Robert Carter letter book, 1764 May 10 - 1768 December 27

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Robert Carter letter book, 1764 May 10 - 1768 December 27



1 volume ([1], 131 pages, [3] leaves)


Letter book of Robert Carter III, of Williamsburg and Nomini Hall, 1764-1768.

Includes index: leaf [1v] at end.


Text Item Type Metadata


[Leaf 1r]

This Book
Be contains Letters & Orders for Goods
addred to Gentlemen, residing in
Great Britain & America & was
began the 10th of May 1764 and
contains Letters to 27 December 1768

1764 from folio 1st to folio 10
1765 from folio 10 to folio 23
1766 from folio 23 to folio 35
1767 from folio 35 to folio 82
1768 from folio 82 to folio 131

[Page 1]


Virginia, Williamsburg 10th May 1764

To Messrs: James Buchanan & Company London

Every Family here have small Farms;
which supplies them with Articles to be bought in good
Markets. Such a Custom must inevitably
bar every attempt towards improveing
Markets; I have purchaced a small set
tlement, (to comply with custom only) & for the
payment of which I have been constrained to
pass my Bills on you, the 20th of last month for
100£ Sterling: payable to Daniel Rundle, also
the 3d of this Instant for 130£ Sterling: payable to
Holden by Dixon, also the 7th of this Instant for
173£ 18s: Sterling:, payable to Tarpley & Thompson
amounting in the whole to 403£ 18s: Sterling: I did
examin your account previous to the 3 Drafts just
mentioned, & did not then believe you would
pay the whole amount of them, & immediately
advised Mrs Tasker of Annapolis, I had
passed Bill on your house, exceeding my Effects
there, & beged him to have such a part of them
paid, you shall protest. Captain William Thompson

[Page 2]


has received Inspectors Notes from me for 49 hogsheads
of Tobacco, 34 of which be pleased to have insured.
on the same Terms as if they were your own: the other
15hogsheads I shall desire Messrs: Edwary Hunt and
Son to sell. Colonel William Byrd will be indebted to
me the sum of 217£ Sterling: the 1st day of next Month
it is a yearly claim for Interest due upon a
Bond, & heretofore has been paid punctually,
the whold of which sum shall be remitted to you by the
first Ship that sails from this Province after the receipt
of the same. Messrs James Cuncanen & Hooke
of London, acknowledges by Letter, receiving
10 hogsheas of Tobacco, so long ago as in June 1762 &
as no Account of Sales has been received fo them
I can only inclose an Order for the proceeds of
thereof, which be pleased to have presented for
payment, & Credit my account accordingly

I am Gentlemen Yours &cc
Robert Carter

Virginia 10th May 1764.


At 10 days sight of this my first order
my 2d (of the same Tenor & Date) not paid, pay
to Messrs: James Buchanan & Company or Order
the proceeds of Ten hogsheads of Tobacco marked

[Page 3]


R, C, No. 21 to 30ty inclusive which were shipd
in June 1762, I am Gentlemen
Yours &cc Robert Carter

To Messrs James Concanen & Hooke: London

Virginia 10th May 1764.

To Mr John Morton Jordan, London


Captain James Walker of the Jane hath
received Inspectors Notes from me for 50 hogsheads of
Tobacco 34 of which be pleased to have insured on
the same Terms as if they were your own, the
other 16 hogsheads I shall desire Messrs Edward
Hunt & Son to sell. I am yours &cc
Robert Carter

Virginia Williamsburg 10th May 1764

To Messrs Edward Hunt & Son, in London


Captain William Thompson of the John &
Prestly in Rappanhanoc river have received
Inspectors Notes from me for 15 hogsheads of Tobacco
also Captain James Walker of the Jane in Rappahanoc
river for 16 hogsheads which two parcels of Tobacco be
pleased to have insured on the same Terms
as if they were your own. The 1st [illegible] of these Ships
are is under the controul of Messrs J. Buchanan

[Page 4]


& Company: the other Mrs John M. Jordan
Merchants in your City. Your character her[e]
encourages me to venture this consignment
which hope you will excuse this attempt I am
Gentlemen &cc
Robert Carter.

Virginia Williamsburg 23d May 1764

To Mr John M, Jordan in London


Mr Pelham of this Place is just returned
from New York, he heard on that Journey Mr
Benjamin Franklin of Philadelphia perform upon the
Armonica: The Instrument pleased Pelham
amazingly & by his advice I now apply
to you to send me an Armonica (as played
on by Miss Davies at the great Room in
Spring Gardens,) being the musical Glasses
with out Water: Formed into a complete
Instrument, capable off Thorough-bass,
& never out of tune. Charles James of
Purpoole-lane, near Gray's Inn London
is the only maker of the Armonica in Eng

Let the Glasses be clear crystal

[Page 5]

& not stained, for what ever distinction
of colour may be thought necessary to
facilitate the performance, may be made
here. The greatest accuracy imaginable
must be observed in tuning the Instrumement
& directions procured for grinding the
Glasses, they, must be packed with great
care for if a Glass should be broke the
Instrument will be rendered useless
until the accident could be repaired from
London. The Case of Frame in which the
Instrument is fixed to be made of black
Walnut   I am Sir &c
Robert Carter

Williamsburg 20th August 1764

To Messrs, Edward Hunt & Son

An Invoice of Goods

Articles for Mrs Carter

a silf night gown proper for the winter season to cost
10 per yard}
a fashionable green sarcent Petticoat
a pair taby stays, a piece of Irish linen 3s/ per yard
1 piece of holland @ 5s/ per Ell
3 pair womens small cotton Stockings
2 pair wors do wrsted ditto
3 pair womens coloured callamanco Shoes No 4.

[Page 6]


2 pair womens black everlasting Pumps No 4.
1 dozen ditto white leather glaz'd Gloves
½ dozen ditto ditto Mittins glaz'd
2 pair womens coloured winter Gloves
2 pair ditto ditto ditto Mittens
7 yards red Flannel, 4 yards clear Muslin
a Muslin dressed Mob, one yard of Cat Guts
a round ear'd cap dressed with ribbon
18 yards colour'd Ribbon 2 yards only to be
of the same colours }
3,000 middling Pins, 5,000 short white
3,000 minikins, 5,000 Needles from No 4 to No 13
6 ounces 8d thread, 6 ounces 6d thread
2 ounces holland thread, 1lb whited brown Thread
3 pieces diaper apron string Tape
1 india Fan @ 5 s/ 2 cheap india Fans
a Necklace & Eareing of french Beads
a piece of Cambrick @ 50s/ a silk Bannett
24 yards of slight silver blown lace about an Inch wide
a piece dark colour'd Persian
½ piece narrow black Ribbon
½ piece broader ditto ditto
6 Skilliton wires, 1 piece stain'd Cambrick for Hankerchiefs

Articles for my Sons 6 & 7 years old

1 piece colour'd duroy 2 dozen silk coat buttons
3 dozen brea[s]t ditto.

[Page 7]


2 dozen single guilt coat buttons 3 dozen breast ditto
10 yards brown holland, 1 piece irish linen @ 2s/
6 dozen shirt buttons, 1 piece hankerchiefing
2 pair strong thread Stockings for boy of 8 years old
2 pair ditto worsted for ditto
2 coarse Hatts for ditto
1 silver lac'd Hatt for ditto
2 pair strong thread Stocking for boy of 6 years old
2 pair worsted ditto for ditto
2 coarse Hatts for ditto
1 silver lac'd Hatt for ditto
6 pair shoe & knee Buckles
1 piece Fustain

Articles for my Daughters

2 pieces irish linen 2/6 per yard
1 piece manchester ginghams
10 yards ditto Dimity
2 pair turn fustain Stays for a girl of 5 years old
2 long lawn Frocks for ditto
2 french fillets for ditto
2 colour'd silk Bonnets for ditto
2 silk neckatees for ditto
2 colour'd silk Shagg Capuchens }
to be lin'd with sarcenet for} ditto

[Page 8]


2 cheap Fans for ditto
2 red glass necklases for ditto
8 yards narrow Ribbon of different colours
2 pair silk Shoes for ditto
4 pair red leather Shoes for ditto
2 pair white thread Stockings for ditto
8 pair colour'd ^leather mitts for ditto
1 silk Bonnet for a girl of 2 years old
6 pair red Shoes for ditto
1 dozen horn buckling Combs
4 bone dander Combs ditto
2 box ditto ditto
4 box brushes ditto

Articles for the House use

6 diaper table clots to dine 6 @ 12s/
6 huckaback ditto ditto @ 9s/
1 piece cheap huckaback for Towels
2 dozen small cheap breakfast Napkins
2 dozen super fine ditto
2 pieces green sild gawse for Curtains
4 house brooms without handles
6 Clamps, 6 hand brushes, 1 small dust brush
to sweep Corne[r]s}
1 tin dust pan
1 dozen ivory handl's knif's & Forks for the Table

[Page 9]


6 painters Pound brushes
6 ditto Sash ditto
a small polished iron stew pan
a 3 quart Skillet of polish'd iron
36 gallons strongest Porter in pint Bottles
4 Curry Combs, 4 brushes, & 2 Mane Combs
2 pewter wash Basons, 2 Stone Chamber Pots
1 Gallon Sallad oil in pint bottles
2 lb anchovies, 2 lb Capers, 1 lb Isingglass
1 dozen bottles durham Mustard
4 lb black Pepper, a pottle of Lemon Pickle
½ pint Japan Soy, 2 Quarts Elder Vinegar
a Vinegar & oil cruit of cut glass, 6 beer Glasses
6 cut glass Salts & Silver Spoons for the same
150 weight irish Soap 6 double flint pint Decanters
3 ivory Mustard Spoons, 1 gross of Henry the 8th Cards
25 white currants, 6 loafs trible refin'd Sugar
3 lb best hyson tea in one Canister & 1lb ditto in
8 Canisters

Articles for the Servants

a dozen coarse branckets [i.e. blankets], 21 pieces brown Fustain
4 dozen plain Coat brass buttons
4 dozen ditto breat [i.e. breast] ditto ditto
1 lb colour'd Thread, 1 lb blue Thread

[Page 10]


a piece blue welsh Cotton, 1 piece white Ozenbrigs
1 piece brown Ozenbrigs a piece blue & white Haning
6 ^ mens best prush Jock'y Caps
6 Mens best felt Hatts
a sett of shoe brushes & buckle brushes

Robert Carter's compliments to Messrs
Edward Hunt & Son disireing them to purchace
& put on board some Vessel sailing for James
or york rivers, the following articles of
Goods & to charge the same to him, remem
bering to have the Goods insur'd

NB, The invoice of Goods follows the
Letter, as sent the the Gentlemen

25 August

NB. The silk in a box direct'd No
1. for Messrs: Edward Hunt & Son to be died
as by directions pinn'd to the same, the box
aslo contains a measures for the Stay's, Night
Gown & Gloves for Mrs Carter.

Williamsburg the 25th March 1765.

To Mrs Robert Cornthwaite Taylor in London
King Street St. James


The Cloths you sent my Neigh

[Page 11]


Neighbour George Wythe fitted him much
better than my last suit did me, for the
sides of the Coat & Wastecoat were let out
before I could wear them, the Breeches were
not altered: The Coat & Wastecoat I am
about to write for I desire may be made
larger in the body then the former Suit &
longer shirted, the Wastecoat more so than
the Coat. My Size & Shape of body resembles
Captain William Fauquer of the Guards.

Be pleased to make me a French-frock
a Wastecoat & 2 pair of Breeches ^ of scarlet
cloth, the Wastecoat to be lined with silk
of the same colour, the Coat to have no lining
& the Pockets to be made of scarlet cloth.
The Button-holes of the Suit of cloths to be
embroidered with gold & handsom double
gild'd Buttons. Send me also 6 pair Mens
coloured lamb Gloves & 6 pair ditto of
white best (strong) ribbed thread Stock

[Page 12]


ings, pack all those articles in a hair
Trunk & direct it for me at Williasburg
& send it in any Vessel which bring Goods
to be landed on either James or York
Rivers. I have wrote to Messrs Edward
Hunt & Son Merchants in London to
pay your Bill. I am Sir Yours &c
Robert Carter

Virginia Williamsburg 19th May 1765

To Messrs Edward Hunt & Son


Captain William Fauquier sailed from this Country
in some part of the last Month who under
took to buy a few articles for me, & by that op
portunity I wrote to Mr Robert Cornthwaite
to send me a box of wearing Apparel;
& this day I have passed my bill on you
payable to Robert Nicholson for 36£7.3d
Sterling & when ever these demands are cal
led for, be pleased to pay the same & charge
my Account accordingly.

Your favor infolding the sales of 22 hogsheads

[Page 13]


of my Tobacco I apprehend points out a
Mode for managing Tobacco which if attended
too will greatly benefit the makers thereof;
& I have taken the liberty of transcribing
your observations on the Quality & management
of part of my crop of Tobacco, to the end that
my overseers may follow them for the future.

I have given Captain William Thompson of the
John & Prestly an order on my Manager
for all the Tobacco which was made last summer at
some of my Plantations, & when the whole are
collected I expect there will be between
90 & 100 hogsheads The Captai is advised to
divide whatever Tobacco he shall receive on my
account equally between your house & Messrs:
James Buchanan & Company

Be pleased to buy for me two
Lottery Tickets in the State Lottery which is
to be drawn in the month of November next &
forward the Numbers of them to Gentlemen Yours &cc
Robert Carter

[Page 14]


Williamsburg 28th June 1765.

To The Honorable Benjamin Parker at Annapolis

Dear Sr

Your favor of the 15 of this Instant, was put
into my hands, by the help of the public Post.
The several Matter, which you desire to be inform'd
off are now made the subject, of this Letter: but
they were not ripe, at the time of Mr Foxcraft's
departure from this Place, therefor that opportunity
was premature for the same. When the Lord Adam
Gordon, passed thro' this province, Colonel Tayloe
attended, his Lordship : so that he was absent
a great part of our last General Court, &
before Tayloe return'd here, Colonel Thornton
went home, on Account of some private
business, & no resolutions of theirs, has trans
pired, with regard to Colonel Nat: Harrison his pur
chace of the horse Othello : I have talked to both
these Gentlemen seperately, upon that matter, &
I believe they understand the dispute, but i fear
their award, will be postpon'd till the Month
of October next, & I can not asign a good reason
for the delay Colonel Benjamin Grymes, attended
the begining of the last Session of Assembly,

[Page 15]


Williamsburg 28th June 1765.

& I apply'd to him for the balance, you have em
power'd me to receive (as I had done many
times before) but he one again refusd required
longer time : I inform'd him that I was instruct'd
to bring Suit, unless the money should be paid
shortly, but this threat did not avail
me, & a judgment shall be obtained, in as
short a time, as is ususal in the General Court
for the balance of the Bond, & the open account

Colonel William Byrd gave his bills, the 11th day
of this Month for 217£ & 9d Sterling, which are made
payable to you & addressed to Robert Cary & Company
in London : Those Bills are to discharce the
Interest, on William Byrd Bond, from June 1764 to June
1765, & wthatever you direct, with regard to them,
I will do : His Bills, you paid me are return'd
protested, which failure has been a disapoint^ment.

At the time I desired, Mr William Lux of
Baltimore town to pay you 50£ I expect'd to
have pass'd, part of this Summer in Maryland,
but I have since dedermined, to lose that
pleasure, sooner than trouble you & Mrs Tasker
with myself, & some of my Children, who pro
bably might have caught the Small-pox:

[Page 16]


Fannie is to be confined to the Chamber in the
Month of October next: so that you will not see us
this year.

I owe Mr Amos Strettell Merchant in
Philadelphia 24£18s & 10d Pensylvania Currency
& if you can conveniently pay that Debt, reserve
some of my Dollors, to satisfy the same, & be
pleas'd to buy a Bill of Exchange with the ballance
but if Mr Strettells claim should be the least
troublesome to negotiate, buy a bill with the
whole money; & in either Case, inclose the bills
to Messrs: Edward Hunt & Son Merchant in
London, to be placed to my Credit.

Mr John Wormeley present a charge of
10£ 10s Virginia Currency, for boarding Governor Sharps
his Groom & finding Pasture & Provender
for his bay Mare, 9 Weeks, & 3 daies, & as every
Gentleman that kept their Servants & mares
at his house house that Season, were charg'd
in the same proportion namely 22s/ per Week
I have paid the account. Virginia Bill of Credit
are 62½ per cent worse than Sterling : so that I
hope Governor Sharpe will pay the Bills of
Excsange of 6£ 9s & 3 Sterling which be pleased to
inclose to Edward Hunt & Son I am Dear Sr Your &c
Robert Carter

[Page 17]


Virginia Williamsburg 3d July 1765

To mr Edward Hunt & Son Merchants in London


At the time, of the John & Presly's
sailing fro this Country, I thought the risk,
so inconsiderable, as not to have wrote
for ensurance, till now, & by this dely, I pur
pose to be a gainer of that article, if Captain
William Thompson, should be arriv'd before
the receipt of this Letter : But if that should
not be the Case, nor any favourable report
made of him, be pleased then have my
Tobacco ensur'd : and as you know the
Prise's (in London) given for Tobacco
ensure mine accordingly.

I drew 2 Bills of Exchange on
Friday last & address'd them, to you amounting,
to £186.11.11 sterling: namely £149.1.11
made payable to Sr Marmaduke
Beckwith Baronet & £37.10. to Mr
Haldy Dixon, which Bills be pleas'd to
pay & charge the same to Account of Gentlemen
Yours &cc
Robert Carter

49 hogsheads of Tobacco

[Page 18]


Williamsburg 3d July 1765.

To Messrs James Buchanan & Co. in London

The 1st Section in the Letter next pre
ceding this memorandum is what I wrote to
Messrs J B & co. & 50 hogsheads of Tobacco
is the quantity consign'd to them.
Robert Carter

Williamsburg 19th October 1765.

