Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 32, from Thursday, January 5 to Thursday, January 12, 1775


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Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 32, from Thursday, January 5 to Thursday, January 12, 1775



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DO THOU GREAT LIBERTY! inspire our Souls.. ___And make our Lives, in THY Possession happy, ___Or our Deaths GLORIOUS in THY JUST Diefence!

From THURSDAY JANURY 5, to THURSDAY JANUARY 12________1775. (No. 32.)

Column 1

I HAVE always admired the Sagacity
of the North Britons, in their Law
against Leasing-making; by which
they understood misrepresenting the
whole People, or any one subject,
to the King; or the King to the
People. And these were separate
crimes; for they did not imagine
that any man could at the same
time be guilty of both. Neither do
I find any instances of this kind in
their history, before the Union.

We have nothing among our
Laws so well contrived to prevent a breach between a King and his
People. This lays the Ax to the root of all Treason, and by pu-
nishing it in one secures thousands from the slander of it. But then
it bears so very hard upon the Sheet-Anchor the Court Whisper,
that I have often wonder’d how the Ministers in that country could
carry on business with it. For altho’ Leasing-making be the source
of all treason, it is frequently the foundation of a Minister’s autho-
rity: since no Prince will place absolute confidence in one man,
until he is brought to believe, that he can no longer confide in his

There are few histories where we do not meet with frequent in-
stances of Ministers raising themselves by Leasing-making; and we
may therefore conclude, that the North British Ministers might prac-
tice the same arts to serve the same purposes. But as few even of
the greatest Statesmen can be supposed to arrive at that pitch of
security, as to boast of their own Guilt; the Legislators in that
country might obtain the King’s consent to this Law, for punish-
ing an artifice which his Minister durst not avow, since it could be
practiced only upon the weakest Princes. Nay, it is not impossible
but, as the Law made it criminal to misrepresent any one subject,
it might become an useful tool in the hands of a Minister to destroy
those who should presume to express his artifices; and the Legisla-
ture might be the less careful to provide against a thing of this na-
ture, that the first subject in their country was above the reach of
Ministerial Calumny.

By their constitution which was Gothick, as ours once was, the
Minister of Scotland enjoyed great Paerogatives, and an independent
Revenue. As a Subject he shared the privileges and the grievances
of the people; and as Prince he had a right to inform the King of
them. No Minister could remove him from the King’s preference;
nor no corruption induce him to abet the plundering a people,
whose Riches were one day to constitute his power. As the nation
might therefore think themselves safe in the constitutional security
of such a subject, they had no reason to suppose that the most san-
guine Whisperer could hope to succeed in an attempt of this nature.
The Father must look upon him as his most determined enemy.____
To make a breach between him and his Son!____Lord have Mercy
upon us!____A Victory to either must be a destruction to both,____
Neither could he expect any assistance from those who might other-
wise support his power by their influence on the King. They must
reject, with Detestation, the very thoughts of persecuting a Brother
or a Son.

To the Printer of the NORFOLK INTELLIGENCER.
BEING formerly carried away by the Stream of vulgar error,
with relation to the Etymology of the word WOMAN, I could
not forbear being surpriz’d at the Ill nature of our Ancestors, for
giving so harsh a name to the (FAIR SEX) especially when I con-
sider that this Nation has for many ages been famous amongst fore-
igners, even to a proverb, for their Love and tender Usage of them.
The learned Languages were immediately consulted, wherein I could
not find any word signifying the Fair, that intimated the least sus-
picion of Guilt or Evil.____Upon this I concluded that the word must
be modern, and of later date than the conversion of our Ancestors
to Christianity; because they could have no notion of the Fall, and
of the part transacted therein by the Woman, before they were ac-
quainted with the Holy Scriptures.____The Hebrew, if not the first
Language, is at least as old as the dispersion from Babel; and that
very pertinently calls her Ithab, because she was taken out of Ith.____
She is also frequently term’d Nequebah from the distinction of
Sex.____In the Greek, her most common appellation is Gyne, as
if from Gone, the hearing of young ones; and Theleia from Thele,
a Breast.____In Latin her name is Mulier, quasi Mollier; as if the
softer Creature; and Foemina, a foetn, as from the young, which
she conceives, bears, and nurses.____Scaliger indeed derives the word
form the Greek, an offspring; others more justly from Femen,
the distinction of the Sex.<p\>

In these several Languages there is nothing harsh, nothing that
offends the Ears in the names of the Fair, but to clal her Wo-Man,
as if design’d for and actually imply’d in the ruin of man, has of-
ten been not a little displeasing not only to the Fair ones themselves,
but to all their Admirers. And tho’it must be confess’d, that she
was employ’d by the grand enemy in the Seduction of her Husband,
and stands in some measure chargeable, as an instrument of the
misery consequent thereon; yet does not that strain seem sufficiently
washed away, by her being the instrument of Health and Salvation
to the Species, in producing the Saviour of the World without the
assistance of man----It being the Seed of the Woman and not of the
Man, which was to bruise the Serpent’s Head. Which Prophecy so
perplexed the learned Jew Maimonides, that he has left it amongst
his insuperable Difficulties.

Our Ancestors very pertinently call’d the Fair one Wombman,
from the distinction of Sex; and leaving out the –b--to soften the
pronunciation, they in time wrote and term’d her Womman, and
at last Woman.---This is the real Etymon of the word, which it may

Column 2

not be improper to publish, in order to take from our sex their
common handle of Abuse and Calumny; and give the Ladies this
Piece of defensive Armour; to secure them against the injurious
Tongues of old Bachelors, and other haters of the Fair.
I am, Sir,
Your constant Reader and humble Servant,

THE spirit of tyranny seems at this juncture, to have taken
possession of the hearts of all the Princes of Europe. By
their proceedings, we must conclude, they think they have a just
claim to every territory that lies convenient for them, and an equi-
table right to every kingdom they have force enough to conquer.
Regardless of justice, and enemies to the natural rights of mankind,
they look upon the people they rule over, as born only to pay them
taxes and fight their battles. The northern tyrant led the way,
and set the iniquitous example, and every dribbler of a Prince
strives to make himself despotic, and to enslave his subjects. These
inhuman tyrants seem determined to extirpate every footstep of
freedom yet remaining in Europe. Poland hath been conquered
and divided; the free and great commercial cities that have flou-
rished for ages;, are forced to submit to their arbitrary commands;
the dominions of the ancient republic of Venice are now attacked;
Corsica hath been subdued, and its brave inhabitants have been
massacred, and called a banditti, only for fighting in defence of
their natural rights and freedom. British subjects yet call ourselves
a free people, and, it is to be wished, we may be really so, and have
no cause for reckoning ourselves amongst the enslaved nations of
Europe. It must, however, be acknowledged that the establish-
ment of the popish religion, and the proceedings against the colo-
nies in America, do not carry an appearance, favourable either to
their freedom or our own. It is indeed evident, that American
fellow subjects look upon those measures as tyrannical, and subver--
sive of their charters, rights, and liberties, and are resolved not to
submit to them; and by the general union and concord of all the
colonies in defence of their natural rights and freedom, our ministry,
however despotic their intentions may be, will find it beyond their
power to enslave them Whilst such a glorious spirit exists in our co-
lonies, American will continue free, thought every nation in Europe
should be enslaved.
A Lover of LIBERTY.

A Prophecy of LORD KAIMES, concerning the
North American Colonies.
OUR North American Colonies are in a prosperous Condition,
increasing rapidly in Population, in Commerce, and in Opu-
lence. The Colonists have the Spirit of a free People, and are in-
flamed with Patriotism. Their Population (will equal) that of
Britain and Ireland in less than a Century, and they will then be a
match for the Mother Country, if they choose to be independent.
Every advantage will be on their Side, as the Attack must be by
Sea, from a very great Distance. Being thus delivered from a for-
eign Yoke, their first Care will be the Choice if a proper Govern-
ment, and it is not difficult to foresee what Government will be
chosen. A People animated with the new Blessing of Liberty, and
Independence, will not incline to a kingly Government. The Swiss
Cantons joined in a federal Union, for Protection against the Po-
tent House of Austria; and the Dutch embraced the like Union,
for Protection against the more potent King of Spain. But our Co-
lonies will never join in such an Union; because they have no po-
tent Neighbour, and because they have an Aversion to each other.
We may pronounce then, with tolerable Certainty, that (each
Colony will choose for itself a republican Government.) And their
present Constitution prepares them for it; they have a Senate, and
they have an Assembly representing the People. No Change will
be necessary, but to drop the Governor who represents the King of
Britain. And thus a Part of a great State (will be converted) into
many small States..


