Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Cookbook, 1836


Dublin Core


Cookbook, 1836



Cookbook dated 1836 containing a variety of different recipes for beverages, jellies, puddings, cakes, breads, sweets, and one possibly medicinal tonic for sweetening the blood. Finishes with a method for rendering tallow. Table of contents on the first page lists only recipes up to page 24 out of 40. Several people are mentioned as sources of recipes, though without enough to the name to identify them. Origins unknown. Across the bottom of the pages marked 37 and 38, upside down to the rest of the text, is a semi-legible heading to begin a ledger. It appears to read: By Gff Battakey m____y with Robt Hill Carter by 1835 Jan 12 back 1000


Text Item Type Metadata


Page 1


Breads & Yeast Pages 1&2
Sponge Cakes & Rice shapes   3&4
Plumb Pudding P.Pancakes   4&5
Rice Pudding   5
Apple Pudding, P Puffs, P Pudding   6
Orange Pudding Citron Pudding   8
Green Sweetmeats Quince Jelly   9&10
Quince Marmalade Peach Jam   11&12
Beer & Sweeten the Blood   14&15
Blanc Mange   17
Calves Feet Jelly   18&19
R Vinegar Gingerbread & jumbles   21:22
Cakes Wafers Indian M. Pudding   23:24

Page 2


Receipts for cooking 1836
To make Yeast Mrs J. R_d
Boil six lare irish potatoes
soft & peel them hot mash
them up with half a pint
of flour mix it with a
little cold to preveint it be
=ing full of lumps; a large
handful of hops boiled to a
strong tea, poured slowly
through a colander into
the potatoes, stirring it all
the time with a spoon, then
strain it again through a
colander into a skillet, mash
=ing all the lumps, let it

Page 3


boil 15 minutes, then sweeten
& bottle it.

To make Bread
To every pint of Flour a
table spoonful of yeast & a
tea spoonful of salt, cold
water in Summer & in win
=ter the air taken off, suffici
=ent to make it very stiff &
worked until the blisters
begin to rise.

Sponge Cake Miss Rives
The weight of ten eggs in sugar,
6 in flour & season it to your
taste with essences of Lemon or
any thing else you may have.

Page 4



Rice in shapes for a Desert
Grind or beat fine, half a
pint of rice, put it into cold
& boil it till nearly soft, pour
in a pint of sweet milk,
boil it & stir it all the time
Until thicken like buttered eggs
sweeten & season it with rose
water to your taste, dip the
moulds in cold water &
pour in the rice, eat it with
cream, sugar & nutmeg.

Plumb Pudding Mama
12 eggs 1lb of Flour 1lb of sugar
1lb of butter 1lb of plumbs cit=
=ron or lemon peal nutmeg


Page 5



& a small piece of mace. Dip
your cloth in poiling water
& flour it well let it boil 3
hours & a half. The water must
boil when you put your
pudding in
Citron and currant are a great
improvement when you add
them put in fewer plumbs
N.B. Brandy or Wine- half
a wine glass

To make Paper Pancakes
Take a pint of milk half a lb
of flour quarter of a lb if butter
melted, 8 eggs - the whites of
3 left out, about half a gill of


Page 6



wine. The frying pan needs
no more butter than a pud=
=ding dish & that only the
first time for the richness
of the pancakes are sufficient
after. Never toss them or let
them be discoloured, one
large spoonful is enough
for a pancake.

A Rice pudding
Take 4 oz of rice boil it in
milk till it is thick then
add four ounces of butter
beat to cream, 6 ozs of sugar
the yolks of 8 eggs & lemon peels

Page 7



Apple Pudding
Take nine coddled apples, put
9oz of butter, 9 eggs sweeten it
to your taste

Pudding Puffs
Take half a pint of cream
3 eggs a little nutmeg & 3 spoon
=fuls of flour beat all together
butter your cups & bake them
a quarter of an hour in a
cool oven

Potatoe Pudding
Take the yolk of 8 eggs 6 ounces
of sugar 6oz: of butter a large
cup of potatoes boiled & pulped
through a sifter

Page 8



Curd Cheese Cakes
Take a quart of milk & turn
it with vinegar, wash the
curds in cold water & squeeze
it in a cloth & beat it in a
mortar. The yolk of 6 eggs
4oz: of butter 4oz of sugar add
a glass of wine.

