Meeting of the Assembly, is to
betray them into a Violation of the Constitution in a Point
wherein they are most materially concerned to support it,
a Contempt of that Branch of the Legislature which re-
presents the People, and highly derogatory to its Power,
Rights and privileges: I HAVE thought proper, by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Majesty’s Council of
this Province, to issue this Proclamation, and I do here-
by earnestl exhort the many good People of this Pro-
vince, who have to their Honour hitherto prudently with-
stood the insidious Attempt of evil-minded and designing
Men, that they do on this Occasion stedfastly persevere in
such loyal and dutiful Conduct, and continue to resist
and treat with just Indignation all Measures so subversive
of Order and Government, and so inconsistent with the
Allegiance they owe to his Majesty, and that they do
not subject themselves to the Restraints of tyrannical and
arbitrary Committees, which as already in many Instan-
ces proceeded to the Extravagance of forcing his Majesty’s
Subjects, contrary to their Consciences, to submit to their
unreasonable Seditious and chimerical Resolves, doing
thereby the most cruel and unparalleled Violence to their
Liberties, under the Pretence of relieving them from I-
maginary Grievances. AND I DO further exhort all his
Majesty’s Subjects in this Province, as they value their
dearest Rights under the Present happy Constitution, and
as they would testify their Duty and Allegiance to the
best of Kings, that they forbear to meet to choose Per-
sons to represent them in Convention, pursuant to the
Advertisement herein before recited. AND I DO also
earnestly recommend to them to renounce, disclaim,
and discourage all such Meetings, Cabals and illegal Pro-
ceedings, which artful and designing Men shall attempt
to engage them in, which can only tend to introduce
Disorder and Anarchy, to the Destruction of the real In-
terests and Happiness of the People and to involve this
Province in Confusion, Disgrace and Ruin.
GIVEN under my Hand, and the Great Seal of the
said Province, at NEWBERN, the 1st Day of March
Anno Dom. 1775, and in the 15th Year of his Ma-
jesty’s Reign.
GOD save the KING.
By his Excellency’s Command,
A private treaty having been entered into between the
Grand Signior and the Emperor and Empress of Germa-
ny, we have been favoured with the following extract
and account of it:
I. The Sublime Porte agrees to pay to the Imperial
Court, for the expences of the preparations for war,
twenty thousand purses of silver, of five hundred piastres
each (thirty millions of piastres) immediately after sign-
ing this convention, in the following order, viz. four
thousand purses to be sent immediately to the Frontiers,
and six thousand more to be sent afterwards to the same
place, with all convenient speed, but with the greatest
degree of secrecy. The whole sum to be afterwards paid
in the same manner. But if the necessity of keeping this
matter secret should cause a delay of one month, it shall
be no contravention to this agreement. Farther, if the
Imperial Court (as well as the respective commissaries on
each side should think proper to employ two or three
thousand purses to carry on certain secret views, they shall
be indemnified, and the Grand Signior will indemnify
them for it.
II. The Sublime Porte, to testify its gratitude and ac-
knowledgement to their Imperial Majesties for their gene-
rous proceeding, agrees to cede to them all the province
of Wallachia, and its dependencies.
By another article, the Imperialists are to have a free
trade throughout all the dominions of the Grand Signior.
By the last article, the Imperial Court is to deliver
from the hands of the Russians, either by arms or treaty
all the country and fortresses taken, or that shall be taken
from the Sublime Porte during the war.
Letters from Hamburgh mention, that an order has
just been issued out there, to prevent the merchants from
supplying the principal State of Barbary with cannon and
other warlike stores.
Yesterday, in pursuance of an advertisement for a meet-
Column 3
ing of the merchants and others concerned in the North-
American trade, there was a very numerous and respect-
able meeting at the King’s Arms tavern, in Cornhill, of
the most eminent merchants and traders of this city, to
consider of a petition to parliament on the present alarm-
ing situation of affairs with respect to America; the total
stoppage of all commerce to those parts; and the present
decline of the trade and manufactures in this kingdom.
