Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 1385, October 17, 1777


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 1385, October 17, 1777



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The Freedom of the Press is one of the great Bulwarks of Liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic Governments.
[OCTOBER 17, 1777.] WILLIAMSBURG: Printed by Dixon & Hunter. [No. 1385.]

Column 1

Extract of a letter from a General officer, dated Pawlin's Mill, October
4th, 1777.

On the 2d of this instant the plan laid for attacking the enemy, by
surprise, was put in execution yesterday the 3d, upon the disposition
following. We begun our march at 6o'clock the evening before, with
an intention to begin the attack at 5 next morning. Generals Sullivan's
and Wayne's divisions formed the right wing, in order to attack the
enemy’s left; Generals Green and Stephen's divisions to form the
left wing, and attack the enemy's right; General Conway's brigade to
march in front of the troops that composed the right wing, and file off to
attack the enemy's left flank; General McDougall to march in front of
the troops that composed the left wing, and to file off to attack the ene-
my's right flank; Generals Nash and Maxwell's brigades to form a
corps of reserve; Generals Smallwood and Fenner's, with the militia
from Maryland and Jersey, to attack the enemy's right wing in flank
and rear; General Armstrong's militia of Pennsylvanians to attack the
enemy on their left flank, and rear. The proper measures, previous to
this enterprise, being concerted, we marched at the time mentioned, but
having 14 miles to march, did not arrive so soon as we expected, so that
it was near 6 in the morning of the 3d before the attack became general.
The enemy's whole force was collected. We drove them two miles
with considerable loss on their side. Our loss cannot be ascertained as yet;
they have made some of our men prisoners. The loss of the enemy is
uncertain, but believe they have suffered much, as we passed great num-
bers of them slain in the field. Our army arrived here again last night,
much fatigued, having marched all night and all day without halting or
refreshing and am happy to find they have no objections to another
trial, which must take place soon. The enemy were posted at German-
town, and all their troops from Philadelphia were called up the evening
before, which makes me think they got wind of our intentions, notwith-
standing the precautions used to prevent it."

Extract of a letter from a member of Congress, dated York, Oct. 10, 1777.

"On the 4th instant, our army made a wise and well concerted attack
upon the British force, encamped at and near Germantown; the enemy
were surprised, forced, and actually beaten; we were in possession of
their camp, tents, artillery, &c. but they rallying to make a last effort,
and our right and left columns in that instant approaching each other in
their victorious progress, were, by each, mistaken for a fresh reinforcement
coming up to the enemy, and instantly began to retreat, without allowing
a possibility of being stopped. This was occasioned by a thick fog, and
such a state of air as kept down the smoke of cannon, &c. so as to pre-
vent the distinguishing of objects above 50 yards. Thus the enemy,
though beaten, kept the field, and accident deprived us of a brilliant
victory that was absolutely in our possession. Our troops however retired
in order, though with too much precipitation, and brought off their
wounded, cannon, and every thing else. Our loss in this affair is about
700 killed, wounded, and missing; that of the enemy very considerable
no doubt, as they were pushed before our army 2 miles; but this is ren-
dered more certain by an account brought from Philadelphia by a person
who can be relied on, that left the city since the battle. He says that the
enemy lost General Agnew, Colonels Abercrombie, Walcott, Byrd of
Virginia, and General De Heister's son killed, General Kniphausen
wounded in the hand, and that between 2 and 300 waggons load of
wounded were brought into the city before he left it; this is confirmed
by many Quakers who were at the yearly meeting, and who add, that
Howe had actually sent 2000 Hessians over Schuylkill, probably to secure
a retreat. He refused to let any of the inhabitants of Philadelphia see
the field of battle. On our part, General Nash is dead of his wounds,
Colonel Hendricks and Lieutenant Colonel Parker from Virginia, wound-
ed, but not mortally; two of General Sullivan's Aids mortally wounded,
Colonel Stone of Maryland wounded, not mortally. We have not yet
a particular list of the killed and wounded from the General. Last even-
ing came an account to town that Captain Barry had attacked the frigate
Delaware (lately taken from us at Philadelphia) with the brig Andrew
Doria of 14 guns and 2 gallies, and had retaken the frigate. It is fine
news if it proves true. Our army is in excellent spirits, satisfied they

Column 2

can beat the enemy, and keen for another opportunity of trying; they
will probably be indulged in a few days, as our Virginia reinforcements
of 17 or 1800 have got up since the engagement."