Lemon Pudding
1lbof fine sugar, the yolks of
16 eggs well beat the rind
of four lemons grated fine
the juice of 2 half a lb of
butter - bake it in a crust
N.B. The butter to be


Page 9



Orange pudding
Take the rinds of 2 oranges
boil them till tender & then
beat them to a paste, the
yolks of 12 eggs, half a lb of
sugar & half a lb of butter

Citron pudding
Take the yolks of 12 eggs, half
a lb of sugar & half a lb of
butter melted - a paste at
the bottom of the dish with
the citron sliced.

Green Sweetmeats Mrs L R
of the Citron Melon
Pare off the outside of the rind


Page 10



& as much of the inside as will
free it from the seed, cut it
in to whatever shapes fancy
may dictate. Put it into
water & boil it until a straw
will readily pass through it.
drain the water perfectly
from it, wipe each piece
with a cloth & to each piece
of melon add one of sugar
boil them until they are quite
transparent. Lay the pieces
in dishes & make a fresh syr
=rup which you may season
to your taste, with Lemon &c
Put them in a pan& pour the
syrup boiling hot to it.

Page 11



Quince Jelly
Select the finest &smp; most per=
=fect quinces, take off the stems
& blossoms wash them clean
& cut them in slices without
paring, fill the pan & pour
in water to cover them, stew
them gently putting in wa=
=ter until they are soft = then
pour them into a jelly bag,
let all the liquor run thro:
without pressing it, which
must be set aside for the
best jelly. To each pint of jelly
put a lb of loaf sugar pounded
& boil it to a jelly, the bag may
be squeezed for inferior jelly.

Page 12



Quince Marmalade
Boil the quinces in water
until soft, set them to cool
& rub all the pulp through
a sieve, put 2 pounds of it
to one of sugar & boil it stir=
=ring it all the time with
a wooden ladle unil it
is a thick jelly, let it cool
& put it into pots.

Peach Jam
Get the ripest peaches, stone &
bruise them, put them into
a preserving pan & let it boil
mash them, stirring them
with yout paddle, when they


Page 13



are soft, pass them through
a hair sieve; to every pound of
the peaches put in three quar=
=ters of a lb of Loaf Sugar
(Mrs J R_d puts only half a lb)
& boil it half an hour stir=
=ring it all the time from
the bottom, when cold put
it into your pot & dip a
piece of white paper in F
Brandy & lay it on your jam.

Currant Shrub
Gather your Currants when
full ripe on a dry day mash
them, then put them into

Page 14



a flannel (or cotton) bag &
when the juice has all run
out, to every pint put 12 oz
of loaf sugar & half a pint
of Rum bottle & seal it&
set it away for use -- this
receipt answers equally
well for Cherries. The shrub
is indifferent unless the
Rum is good.

Morello Cherry Bounce
Gather & pick your cherries
when perfectly ripe put
them into a tub & mash
them with a rolling pin
stones & all & to every five pints

Page 15



of cherries put a quart of Rum
let it stand a week, strain
it through a flannel bag
to every gallon of Bounce
put 3/4 of a lb of brown sugar
cheap Rum at 75 cts or 50 cts
a gallon answers equally
as well as the best spirit for

Treacle Beer Mrs M Roofs
Boil 1/2 a poind of Hops
to a strong tea strain it &
add one gallon of Treacle or
molasses, put it into your cask
(say ten gallons) fill it up with
cold water then put in a


Page 16



quart of yeast to ferment it,
& when the fermentation
is over bung it up. about
the second day it may be
bunged up & the third day
it is fit to drink &amp to bottle.
N.B. in cold weather you
must let it stand a longer
time before it is used.