To Mr Edward Hunt & Son in

Robert's Compliments
to Messrs Edward Hunt & Son.
He begs the favor of them to by &
forward the following Merchandizes
to Him here, & to have the same en

1 piece sheeting Linen
@3s/ per yard
10 lb Salt petere
3 pieces brown ozenbrigs ½ Cinnamon
1 piece Linen yard wide @ 1s/ 5 lb black Pepper
1 piece irish Linen @ 1/6 3 lb ginger
100 weight common soap 2 lb allspice
5 lb fig blue 1 lb best Hyson tea
2 lb common Green tea

[Page 19]


Column 1

4 lb congo Tea
50 lbs trible refined Sugar
100 eitto singe ditto ditto
100 Pot   ditto
1 gallon best salad oil
3 lbs anchovies
1 peck of sweet almonds
in the shell
1 small Jar of best
4 best house Brooms
4 painted hearth Brooms
6 Clamps
4 hand brushes
1 wicker plate Basket
to be lined with tin
1 dozen tin dish covers to
be of different sizes
12 gross common quart bottle
6 round (blue & white)
china dishes of 3 different
sizes & the rims to be scollop'd
3 large best shagareen
Knife Cases to stand on
a side board Table & the
handles to be silvered
1 peice of floor Matten
4 quart double flint Glass
4 dozen wine glasses
3 quart (bell mettle)
1 dozen silver Table Spoons
& the letters P, T engraved
in a Cypher

Column 2

½ dozen: silver table Spoons
& my crest to be engravd
on them
3 pair large best japaned
Candle Sticks of the latest
1 pair womens best tabby Stay's
1 pair ditto black everlasting
Shoes, small 5ves
3 ditto, ditto, green callimanco
3 ditto, ditto strong thread Stockings
12 yards fine long lawn
4 pair womens white Gloves
8 pair ditto Mittens grayed
1 piece fine printed Callico
3 double muslin Hankerchiefs
2 india Fans @ 3s/
8 silk Laces
6 thousand short whites
2 thousand, minikin Pins
2 ounces holland Thread
4 dozen yard ditto ditto
1 lb whited brown ditto
8 lb brown ditto
3 yards blue Ribbon
3 ditto white ditto
10 ditto colour'd ditto to be
of 5 different colours
10 ditto. narrow ditto to be of
5 different colours
8 Skeleton wires
2 pieces diaper tape
2 ditto holland ditto
2 ditto fillet
6 dozen: Shirt Buttons

[Page 20


[Column 1]

1 piece of Clouting diaper
8 hanks of sewing Silk
2 pair irish Linen @ 2s/6 yard
1 ditto ditto, ditto. 2s/ ditto
7 yards white Callico 3s/ yard
8 ditto manchester Dimity
8 pair red moroco leather
Shoes for my Daughter
6 years old
8 pair colour'd Mitts for ditto
6 pair thread Stockings for ditto
6 ditto coloured worsted ditto for ditto
4 pair red moroco leather
shoes for my Daughter
2 years old
3 french Fillets for my Daughters
6, 5 & 4 years old
3 Egrets for Ditto.
3 black Bonnets for Ditto
3 black silk Neckatees, Ditto.
1 piece Coloured Sagaty
1 piece fine brown holland
4 dozen: double gilded coat
6 dozen: ditto ditto breast ditto
3 Hats at 4s/ each for my
Son 9 year old
3 pair strong brown thread
Stockings for ditto:
3 pair coloured worsted for Ditto
The 3 last articles repaired
for my son Robert Bladen

[Column 2]

1 piece of (stain'd blue & white)
cambric for Handkirchiefs
20 yards blue livery cloth
@ 8s/ per yard
10 dozen: best brass Buttons
12 dozen. ditto. ditto. best ditto
20 yards colour'd livery Lace
mixed with red, blue & white
1 blue, Hamr cloath for a
Chariot box to be
trim'd with the mixed livery
Lace & with a han Fringe
2 pieces hempen Rools
1 ditto welsh Cotton
3 dozen: pair plaid Hoes
2 dozen coarse felt Hats
1 set small cups & Saucers
for a Child of stone
100 weight white lead ground
50 ditto ditto. not ground
50 gallons linseed oil
1 ditto. oil of terpentine
11 pieces green mock flock
Paper to hang a Room
6 small brass door-Locks
2 new Grammars of the latin
Tongue by I. Clarke
2 Eutropius's
2 Nepos's
2 Flourus's
1 Corderius
1 Erasmus
1 Introduction to the [illegible]
2 Esop's Fables translated by
H. Clarke

[Page 21]


2 English Exercises for boys
to translate into Latin
by T. Garrelson

2 british grammars

1 English ditto by Harrison

1 ditto, ditto by Sir Richard Steel

1 ditto by Rudimon

1 English Dictionary the
latest that has been published

3 new Guides to the English Tonge
by Dilsworth

1 English Dictionary by
J. Buchanan

6 duodecimo common Prayer Books

2 Bibles containing the old & the New Testament in Octavo

1 complete Tutor for the
German Flute

1 introduction to sing
by Peter Prellur

2 small German Flutes

½ Ream of good quality
writing Paper

½ ditto Folio of an inferior

1 small box red wafers

1 dozen sticks ditto sealing wax

[Page 22]


Williamsburg 11 th November 1765.

To Messrs. Edward Hunt & Son in London


The Leed's Captain Anderson ar
rived here the 28th: day of last Month: And your
Letters & Trunk of wearing Apparel for me
which were forwarded by the said ship I have received
you say in a Letter ^ tis now before me that my former
Letters to you were not explicit enough concern
ing my Adventure in the next ensuing state Lottery
therefore I will add here a sentence or Two on
that matter: If my Tickets namely No 10m704 &
10m705 shall entitle me to 5000£ stock or any
greater sum of money; I would have the entery
then, to be made in the Office of Books in my
Name: But whatever Stock I shall be entitled
to receive, so that it doth not amount to 5000£
then in that case I desire it may be sold & the pro
ceeds carried to my Credit in your Books

I have inclosed herein L. Burwells
Bill for 82£ sterling which is addressed to J
Backhouse of Liverpoole in England, for you
to negotiate : And be pleased to have my Account
Credited accordingly Pray pay £66.18.8 Sterling

[Page 23]


year 1765

the amount of my Draft on you made payable
to Messrs Tarpley Thompson & Co & charge it
to account of Gentlemen

Your humble Servant
Robert Carter.

Williamsburg 12th December 1765.

To Mr Edward Hunt & Son in London


I have passed my Bill on you lately for
£15..13..& 9 Sterling which is made payable to
Mr Amos Stretell which Bill be pleased to pay.

My former Draft on you made payable to
Messrs Tarpley, Thompson & Co: added to the
Bill just mentioned exceed L Burwell's Bill
which I have inclosed to you: 2s/ & 5d If the sentence
was to end here the observation that is just made
would be rather precise : But on a sugges
tion of Colonel Burwell's I apprehe[n]d that his 1st
Bill which is made payable to Governor Fauquier
and is addressed to Mr. J. Backhouse which
I have enclosed to you will be protested: But
the Colonel has informed me that he shall remit
Bills of Exchange by Captain Evers to Mr Backhouse
sufficient to pay all: his Drafts on that Gentleman:
And Colonel Burwell & I have mutually consented
that if Mr Backhouse shall pro^tes[t]the enclosed Bill
that then the damages imposed by Law on the said
protested Bill shall be invalid.

[Page 23]


Williamsburg 26th July 1766


Thomas Bladen Esquire

Your friends at annapolis were well on Sunday
last: and in some part of the week before, they, received
your letters dated last may; the ladie's letters, & some
wearing apparel. Miss M, Ogle is pretty: and your
Neice (misss'smamma) has consented that, mr. j, anderson
junior should write a letter to his father, (who is a mercht resides
in london) requesting his permission to marry miss:
So that I believe you will see her shortly at your house
in albermarle street.

I shall relate here an account of a melancholy affair,
which happened in this colony lately, believing it will
become a topick among your neighbours.

Mr Robert Routledge & some of his acquaintance met
pretty early in the morning, of the 3d day of last month
at an inn in coumberland county, & they were joined
the evening following by colonel John, Chiswell: And Chiswell, after
passing some time with the company, began to be very
liberal of oaths, in conversation; upon which Rutledge
who was a friend of Chiswell signified his displeasure:
at which rebuke Chiswell called Routledge a fugitive rebel, a
villian who came to virginia to cheat & to defraud men
of their property; & a presbyterian fellow: upon which

[Page 23]


Routledge threw a glass of wine at him: And Chiswell in return
attempted to throw a bowl, a candlestic, a pair of tongs at
Routledge, but some of the company interposed. Chiswell ordered
his servant to go into another house & bring to him, his sword
and the servant gave it to him, in a shed room adjoining to the
room, where the company was sitting : Then Chiswell reentered the
room & one of the company attempted to take the sword from
him, but he did not succeed. Chiswell thus armed ordered
Routledge to go out of the company & swore if he stayed there he
Chiswell would kill him: But Routledge did not go; and Chiswell stab
bed him through the heart: across a table. It has
been said that Chiswell sober, & that Routledge was not sober.

The jury of inquiry before the coroner, found that Robert
Routledge was killed by a sword in Chiswell's hand: and
the examining court ordered that, he, Chiswell should be carried
to the public goal, to be legally tried there: (for the county
courts have not cognizance of white people, under criminal
prosecutions) and they refused to admit Chiswell to bail, upon
a motion made by his attorney.

J, Blair, William Byrd, P, Thornton Esquires (three gentlemen
of the Council) did admit him, Chiswell to bail, (out of session
upon examining court; who excuclpated Chiswell and blamed the
deceased; Routledge: The contrariety of testimony, as to the
fact is very alarming; but I hope the whole truth will
come out at the future trial. I shall neither ap
plaud, nor cesure my brethren's Act, in the case,

[Page 23]


just now : But the only point I beg leave to
examin is, whether their of bailing was legal or not:
And as to the expediencey of it I shall inquire into.
The act of assembly constituing the examining courts,
constitutes also the general Court; and the clause in
it, which relates to bail is, "That where any person,
"under criminal prosecution, is by law bailable, he,
"or she shall not be removed from the county, to the
"public goal, in less than twenty daies after re
"commitment, but shall and may be admitted to bail
"within that time, or at any time afterwards before
"trial." Suppose then, that there be a person under
criminal prosecution who had been removed from the
county, to the public goal: (agreeable to the clause)
Could the Justices of the examining court bail the Person?
If they could not; I shall presume that, the concluding
words of the clause, "or that any time afterwards
"before trial" must refer, to the council: For if they
should not refer either to the former, or latter court,
then those words have not any operation.
It has always been said that the Judges of the General
Court are vested with equal authority here; as the Judges
of the Court of King's-bench are in England: And they
bail offenders, who have committed, homicide, ma[n]slaughter;
or as some say, of any other felony, for which a pardon
is granted. I am,
most worthy, Sir, Your affectionate humble Servant
Robert Carter.

N.B. I am not personally interested in the contest, I have just related
Robert Carter

[Page 24]


I hope that my Conduct in this Matter may be de
serving of your approbation for by it the money which
you will have paid on account: of my Bills of Exchange
made payable to Messrs: Tarpley, Thompson & co.
and to Mr Amos Strettell will be in a manner
immediately reimbursed; & my neighbour will
be benefited I am Sir
Yours &cc Robert Carter.

Williasburg 5th September: 1766.

To Messrs Edward Hunt & Son Merchant in London


Pray obtain an insurance on half my
Tobacco on boa[r]d the John & Presly Captain William Thompson
to receive 400£ Sterling in case of total loss,
or damage: For when I gave him an order for it
the condition was that one half should be con
signed to your House. Robert Carter.

To Messrs James Buchanan & Co

The Letter to this House was of the same
dates & [illegible] I desire that, they would obtain insurance
on my Tobacco consigned to them to receive 400£
sterling in case of total loss, or damage.

Robert Carter

[Page 25]


[Page 26]


[Page 27]


Williamsburg 28th November 1766.

Robert Carter's compliments to Mr Edward
Hun[t] & son, and he begs the favor of them to buy
the following Merchantdizes, & forward them to
him here: And to have the same insured.

1 piece of gulix holland at 4 perr ell
2 ditto irish linen at 2s/ per yard, 1 piece iris[h] linen @ 15d
per yard, 3 pieces st[r]ong ozenbrigs,
2 pieces of brown coars fustain, 1 piece of fine Saga
thee, 5 dozen guilded Coat buttons, & 10 ditto breast ditto
2 pair coloured worsted Stockings, 2 pair strong brown
thread ditto for a boy of 11 years old
1 Silver laced hatt for ditto, 2 Castor Hatts for ditto
2 pair coloured worsted Stockings for a boy of 9 years old
2 pair strong brown thread Stockings for ditto.
1 Silver laced Hat, & 2 Castor Hats for ditto.
6 pair best brass Shoe & Knee buckles for ditto.
6 pair ditto ditto Sleeve buttons for ditto.
2 pieces blute plains, 1 peice duck blankets
1 peice of welch cotton, 1 dozen plaid Stockings
1½ dozen strong coarse blue yarn Stockings sorted.
3 Castor Hats for Men Servants
1 dozen felt Hats for ditto. 4lb ozenbrig thread.
1 lb blue thread, 100 lbs hard irish Soap.
4 lb best hyson Tea, 4 lb best congo Tea, 4 best Chocolate
with vanilloes 4 lbs ditto without vanilloes
100 weight double refined Sugar, 100 weight single ditto
1 dozen nutmegs, 4lb hart horn's Shavings
one quarter of one hundred Currans,
1 peck of almonds in the Shell, 1 gallon of Sallad Oil
2 mall glass cruits for the Sideboard for Soye & L, Pickle
2 dozen desert Knives & Forks, with white ivory handles.
1 deep baking Dish 10 inches & ½ diameter, to be
made of silver.

[Page 28]


2 best block tin coffe pots to hold 5 dishes
2 best ditto ditto pots to hold 3 dishes
2 blue & white china bowls, to hold 1 pint each
2 ditto ditto ditto 1 quart ditto
1 dozen large white china cups & Saucers of blue & white china
1 sugar Dish with a top of best cut Glass.
1 ditto ditto of blue & white china.
1 block tin sugar canister 3 inches & 3 tenths by 2 Inches & 7 tenths
2 black tin tea canisters 3 inches & 3 tenths by 2 inches & 5 tenths
2 thousand 4 penny brads, 2 thousand 6 penny brads, 4 thousand flooring brads
1 barrel 10 penny Nails 1 barrel 6 penny Nails 1 barrel 4 penny Nails
2 best garden^ers Spades, 4 Spades to make ditches
1 rake for a kitchen Gardiners, 1 ditto for a flower Gardin.
6 broad hoes, 2 broad axes, 2 hatchets, 3 grubing hoes.
1 dozen sythe Stones,
1 cap, 1 hankerchief, one tucker, one pair ruffles to be only
double, this suit to be made of muslin & laced with
brussell's point & not to exceed 22£ Sterling.
4½ yards of bath Lace at 16s/ per yards.
8 yards of footing,
1 Negligee & Peticoat of slight buff coloured Lutestring
& to be trimmed with the same silk.
1 pair of Stayes, 1 pair white satin Shoes, to be small 5ves
5 pair Calimanco Shoes ditto 2 pairr to be black & the rest, to
be coloured.
1 piece of blue & white cotton holland,
1 pair of stayes for a young Lady 7 years old; to be worn
on either side. 2 pair thread Stockings for ditto.
2 pair coloured calimanco Shoes for a girl of 5 years
old, 2 pair thread Stockings for ditto.
3 Egrets for ditto.
1 black silk bonnet for a girl of 3 years old
4 pair moroco Shoes & 2 pair thred Stockings for ditto.

[Page 29]


4 pair red moroco Shoes for a girl of 2 years old
2 ounces of fine holland thread
4 ditto of 6 penny thread, 6 thousand middling Pins.
3 pieces diaper apron string tape,
1 peice of worsted for Garters
2 Mattresses 6 feet by 4½ feet, to be stuffed with
curled hair. The journals of the present Parliament
See XX in Sheets to the day when you will write to me after receipt of this Letter.

Gentlemen: The Legislature of this Province are now met
& the Burgesses have chosen Peyton Randolph Esquire for
their Speaker, who succeeds John Robinson Esquire deceased
in that office: But they have resolved that the offices of
Speaker & Treasurer shall not be united in the same
Person: And they have nominated Robert Carter Nicholas
Treasurer. The seperation of these Offices hath
created an expence on the People in this Province for
the Burgesses have resolved to pay yearly to Peyton
Randolph Esquire the sum of 500£ Sterling for his care &
trouble, to discharge the Speaker's Office The Burgesses
believe that the Salary, which they have annexed to the
Chair will induce the Speaker to vacate the Office
of King's Attorney; and if he should I hope you
will assist to have my Townsman Mr George Wythe
appointed to it. He is a member of the house
of Burgesses, a zealous advocate of government
a prevailing Speaker, and able Lawyer & an
worthy man. I am Your &cc
Robert Carter

XX all the Acts of Parliament which were intended
should be ob[l]igatory on the People of Great-britain
who have transmig[r]ated to the Islands & continent
of America: But only those Acts wherein either
of the Governments have been named. One brush & box
to lather the Face & Head.

[Page 30]


The Acts of Parliament respecting Americhe

[Page 31]


Williamsburg 25th November 1766.

To Messrs James Buchanan & Co in London.


I waited on Mr Benjamin Waller on the reciept of
your Letter, which was written in May last, to satisfy the
disappointment he had sustained in remitting my
bill directed to you: for 62£16..4: and after I had
communicated the Letter to him, he showed some
resentment for the reasons, which were given for non
payment of it; & said that they insinuated a fraud
which he or I must have perpetrated, if any shall
be discovered in the matter: For he observed that
the sett of bills passed only from me to him, & from
him to his correspondent Robert Cary Esquire: This
construction of the Letter made me wish that it
had never been written; for I believe that you
intended not any reflection by it: But pos
sibly you had my credit in idea then.

Pray pay my bills for 45£ & 149£1..11: The
former is made payable to Robert Burwell, Fielding
Lewis & William Allen Executors of William Lightfoot deceased
and the latter to Sr Marmaduke Beckwith: Which
is of a very stale date & put into circulation
lately by the old [k]night.

I inclosed an order on Messrs James
Cuncanon & Hooke merchants of London, in a
Letter directed to thee, for the proceeds of 10 hogsheads
of Tobacco, & I am not allowed any Credit for the
same in the several account Currants to the 20th
September 1765, which are now before me: And in
that dated the 11th September 1760 there is charged, to my
bill payable to Sr Marmaduke Beckwith

[Page 32]


26£s 15s; and in that dated the 30th March 1764, the same
bill is again charged. Pray review your books
& explain the suggested Errors to me.

The Legislature of this Province are now
convened, & the Burgesses have chosen the
attorney General for their Speaker in the room
of John Robinson Esquire deceased: and they have
resolved that the offices of Speaker & Treasurer shall
not be united in the same Person; & that the Speaker
shall not be concerned, as an officer of the Treasury
and it is said that it will be put into Commission
By this innovation the Speaker's chair is now less
licritave than the office of King's Attorney, therefor
I apprehend that the Speaker will not vacate the
profitable office on his late appointment, un
less the General Assembly will annex a handsome
Salary to the Chair: But if the Speaker should
resign the office of King's Attorney I hope that you
will assist, to have my Townsman Mr George Wythe
appointed to it: He is a member of the house of
Burgesses, a zealous advocated of Government,
a prevailing Speaker, an able Lawyer & a worthy
man. I am, Gentlemen Yours &cc
Robert Carter.

27th This day the house of Burgesses resolved that the Treasury
should not be put into Commission: and they nominated
Mr Robert Carter Nicholas Treasurer My bill for
45£ which is mentioned above I took in part payment.
in a matter I just now settled & have cancelled it Robert Carter

28th The Burgesses have resolved that Peyton Randolph
Esquire shall be paid yearly the sum of 500£ Sterling
for his Care & Trouble, to discharge the Speaker's office Robert Carter.

[Page 33]


Virginia, Williamsburg 6th December 1766

To Henry Raper Esquire Merchant at London


Pray peruse the inclosed Letter & send it
by the first conveyance to to Messrs: Jackson &
Ruthifurd merchants at Leghorn I am &cc
Robert Carter.