»The present high Price and Scarcity of Paper obliges the PRINTERS
to call upon their Subscribers, who are in Arrears to them for Gazettes,
&c. to discharge their several Balances immediately; those who are in-
debted to them for two years Gazettes, and do not pay off by the 31st of

December next, will have no more Papers sent them after that Date.


The Sale at Westover, the Seat of the late Hon.
Wm. Byrd, Esq; instead of the 1st Monday in
November next, is postponed to the 1st Thursday
of the same Month.

LOST from Fridericksburg the 6th Instant (October) a BLACK
HORSE about fourteen and a Half Hands high, hanging Mane
and Tail, branded on the near Buttock c, shod before, has had a Fis-
tula. A Reward of 10 EOLLARS will be paid to any person who will
deliver him to me, or to Mr. Thomas Allen in Fredericksburg.

To be SOLD, for ready Money, at public Vendue, on Wednesday the 5th
November, at Suffolk, the following Articles, just imported in the Sloop
Independence, vis.

THIRTY two Hogsheads of French Rum, 16 ditto Demerara Spirits,
4 or 500 Bushels of Salt, 20 Barrels of Sugar, 20 ditto Coffee,
180 1b. black Pepper, 60 Pieces of Linen of different Qualities, and 18
Packs of Pins, 6000 a Pack.

For SALE, and may be entered on this Fall,
THE Subscriber's Lots and Houses in the City of Williamsburg. The
Square being surrounded by Streets, is detached from all other
Buildings, and contains about eight Lots, great Part of which constitute
a very large Garden, well enclosed, and very well cropped. The Dwel-
ling-House is large and commodious, having four Rooms on a Floor,
and is in pretty good Repair, the Offices are numerous and convenient,
some of them nearly as good as new; an exceeding fine Spring is very
convenient to the House.---Also, a very large and valuable Pasture adjoin-
ing the City, and under a good Enclosure, it includes several very fine
Springs, and a valuable Piece of Meadow, pretty well reclaimed____
Also a Plantation on Powhatan Swamp, containing about 500 Acres,
more or less well wooded and watered, and about six Miles from Wil-
It will Work eight Hands to Advantage, and the Buildings
may be made convenient enough with little Repair. There is on the
Land a very valuable young Apple Orchard and a Number of good Peach
Trees. It contains a large Quantity of very rich Swamp; about fifteen
Acres are well reclaimed, and under a good Fence, and yield a consi-
derable Quantity of fine Hay every year.
WILLIAMSBURG, Oct. 16, 1777.

WILLIAMSBURG, October 17, 1777.
ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of Mr. John Pinkney, deceased,
are desired to make immediate Payment, and those having any De-
mands against the said Estate are requested to make them known to
JACOB BRUCE, Administrator.

Page 2
Column 1

To be SOLD, on Thursday the 6th Day of November next, it fair, if not
the next fair Day,

ALL the personal Estate of Capt. Joel Sturdivant, deceased, on Ward's
Creek, Prince George County, consisting of about 30 choice Virgi-
born SLAVES, Stock, Household Furniture, blooded Horses, &c.
Ready Money only will be taken. All Persons who have any Demands
against the said Estate are desired to bring them in properly proved, and
those indebted to the said Estate are requested to make immediate Pay-
ment to JOHN STURDIVANT, Executor.