We are every day more and more alarmed, at the encroachments
of the Austrian troops, who in contravention of the most solemn
treaties, have entered into our frontier provinces, particularly
Morlachia, where their superior forces have already taken possession
of our principal towns; have ravaged the adjoining provinces and
spread dissolution around. The Council of ten have required a
meeting of the General one, to attend immediately to consider
that would be most proper to be done on this very extraordinary
Manoeuvre. In the mean time, dispatches are sent to all the fo-
reign powers, with whom we are in alliance,

VIENNA, Sept. 10. The Grand Signior has seized on all the
effects of the late Grand Vizir, amounting to eleven millions of flo-
rins. His Highness has given the Seals to Izet Mohemed Bashaw,
and the Aga of the Janitsaries has been appointed Caimaikan ad
interim. The Divan has resolved to send three months pay to the
army, which, it is said, is to remain at Adrianople until Russia
shall have restored to the Porte the places stipulated.

Dantzic, September 19. The Prussian troops are swarming about
this city, and we are obliged to keep our gates shut to be upon our
guard. The King of Prussia has published an edict, which was
read from the pulpits of every parish church of West Prussia, and
Pomerania, prohibiting the inhabitants to bring their provisions to
market to Dantzic, or to bring any thing there. We are well pro-
vided with every thing except in the article of wood, which is very

Column 3

scarce here. We are still in hope of being delivered from our neigh-
boring usurper by the intercessions of some foreign courts.

GIBRALTER, Oct. 5. Algiers is said to be now actually besieged
by the Emperor of Morocco’s troops, notwithstanding the terms of
reconciliation so lately offered, and which were supposed to have
been accepted.

September 23. It is conjectured that there are near 200 mem-
bers in the present Parliament who will not be returned at the next
election, even with the government interest on their side, if the
freeholders continue firm.

Of all our European neighbors, the Dutch, we are told, notice
our proceedings against the Americans most. it seems they have
long had a hankering after some of our settlements, which, if they
could possess themselves of, would e a great service to them; and
that they intend to use all private endeavours for that purpose, is

Affairs in Ireland, we are informed, are beginning to take an un-
expected turn: the Lord Lieutenant, by an unwearied attention to
the duties of his office, it is estimated, has, within these six months,
made converts of an amazing number of patriots. (Alas! poor Ireland)

Oct. 29. A small squadron it is said wili shortly be [print distorted, illegible] out,
to cruze in the Mediterranean, of which his Royal Highness the
Duke of Cumberland will have the command,

They write from Senegal, that the slaves on board a French ship
on the African coast, had risen and murdered all the crew, except
a white woman, a passenger on board, after which the vessel foun-
dered in a gale of wind, when the savages were drowned, except
three and the above woman, who were taken up by an English

A correspondent says, accounts received from Boston by the Scar-
borough man of war, intimate that General Gage who was sent
upon the duty of her present disagreeable command, contrary to
his own inclination, has desired to be recalled, which brings to
mind the following passage by the Baron de Montesquieu:

Charles the ninth having given orders to the Governors of the se-
veral provinces for the Hugonots to be slaughtered, Viscount Dorte,
who commanded at Bayonne, wrote thus to the King:


”Among your majesty’s troops I could not find so much as one
executioner; they are brave soldiers, we jointly therefore entreat
your Majesty to command our lives in things that are practicable.”

It is said that the M____y previous to the dissolution of P____t
has so shuffled out, and packed the cards as to have been sure of
having all the trumps and court cards in their hands the very first
deal; flushed with a secure hope of the games they were less atten-
tive whether the Curse of Scotland was turned up at Brentford this
deal than formerly, especially as it was looked on a loose cared.

Charles the first lost his crown and life, and James the second his
kingdom, both for himself and his heirs, by their attachment to
measures which infringed upon the constitution, and threatened a
perpetual slavery to the people of these realms. The nation for a
long time bore with the most submissive zeal the persecutions which
those Kings and their ministers brought upon them; till at last their
feelings were roused, and they drove those two obstinate monarchs,
the one to answer for his conduct before a more awful tribunal; the
other to seek for shelter in foreign climes; whereas if they had but
attended to the advice given them by their real friends, they might
have reigned long over, and in the hearts of a free people.

Nov. 6. As the dispute now subsisting between Spain and Great
Britain, with respect to the new settlement made by the English East
India Company on the island of Balambanca, in the Indian ocean,
may probably be attended with ferocious consequences, the public will
receive some satisfaction from a more authentic and particular ac-
cont of that matter than has been hitherto laid before them. The
first notion of such a settlement took its rise in the council at Ma
drass, during the time Lord Pigot was Governor. A Gentleman
was sent by him to make observations in the islands bordering on
the Moluccas and Philippines, in order to find a place proper for
a trading station in those parts. This Gentleman went to Suloo,
an island near the Great Island of Borneo, the Sultan of which, be-
sides the island of Suloo, held by conquest several other adjacent
islands, and a considerable part of the island of Borneo itself. He
had been engaged in a war with the Spaniards, who possess Luconia
(of which Manilla is the capital) and the other Philippines. During
this war the Sultan of Suloo had been taken prisoner in a sea en-
gagement, and carried to Manilla, where he was detained prisoner
for thirteen years, until the English took that place, who set him at
liberty, and sent him back to his own country; he was therefore
very willing to encourage a settlement of the English in his domi-
nions, as they might afford him an aid against the future attempts
of the Spaniards to subjugate him to their yoke. Balambanca, a
small island, but not inhabited, and lying very near the coast of that
part of Bornea, which the Sultan held as a part of his kingdom,
was thought a proper place for this settlement, and a grant of it
was made to the English Company, if they should think fit to carry
their design of a settlement into execution. The matter was subse-
quently taken under consideration by the court of Directors here,
and remained in agitation before any thing final was concluded.
During this period a proper report was made to administration, and
laid before the Privy Council, and the matter being known both to
the Spaniards and Dutch, who are greatly interested in preventing
our making any establishment in that part of the world, they pre-
ferred the warmest remonstrances against our proceeding in such a
design. This was publicly given, in a general occur of the proprie-
tors, by Sir George Colebrooke, then chairman, as a reason for the
great delay in coming to any determination respecting a matter that
appeared to be of so critical a nature. At length the directors de-
termined to proceed in the affair, and Mr. Harbord, then one of the
council of Bencollen, was appointed Governor, and was sent with
a proper force and stores to make a settlement in Balambanca. The
result has been, that the Spaniards have sent from the Manilla a
great armament against the King of Suloo, and were actually be-
sieging his capital when the last advices were received from thence.

In the meant time the Governor of Manilla sent a peremptory requi-

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Column 1

sition to Governor Harbord, signing, ”that if he did not im-
medidately, together will all the English with him, quite the island,
he would find a force to bring him away, and destroy whatever
erectons he might have made in that place.” Mr. Harbord re-
fused to comply with this requisition, and has advised the court of
Directors that he is fortifying himself in the best manner, in order
to maintain his ground. It cannot, however, be doubted but that
the Governor of Manilla will make good his word as soon as he has
taken Sulloo, and that Governor Harbord will be very far from
being in a condition to prevent his doing what he has threatened.
We have therefore great reason to be in continual expectation of
hearing such news, with respect to this event, as will throw us into
the same dilemma with regard to Spain, as we lately found ourselves
with regard to Falkland’s islands.

A letter from America hints that had Government given longer
time to the Bostonians to have considered on, and digested the act
for shutting up their port, the inhabitants, dreading the consequen-
ces, might have been induced to have made some concessions; but
its coming on so suddenly before their first transports had subsided,
it is to be expected they will now find out, and this the rather as
supposing them ever so inclined to bow the neck, it would be many
months before they could be reinstated in their trade as heretofore,
and many individuals must be absolutely undone.