To Sweeten the Blood
2 oz. of Sasafras 4 oz of Bur=
=dock 1 gallon of water to be
boiled to 2 quarts. Take a
wine glass every day at 12 o'clock
Add a little cremo tartar.


Page 17



Cream Jelly Mrs J R___d
Take 1 quart of Calves or Beefs
feel jelly, without seasoning,
take off all the fat, add to
it a pint of good cream
the weight of a six penny
piece in mace, half a lb of
sugar put it in a bell met=
=al skillet & let it boil three
minutes & a half over a slow
fire, strain it thro: a fine
muslin. Stir it frequently
whilst cooling when it be =
=comes a little thick wet yr:
moulds & pour it into them &
let them stand until the next


Page 18



Blanc Mange
You must take a quart of
cream & half an oz of ising
=glass, beat it fine & stir it into
the cream. Let it boil softly
over a slow fire a quarter
of an hour, keep stirring it
all the time, then take it
off the fire sweeten it to yr:
palate & put in a spoonful
of rose water & a spoonful
of orange flower water strain
it & pour it in a glass or bason&
when it is cold turn it out
It makes a fine side dish, eat
it with cream, jelly wine or
what you please.


Page 19



Calves Feet Jelly
boil two calves feet in a gallon
of water till it comes to a quart
then strain it let it stand till
cool, skim off all the fat clean
& thake the jelly up clean, If there
is any settling in the bottom
leave it, put the jelly into a
saucepan with a pint of white
wine half a lb. of loaf sugar, the
juices of 4 large lemons -- beat up
six or eight whites of eggs with
a whisk, then put them into a
saucepan & stir all well together
till it boils, Let it boil a few
minutes. Have ready a large


Page 20



flannel bag pour it in, it
will run through quick pour
it again until it runs clear
then have ready a large bason
or bowl with lemon peel cut
as thin as possible, let the jelly
run into that bason & the
peels both give it a fine am=
=ber colour & a flavour, with a
clean silver spoon fill yr;


Page 21



To make Buns Grandmama
To half a gallon of flour, add
a gill of yeast, half a pint of
sugar 2 spoonfuls of butter
& 2 eggs

A Good Dram
To a gallon of Brandy put
a quart of water one pound
of sugar 3 spoonfuls of beat
=en orange peel & a gill of

Rusks Mrs S
Three lbs: of flour, half a pound
of butter, three quarters of a
lb: of brown sugar, 4 eggs, a tea cup
of yeast -- made up with milk

Page 22



Raspberry Vinegar
Measure your raspberries into
a bowl & pour over them an e=
qual quantity of vinegar. The
next day take out the fruit=
&add as much more to the
same vinegar. The day follow
=ing remove the raspberries as
before & again replace them
with fresh & on the fourth
day put to each pint of liquid
a lb. of loaf sugar -- place it
in a skillet on a gentle fire
simmer & skim it for a short
time when it will be ready
to bottle for use -- Seal it down


Page 23



3 lbs of Flour, 1lb. of sugar, 1lb.
of butter, 2 ozs of Ginger, near
half a pint of molasses, 1 gill
of cream warmed, work the
ingredients very stiff & bake
them in a slack oven.

To a lb of flour add half a lb
of sugar 6 oz of butter 3 eggs &
a little mace or nutmeg.

Mrs D Cocke's Cakes
1 lb of sugar, 1 lb of butter the
yolkes of 4 eggs, a tea spoonful
of Pearl Ash, a tea cup of
cream & as much flour as
will make into a paste.