Virginia, Williamsburg 6th December 1766

to Messrs Jackson & Ruthifurd Merchants at Leghorn


Captain Samuel Ayeres of the Snow Anne
waited on Governor Fauquier the 4th of this instant: and
the Governor did me the honor to communicate your Scheme
to me immediately: we observed to the Captain that the
last crop of wheat which was made in this Province
had sprouted in the ears before it was cut
down, and we believed that, that wheat would spoil
in so long a voyage, and added that the last crop
crop of indian corn would not be dry enough to ship
before next March: Nevertheless the Captain desired to
be loaded with the best wheat & flour I could buy; so
that it could be done speedily : And I bought wheat
enough yesterday to fill the Anne's hold & flour
to fill the space between her decks; The former at
3s/ 7¼ Sterling per bushell winchester measure, the
latter at 13s/ 4 Sterling Cent and I gave thus libe
rally for these articles, that Captain Ayers might have
a power, to receive, or to refuse them, also to
procure them of two Gentlemen who are to furnish these
articles immediately. And I desired the Captain to
sail the Anne to Warwick ^ Town on James river, which
is 4 score miles up that river

The instruction which relates to the snow Anne
doth not direct that an ensurance shall be made

[Page 34]


on her cargo : so that you will act in that matter uniform
ly : The wheat & flour which she ill carry will
cost about 1423£ Sterling; the Dunnage, Duties, Of
ficers fees, Pilotage &cc are reasonable in this

The proposal which you offer in a Letter to his honor
the Governor to engage for 1-3d or 1, 4th part in 1, or 2
Ships to be loaded in this province with wheat
flour or Indian corn was not communicated in
time for me to accept of it : But if my conduct
shall be satisfactory, in this matter I will be con
cerned with your house in a like Scheme on any
future emergence I send this Letter by the
New York Packet & inclose it to Henry Raper
Esquire of London I am, &cc
Robert Carter

Williamsburg 18th December 1766

Messrs Tetley, Finn and Hobson


Pray send to me a dress suit
of Cloaths, to be made of black Cloth; line it with
Shallon, and spunge the cloath : Also a waistcoat
and breeches, to be made of black princes stuf
& suitable to wear with the black cloth coat in the
Summer. Make both the waistcoats without sle
eves I am yours & cc Robert Carter

To Mr Edward Hunt & Son

Pray pay the bill for the waring ap

[Page 35]


apparel as ordered above, which charge to the
account of Sir yours &cc

Robert Carter.

Virgina, Williamsburg 21st Janury 1767

To Messrs Jackson & Ruthifurd Merchants at
Leghorn in Italy.


The Snow Anne Captain Ayres arrived
at the port of Warwick on James river the 14th
day of last month, to take from thence & the port
of Richmond 383 quarters of wheat: The
former is about 5 Miles below the falls, & the
latter is near the falls, and then to fall down
the river from Warwick to take on board the
remainder of her load.

I acquainted you in a former letter that Captain
Ayres had a negative on all the wheat, which
I bought for the Snow, but neither his duty
to you, nor promis to me would incite
him to compel the persons to clean the wheat
who were to deliver it: Although the Snow
lay at Warwick 12 daies before one bushell
of the wheat was put on board: By this neglect
the cargoe of wheat is very sandy, but if Mr
Randolph ^ (who sold that wheat) had passed all the wheat
through the cleaning Mills three times
honestly (as he agreed to do) I beleive even
then the sand would not have been seperated;
for the Farmers on James River treat out
their wheat ^ with Horses & on the ground, & with Horses.

[Page 36]


I shall make no abstract of the inclosed in
voice & account currant, to which I beg leave to refer

The Mate of the Snow Ann informed me (on
board) the 26th day of last month that she was
not ready to receive any part of her cargo
before the 22d day of the said month: and the Captain
then acknowledged that, he did not hire a flat
before the 18th day of the same month: & thatSo that he
could not have begun to discharge the ballast
before that time
: For three of his Sailors took
away the only boat, that belonged to the Snow
in going up the River: So that he could not have
[running vertically] have begun to discharge the ballast before that that time[end of vertical text]
I was also on board
the Snow the 27th day; and if the Crew had not been
employed in taking the ballast out of the Snow
I should have sent several flat loads of wheat
along side that day: But the Captain insists that,
the Snow was ready the 15th day of December last
to have received any part of the Cargoe; if it
had been along side

If the Governments in North America shall
accommodate (in part) the markets in Europe
with flour, wheat or Indian-corn yearly; the
first of them may be bought at 10s/ Sterling per Cent
the 2d at 3s/ Sterling per bushel & the last at 1s/8 Sterling
perr bushell : Provided that If your agents there shall
have early notice, of the quantity of each article
you may want.

The Crop of Indian-corn, which grew last
year will not be sufficiently dry to export,
before the last week in the month of March
next. We have no Kilns here to dry

[Page 37]


corn, or wheat on

Every order, which you shall address to me
will greatfully be acknowledged by Gentlemen

Your humble Servant
Robert Carter

To Henry Raper Esquire. Merchant in
London   Virginia Williamsburg 23d february 1767

Sir   See Page 39 for the Invoice

The Invoice of wheat & flour is in
closed, which I shipped on board the Snow
Anna Captain Samuel Ayres on account & risk of
Messrs Jackson & Ruthifurd merchants at
Leghorn in Italy : By whose order I drew
on you the 28th day of last month for £1379..7s
sterling at 60ty daies sight, payable to
Richard Randolph, which I trust that you
will duly pay, & charge it to the account of
the Messrs: Jackson & Ruthifurd.

I shall forward this Letter of Advice, by a
Scotch Vessel believing that the Bill will be
transmitted, by the same conveyance I am
Sir &cc
Robert Carter.

To Edward Hunt and Son Esquire Merchants
in London Williamsburg 9th March 1767.

Sirs, I drew a bill on you the 9th day

[Page 38]


of last month for 35£ 7s Sterling payable to Doctor H Franks
which pray pay & charge it to the Drawer

Pray purchace 2 state Lottery Tickets, which debet
to me & notify to me the numbers. If they shall
give claim to 5000 £ Stock, or any greater quantity
then subscribe my name in the office Books; but
if the demand be for less, than 5000 £ Stock, then
sell it, & place the proceeds to the Account of, Sirs,
Robert Carter.

To Messrs Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co, Merchants
on the Island of Medeira - Virginia Williasburg 17th
March 1767   Sirs,

I have annexed to this Letter
an Invoice of some flour shipped agreeable
to the inclosed bill of lading, to which I beg leave
to refer too. You may either exchange the article
immediately, for the very best New York wines, or
postpone the barter as you shall judge most
advantagious : For the wines may be kept and
shipped onboard the Peggey Captain Brown, which I
have chartered & will consign here to your House
She will be ready to receive the Cargo on Lady
day, & it will consist principally of Indian-Corn
Her burthen is about 200 tuns. But if you should
sell the flour immediately, then ship the proceds on
board the Schooner Industry Captain Lattimer, which
charge to account of. Sirs, Yours &cca. Robert Carter.

[Page 39]


Virginia Williamsburg 11th March 1767

Invoice of 87 barrels of flour shipped on
board the Schooner Industry Captain William Copland
Lattimer, now lying at anchor in James's river
in the Colony of Virginia and bound for the Island
of Madeira; on the proper account & risk of
Robert Carter of this city, & consigned to Messrs
Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co. Merchants of Madeira
for sale & returns. The weights of each Barrel
the cost of the barrels & flour & the freight.
as under viz.

Gross Tare Nett
R, C., No-1. 239. 18. 221
Virginia Currency
to. 87 Include weighing. 19803lbs Cost. £173..3..7½
To freight on 87 barrels of flour at 7s/9¾     33..19..8¼
£207.   3.   3¾

Exchange on London at 125£ per 100£ Sterling
Robert, Carter

Invoice of 200 barrels of flour & 5' 19 4½ bushels
of wheat shipped on board the Snot Anne, Captain
Samuel Ayres, now lying at anchor in James's River
in Virginia & bound for Leghorn, for & on account & risk
of Messrs Jackson & Ruthifurd merchants there

Williamsburg Virginia 21st day of January 1767

To Benjamin Harrison Esquire for 188 barrels flour viz


Gross Tare Nett
I, R, No. 1. 291. 25. 266
To 188 weighing 45,533 lbs at 2d per lb £379   8 10
To 188 barrel at 20d each     15 13   4
To Flat & Jobbers       3   3
  398   5   2

[Page 40]


To the whole amount of Benjamin Harrison's account brought on   £398   5   2
To Archibald Cary's account for 12 barrels flour.
B, W No. 1. 285 . 25. 180
To 12 inclusive weighing 2254 lbs at 2d per lb       18 15   8
To 12 barrels at 20d each         1   0   0
To Flat & Jobbers 16   0
To Richard Randolph for 5194½ bushels wheat 4s/6   1168 15   3
To Flat & Jobbers       16   4   8
To ⅔ Pilotage, Port charges & for putting up
Stanchings & Shifting Boards}
      36 12 11½
To Cash paid Robert Donald for nails         1 12
  1642   1   8½
Commission at 5 per Cent.       82   2   1
Total in current money of Virginia £1724   3   9½

Exchange on London at £125. for 100£ Sterling

To Messrs Jackson & Ruthifurd merchants
at Leghorn Williamsburg 26th March 1767


In my former Letters, which were addres
sed to you I omitted to signify that it was indispen
sably requisite that Captain Samuel Ayres & I should en
ter into a Bond, in the Penalty of 2000£ Sterling
that no part of the Snow Anna's Cargo should be lan
ded to the northward of Cape-Finister, except
on the Island of Great-Britain, which Landing
must be proved by the Evidence of a legal
Certficate, which Testimonial is required within
12 Months after the Snow's Clearnace : And if

[Page 41]


this Requisite shall not be done, the Forfeiture
may be recovered : Therefor I hope you will
not fail to cause that 2, or 3 proper Testimo
nies shall be transmitted to me. I am,
Your's &ccc. Robert Carter.

To Messrs Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co Merchants
on the Island of Madeira

Williamsburg 29th April 1767.


By the scarceness of grain in Europe
I am induced to send a quantity of Indian-Corn
& some wheat to your market. For a particular ac
count of it see the Invoice which is annexed.

I dedire that the Grain may be exchanged for the
very best New-York Wines; one third of it to be
put in Pipes, one third more in hogsheads & the re
mainder in quarter Casks.

By the Charter party which I s[i]gned I have re
served only 15 daies to discharge the cargo, & to take
onboard my wines : For your friend & Partner
informed me that, that Business might be done
easily in that time : And if the Peggey should be
detained, at the Island of Madeira & on my
account) longer than 15 daies, then by agreement
I am to pay 4£ Sterling per day Demurrage, for every
day she shall be kept: Therefor I desire that you
will cause her to be dispatched speedily.

It is at Mr Murray's request that I inform
you that I shall reserve 2 Pipes of the wine for

[Page 42]


my own use: And send me one hogshead of the richest
Malmsey Madeira

As the Peggey is about to go a trading voyage
I thought that a Super-Cargo would be a neces
sary Person; therefor the Bearer Mr Robert Miller
acts in that Employment: and I hope & expect
that he will receive one half of the commission
which will be charged, for executing this consign

By this conveyance I send a negro woman
Mary Anna, to be exchanged for Bullion, or
Madeira wine. I do prefer the former, if it
should be attended with some loss: She is
banished for cruelly Beating one of my
children: She was reared in my nursery,
and is a good Seamstress. I am Gentlemen
Robert Carter

Williamsburg the 29th April 1767.

Invoice of 7'772 bushells of Indian
Corn, & 494 bushells of wheat shipped on
board the Peggey, Captain John Walkenshaw
Master, now lying at anchor, in Poto-River
in the Colony of Virginia, & bound for the Island
of Madeira, on the proper Account & risk of
Robert Carter of this City & consigned to Messrs
Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co Merchants of,
Madeira, for sale & returns. The Cost of
the corn, wheat & Freight as by Account below.

To 1995 bushells of Indian Corn which I
bought of Ralph Wormeley at 2s/}
To Cash paid to Craft to put ditto on board Peggey     30

[Page 43]


Virginia Currency
Brought over     229 10 0
To 5'738 bushells of Indian corn which
was made at my Plantations in Westmoreland}
    722 17 6
To Cast paid to Craft to put ditto on board       36   3 0
To 494 bushells of wheat at 4s/6     111   3 0
To Cash paid to Craft to put ditto on boa[r]d         3   1 6
To Freight to the Island of Madeira on
8'272 bushells of Grain @ 15 pence
per bushell Sterling
To 25 per Cent on ditto     129   5
To a negro woman Mary Anna       60

Exchange on London at 125£ for 100£ Sterling
Robert Carter

To Mr Robert Miller of Williasburg

the 3d of May 1767


I have chartered the Ship Peggey Captain John
Walkenshaw, to carry 8'272 bushelles of grain, to
the Island of Madeira, which is to be exchanged
for wines of the growth of the Island: and she is
to proceed immediately with the Cargo of wines to the
Port of New -York, in the Province of New-York.
The Peggey is now lying in Hampton Road and
ready to sail : So that when you shall have received
this Packet, you will have got my Instructions
relative to this trading Voyage : But before
you deliver the inclosed Letter, which is directed to
Messrs Scott, Pringle, Cheap & Co merchant of
Madeira Seal it: It is sent open for you to

[Page 44]


peruse : and digest it thoroughly

The wines, which are for my own use, to be
marked thus RWC Those contracted for
thus R,C,C, and the sale wines thus R4C

Whe you shall arrive at New-York, wait
on Mr Beverly Robinson of that City, inform
him of the quantity of Sale wines & if he will
give Bullion, or Bills of Exchange at 60 daies
sight payable in England, sell the whole
quantity to him: But if he shall refuse to buy
the whole, or any part thereof, use your best
Endeavours to sell it to the Inhabitants of the
Place, for Bullion or Bills of Exchange, I
hope that the cargo wines will be at New-York
for I had rather forgo small Profits than
bring them to Virginia.

All the wines, which shall be brought
to Virginia ^ is to be landed at the College
landing, which I will take into my Cellars
in Williamsburg.

One third of the sale wines to be put in
Pipes, one third into hogsheads & the remainder
to be put in quarter Casks

Exchange my negro woman Mary Anna
for Bullion, or Madeira wine: I prefer the
former article, tho' it should be attended
with a little loss. Note by the word Bullion
I mean Gold, or Silver Money

The Invoice, which is in the letter next

[Page 45]


before this comes in See Invoice

The following Lines contain some conditions
in the Charter Party, which is signed by William & John
Brown of the one Part & I, Robert Carter of the other; And they
are mentioned here, for your due observance.

Demurrage is to begin to run from 16 day after
the Peggey's arrival at New-York: But there is
not any Limitation of daies at Madeira.

The Charge of relanding my Grain, & puting
the wines on board, & relanding them at New York
& at the College-landing, is to be paid by the

When the Peggey shall arrive at New-York advise
me of it, by the first opportunity

If the Peggey should not be sold at New York
nor proceed to any other port, but shall re
turn to Virginia, then I Robert Carter hath liberty to
order 20ty Pipes of wine freight free.

Two Pounds Virginia Currency is the freight
stipulated, in the agreement to be paid for every
Pipe of wine carried from Madeira to the City of

If there should be a difference in the mea
surement of the Grain at Madeira owing to
a difference between the Madeira Measure, & that
by which the Gain was received, neither the Vessel
nor the Captain: are to be charged, for any such
defficiency; neither shall freight be paid for
more bushells of Grain than Messrs: Scott,
Pringle, Cheap & Co. shall acknowledge that

[Page 46]


they shall have received

If Captain Walkenshaw forgot to take the
half bushell, which he received the grain in
carry a proof one, that the precise differenc
may be know between the winchester & Madeira Measures I am, Sir.
Your humble Servant
Robert Carter.

To Mr Amos Strettell, at Philadelphia

Williamsburg 13th May 1767


I beleive that the Ship Peggey Captain Walkenshaw
will sail this day out of Hampton-road, & is going
to the Island of Madeira: She is new & will carry
about 200 Tons. By the Charter-Party, which has
been executed relative to the Peggey, the outward
bound Cargo is to be exchanged for wine of the
growth of the Island, which she is to carry to New
York immediately, & then to reurn from thence to
Virginia. That if she shall arrive at Madeira &
delive[r] the cargo without Damage, I shall be inde
bted 517£ sterling on account of Freight. But if
neither of these Things shall happen I am not
to be charged with Freight: So that my loss will
be on the Grain only I cite these conditions in
the agreement to shew, that if the Vessel should be
wrecked in her Voyage to New York from the Island
I shall lose the wines, also the article, & they make

[Page 47]


a larger Stake, than I intend to insure: Therefor pray
the obtain an Insurance, on the Peggey's Voyage, to New
York from Madeira, so that I may receive 1000£ Sterling
if there be a total Loss. As to your Reimbursement
for the Premium of Insurance, be pleased to draw
for it, on my correspondent Edward Hunt & Son Esquire
of London, & you may depend that due honor will be
shewed to your Bills, by the Gentlemen: I shall expect to
receive the Policy, by the first safe conveyance, after
it shall be completed. I am. your Humble Servant
Robert Carter.

To the honorable: Benjamin Tasker at Annapolis
Williamsburg 14th May 1767.

Dear Sir,

I understand that Colonel Byrd has instructed the
Clerk of York County Court to confess a Judgment on his pro
tested Bill, which is drawn payable to you; also his
Trustees at the suit brought, on their Bond: So that the
original Bond will be required speedily. Therefor
I hope that you will transmit it to me by the 1st safe
opportunity. The Mode, which this Government hath
adopted to recover Sterling Balances is singular
For the Plaintiff recovers against the Defdendant his principal Debt
which appears to be due on a protested Bill, Bond
or otherwise, & the Interest, which is charged to the date
of the Judgment; but the same sterling balance may
be descharged with current money at the rate of Ex
change at that time fixed, by the Court: So that if the
Creditor should buy a Bill of Exchange, with the
current money he will either gain, or lose, as ex
change shall happen to be, at the time he shall
purchace. Note a Judgment gains at the rate

[Page 48]


of 5 per Cent from it's date till Payment.

Colonel Byrd & the Trustees have asked me to
forbear to issue Executions on the Judgments,
which shall be obtained. I answered that you had
not instructed me relative to that matter. And
whatever shall be your Resolution, communicate it
to me definitively I am &cc
Robert Carter.

To the honorable Benjamin Tasker Presdident of
Maryland   Williamsburg the 19th May 1767.

Dear Sir,

Mr President Blair has had 2
aploplectick Fits lately, and is now in
disposed: He acts under a Deputation from the
General of this Colony: This appointment
is worth 300£ Sterling: yearly. The Divine
hath proposed to grant a Deputation for the
sum of 1200£ Sterling to be paid immediately,
which shall authorize the Person, who shall obtainthe
same, to act instantly on Mr Blair's Death.
The Deposite is to be forfeited, if he Mr President
shall survive the adventurer: But the Reverend
will agree to pay 5 per Cent yearly for the use of
the money, from it's Receipt, so long as the warrant
shall be concealed: But on it's operation
the Interest of the 1200 £ shall be disconti
nued   Governor Fauquier, & Mr Fauquer

[Page 49]


advise that I should take a Deputation of the
Clergyman, on the above conditions: and the[y] pro
ise to negotiate the Business for me. Pray
notify your opinion of this scheme to me & I will
act conformably.

Colonel N, Harrison, and William Fitzhugh Junior were here
last month, & the latter promises to discharge your
claim against the former, at our next ensuing court
of oyer. He Fitzhugh expects that I shall deliver
the original Specialty to him, which ascertains the
Debt, & you have got it.

My Inqusitiveness to know your Sentiment
relative to the matter, which concerns me, proceeds
from a high opinion I have of your Judgment:
Therefor I hope that you will excuse it. Pray
make my compliments agreeabke to as many
of your neighbours as you shall see, & believe
me to be, with great Respect &cc
Robert Carter

To Mr Beverly Robinson, Merchant at New-York

illiamsburg 18th May 1767


The Peggey Captain Walkenshaw sailed from hence
last week on a trading Voyage, she goest to the Island of
Madeira, to New-York, & is to return here from thence.
I have freighted on board her 7778 bushells of Indian
Corn, & 494 bushells of wheat, which articles are to be
exchanged for the very best New-York wines, of the gro^wth
of the Island. I have been induced to order the wines
which I shall receive in Traffic to your City, on hearing that
the late importations of that article there, were incon

[Page 50]


inconsiderable compared to former ones. This
circumstance makes me hope & expect that the cargo
of wine will be bought up immediately, for I had
rather make a speedy sale of it, tho' the Profit
should be small, than bring it to Virginia.