Some very experienced persons are at this time making the most
secret and particular enquiries into the state of the Arsenals, both
of France and Spain; which, when collected, are to be delivered in-
to the Commissioners of the Admiralty, to be by them laid before
his Majesty and the Privy Council.

Fresh disputes are likely to arise between the King of France, his
Parliament, and Clergy; the Archbishop of Paris, who is but newly
returned from his exile, being determined to oppose the authority of
Parliament in all spiritual matters of which he has just given a
fresh instance, by refusing to deliver up his paper on the expulsion
of the Jesuits to the messengers who were sent for them, though
they were officers of the Parliament of Paris and of the Crown.

We are informed from very good authority, that the Court have
offered the command of the troops in American to Sir William Dra-
per, in consequence of his connections in New-York; but it is not
yet determined whether he will be invested with the command or
not: but all are now discontented with the conduct of General

To such paltry and contemptible shifts are government reduced,
that they have sent over proposals of advantageous contracts to some
of the principal merchants of New-York, and hope to severe them
from their attachments to the congress, to produce discontents and
faction in the people.

It is reported that if Sir W. Draper goes to America, he will take
a letter of recommendation with him to the colonies from his inti-
mate friend, Junius.

The state or importance of the American colonies is so little un-
derstood or regarded by the cunning people of the West end of the
town, that I am told they have universally agreed that if all our
settlements there were at the bottom of the sea, it would be much
better for England. These, to be sure are very pretty conclusions
about those dominions which have brought in so many millions to
England; about those dominations which have constantly employed
an infinite number of shipping; about those dominions, which ren
dered this nation so many services during the last war. From the
conception of the importance of our colonies to England, we may
guess how capable they are of managing the affairs of the nation;
and we may also guess what will be the consequence of the exercise
of such wonderful abilities. For my part, I think it behoves every
Englisman to endeavour to promote the welfare of the Americans,
since on that our own has such a great dependance.

Extract of a Letter from St. Omer’s, Oct. 25.
”Smuggling between France and North America goes on apace
at present. All the manufactures at Lyons, Nimes, and Nantz,
work night and Day to load American ships. This you may de-
pend on real truths. A French officer of my particular aquaint-
ance, just come hither with his regiment from Brest and Port l’Ori-
ent, assures me that French India Goods rose 10 per cent, in one
day at Port l’Orient, by the arrival of some American ships in that

December 8th, 1774.
AS the happiness of particular families arises, in a great de-
gree, from their being more or less depended upon others;
and as the less occasion they have from any article belonging to o-
thers, the more independent; and consequently, the happier they
are: So, the happiness of every political body of men upon earth,
is to be estimated in a great measure upon their greater or less de-
pendance upon any other political bodies; and from hence arises a
forcible argument, why every state ought to regulate their internal
policy, in such a manner as to furnish themselves within their
own body, every necessary article for subsistence and defence: O-
therwise their political existence will depend upon others, who may
take advantage of such weakness and reduce them to the lowest
state of vassalage and slavery. For preventing so great an evil,
more to be dreaded than death itself, it must be the wisdom of this
colony, at all times, more especially at this time, when the hand of
power is lashing us with the scorpions of despotism, to encourage
agriculture, manufacturers, and economy, so as to render this state
as independent of every other state as the nature of our country
will admit; from the consideration thereof, and trusting that the
virtue of the people of this colony is such, that the following reso-
lutions of this Congress, which must be productive of the greatest
good, will by them be effectually carried into execution. And it is
therefore Resolved,

1st. That we do recommend to the people the improvement of
their breed of sheep, and the greatest increase of the same;
and also the preferable use of our own woolen manufacturers; and
to the manufacturers, that they ask only reasonable prices for their
goods; and especially a very careful sorting of the wool, so that it
may be manufactured to the greatest advantage, and as much as may
be into the best goods.

2d. We do also recommend to the people the raising of hemp,
and flax; and large quantities of fax-seed, more than may be
wanted for sowing, may be produced, we would also farther recom-
mend the manufacturing the same into oil.

3d. We do likewise recommend the making of nails; which we
apprehend must meet with the strongest encouragement from the
public, and be of lasting benefit both to the manufacturer and the

4th. The making of steel, and the preferable use of the same,
we do also recommend to the inhabitants of this colony.

5th. We do in like manner recommend the making tin plates,
as an article well worth the attention of this people.

5th. As fire arms have been manufactures in several parts of this
colony, we do recommend the use of such, in preference to any
imported: And we do recommend the making gun locks, and fur-
nature, and other locks, with other articles in the iron way.

We do also earnestly recommend the making of salt petre,
as an article of vast importance to be encouraged, as may be direc-
ed hereafter.

8th. That gun powder is also an article of fresh importance, that
every man amongst us who loves his country, must with the estab-
lishment of manufacturers for that purpose, and, as there are some
ruins of several powder mills, and sundry persons among us who
are acquainted with that business, we do heartily recommend its en-

Column 2

couragement, by repairing one or more of said mills, or erecting o-
thers, and renewing said business as soon as possible.

9th. That as several paper mills are now usually employed, we
do likewise recommend a preferable use of our own manufactures in
this way; and a careful saving and collecting rags, & also
that the manufacturers give a generous price for such rags, &c.

10th. That it will be the interest, as well as the duty of this bo-
dy, or of such as may succeed us to make such effectual provision
for the farther manufacturing of the several sorts of glass, as that
the same may be carried on to the natural benefit of the undertaker
and the public, and firmly establish it in this colony.

11th, That whereas buttons of excellent qualities and of vari-
ous sorts are manufactured among us, we do earnestly recommend
the general use of the same; so that the manufactories may be ex-
teded to the advantage of the people and manufacturers.

12th. That whereas salt is an article of vast consumption with-
in this colony, and it its fisheries, we do heartily recommend the
same, in the several ways wherein it is made in several parts of Eu-
rope; especially in the method used in that part of France where
they make Bay salt.

13th, We do likewise recommend an encouragement of horn
smiths in all their various branches as what will be of public uti-

14th. We do likewise recommend the establishment of one or
more manufactories for making wool-comber’s combs, as an article
necessary in our woollen manufacture.

15th. We do in like manner heartily recommend the preferable
use of stocking and other hosiery woven among ourselves, so as
to enlarge the manufactories thereof, in such a manner as to encou-
rage the manufacturers and serve their country.

16th. As madder is an article of great importance in the dyer’s
business, and which may be easily raised and cured among ourselves,
we do therefore earnestly recommend the raising and curing the

17th. In order the more effectually to carry these resolutions in-
to effect, we do earnestly recommend, That a society or societies be
established for the purposes of introducing and establishing such arts
and manufactures as many be useful to this people, and are not yet
introduced, and the more effectually establishing such as we have
already among us.

18th. We do recommend to the inhabitants of this province to
make use of our own manufactures, and those of our sister colonies,
in preference to all other manufactures.

Signed by order of the Provincial Congress,
JOHN HANCOCK, President.
A true Extract from the Minutes,

Boston, Dec. 22, 1774.
”AS Messieurs Edes and Gill, in their paper of Monday the
”twelfth instant, were pleased to acquaint the public, that
”the association sent by Brigadier Ruggles, &c. to the town of
”Hardwick, &amp:c. together with his son’s certificate thereof, and
”the resolves of the Provincial Congress thereon, must be referred
”till their next.” I was so credulous as to expect then to have
”seen their next paper adorned with the form of an Association,
”which would have done honor to it, and if attended to, and
”complied with, by the good people of this province, might have
”put it in the power of any one very easily to have distinguished
”such loyal subjects to the King, as dare to assert their right to
”freedom, in all respects confident with the laws of the land, from
”such rebellious ones, as under pretext of being friends to liberty
are frequently committing the most enormous outrages upon the
persons and properties of such of his Majesty’s peaceable subjects,
who for want of knowing who to call upon ( in these distracted
times) for assistance, fall into the hands of a banditti, whose cru-
elties surpass those of savages; but finding my mistake, now take
the liberty to send copies to our several offices to be published in
your next papers, that so the public may be made more acquainted
therewith, than at present, and be induced to associate for the a-
bove purposes; and as many of the people for some time past have
been arming themselves, it may not be amiss to let them know that
their numbers will not appear in the field so large as was imagined,
before it was known that independency was the object in contemp-
lation, since which, many have associated in divers parts of the pro-
vince, to preserve their freedom and support government: And as
it may become necessary in a very short time to give convincing
proof of our attachment to government, we shall be much wanting
to ourselves if we longer trample upon that patience which has al-
ready endured to long suffering, and may if this opportunity be ne-
glected have a tendency to ripen many for destruction, who have
not yet been guilty of an overt-act of rebellion; which would be an
event diametrically opposite to the humane and benevolent inten-
tion of him whose abused patience cannot endure for ever, and who
hath already by his prudent conduct evinced the most tender regard
for a deluded people.