Page 24



4 eggs 4 oz of butter, 4 oz of sugar
4 oz of flour & a little mace es=
=sence of lemon or nutmeg

Indian Meal Pudding
To 1 quart of milk boilled with
a stick of cimmamon take 9
eggs -- beat them to a light
froth then mix half a lb of
fine flour of Indian corn,
(that has been searched,) with
the eggs & put in the milk
over a slow fire until it is
thick as it can be made keeping
it stirring constantly over


Page 25



the fire or it will burn -- when
thick enough take it off the
fire & stir into it 1/2 lb. of but=
=ter add grated nutmeg sweet=
en it with sugar to yr taste
when 'tis quite cold add a
glass of sack or madeira wine
with 2 spoonfuls of rose wa=
=ter some sliced very thin, stir
all these together. Have a
dish ready sheeted with puff
paste & round the rims of the
dish -- then pour in the pud=
=ding. Ornament the pudding
& rims of the dish with large
slices of Citron & send it to the


Page 26



Currant Jelly
Strip the currants from the
stalks, put them in a stone jar
stop it close, set it in a kettle
of boiling water half way the
jar, let it boil half an hour, take
it out and strain the juice, put a
lb of sugar, set it over a fine
clear quick fire in your pre=
=serving pan or bell metal
skillet, keep stirring it all the
time till the sugar is melted,
then take the scum off as
fast as it rises. When your
jelly is very fine & clear pour it
into gallipots; when cold cut


Page 27



white paper just the size of the
pots & lay on the jelly, dip those
papers in Brandy, then cover
the top close with white paper
& prick it full of holes, set it
in a dry place, put some into
glasses & paper them.

To Green Sweetmeats
Lay them in salt & water. 8 days
then in fresh water one night
then simmer them in allums
water till they are green & let
them stand three days & nights
changing the water twice a
day wipe them in a coarse
towel scald them in a thin


Page 28



syrrup; take them out & let them
cool (one spoonful of Brandy
in the first syrrup) then make
a thick syrrup to keep them
in taking care not to put them
away in hot syrrup. Let your
Ginger lay in salt & water 3
days changing the water once
a day, then scrape & slice it,
make a syrup to preserve it
Citron Water Melons are
done in the same way ex=
=cept putting them in salt
& water.

Breandy Peaches S Littlepage
Make a rich syrrup. Have Ley


Page 29



boiling hot put in a few Peaches
at a time & let them remain
just long enough to take off the
fur. Wipe or rub them as they
are taken out with a coarse
towel & drop them in cold wa=
=ter -- then put the Peaches in
syrup & let them boil gently
till a straw will pierce the
fruit -- when sufficiently done
put them in a pan & whilst
the syrup is hot mix equal quan
tities of Brandy with it & pour
it hot over the Peaches.

Brandy Cherries
Select the nicest cherries, trim them


Page 30



leaving a short stem to each cherry
that the juice may be retain
=ed. Wash & wipe them gently &
put them in large mouthed
bottles. Have ready a good syrup
(a pint of water to a lb of sugar)
& when it is nearly cold add
one pint & a half of F.B. to
every pint of syrup mix it
thoroughly & pour it cold over yr:
cherries. Seal the bottle well.

Bread Cake
A loaf of Bread made with
milk instead of water in the
morning break in five eggs half a
lbs (or less of butter) 3 quarters of a


Page 31



lb (more or less) of brown sugar one
nutmeg mix them all well
with your hand then beat it
light with a butter stick un=
til light put it into the mould
& set it one side to rise until
evening -- if the cake is wanted
for dinner put in half the
ingredients over night

Mince Pie
Take three pounds of suet shred
very fine & chopped as small as
possible* 2 lbs of currants nicely
picked, washed & rubbed & dried
at the fire, half a hundred of
fine pippins pared cored &
(*2 lbs: of raisins stoned & well chopped)


