Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 1173, March 31, 1774


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 1173, March 31, 1774



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MARCH 31, 1774. THE NUMBER 1173.
With the freshest ADVICES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.
Printed by Alex. PURDIE, and JOHN DIXON, at the POST OFFICE.

Column 1

TREASURY OFFICE, March 16, 1774.
THE several Inspectors and all other Persons what-
who are Arrear to the Treasury, are
desired to discharge their respective Balances in the
Course of the approaching General Court without
as no Indulgences can be given.
RO. C. NICHOLAS, Treasurer.


LETTERS from Moldavia, dated the 9th of last
Month, confirm the Defeat of a Body of 15,000 Turks,
by the Generals Ungern and Dolgorucki, followed by
the taking of the City of Bazargick, which was delivered
up to be pillaged; they add, that after these happy Suc-
cesses Prince Dolgorucki went in Pursuit of the Enemy,
of whom he killed 1500, and made about 1000 Priso-
ners, among which were three Pachas. The above
Letters add, that the Booty which the Russians have made on this
Occasion consists of 40,000 Horses, 30,000 horned Cattle, 100,000
Sheep, besides a considerable Quantity of Grain and other Provisions
which the Seraskier Numan Pacha, who is also among the Number of
Prisoners, was conducting beyond Mount Balkan.

December 12. The King of Prussia, and the king and Republick of
Poland, have concluded a Treaty of Peace and Friendship.

The Delegation continue their Sittings, but go on very slowly. They
have published an Universal, address to all the Poles subject to the King,
of which the following is the Substance: “ As Tranquillity once more
” reigns in this Kingdom, after all the Troubles which have desolated
” it, and the Affairs with the neighbouring Courts being terminated,
” their Troops are leaving the Country which remains to the Republick.
” We give Advice of it to the People, and conjure them in the Name of
” their Country, and by the Love they bear to it, to remain tranquil,
” and not to do any Thing which may give Umbrage to the said
” Powers, who, on the first Motion of any Thing of that Kind, will
” again send their Troops into this Kingdom.”

December 13. The Ministers of the three Powers have just published
Proclamations, in the Names of their respective Courts, commanding all
the Soldiers belonging to them to hold themselves in Readiness for march-
ing out of this Capital very early in next Month, and have likewise pro-
mised to pay every Demand which may be justly made for the Support of
the Troops. The Delegation has returned the Ministers publick Thanks
for this Measure, and they have likewise had a Compliment of the same
Nature from his Polish Majesty.

RATISBON, November 22. In Order to put a Stop to Duelling, the
Elector of Bavaria has issued out an Edict, pronouncing Death to any One
who shall either give or receive a Challenge; likewise, all Persons who
shall know of any such Transaction in Agitation, without reporting the
same to the States, shall be punished. By which Means he hopes to put
an End to that European Barbarity within his Dominions.

GENOA, December 4. We learn from Madrid that Orders are sent to
Cadiz to embark two Regiments of Foot there, one for La Vera Cruz,
and the other for the Havannah; and that twenty Men of War are kept
ready at Ferrol, to be fitted for Sea upon the first Notice.

MADRID, December 13. A few Days ago we received the melancholy
Account of the Destruction of the Town of Guatimala, by an Earthquake.
The Earthquakes have generally been felt there every Spring and Autumn,
but the first Shocks of this did not come on till June, the frequent Repe-
titions of which alarmed the Inhabitants so that they removed themselves
and their Effects in Time. The publick Edifices, Churches, Convents,
&c. could not withstand the Violence of these repeated Shocks; however,
there have not been many Lives lost, though the Damage is otherwise
very considerable. It is said that his Catholick Majesty, upon this Occa-
sion, has declared his Intention that the old Situation should be aban-
doned and a new Town built at the Distance of about eight Leagues.

From the VISTULA, December 17. We expected yesterday to have
received a Detail of the Victory gained by the Russians over the Grand
Visiar, who is retired to Adrianople. It is said that the Military Chest,
containing 2,500,000 Piastres, all their Baggage, and 150 Pieces of Can-
non, have fallen into the Hands of the Russians. Since this Victory, the
Russians have spread themselves twenty Miles on the other Side of the

AMSTERDAM, December 23. By Advices from Constantinople, we
learn that the Grand Visiar, without waiting for any Reinforcements, put
his Army in Motion the 6th of last Month, and marched with Mahomet’s
Standard for Bazargick, in Order to dislodge the Enemy from that Place;
which News causes great Uneasiness at the Porte, as the Fate of Bulgaria
depends on the Success of that Enterprise.

UTRECHT, December 31. The Court of London sent Despatches,
the 21st Instant, to M. de St. Paul, Charge des Affaires at Paris, and to
Lord Granthan at Madrid. These Ministers are occupied in settling some
Differences, but they are of too slight a Nature to alert the good Harmo-
ny subsisting between the three Courts. France demands the Restitution
of some Ships seized in the West Indies, and at Newfoundland, last Sum-
mer, as Smugglers, which is said to be under Consideration of the
English Admiralty. On the other Hand, similar Complaints have been
made to the Court of Spain, on Account of its Subjects seizing some
English Ships in the West Indies; which the King of Spain has promised,
after Inquiry, to settle in the most equitable Manner.

LONDON, December 18.

BY Letters from Lishon, we are assured that the King of Portugal has
intimated his Intention of granting the Jews throughout his Domi-
nions the free Exercise of their Religion, on their paying certain Sums, by
Way of Loan, into the Royal Treasury.

We are credibly informed that a Mechanick in Deptford Yard has in-
vented a Machine for measuring a Ship’s Way at Sea in any Weather,
and that Lord Sandwich has ordered one of them to be tried.

Great Encouragement has been offered to English Seamen at Leghorn,
who are willing to serve the Duke of Tuscany, now manning a Fleet for
the Protection of Commerce in the Mediterranean, against the Algerine
and Sallee Corsairs.

Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, December 17.
”Yesterday arrived at Spithead five Sail of Russian Men of War, two
of 74 Guns each, two of 64 Guns, and one Frigat, under the Command
of his Excellency Admiral Greig, together with six Sail of English Trans-
ports, with Russian Troops on Board. They are all bound for the Me-
diterranean, and are expected to sail as soon as they have been supplied
with such Provisions and Necessaries as they want.”

December 21. We are credibly informed that Lord Dartmouth has
formed a Plan for making several salutary and necessary Regulations in
Reference to the American Colonies, which are to be presented to Parlia-
ment next Sessions.