A motion was made by Mr. Alderman Hayley, and se-
conded, that Thomas Lane, Esq; an eminent North-
American merchant, be placed in the chain, which was
carried unanimously. After the Chairman had informed
the company of the intent of the meeting, Mr. Barclay
moved, that an address be prepared and presented imme-
diatley to parliament, and a committee appointed to draw
up the same. A more respectable meeting was scarcely
ever known in the city of London, and every motion
was carried unanimously, except one gentleman, who ob-
served that there was no need of petitioning at present,>br>till they had information what the parliament would do,
after they had taken into consideration the petition from
the Congress of America to this Majesty, which petition
his Majesty promised to lay before the House the earliest
opportunity, and that they it would then be a proper
time for the merchants to meet and to take the matter
into consideration; but this was absolutely and unani-
mously rejected.
Yesterday morning, several chests of ordinance stores
were shipped in the river for North-America.
One house in the city has suffered upwards of 12,000l.
loss in its trade, since the resolutions concerning the non-
importation of goods took place in America; and we hear
some others have suffered to a considerable amount.
A letter from New-York says, “We are informed that
the seat of the government of West Florida will shortly
be removed from Pensacola to Brown’s Clifts, on the
Misissippi a little below Point Coupee.”
It is said, that in the course of the present sessions of
Parliament, a petition will be presented by a body of
Scotch merchants, for excluding the Dutch and other
foreigners from fishing on the coasts of Orkney or Shet-
land, or subjecting them to pay duty for each vessel em-
ployed in the said fisheries.
The New-York mail, which was to have been dispatch-
ed from the General Post-Office yesterday, is detained till
Saturday next, by order of Government, that it may
carry out some dispatches of great importance.
Three gentlemen of Scotland are expected home in the
first ships from the East-Indies, who have been abroad
only six years, and made fortunes of upwards of 20,000l.
It has been remarked, that notwithstanding the people
of Scotland, are only equal to one fourth part of the
people of England, yet three fourths of the gentlemen
who return immediately rich from the Eat-Indies are
John Grant, Esq; is appointed his Majesty’s Consul to
the Dey of Algiers.
We are informed that circular letters have been sent to
all the members now at their respective country-seats to
require their early attendance in parliament on the meet-
ing after the recess, for the further dispatch of business,
as some affairs of importance are to be taken into imme-
diate consideration.
The petition from the American congress to the King
has been presented to his Majesty by Lord Dartmouth,
and the same will be laid before the two houses of parlia-
ment at their next meeting.
A small squadron is ordered to be fitted out forthwith,
aid to be destined to a remote part of the world; the
orders and purpose of this voyage are not to be unfolded
to those concerned in it, till they shall arrive in a certain latitude.
The French are said to be fitting out, with all diligence,
at Brest, four ships of the line and three frigates, the de-
stination of which is an entire secret.
Capt. Fiot, of the Tartar, arrived at Dover from Nice,
the 28th ult. off Scilly, spoke with the Britannia, Ayres
from New-York for London, out nine weeks, who had
lost all her boats, two of the crew drowned, and sprung her foremast.
An American agent is said to have had an interview
with a leading person, when he insisted on the necessity
of repealing the American acts; hold, said the stateman
I, for my part will sooner submit to the block, than a-
gree that a single clause should be repealed.
Means are said to be using to keep up the spirit of par-
ty against government in France, that their attention
may be diverted from our disputes with the colonies by
their own nearer home.
Our constitutional right of levying an equitable taxa-
ation in our colonies is so clearly ascertained, that we are
amazed to find the spirit of sedition still continues to sub-
sist. But the wonder must be greatly abated, if not remo-
ved, when we observe the source from which it flows.-
Its continuance is principally owing to the wicked machi-
nations of faction on this side of the Atlantic, who embark
every combustible they can to feed the Bostonian fire, and
by transmitting such counsel as renders them no better
than the accessories of treason, they find means to keep
the ignorant in error, to impose on the credulous, and to
embolden the licentious, thus the colonists are excited per-
severe in their contumacy, and the dignity, right and in-
terest of the Mother-county, is shamefully sacrificed at
the shrine of a political Moloch, who is whimsically di-
stinguished by the name of modern patriotism.