BLAND'S ORDINARY (Prince George) Oct. 4, 1777.
RUN away from the Subscriber last Night, a likely young Negro
Wench named HANNAH (Daughter of Sykes's Doctor) 18 or 19
Years of Age, a middle Stature, a good Deal like her Father, the well
known Fiddler. This is the third Time of her Elopement since the Spring,
and I am satisfied she was formerly harboured by ill disposed Persons,
who may do so again, unless made aware that I am determined to prose-
cute them, if detected, and therefore promise a Reward of TEN POUNDS
on Conviction of the Offender, if a free Person. Hannah was dressed in
a fine Virginia Cloth Jacket, bound at the Skirts and Sleeves with Pieces
of Calico and Virginia Cloth, Petticoats of striped Cotton and Yarn,
white Cotton Shift, Linen Handkerchief, a black Chip Hat, and Shoes
and Stockings, she is fond of Dress, and has other Clothes that I cannot
describe. Her Hair was lately cut in a very irregular Manner, as a Punish-
ment for Offences, and may now bee asily discovered. She is very insinu-
ating, a notorious Thief, and Liar, and will endeavour to pass as a free
Person, or frame some plausible Excuse for her Absence. If brought
Home to me by any Person (white or black) I will give EIGHT

STOLEN from the Subscriber, in Amelia County, near Cook's Ordi-
nary, on Monday Night the 22d of September, a very likely DARK
GRAY HORSE 3 Years old last Spring, 4 Feet 10 Inches high, trots
and gallops well, is a round bodied Horse, and well made, is neither
docked nor branded, the End of his Tail is white, and his Mane fretted
off, has a Mark of the Halter on his Nose, and his left hind Foot was
cut with a Rope under the Footlock, and was lame when taken away.
Whoever gives me Notice so that I get him again, shall have FIFTEEN
DOLLARS Reward, and THIRTY DOLLARS if brought to me near
James Cook's Ordinary. (2∥) JAMES WINGO.

THE Lots and Houses in Blandford and Petersburg, formerly adver-
tised by me, with 6000 Acres of Land in Pittsylvania County, on
Louse and Turkey Cock Creeks, are still for Sale. The Terms may be
known by applying to Jonathan Jackson in Blandford, or the Subscriber
in Prince George. THOMAS GORDON.

TO BE SOLD, for ready Money, in Frede-
on Monday the 27th Day of this Instant (October)
about 20 Virginia born SLAVES, consisting chiefly of young breeding
Wenches and healthy Children. (2)

NOTICE is hereby given, that a Fair will be held at Halifax Town,
in North Carolina, on Thursday the 6th of November, to continue
for three Days for the Sale of Horses, Cattle, Pork, and Tobacco, and
also of every Kind of Country Manufacture. (2∥)

SUFFOLK, October 6, 1977.
I DO hereby inform the Public, that I shall decline keeping a public
Tavern on the 13th Instant. Gentlemen passing may meet with pri-
vate Lodgings and Entertainment for Servants and Horses.--Goods will
be received and stored, and the utmost care will be taken of them, and
all Despatch given in their Conveyance. Gentlemens Orders will be
complied with.----I have a BILLIARD TABLE for Sale, inferiour to
none on the Continent. Any Person inclinable to purchase may see it,
and know the Terms, by applying to their humble Servant,

TAKEN up, in Nansemond County, near Suffolk, a Flea-bitten Mare
about 15 Years old, 4 Feet 8 Inches high, branded on the near
Buttock Th in a Piece. Posted, and appraised to װl. The Owner
may have her by applying to me, and paying as the Law directs.

TAKEN up, in Hanover County, three Heifers, two of them red
and white pied, the other a black, marked with an Under and
Overkeel in the right Ear, Posted, and appraised to 5l. 5s.

Column 2

Now in the PRESS, and speedily will be

The Virginia ALMANACK
For the Year 1778.