Extract of a Letter from Cadiz, November 21.
”There are now sitting out at this Port, with the utmost Assiduity,
four large Ships, two of 88 Guns, one of 76, and another of 70, toge-
ther with six Frigates, and above 80 Sail of Transports, laden with Can-
non, Ammunition, and Stores, bound as it is reported, for some of the
Spanish Settlements in the Gulf of Mexico; 4000 Troops are to be em-

Column 2

barked on Board this Fleet, which it is expected will be equipped, and
ready to put to Sea, very early in the Spring.”

A Letter from Berlin says, that General Warrants have just been issued
throughout his Prussian Majesty’s Dominions, to press all the Men that
are able to bear Arms.

Extract of a Letter from Paris, December 10.
” The Reports of War now prevail here more than ever amongst our
Politicians, who pretend that the new Year will commence with some
very extraordinary Preparations. There is much Talk of raising a consi-
derable Militia in this Kingdom, which is to be drawn by Lot, and from
which Artificers, Labourers, and Domesticks, are not to be exempted,
but that those on whom the Chance shall fall may obtain their Liberty by
paying each the Sum of fifty Livres.”

Extract of a Letter from Turin, November 5.
The Dispositions which his Sardinian Majesty is now making in his
Forces, and the Attention he pays to fitting out several Ships of War at
Cagliari and Villa Franca, give the greatest Confirmation to the Report
of the Isle of Corsica being vested in the Crown of Sardinia, under the
Sanction of the French Court, which openly avows an Intention of that
Nature. Many of the Powers of Italy will strongly oppose this Scheme,
but their French and Sardinian Majesties seem resolved to maintain it.”

December 23. Lord Sandwich is said to have engaged, that should any
Emergency require 10,000 Seamen he will raise them in a Week’s Time,
by a Plan entirely of his own forming, free from any iniquitous Practices
heretofore made Use of upon such Occasions.

A Correspondent assures us, that an eminent Merchant in Cheapside
has received Orders from Russia to the Amount of 25,000£. for Cloth,
for the clothing of the Czarina’s Army.

Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, December 5.
” We have just received Advice here from Red Russia, that the Russian
Commandant there has exacted from the Inhabitants 25,000 Bushels of
Corn, 25,000 Bushels of Oats, and 25,000 Loads of Hay, together with
20,000 Ducats in Money; which has so distressed the People that many
of them have quitted their Dwellings, especially from the Palatinate of
Kiow, where 500 Cossacks live at Discretion, and commit many Ravages
and Barbarities. His Polish Majesty has required General Bibicow to
transmit an Account of these Transactions to his Court, which he has
complied with.”

We are informed, from good Authority, that notwithstanding the
Compliments paid by the Americans to the Merchants and Owners of
Ships trading to America, from London, there are 500 Chests of Tea
lately shipped for that Continent, and that the Duty for the same is re-
mitted before-hand by the Treasury to New York. However, no Finesse,
we are told, will do with the stiff-necked Americans, and the Ship that
carries this Tea must find Protection under a Man of War’s Stern; for
to land it she cannot, or both Ship and cargo will be destroyed. She
is chartered, it seems, out and home, on the same goods, and to be
equally paid for bringing them back as landing them.

It is reported, that the last Advices received by our Ministry from the
Court of Portugal contained a Declaration that his Portuguse Majesty
is heartily inclined to remove all the Obstacles to the Commerce between
the two Nations, against which the British Merchants have lodged such
heavy Complaints.

Several Polish Noblemen, it is said, are expected in England, who are
resolved to leave a Country the Constitution of which is overturned, and
whose Oppressions must daily increase.

December 28. A Letter from Petersburg, dated December 15th, says:
” Disputes run very high here between the two Parties for and against
the Prosecution of the present War with the Turks. The Party against
it, which is very powerful, represent the Expenses of Blood and Trea-
sure which it has already cost, the universal Poverty of the People, and low
State of the Imperial Finances; and finally, the advantageous Terms of
Pacification which may be now made with the Sublime Porte, on the
most equitable Basis. The Party for War, however, have great Influ-
ence in the Court; and warlike Measures will still be prosecuted.”

A Letter from Dantzick says: “His Prussian Majesty, now our
Sovereign is making this his principal Magazine for Corn, such Quanti
ties of which have arrived here lately that we know not where to put it.”

By the Captain of a Ship arrived from Dartmouth, we are assured that
a Merchant of that Place cleared by a Ship fitted out last Season for the
Newfoundland Fishery 3000£. so great has the Fishery turned out the last

December 29. It is said that an English Man of War, lying too near
the Coast of Algiers, the Dey desired the Captain to put farther off in the
Sea, to which Request the Captain immediately complied; but the Dey
not thinking the Ship far enough, sent a second Time, adding, he should
not afford Protection to any Christian Slaves, who might escape, with
Intention to take Refuge on Board. The Captain replied, he could
not comply with this Order; upon which the Dey ordered the English
Consul to quit the City of Algiers that Instant, and he went of Board
the Man of War.

Extract of a Letter from Amsterdam, December 24.
” Several Letters from different Parts of the Continent, and particu-
larly one from Augsburg, dated the 10th Instant, mentioned that a
Treaty of Alliance, offensive and defensive, has just been signed by the
Emperour, the King of Prussia, and the King of Sardinia.”

December 30. One Remington, now in St. Geoge’s Hospital, has
undertaken for 500£. to live seven Years in a Cave, in Mr. Hamilton’s
Garden near Cobham in Surry, during which Time no Person is to see
him except Mr. Hamilton. He is to have all the Necessaries of Life,
but is not to be shaved, nor to cut his Nails, nor his Hair during the
whole time.

Extract of a Letter from Petersburg, December 16.
”The Russian Officers and Sailors are every Day improving in their
Knowledge of naval Affairs in general, under the Auspices of Sir Charles
Knowles, who takes uncommon Pains to establish the English Exercise
throughout the Russian Navy. He has in Person, during the Autumn,
visited all the Ships at Constadt, Revel, and Riga, and made a thorough
Inspection into their Conditions, and gave such Orders in general as af-
forded the highest Satisfaction to the Empress and the whole Court.”

We are told, by a Letter from Vienna, that some Mines of the best
Indigo have been discoved in the Mountains of Wissocka and Thurldorff;
which, in the Opinion of the most experienced Miners, will turn out of
great Consequence.