Extract of a letter from Sheerness,<.p>
”The following humorous affair happened at this
place a few days ago: A young Gentleman, who is clerk
in a public office, enjoying one evening an agreeable TETE
A TETE with his mistress, they were unexpectedly distur-
bed by the lady’s father knocking at the door, and not
thinking it prudent for him and quil-drive to have an in-
terview, it was judged proper that the latter should be se-
creted, and the place of his retreat was to be a tub, in
which was held salt; and as he was neither in bulk or
stature a Goliath, it very conveniently held him; but the
old gentleman bringing home some sprats for supper, and
being very particular in his mode of dressing them, under-
took to go through the operation himself when unluck-
kily going for some salt to the identical tub in which was
our hero, and being in the dark, the inhabitant of the
wooden tenement bit his finger very severely, on which
the old man lustily roared out, “A rat, a rat!” and
going for a candle, in order to wreak his vengeance on
the author of his pain, the supposed little animal in the
Column 1
mean time made his escape, boasting, that however cun-
ning the old Don might think himself, yet he was not
sagacious enough at all times, “to smell a rat.”
Extract of a letter from the Hague, Dec. 27.
A war on the continent is, according to the present cir-
cumstances, almost unavoidable; to which end the con-
tinental princes actually have 1,625,000 of the best disci-
plined troops in readiness; but it is certain, that Great-
Britain will not be in the least connected in it; for we
are informed from undoubted authority, that a new alli-
ance has been treated on between Great-Britain, France,
and Spain, and which was the real cause of Lord M---
trip to Paris. Of this treaty the French boast, and say
it was bought at a prix d`or: the reason of which they
pretend is the affairs of America, which never could have
come to a serious consideration of the court of G----
B-----n, without previously obtaining the pacific determi-
nations of France and Spain. It is further said. that
the said treaty was finished under the guarantee of Prussia
and Sardinia, and which was the cause of changing am-
bassadors between the two latter courts.”
Orders are sent to Ireland to take up 2000 tons of ship-
ping in government service.
Extract of a letter from PARIS, December 17.
”Since his present Majesty’s accession to the throne,
and his appointing new Ministers, great numbers of pe-
titions have arrived from all parts, form the children and
grand-children of persons who were driven out of the
country on account of their religion, desiring to be resto-
red to the estates of their ancestors. The offers they
make of bringing with them their fortunes and families,
is an object of too great consequence not to be attended
to by Ministers who have the good of their Country at
heart; and accordingly they have consulted upon this
subject withe Count de Paulmy, who was formerly sent
by the Court into Provence and Languedoc, to settle the
disputes between the Clergy and the Protestants, from
whom an insurrection was apprehended. If the steps
and regulations then proposed by Count de Paulmy
had been put into execution, this kingdom would by this
time, have recovered immense sums of money, and some
thousands of inhabitants: but the Clergy, and the war
in 1744, frustrated all these measures, and the Protes-
tants were threatened with the utmost rigour of the or-
dinaces. Since the last peace some Ministers have been
less superstitious than their predecessors, and granted
toleration, in consequence of which many families have
Dublin, Dec. 24. The house of John Hooks, at Tur-
nings, in the county of Kildare, and five children, were
burned to ashes, the 12th instant, and he, his wife, and
remaining son, burned so severely, that their lives are dis-
paired off; also all his goods, cows, hay, and corn were
consumed; this melancholy accident was occasioned by a
candle failing in some flax, of which there was a quanti-
ty in the house.
Kilkenny, Dec. 21 Last Friday morning, about four
o`clock, a party of the White Boys came to the house of
William Abraham, proctor for the parish of Ahaboes, in
the Queen’s county, whom they carried off to the road
between Balyconia and Lisdowny, in the county of Kil-
Kenny, where they most savagely and inhumanly consul-
ted about mutilating him; some proposing to cut out his
tongue, pull out his eyes, and otherwise to disfigure him.
At length they concluded to cut off his ears, which they
accordingly did, and likewise abused him in such a man-
ner, that his life is despaired of. There were not more
than thirty of those rioters on this expedition, and they
were observed to drop off as they came near Lisdowney,
and unfrock themselves; and in the morning they very
civilly sent some saddles to Darrow, which the had bor-
roed in the night.
We have authentic advice of the 22d of last month,
from Ulster-county, that on Saturday night the 18th.
Mr. John Schoonmaker being in bed, overheard the
following conversation between his own negro York, and
a negro named Joe, belonging to Mr. Johannes Schoon-
maker, viz.