Mr Robert Miller, who goes Supercargo will
wait on you, on the Peggey's arrival at New-York
He is instructed to offer the Cargo of wine to you
but if you should refuse to buy the whole, or any
part of it, then I hope that you will advise him
to a Customer, or Customers, who will buy con
siderably. He Robert Miller will receive in ex
change for wine, either cash, or Bills of Exchange
payable at 60ty daies sight in England,
provided that you (Mr Robinson) will endorse the said
Bills: and i will pay 2 per Cent for the risk of the

If Mr Robert Miller should be compeled to
borrow money to pay the Duty on the wines & other
petty charges, & shall be able to obtain it on
his Bills only, I have desired Edward Hunt
& Son Esquire of London to pay the same: But if
an Indorser to his Bills should be required
pray act accordingly.

From your general character, & a personal
acquaintance encourage me to address this Letter
to you; and however it may be taken, I have
not written to a 2d Gentleman, in case you shall
refuse to act. Pray deliver the inclosed Letter
to whom it is directed too; and you will oblige

[Page 51]


oblige, Sir. Your's &c
Robert Carter

To Mr Robert Miller, Supercargo, on board the
Peggey Captainn John Walkenshaw

Williamsburg 18th May 1767


Your Letters, which are dated the 7th & 9th of this
Instant are before me, the former covered two Bills
of Lading signed John Walkenshaw.

Thou informest me that if the Peggey should return
to this Government, with any quantity of wine, that it
will be delivered conformable to the charter Party
In my written memorandum, which is directed to you
(& was delivered by Mr Murray) I say that "All the
"wine, which shall be brought to Virgniia, is to be land
at the College-landing, which I will take into my
"Cellars." Do these words direct that a application
should be made for leave to bring the Peggey to, or
nigh the College-landing? I intend by them that you shold
hire craft to bring the wine to the College-landing
after she shall arrive in this colony.

By Mr Ransdell's Letters the Peggey was not ready
to take on board any part of the cargo before the 2d day
of April, & she received the last of my Grain the 22d day
of the same month. By these Letters 21 of the loading
daies are expended, and if it should be so, the you
may keep the Peggey 24 daies at New-York: For the
Stipulation is 45 daies to load & unload, at the Ports
of Nomony & New-York: But Captain Walkenshaw
who was on board the Peggey when she lay in

[Page 52]


Nomony-bay can inform you of the Fact set forth
in Mr Ransdell's Letters.

If you should be compeled to borrow money, to
pay the Duty on the wines, or other pettey Charges,
draw on Edward Hunt & son Esquire of London
for the same: and mention in the Bills that they are
to be charged to Robert Carter: But forbear to
draw, if some other method can be substituted.

You may see in my former Letter that my stock on
board the Peggey and an article of Freight, are esti
mated to 1809 £ Virginia, or 1447 £ 4 Sterling. The ar
ticle, which you shall receive at Madeira, in Exchange
of the original capital, will create a charge of Freight
from thence to New-York: but if the Value of the first
Stock, and all subsequent Demands that shall be
made relative thereto be kept in contemplation
you may barter Securely. By this Scheme I
neither expect great gain, nor great Loss: and
if the Wines cannot be sold at New-York for cash,
or Bills of Exchange without great loss, then
exchange 5 sevenths of the wines for the following Articles
1200 yards of Cotton}             9 dozen broad Hoes
1500 yards of ozenbrigs         2 barrels of 20 d Nails
2 barrels of 10d Nails
a quantity of New-York Single refined Sugar, &
what other articles you think will be saleable here.

I shall inclose this Letter to Mr Beverly Robinson
of New-York, and, & hath annexed my Letter to him
here, which I intend to be part of these Instructions.

If the Peggey should come immediately to this Government
from New-York, she is to bring 20 Pipes of wine

[Page 53]


freight free, if you shall require it: and whatever
Merchandize I may have to bring from thence, you
had better pay a freight to Captain J. W., than find
them by a nother opportunity. But agree upon
a freight before the Goods are put on board. I a
Sir Yours &cc.
Robert Carter

To Edward Hunt and Son Esquires of London

Williamsburg 22 May 1st June 1767


The late advices from the Island of Madeira
relative to the scarceness of bread have induced
me to freight my last Crop of wheat and Indian-
Corn thither. It is to be exchanged for wines
of the growth of the Island, and sold at New York
If Mr Robert Miller who goes Super cargo
should be compeled to money borrow mon'y, to
pay the Duty on the wines, or other petty
C[h]arges, he is instructed to draw on yo for the
for the Same, and to mention in the Bils,
that they are to be changed to my me acount
which pray pay and debet accordingly.
I have writen to Mr Amos Strettell of Philadelphia
to obtain an insurance on the ship Pegg'y
Captain Walkenshaw from Madeira to new York;
that I may receive 1000 £ sterling if she
shou[l]d miscar[r]y on the Voaige, and to draw on
you to remiburse the Premium, which pray
pay and charge to my account.

The ship caled the Good Intent

[Page 54]


Captain G[e]orge Hub[b]ard arr in York River
the 10th of this Instant last month and the pa[r]cels which he
sent to me contained the several several merchandise
accept 4 pair of women shose. W[h]ich have be[e]n accidently
omitted: They are charged at £1..5..6 in Mr Gre
sham's Bill Mrs Carter desires that 3 pair of coloured,
& 1 pair of black callimanco s[h]oes be sent by an
opportuity Either to Jamses or to York Rive[r]s.
We think that the Brusels Point is skilfully chosen.
Pray send me the foll[ow]ing books Viz The latest
Folio Edition of Samuel Johnston's Dictionary of the
English Language: But if there hath been published
a work on the same Plan by a nother Person, which is
in higher Estimation, than Samuel Johnson's Dictionary, then send
that work, & do not send Johnston's.
a course of Lectures on Elocution &cc. by Thomas Sheridan
British Education by the same Person.
Blackston[e]'s Commentaries, on the Laws of England.
The critical Review, to be sent monthly as they shall
be published; and to begin this year from the date of this Letter. I am Gentlemen &cc
Robert Carter

To Mr Didsbury, Shoemaker, in Pall-mall
in London     Williamsburg 1st June 1767.


The Shoes, which Captain Neeks bought of you for me
were two sizes too small, which fault I have complained
off repeatedly; for I have not worn 1 pair of shoes you
have sent to me for the last 6 Years! Therefor I desire
that the Shoes, Pumps & Slippers, which are mentioned in
the following order, be made 2 sizes larger, than

[Page 55]


my last parcel of Shoes.

Pray put the Shoes, Pumps & Slippers into a Box,
& send it by any ship, which intends to loads either
in James, York or Rappahanoc Rivers. Edward
Hunt & Son Esquire will pay your Bill. I am
Yours &cc Robert Carter

2 pair dog skin, dress Shoes
1 pair ditto ditto Pumps
1 pair blue morocco leather, shoe Slippers
Robert Carter

To the honorable Mr Benjamin Tasker, at Annapolis

Williamsburg 30th May 1767.

Dear Sir,

Yesterday I received your Leter, which was written
last tuesday: and my son Benjamin was greatly pleased
with the Letter & Present, which were addressed to him.

I communicated your Letter to Mr. George Wythe, & Mr John
Blair junior who say that a judgment cannot be entered
till the bond is produced; and if not produced in a
reasonable time after oyer of it be demanded the suit
will be dismissed at your cost: The latter manages your
Business personally in the county court, for only Bar
risters can practice in the general & county courts, & the
former Gentleman is not one. But I advised you
in a Letter, which Mr Aburthnot promissed to deliver, that
Mr Blair would manage your Suits in the county courts.

In the Letter now before me you apprehend, if the bond
should be transmitted here, that it would be delivered to
the obligiors; but the only use intended, is to obtain a
Judgment, which will be entered against all the Trustees:
So that their Estates may be sold to satisfy the same.

[Page 56]


The Trustees shall not receive the bond: and a Judg
ment will be a better security than it. If thou will
transmit the bond & power of attorney to me a Judgment
ment shall be obtained speedily.

The Account, which you rendered the 18th day of last July,
makes the balance due from me to you to be £10..16..6 sterling
and by a note on it, I am to be charged in a sub
sequent account with £6..1s Sterling. one third part of £18..3
which sums added make £16..17....6 Sterling: and substract
it from Mrs Carter's yearly proportion namely: £160..15.9
Sterling the balance will be £143..18..3 Sterling: But by the
account which you setteled 5 daies ago the due to her ap
pears to be £149..19..3 Sterling: which Errour be pleased to

When Colonel Byrd shall have satisfaction your claim against
him I will retain as much of it as will discharge
Mrs Carter's balance, and the remainder shall be ap
plies, as you may direct.

Governor Fauquier, has Schirrhus Testicles, This
Disorder is oft mortal. He foregoes the use of Spirits
fermented Liquours, & animal food, (except small
Soop made of it) Is attended by Mr Pope, who is
an able Surgeon, and he tells us that the Symptoms
are very favorable. I am, Dear Sr. Your Affectionate son
&cc Robert Carter.

[Page 57]


To the honorable Benjamin Tasker at Annapolis
Williamsburg 13t June 1764.

Dear Sir,

Mr J, Wayles drew yesterday on Messrs
Farell and Jones of Bristol for 180£ 11s Sterling the balance which
was due to Mrs Anna Ogle, on Colonel Nat: Harrison's
Promissary note: I made out an Account from a copy of
the original, which you had worwarded to me, and my
Relation consented to pay that balance: But required
my Indemnification against the note. The Account, which I
delivered was as followeth.

Dr Colonel Nat: Harrison of Stafford County in Virginia
To Mrs Anna Ogle of Maryland

To your Promissary note for Sterling, which was due the
30th day of January 1766
£169   2 0
To 5 per Cent Interest on ditto from the 30th January 1766 to the
12th June 1767. one year 4Months & 12 daies}
    11   9
£180 11
Per Cent
By J, Wayles's bill on Farell & Jones of Bristol
for Sterling payable to Mrs Ogle}
£180 11

Pray notify the receipt of J, Wayles's bill, which I
shall inclosed in this Letter.

Your Packet which covered your bill on Messers:
perkin & Co. of London payable to George Wythe, the Turs
tee's bond, their Power of attorney, Colonel Nat Harrison's
promissary note &cc &cc Mr Ritchie put into my
hands, who received it fo his friend & neighbour
Colonel Tayloe.

Judgments will be entered the 3d Monday in next
Month against the Trustees, & Colonel Byrd, the former
will not negotiate the judgment, which shall be against
the latter, they say that they cannot be compeled to pay
Colonel Byrd's protested bill. Pray be explicit in

[Page 58]


your Instruction relative to the judgments, which shall
be entered for you.

Colonel Carter hath not been within the jurisdiction of
York, James City or the Husting Courts since you
directed that he should be sued: (except when exempt
from arrests) so that I despair of catching him in either
of those courts. A Judgment cannot be obtained in
the General Court even upon a bond in less time than
4, or 5 years: For these Reasons I shall have Colonel Carter
arrested in his own County or in one of the adjacent
counties to it.

I have been told that Mr Middleton of Annapolis is
at Norfolk, who will return home in some part
of next week, and as none of my acquaintance
northward of Rappahannock River attended here this
meeting, I shall deliver this Letter to a Gentleman of
Norfolk, who promised to give it to Mr Middleton.
I am. Dear Sir
Your affectionate Son & Humble servant
Robert Carter.

To Mr John Hough in Loudoun County
Williamsburg 13th Jund 1767


After my Creditors had repetedly applied to
me; to pay them their balances, I called upon Captain James
Lane to discharge his bonds, which are payable to me
and his inattention to my sollicitations had de
termined me to remove him from my inconsiderable
business: and soon after I offered it to you, & in con
sequence of that conference I shall inclose in this Letter
a List of my lands lying in Fairfax, Prince William
Loudoun & Frederic Counties; those setteled, & not
settled, also a roll of the names of my tenants
who live on each tract, & which specifies their yearly
Rent's   I apprehend that the roll is not correct

[Page 59]


& I hope that you will ammend the Errors when discovered, and
advise me accordingly.

I gave Captain James Lane 10 per Cent on all the Cash &
Tobacco rents, which he had collected at our yearly
settlement, & I do hereby oblige my self, my heirs &
assigns to pay the same commission to you. I hope &
expect that you will inform the tenants that I have empow
wered you to collect my Rents, that I shall except against
any payment, that they may make to Captain James Lane, for
rent, which shall be due for the year 1767: So that Captain
James Lane is to collect the rents for the year 1766, & thou
art to collect the rents, which shall be due for the year

I will copy the most matterial conditions of the Leases
I have granted, and will transmit them to you; so that when
thou shalt be collecting, thous mayest enquire whether
they have been observed & kept. The tenants to whom
I have not acknowledged Leases too are only tenants at will.

If thou shouldest have written to me relative to
Lord Fairfax's claim, on account of surplus land
contained within my courses of a tract of Land
lying on broad & sugar Runs, it is yet on it's passage
Pray acknowledge the Receipt of this Letter, & then observe
on the Barons demand mentioned above.

I presume that the inclosed order, which is addressed to
the tenants who live on my lands, doth deligate a
Power to you to collect the Rents, which Captain James Lane would
have done, if the order should not appear; therefor
it is to be communicated to the tenants speedily

I am Sir your Humble Servant Robert Carter

To The Tenants, who reside on the land of
Robert Carter of Williamsburg   the 13 June 1767


[Page 60]



Pray pay to Mr John hough of Loudoun
County my Rents, when they shall become due for
the year 1767, and his Receipt shall be an acquit
tal, witness my Hand the day & year above writ
ten. Robert Carter inclosed this order in the prece
eding Letter addressed to John Hough

To Mr. Landon Carter junior in Prince William County
Williamsburg 15th June 1767

Dear Sir

As your residence is very nigh my Quarters
on Bull & Cub-Runs, it may be convenient for you to
superintend them, & if you will do that business, seal the in
closed letter before you send it to the overseer: It is sent
open that you may read it. But if you shall decline my
proposal, then tear the letter, & advise me accordingly.

An attention to the inclosed paper will show the neat
profits of my quarters in Prince William & Loudoun counties
for the year 1765, and in what manner the crop of Tobacco was
disposed off; which form I desire may be observed at
our yearly settlement; except this difference only for
you may see that Robert Mathist the late overseer & brother
of the present overseer, received 2/18 of the crop of tobacco
& 2/19 of Grain, for the overseer is to have one 7th part
of the neat Profits. By this agreement I expect that the over
seer will be as desirous of selling advantagiously
whatever articles he shall make, as he was in rais
ing & making them. The overseer must not sell but
to such Persons, who you shall approve off. and you are
to receive the money & to account with me for it.

I desire that the tobacco be not cut down before it shall
be ripe, that if be very much deadened in the field, & then
thinly hung in the Houses, ¼ to be stemmed, the whole to

[Page 61]


be sorted, & 1205 lbs to be packed into each hogshead: The
hogsheads to be made with seasoned stuf.

For your Care & troubling in doing my business,
thou mayest retain 10 per Cent on the neat Profits, which
shall arise yearly on account of my Plantations on
Bull & cub runs.

If you shall accept off this proposal, that acceptance
supersedes Captain James Lane immediately: So that he
will account with me for the meat sold, & crop made in
the year 1766, & you for the Profits arising for this year,
or 1767

As I shall discontinue Captain James Lane in my em
ploy, I hope that you will accept off my proposal, even
if you should decline it this ensuing Autumn.

Pray ask Mr Mathist (the overseer) at what Warehouse
my last crop of tobacco was carried too, then seal &
direct the inclosed letter to the Inspectors, at the Inspection;
and if there be not an immediate conveyance to one
of them, send the letter by an Express.

Forward the inclosed letter directed to Mr Robert Mathist
my late overseer, he will inclose an answer to it, to you.
There is a weekly Rider, who sets out from Fredericksburg
to bring the northward Mail to this Place: So that any
Letters, which shall be directed for me, & forwarded to
either of the merchants residing in Falmouth, or
Fredericksburg, will be readily conveyed from thence

When the Inspectors shall have informed you of the whole
quantity of my tobacco lying at their Inspection,
sell it for the best cash Price, & take the purchacers's
bonds made payable to me, to be paid at Williamsburg the 25
day of October next ensuing: If you cannot sell the whole
quantity of tobacco do not sell my crop & keep the tobacco
which was paid by my tenants, for I had rather ship the
former then the latter: Do not take less then 16/8

[Page 62]


per Cent for tobacco: paid by the tenants, besides the common
allowance for Cask. And if the purchacers will
give 16s/8 per C consign all my tobacco to Edward Hunt &
Son Esquires of London: But if no Captain will take
it on liberty, consign it to Mr Russell of London
But if Mr Russell should not have a ship
in Potomac River, consign it to Mr. Backhouse of
Liverpoole. I am your Humble Servant Robert Carter

To Mr Mathis, my overseer at Bull-run

Williamsburg 15 June 1767


Your neighbour Mr Landon Carter junior hath
now the same power & authority at my quarters
lying on bull & cub-runs, as Captain James Lane
had: Therefor I hope & expect that you will perform
& do on my Plantations, whatever he shall
direct I am, Your Humble Servant Robert Carter

To Mr Robert Mathist my former overseer
at Bull Run Quarter.

Williamsburg 15 June 1767


Pray inform me what number of hogsheads of tobacco, the
neat weight, the number that were stemmed, barrels
of Indian corn & bushells of wheat, that were made
at my Quarters on bull & Cub runs in the year 1766
what number of Beves, & Hogs Captain James Lane
sold that fall, the prizeses & to whom

I hope & expect that you will write and answer to
this Letter immediately on receipt of it; and inclose
it to Mr Landon Carter Junior of Prince William County,
who lives near to my Quarters on Bull & cub
runs, I am Your Humble Servant Robert Carter.

[Page 63]


To the Inspectors at     Warehouse

Williamsburg 15th June 1767


Pray inform me by the bearer, of the whole quantity
of tobacco at your Inspection (I mean only what belongs to me)
& distinquist between the tobacco which was made at my
Quarters in Prince William & Loudoun Counties, & the tobacco
my tenants may have paid.

Do not deliver any part of my tobacco but on the
order of Mr Landon Carter Junior of Prince William County
or my own. I am Gentlemen
Your Humble Servant Robert Carter.

To Mr Edward Ransdell near Westmoreland Courthouse

Williamsburg 24th June 1767


Your letter of the 2d day of last month I ans
wered the day af[t]er it came to hand: And put my
letter in the Post-office to be forwarded by the first
opportunity. But Mr J, Davenport informs me that
it was not come to hand, when he sat out to come
down here: And in case it has miscarried I will
endeavour o repete what I said relative to the last
crop of tobacco: For I did not subscribe that letter.

I belive that I observed in the letter, that if thou wast
to make use of part of the crop of tobacco before the
yearly settlement had been made, I could not with
hold the suboverseers's proportion justly, if they should
ask for it. And I found by experience that, that, me
thod protracted the yearly settlements, & therefor re
commended that all the tobacco, wheat & corn should be
charged to me, & I would satisfy the claimants
respectively: which was agreed too: Also I desired
that Inspectors Receipts for the remainder of the crop
might be sent here, before the 8th day of this month

[Page 64]


that I might either sell the whole quantity of tobacco,
or ship my proportion, and redliver the reain
der to you; but as the matter hath been conducted
I could neither offer the Tobacco during the April, or
June courts: So that I am compelled to consign it;
and fear that I shall lose thereby.

As the year is far advanced I do not care what
becomes of the balance of the crop of Tobacco: so that
you may apply it to your own use.

It is fit that you execute my Instructions, & to
write to me a state of my affairs frequently
for an inattention to either will certainly dis
tress me. I have long required that the crops of
Tobacco shall be inspected on or before the 28th of
February, & that Inspectors receipts shall be trans
mitted to me here, on or before the 10th day of April
next after the tobacco shall be made: and so again
insist upon the same thing.