WE the subscribers being fully sensible of the blessings of good
governments on the one hand, and convinced on the other
hand of the evils and calamities attending no tyranny in all shapes,
whether exercised by one or many; and having of late seen with
great grief and concern the distressing efforts of a dissolution of all
government, where by our lives, liberties and properties are render-
ed precarious, and no longer under the protection of the law, and
apprehending it to be our indispensable duty to use all lawful means
in our power, for the defence of our persons and property, against all
riotous and lawless violence, and to recover and secure the advan-
tages which we are entitles to from the good and wholesome laws
of the government, do hereby associate and mutually covenant and
engage to and with each other as follows, viz.

I. That we will, upon all occasions, with our lives and fortunes,
stand by and assist each other in the defence of his life, liberty, and
property whenever the same shall be attacked or endangered by
any bodies of men, riotously assembled upon any pretence, or under
any authority not warranted by the laws of the land.

II, That we will, upon all occasions, mutually support each
other, in the free exercise and enjoyment of our undoubted right
to liberty, in eating, drinking, buying and selling, communing and
acting what, with whom, and as we please, as consistent with the
laws of God and the King.

III. That we will not acknowledge or submit to the pretended
authority of any congress, committee of correspondence or other
unconditional assemblies of men, but will at the risqué of our
lives, if need be, oppose the forceable exercise of all such au-

IV. That we will, to the utmost of our power, promote, en-
courage, and when called to it, enforce obedience to the rightful
authority of our most gracious Sovereign, King George the third,
and of his laws.

V. That when the persons or property of any one of us shall
be invaded or threatened by any committees, mobs or unlawful as-
semblies, the others of us will upon notice received forthwith re-
pair properly armed to the person on whom, or place where such
invasion or threatening shall be, and will to the utmost of our pow-
er defend such person and his property, and if need be will oppose
and repel force with force.

VI. That if any one of us shall unjustly and unlawfully be inju-
jured in his person or property, by any such assemblies as before-
mentioned, the others of us will, unitedly demand, and if in our
power, compel the offenders if known, to make full reparation and
satisfaction for such injury, and if all other means of security fail
we will have recourse to the natural law of retaliation.

In Witness of all which, we hereunto subscribe our Names, this ____Day of____.

Column 3

Extract of a letter from Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, dated
December 16, 1774.

”We have been in [illegible] here for two days, on account of
an express from Boston, informing that two regiments were coming
to take possession of our fort;__by beat of drum 200 men immedi-
ately assembled and went to the castle in two Gondolas, who on
their way were joined by 150 more, and demanded the surrender of
the fort, which Capt. Cochran refused; and fired three guns, but
no lives were lost; upon which they immediately sealed the walls,
disarmed the Captain and his men, took possession of 97 barrels of
powder,___put on board the Gondolas, brought it up to town
, and went off with it to some distance in the country. Yesterday
the town was full of men, from the country, who marched in, in
form; chose a Committee to wait on the Governor, who assured
them he knew of no such deigns, sending troops, ships, &c. This
morning I hear there is a thousand or fifteen hundred on their march
to town. -The Governor and Council sat yesterday on the affair,
and are now meeting again.___The men who came down, are those
of the best property and note in the province.”

Yesterday arrived here his Majesty’s ship Sommerset, of 64 guns,
Capt. Le Cras, Commander, from England.

We hear from Halifax, Nova-Scotia, that the General Assem-
bly of that province have laid an additional duty of 5 pence per
gallon upon all rums and spiritous liquors (except the produce or
manufacturing of Great-Britain) that shall be imported into that pro-
vince, after the first day of January 1775. Also a duty of five
shillings upon every 112th lb. pound of brown sugar; and five
pence upon every gallon of molasses that shall be imported into that
province, after the said first day of January, 1775.

Extract of a letter from New-London, dated December 26, 1774.

”We hear that the inhabitants of St. Croix are about to send
130 hogsheads of sugar as a present to the town of Boston.----One
gentleman had offered to give ten hogsheads, and to send a vessel
with the whole donation, free of charges.”


We hear that a regiment of troops embarked last Sabbath at
Boston, said to be destined for this place, for the purpose of “ar-
resting, detaining, and securing gun-powder.”

A Committee of sixty-three very respectable gentlemen were
appointed, at a town-meeting in Boston last Wednesday, to carry
into execution in that place the agreement and association of the Con-
tinental Congress.


Committee Chamber, December 22, 1774.

Ordered, that the committee of correspondence do transmit to
the committee of the several counties in this province a copy of the
Resolves passed this evening, with a letter. And the letter being
prepared and read, was approved, and it as follows, viz

BY order of the committee of the city and liberties of Philadel-
phia, we have the pleasure to transmit you the following re-
solves, passed this day, with great unanimity, viz.

”Resolved, That this committee think it absolute necessary
”that the committees of the counties of this province, or such
”deputies as they may appoint for this purpose, be requested to
”meet together in provincial convention, as soon as convenient.”

”Resolved, That it be recommended to the county committees,
”to meet in said convention, on Monday, the 23rd day of Jan.
”next, in the city of Philadelphia.”

From the view of the present situation of public affairs, the com-
mittee have been induced to propose this convention, that the sense
of the province may be obtained, and that the measures to be
taken thereupon may be the result of the united wisdom of the

The obvious necessity of giving an immediate consideration to
many matters of the greatest importance to the general welfare,
will, we hope, sufficiently apologize to you, for naming so early a
day as the 23rd of January.
We are, Gentlemen, respectfully,
Your very humble Servant,
The Committee of Correspondence.

Extract of a letter from a Gentlemen in England, to this Friend
in America, dated London, Oct. 31, 1774.

”America must go through some changes; we cannot give way
”here; ___any considerations on your part will be accepted, and
”I hope you have some cool, temperate men, who think so too;
”sure I am, it will best promote their own happiness.—The knavish
”patriots on this side have undone you, and will undo themselves.
”The King has dissolved the Parliament, and writs are issued for
”a new one;___this is thought a wise and capital stroke to prevent
”expence, corruption and debauchery.—I very much approve of
”Delegates being sent over here, be assured government would re-
”ceive them very cordially.”

”4th Nov. We have received some disagreeable accounts
”from your side by the man of war, which those who are friends
”to moderation are sorry for, as they must operate against both
”yourselves and us.___It is a pity that no propositions come
from you.”

In one of the English papers is inserted, “Two battalions of
Light Infantry are ordered to be in readiness to embark for

The last letters from London mention the deaths of Dr, Duncan,
physician to the King, Captain Robert Herzler of the royal artillery
and Colonel James Cunninghame.

By a Gentleman arrived at Salem, in a Vessel from Cape
Nicholas Mole, which he left the 17th of November. Just as
he was leaving that place, a vessel arrived there from the Island
of Cuba, which she left the 15th of November, the master
of which informed him, that he was obliged to quit that island in
the greatest hurry, and leave all his cargo behind, there being so
many Spanish vessels cruising to intercept all provision vessels bound
for the island of Jamaica, that it was hardly possible for any to
escape; this may be depended on aa a fact, and all the French and
Spaniards were employed night and day, in repairing and building
fortifications with the greatest expedition, and furnishing all their
garrisons with a large stock of provisions and ammunition.____Du-
ring his stay at the Mole, transports were arriving daily with troops
and provisions.