December 31. A Council, we hear, is summoned for Wednesday next,
on Matters of great Importance, relative to Advices lately received from
some of the Northern Powers.

By Letters from the Hague, we learn that the Ottoman Army is in a
great Measure ruined or dispersed, and that the Overthrow of the Turkish
Empire in Europe seems inevitable, without the Interposition of the
Courts of London and Versailles.

The Minister has, we are assured by a Correspondent, declared openly,
that he is unequal to the Task of at once bringing the Colonists to their
Duty, of adjusting the Affairs of the East India Company, of devising
the Means of making up the Dificiencies incurred in the Sinking Fund,
without laying on new Texes, and of answering the Demands of the Civil
List. It is a Work too great for mortal Man.

The Opinion of all the Judges has, it is said, been lately taken relative
to some Proceedings in North America. The above solemn Consultation,
it is amagined, is intended to precede some important Resolution in Par-
liament relative to our Colonies.

Letters from Holland say, “ It is certain that four Gallies and two
Frigates, of Malta, have joined the Russian Squadron in the Levant.”

Column 3

They write from Vienna, that the Archduke Maximilian, the Empe-
rour’s youngest Brother (who entered his 18th Year on the 8th of this
Month) set out on the 6th Instant attended by Count Rosenburg, on a
Tour through Germany to Holland, Flanders, England, France, and
Italy; and that the Emperour himself proposes to make the same Tour
next Spring.

January 1. By the last Accounts from Vienna, we learn that the
Standard of Mahomet is on the Point of being erected, which is never
done but when the Sultan commands the Army in Person.

By the last Muster Roll delivered into the Council of War at Vienna,
in August last, it appears that the number of effective Men in the Impe-
rial and Royal Armies amounted to 235,000 Men.

A Letter from Algiers, dated October 30th, by yesterday’s Mail from
France, informs us that the English Frigate the Alarm, of 36 Guns,
Captain Scott, cast Anchor there the 14th and had delivered Letters to
the Consul of his Nation, in which he demands that the Boats and Cha-
loupes belonging to English Ships shall have the Power of retaining Chris-
tian Slaves who have escaped, as well as the Ships; that they should
restore five Portuguese, who had eight Years since been taken out of an
English Ship; and make Satisfaction for an Insult offered, by the Com-
mandant at Bon, to an English Officer. These Proposals have not been
well received, the Dey looking on them as coming from the Consul; but
says he shall always continue a Friend to the English, provided their
Affairs are no longer directed by this Consul. In the Meantime, the
Consul is gone on to Board the above Ship.

It may be depended upon, says a Correspondent, that as soon as the
King of Prussia has drawn his Troops out of Poland he intends to employ
them in another Quarter, which perhaps may rouse our Ministry from
their present Lethargy.

By an Estimate lately made, it appears that the Produce of the Reve-
nue of his Majesty’s Customs has increased near a Million per Annum
since the last Peace.

Yesterday an extraordinary Express was sent away with some
Despatches, said to be of great Importance, to the Regency of

January 3. It is publickly talked of, at the west End of the Town,
that the Addition of 200,000£. per Annum to a great Personage will be
moved for very early in the next Session of Parliament.

There is a Report of his Majesty the King of Prussia having established
some considerable Magazines of military Stores at Thorn. If these
Accounts are true, they still prove the Certainty of some new intended
Scheme by that Monarch.

Letters from Paris declare, that M. Vaucanson having made a
Machine, in Form of a Loom, by Means of which one Man might per
form, with Respect to Silk-weaving, in one Day, the Work of fourteen,
the Office of Commerce had forbid the Use of it, under a Supposition that
it would contribute to reduce the Weavers of Lyons, &c. to Beggary;
upon which M. Vaucanson had employed his Nephew to convey the
above Invention to London, where he doubted not of his meeting with
Encouragement. A Circumstance, however, considering the present
very distressed Situation of our Weavers, in which the ingenious Mecha-
nick may probably be disappointed.

A certain ingenious Artist, well known in this Metropolis for his Im-
provement of Wheel Carriages, has declared, that if he should meet with
proper Encouragement, he could bring a Plan to bear, like that which
the French are said to have devised, for the Construction of Vessels to be
launched upon the Ice, in Order to facilitate their intended Discoveries in
the northern Regions.

It is said his Danish Majesty is advised to take another Tour for the
Benefit of his Health, which is lately much impaired, and is to leave the
Queen Dowager Regent of the Kingdom during his Absence.

The Diligence Schooner, Lieutenant Knight, from Boston, is arrived
at Portsmouth.

It is said, that very shortly the Right Reverend the Bishops, together
with the Clergy of their respective Dioceses, intend to remonstrate, and
humbly to beseech his Majesty, that he would be graciously pleased no
longer (as the Custom has now been for Half a Century and upwards)
to prorogue the Upper and Lower Houses of Convocation, but to suffer
them to sit and resume their Functions, to revive the Liturgy and 39
Articles of the Church of England, to amend and explain what is amiss
or wanting in them, and to do their best Endeavours to put a Stop to
that Infidelity, Profaneness, and Immorality, Perjury, Bribery, and
Corruption, which insert so much all Ranks and Orders of Men, from
the highest to the lowest; that without a sincere Repentance, and a
thorough Reformation, must undoubtedly draw down the fiercest of
God’s Judgments upon this sinful Nation.

Extract of a Letter from Warsaw, December 15.
” We have just now received a full and authentick Confirmation of
the great and important Victory gained by the Russian Army, on the
other Side of the Danube, over the Army of the Grand Visiar, on the
16th ult. The whole Turkish grand Army being defeated, the Russians
made themselves Masters of all the Turkish Artillery, Baggage, and
Military Chest, to an immense Value. The Grand Visiar was missing,
and it was reported, and generally believed, when the Courier who
brought the Intelligence from the Army came away, that he is among
the Number of the Dead. The Russians were still in Pursuit of the
Enemy; and the rest of the Russian Army, who were yet on this Side of
the Danube, have received Orders to pass the River, and give the last
Blow to the enemy. The Garrison of Silistria are at present left to
themselves, without the least Hope of receiving Succour from the Turk-
ish Army; nor are the fugitive Turks, able to fly into that Fortress as all
the passages are cut off by the Turks, which give the Russians great
Hopes of being Masters of that important Fortress very soon, which will
open to them the Passage to Adrianople. So that there is the greatest
Reason to hope the present Winter Campaign will finish the Struggle,
before the Turks are able to compose themselves; and in all Probability,
the Porte will be obliged to comply with the Terms of Peace proposed
by Russia in the late Congress, before the Expiration of another Month,
unless some Christian Powers (as is expected) should throw off the Mark,
and publickly declare themselves for the Porte, against which Event not
less that Half a Million of Austrian and Prussian Troops are in Readi-

January 4. It may be depended upon, as an absolute Fact, that the
Parliament will not be dissolved till March Twelvemonth.