Page 32



& chopped small, half a lb: of fine
sugar powdered fine a quarter
of an oz of Mace, a quarter of an
oz of cloves 2 large nutmegs all
beat fine put all together into a
great pan & mix it well with
half a pint of Brandy, half a
pint of sack, put it down close
in a stone pot & it will keep good
four months. When you bake
yr: pies take a little dish some
thing bigger than a soup plate
& lay a thin crust all over it, lay
a thin layer of meat & then a
thin layer of citron cut very thin
then a layer of mince meat


Page 33



& then a thin layer of orange peel
cut thin, over that a little meat,
& pour in three spoonfuls of red
wine, lay on yr: crust & bake it
nicely. These pies eat finely
cold. If you chuse meat in yr:
pies, chop in two or three lbs: of a
sirloin of beef boiled.

To 1 quart of flour add 2 eggs
2 oz of butter, half a coffee
cup of yeast & as much milk
as will make the batter the
consistency of Pancakes. The
milk & batter to be mixed
warm enough to melt the butter

Page 34



The eggs must be whipped up
& put to the batter in the mor=
=ning -- stir the whole well to=
=gether before they are baked.

Muffins MrsCocke
One quart of flour two eggs a table
spoonful of yeast as much milk
warm from the cow as will make
a stiff batter set it to rise in
be the morning beat up your
batter in the morning well & bake
it upon a griddle

Into 1 quart of flour rub a large
spoonful of butter & 3 eggs whites
& yolks. put in as much milk


Page 35



as will make it the consistency
of paste roll them and bake
them on a griddle -- dip them
in butter melted in a plate

French Rolls
Make them up over night as
for breakfast. To every pint of
flour put the yolk of one egg
work it in well in the morning
work in 1 oz of butter they must
be baked quickly & sent in hot
otherwise they are indifferent
N.B. After working the butter
into the dough it should rise
till about half an hour before
you bake when the dough


Page 36



should be formed into as many
tolls as you wish & suffered to
rise, cover it with a towel till
you bake them.

Flannel Cakes
Take 1 quartof flour at night
2 eggs a tablespoonful of yeast
& sweet milk enough to make a
thin batter, beat it all well
together & set it to rise till mor=
ning. N.B. If the batter should
become too thick add a little
more milk ot water in the mor=
ning bake them on a griddle


Page 37



Charlotte Russe Mrs Hampton
Dissolve one oz of isinglass in
a tumbler of water, add to it
three tumblers of new milk
& one large vanilla bean
bruised, boil it slowly until
reduced to one third, beat
the yolks of 6 eggs with 8 oz
of fine sugar, pour the infu
=sion upon the eggs and sugar,
stir it well & return it in
to the saucepan, place it on
the fire again, stirring it un
=til it begins to thicken; just
as you are about to take the
mixture off the fire, stir


Page 38



in the white of the eggs put
it away to cool. When per=
fectly cold have a pint of
thick sweet cream beaten
to a fine froth, add this to
the mixture, pour it into
a form surrounded by fin=
ger or sponge cake. Set it
on ice or in some cold place
Where it must remain
at least one hour before
you turn it out of the mould.
The white of the eggs must
be beaten very light before
it is added to the mixture.


Page 39



Mrs Garber's receipt
A pint of Hops & a quart
of flour, a teacup of sugar
& a tablespoonful of soda (or
sal aratis) Boil the Hops
with the flour whilst hot
then put it on the fire
& scald it put it in the
sugar amp; soda the 2d day.


Page 40



Tallow Mrs John Coles
When you try up your
tallow strain it through
a coarse oznaburgs towel
when you boil the tallow
put it in large pots half
full of water boil it for
about two hours & take the scum
off carefully (trim the
dirt off the bottom before
you put it on to boil) & then
put it aside to cool. Next
day put the tallow on again
& boil it about an hour &
skim & strain it. When you
go to fill your moulds make
it enough for the watery


Page 41



particles to escape in bubbles
it should not be too hot when
you put

Original Format

Ink on paper


“Cookbook, 1836,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 25, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/657.