The four Americans, who were most instrumental in bringing
forth the late odious acts of Parliament, by the advice they gave
to the Premier, who was glad to avail himself of their hints, are all
promised very lucrative employs in England.

At at Meeting of the Committee of Princess Anne on Thursday,
the 5th of January, 1775.
THE Chairman having acquainted the Committee, that Mr.
GEORGE LOGAN of this County, Merchant, had imported
TWO Bales of EUROPEAN Goods, since the first Day of December
last, contrary to, and under the Restrictions made by the Continen-
tal Congress. It was Resolved that Edward Cannon, John Hancock,
Frederick Boush, and William Hancock, Members of this Com-
mittee, should wait upon Mr. GEORGE LOGAN, to be informed of
the Truth of such Information:___Who readily appeared before the
Committee, and acknowledged that he had received into his pos-
session, since the first Day of December, four Casks of Nails, oneb
Bale of Oznaburgs, one Box of Linen, and one Case of Sadlery;
which said several Articles he very readily and cheerfully submitted
should be disposed of at the Discretion of the Committee. Upon

Page 3
Column 1

which the Committee came to the following Resolutions:”

Resolved, that the Thanks of this Committee be presented to
Mr. LOGAN, for his candid and polite Behaviour on this Occasion.

Resolved, that the several Articles above mentioned, after being
advertised in one of the Virginia Gazettes, be sold; agreeable to the
tenth Article of the Association, under the Direction of Captain,
James Kempe, Mr. William Robinson, Mr. Anthony Walke, junr.
Capt. Frederick Boush, and Capt. William Hancock, before the
next Meeting of this Committee.
Published by Order of the Committee.

Pursuant to the above Resolution, we hereby give Notice that
the Sale will be on Tuesday the 17th Instant, at the Store of Mr.
LOGAN, at Kempe’s Landing; and will begin at 11 o’Clock at the
Forenoon, precisely.

PORTSMOUTH. January 12, 1775.

Last Week a Deputation from this Town waited on Captain
Montague, and the other Gentlemen Officers on board his Maje-
sty’s Ship the FOWEY; and delivered them a Card of Thanks for
the important Aid they afforded at a late alarming Fire in that
Town; and for the constant Readiness they have always shown to
assist every trading Vessel in Distress.____The Address was po-
litely received; And Capt. Montague having thanked them, was
pleased to say, “He ever would be disposed to Grant every Assist-
ance in his Power, when consistant with his Duty.”

The Alexander, Capt. Kerr, from Liverpool, newly arrived
here; in his passage, sprung his main Mast and varied away his
main Boom; spoke with the Caesar of London, Jodn Dunn Ma-
ster, from Philadelphia bound to Jamaica, in Lat. 23:50, Long-
67:30, ten Days out, 19th of December last; On the 24th
spoke the Schooner Commerce, Capt. Harland, from Antigua for
South Carolina, in Lat. 28, Long, 72:14, nine Days out.

The PRINTER of this PAPER is desirous, and will
esteem it a particular Favour done him; if Masters or Comman-
ders of Vessels will be kind enough to send an ACCOUNT of what
Ships, &c. they may have spoke with, on their respective Voyages.


JANUARY 3, 1775.

Sloop Wren, William Smith from Rhode Island; with Fish,
Cheese, Chocolate, Onions, Molasses, Iron Ware, and New-Eng-
land Rum.

Schooner Jenny, William Sears form Nevis; with 24 Hogsheads
of Rum, 7 Barrels brown Sugar.

Ship Tyger, John Hail from London, with Ballast only.
Brig Peggy, Francis Haynes from Nevis, with Ballast only.
Brig Dolphin, John Kelso from Antigua; with 17 Hogsheads of

Sloop Susanna, Samuel Eastwood, with Ballast only.
Snow Nancy, Charles Alexander from Teneriss, with Ballast only.

Ship Sampson, Lewis Farquarson from Bristol; with 2388 Bushels
of Salt.

Sloop Betsey, James Avery from Maryland; with 200 Bushels of

Brig Patty, John Barret from Barbados, with 12 Hogshead of


Sloop Agatha, Thomas Edgar from Antigua; with 2000 Bushels
of Corn, 60 Barrels of Flour, 10 barrels of Bread 200 Bushels of
Pease, 5000 Shingles.

Ship Virginia, William Arthur for London, with 28600 Staves,
Ship Betsey, J. Dysart for Liverpool, with Tar, Turpentine,
Staves, Square Timber, Indigo, and Tea.

Schooner Samuel, John Shepherd for Jamaica; with Pork, Staves,
and Shingles.

Brig Bland, Michael Danby for London; with Tobacco, Tar,
Turpentine, Bread, Bees-Wax, Snake-Root, British dry Goods,
Pig-Iron, Staves, Hand-Spakes; and nine Chests of Tea.

Schooner Peggy, Richard Basden for St. Christophers; with Staves,
Hoops, Pease, Oars and Pork.

Ship Juliana, Robert Montgomery for Cadiz; with 10,100 Bushels
of Wheat, 200 Bushels of Beans, and 100 Barrels of Flour, 1000 of

Ship Juno, John Windover for Liverpool; with Tobacco,
Staves, Plank, Handspakes, Lock and Anchor Stocks; also Wheat,
Oars, and Rum for Ship Stores.


January 10, 1775.

Sloop Josiah, Francis Lennis from Antigua; with Ballast only.
Lady Catherine, Capt. Wilkins from Antigua; with 52 Hhds.
of Rum.

Brig Venus, Capt. Peart from Liverpool; with European Goods,
per three Cockets.

The Falmouth packet, Capt. Holland from Antigua; with bal-
last only.

The Helena, Capt. Stewart from Hispaniola: with Foreign Mo-

The Four Sisters, Capt. Brown from Maryland; with Bar-Iron,
Cambooses, Hoops, Flour, and Butter.

The Fanney, Capt. Mc’Kerrell from Grenadoes; with 45 Hhds
of Rum.

Schooner Newberry, John Rider from Plymouth, New-England;
with Rum, Salt, Cheese, Fish, Chocolate, iron ware, Molasses,
Linen and Spinning Wheels.

Brig Betsey, Capt. Edey form Barbadoes; with Rum, Brown
Sugar and Limes.

Brig Alexander, William Kerr from Liverpool; with European
Goods, per 6 Cockets.


Sloop Friendship, Capt. James for Bermuda; with Corn, Pease;
and Tallow.

Schooner Little Dann, Capt. Sustees for Philadelphia; with
Wheat and Pease.

Sloop Phanin, Capt. Westcott for Antigua; with Corn, Pease,
Scantling Staves, Heading, Shingles, Pork and Leather.

Brig Liberty, Capt. Cook for Barbadoes; with Flour, Pork,
Corn and Shingles.

Brig George, Capt. Grymes for Leghorn; with Pease, Flour,
and Wheat.

Brig Francis, Richard Towle for Hispaniola; with Scantling,
Shingles, Four and Bread.

Sloop Relief, Capt. Gilbert for Jamaica; with Flour, Pork,
Beef, Scantling, and Hoops.

Brig Pallas, John Bowie for Falmouth, G. Britain; with Tar,
Turpentine, Wheat and Staves.

Ship John, Capt. Ayres for Grenadoes; with Staves, Heading,
Shingles, Scantling, Plank and Hoops.

Schooner Rebecca, Capt. Holden for Philadelphia, P. Post En-
try, with Skins, Wheat, Hemp, and Flax-seed.

Schooner Chatham, Capt. Fleetwood for Maryland; with Hemp,
Rum, Pease, Corn, pork, Leather, a Saddle Sign board, and 39
Hhds of Rum.

Sloop Porgey, Capt. Bassett for Antigua; with Corn, Pease,
Staves, Heading and Hoops.

Sloop Kitty, Capt. Williams for Jamaica; with Beef, Pork,
Bread and Shingles.