Lord Temple, we are informed, is positively determined to revive the
Question this Winter, in the House of Lords, respecting the Middlesex

It is now confidently reported, that an Addition of ten Sail of Men of
War will be made to our Navy Establishment.

Six to one are offered to be be laid, at the west End of the Town,
that Mr. Roberts will be the sitting Member.

It is said, that Preparations are now making at the Town for a Silver

Extract of a Letter from Constantinople, November 17.
” The 12th of this Month a Tartar arrived from the Grand Visiar’s
Army, who was only charged with a verbal Account that a Corps of our
Troops, commanded by Apti Pacha and Chaous Pachi, amounting to
about 40,000 Men, who were going to attack the Russians in their Re-
trenchments at Bazargick, in Order to dislodge them from thence and
force them to repass the Danube, and by that Means prevent their taking
up their Winter Quarters on this Side of that River, had the Misfortune
not only to see their Intentions entirely defeated, but were mostly cut to
Pieces by the Russians, who made 10,000 of them Prisoners.

Page 2
Column 1

”This Courier adds, that two Turkish Commanders were among the
Slain, and that those who escaped the Enemy’s Sword fled to the Grand
Visiar, and threatened openly to revolt against him if he did not imme-
diately march in Person against the Russians, and redeem their captive
Comrades; that the Grand Visiar, fearing they should keep their Promise,
had marched at the Head of his whole Army to attack the Enemy, who,
notwithstanding the Inferiority of their Forces, after a bloody Battle, en-
tirely defeated the Ottoman Army; that the Grand Visiar was said to
have been dangerously wounded; and that the Enemy, after this Victory,
marched against Varna, most of the inhabitants of which Place, fearing
they should be pillaged by the Cossacks, had fled with the most valuable
Part of their Effects.

”These disagreeable Accounts have been confirmed by other Ex-
presses, which arrived the 13th and 14th Instant, and have thrown the
Grand Seignior and the Divan into the greatest Consternation.

”The Divan assembled immediately on the Arrival of these Accounts,
and Orders were sent for the same Number of Troops to march to the
Army as have been either made Prisoners or killed in the late Actions,
that the utmost may be tried to prevent the Russians from taking Varna.

” At an Assembly of the Chiefs of the Janisaries, it was resolved that
60,000 Men were to be raised immediately, to whom the Grand Seignior
has granted a Pay of thirteen Aspres a Day.”

A Letter from the Hague, by the last Mail, inform us it is generally
thought there, that as the King of Prussia and the Emperour have ad
mitted the Empress of Russia into a third Part of the Division of Poland,
which they had claimed and possessed themselves of from the Poles, if
the Empress can conquer the Turks, and get Possession of the Country
she demanded at the last Meeting of the Commissaries to treat of a Peace
at Fockzany, the Emperour and King of Prussia are to be admitted to a
third Share of it, as a grateful Return for the above Favour.

Letters from Dublin mention, that Willoughby Lightbourne, Lord
Mayor of that City, having been reflected on in a publick Speech by Sir
Edward Newenham, called the latter to Account, as it is phrased, and
on their meeting with Sword and Pistol, in the Phoenix Park, Sir Edward
made the Amende honourable, and like a Gentleman acknowledged himself
in the wrong.

Eighteen Irish Lords, including nine Bishops, have signed a Protest
against the Bill for permitting the Papists of Ireland to lend Money on

Saturday Night Orders were dispatched from the Admiralty Office to
Portsmouth, for a Sloop of eighteen Guns to sail immediately with an
Express to Sir Peter Dennis, Commander in Chief of his Majesty’s Fleet
in the Mediterranean.

They write from Petersburg, that nothwithstanding the great Victories
which of late have been gained by the Russian Troops, yet they continue
pressing and enrolling Men in all her Imperial Majesty’s Dominions, and
that a fresh Army of 100,000 Men will be able to take the Field by next

They write from Elsineur, that since the 11th of December two
Russian Frigates of War, and four Transports, had passed the Sound,
in Order to join the Squadron in the Mediterranean. As the Ice was
very thick in the Sound, as well as near Constadt, no more Russian
Ships were expected this Season; but we are informed, that not less than
24 pretty large Vessels are upon the Stocks at different Seaports and
Harbours in the Russian Dominions, all which are expected to be launched
towards the Spring.

We learn from Vienna, that a general Congress of the Princes of the
Imperial Empire is to be held there next Spring.

There is Advice from Paris, that a Difference hath arisen between
Count de Guignes and the French Minister, the Duke D’Argnillon, in
Consequence of which Count de Guignes is committed close Prison to
the Bastile. The Conjectures of the Parisians are various, but farther
Particulars relative to this singular Incident have not as yet transpired.

We are informed, that a Lady of Fashion at the west End of the
Town lost one Night last Week, at Cards, 2500£. and her Gold
Repeating Watch, at one Sitting.

January 5. A grand Council is summoned to meet this Day at St.
James’s, on Affairs of the utmost Importance.

A Call of the House of Commons is intended to be early in the
Month of February.

We are assured, by good Authority, that no less than 33 Millions of
Yards of Linen, of various Breadths and Fineness, have been imported
into Great Britain from Germany and Russia in the Course of the Year

A Report prevails, that a very formidable Fleet will be sent into the
Baltick before the Conclusion of the ensuing Spring. Some People
pretend to say, that the Armament is intended to watch the Motions of
the Swedes.

Extract of a Letter from Edinburgh,December 31.
” On Wednesday there was a general Meeting of the Adventurers of
the Bank of Scotland, when the Report of the Committee relative
to augmenting their Capital 100,000£. was agreed to, and a Draught of
a Bill to Parliament ordered to be made out for that Purpose.”

January 6. It is talked that our Ambassadour at Constantinople has
been given to understand that the Porte cannot look on the English as
neutral, seeing they gave every Assistance that is asked by the Russians,
in victualling, and furnishing with every Necesssary, the Russian Men of
War, without which that Power would not have been able to commit
such hostile Acts, by Sea and Land, as they have done.