To be SOLD for ready Money, at Smithfield, on Thursday the 13th of
ABOUT 2000 Acres of LAND in Isle of Wight County, the Remain-
der of a Tract of 4000 Acres, the Property of the late Mr. James
deceased. This Land is convenient to Navigation. It is laid
off in small Parcels, and will be shown to any Person who desires to pur-
chase by applying to Mr. Nathaniel Burwell of Isle of Wight County.
NATH. BURWELL, Jun. Trustees.

TO BE SOLD, at public Auction, for ready Money, on Thursday
the 23d Instant (October) at 11 o'Clock in the Forenoon, by the
Subscriber, near his House in the City of Williamsburg, between thirty
and forty Head of valuable Cattle, chiefly Milch Cows, and Cows with
Calf, all of them used to range in the Neighbourhood of the City.

FOUND, near Orange Courthouse, a Sum of PAPER MONEY,
which the Owner may have on paying Charges for advertising, by
applying to ANDREW SHEPHERD.

To be sold in Port Royal, on Friday the 14th Day of November next
if fair, if not the next fair Day, two Lots in the said Town, beau-
tifully situated on the River Bank, on which there is a genteel Dwelling-
House, with four Rooms and a Passage below, and two Rooms and a
Closet above, also a Kitchen, Laundry, Meathouse, Stable, a large
Smith's Shop, and a Garden lately paled in; at same Time will be sold
all the Household and Kitchen Furniture, some Smiths Tools, cast Clock
Faces, and other Materials for Clocks, the Whole being the Estate of
the deceased Mr. John Brown late of Port Royal, Silversmith. The
Time of Payment will be agreed on at the Day of Sale. Those who
have any just Demands against the said Estate are requested to let the same
be known before or at the Day of Sale, and it is hoped those indebted to
the Estate will pay off or settle their Accounts with Mr. James Conduit
of Port Royal, with whom the Books are lodged, or the Subscriber in
Fredericksburg. (2∥) J. BROWN, Executor.

RICHMOND, October 10, 1777.
I INTEND for Great Britain in a short Time. All Persons who have
any Just Accounts against me are desired to make them known that
I may discharge them, and all Persons indebted to me are desired to come
and discharge their Accounts. (2∥) ISAIAH ISAAC.

MAY be had of the Subscriber in Fredericksburg, next Door to Mrs.
Mercer's, at 3.s.6d. per Paper, and considerably cheaper by the
Dozen, or any larger Quantity. (1∥) JOHN MITCHELL.

WILLIAMSBURG, October 16, 1777.
ANY Kind of Ore that may be found within this or the neighbour-
ing States, and brought to Mr. Geddy's Shop in this City any
Time before the Month of December, will be assayed or refined, gratis,
and a proper Account rendered of what Metal such Ore contains. An
accurate Account is necessary how such Ore as may be brought was
found, whether in or contiguous to mountainous or hilly Grounds,
rocky or stony, or on level Lands, or whether above or below the Surface
of the Earth.

TAKEN up, in James City, a WHITE MARE about 13½ Hands
high, hanging Mane and Bob Tail, no Brand perceivable.

TO BE SOLD, to the highest Bidder, on Thursday the 20th of No-
next, being Court Day, on the Premises, between 5 and 600
Acres of LAND, whereon Sussex Courthouse stands. One Third of the
Money to be paid when the Land is made over, and the Remainder to be
paid at two equal annual Payments. A good Title will be made, and
Possession given by the 25th of December next. Bond and good Security
will be required, and the Bond to carry Interest from the Date, if not
punctually paid. (∥) JOHN BERYMAN.

Page 3</h5
Column 1

For Sale, by Dixon & HUNTER,
Of A
Under proper TITLES.

TAKEN up, in Lunenburg, a small GREY HORSE about 9 or 10
Years old, about 4 Feet 2 Inches high, branded on the near
Shoulder something resembling N, on the off Shoulder 8, and on the
near Buttock |-----|, has been burnt on both his Withers for a Fistula,
marked in the right Ear with a small Underkeel, trots and gallops.---
Posted, and appraised to 71. # JOHN CONNELL, Sen.