Column 2



RUN AWAY from the Subscriber in STAFFORD County, Two
indented Servants: the one a Scotchman named DAVID
MATHESONS, a stout made Fellow, by Trade, a GAR-
DENER, about 25 Years of Age, 5 Feet 8 or 10 Inches high, has
dark red Hair clubbed behind and curled at the sides; had on and
took with him, an old blue Surtout Coat which as been turned,
faced, and trimmed with the same Colour; a green Cloth Jacket
with yellow Metal Buttons, a Pair of red Plush Breeches; fine mix-
ed blue Country Stockings, a mixed blue Cloth Coat and Jacket,
lined, and trimmed with black; a stripped VIRGINIA CLUB Jacket,
one Shirt of brown Sheeting with several others of fine Linen,
Nankeen Breeches; and many other Cloaths that cannot be par-

The other an Englishman named CHARLES BOOTH,
and by Trade a Joiner, about 20 or 21 Years of Age, 5 Feet 8 or
10 Inches high, slender made and of a fair Complexion, has white
short curled Hair; had on and took with him, a violet or purple
coloured Coat and Vest, a Pair of new Buckskin Breeches, a Pair of
old ditto much worn and very dirty, an old blue Coat lined with
white Shalloon, a new green Cotton Vest with Oznabrigs and
Plaid Sleeves, a Pair of dark ribb’d Stockings, and several others
of different Colours, a brown sheeting Shirt, one fine Irish Linen
ditto much patched and several others; also a Silver Watch.___They
took with them a Gun, a Pair of double Blankets, a spotted Rug,
and went away in a Pettiaugey___All Matters of Vessels are fore-
warned from carrying them off the Country.
January 5, 1775. (3) 31


Whereas some malicious ill disposed person, or persons, did
on Friday evening last, near Tanner Creek, cruelly Maim
and cut the Hamstrings of a very valuable Dray-Horse, belonging
to RICHARD JARVIS, dray-man, in this town; and whereas there
is reason to suspect a design, to serve other Horses in the same man-
ner; the FOX-HUNTERS Club, in order to discover the Perpetra-
tors of such cruelty, offer the above reward of TEN POUNDS, to
any person who will give such Information, so that the offender
may be convicted.
Norfolk, Dec. 10, 1774. 3 w.


TO be Sold by the Subscribers, a DOUBLE-DECKED
VESSEL now on the Stocks, about One Hundred and
Twelve Tons burthen, well Moulded and of good Work, built
of the best White Oak, and Heart of Old Pine; exceeding well
calculated for the Eastern or West-India Trade.__Will be finished
in two or three Months; Also all the Materials for Rigging said
Vessel of the best Quality.

We want likewise to sell a SLOOP almost ready for Launching;
Burthen about Eighty Tons.___For Terms, apply to
Norfolk, December 21, 1774.


WHEREAS on the 19th of June past, a certain
JOSEPH THORP was entrusted with a considerable sum,
of Half Johannes, of nice penny weight, to be delivered by him at
QUEBEC; and as he has not yet made his appearance there, with
other suspicious circumstances, it is apprehended he is gone off with
the money. He is a native of ENGLAND, about six feet high,
swarthy complexion, very dark keen eyes, and pitted with the
small pox; of a slender make, stoops as he walks, talks rather slow,
with some small impediment in his speech. He lived some time in
NEW-CASTLE, VIRGINIA, and has a brother settled there.
It is believed he went on board Captain JOHN F. PRUYM, for AL-
BANY, and took with him a blue casimir, and a dark brown cloth
suit of clothes.

Whoever secures the said JOSEPH THORP in any of his Ma-
jesty’s goals on this continent, shall be entitled to ten per cent. on
the sum recovered, and the above reward of Fifty Pounds when
convicted. Apply to CURSON and SETON of New-York;
of Baltimore; JAMES GIBSON, and Co. Virginia; JOHN BOND-
Boston. It is requested of those who may have seen this
JOSEPH THORP, since the 19th of June last past, or know any
thing of the rout he has taken, that they convey the most early
intelligence thereof to any of the above persons; or GREEN-
WOOD, RITSON, & MARSH, in Norfolk; the Favor will be
gratefully acknowledged.

All Masters of vessels are forewarned from taking him of
the Continent.

WHEREAS a report has been propagated, that I am not
duly authorized to act as a Notary Public, but that my
sole warrant for so doing, is an assignment of a commission formerly
granted to Mr. THOMAS BURKE, late of this Borough, and that
in consequence thereof, no credit ought to be paid to the Seal of
my Office: my own character and interest both call upon me, thus
openly to contradict such report, by assuring the Public in general,
and those in particular whom, it may concern, that I act under a
Commission issuing from his grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury,
granted to me, and to which I qualified before His Excellency, the
EARL of DUNMORE, and that, being registered as a Notary Pub-
lic, in His Majesty’s Office of Faculties in Chancery, all Faith and
Honour is due to Certificates under the Seal of my Notarial Office;
where business committed to my care, will be executed with accu-
racy and dispatch.____As I continue to transport Business as Insu-
rance Broker, orders from any part of the country for Insurance,
will be properly attended to, and the greatest care taken to procure
food men to the Policies.

N. B. I have for Sale a few Hogsheads of excellent Old Jamaica
Spirits, Jamaica Coffee, Antigua Rum, Ginger, Loaf Sugar, &c.
Norfolk, January 4, 1775. (4) 31


NEWLY Imported, Garden Seeds, such as early Golden Hot.
spur Pease, early Charlton, Marrow Fat Do; also every
Kinds proper for the Season____Likewise a General Assortment of
Seeds, Roots, Vegetables, &c. fit for this Country. ---These may
be had by applying to the Subscriber; who will be greatly obliged
to such Friends as shall apply for them. Peculiar care will be
taken, that no Foul Seeds will be delivered.
Norfolk, January 4, 1775.

Column 3


A BRIGANTINE, about 170 Tuns Burthen,
Exclusive of Rigging; properly-calculated
for the North-Carolina Trade.____For Terms apply,
to Cap. WILLES COWPER, in Suffolk, or to the
Nansemond, Dec. 20, 1774

BY Virtue of a Power of Attorney from the Heirs of Doctor
JOHN DALGLIESH deceased, will be sold a valuable Plan-
tation: Containing Two Hundred and Ten Acres, pleasantly situ-
ated on Elisabeth River, about two Miles below Norfolk: For
Terms, apply to the Subscriber.____Who has also a Power to dis-
pose of a very valuable Water Lot in Portsmouth, belonging to
Mr. WILLIAM HALL of Bermuda; and will receive Country-Pro-
duce in Payment, for one half the Purchase-Money.
Norfolk, January 4, 1775.

THE Subscriber has for Sale, (at New Mill Creek)
the following Horses, Geldings, and Mares,
Rainbow, A Sorrel, 3 years old, 14 hands high, L.31 S. 10..D. 00
Blackbeard, Dark Bay, [illegible, creased] dirto. 14 ditto ___ L. 15 S. -- D. --
Silver Eve,, Bright Bay, 5 years old, 13 hands 1 &
an half inch high, - - - - L. 12 S. -10 D. --
Bosman, Black colour’d, 7 ditto 13 ditto -L. 6 S. -- D. --
Mink, ditto 5 ditto 13 ditto 2 inches - - L. 9 S. -- D. --
Tarborough, ditto 7 ditto 14 ditto - - L. 15 S. -- D. ---
Black Jack ditto 4 ditto 13 three fourth’s - L. 15 S. -- D. --
Snow Bird, Dark Bay, 3 ditto 12 three fourth’s - L. 10 S. -- D. --
Derrick, ditto 4 ditto 13 ditto - - - L. 8 S. -- D. --
Ogle. Black, 8 years old, 13 hands 1 inch high, L. 6 S. -- D. --
Phillis, ditto 2 ditto 14 ditto 1 inch L. 22 S. 10 D. --
Jenny, a Sorrel, 4 ditto 14 ditto 3 inches L. 22 S. 10 D. --
Crooked Foot ditto 10 ditto 13 ditto 1 inch - L. 20 S. – D. --
Pigin, a Dark Sorrel, 7 ditto 13 ditto 2 inches L. 17 S. -- D. --
Long Tail, a bay 2 ditto 13 ditto - -- L. 7 S. -- D. --
Peg, ditto 12 ditto 13 ditto 1 inch - - L. 7 S. -- D. --

The above are the names, colours ages and sizes as also the
sums they cost me, sometime ago. Some I find to have been good
bargains, and for these, I shall ask something more than first [illegible, smudged],
others, I will take less for;(and as the Winter is now on hand)
the sooner applications are made, the better bargains may be had.
N. B. I have also for sale, two Colts.
December 22, 1774.