Extract of a Letter from the Hague, December 30.
” The Magistracy of the City of Dantzick have, with the Permission
of the Courts of Warsaw and Berlin, applied to the States General to
guaranty the Renovation of the Trade, Rights, and Franchises, of that
City. The States have returned for Answer, that they shall consider the
Proposal at the next Assembly. The Magistrates of Dantzick have like-
wise made Applications of the same Nature to several Princes of Europe,
and have been promised Protection.”

The Viceroy of a neighbouring Kingdom, not loving Buffoonery as
much as his Predecessor in Office, consequently a certain theartrical Wit
(Mr. Foote) now in Dublin, is not so often at the Castle as he used to
be. Being asked the Reason of this, he replied, “ he was too stiff in
” the Knee (pointing to his wooden Leg ) to be a good Courrier;” but
upon being told he laboured under the same Defect in Tord Townshend’s
Administration, and notwithstanding was well received, “ Aye, but
” (says the Wit) you must consider I was then drawn there by Sympathy,
” his Lordship’s Head being of the same Stuff.

A Letter from London, to a Gentleman at Manchester, says: “ A
noted Posture Master at Saddler’s Weils has undertaken for a Wager of
200 Guineas, to walk five Miles on his Hands in two Hours. Great
Bets are depending.”

The is so great a Misunderstanding between the Courts of Paris and
Petersburg that a Rupture will infallibly take Place before the ensuing

It is said that he King of Portugal has resolved to establish some new
Regulations, that will be greatly for the Advantage of the English Sub-
jects trading to that Kingdom.

It is said that certain Powers, which as yet have taken no Part in the
Troubles of Europe, intend soon to publish a Manifesto, in which the
Conduct of the Russian Empress will be very severely handled, as well as
the Partiality shown to her Cause by certain States, that have no Man-
ner of Obligation in any Degree to espouse her Quarrel.

The Behaviour of the Dey of Algiers has given so much Umbrage to
our Ministry that some spirited Remonstrances will be made to that Bar-
barian Prince, upon the Insult he lately offered our Consul.

A Plan is said to be under Consideration, for effectually preventing
Duelling among the Officers of the Army and Navy.

January 8. We are assured, that a Reconciliation between the
Mother Country and the Colonies is the grand Point the Ministry wish to
carry the ensuing Session of Parliament.

A national Bank is at length going to be established in the City of
Dublin, a Circumstance which will prove very agreeable to the Merchants
of that Metropolis.

To the Surprise of most of his Acquaintance, a great Brewer is gone
off. It is said that he had overdrawn his Banker 14,000£. and that he
will fail for upwards of 100,000£.

January 11. A certain Baronet (Sir George Colebrooke) who has
had the most absolute Direction of a great trading Company for many
Years, and who, by his Power and Interest, made many Nabobs in his
Time, since the Embarrassment of his Affairs applied only for a secondary
Place in Bengal for himself, and was peremptorily refused.

Should a Government be established on the Ohio, it is said Major
Skene will be appointed to preside there.

Montfort Browne, Esq; will be appointed to the Government of the
Bahamas, and Governour Shirley removed from thence to Dominica, in
the Room of Sir William Younge.

January 13. Lord Guernsey, upon the Speaker’s Return, from the
Lords, moved that an humble Address of Thanks be presented to his
Majesty for the great Wisdom he had shown in his most gracious Speech,
in recommending the most serious Attention to be paid to the Gold Coin
Act, and for the particular Regard he had expressed to render a general

Column 2

Tranquility throughout his Dominions. He said his Majesty had seen the
most glorious Sight that a Monarch could, yet it had not filled him with
any vain Notions; that no rapacious Thoughts filled his Breast; that it
was true we kept up a powerful Fleet and Armament, but it was not
to destroy or disturb the Peace or other weaker Powers, but to maintain
the Honour and Dignity of this Nation; that his Majesty had most
seriously recommended the State of the Gold Coin to be looked into,
and he made no Doubt but that every Member would lend an assisting

Mr. St. John dwelt particular on the very singular Benefits that Act
had produced, by raising the Exchange in our Favour with every Country
in Europe, especially with Amsterdam, a Circumstance not known for
many Years. He likewise expatiated largely on the Speech from the
Throne, so far as it recommended the farther Consideration of so momen-
tous a Business to Parliament; observing that, as a Standard between
Man and Man, as immediately and essentially connected with our Trade
and Revenue, it was of the highest Consequence to our trading and
commercial Interests.

Mr. Prescot next rose, and said, that whatever high Opinion those
Gentlemen might please to entertain of the Act in Question, he by no
Means approved of its being brought in so late in the Session, nor of its
injurious Effects in Relation to a Set of Men (though Bankers) who only
held other People’s Cash, but who were obliged to pay it back at a diffe-
rent Standard, at a very considerable Loss.

Lord North replied, that since the ruinous State of the Gold Coin
showed the Necessity there was to put it under some Regulation, to
prevent its Increase, and the many Consequences which might be justly
dreaded from it, he was glad to find that those who could best bear the
Loss, and were Gainers by the Situation which occasioned it, were those
who felt it most severely; that if a Tax had been laid to make good the
Deficiency, it would have put the Nation at large to a very high Expense,
and opened a Door for very gross Impositions, as was the Case in King
William’s Time, when, on a Notion of a similar Kind relative to the
Silver Coin, the Nation had been put to an Expense of two Millions and
a Half; but that, in the present Instance, the Expense had fallen where
it could be best born; and that if any farther Regulations should become
necessary, it would be trifling, and therefore, he believed, be cheerfully
made good by the Publick.

Mr. Van (Member for Brecon) then got up, and said, that tho Honour-
able Gentleman (Mr. Prescot) had informed the House of what a Loss the
Bankers had sustained, but forgot to acquaint them that immediately after
the passing the Act last Sessions the Bankers issued our Orders that they
would take Guineas that wanted 18 d. which gave them an Opportunity
to dispose of the greatest Part of their light Gold; they then issued out a
fresh Order, that they could not take any Guineas but at the Standard
allowed by the Bank: So that, in his humble Opinion, the Bankers had
not suffered so much as the Merchants. The Order of the Day was then
read, and the House broke up at four o’Clock.