Send the mares to Dottrell this season, which have
not got young colts this spring. I am your &cc Robert Carter.

To Messrs: James Buchanan & Co Merchants
Williamsburg 2d July 1767.


Your letter of the 20th day of february last, is
now before me. I was pleased to hear that you: had
paid 35£ 8 for Governor Fauquier's use, & had ac
cepted one other of my bills in his favor for 48£

In a former letter I advised you that I had
drawn two setts of bills, which were made pay
able to Sr Marmaduke Beckwith, & to the Execu
tors of the late William Lightfoot amounting in the whole
to 194£ 1..11 Sterling, but neither one, or the other of
these bills will be demanded: the former was ad

[Page 65]


addressed to Edward Hunt & Son Esquire of London
& the latter I took in part of a debt, & canceled it.

Last week I wrote a letter to Captain George Dobbie
of the John & Presley, & inclosed Inspectors Receipts
for 92 hogsheads of tobacco, which I promised to freight
Provided that one half of it should be consigned to
Edward Hunt & Son of London. Pray obtain an in
surance on 46 hogsheads of tobacco on board the John and
Presly (which I shall consign to you) so as to receive
414£ sterling if it should be lost, or damaged.

I drew on you the 20th day of last month for 29£
8..6 Sterling at 60ty daies sight payable to Messrs
Tarpley & Thompson, which pray pay, & charge it
to the account of Gentlemen
Your Humble Servant Robert Carter.

To Mr Landon Carter junior, of Prince William County
near Bull run   Williamsburg 2d August 1767

Dear Sir

Your letter, which is dated the 28th day of last
month, I received the 4th day after it had been written
It gave me great pleasure; and I am obliged on
account of the business you did, and have engaded
to do, in consequence of my Sollicitation.

I am not obliged to Messrs William Bennett & Thomas Attwell
for refusing to deliver my tobacco, for in my letter to
them I directed that they should deliver all of it, which is, or
should be carried to quantico Inspection, to Mr Landon
Carter, junior of Prince William County, or his order. I in
closed to Captain George Dobbie inspectors receipts for 92
hogsheads of tobacco which Mr E, Ransdell had sent to me:
And the only order I gave relative to my crop of
tobacco made on bull-run, & my tenants tobacco that it should
be delivered to you; Therefore I hope & expect that you
will re-demand the crop, & tenants tobacco of Messrs
Bennett & Attwell, & dispose of it, as is mention
ed in my former letter.

[Page 66]


My yearly tobacco rents amount too 25'970 lbs and
when I was writing last month to you, I expected that
part of that Debt had been paid, & that every part
of it you shall receive of Captain James Lane, he
may charge accordingly, at our next settlement

Captain Lane will collect the whole rents, & account
with me for the profits of my quarters for the year
1766, and no longer: I hope to settle that account
myself with Captain Lane: So that whatever pay
ment he shall make to you, on my account, will
be charged accordingly.

Pray demand the hogshead marked No. 1, & dispose
of it, as you shall do, with the other 20ty

Communicate this letter to Captain James Lane, for it,
together with a short one I shall subjon will
be as intelligent & serviceable, as a seperate
letter, which would contain the contents of both
Thereor he shall neither be charged with post
age, nor I the pains of writing it. I am Dear Sr
&cc Robert Carter

To Captain James Lane.


I wrote a letter last month, which was directed
to you, it signified that my relation Mr Landon Carter junior
& Mr John Hough were to superintend my
business, which you had done for several years
that they were to account for the Profits of my Quarters
& the rents, which shall be due for the present year,
to desire that you would pay deliver to Mr Landon Carter junior
all the tobacco, that was made at my Plantations
last year, also all the tobacco, which you had, or
should collect for Rents, which were due for the same

[Page 67]


year, & to account with me this ensuing Autumn, for
sundry Things, which have been sold since our last
settlement: and all credits, which have not been
rec[k]oned at former settlements. to which intent
I do purpose to be at your house on the 16th day of
next month. I am, Your &c. Sir
Robert Carter.

To the honorable Benjamin Tasker. Williamsburg 3d August 1767.

Dear Sr.

Your letter is now before me, which is dated this day
7 nights. I saw Colonel Byrd this morning, & informed
him of the Judgments of York-Court, in your favor against
him-self & Peyton Randolph & John Page Esquire:
They amount too £4'253..10..8 sterling, which Include
all damages, Interest & costs to the 2d of last June

The judgment against Colonel Byrd amounts to £   263   0 0
To Costs on ditto         2   4 7
The judgment against Peyton Randolph, & John is for 3'559
To costs on ditto         2   4 7
To 6 per Cent interest on 3'559£ for the 2d June
1765 to the 2d June 1767 - 2 years
    427   1 6
£4'253 10 8

If the article 3'559£ be substracted from
the aggregate of the articles, the remainder will be
£694..10..8, which sum Colonel Byrd will draw for in
one or more bills, & undertakes that the surviving
trustees, & the Executors, or administrators of the
deceased, shall indorse the same: so that if the bills
shall be paid the balance on the judgments will
be £3'559 sterling which carries an interest of 6 per
on the hundred, till paid.

[Page 68]


I filled up two sets of Exchange made payable
to the, which Colonel Byrd took to foward to the trustees
named in your bond, or their Executors, or admi
nistrators: one set if for £550..12.5, the other
£143..18..3. The former set I shall transmit to
you, when it shall be returned to me, the latter
will be carried to your Credit: The entry will
be to pay 100£ which was due the 20th day of last
March, also 26£ 15s.. 9 which shall be due the 25th of
next November & 34£ which shall be due the 20th of
next December making in the whole £160..15..9 Sterling
which is £16..17..6 more than the bill I shall apply
to my use. To elucidate this seeming error I beg
leave to refer you to the following Account.

Dr the honorable Benjamin Tasker to Robert Carter.

To a legacy given to my wife, by her
Brother, which is valued at
£160 15 9
By balance due to Benjamin Tasker as by his Account rendered
the 18th of July 1766,
    10 16 6
It is noted on the said account that Robert Carter is
to be charged with ⅓ of £18..3s sterling at
the next settlement}
      6   1 0
By Colonel William Byrd's bill when received.   143 18 3
£160 15 9

I thank you for paying Mr Jaykes
£1..16 for the lawes of Maryland: Pray is it Sterling
money? If I had known it's value, I should have
entered it with the Credits above.

Your letter directs, (which I am reviewing)
that if there be not judgments against all the joint sur
viving trustees, & the Executors, or administrators

[Page 69]


of the deceased, that they obtained as soon as posible
My Advisers singled Peyton Randolph & John Page
from the other trustees, as the readiest way to recover
your demand against them. And if you desire to put
and end to the matter instruct me to demand the
whole balance on your judgment, namely 3'559 £
sterling. and the interest due from the 2d day of last June
I beleive it may be negotiated on the same terms
as the payment, which Colonel Byrd is about to make,
to satisfy the interest, which is due on account of this
bond, & Colonel Byrd's Debt. But if thou shouldest
incline to indulge the gentlemen longer & shall
direct that judgments be obtained against each of the
surviving trustees, & the Executors or Administrators of the deceased
that Instruction shall be punctually prosecuted

Your bond against the trustees is in the care of
Mr. Thomas Everard, clerk of York County Court, he is
a careful Person: But if it should be mislaid,
the Judgment, on record may be levied immediately.

When the judgments were obtained York Court
settled the difference of exchange to be 25 per Cent
between Sterling & Virginia money: So that the
Debtors may satisfy them in current money at that
rate of Exchange. I am, Dear Sr your &cc
Robert Carter.

To Mr Landon Carter junior of Prince William County
11th August 1767


Your letter of information touching the growing
Crop came to my hands this day. As soon as I
had found that Captain James Lane intended to resign my
business, it came into my my mind that you might
superintend my Quarters in Prince William & Loundoun
Counties without neglecting your own: And at the same
time benefit your, and my family. These pros
pects moved me to perswade you to undertake my

[Page 70]


business partly; for I feared that if your attention had
been required towards my tenants, that the commission
would have only have had reibursed the loss, which
would have had ensued at your Quarters; Therefor
I put that part into the hands of Mr John Hough.

I wrote fully the 2d day of this month to you, to con
tradict Messrs Bennett & Attweell's information,
namely that I had given an unlimited order, to de
liver all my tobacco to Captain G. Dobbie, or to his
order. And therein I tell them to deliver the whole
of it to you, & desire that you will dispose of it
as directed in my letter dated the 15th day of last
June. And as I do not doubt, that my letter to you
has gotten to hand, I shall forbear to mention here
the subject of a letter, which is subjoined to it, & is
directed to Captain James Lane. I am Dear Sr. yours & Robert Carter

P,S I say in my letter of the 2d of this month, that
I shall be at Captain Lane's the 16th day of next month
and I shall be there then; if my horses shall recover.
The symptoms that accompany the Disease among
horses are loss of appatite, discharge of matter
through the nostrils, or an Impostume bet[w]een the
cheek-bones. For the cure, we first bleed, give
daily an ounce of salt-petre dissolved in warm
water, & apply a Poltice to the swelling.

22d August my horses will not be fit, to travel
sooner than the succeeding General-Court: So that
I shall not be at your house, before the 12th day
of next November. Pray tell Captain Lane, that I hope
to see him here, in some part of the following General
Court (as I cannot wait on him) in order to
make a final settlement. Robert Carter.

[Page 71]


To the honorable: Benjamin: Tasker Esquire at Annapolis

Williamsburg 15th August 1767

Dr Sir,

Your letter, which is dated the 15th day of last month
is just put into my hands: and almost every obser
vation, that would be proper on it, is anticipated in
a letter of the 2d of this Instant, which I addressed to you
& forwarded by the Post: Therefor shall take notice
only, of it's parts, which have not been answered

In some part of last Spring Mr William Fitzhugh junior
engaged to pay off Colonel N. Harrison's late order made
payable to Mrs Anne Ogle in some part of the succeding
month of June: Through Mr Wayles, who was
indebted to him. And he was ready to accom
plish Mr Fitzhugh promiss, by paying either
current money, or a bill of Exchange

Mrs Ogle's demand was for £180 11 0 Sterling
To 25 per Cent on ditto, the difference of
Exchange between sterling money
& Virginia Currency, as settled last April
by the General Court
    45   2 9
£225 13 9

The alternative then was will you take a bill for
£180 sterling payable at Bristol, or £225..13...9 current
money of Virginia in payment of the order. I ac
cepted the former: As it had been suggested that there
would be more bill Purchacers, than bill Sellers at
the Oyer Court: and so that matter turned out for the
Drawers received from 27½ too 30ty per cent Exchange: So that
the Ladies gained that difference, by my settlement.

Mr Wayles hath great possessions is this Province,
is a Lawyer, Agent for the house on whom the bill
is drawn, & his drafts have allwayes duly honoured
But if the bill shall be protested, I will take
it up.

[Page 72]


Be pleased, Sir to communicate this Letter to your
daughter Mrs Ogle, to whom I present my com
pliments, and to my Friends, of your acquaintance
The Subscriber hath the honour to be, Dear Sr.
Your Son
& affectionate Humble servant
Robert Carter

P,S. 18th September 1767

Two setts of Exchange drawn by Colonel Byrd amounting
too £694..10..5 sterling & indorsed by the surviving Trustees
& the Representatives of those dead, except the late
Speaker's Administrators, were returned to me
yesterday, which bills I mentioned in a former
letter, which was directed to you. But on re
viewing the bills I find, they must be renewed
to correct a palpable Error: For the bills are
made payable to thee & not to the Trustees; So
that they would not be lyable if the bills should
be protested. I shall see most of the Gentlemen here
next month, who are concerned in this matter
when the mistake shall be rectified

Your letter of the 5th day of this month was brought
to me yesterday, & if I understand it you direct
me to apply to Colonel Byrd's Trustees to return all
the money they borrow on their joint bond, & pay
whatever Interest that may be due on the same.
If that be your Intention I believe the Judgment
already obtained against two of them, namely
Peyton Randolph & John Page Esquire will enable
me to settle the matter, sooner than if I shall
attempt to get Judgments against the other
surviving Trustees. If I shall be constrained
to order an Execution to issue against the Estates
Peyton Randolph & John Page neither of them will sustain any Loss
for the Trustees will jointly exercise the Power
they have over the Estate, which they hold in trust

[Page 73]


Year 1767

and it will be sold, to satisfy the Judgment: But I
hope that oppressive measure will not be adopted
to compel a speedy & complete settlement

I waited on Mr Everard this day, who hath your bond
he partly promissese to redeliver it, provided
he might indorse on the bond the following words,
or to the same Effect   Memorandum, a Judgment
has been obtained in York County-Court on this
bond, against Peyton Randolph & John Page two of the
Obligors   Shall I, or shall I not take the bond
& power of attorney out of the office?

Fannie & I present our compliments to Mr Ogle
& congratulate you, his Mother & Relations, on
his return to Maryland: and if an Excurtion
to this Place would be agreeable; We shall be
glad to see him, & his Party here. I imagine
he hath informed you of my late importation
of Madeira wine: It is of the best New-York
Quality, & is prisesed at 32£ Sterling per pipe. I have
76 pipes so that if your neighbours will direct their
orders to me, they shall be supplied according &c
I am yours
Affectionately Robert Carter

the honorable Benjamin Tasker of Annapolis

Dear Sr,

Colonel Byrd has renewed the bills which were given
on account of tow Judgments of York Court in favor of you
The bills amount too £100..4..8 Sterling: The sett for
£554..6..5 I shall herein inclose, the other for £143..18..3
I have indorsed your name on the back of it to
show you passed it in payment & you are
credited in my ledger accordingly. The payment
mentioned above will be bettter understood after
perusing the following account.

[Page 74]


Year 1767

Dr. the honorable Colonel William Byrd, & Messrs Peyton Randolph
& John Page to the honorable Benjamin Tasker

20th July 1767
To a Judgment on Colonel Byrd's protested bill
£   263   0 0
To 5 per Cent interest on ditto from 20 July 1767,
to the 2d November followingly
        3 14
To Cost on the above suit         2   4 7
To a Judgment on a bond passed by Colonel Byrd's
Trustees: Viz Peyton Randolph & John Page
To Costs on ditto         2   4 7
To 6 per Cent interest on £3559 from the 2d June
1765, to the 2d June 1767 two years
    427   1 6
£4257   4 8
By William Byrd's bill on L, M'Lean     554   6 3
By balance due to Benjamin Tasker 2d June 1767   3559
£4257   4 8

your favors of the 5th & 13th of last month are
before me, the Costs of the suits are included in the
inclosed sett of bills: and I shall debet you in
a future account

You will not obtain Judgments against B. Grymes
& N, Harrision, in less than 18 months

Charles Carter must be suied in the County where
he resides, for he does not appear here

The inclosed sett of Exchange is indorsed by
Presly Thornton, Peyton Randolph, John Page & Sholes[?]
Turnbull, who are the only surviving trustees
except Chaarles Carter, who went from hence last
week & if I were to insist on his endorsement
I could not transmit it by the bearer A, Steward
The representatives of the deceased Trustees refuse

[Page 75]


to indorse this or any bill Colonel Byrd shall draw
This refusal alarmed the surviving Trustees, & to
gratify some of them I have suied the Executors of
the late honorable Peter Randolph, & the administrators
of John Robinson deceased on their joint bond
executed to you. The suits are brought in York Court
& Judgments will be obtained next February
So that the Estates of the late Colonel Peter Randolph
& the late Speaker may be sold to satisfy your Claims
as well as the Estates on the former Judgments if Colonel
Byrd shall not be ready to pay it the 2d day of
next June.

The inclosed sett of Exchange is for £3..14 Sterling more
than the bill, which was cancelled, this difference
arose on the addition of 5 per Cent interest on 263£
the amount of the Judgment agains Colonel Byrd from the 20th
July to this day

40'430 hogsheads of tobacco were exported out of this
Government from October 166, to October 1767 Our Merchants give
20s/ Virginia Currency per 100 for tobacco: 4s/ per bushell for
wheat & 8s/6 per barrel for Indian Corn. If
you want to buy Indian Corn & will signify it
to me I will direct my manager to deliver
any Qu[a]ntity you shall send for to Nomony-river
at 8s/6 Virginia Currency   I am
Robert Carter

Williamsburg 11th November 1767.

To Edward Hunt & Son of London


I have not acknowledged the receipt of your

[Page 76]


Letters dated the 18th of last may, & 31st July. I am
also my Draft of the 7th this Instant on you for
£219..16..4 Sterling at 60ty daies sight & made pay
able to Messrs: William & John Brown, which be pleased
to pay, & debet my account accordingly. This
sett of Exchange, also 3 next preceding it
amounting too £231 were to pay in part only
a Debt created by my late Adenture to the Island
of Madeira. And if part of the Cargo of Wine
be not exported to your market, or some
other, otherwise I fear it will bee in my Cellars many
years: For the Sellers of Madeira Wine say, they
have great quantities on hand, that the Consump
tion is not so much here as formerly hence
then I ask whether I may consign to you fifty pipes
of Madeira Wine. The Prizeses I sell at here are
as follows Viz £32.. Sterling per Pipe
16..15 ditto per hogshead
8..12..6.. ditto per Quarter Cask
If you shall advise me to send that quantity of Wine
or any part of it, I beg leave to remark that whatever
Expence that may arrise on transporting the Wine
from hence, must be added to the Rates above

I have put a dozen bottles of the Cargo wine into
2 boxes, 3 bottles in each box were drawn out
of a Pipe, which was refined with milk, & are
labelled to distinguish them, the other 6 were
drawn out of a Pipe, which hath not been refined

My Madeira Correspondent terms the wine
the very best New-York quality. I shall desire
Mr Earnshaw & Mr Pride to forward these
boxes & the Captains ^ to whom they will be delivered too, will be desired to deliver
them to you   I am, Your's &cc
Robert Carter

[Page 77]


To Edward Hunt & Son Esquire of London
September. 29th 1767


Governor Fauquier declines to be a Arbiter, in
Messrs Jackson & Rutherfurd's Complaint on account
of his Indisposition, & Situation. In this Condition
it is required of me to nominate a Gentleman in
London, who shall act in place of the Governour, & to
that purpose I shall address this Packet to you, on belief
of your honour & abilities: The office I call you too is
not desirable, but I hope the occasion will apoligize
for the unreasonableness of it. and whatever shall
be your opinion relative to the dispute, I shall cheer
fully acquiesce therein.

At the Persuasion of the Chaplain to the English
Factory at Leghorn Messrs: J, & R there were induced
to charter the Snow Anne Captain Ayres to send her
here to be loaded partly with flour, wheat, or Indian Corn
& consigned her to Governor Fauquier. The Captain arrived
in Town the 4th day of last December & the Governor was pleased
to impart the Scheme to me, and the resolution was
that I should either accept, or reject the Factorship in
a few minuetes.

There were then in Town several wheat, & flour Sellers
and Mr Richard Randolph contracted to supply the
former & Benjamin Harrison the latter. His honour
approved of the Contractors, & delivered to me a Copy
of the Charter-party, & Messrs: J, & R's Instruction.

The following observations will more forcibly
appear either pertinent, or otherwise after reading
the inclosed authentic Papers.

This Claim doth occasion several questions

1st whether I have, or have not attended to this

2ly whether the Ann's Cargo was not damaged
after put on board?

[Page 78]



3dly It is expected that ⅓ or ½ of the wheat put on bord
the Anne should have been kiln dried?

4ly Is the Anne's Cargo sold? What did the wheat
sell for? What did the flour sell for?