York. How many?----Joe. A great many. ----
York. From where?----Joe. From Keysereck, Hur-
ly, and Kingston.----York. How much powder have
they?----Joe. Two pounds.----York. That is not
enough. they should more to get through with it, and
drums enough to prevent hearing the cries. They will
begin, two at your house, two at John DePuis, and in
proportion more at other houses. It will be put in exe-
cution between this and Wednesday night; when once
begun, we must go through with it. We are to set fire
to the houses, and stand by the doors and windows, to
receive the people as they come out.
The above (in substance) being deposed before a magi-
strate, the two negroes were committed to goal; and to-
gether with several other negroes, examined next day be-
fore four magistrates who met for that purpose but no fur-
ther discoveries could then be made-
A letter from said place, names Marbletown, as well as
the three above mentioned, and that the negroes were to
be divided into parties, to fire the houses, cry fire, and
kill the people as they came out.---The motive for this
conspiracy was the recovery of their freedom. A large
quantity of powder and ball was found with several ne-
groes, and three are said to be advices in town, that be-
sides the two negroes before mentioned,seventeen or eigh-
teen more have been committed to goal.
A report has likewise been current in town for a day or
two past, that these negroes were to be joined by five or
sic hundred Indians, but it does not appear that there is
any good foundation for the report.
NORFOLK, March 23. 1775.
COMMITTEE CHAMBER, March 21, 1775.<.p>
find Ourselves under the disagreeable NECESSITY
of publishing to the WORLD; the Conduct of CAPT.
SAMPSON, Master of the Snow ELIZABETH, from
BRISTOL.----It is not in one Instance alone, that
he has discovered his OPPOSITION to the Measures adopt-
ed for the Security of our RIGHTS and LIBERTIES;
nor can he on any Account justify his REPEATED PRE-
VARICATIONS. It is not our Business to take Notice<.p>
Column 2
of his Passion and disrespectful BEHAVIOUR towards this
COMMITTEE, nor his indifferent CONDUCT without doors.
We shall confine Ourselves to the Relation of the follow
ing FACTS.----On the Thirteenth Day of Februa
-ry, he informed the COMMITTEE of his Arrival with a
Quantity of SALT, that his Snow wanted Repairs, and
as He should find it necessary to heave her down here, he
demanded the Consent of the COMMITTEE, to store the
SALT till the Snow could be refitted. The COMMITTEE
after careful Enquiries, (some of his Answers to which
we find since to be false,) did at Length consent, upon
Condition the SALT should be taken on Board again as
soon as possible, which Captain SAMPSON promised to
do.----Thus matters rested till the Eighth of March,
when this COMMITTEE was surprised with Information,
that He had given Bond at the Custom-house, and was
taking in Lumber without the SALT. He was sent for,
and after discovering a great Degree of Heat, did at length
give his repeated promise to take the SALT on Board as
soon as possible, and that he would begin the next Day.
More than a Week however has elapsed and he has as
yet complied with no Part of His PROMISE, nor taken
any of the Salt on board again, but has actually applied
for Protection to the SHIP of WAR, now in this Har-
bour, under whose stern the Snow lies, where it appears
he intends to load with GRAIN.
We the COMMITTEE, do therefore declare Captain
on Enemy to AMERICAN LIBERTY; and we trust
the Merchants, Planters, and Skippers, of Vessels, in
this COLONY will make him feel their righteous indig-
nation, by breaking off all Kinds of Dealing with him,
and that they will in no Ways be aiding or assisting in
procuring a Cargo for a MAN, who from the whole Te-
nor of his late Conduct has openly set the good people of
this COUNTRY at Defiance, and contributed his utmost
Endeavours to destroy their most essential INTERESTS.
Extract from the Minutes,
N. B. The other members of the COMMITTEE
were out of Town at the Time of signing.
The success which has attended that arduous and inte-
resting undertaking the Great Canal betwixt Forth and
Clyde, cannot but afford great pleasure to every one who
is zealous for the improvement of his country. On Tu-
esday last the water was let into it from Calder to the
Stocking-field about two miles from Glasgow, where store-
houses, &c. will be erected, and in a few days vessels may
be conveyed from the Frith of Forth to that place.
This Canal is carried by lock over lands 142 feet high-
er than the Sea water mark, and now is within 3.miles
of the river Clyde.
Query, would not a Canal cut from the Southern or
Eastern branches of Elizabeth river, to communicate
with the creeks that fall into the Sounds, Inlets, or Bays
of North-Carolina, (and which might be carried into exe-
cution at a small expence, comparatively with the above)
be productive of the most beneficial consequences to this
Mr. Printer,
Sir, By inserting the following LINES in your Paper,
you will much oblige, Sir,
Your humble Servant,
A. B.
On the First Fit of the GOUT.