January 14. About Half past three o’Clock Lord North came, and
the House proceeded to Business, when Lord Guernsey desired Leave to
bring in the humble Address of Thanks to his Majesty which he moved
for on Thursday. The Address was read to the House by Mr. Hatsell,
and was to the following Purport: That they returned his Majesty their
Hearty Thanks for his most gracious Speech, and expressing their Concern
that the Peace was not concluded between Russia and the Porte; but
that they were glad to hear his Majesty express how pacifick all other
foreign Powers were, and that his Intentions were to render a general
Tranquillity throughout his Kingdom, as far as lay consistent with the
Honour of his Crown and the Interests of his People. They assured his
Majesty they would give their utmost Attention to the internal and domes-
tick Affairs; and that they should always retain the most grateful Sense
of his Majesty’s great Wisdom, in recommending to their most serious
Attention the State of the Gold Coin; and that his Majesty might rest
assured that nothing should be wanting in them to put the Gold Coin upon
such a Footing as might not only remove the present Grievance, but render
the Credit and Commerce of the Kingdom sufficiently secure from being
exposed again to the like Danger. That his Majesty might depend on
his faithful Commons granting such Supplies as might be wanting for
the present Year; that they would not suffer any Part of the publick
Service to escape their Notice, but they would be careful to select the
most material for their immediate Deliberation, as they were certain of
having his Majesty’s Concurrence to any Thing that might be for the
Happiness and Prosperity of his People.

The Question was then put, that the above Address should pass, which
was carried nem. con.

CHARLESTOWN, February 28.

Since our last, Letters have arrived here from the Country of the Up-
per Creek Indians, dated January 24th. They had then no Accounts
there of any of the Murders committed in Georgia, except that of White
and his Family on Christmas Day, for which they seemed very willing to
give Satisfaction, declaring that no Lands must be given up, but Blood
for Blood, as that would deter others from doing the like hereafter. It is
uncertain how they may be disposed when they hear of the subsequent
Murders. At present there appears no Reason to suspect that the late
Hostilities are the Act of the Creek Nation, the principal Men whereof
disclaim them, and complain much of Traders being fitted out in the
Woods, remote from the Indian Towns, and employing Indians as Tra-
ders, which they say is continually bringing their Nation into Trouble.

Captain Goudgion, of the Detachment of Militia which was attacked
by the Creek Indians, narrowly escaped the Fate of lieutenant Grant,
by repeating his Endeavours to rally his People, till he was deserted by
all, except six.

On the 7th of this Month a Number of the principal Headmen of the
Lower Cherokee Towns sent a Talk to Alexander Cameron, Esq; to be
transmitted to the Honourable John Stewart, Superintendent of Indian
Affairs, and made the strongest Professions of their peaceable Intentions.
They expressed to Mr. Cameron their Suspicions of the Creek Indians,
and requested that he might soon visit the Cherokee Country, but not
before he had completed a Stockade Fort, for the Safety and Defence of
the Inhabitants in that Quarter.

BOSTON, February 28.

On Friday last the Governour sent the following Message to both Houses
of Assembly:

Gentlemen of the Council, and of the House of Representatives,
HAVING received the discretionary Leave from the King to go to
England, I think it proper to acquaint you with this Instance of
his Majesty’s most gracious Condescention, and that I intend to avail
my self of it as soon as his Service will admit.

I must desire you to give all the Despatch possible to such necessary
publick Business as may yet lie before you; for I must soon, by an
Adjournment or Prorogation, give the Court a Recess, that I may attend
to that Preparation for my Voyage which his Majesty’s Service and my
Personal Affairs require.
Milton, February 24, 1774. T. HUTCHINSON.

March 7. Last Friday fe’nnight, in the Forenoon, Mr. Brown of
Salem, Deputy Sheriff, went on Board a Fishing Vessel at Marblehead
and arrested John Watts and John Gillard, in an Action of Damages for
3000£. commenced by the Gentlemen who were the Proprietors of the
late Essex Hospital, on Suspicion that the said two Persons were con-
cerned in burning that Building on the 26th of January last. The Priso-
ners were committed to his Majesty’s Jail in Salem about two o’Clock.
Almost as soon as the Keys were turned upon them, the People began,
in small Companies, to enter the Town from Marblehead, and continued
coming over in this Manner till near Night, rendezvousing near the Jail.
The Magistrates were busy in consulting Measures for preserving the
Peace, and for dispersing the People who were assembling from Marble-
head, from whence a still greater Number was expected after Dark. About
Sunset, on Application to the Colonel of the Militia, the Drums were
ordered out, and beat To Arms. Immediately upon hearing this, the
Mob, to the Number of 4 or 500, arming themselves with Clubs, Sticks
of Wood, &c. and while it was yet Daylight, made a most furious
Attack upon the Jail. They first burst open the Doors, and broke most
of the lower Windows in that Part of the Building which is the Prison
Keeper’s Dwelling, and then, with Iron Crows, Axes, &c. they soon
beat their Way through four of the Prison Doors, each of which was
very strong and well secured with many large Locks. Thus having got
into two Apartments of the prison, in less than ten minutes from the
first Onset, they carried off the above mentioned two Prisoners in Tri-
umph, and went immediately to Marblehead, where they soon dispersed.
They assembled again the next Day, and obliged the Gentlemen above
mentioned to declare that no Prosecutions should ever after be commenced
on Account of burning the Hospital.

On the Evening of the 17th of last Month, a Pedlar with a Budget of
Tea made his Appearance at Montague, in the County of Hampshire,
and put up at a Tavern there; which taking Air, a Number of Persons
(well fraught with Tar and Feathers) went to the Inn, determined to
give him the modern Dress, thinking this a more lenient as well as ready

Column 3

Measure to put an immediate Stop to a Conduct so injurious to the Com-
munity than the Rigour of Law. But as the Man appeared very humble,
plead Ignorance, promised to return the Tea to the Place from whence it
came, not to offend in the like Manner for the future, and to submit to
whatever Terms they should think reasonable to impose they dismissed
him, determined to apply an effectual Remedy to the next Offender.

We hear from Princetown, New Jersey, that the Officers and Students
of the College there have unanimously agreed to drink no more Tea.

Last Saturday the House of Representatives ordered the Secretary of
the Province to lay on their Table a complete List of the Appointments
of Civil Officers which have been made during the Administration of
Governour Hutchinson, together with the Names of the Counsellors pre-
sent at each Appointment.