5thly If it shall be thought I have deviated
from the strict letter of the Instruction, then whether
this deviation was not intentionally to serve
Messrs Jackson, & Rutherfurd?

6thly doth not the letter contradict the Spirit
of the Instruction?

Messrs Jackson, & Rutherfurd, say that the charge of flour in that
Invoice sent to them, & the information relative
thereto in my letter dated the 6th day of December do
not correspond. On reviewing my invoice &
letter books I find that the flour is charged at 16s/8
Virginia Currency per Cent & I advise Messrs: Jackson, & Rutherfurd
that I had paid only 1s/4d Sterling per C for the flour;
and if a 4th be added to 13s/4 it makes 16s/8. It
is noted at the foot of the Invoice that 25 per cent
is the difference betwixt british & Virginia Currency

On this recent examination I will boldly say
that the Invoice does not contradict the letter

To give a colour for the accusation of Duplicity
it may be said the Character or word (for I can't
recollect how it stands in the original letter)
signifies 112 & not 100. In copying the original
I used the letter & thus, to represent centrum, which
the latins used to convey the same Idea, as does our
word hundred Viz: the number consisting of
10 multiplied by 10. But if my own assertion
cannot avail me in this Dispute, I have
inclosed Certificates to prove that the terms Certum
& hundred implies 100 precisely in this Colony;
also that the inspected articles of commerce, Namely
Flour, bread, beef, pork, tar, turpentine, tobacco
are weighed by the short, & not long hundred.

[Page 79]


I do say in my letters to Messrs: Jackson & Rutherfurd that the crop
of wheat of the growth of the year 1766 in this Province
had sprouted in the Ears before cut, & the wheat on board
the Anne was very sandy: They do reverberate those
blemishes, & add that it is exceeding dark, bad colour
& unmerchantable. If the wheat was exceeding
dark of a bad colour & unmerchantable, then I beg
leave to say the unpleasant qualities were gene
rated in the Snow: That the wheat was not origi
nally so. But should I agree with the Gentlemen that
the wheat was originally, bad & damaged; even in that
Case Captain Ayres & not I is blameable. For the Governor
& I informed the Captain all the wheat here had sprouted
& therefor improper for so long a voyage, Not
withstanding he desired a load of it: and a con
dition of my acceptance was if I should buy a load
of wheat fro the Snow Anne Aptn Ayres should have
a negative on it: and if the Captain had not consent
ed thereto I should have declined the agentship.
And Captain<e/m> Ayres did receive 5'194½ bushells of
sprouted wheat, & a quantity of sand inter
mixed with it.

Mr Richard Randolph contracted to supply all
the wheat I should want on account of the Snow Anne
He is a Gentleman of this Province who was impower
ed by his Relations & Neighours to sell their crops
of wheat. There are affidavits inclosed to establish
the facts alleged in the last section.

By Captain Ayres Computation 250 barrels of
flour were wanted to put betwixt Decks, which Mr
Benjamin Harrison engaged to furnish: But at the earnest
sollicitation of the Captain I sent an Express from
Warwic to Mr Harrison's House, with an order
to add 37 barrels of flour to my former order, but
he would only engage to furnish 25 barrels of the last
order, & I bought of Mr A, Cary 12 barrels which made
287 in the whole: Buth the Captain would receive only
200 barrels: So that 87 barrels of flour remained my

[Page 80]


Year 1767

I beg leave to observe here on the foregoing
questions, made in the Case

1st whether I have, or have not attended to the
Instruction? Messrs Jackson, & Rutherfurd say in their letter
dated the 18th day of May 1767 I exceeded the
Limitation of the price of flour, as specified in
the Instruction, relative to the Snow Anne, & rely
on the 2d Article in said Instruction   see said Instruction

My Commentary on it is that if the Agent
cannot procure wheat, so as to fill the Snow's
hold, then he is to give as high a price as 30s/
sterling per quarter for wheat rather than load that
part of the Snow with flour at any thing more
than 9s/6 sterling for each 112 lbs english weight
So that the Agent is directed to buy wheat if there
be none. I believe you will agree with me that the
Article is unintelligible; & therefor cannot
create a limitation in amy Case whatever
But in the present one the whole quantity of
wheat is bought at 28s/ sterling per quarter.

The words, which are above the red lines in the
Instruction I believe clearly evince, there be no
restriction of price, for wheat, flour, or Indian Corn
in said Instruction

2dly Whether the Ann's Cargo was not damaged
after put on board? She sailled from hence
in the month of January, & arrived at Leghorn
in April: And if the western Ocean is ever
tempestuous, & dangerous, it is in that part
of the year. Part of the grain was 96 daies on
board. Messrs: Jackson & Rutherfurd say in the 5th Article, line
20th, every Cargo of wheat loaded in the Pro
vinces of Pensilvania & Maryland, were heated
more or less when they arrived at Leghorn.

3dly Is it expected that ⅓, or ½ of the wheat
put on board the Anne, should have been kiln

[Page 81]


Year 1767

dried? The method is not practised in this Governments,
neither is there one kiln in it.

4thly Is the Ann's Cargo sold? what did the
wheat sell for? What did the flour sell for?

5thly If it shall be thought I have deviated
from the strict Letter of the Instruction; Then wheter
the deviation was not intentionally to serve Messrs
Jackson, & Rutherfurd?

6thly Doth not the letter contradict the Spirit
of the Instruction?

If the loss no the Anne's Cargo shall turn out
to be £385 sterling Messrs: Jackson, & Rutherfurd must lose £120
sterling part thereof, which sum they must have
paid if the Charter party had been annulled.

If it be usual to have Attornies at arbitra
tions be pleased to engage a gentleman (pay
him & debet me accordingly) to attend you &
Henry Raper Esquire, who Messrs Jackson, & Rutherfurd have
chosen their Arbitrator: And if you & he shall
differ in opinion be pleased to agree on an um
pire: So that the matter may be finally settled.

When a Considerate Person is called to decide
a contest, he desires to be fully informed of the
circumstances of the Dispute, that he may decree
justly. And if this Letter, or the Papers under the
Governors Testimonial will enlighten Mr Raper
in this matter, pray communicate the same to
him   I am Sir
Your humble servant Robert Carter.

[Page 82]


Year 1768

To Edward Hunt & Son Esquire of London


Be pleased to send the following Goods, which
charge to, Gentleme Your humble servant.
Robert Carter

Williamsburg January: 4th 1768

4 damask table cloths to dine a dozen Persons at
30s/ each
2 pieces of Sheeting linen at 18d per yard
1 piece of Russia linen @ 1s/ ditto
3 pieces of Irish linen @ 2/6 ditto
2 pieces ditto ditto @ 2/ ditto
1 piece ditto ditto @ 3 ditto
1 piece ditto ditto @ 5/6. ditto
1 piece white linen @ 1s/ ditto
3 pieces brown Ozenbrigs
3 coarse bed ticks 5 feet by 2 & ½ - 3 Bolsters &
3 Pillows
8 yards white thick flanel
6lbs fig blue
12 gross common bottle corks
500 white chappel Needles from No. 4 to No. 10
8000 short white Pins
1 dozen best ^ Silk pocket Handkerchiefes
½ piece narrow black lutestring Ribbon
3 yards blue ribbon
6 yards purple ditto
3 yards pinck ditto
3 yards straw colour ditto
3 yards of narrow blue Ribbon
6 yards of ditto purple ditto
3 yards of ditto pink ditto
3 yards ditto straw colour ditto

[Page 83]


Year 1768

1 piece floured Dimithy
1 piece printed Callico
1 [illegible] grounded Calloco
1 piece Indian Persian of Salmon Colour
12 pairs white lamb glaze Mitts sorted to fit
Children of 7 years old to 4 years old
2 pair black silk Mitts for Miss of 7 years old
2 Necklases of mock garnet to cost 5s/ each
2 ditto of india Pearl to cost 5s/ each
2 black fethers to wear on the head
5 silk bonnetts for Misses from 7 years old to 2 the 2 largest
to be green & the others blue.
11 yards of green calimanco
20 pair of red Morocco Shoes for 5 Misses from 8 years
old to 2 so that each is to have 4 pair
20 pair to calf skin for ditto, ditto
6 pair of coloured worsted stockings for 3 Misses
from 8 years old to 5
12 pair of thread for ditto
1 cloath cardinal for Miss of 8 years old
2 pank sarcenet quilted petticoats for Misses
of 8 & 7 years old
3 Wheat riddles sorted
6 large house brooms without handles
4 Clamps
1 set of Shoe brushes
1 set of Coach brushes
6 barrels of lamb-black
6 lbs hyson tea
4 lb congo ditto
100 lbs single refined Sugar
50 lbs double ditto   ditto & 1 peck of oat groats
50 lbs lump Sugar & 1 peck split Peas
12 lb currants & 2 lb Vermicelli
1 gallon of Sallad oil
2 lb harts horn shavings

[Page 84]


3 lb Sago
6 unglazed redish stone tea Pots sorted the
mouths to be very large
6 ditto cream pots with covers
3 pieces blue Sagathy
1 dozen sticks of blue twist
6 dozen worsted Buttons
8 ditto breast ditto
3 ounces of fine blue thread
8 ditto whited brown ditto
2 ditto holland ditto
4 ditto nine penny ditto
1 lb coarse blue thread
2 pieces broad tape
1 piece of filliting tape
2 pieces none so prettey
½ piece white fitret
1 small pair of Sizzers & Shearth
6 pair common ditto
6 pair worsted stockings for my Sons of 12 & 10 years old
8 pair strong brown thread for ditto
18 pairs of shoes for ditto.
6 pair of coloured lamb Gloves for ditto.
12 pair pinckbeck Shoe buckles sorted
1 piece of best white cotton
2 pieces of best blue planes
6 dozen brass buttons
8 dozen ditto ditto breast
24 pair plaid stockings sorted
18 pair blue yarn sorted
1 of hempen Rolls
1 black sattin Cloak to be lined with black
1 ditto ditto Bonnet
1 black russell's quilted Petticoat
1 flowred gauze apron & double Handkerchiff
1 Cap, handerchief & Ruffles of Mislin, which are
to be slighlty worked

[Page 85]


5 yards Muslin at 6/ per yard
6 pair white glazed Mitts
6 pair ditto ditto Gloves
1 pair black silk net Gloves
1 black Lace Hood & Handerchief
2 pair small womes white worsted Stockings
125 weight of hard soap.
6 silk laces & 1 pair Cambric @ 40/
2 drinking Cups, of blue & white China, to hold
5 Pints
4 ^ sorted blue & white China Bowls from 1 Pint to 2 quarts
4 lbs of best Snuf two of which Rapee, one to be
sented the other plain, & two of Scotch, one
to be highly dried, the other not.
4 Snuff Boxes of different prices one at 1£ one
at 10s/ & 2 pontipoole on's
6 pair of thread Stockings for Robert Carter.
2 pair of mixed Silk ditto for ditto
3 pair of Stirrups, or under Stockings without feet
2 pair of neat shoes, & 1 lb of perfumed shaving Soap
1 pair Strong ditto
1 pair of Pumps
1 dozen pair of coloured lamb Gloves
2 pair of Breeches, a Coat & Wastecoat the Suit to be
made out of dark coloured forest Cloath, the
Waste Coat to be lined with shallon; the Coat
not to be lined.
harlf a Ream of folio writing Paper
ditto, ditto of Quarto ditto, ditto.
ditto, ditto of cover Letters
1 lb of sealing Wax, red & black
1 box of Wafers ditto, ditto.
1 blank quarto book bound in calf-skin to contain
about 200 leaves
6 papers of Ink powder
1 pen Knife
3 bone dindriff Combs
2 ivory ditto
6 best buckling Combs

[Page 86]


4 Comb brushes
1 pair of Silver buckles for Mrs Carter
200 weight of grount white lead
200 weight of white lead not ground
10 lb red lead
5 Gallons of Spirit of turpentine
6 best pound brushes
4 sash brushes
Doctor Louther's short Introduction to Grammr
Mr Hoadley's Accidents

Note the books, which I desired might be sent
in a letter dated the first of day of last June
have not come to my hands, if they should have
been forgotten I beg they may be sent with
these Goods

Williamsburg 9th March 1768

Dear Sr,

The body of the honorable Francis Fauquier Esquire late
Governor of this Colony was interred yesterday: The latter
part of his existance was imbittered with numerous
& painful Infirmities, yet no Sigh, or Complaint
issued from his lips. During his Administration every
royal order, which his Sovereign caused to be transmit
ted here was spiritously & diligently enforced,
he was vigilant in government, moderate in
power & merciful where the rigour of justice
could be dispensed with.

John Blair Esquire now commands in Chief, he
is disposed to govern on principles, which his late
Predecessor adopted; but as the office is pretty lu
crative I imagin that the present Possessor will
enjoy it for a few months only, & that one of your acquain
tance will be appointed to the Vacancy. If that
should be the Case, be pleased to notify that circumstance
that I may serve him as I would yourself: for my
happiness depends upon the Peace, Contentment

[Page 87]



& Prosperity of yourself, & family Connexion.

I should be glad to know who were the
Candidates for this office, the stipulated terms
betwixt Sr Jeffery Amherst, (who has his Majesty's
Commission for this Government) & the successful
Gentleman his Character, family & Party.

I should be sorry if any person had a higher
sense of passed services then myself, I have not
forgotten one moment, & hope never shall, the
personal favors thou hast honoured me with

Your Niece has 7 Children, she jo[i]ns me in
my sincerest respects to Mr & Mr[s] Bladen, &
affectionion to their Son & Daughters, I am
Dear Sr
Your most faithful, obedient Servant
Robert Carter

To Thomas Bladen Esquire in Albermarl Street

Richmond County
Sabine Hall 22d December 1767.

Robert Carter of Williamsburg hath directed Mr
Edward Ransdell of Westmoreland County to contract with
Mr   Gordon Mill-wright, Workmen, & la
bourers to build a geared grist water mill, & baking
house, at the place where the old double mill stood
The said Carter intending to manufacture a quantity

[Page 88]


of wheat, as the toll, which has arissen from the present
mill hath not reimbursed the stoick expended to
build said mill, & pay the miller. It is said if
merchant mill be properly managed, they are pro
fitable estates, but if not, then distructive ones.
It behoves the said Carter then, to engage a skilful, di
ligent & faithful man to negotiate said business,
and believing that Mr John Beale of Richmond County
is possessed of these essentials, he, the said Carter proposes
to him a partnership on the following terms -

1st That Mr Ransdell shall report to said
Beale & said Carter the Cost of the mill, Houses & all
works that shall be done in consequence of this scheme,
which shall be debeted to said Carter: and the said Beale
shall pay to said Carter 10 per Cent yearly on one half
of said Charge during their joint Interest

2dly Robert Carter agrees that said Beale may purchce
4'000 bushells of wheat yearly & draw orders on him
for it: But if the quantity of wheat, or any part
thereof shall be made at said Carter's plantations, it
shall be first bought on account of the partnership,
which is to be charged at marke[t] price.

3dly That the whole expence that shall accrue
in carrying on this Scheme be charged to the joint
concern: But that the said Beale may live in the dwel
ling house at Nomony, have the use of the race-horse
stable, meat-house & Da[i]ry rent free.

4thly That whatever labourers shall be thought

[Page 89]



necessary to carry on this work shall be furnished by the
Parties, so that neither of them shall provide a greater
number than the other, unless they mutually consent
to the contrary.

5th That whatever money the said Beale shall
disburse on any journey to purchace wheat, dispose
of Commodities, or collect money for the Partnership shall
be charged to its account But the said Beale's household
Expences shall not be charged to the same: It is
thought that one half of that charge will not exceed
the advantage that will flow, for the use of the houses men
tioned in the 3d Article.

6th That a set of books be opened in the form
of Messrs Robert Carter & John Beale, partners in the profits, or Loss that
may happen on all the Grain that shall be ground
in said mill, now about to be built: That a
yearly settlement be made on the 10 day of March,
or on any other day, if that shall be found in

7th This Partnership to continue 5 years
from the date of an agreeement to be executed by the
parties, which shall comprise the sense of this memo
randum: But nevertheless either of the parties has
a power to abrogate the same at any one of the
yearly settlements, provided the complainant delivers
to the other gentleman his reasons in w[r]iting for
the abrogation.

Williamsburg the 29th february 1768


If the packet should be as slow in it's

[Page 90]


passage, as your letter was to me, which is dated this day
month I fear the fault of dilatoryness will be
imputed to me, so beg leave to mention, that this answer
was begun immediately, on the Receipt of yours

The proposal I made to you at Sabine Hall relative
to manufacturing a quantity of wheat, have put
on paper (See proposall above) to prevent any
misunderstanding between us, & if thou choosest
to accept of the offer, be pleased to subscribe the
inclosed proposal, & return it to me. My intention
is that thou shall participate with me in the design,
& that the Profit, or loss shall be equal.

If either Mr Ransdell, or Mr Gordon
have written to me in consequence of their agre
ement, which is to bind me, that Information I fear
is lost, for have not had any intelligence con
cerning it, but in your letter. I am,
Sir Your humble servant
Robert Carter

To Mr
John Beale junior

Williamsburg 29th february 1768


After thou hast read the inclosed letter,
& proposal send them to Mr Beale.

Pray inclose a copy of the agreement, which you
entered into with Mr Gordon Mill-wright, & if
it be not explicit, explain the bargain in your letter

[Page 91]



Have you sold the last crop of wheat?

Have you sold the remainder of the last crop of
Indian-corn? the merchants at Norfolk give 8s/ 4d pe
barrel only.

I have gone through the papers, & crop-book
which you put into my hands last december (but not ac
curately) & the bebets exceed the credits in the account
stiled Dr Robert Carter to Edward Ransdell £158..13..10. I am
Sir your humble servant
Robert Carter

To Mr Edward Ransdell

4th March

The late lieutenant Governor Francis Fauquier died yesterday
7th, If you have not disposed of the last crop
of wheat, send by the bearer Captain Deceive all 30
bushells of wheat, also 370 bushells of Indian corn
10 weathers, & Ewes, but if you should have sold
the wheat send 30ty bushells of Indian-corn in
its place, for I have agreed to pay freight for 400
bushells. Take a bill of loading of the Cargo
to be signed by the Captain & inclose it to me I send
in that vessell 10 sacks to hold the wheat, if any
shall be sent.

15th Captain Deceitful has bilked me, & I must
look out for another Vessel to send up Poto-river
for the above grain & stocks. Captain Mitchell of
the Lord Baltimore will deliver this letter to you.

Robert Carter

To Mr
Edward Ransdell.