TAKEN up, Halifax County, a SORREL MARE 5 or 6 Years
old, with a Star and Snip, 4 Feet 4 or 5 Inches high. Posted,
and appraised to 61. (∥) I DAVID SIMS.

TO BE SOLD, at public Auction, for ready Money, at the Planta-
tion next adjoining the Subscriber's, on Powhatan Swamp, in
James City County, on Saturday the 25th Instant (October) if fair, if
not the Monday following, or the succeeding fair Day, between 40 and
50 Head of Cattle, amongst them are 7 Draught Steers, the rest are
chiefly Milch Cows, or such as are supposed with Calf.

To be sold for ready MONEY,
THAT beautiful Seat on Mattapony River, where the late Speaker
Robinson lived; there are 1381 Acres of high Land and 600 Acres
of Marsh, equal to any in the Country, and may be reclaimed at a mo-
derate Expense; besides the Marsh there are about 20 Acres of Swamp,
which may easily be converted into a valuable Meadow; on the above
Tract there is a Mill, which is rather out of Repair at present, but may
be made without much Expense as valuable as Mills generally are.
The Plantation is under good Fences, and in proper Order for Crop-
ping, with a young Orchard of choice Fruit, the Dwelling-House is of
Brick, as convenient and well built as any in the State, two Stories high,
with 4 large Rooms and a Passage on each Floor, and good Cellars un-
der the Whole, a very convenient Brick Kitchen, Servants Hall, and
Wash-House, the Stables, Coach House, Granary, &c. are large and
in good Repair, and a Garden walled in with Brick. No Situation can
exceed this in Beauty, and few in Convenience. Any Person inclinable
to purchase will be shewn the Land and Houses by applying to Mr. Street,
who lives on the Spot, and the Terms of Sale made known by applying
to Burwell Bassett, Esq; in New Kent, Mr, James Hill near Williamsburg,
or to the Subscriber at Mr. Dernon's near Alexandria.

PRINCE GEORE, Sept. 30, 1777.
THE Rev. Mr. William Coutts having resigned, we are directed by
the Vestry of the Parish of Martins Brandon, in this County, to
give Notice that the same is now vacant, and that any Clergyman of the
Church of England, of good Character, and properly qualified, will be
received into the Parish. He will have a good Glebe, with a commo-
dious Dwelling-House, and other necessary Houses, in good Repair,
and, in their opinion, meet with a genteel Provision.
PLEASANT COCKE, Church-Wardens.

TO BE SOLD, at public Auction, for ready Money, on Thursday
the 30th Instant, at the Plantation where Benjamin Harris, de-
ceased, lived, at Manakin Town, in Powhatan County, several Work
Horses, Mares, and Colts, about 40 Head of Cattle, two Yoke of
Work Oxen, with a good Cart, about 150 Hogs, with the Crops of
Corn and Fodder, also the Plantation Utensils. -----There are also on
Hand, and to sold at private Sale, about 1200 Bushels of Wheat, and a
Quantity of Pork and Beef, by (2∥) THE EXECUTORS.

Column 2

WANTED, a single Woman, able to teach about 12 or 15 Chil-
dren, most of them Girls, in Reading, Writing, and Needle
Work. Such One, of good Character, qualified as above, may have
SIXTY POUNDS per Year, by applying to the Subscribers in York and
Warwick Counties.

ON the 5th Day of August last I lost a young Negro Man whose
Name is ADAM, about 5 Feet 8 or 9 Inches high, well made,
has rather a down modest Lock, and of a yellow Complexion; had on,
I believe, a brown Holland Coat, a Check Stuff Jacket, and a pair of
Russia Drill Breeches. He is a fine Shoemaker by Trade, dresses toler-
ably well, and has been used to wait in the House for several Years. I
will give a Reward of 20 Dollars to any person that will bring him to
me, 15 Dollars to secure him in any Gaol in this State, so that I get him
again. (4∥) JOHN JOUET.