WELCOME thou friendly earnest of Fourscore,
Promise of Health, that hast alone the Power,
T`attend the Rich unenvy`d by the Poor:
Thou that dost ESCULAPIUS deride,
And o’er his Fally Posts in Triumph ride:
Thou that art us`d t` attend the Royal Throne,
And underprop the head that wears the Crown:
Thou that in Privy Councils oft dost wait,
And guards from drowsy Sleep the Eyes of State;
Thou that upon the Bench art mounted high,
And warn`st the Judges how they wead Envy:
Thou that do`st oft from Pamper`d PRELATES Joe,
Emphatically urge the Pains below.
Thou that art always half the City’s Grace,
And add’st to Solemn Noddle Solemn’s PACE:
Thou that art ne`er from Velvet Slippers free,
Whence comes this unsought Honour unto Me:
Whence does this mighty Condescension flow,
To visit my poor Tabernacle? Oh!
As JOVE vouchsas`d on IDA`S Top `tis said,
At poor PHILEMON’S Ede to take a Bed,
Please’d with his poor but hospitable Feast,
Jove bid him ask, and granted his Request;
So do thou grant (for thou’rt of Race Divine.
Begot on VENUS, by the God of Wine.)
My humble Suit; and either give me Store,
to entertain thee, or ne`er see me more.
THE Subscriber will leave the Colony soon, and is
now selling off her stock of Goods, (cheap for ready
money,) at her Shop in Church-Street.---They consist of
Womens STOCKINGS of various sorts, Millenary Wares,
likewise many other Articles, too tedious to enumerate.
Also Household furniture, such as Feather Beds, Blan-
kets, Bed Linen, Looking Glasses, Chairs, Tables, &c.
The Goods and Furniture have been lately imported
from London, are fashionable, and in good condition.
NORFOLK March 14, 1775
BEST Surinam MOLASSES in Hogsheads,
Tierces and Barrels.
Column 3
A Tract of Land, consisting of about 280 Acres, ly-
ing in St. Bride’s parish, near Mount Pleasant, and
6 Miles from the Great Bridge. The Soil is of an ex-
cellent quality, and will in most Parts produce four bar-
rels of corn to the thousand; also the whole Stock on
the Plantation, viz. Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs, there is
ground cleared to raise 200 Barrels of Corn, and still im-
provable.---For particulars apply to the Subscriber at
said plantation, MATTHEW RANDOLPH.
Norfolk. March 23, 1775. (3) 42.
THE Brigantine Polly, William Irwin,
Master; Rhode Island built; about
Four Years old, and Four Thousand Bushels
Burthen; an Inventory of the materials may
be seen, and the Terms of the Sale known,
by applying to
Norfolk, March 23, 1775. (3) 42.
JOURNEYMEN Weavers, that are acquainted
with any of the following Branches, viz. Weaving of
Cotton Velvets, Velverets, Thicksets, Jeans, Sustians,
, Dimothy’`s, Counterpanes, Linen, Damask, Diaper,
Gauze, Lawn, or Woolens: Such will meet with good
encouragement by applying to
NORFOLK March 15, 1775- (tf) 41
N. B. The different pieces or patterns, when difficult,
troublesome, or intricate; will be prepared and mounted
for them.
WILL cover this Year at Three Pounds
the Season, twenty shillings the leap,
and Five Pounds Insurance. He stands from
Monday to Thursday, (inclusive) in the Week
at the Subscriber’s, and on Friday and Satur-
day at Mr. John Hutching’s in Norfolk. Bru-
tus was got by the late Duke of Cumber-
land’s Horse, King Herod, upon a Lincolnshire
draught Mare, was four Years old, the 5th
of this Month, and is a likely Stout Horse.
Princess Anne, March 16, 1775. [tf}
At his SHOP opposite Mr. JAMIESON’s.
nigh the MARKET- PLACE,
Begs Leave to inform the public, that he
makes all Sorts of Gold, Silver, and
Jewellery Work, and furnished them agreeable
to the newest Fashions, and sells at the lowest
Prices, for ready Money only. Those who
are pleased to favour him with their Com-
mands, may depend upon having their Work
done in the neatest Manner, and on the shortest
Notice; and their Favours will be most grate-
fully acknowledged.---Commissions, from the
Country will be carefully observed, and punc-
tually answered.