THE Subscriber has engaged some able Hands, and carries on the
Boot and Shoe-making Business, in all its Branches, in the
neatest manner, and newest fashions, on moderate Terms, for
Ready Money.

He furnishes Ladies, with Shoes, either in Sattin, Silk or Lea-
ther, and flatters himself he is able, to give them Satisfaction, in
what he undertakes.
Portsmouth, January 7, 1775.


The Subscriber has now determined to open SCHOOL, in the
Area of the Church, Norfolk____He will exert himself to ca-
pacitate his Pupils, in every branch of PSALMODY or Church
Music; having been for a long time in the business___He flatters
himself, his Employers will meet with the desired Satisfaction.____
Proper attendance, and regulations will at all times be taken no-
tice of.___His Abilities are known, for that purpose. No care will
be spared, in instructing those who come under his charge, and the
expence wll be moderate; those who are so good, as to send their
children to his care, may rest assured, his promises will be perform-
N. B. He will teach from Nine o’Clock forenoon, till Four
afternoon___Begins Thursday, the 19th Instant.
Norfolk, January 8, 1775.

FOR SALE or CHARTER, to any Port in

Burthen seven thousand Bushels, twelve Months old, built
for private USE, now ready to take on Board a Cargo.____For
Terms, apply to the Master, or GAVIN HAMILTON, Mercht
in Norfolk.
January 9, 1775. (3) 32

And opened, at their STORE, formerly oc-
cupied by Messrs. JOHN GOODRICH, & Co.

they will dispose of, on reasonable Terms, for Cash or short
Credit.____They have also for Sale, a SCHOONER, Burthen,
800 Bushels, of an easy Draught of Water; Likewise RUM, SU-
Norfolk, January 11, 1775. (3) 32

(To any Port in EUROPE.)

THE Brigantine Alexander, William Ker Master; burthen a-
bout 370 Hhds, or 9000 Bushels___For Terms apply to said
Master on Board, or to JOHN ROWN, &amp. Co.
N. B. Who have for Sale, a Quantity of Liverpool Salt, on
Board said Vessel for READY MONEY. J.B.
NORFOLK, January 12, 1775. (1) 32.

WHEREAS by unjust Informations, and Informatiions, I
was induced to believe, that Mr. THOMAS YOUNGHUS-
BAND’S Negroes had destroyed my Cows, which were Two in
Number; since which Time, One had returned Home alive, and
well, and the other has been seen about three and four Months af
ter the above Report, with other Cattle in the PECOWSON or the
GREAT SWAMP, as Witness my Hand this 7th of December, 1774.
January 10, 1775. (6) 32

Page 4
Column 1



FAIR one, in prudence drop the pen:
Howe’r your fancy’s fir’d;
We know you level at us men,
And rhyme to be admir’d;
We’ll not of double arms admit,
And let you join to beauty, wit.
You can’t with our own bait allure,
With our own weapons foil;
When you such onsets make, we’re sure
Most wisely to recoil:
In vain you try then our own arts,
To make a conquest o’er our hearts.
’Tis when you lie in ambuscade,
That you most dang’rous are;
We’re safe when you appear array’d
And your designs declare:
VENUS when naked more alarm’d,
Than she was when like Pallas arm’d.
Wou’d ye your natural genius show,
Your genuine charms display;
No more the manly art avow,
Some female talk essay:
No more let Phoebus aid be try’d,
But list Minerva on your side.
If your bright pointed needle draws
A stream of colours out,
Ten thousand darts, tho’ wrought on gawze !
May put us to the rout:
What equal art in rhyme is shewn
To the embroid’ry of a gown?
And, as ye hope imperial sway,
In th’ heart of him you love;
Be wise and fling the pen away
Lest it shou’d fatal prove.
Think, e’er in rhyme you take a pride,
How Sappho wrote, and how she died.



FOR removing and eradicating the most confirmed
Venereal Disorders, to be sold at the Printing- Office,
(printed directions for using them, may be had gratis)
_____Also the late American Editions of JULIET
Boston Port-Bill; and a Variety of the newest and
most approved Books, Pamphlets and Plays.

N. B. Subscriptions are taken in there for a new
Book, in 2 vols.; entitled, A Voyage round the World,
performed by Capt. Cook, and Joseph Banks, Esq;
F. R. S.; first published by the direction of the Lords
of the Admiralty; wrote by John Hawkersworth, L. L. D.
Ornamented with Cuts.
Norfolk, October 7, 1774.

WHOEVER is possessed of the Tickets No.
7533. and 7723. in Colonel BYRD’S
Lottery, may hear of a purchaser by applying at
the Printing Office.


THE BRIG NORFOLK, Burthen about 8000
Bushels; now lying in Norfolk Harbour,
and many be Ready to take in, in a few Days.____
She is a Prime Sailer; Two Years old, Well fit-
ted, and the principal part of her Timbers, Cedar,
Mulberry and Locust. For Terms, apply to

N. B. Who have also for Sale, West-India RUM,
deira and Lisbon WINE.
Norfolk, December 14, 1774. tbetfb.

RUN away, from the subscriber, a small Negroe fellow, named
HARRY, about forty years of age; he speaks English but in-
differently: went off very ragged in his clothes, (but may have
been better provided since) he carried with him, two great-coats of
cloath, coloured duffle. Am informed he went with a tall Negroe
man, called Prince, belonging to Mr. Robert Donald, and that
they intended for Norfolk. Both of the have been used to the
crafting business._____A Reward of TWENTY SHILLINGS
will be Paid to any person, who shall bring said Run away, to me,
at Manchester, or to the Printer hereof.
December 20, 1774. 3 w.

WILLIAM SIMPSON, requests all persons in-
debted to him, to pay their respective accounts
without delay, to JOHN JACOB, whom he has appoint-
ed in the room of Mr. MINTON, to receive the same;
said MINTON having declined the business.
Norfolk, December 20, 1774. c t f.

By the PRINTER Hereof,

ECTRACTS from the Votes and Proceedings of
the American Continental Congress; also a com-
pleat Journal of their Proceedings.

Column 2


To be let for a Term of Years; Enquire of
Mr. WILLIAM HOLT, at Williamsburgh,
WILLIAM DAVIES Esq; at Norfolk, Mr.
HARTSHORNE at Alexandria, Mr. JOHN
CORNTHWAIT at Baltimore, or of DANIEL
ROBERDAU Esq; at Philadelphia.

The DISTILLERY and Improvements

A DISTILLERY built of Stone, 71 Feet by 39.
A STONE STORE, 50 by 50, with GRANARIES in two
Stories above the Ground Floor, and a SAIL or RIGGING LOFT
above them, the whole length of the building.

A MOLASSES STORE framed that will contain 140 Hhds.

A framed COOPER’s SHOP, 16 by 23, with a suitable

The DISTILLERY is furnished with TWO NEW STILLS
about the same size, that will both hold to work 2500 Gallons;
and the working CISTERNS, TWENTY in number, will contain
the same quantity each.

With a THIRD STILL that contains to work 600 Gallons
for low Wines; each of these Stills have suitable worms and worm
Tubs. Also a suitable low wine Cistern; and FIVE very ample re-
turn Cisterns, out-side of the house and under cover.

The WHOLE and every part of the improvements are entirely
NEW, executed by workmen from Philadelphia, and the Distillery
under the immediate eye and direction of a Gentleman of eminent
capacity in distillations.

The Works are supplied with good cool water from an ample
spring by TWO PUMPS with brass chambers, 6 inches diameter and
the cisterns are charged with two other pumps, with chambers of
block tin of five inches diameter, through suction pipes of yellow
poplar: all these pumps are worked by a HORSE in an adjoining
MILL-HOUSE of large diameter, well constructed.