FORTY DOLLARS for securing the following Soldiers, viz. John
Charlton, Launcelot Williamson, Philip Charles,
and Samuel Charles,
who were draughted out of James City County, and have failed at-
tending their Duty notwithstanding they have had several Summonses.
I will give the above Reward to any person who will secure them, or 10
Dollars for each. WALKER RICHARDSON, Lieutenant.

STRAYED from the Subscriber in Albemarle, a SORREL HORSE 5
Years old, 4 Feet 11 Inches high, with a flaxen Mane and Tail, his
hind Feet white, has a small Star in his Forehead, paces, trots, and gal-
lops, no Brand, and had on a large Bell when he went off. Whoever
delivers him to me shall have 8 Dollars Reward.

PRINCESS ANNE, Sept. 23, 1777.
I intend to leave the Country in

RICHMOND, September 23, 1777.
I intend for Great Britain by the first Oppor-
tunity. (∥) JOHN SKELTON.

PRINCESS Anne County, Sept. 20, 1777.
THE Subscriber intends for the West Indies
in a few weeks. (∥) JOHN BRUCE.
*** Who has for Sale a Pair of large Globes, 17 Inches Diameter,
a Set of four Sheet Maps, an Altitude Quadrant, 15 Inches Radius, di-
vided into Minutes, a small Table Air Pump, with a Pocket Micros-
cope, also a Collection of Books, among which are Tillotson's, Shakes-
peare's, Young's, Addison's,
and Thompson's Works, Plutarch's Lives,
Rollin's Belle Lettres, several School Books, such as Homer's Illiad,
Greek and Latin, Greek Testaments and Grammars, Horace's Virgil,
Terence, Martial, Juvenal, Sueton, Livy, Salust, Cæsar, Eutropius,
Corderius, Ainsworth's and Johnson's Dictionaries, &c.

TO BE SOLD, at public Sale, for ready Money, at South Quay,
on Monday the 20th Instant, the Schooner FRIEND GOOD
WILL, with her Tackle and Furniture, an entire new Vessel, having
made only one Voyage to the West Indies since launched, also her Cargo,
consisting of Salt, white Linen, Medicines, Copperas, 6 Half and 6
Quarter Minute Glasses, 4. Ships Compasses, Log Lines, Loaf Sugar,
Coffee, Bottle Corks, Cotton and Wool Cards, and Sail Canvas.
(2) Joshua Storrs, Hugh Walker,
& Co.

KING & QUEEN, September 20, 1777.
AS I propose to leave the Country this Fall, and not to return till the
Spring, I think it necessary to acquaint my Clients, whose Suits
are yet unfinished, that their Papers, at my Departure, will be left
with Mr. Overton Cosby of Urbanna, who will take Care of them during
my Absence. To those who may incline to have their Papers in their
own Possession, they will be delivered upon Application.

To be sold, at Caroline Courthouse, on the second Thursday in December
next (being Court Day)

THREE Lots of LAND on Mattapony River, each containing 300
or more Acres, very well watered and timbered; a considerable
Quantity of Meadow may be made on each with little Trouble. The
proved Security (10) ROBERT BAYLOR.

Page 4
Column 1

W A N T E D,
A PERSON that understand's working a STOCKING-LOOM.
Such a One may hear of Employment by applying to the Printers
of this paper. (tf)

RICHMOND, September 22, 1777.
WE the Subscribers intending to leave this Commonwealth in a few
Weeks, have the following Articles for Sale, for Cash, viz.
Files of different Kinds, Mainsprings, Verges, Hour and Minute
Hands, China Plates, a few Crystals sorted, and several very elegan
Eight Day and Spring Clocks, also a very neat Pair of Pocket Pistols
and a small Sword. JULIA WHEATLEY

To be SOLD, at public Vendue, on Tuesday the 21st. of this Instant, at the
Plantation of
Robert Tate, deceased,
ALL his Household and Kitchen Furniture, Stock of Cattle, Hogs,
and Sheep, some Peach and Apple Brandy. Credit will be given
for all Sums above Three Pounds, till the 25th of December 1778, on
giving Bond with approved Security, to carry Interest from the Date, if
not punctually paid. All Persons having Demands against said Estate
are desired to bring them in properly proved, to
FRANCIS TATE, Administrator.
NEWCASTLE, October 1, 1777.