He gives the highest Prices for old
Gold, Sliver, or Lace, either in Cash or Ex-
change; and will be glad to take in an Ap-
prentice well recommended.
Norfolk March 23, 1775. (3) 42
As the Subscriber intends to leave the Co-
lony soon, he must entreat the Favour,
of all with whom he has had Dealings with,
to discharge their Accounts, which will enable
him to settle with those to whom he is indebt-
There is in my Hands several Accounts &c.
which was sent me to receive payment off which
I expect will be adjusted at the Meeting of the
Merchants in April.
Norfolk, March 23, 1775. (3) 42.
ABOVE Thirty Years ago, GEORGE WATSON,
a Weaver to Trade; son of GEORGE WATSON
Blacksmith in Town-head of Bervie, in the shire of Kin-
cardine, North-Britain: Was about 22 Years of age when
he left Home and went to MARYLAND. – His Friends by
different informations understood he carried on a Manu-
factory at Annapolis in the Weaving Branch.
If said GEORGE WATSON is yet alive, and meet or
hears of this Advertisement, He will know of Something
greatly to his Advantage, by applying to ROBERT
BAINES in NORFOLK, or to the Publishers hereof.
March 23, 1775
Page 4
Column 1
Sublimi feriam fidere vertice. Hor.
LED by the Muse thy starry mount I climb,
Which stands unhurt amidst the wrecks of time.
Here ample-handed Flora lays
A carpet of eternal flowr`s,
In gay rotation fly the nimble days,
And festive mirth lead on the dancing hours.
Yet has the light`ning blaz`d around its brow,
And left unsing`d the laurel’s verdant bough.
Untouch’d th’ immortal bays remain,
For nature fills the lofty space,
The goddess here has fix’d her stable reign;
’Tis sacred all, and heav’n protects the place.
From hence imagination cleaves the skies,
And all creation bursts upon mine eyes.
Whatever sleeps in ocean’s bed,
Or floats upon the fluid air,
Each humble vale, and mountain’s lordly head,
I see, and bow to him who plac’d ‘em there.
Oh poetry! who can thy joys proclaim!
Who, but thy bard, perpetuate thy name!
Ev’n I, the hindmost in thy train,
Obsequious to thy distant nod,
Dare in thy praise to lisp a feeble strain,
Yet tremble at th’ exulting critic’s rod.
Thou taught’s thy sister thy creative skill,
And lo! each image quickens at her will:
So potent is her sacred breath
The canvas lives at her command;
And shades of heroes long consign’d to death,
Resurge beneath her vivifying hand.
Nor does each portrait only seems to live
Beneath the pow’r her pencil deigns to give.
With such collective grace ‘tis fraught
Such warmth the rival colours dart,
That each bold figure teems with fancy’d thought
And nature owns the force of mimic art.
Nor les. does musick. ever-charming maid,
Feel the propitious advent of thy aid.
She harmonizes every sound,
As words, and sentiment inspire,
Make echo’s walls re-verberate around,
And wakes each note that slept within her lyre.
Sweet poetry! when bus’ness sets me free,
Oh! let me spend a vacant hour with thee.
For through thy channel’s ample maze
Fair harmony devolves its tide;
The smiling sun sheds inexhaulted rays,
As thro” JEHOVAH’S land they holy waters glide.
THE Subscriber sells by Wholesale and
Retail, all Sorts of DRUGS and ME-
DICINES at a low Advance; for READY
MONEY.---He wants a Quantity of VIRGI-
NIA SNAKE ROOT well cured; for which
he will give five Shillings current Money of
VIRGINIA, per Pound.---He wants also a
Quantity of BEES WAX, for which he will
give eighteen Pence per Pound.
NORFOLK, February 28, 1775. (3) 39.
A Tract of well timbered Land, contain-
ing about four Hundred and fifty Acres,
in the County of Currituck, North-Carolina;
Distant twenty four Miles from Norfolk, ad-
joining to the Lands of Messrs. Francis Wil-
liamson, and Tatem Wilson.---Credit will
be given, and the Times of Payment made
easy.---For further Particulars, apply at
Belville, to Thomas Macknight, Esq; or at
Norfolk to JAMES PARKER.