Thursday Morning last, between five and six o’Clock, died here the
Honourable Andrew Oliver, Esq; Lieutenant Governour of this Pro-
vince, in the 68th Year of his Age.

Yesterday Afternoon Captain Gorham arrived in nine Weeks from
London, by whom we have Advice that the Philadelphia Resolves, and
the Proceedings of the People with the Consignees at Liberty Tree,
were received and published in the Newspapers there. That the Opinion
of all the judges had been required on some Questions relative to North
America, which was a Prelude to something of Consequence concerning
that Country being brought before Parliament next Sessions. That Go-
vernour Pownal will positively go over to Boston early in the Spring, in
Order to take the Management of that Quarter under his Care. That
Orders has been despatched, in the Course of the last Week, to Ireland
for the immediate Embarkation of three Regiments, to be sent to Boston
and New York. That the Board of Trade had also come to several Re-
solutions relative to American Affairs, to be recommended at the same
Time. That about the latter End of December some Advices were re-
ceived at Lord Dartmouth’s Office from Boston in New England, which
were kept a profound Secret. And that there had been a Duel fought
between John Temple, Esq; late of this Town, and Mr. Whateley, a
Broker in London, in which the latter was much wounded, but the
former not hurt. They first discharged their Pistols, but missed each
other, and then drew their Swords, with which the finished the Fray.
The Quarrel was occasioned by Mr. Whateley’s publickly insinuating
that Mr. Temple was the Person who sent over some original Letters
from Gentlemen in America to his late Brother, of which Mr. Oliver,
in a Letter to him, had since complained of their being laid before the
General Assembly; and though Mr. Temple gave every Assurance that
a Gentleman could give, that he had not taken any one Letter, nor a
Line of one, but what he saw and gave Leave, and had no Concern in
procuring or transmitting them to Boston, yet being still charged with
the same, notwithstanding these Protestations, and receiving from Mr.
Whateley, as he apprehended, the Lie direct, he took the above Method,
which the Feelings of Honour, and Impatience under such an Imputa-
tion dictated, to call upon Mr. Whateley for honourable Amends. They
fought without Seconds, Mr. Whateley having declined it on his Part.

From the Morning Chronicle, &c. of December 27, 1773.

FINDING that two Gentlemen have been unfortunately engaged in
a Duel, about a Transaction, and its Circumstances, of which
both of them are totally ignorant and innocent, I think it incumbent on
me to declare (for the Prevention of farther Mischief, as far as such a
Declaration may contribute to prevent it) that I alone am the Person who
obtained and transmitted to Boston the Letters in Question. Mr.
Whateley could not communicate them, because they were never in his
Possession; and, for the same Reason, they could not be taken from
him by Mr. Temple. They were not of the Nature of private Letters
between Friends.
They were written by publick Officers, to Persons in
publick Station, on publick Affairs, and intended to procure publick
Measures. They were therefore handed to other public Persons, who
might be influenced by them to produce those Measures. Their Ten-
dency was, to incense the Mother Country against her Colonies, and by
the Steps recommended to widen the Breach, which they effected. The
chief Caution expresses with Regard to Privacy was to keep their Con-
tents from the Colony Agents, who, the writers apprehended, might
return them, or Copies of them, to America. That Apprehension was,
it seems, well founded; for the first Agent who laid his Hands on them
thought it his Duty to transmit them to his Constituents.
B FRANKLIN, Agent for the House of Representatives of the
Massachusett’s Bay.

It is said that Captain Gorham, who is just arrived from London, has
brought forty Chests of that baneful, detested, dutied Article Tea, ship-
ped by the East India Company, their Brokers or Employers, and con-
signed to Henry Lloyd, Esq. of this Town, Merchant. Justice to
ourselves, and to America, justice even to the other Consignees, a
Regard to our own Reputation and Honour, every Obligation, bind us
most solemnly, at once, to determine absolutely to oppose its Landing.
Experience has fully convinced us that the Governour and the Custom-
house Officers concerned will lay insuperable Bars in the Way of sending
it back to London. The Consent of the Consignee to have it returned
would be to no Purpose, if he be waited upon to request it. The Sachems
must have a talk upon this Matter. Upon them we depend to extricate
us out of this fresh Difficulty, and to their Decisions all the good People
will say Amen!

NEW YORK, March 10.

SATURDAY last Captain Stafford, in a Sloop belonging to Philadel-
phia, arrived here from St. Augustine in fifteen Days; by whom
we learn the Inhabitants of that Place were under some Apprehensions
of a Visit from the Creek Indians, and that they have requested some
Succours from a certain Quarter.

Orders are received from the Earl of Dartmouth to prevent the passing
of any Bills for the Naturalization of Foreigners in the Colonies.

By Captain Hunt, in twelve Days from South Carolina, we have the
following Extract of a Letter from Captain Brass, of this Port, dated
Charlestown, February 24, 1774. “This is to acquaint you of my
Arrival here last Night, after a most fatiguing Time in Madeira, owing
to the Badness of the Weather. I am sorry to inform you of the great
Destruction at that Island, on the 8th of January, when eight Sail of
Vessels were lost, viz. A Portuguese Snow, five Men lost. A Portu-
guese Schooner, nine Men lost. A Swedish Snow, People all saved. A
Liverpool Brig, People all saved. Ship Hawke, Captain M’Intosh, from
London, with 13,000£. Sterling in Specie on Board, for the Payment of
the Troops in the West Indies; Ship, Cargo, and twenty four Souls, all
lost. Sloop ———, Samuel Dickson; all perished. Brig Tryon, of New
York, Abraham Saunders; Captain and four Men lost. Sloop Garland,
of New York, Adam Englar; all perished. The Vessel, and the Tryon,
had Half of their outward Cargo on Board.


THE Ship Nancy, Captain Lockyer, with the Tea for New York
from the East India Company, after beating some Time on this
Coast, was obliged to bear away, and we are informed she has got into

Extract of a Letter from London, December 20.
”Your Observations respecting the Tea Duty are very just, and the
Americans must be commended, by all consistent Advocates for Liberty
and a limited Monarchy, for the Sagacity with which they discern, and
the Spirit with whcih they assert, their Rights.”

NEW BERN, March 4.

AT a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the Town of
Halifax, on Wednesday the 23d of February, to instruct their Re-
presentative as to his Conduct in the next Assembly, Andrew Miller,
Chairman, the following Resolves were entered into, viz.

Resolved, that the Attachment Law exercised formerly in this Province
was unjust, ruinous to Individuals, and prejudicial not only to this
town, but the Province in general.