A WOOD YARD boarded seven feet high, that will contain much
more than necessary for the Distillery into which the wood may be
thrown, from the water: the whole of these improvements are
situated in ALEXANDRIA below the Bank. The DISTILLERY on
fast ground and the CISTERNS fixed above the highest tide wa-
ter. The STORES and YARD on a wharf which with the public
wharf adjoining of 66 feet, makes an extent of more than 200 feet
in width; 156 feet of which runs 300 feet into the Potowmack.

As it does not suit the owner of these improvements to remove
his residence from Philadelphia, he will let them at a moderate
rent with a contract for 300 cords of ash wood yearly, for five
years; cut into 4 feet lengths, and delivered in the Maryland
shore, directly opposite to the Distillery, and so near the water as
to render any carriage unnecessary; by the heirs of THOMAS
ADDISON, Esq; deceased, at the rate of a dollar per cord.

Any Person inclining to lease these Premises, may be
furnished on a speedy Application, with about 160 Hogsheads of
good well chosen Molasses; with Indulgence for Payment, enquire
as above. c t f
November 24th, 1774.


FOR Ready Money, or Barter for Negroes
a Sloop, Burthen 2800 Bushells, well calcu-
lated for the Country Business, only draws 6 Feet 10
Inches when loaded----For Terms, apply to the Sub-
scriber in Suffolk Town. WILLS COWPER.
December 20, 1774.

Run away, from the subscriber, the 22d. of December, an Ap-
prentice Boy, named JOHN CARWICK, Eighteen years of
Age, about 5 Feet 8 Inches high, slim made, and of a pale com-
plexion, blue eyes, black curl’d hari; has a scar of the tip of his
nose.___Had on and took with him, a blue cloth coat and breeches,
a black cloath coat, and black stocking breeches, a new fear-
nought waistcoat, blue plain trowsers, some white and check shirts,
plain square silver shoe-buckles, and carved knee-buckles; a good
beaver hat, and sundry other sea cloath’s. I fore warn all masters
of vessels to employ him, or carry him out of the country, at their
peril; I will give FIVE POUNDS Reward, for him, if delivered to
me in Norfolk, and if taken in Carolina, I will give SEVEN
Norfolk, December 27, 1774. c. t f.


A Quantity of Linen Rags. The best Prices will
be given by Applying at the Printing Office
As these are intended for an American manufacture of
Paper, it is to be hoped every Friend to this Country,
will preserve their Rags, for so Valuable a Purpose.
NORFOLK, November 3, 1774.

BY direction of the Committee, for the county of
Norfolk, on Monday the 23 instant, will be dis-
posed off at Public Sale, for Ready Money, Seven
Parcells of Goods, containing check-handkerchiefs,
7___8th check, stripped, holland, bed style, Irish linen,
mens hose, thread, oznabrig, cutlery, and other
hardware.___Snuff, and barley imported in the Rich-
mond, Cap. Paterson, from Glasgow, by Mr. Thomas
McCulloch, and by him dilvered to the Committee,
to be disposed off, agreeable to the tenth article of the
Continental Congress.
By order of the Committee.
Norfolk, January 4, 1775. 2 w.

I Intend to leave this COLONY in a few Months.
Norfolk, January 1775.

Column 3

THE Subscriber will open a public School
on Monday the Eight Instant, at the Room where JOHN
SALISBURY, formerly resided, at Beech Spring._____His Friends
and the Public, may depend on the greatest Attention in the dif-
ferent Branches he proposes to Teach; and will at all times be Assi-
duous to Merit their Favour, by Instilling into them the Proper
Branches of Education their Parents would wish to have effectuated.
No pains will be spared, to gain so Salutary an End.__He means
this, as an Introduction to an undertaking which he Hopes will be
attended with Satisfaction to both Parties.
Newtown, Princess Ann county, January 4, 1775.

WE have lately imported, a well assorted Car-
go of European Goods suitable for the Season, which we will
dispose of on Reasonable Terms, either by Wholesale or Retail; for
Ready Money, or Commodities, at such Prices as We think Them
Worth._____We have Also for Sale, West-India and Northward
RUM, Muscovado LOAF-SUGAR, Teneriff, Lisbon and Maderia
Likely NEGROES, Consisting of Men, Women, Boys and Girls;
which We will Dispose of Cheap, for Ready Money, or To-
Milener’s Warehouse, December 21 1774. 3 w.

RUN away, from the Subscriber, in Nansemond county, the
25th of December 1774, a dark Mulatto Man named JACK,
about 33 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, well made, bow legg’d,
more so in the right leg than then the left; has a number of scars on his
back, occasioned by the whip for his villainy; he is very artful and
crafty, and will form many excuses, therefore whoever takes him
up, must be very careful or else he will make his escape. He took
with him several changes of apparel. Whoever delivers the said slave
to me, or confines him in any of his Majesty’s Goals in this Colony,
so as I may get him again, shall have TEN DOLLARS Reward,
and if out thereof, TWENTY DOLLARS; it is well known he
is lurking about Portsmouth, or Norfolk.
N. R. I forewarn all persons from carrying him out of the Co-
lony at their peril. S. B.
January 4, 1775.

ON Thursday the 20th Instant, being Court
Day, will be hired out for one year at the
Court-House door, 3 valuable NEGROES, (Saw-
yers) belonging to the Estate of JOHN GIL-
CHRIST, deceased; and on Monday the 24th
will be rented out, at the Great-Bridge, for the
Term of 3, 5, or 7 Years, to the highest bidder,
2 Plantations, lying in St. Brides Parish, belong-
ing to said Estate.
January 4, 1775.

JUST imported in the Sampson, Capt. Farquharson,
from Bristol, and to be sold on the lowest terms,
for Ready Money, or short Credit.____Sundry pack-
ages of Goods, consisting of Irish linens, worsted
stockings, dress buck, doe and sheep skins, felt hats,
carpenters tools, and other articles of cutlery, also
hardware. For terms, apply to
Norfolk, January 4, 1775.

WHEREAS we have given offense to the Public,
in having SOLD TEA, since the date of the
Continental Association, owing to our Misapprehensi-
on of the third Article thereof. We do hereby, re-
quest their forgiveness, for this our Misconduct, and
beg the continuance of their Favours, as we are de-
termined not to Infringe the Association in the smallest
Norfolk, January 4, 1775. 2 w.

THE Indentures of a few likely young
Servants, amongst which are several
Tradesmen: Also a Quantity of fine Salt now
on board the ship Sampson, Lewis Farquarson
Master, laying off the Town Point Wharf, to
be sold by
Norfolk, January 4, 1775. 31


THAT JAMES WELSH, (an IRISH-MAN ) now servant to the
subscriber, has of late, been often absent from his work for
whole days.___I am informed that he frequents certain houses, upon
these occasions, about Town-Bridge. He is a tall slim man, about
5 feet nine-inches high; has at times, a wig, above his na-
tural hair, tho’ long enough to wear without one. Every person
or persons, are hereby fore-warned, not to harbour, sereen or en-
tertain said servant, in any place whatever; and all masters of ves-
sels are forbid to carry him off the country, at their peril, as the
law directs. Likewise, all and other of my apprentices, or servants.
Norfolk December 20, 1774. c t f.

LENGTH 122 Fathoms, Thickness 8 1-half Inches; Weight
20 h. 1 q. 11 p. now lying at Mr. ARCHDEACON’s Ware-
House: Any intending to purchase; for particulars, may apply
at his Store, or at THOMAS HUDSON’S in Portsmouth.
Norfolk, December 2, 1774.

THE House and Lot, whereon the Subscriber
lives, next Door to Mr ALEXANDER MOSELY.
For Terms apply to, MARY ROTHERY.
Norfolk December 20, 1774.

NORFOLK: Printed by WILLIAM DUNCAN and Co. by whom Advertisements, Essays, and Articles of NEWS from
VIRGINIA, NORTH-CAROLINA, and MARYLAND, will be gratefully Received, and duly Inserted.___Advertisements, ofa
moderate Length, for 3s, the first time, and 2s. each time after.___Price of the PAPER, 12 s. 6d. per Annum.

Original Format

Ink on paper




William Duncan and Company, publisher, “Virginia Gazette, or, The Norfolk Intelligencer. Number 32, from Thursday, January 5 to Thursday, January 12, 1775,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 26, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/168.