N. B. The Subscriber wants a NEGRO
or Mulatto Boy, used to taking Care of Hor-
ses, for which he will give Ready MONEY.
Norfolk, March 9, 1774. (3) 40.
FOWLER late of Wapping Street LON-
DON. Sand-man) be alive, and see this Ad-
vertisement, He is desired forthwith to apply,
or write to Capt. David Ross, Commander of
the Ship Betsey, now lying at Norfolk, who
will thereupon inform him of matters greatly
to his Advantage: Or if he will send a power
of Attorney to Mr. Michael Henley of Wap-
ping Merchant, constituting him Agent, or
Trustee to Act for him, till he can come to
England himself, and who will secure his inhe-
ritance for him. Mr. Henley having
been an intimate acquaintance of his late Fa-
ther, will forward his Affairs.
Any Person who can give an account of said
John Fowler, so as he may be found, or wrote
to; or if dead, will transmit an attested ac-
count of his death and burial, when, and where,
properly certified.-----All Charges and Ex-
pences attending the same, besides a handsome
Reward will be paid by applying to Capt.
Ross, or JOHN BROWN, & Co.
N. B. The above John Fowler went from England
as a Servant, about six or seven years ago, to some part
of North-America.
NORFOLK, February 23, 1775.
Column 2
At his Shop, in Church-Street, NOKFOLK*
MAKES all Sells all sorts of Locks, Hinges, large
Press Screws for Clothiers &c. He has lately en-
gaged able Tradesmen from LONDON, whom he employs
in finishing Cheaps and Tongues for Buckles, in the most
elegant, fashionable and compleat manner; in general he
performs every thing belonging to the White-Smiths bus-
iness. The PUBLIC may be assured that what the Sub-
scriber undertakes, he will; be punctual in executing, and
studious to give Satisfaction; and they may depend on
being reasonably charged.
NORFOLK March 8, 1775. 4 40
N. B. He makes Strong LOCKS for Prisons or Stores,
that cannot be pick’d; from four Dollars, to five Pounds.
Also marking Irons of any size or dimension, for bran-
ding of Casks &c.
On the 10th Day of April next, will be sold
to the highest Bidder, our Lots and Improve-
ments thereon, lying on CRAWFORD Street,
in the Town of PORTSMOUTH, in three
following Parcels, and under these Circum-
stances, viz.
A Street of thirty Feet wide is to run
through them from North to South,
parallel with Crawford Street, and 210 Feet
or thereabouts to the Eastward thereof.----
The Southerly LOT to contain seventy three
Feet on Crawford Street, and be bounded by
the Creek, that divides the Towns of Ports-
mouth and Gosport to the South, and the
middle Division to the North.---The middle
LOT to contain eighty Feet on Crawford
and be bounded by the North and
South Lots.----The North LOT to con-
tain seventy three Feet on Crawford Street,
and be bounded by the middle Division and
South Street.----The PURCHASER of the
middle LOT is to have the Privilege of bring-
ing and heaving down any Ship at his Wharf
provided he covers no more o the other two
than is necessary, and not more of the one
than the other.----The Advantages at-
tending these Lotts in point of Situation, Wa-
ter, and every Thing else that can recommend
them are so well known, that any Thing fur-
ther on this Head would be unnecessary.
Credit will be allowed the Purchasers, until
the 10th, of April 1776; upon giving Bond
and Security to
PORTSMOUTH, Feb. 15, 1775. (6) 37
THE Subscriber opens his DANCING
SCHOOL, at the Masons Hall on Friday,
the 17th instant: He solicits the GENTLEMEN,
and LADIES of NORFOLK, for their Interest,
in tutoring their CHILDREN in that BRANCH,
and may be assured that all due ATTENDANCE
will be given to satisfy THEM,
Norfolk, March 10, 1775. (3) 41.
The Imported HORSE, Young CARVER,
FOUR years Old this Summer, stands at the Subscribers
at the Great Bridge; Covers Mares, at 30 Shillings
the Leap, or three Pounds the Season.---Good Pastu-
rage(but none warranted to return if Stolen or strayed.)