To be sold, at public Auction, for ready Money, on Monday the first of
December next, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,
THE noted ORDINARY and Tract of LAND adjoining thereto,
belonging to the Estate of Samuel Ashley, deceased, situate about 6
Miles above Williamsburg, on the main Road leading from thence to
Hanover; there is on the said Land a good Dwelling-House with three
Rooms on a Floor, with three large Closets, and all other convenient
Outhouses. A good Title will be made, and Possession given the first
Day of January next.

GOOCHLAND, October 1, 1777.
THE Subscriber has for Sale, on low Terms, a Quantity of valuable
and well assorted MEDICINES, also a Number of SHOP
DRAWERS neatly painted and lettered, GLASS RETORTS and
RECEIVERS, &c. &c. (∥) JOHN K. READ.

State of NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, sc.
To all Sheriffs, Constables, and others, liege Subjects of the said State,
WHEREAS Complaint hath been made to me, one of the Justices
of the Peace for the said State, by John Bryan, Esq; High
Sheriff of the same, that last night the public Gaol of the said County
was broke open, and the following Persons made their Escape from thence,
viz. MICHAEL KELLY, an Irishman, for Robbery; he is about 5
Feet 6 Inches high, had on a Sea green Coat and Osnabrug Trousers,
has lost one of his under Teeth, and had a Scar on his right Cheek.
MATTHIAS FARNAN, for Robbery; he is about 28 Years of Age,
5 Feet 7 or 8 Inches high, had on a dark coloured Jacket, a Chip Hat,
and has a Sore on his Leg. JAMES RAWLINS, for high Treason ;
he is a noted Villain, and was one of the Principals in the late Conspiracy
against the State, has lived for two Years past in Martin County, and is
very famous in the Art of Legerdemain; about 40 Years of Age, of a
very black Complexion, and had a Cut on one of his Cheeks. The
above-named Farnan and Kelly obtained a pass from Mr. Tisdale a few
Days before their Commitment, which it is probable they will now make
Use of: These are therefore, in the Name of this State, to require you,
and every of you, to whom these Presents shall come, to make diligent
Search, by Way of Hue and Cry, in all suspected Places, after the said
Persons; and them, or either of them, having found, to cause to be
apprehended, and carried before the next Justice of the Peace, to be dealt
with as the Law directs. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 9th Day
of September 1777. JOSEPH LEECH.
N. B. Whoever apprehends and secures the above Persons, so that
they may be brought to Justice, shall have TEN POUNDS Reward for
Pawlins, and FIVE POUNDS for each of the other two, from.

CUMBERLAND, September 23, 1777.
We intend to leave the Country in a

Column 2

RUN away from the Subscriber, in Spotsylvania, a Negro Man named
JEM, about 22 Years of Age, s Feet 5 Inches high, well made,
has a small Scar over his Eyes which are very large and red, had on a
white Kersey Coat, blue Broadcloth Breeches, much worn, and took
with him also a darkish grey Virginia Fustian Suit, is very subject to Li-
quor, and speaks very impertinently when drunk: Whoever secures the
said Negro in Prison, or brings him to me, shall have five Pounds Re-
ward, and all reasonable Charges allowed.

CASH, BAR IRON, or CASTINGS, will be given at Marlborough
Iron Works for a Number of labouring Men to cut Wood and
other common Employment; whose Wages will be paid in either of the
above mentioned Articles as soon as their Contracts are complied with.
FREDERICK County, August 19, 1977.