[Page 93]




The remains of our late lieutenant Governor Francis Fauquier
Esquire were interred yesterday, his burial was
not pompous for his last testament directs that
that ceremony should be performed at as little
expence as decency can possibly permit. He
believing that the present mode of funeral ob
sequies was contrary to the spirit of Christ's
religion. He acted in the publick honourable
office, which his superiours conferred on him
with grace, & dignity: He was vigilant in
Government, moderate in power, & merciful
where the rigour of justice could be dispensed

At the death of my dear friend Mr
Fauquier the reigns of government devoulved
to John Blair Esquire President of his Majesty's
Council here; whose disposition is very com
mendable, and I believe will endeavour to
govern of the principles of his late predecessor

I have the honour to be nominated an
Executor in the Will touching the real & personal
Estate in this Colony, & in executing that trust I
shall necessarily know the testators written
contracts, & the sundry balances as stated in
his books of account, so that if thou shouldest give
any instructions regarind pecuniary matters
here I beg leave to offer my service to negotiate

[Page 93]



that, or any other business you may casually have
on this side of the water

I have not heard that any gentleman hath
notified the above melancholy accident to thee
& my Idea is, that you should be informed of it
as soon as possible; Therefor hope that this
letter be not unacceptable. I will rest my
apology, to the last period, that I may no longer
engage thee from exercising your own reflect
ions: and am respectfully, Sir
Your very obedient & humble Servant
Robert Carter

Sir Jeffery Amherst, Baronet
Governour of Virginia
in London


Robert Carter presents his Compliments to
Edwar Hunt & Son Esquire, & begs the favor of the latter
to deliver the inclosed letter to Sr Jeffery Amherst
Robert Carter would mention its purport here, if the
Conveyor was not waiting, therefor he desires
that the Gentleman will read & then seal the letter with

He hath received the trunk of books, which
was shipped on boa[r]d the Lord Baltimore, & is
charged of 8£ 11..8 Sterling

Edward Hunt & Son Esquire

[Page 94]


May 10:     Sir

Yoour letter of information relative to a dis
solution of the partnership styled Messrs James
Buchanan & Co., which took place the 26th day of
last month, is now before me, also two others
dated the preceding month, January & February
If Mr Buchanan's disposition be averse to
trade, or his fortune immense, then I commend
him for withdrawing, but not otherwise: for
my fondness of tobacco consignments makes
me desirous to initiate my second son
in that business, & will deposite then 1200 £ sterling
for his proportion of the stock. I mention
here my intention that you may either take
my son into your House, as a joint partner
therein, or refuse him.

By the account Current now before me
dated the 1st day of the present year it appears
that Interest is charged on the sums which
have been paid to the last day of the old
year only. And by the said account the ballance due
to the late Co is £929..14..11 sterling which will be
augmented to £1089..14..11 when my bill
of 160£ sterling (payable to Francis Fauquier)
shall be paid. When in Cash on account of
my order on Messrs James Cuncannon &
& Hook, transmitted & made payable

[Page 95]


Year 1768

to Messrs James Buchanan & Co., also for 46
hogsheads of tobacco, consigned to them, & shipped last
summer on board the John & Presly Captain Dibbie
then, be pleased to apply those sums to my Credit
in said Account

My bill of Exchange drawn on you for
150 £ sterling will probably be presented for
payment, it is dated the 6th of this Instant
& made payable to Richard Corbin, & if
it should be transmitted, be pleased to
honour the same & charge the sum to, Sir
Robert Carter

Mr John Hyndman

May 10.     Gentlemen:

I beg leave to congratulate you, Sir. on
the late invitation of a second son to business
for the joint letter is dated the 23d day of last
January. & is subscribed plurally Sons.

My bill of Exchange on you for 150 £
sterling will probably be presented for pay
ment, it is dated the 6th day of this Instant
& made payable to Richard Corbin: If the
bill shall be transmitted be pleased to
pay the same. I apprehend that my last orders
for Goods & my several Drafts, do exce[e]d
my remittance an Event I am sorry
for: but if I had sold my grain & flour

[Page 96]


here & not exported it to the Island of
Madeira, should not have drawn so largly
for tho' I bought a small part of the Cargo
only yet have disbursed of that voyage
considerable sums of money, on Account of
freight, Storage, British & Virginia Duties.

I am, Gentlemen
Yours &cc
Robert Carter

Edward Hunt & Sons.

July 7th


The ship Hanbury Captain James Esten is
now lying in York-Road to take in part
of her Load   I shall go on board to ac
knowledge my Signatures & Seals to the
arbitration Bond you transmitted to
me, (in the presence of said Captain & some of
his officers) who will deliver said Bond
to you: Your engaging in that Dispute
shews great benevolence of Heart, a
Virtue which doth honour to human Nature,
& whatever may be your opinion in that matter
I shall cheerfully acquiese therein.

My State with regard to Messrs: Jackson
& Rutherfurd is unfortunate, it appearing
by all the legal proof that can be gotten,
that I was the sole & only Agent in loading
& dispatching the Snow Anne Captain Ayres

[Page 97]



But that was not the Case, for that Fact is as
follows; As soon as I had read &
considered all the Papers relating to
the Snow Anne, waited on the late Governor
to redeliver them, if he would not agree
to be jointly concerned in that Agency,
but refused to receive the Papers re
marking that we had not seen seen
Captain Ayres, that as soon as he shall
arrive at the Palace, I should be informed
thereof: And soon after I meet the Governor
& the Captain there: The Conversation at
that time is mentioned in said Governors Dep
sition therefor shall not relate it
here: except that I told the Captain I did
not accept of the agency then, that I
would give a peremptory Answer
the next Day: Then the Captain withdrew
and the Governor & I agreed that if a load
of wheat & flour could be engaged,
so as to dispatch the Snow Anne
speedily, I was then to act, but not
otherwise   And in consequence thereof
applied to Mr Benjamin Harrison, & Mr
Richard Randolph (men of considerable
property living on James River, who
were then in Town) the latter engaged
to furnish me with 10'000 bushell

[Page 98]


of wheat, or any part thereof, the former
Gentlemen contracted to deliver 250 barrels of
flour; it was stipulated that said articles
should be merchantable, & that Captain
Ayres should have a negative on the
same   See said Deposition which is men
tioned above for the Discourse & Reso
lution at ur 2d meeting at the Palace.

The Depositions of Harrison, Cary
& Randolph prove that Ayres acknowledged
he was authorized to refuse either
wheat or flour, that I had relied
on him to determin when said articles
were merchantable, that he put part
of the load of wheat in the hold when it's
cieling was very damp; & when half of
the ballast was in the hold; that the Captain
was asked whether the dampness
would not damage the Grain; that
the Snow was not dunnaged to keep
the water in the hold from the wheat; that
Ayres refused to take on board 87
barrels of flour which were bought
at his sollicitation. If these several
Charges will not avail me, they
stamp unpleasing Epithets on the
Captain who was affectionately re
commended by Messrs: Jackson & Rutherfurd

I am Yours &cc Robert Carter


[Page 99]


Year 1768


Pray transmit to me a copy of the
Award which shall be made in the
Dispute now pending between Messrs:
Jackson & Rutherfurd

To Mr. Edward Hunt.

July 7th


My Crop of Tobacco made last year
which was formerly shipped marked R[symbol]C
is sold at 20s/ sterling per 100, & the bills of
Exchange to be paid next October. I
advised with your Son & Brother
before I bargained, who was of opinion
that, that tobacco would not nett as
much at London market   I see
Mr Hunt frequently who doth
honour to the Family

If I have not in any former Letter
informed you of my shipping 50 M
lbs of Tobacco on board the Russia
Merchant Captain Geroge Dobbie, &
desired an Insurance, then be pleased
to have it insured to recover 500£
sterling if said Tobacco be either
lost or damaged. Captain Dobbie is
instructed to deliver 25 M lbs of the
Tobacco mentioned above to you,

[Page 100]


the other half to Messrs James Buchan
& Company, his owner

I conjecture that my last order for
Goods miscarried; my Family wants
a few Goods but in a less degree than
my Wife apprehended when I was pre
paring said order

My Ignorance concerning the state
of my Account makes me hesitate even,
in desiring you to purchace 2 Tickets
in the state Lottery for the present year;
If two Tickets shall be bought in con
sequence of this request & shall prove
beneficial, apply the Profits to my
Credit in whatever manner you shall
judge most advantagious: And sig
nify to me the number of said Tickets
and transmit a Li[s]t of the numbers
entituled to benefits, which shall be
published by order of the managers &
Directors of said Lottery.

Your Information relative to the
Value of Madeira Wine at your market
prevents my consigning a quantity
to you: And believe I shall dispose of
the greater quantity of it on Credit
here. I am Yours &cca
Robert Carter

To Edward Hunt & Sons

[Page 101]


July 31s


Soon after Captain George Dobbie's
Arrival here I delivered to him Receipts
for 38 hogsheads of Tobacco marked, R,C,
weighing 50M lbs with instructions to
consign half said Tobacco to Messrs:
James Buchanan & Co (as the Russia
merchant had sailed before the
dissolution of said House) also to deliver
the other half to Mr Hunt & Sons: who
I expect will obtain an Insurance
on all my Tobacco on board said Ship

Be pleased to ship the following
Goods on board some Vessel which shall
be bound for Potomac River. If said
Wares cannot be forwarded speedily
by a Ship entending to enter at the
Naval Office on South Potomac send
them by one which shall go to the opposite
Shore. Have said Merchantdize
insured, & if should be lost re-ship
the like articles, observing the Rule
mentioned above respecting the same

I am building Works to manufacture
flour & biscuit, pray advise me what
those articles are worth at your market

1 pair of Cologn Mill stones
14 inches through, & 4 feet 4 Inchs

[Page 102]


one pair of burr mill-stones
4 feet Diameter

one pair of bolting Cloaths, that
is, one fine and one coarse cloath

I am, Gentleme.
yours &cca Robert Carter

To James Buchanan
& Company

July 30th


The Death of my dear friend Mr Tasker
is mentioned by Mr Daniel Dulany
in a letter dated the 19th day of last
month: and since the same was put
into my hands have written two letters
to him; (But do not know the Fate of
either) it is said therein, that I had
transacted Business for the late Mr
Tasker, that some money matters were
now pending here, that I would finish
them, & desired that said Letters should be
communicated to his Executors. As Mr
Dulany hath passed former Summers in
the Courtry, he may not be at Annapolis
now, & in that Case if said Letters be
at his house in Town, be pleased to
forward them to him. From your Alliance
& Residence I conjecture thou art one
of the Executors, & hope you will sig

[vertical text] Nota Bene Advising of the Death of the honorable
Benjamin Tasker Senior

[Page 103]


signify their Pleasure relative to said
Accounts, & inclose to me a Copy of the

Mrs Carter & I are very desirous to
hear of the Health & Happiness of Mrs
Tasker & her most Intimates, & whether
the Ladies are in Town or Country:
and We present our Compliments to
you & to Mrs Ridout. I am, Sir
Yours &cca Robert Carter

To the honorable: John Ridout.

July 31st

Dear Sir,

Your informal letter touching my
Wife & Children's Interest accruing on
the Death of a worthy & virtuous Pa
rent was put into my Hands this Day
I have communicated it to her, & We
are very much obliged to you for writing
said Letter: and present our Com
pliments to your-self & Lady

Some years ago the late Mr Tasker
had an Advertisement printed in
some Gazettes notifying that he
would sell a 5th of an Estate cal
led Baltimore Iron Works, (a
member of his Son's Fortune) I
bad for said Interest, but my Friend

[Page 104]


thought it inconvenient to me, there
for declined that matter. Mrs: Carter
& I are of opinion that the Estate men
tioned above should not be sold
hastily, unless the Testator hath
ordered the contrary: But as to
Bell-air House, the appurtenances,
Slaves, Stocks, & Tools there, we
think should be conveyed to Benjamin
Ogle Esquire, or his Guardian next
December: if Mrs: Tasker will not
purchace said Seat. We beg leave
to postpone any Idea respecting
the Value of it, till we see an
Inventory of said Estate, specifying
the age of each Slave, & quantity of
Acres, (which List we desire that thou
wilt have taken & forwart it to
us) & your Valuation thereof

It is doubtful by your letter before
me whether the Estates mentioned
above be included, or not, in creating
the sum you express in said Letter,
namely 70'000 £ Sterling. The
Legacies enumerated therein amount
to 50'000 £ only, so thou art silent
as to the Remainder £20'000 sterling
which matters be pleased to observe
on in your next Letter to me.

[Page 105]

As you think my attendance
in Maryland may be dispensed
with for some time, shall not hasten
thether, but will wait till cal
led on to attend that Business:
And in the Interim will with pla
sure consider such Proposals as you
may have to offer relative to said

Colonel Benjamin Grymes of this Province
is indebted to the Estate of the late
Colonel Benjamin Tasker upon a Bond, &
an open Account, Colonel Nathaniel Harrison
is joined in said Bond: The late Mr
Tasker ordered that they should be
suid, which Suits now abate. Mrs
Ogle, & our Wives are interesed in
said Debts: if you & Mrs: Ogle
intend that they shall be sued again,
be pleased to signify said Intention
to me

Indian Corn & Hogs are part of
the Profits of my Plantations, &
there now remain in my Gra
naries on Potomac-River 4'500
bushells of Indian Corn: If Mrs:
Ogle & you have not bought your
Proportion of said articles for the
Iron-Works, for the ensuing year,

[Page 106]


I will furnish the Corn at 16 pence
sterling per bushell, & Pork at 15s/ sterling
per 100, exclusive of Freight &

If the Widow of the late Reverend Mr
Bacon of Frederick County in Mary
land will sell his Violin & Musick
be pleased to purchace them, & if
they be sent to Colonel Cary's at Hamp
ton, or to Doctor Campbell's at
Norfolk, either of those Gentlemen
will forward the Box to me. I in
tend only that you should write to an
acquaintance living near the Widow's,
to transact this order: And I expect
that all the parts of the Concertos,
Sonatas & Songs be complete, that
neither they nor the Fiddle be over
rated: And if said Wares shall
be bought for me, that they be se
curely packed. I am, Dear Sr
Your &ca Robert Carter

To Mr,
Christopher Lownds at Bladensburg

August 6th

Dear Madam

Mr Christopher Lownds informs me that the
Care of your Husbands Fortune devolves
on you: As soon as that Event happened

[Page 107]


my Agency ended, and it is neces
sary that you should enjoin some
Person here immediately to negotiate
those Matters

The Gentlemen or their Represen
tatives who were Colonel Byrd's Trustees
in his absence from Home in some part
of the late War, owe you £3'559 sterling.
I was directed to demand £213..10.9½
sterling arising for Interest from the 1st June
1767 to the 1st of June next following
immediately it became due; also the
principal next November & what Interest
that might be due on the same. Judgments
are obtained against the said Trustees
& their Representatives for £3559
sterling, & their Estates may be sold
instantly to satisfy said Demand

Colonel Charles Carter is also indebted
to you the sum of 53£ sterling arising
on a protested bill of Exchange:
He hath been sued, which Suit abates
& must be renewed

Colonel Benjamin Grymes is in
debted to your Son's Estate upon a
Bond & an open Account Colonel
Nathaniel Harrison is joined in said
Bond: They have been sued, which
Actions likewise abate. Mrs Ogle

[Page 108]


Mrs: Lownds & my Wife are in
terested in said Debts: If Mrs: Ogle &
Mrs: Lownds, intend that they shall
be sued again, hope the Ladys will
signify their Intention to me. I
will also willingly undertake your
Business here; or elsewhere, which
you shall be pleased to trust to
my management.

Fanny & I wrote lately to you,
We hope to wait on you some time
this ensuing Autumn. I am,
Dear M, yours: &cca
Robert Carter

To Mrs: Tasker
at Annapolis

August 6th.


Mr Lownds of Bladen'sburg very
lately advised me that the late Mr
Tasker had left his Son's Estate to
to the Care of your-self, him & me.
I conjectur, the principal Objects
are 4 Viz: Bell-air House & Land
&cca, A fifth of the Baltimore Iron
Works, Cash in the Hands of Mrs
Tasker amounting to 1520£ 4s/9
sterling, And Benjamin Grymes & Nathaniel
Harrison's joint Bond & Benjamin Grymes's
open account, both in the Possession of

[Page 109]


George Wythe Esquire attorney at Law

As to Bell-air House, all the Land
belonging to it, all the Furniture,
Slaves & Stocks of every kind, it is
said that your Son will purchace:
if his Grandmother should not want
said Estate. I approve of Mr Ogle's
Resolution: and hope, that, that [illegible]
healthful & delightful Seat
will be forever the Property of your

With regard to the 2d Object Mrs
Carter & I think, that, that Estate
should not be sold hastily: unless
your Father hath enjoined the contrary

If Mrs. Tasker should incline to
deliver up the money, that will become
a matter of consideration, but if
otherwise, shall be very contented to
receive 6 per Cent Interest on the same.

As to the Debts due from Benjamin Grymes &
Nathaniel Harrision, I did frequently ap
ply for Payment thereof, but to no
purpose: And at last the late Mr
Tasker instructed me to have them
sued, which Suits abated at his Death.
If your-self & Mr Lownds incline that
said Actions shall be renewed, be
pleased to signify your Intention

[Page 110]


to me. And to that end shall want
a Copy of your Father's Will: which
Mr Ridout will send, if he shall
receive my Letter forwarded thit Day
seven nights inclosed in the North-Mail
but lest said Letter should miscarry
I again make the same Request
of thee.

As my Friend Mr Lounds hath
said that my attendance in maryland
may be dispensed with for some time
shall not hasten thither. And when
I shall go to Annapolis, hope that Mrs
Carter will be of the Party: And in
the Interim will consider such Pro
posals as thou mayest have to offer,
(if imparted to me) relating to the
Fortune mentioned above.

Indian Corn & Hogs are part of
the Profits of my Plantations, and
if you have not engaged your Propor
tion of said Articles for the Iron Works
for the ensui[ng] year, I will furnish the
Corn at 16 pence sterling per bushell
& the Pork at 15s/ sterling per 100, ex
clusive of Freight & Portage.

I am, Madam
Yours &cca. Robert Carter

To Mrs Ogle
at Annapolis

[Page 111]


July 30th.


We conjecture that your father's Creditors
here, are mostly satisfied therefor shall
remit to you at different Times the Balance
of that part of his Estate trusted to
us, & to that purpose do herein inclose
setts of Exchange drawn by Mr Charles
Carter & Captain Thomas Aselby amounting
to £220..0..4 sterling: The state of your
affairs here will not allow of par
ticulars now, so can only say that the
sum of £1005..7..8½ current Money
of Virginia hath been paid to sundry
Creditors & that £1598..4..3 has been
received on account of said Estate.
The Balance namely £317..16..1½ Current
money shall be sent to you as soon
as Bills can be bought. The Sterling
Payments in said Account are estimated
at 25 per Cent, (as well on the Dr as Ct
side) which is the difference between
British & Virginia Money

We have received the following
Letters, which are addressed to the late
lieutenant Governor: those subscribed by yourself
are dated the 22d day of last December
the 13th of February: & 12th of Mrch, those
by your mother are dated the 24th November

[Page 112]


the 17th february: & 19th march, those by your
Brother dated the 25th of December &
17th of february:, those by your uncle William
Fauquier are dated the dated the 22d day of December
the 15th & 24th days of february, the 20th of
March & 6th of April, one by Mrs
Mary Chamberlayne dated the 23d day
of february: those by Mr Samuel Athawes dated
the 14 of february, the 17th of march & sundry
Goods amounting to £26..9..4 sterling, those
by Mr John Norton are dated the 20th of
february: the 31st of march & several mer
chanantdize charge at £62..9..5 sterling

Your Letter to William Nelson Esquire
inclosing a List of articles is come to
hand, & said Wares shall be sent to
you. We, are Sir
Your most obedeint
& very humble servant
William Nelson
Robert Carter
Peyton Randolph
George Wythe

Francis Fauquier Esquire
in George Street

15th day of August answered Mr Daniel Dulany's
Letter date the 26th day of July see said
Letter. 22d August write Mrs: Tasker
Mrs: Ogle & Mr Ridout, which were forwarded
by Robert Prentis, but did not keep Copies of
said Letters

[Page 113]


My Wife is entituled to 2'500 £ sterling
by the Will of the honorable Bejnamin Tasker
of Maryland deceased. Mrs Tasker
is sole Executrix thereof, who hath
commissioned Messrs: Capel & Osgood
Hanbury & Mr William Anderson to sell
9'000 £ capital Bank Stock part
of the Interest there, which the Testator
devised to her. Those who act for
the other Legatees named in the Will
have signified to me, that they have
transmitted a testimonial to
London signifying their approbation
of the measure Mrs: Tasker had
adopted to comply with that part of
her Husband's Direction. If I had
been at Annapolis should have signed
said attestation, and now take the
method to declare my concurrency

I shall inclose herein an order on
the Commissioners for the whole of my Claim
on account of my Wife   When you
shall have received the money, be
pleased to call on the Person or
Persons who is or are empowered to
settle the affairs of a late Company

[Page 114]


styled Messrs: James Buchanan & Company
& pay off the balance I owe the said Par
nership   take two Receipts of the
same tenour & date   And that you may
partly guess at that difference, I beg
leave to state the following account My
Bill for 150£ credited therein & is
addressed to Mr John Hyndman
requires some explanation: When I
directed it, intended to have con
signed the 19 hogsheads of tobacco, debited
as per account to J, H: but hearing
afterwards the Russia Merchant to per
form the present voyage, my Senti
ments altered in appropriating
said Tobacco: so that you may in
clude the bill; or not, in the Settle
ment thou shall make, as may
be most agreeable.