CARVER, was got by old CARVER, a Horse the
property of his Majesty, by the famous York-Shire Lake
Mare, Lady-Legs. For further Particulars, ---See the
March 8th, 1775. (tf) 40
FOR SALE about three Thousand Bu-
shels of WHEAT; for Terms apply to
Norfolk, March 1, 1775. (tf) 39
A SCHOONER, two Years old; Bur-
then about twenty three hundred Bu-
shels. For Terms aply to
Norfolk, March 15, 1775. (2) 41
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Sub-
scriber forewarns all Persons from Cut-
ting or Carting on her Plantation, lying on
the Southern Branch; Likewise the Procession
Masters from processioning the Line now made;
without giving Notice to her at Hampton.
March 14, 1775. (3) 41.
Column 3
DECEMBER 7th, 177[?]
I delivered to DANIEL COTTERAL, Skipper
of a small Schooner; sundry Goods for Mr.
JOHN MILLS, viz. Three Hogsheads
Rum, a Barrel Brown Sugar, one Tierce Spi-
rits, two Kegs Barley, and a bundle of Cut-
lery: these ought to have been delivered at
COLCHESTER. Also two hundred Bushels
Wheat, and one Tierce Spirits; for Mr. RI-
the said Cotteral had taken on board the Goods
above mentioned, he took in a Cask of Sadle-
ry, two baskets Cheese, one Cask Loaf Sugar,
and some other Goods, from Mr. JAMES MILLS,
at Urbana; which were also to have been de-
livered to Mr. JOHN MILLS at Colchester; Mr.
JOHN MILLS informed me by letter dated the
16th instant, that the said Vessel or Goods have
not yet appeared there. I therefore apprehend
that the said Vessel is carried off by one Isaac
Boston, who was a Sailor belonging to said
Schooner: and went off while the Skipper
COTTERAL was on shore.
Mr. JOHN MILLS desires me to make
this publication, and to offer a reward of Twen-
ty POUNDS, for apprehending and securing
said Vessel and Cargoe; or FIVE POUNDS, for
the Man who carried her off.----Boston is a-
bout 43 years of age, full six feet high, wears a
cut wig. His hair is of a sandy colour, he had a
son in the Vessel with him, about 15 or 16 years
of age. He has two Brothers and a Sister, liv-
ing on Pocomoake river Maryland, and it is
supposed he has gone that way: he resided
there lately. The Vessel has been of late
sheathed and ceiled, her quarter deck is cove-
red over with old canvas; she had no spring
stay or shrouds, her frame is mulberry; the re-
ward will be paid by applying either to Mr.
Urbana, JOHN MILLS at
Colchester; SAMUEL JONES at Cedar Point
TAPPAHANNOCK 20th January, 1775.
KEYSER’S celebrated PILLS.
FOR removing and eradicating the most
confirmed Venereal Disorders, are to be
sold at the Printing-Office. (Printed directions
for using them, may be had gratis.
QUHARSON Master; has good Accomo-
dations for Passengers: Will sail about the
first of April.----Apply to said Captain on
board, or to Messrs. INGLIS & LONG
NORFOLK March 17, 1775. (I) 42
AS the Subscriber intends to leave this
Place soon, the Reason is, he has not
materials to carry on his Business. Those to
whom he is indebted, will be paid in such
Goods as he generally makes or mends. And
those who have Materials or Goods to make
or mend in his Hands, are desired to send
or call for them, within ten Days from the
Date thereof.
Norfolk, March 16, 1775. (3) 41
RUN away from the Subscriber, the 1[?]
of last month, a negro Fellow named
DANIEL; about 22 Years Old, well Set, a-
bout Five Feet Five or Six Inches High, of
a yellow Complexion, has a small Scar under
one of his Eyes, a gloomy Countenance, and
seldom looks one in the Face: He is used to
the Bay Trade, and as he is a great Villain,
it is suspected he will change his Name, and
endeavour to pass for a free man.---Had on
when he went off, a Fearnought Jacket, a
pair of old blue Breeches, and an Oznabrig
Shirt; but as he is an old Offender, it is pro-
bable he will change his Clothes.----He run
away last July, and got down to Norfolk, had
shipped himself as a free Man for Sea a-
agin.----Whoever takes up said negro and de-
livers him to me, or secures him so that I
may get him again, if within the Colony,
shall receive a Reward of THREE POUNDS, from
March16. 1775. (1) 42
N. B. All Masters of Vessels and others,
are forbid employing, harbouring, or carrying
off said Negro at their Peril.