RUN away the 21st Day of last Month, from the aforesaid Works,
a Servant Man named HENRY MONCRIEF, born in Scotland,
speaks broad, and has been used to the Sea, is about 30 Years of Age,
5 Feet 5 or 6 Inches high, dark Hair, thin spare Visage, large Eyes,
long Nose, down Look, and his left arm much smaller than his right;
his Dress cannot be particularly described, as he went off from his Work
in the Day Time, and had on only a Country Linen Shirt, Tow Trou-
sers, and an old Felt Hat, but it is supposed he has procured other
Clothes. Any Person that secures said Servant, so that I get him again,
shall receive TWENTY DOLLARS Reward, and reasonable charges if
brought Home. (8) ISAAC ZANE.

DINWIDDIE County, July 15, 1777.
THE Subscriber hath for Sale about 6000 Acres of LAND near the
old Town of Peytonsburg, in the County of Pittsylvania, which
in Amelia County would sell from 40s.|to 31. per Acre, on which are
several small Tenements and Plantations.---- Also 6000 Acres on the
Waters and Branches of Hyco and Dan Rivers, in the County of Halifax,
on which are likewise several small Plantations and Improvements.----
Also 6000 Acres in the County of Mecklenburg, in different Parts of
that County.----Likewise several small Pieces of Land in the Counties of
Dinwiddie and Brunswick, containing about 400 and 500 Acres each.

MANCHESTER, September 1, 1777.
THE Subscriber will dispose of the following Tracts of LAND at mo-
derate Prices, and allow a reasonable Time to pay the Money, or
he will exchange them for small Tracts of good Tobacco Land, not ex-
ceeding 30 Miles from the Falls of James River.

1754 Acres in Bedford County, on both Sides of the north Fork of
Otter River, has a good Deal of cleared Land upon it, a Meadow, a
large Apple and Peach Orchard, produces Tobacco of the best Quality,
and an extensive Range for Stock of all kinds; 300 and odd Acres
on the same Water Course, with about 50 Acres of cleared Land, and a
good Mill upon it with a never- failing Stream; 200 and odd Acres
in Louisa County, upon the South River, opposite to the Rev. Mr.
Todd's, and formerly belonged to John and Thomas East, and I believe
one of them now lives upon it; Part of this Tract are low Grounds;
108 Acres in the same County, where David Cosby, Junior, formerly
lived, on the main Road to the Courthouse, a small Distance above where
Mr. Juett kept Ordinary some Years ago; 400 Acres on Mechunk
in Albemarle County, which formerly belonged to one Webster;
337 Acres on the Head Branches of Cunningham's Creek, in Albemarle
County, empties into the North River, and I understand one Hancock lives
upon the Land; 226 Acres in Amherst County, on Wilderness Creek,
which formerly belong to David Davenport; ---- Acres in Goochland
County, near Lickinghole Church, and upon the main Road where Fran-
cis Hilly
formerly lived.----The above will direct any persons inclinabel
to purchase to a View of the Lands, and I shall attend at Henrico Courts
in October and November next, to inform them of the Prices and other
Particulars. (6) ALEX: BAINE.

STRAYED, or STOLEN, out of the Commons at Portsmouth, some
Time about the 17th of July, a young BAY HORSE about 6 Years
old, has a small Star in his Forehead. like the Heart of a Card, of the
Janus Breed, stands strait on his hind Legs, a little low before, has a
Way of throwing the Saddle Cloth back when riding him, paces and
trots, goes peaceably in a Chair, and is a little dull. Any Person who
will take him up shall be handsomely rewarded, and if stolen, on Con-
viction of the Thief, FIFTY DOLLARS. Apply to me, or Mr. John
, in Portsmouth. (tf ) BENJAMIN BANNERMAN.

Original Format

Ink on paper



J. Dixon & W. Hunter (Firm), printer, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 1385, October 17, 1777,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 25, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/692.