Dr Messrs James Buchanan & Company
To Robert Carter

To my order on James Cuncannon
& Hook for the proceesds of 20 hogsheads
Tobacco shipped in June 1762

To 46 hogsheads of Tobacco on board the John & Presley
Captain George Dobbie 1767

To 19 hogsheads on board the Russia merchant
Captain George Dobbbie June 1768.

[Page 115]



By balance due from Robert Carter to James Buchanan & Company as
per Account rendered, to the 30th day
of December 1767   £ 929..14..11
By my Bill payable to
Francis Fauquier dated the 30th
October 1767         160.0..0
By my Bill of John Hyndman
made payable to Richard Corbin
& is dated the 6th of May 1768   150

The inclosed bill must not be
presented, nay not whispered,
till the Gentlemen shall have sold
the Bank Stock & transmitted an Account of
it to the Executrix

Captain Thompson ^ George Hubbard ^ takes two harp
sicord Jacks No. 1 & 60, they are the
first & last of one Stop   The artist
may discover that the Jacks are made
to admit part of a quill   quilling
is very inconvenient & I believe either
leather, or mettal may be used
successfully in the place of Quils, &
will freely pay a Jack-maker for
making the Experiment. But if
no improvement can be worked
out now to mend the Inconvenience
mentioned, send me a Set of the very
best Jacks, (& some spare onces),

[Page 116]


proper Instruments for quilling, &
a pair of small Forceps. Note
my Harpsicord has two Stops only
& was made by Jacobus Kirckman
I am, Gentlmen &cc Robert Carter

To Edward Hunt & sons, Esquire
Merchants in London

Virginia 1st September 1768
Exchange for £2'500..0.. Sterling


At thirty daies sight pay this
my first Bill of Exchange, (my second
nor third of the same tenour & date
not being paid) unto Edward Hunt
& Sons Esquire, or their order, two
thousand five hundred Pounds
sterling money of Great-Britain,
in full payment of a sterling Legacy,
devised by the honorable Benjamin Tasker of
Maryland deceased, to his daughter
Frances Carter my Wife, & place
it to account as per advice from
Gentlemen &cc
Robert Carter

To Messrs:
Capel & Osgood Hanbury
& Mr William Anderson
Merchants in London

[Page 117]


September 1st


My friends in Maryland, have
advised me in writing that Mrs Tasker
hath empowered you to sell 9'000£
Capital Bank Stock, to credit
Mrs: Ann Ogle, Mrs Elizabeth Lowndes,
Mr: Daniel Dulany & myself with
the sum of 2'500 £ sterling each, in
satisfaction of 10'000 £ sterling her
Husband had bequeathed to their
four daughters, & to pay the res
pective Shares to the Persons au
thorized to receive, when they shall
draw for the same. In consequence
thereof have passed my Bill this day
on you for 2'500 £ sterling, (the whole
of the sterling Lecacy devised to my
Wife by the late honorable: Benjamin Tasker)
at 30 daies sight payable to Edward Hunt
& Sons Esquire, or their Order, which I
trust you will duly pay, & debet
said account accordingly. I am, Gentlemen &cca
Robert Carter

To Messrs.
Capel & Osgood Hanbury
& Mr William Anderson
Merchants in London

[Page 118]


November 19th


Mr, Christopher Lowndes was about to re
linquish the Execution of a Trusteeship
which is required of him by the last Will
of Benjamin Tasker Esquire when I left Annapolis
This Renunciation totally removed the
difficulties I suggested to you, & sub
mitted to your Consideration   therefor
did not repeat them in a letter, as was
then agreed on

Mrs: Ogle & I have jointly undertaken
to fulfil the Trust, which the late Colonel Tasker
junior reposed in his Father: I do ac
cept that office being calle thereto by
one who I sincerely loved & respected:
But previous thereto did secure you
Power & assistance to enable me to
perform said duty. So that I hope thou
wilt take, or cause to be taken an
Inventory of all the Slaves & personal
Estate that shall be then at Ble-air, that is to
be considered as part of the Colonel's Estate,
also Negro London, at Annapolis & other
Interest there, & transmit the same to
a proper public office, & send a Copy
of it to me.

Mrs, Tasker now rents Bel-air House,
the Plantation, Negroes & &cca there, will
release the whole the 20th day of next

[Page 119]


to Mrs: Ogle & myself (in behalf of
the Legatees claiming under the Will of
Colonel Tasker junior so that we shall become
responsible when the Tenant's Term shall
expire. And it behooveth us (Anne Ogle, Robert Carter)
to continue the present overseer, who
lives at Bel-air, if he will stay, or
if he will not, to employ a careful
man to live there, till that whole Estate
shall be sold: And as a prepara
tory step towards it, have drawn up
the inclosed advertisement, but have
left therein Blanks to be filled up
as yourself & Mrs: Ogle shall judge
most reasonable, thinking that the Auction
cannot be sooner then the 25th day of
next January:, & that every Purchacer
shall pay ready money, if his Purchace
Purchaces do not amount to 50£

At Mr, Tasker's Instance the Slaves &
personal Estate at Bel-air were
inventoried & appraised the 9th day of
Februry: 1763 amounting to £1976..14..11
Maryland Currency as doth appear
by the ^ inclosed Inventory. a Copy of which is not
upon Record. This Account Mrs: Tasker, lent
to me, which I desire may be returned
to her. As the Articles comprised in

[Page 120]


said Catalogue, are in there natures per
rishable Mr: Tasker's Fortune must restore
the Loss, on said Articles, if any shall be
discovered, but & if they shall sell for
more money then the amount of said Ap
praisement, then the Executrix will
take the Surplus. For Colonel Tasker's will
directs that, that Estate shall be sold.
If thou shall mention the above hint
during the negotiation of the Business
it must be done most tenderly, &
& as an original Idea.

You can not act but with Mrs: Ogle's
concurrence, & I think nothing should
be done without the Approbation of
Mr & Mrs: Lowndes, & believe that he
must join ^ as well Mrs: Ogle, & myself in con
veying the Land. Mr: John Ridout
will bid for Bel-air Plantation, the
Slaves, & &cca there, in behalf of his
Ward Mr B, Ogle. This being the
Design we should not precipitate
the sale of said Estate, but appoint
a distant day, so that it may be
sufficiently promulgated to the In
habitans of Maryland Pensiel
vania & Virginia   When yourself & Mrs
Ogle shall have filled up the Blanks
in the inclosed Advertisement, & made the whole
expressive of both your Sentiments, send

[Page 121]


Copies to the Printers at Philadelphia: & one
to me

Be pleased to communicate the
inclosed Letter directed to yourself
to Mrs: Ogle: and apply it otherwise
as your Choice shall direct. I am
&cc Robert Carter

Mr, Tasker's Will directs that all his Slaves
and Land shall be sold (but ex
cludes part thereof) is that order ful
illed, or is there a day appointed
to sell said Estate.

Mr. Tasker added the sums extended in the
Inventory making 6 Pages, & put the
amount of each Page at the bottom
thereof, which sums make £1896..7.9.
only, but he calls it   1976..14.11
at the end of the Inventory, but neith[er]
one, nor other of these Sums is the true
amount of said valuation it being
besides Plate, Beans, Rye, Oats, &
Indian Corn, which said Articles are not
extended   Colonel Tasker died in October 1760,
so that 2 years & 3 Months lapsed before
said Inventory was taken   I cannot
pass over in silence the horses entered
under the head of blooded they are

[Page 122]


estimated in the Inventory at £714.0.0
Maryland Currency only, Mr, Tasker
& I sold sold a part of them £1520
sterling in the month of June 1761,
which were delivered to the Purchacers
then and the appraisers report that
they (the Horses) were at Bel-air
in October 1763   But the Fact is not

A little time before the late Mr.
John Boadly of Maryland died,
he agreed to give 2'000 £ sterling
for Bel-air House & Plantation
but the Land was not conveyed to
him     Robert Carter

To Mr,
Thomas Johnson
Attorney at Law
at Annapolis

November 19th.

Dear Sir

The solemn Promises made by Colonel
John Randolph of this Place to repay
220£ sterling, which I lent to him almost
20ty years ago, have been totally dis
regarded. And am now told that you will
discharge that demand & some Interest
now due on it   Will you satisfy said
Claim? And if thou wilt assume the

[Page 123]


Payment thereof, on whom shall I
drawn on?

The present disproportion here
between sterling & Current Money is
25 per Cent. which has not fluctuated
lately. The Drawers were disap
pointed last General Court, who are
gone abroad to return with Cash, but
if they shall not be successful, ex
change must fall, & in that Case, I shall
be classed among the Sufferers   I do
offer to barter Bills of Exchange
next April amounting to £1500 sterling
payable in London for gold & silver
Money estimating the latter at
about 3d3/15 sterling the penny weight
[illegible] & the former at 4s/ sterling the
penny weight troy. with an ex
ception to the following Coinages
Viz: Peru Pieces of Eight Cross Dol
lars, old rix Dollars of the German
Empire & all lesser Pieces of the same,
& all gold Coins of the Empire. Those
Those being found to be 15 per Cent worse
than English Monies   And must
be so considered if any shall be ex
changed with me   If you will
endeavour to find a Person or Persons

[Page 124]


who wants, or want to vest[?] the sum
mentioned above in London, & will
bring, or send it here, you will Assist
them & oblige
Dear Sr &c
Robert Carter

To the honorable
Daniel Dulany
at Annapolis

1768 December 12th


We say in our letter to you inclosing
Charles Carter & Thomas Asilby's[?] Bills, that
£317..16..1½ then remain in our hands
part of your Father's Estate   The pay
ments since, augment said balance
to £517,,16..1½, but by sundry disburse
ments, it is reduced to £475..6..2½
Current money of Virginia & to dis
charge part thereof, we now trans
mit Thomas Montgomerie, Roger Dixon
& Richard Lee's Drafts amounting to
300£ sterling, which cost 373£ Vizt
money. So that £100..6..2½ now
remain to be exchanged for Bills.

His Excellency Lord Botetourt hath
bought almost every article belonging
to the Estate. The Coach & the Remainder
shall be sold immediately, except the

[Page 125]


particulars, which you desire to be sent
to London, also whatever the late Governor
directs shall not be sold, which said
Goods are packed & shall be forwarded
by a proper Opportunity, We are
Sir, yours &cc
William Nelson
Robert Carter
Peyton Randolph
George Wythe

Nota Bene
Since Mr, Nelson signed
this letter, put into my Hands
your Letter & Post Scriptum dated the
5th day of last June & August
which are addressed to your Father's Executors
Robert Carter

To, Francis Fauquier Esquire
Hollis Street Cavendish Square
in London

December 25th

Dear Sir,

Your attention to my Honor & Interest
is manifested in your Letter dated the
30th day of last month. And as soon
as I had considered it, revieved the
Part I had acted relative to the
Estate of the late Colonel Tasker junior
and find that my Agency began in that
Matter the 25th day of last October only
receiving then a Copy of Mr, Christopher Lowndes's

[Page 126]

Renouncement of the joint Trust created
by the will of Mr Tasker decesed   I find
by an estimate put into my hands by
Mr Clement Brooke, that Colonel Tasker's proportion
for one year's Disbursements, is 100£ sterling
about 200 £ Maryland Currency, 1600
bushells of Indian Corn & 20 barrels
of Pork, that on the   day of last month
I inclosed Lord Charles Montague's Draft on
London for 50 £ sterling to Mr John Ridout
desiring him to pay Brook's Bills for
one tenth of the Current Money he
shall draw for on Account of the Baltimore Iron Works
& charge the same to me, & transmit
the Bill of Exchange to him. And also
find that I wrote to my Steward in W, Cou[n]ty
on the same day to send 800 bushells of
Indian Corn & 10 barrels of Pork to Mr
Brooke, manager for the B, Company
Previous to these Letters I proposed to
Mrs, Ogle, of the Works, except the Current
money, which she rejected. If Mrs, Ogle,
will concur with me, this Estate shall
be sold next Autumn, & delivered to
the Purchacer on the 1st day of January 1770
I also find that I have expressed my
Sentiments fully concerning Bel-air
Plantation &cca, in a letter to Mr, Thomas
Johnson of Annapolis which is dated
the 19th day of last month, desiering him
to wait on Mrs, Ogle, & agree upon a
time, to sell all that Estate. And inclosed
therein an Advertisement for that Purpose

[Page 127]


to be printed in the Maryland, & Pennsylvania Gazettes
if Mrs, Ogle, shall approve of the same
You say in the letter before me, "I
"have paid some considerable Sums
"of money on account of the 5th Part
"of the Iron Works in which you are
"concerned   Some Body must pay
"for the Works must go on"   I ap
prehend that Mrs, Tasker is chargeable
for the Supplies, which hath or shall
be expended from the 1st day of January
1768 to the 31st of December following on
account of her Son's [illegible] of the Iron, Works;
that she took the whole Profits, to
the 20th day of last march, & that ¾
of the disbursements for the present
year should be refunded to Mrs
Tasker out of the Gains arising fro
said Works, from the 20th day of last
March   and the remaining Balance
to go according to the Will of Colonel
Tasker so that whatever money thou hast
advanced, is to be charged to Mrs
Tasker & not to her Son's Estate, if
my apprehension be thought

Gold & Silver monies will be an
acceptable Payment of Mrs: Carter's
Proportion of Land, Slaves & personal

[Page 128]


Estate, sold by order of her father's
Will   Be pleased to inform me, how
many acres of Land, Slaves, & personal
Estate of Mrs, Tasker, Mr, John Ridout, Mr Thomas Johnson
have received letter fro me dated
last month, to the first inclosing Colonel
Byrd's Bills for 500£ st4erling and an
account to the 2d inclosing Lord Charles
Montagu's Draft for 50£ sterling to the
3d inclosing a letter to you, which I
shall copy below lest it be lost.
I hop you will exert you Powers to
regain to Mrs. Tasker the possion of the
Lands, which are iniquitously with
holden from her. I am,
truly & honestly
Your very humble Servant
Robert Carter.

To, the honorable
Daniel Dulany Esquire

December 24th


I find by your letter dated the 6th day of this
Instant, that my letters to Mr Ridout & Mr
Thomas Johnson of Annapolis, were not re
received then, the latter was to desire Mr
Johnson, to communicate an Advertisement to you
which is to notify that Bel-air House, Plantation
&cca, there will be sold, & to ask him

[Page 129]


to represent me there, on that occasion,
because other Engagements will keep
me at Home then   The former inclosed
Lord Charles Montaguie's Bills for 50 £ sterling
to be forwarded to Mr, Clement Brooke
to satisfy one half of his st4erling
Demand, for a 5th of the Baltimore
Iron Works formerly the Property of
your Brother, & to desire Mr Ridout
to advance about 100£ Maryland
Currency demandable on said account,
which I would repay by a draft
on London, or in any manner he
shall require   I wrote to my steward
in Westmoreland County the 19th day of last
Month, to send 800 bushells of Indian Corn
& 10 barrels of Pork to Mr Brooke
manager for the Baltimore Company   My
Crop of Indian Corn made in the year 1767
was engaged soon after I returned
here fro Annapolis   I have a quantity
of new to sell, & will furnish whatever
you may want at 8s/ sterling per barrel
exclusive of Freight, it may be
landed either at Annapolis, or at
the Iron works by Colonel Tayloe's Vessels
I have sent half of Mrs: Lowndes's
Proportion of Indian Corn, so that you
want 800 bushells of Corn only, for

[Page 130]


the Works, & not 1100

I received Mr Lowndes's Renunciation
of the Trust created by your Father's Will
the 25th day of last October and I date my
Agency from thence only   I have not
many momentsfor Recreation during
the General Courts   the last arose the 5th
day of November   I write to Mrs Tasker
the 10th and on the succeeding Saturday
put the 2 letters mentioned above in
the mail   These Facts do evince my
Readiness to fulfill the duty, & con
tradict the Idea of Slowness, which
Truths appear on the Face of the Letters,
which I trust have been imparted to
you long ago   I am, Madam
Yours &cca Robert, Carter

P, S,
Have you written to Master Benjamin Benson,
& where does he live? The capital
Bank-stock your Father gave to him
should be transferred in our names
immediately, for I apprehend we cannot
repay your mother with propriety
whatever supply she hath or may direct
for his use, out of the Profits arising
from said Bank-stock, before the assignment
Robert Carter.

To Mrs, Ogle.
at Annapolis

[Page 131]


December 27th,

Dear Madam

I sent a letter to the Post-office here,
the 12th day of last month, it was directed
to you, & inclosed Colonel William Byrd's 1st & 2d
Bills of Exchange of the same date for
500 £ sterling, also an account

This covers Mrs, Thomas Montgomerie's
Draft for £163..6 sterling, which is to satisfy
£200..0..10 current money of Virginia part
of £330..7..11 of the like Currency, so that
£130..7..1 remain in my Hands, & will
till I hear of a good Bill or Bills.

If you should have acknowledged
receiving my Letter, I fear said notice
is lost, & when you notify the Reception
of the inclosed 1st & 2d Bills, be pleased
to signify the state of Byrd's. I am
Yours &cc Robert Carter

To Mrs Tasker
at Annapolis.

Note   The 3 last letters were
inclosed to Mr, Christopher Lowndes & deliver'd
to Mr, Thomas Montgomerie

[Page 132]

Amhurst, Jeffery, 93 Lane, James, 66,
Buchanan James & Co.
1. 31. 64, 102, 114,
Lownds Christopher 106
Bladen Thomas 23, 87, Miller Robert 43, 51.
Beale John 90, Mathis, Mr. 62,
Corinthwaite Robert 10, Mathis Robert 62,
Cheap Pringle Scott
& Company 38, 41,
Ogle Anne 110. 130,
Carter Landon Junior 60
65, 69.
Ruthifurd & Jackson
33, 35, 40,
Capel & Osgood}
Hanbury, & Mr.}       116. 117.
William Anderson}
Raper Henry 37,
Didsbury 54, Robinson Beverly 49,
Dulany Daniel 124, 128, Ridout John, 103
Dulany Daniel 124, 128 Ransdell Edward
63, 91, 91,
Fauquier Francis 112, 125, Strettle Amos 46,
Hunt Edward & Son 3. 5,
12, 17. 18, 22, 23, 24, 27, 34,
37, 53, 75, 77, 82, 93,
Tasker Benjamin
14, 47, 48, 55, 57, 67,
71, 73.
Hooke & Cuncannen James 3, Tasker Anne 108, 131,
Hobson Finn & Tetley 34,
Hough John 58,
Hyndman John 95,
Hunt Edward & Sons 96,
100, 116
Hunt Edward 99
Jordan Morton John 3, 4
Johnson Thomas 122,

[Page 133]

and ends the 30th of November following

Original Format

Ink on paper


Carter, Robert, 1728-1804, “Robert Carter letter book, 1764 May 10 - 1768 December 27,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed February 7, 2025,