Resolved also, that the Judges be rendered as independent as may be on
the Crown, and also on the People, by fixing their Salaries on a permanent
Foundation; that Men of Integrity and Ability may be induced to accept
of the Office, and that Justice may be administered without Fear, Favour,
or Affection.

Resolved also, that his Excellency Governour Martin, in commissioning
Judges of Oyer and Terminer, at a Time when we were left destitute
of Protection, either of Life or Property, by our Legislature, has disco-
vered himself to be a Friend to the Province, an Enemy to Vice and Li-
centiousness, and to have deferred this Confidence reposed in him by our
most gracious Sovereign.

Resolved also, that the Chairman deliver a Copy of the above to Joseph
Montfort, Esq; our present worthy Representative, and that he desire
him to procure Laws as near as may be to these our Resolves; and that
be, in our Name, thank Governour Martin for his great Care of our In-
terest, in sending Judges of Oyer and Terminer to hold Courts during the
Suspension of Superiour Courts.

Page 3
Column 1


BY Letters from London, we learn that BENJAMIN FRANKLIN,
Esq; Agent for Pennsylvania and the Province of the Massachusetts
Bay, upon his publick Avowal of transmitting to Boston Copies of the
Letters written by Governour Hutchinson, Mr. Oliver, &c. to the
Ministry (whose Tendency was to incense the Mother Country against
the Colonies, and to widen the Breach between them, which they ef-
fected) was immediately superseded in his Office of one as the Joint
Deputy Postmasters General for America.

Regulation of the British Coin for the Currency of that Kingdom, ac-
cording to the Coinage at different Periods, viz. Coined prior to the
1st of George III. Guineas to weigh five Pennyweight three Grains,
Half Guineas two Pennyweight thirteen Grains, Coined in this Reign
previous to January 1, 1772: Guineas to weigh five Pennyweight six
Grains, Half Guineas two Pennyweight fourteen Grains, Quarter
Guineas one Pennyweight seven Grains. Coined subsequent to January 1,
1772: Guineas to weigh five Pennyweight eight Grains, Half Guineas
two Pennyweight sixteen Grains.

Marriages.. ] Mr. MILES SELDEN, to Miss BETSY ARMISTEAD,
of this City.

Deaths. ] Mr. THOMAS HAY, one of the young Gentlemen in the
Secretary’s Office, after a lingering and painful Illness. Being a Member
of the Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in this City, his Corps will
be attended this Afternoon by the Brotherhood, in the proper Insignia
of their Order.

I OBSERVE you have, in a late Paper, informed the Publick that
there will soon appear a short View of the Controversy between the
Treasurer and the Reverend S. Henly, with a candid Refutation of the
last Letter written by the former Gentleman. I am, Sir, a constant
Reader of your Paper, have been particularly attentive to the Dispute
alluded to, and am sorry to say, that, in my Opinion, the Gentleman
who promises, in that Advertisement, a candid Answer, has not, by his
former Publications, given the World much Reason to expect such a One
from him. Permit me, therefore, through your Press, to advise him to
pursue a different Method in his Pamphlet; let him lay before the Publick
the Whole of the Correspondence you have printed. He may then make
any comments or Observations he thinks proper, on the Whole, or any
Part of it. This will prevent Misquotations, and some other unfair Prac-
tices; which, as a Writer, he hath been accused of. I mean not to
offend the Gentleman in the least: I would rather he understood to have
a friendly Intention of warning him against making Use of the false Glass
of Self-Partiality; for viewed through this Medium, it is plain he thinks
those Actions performed by himself Praise-worthy, which, done by ano-
ther, he would call atrocious. Many Instances might be given to prove
this, at present I shall content myself with producing one: He has,
Mr. Purdie, frequently complained of private Conversation being repeated,
or, to use his own Word, betrayed to his Prejudice; and yet this much
injured Gentleman has been so blinded by such deluding Opticks, that he
saw no Harm at all in publishing mutilated Paragraphs of a private Letter
which he had himself received. I hope Sir, you will give a Place to this
Hint in your next Paper, and oblige


Gentlemen, KING WILLIAM, March 22, 1774.
IN your last Week’s Paper I observe an Address from Doctor Stenhouse
of Baltimore, to the Inhabitants of our Colony, on the Subject of
INOCULATION. Gratitude for FAVOURS I have received, and a Desire
to serve the Publick by Means of this Gentleman, oblige me to add my
Testimony to that of his own Colony. As to myself, I had been in a
bad State of Health for eighteen or twenty Months, had laboured under
the Spleen, and other Obstructions of the Viscera. The Doctor informed
me that each of these should be removed before I took the Infection,
which he effected with such Success that I have never felt the least Symp-
tom of them since. I shall not attempt to particularise the Merits of this
Gentleman, as a Physician and a Christian. Suffice it for me to say, that
his Treatment of me as a Patient, and as an entire Stranger, bespeaks
him possessed of so much Goodness that his Benevolence to Mankind in
general must correspond with his Beneficence to those who come within
the Reach of his good Offices. I am sensible of the little Weight this
Advertisement may have; however, I could not have gratified my Incli-
nations more than by thus thankfully acknowledging the Obligations I
am under to this Gentleman, and making publick so much Merit.

WARWICK County, March 29, 1774.
ALL Persons who have any Demands against
the Estate of Stafford Gibbs, or Ann Gibbs, deceased, are re-
quested to make them known by the 1st of May, that they may receive
Payment, as Estate will then be settled; and those who are indebted
to the Estate are desired to make speedy Payment to
(2||) WILLIAM GIBBS, Administrator.

NORFOLK, March 23, 1774.
THE Subscriber intending to leave the Co-
lony for a few Months, requests the Favour of those indebted to him
to settle their Accounts immediately; and those who have any Demands
against him are desired to make them known.——I shall be in Williamsburg
at the Meeting of the Merchants. FREER ARMSTON.

SUFFOLK, March 15, 1774.
THE Subscriber has for Sale about 19,000
Weight of VIRGINIA RICE, thought to be equal in Quality to
that of South Carolina. Any Person wanting to purchase may, in my Ab-
sence, apply to Mr. Wills Cowper, Merchant, in Suffolk.

To be SOLD, together or in Parcels,
THAT fertile and well timbered Tract of Land lying in Princoss Anne
County, known by the Name of GIBB’s WOODS, whereon
are several Settlements, and whereof Jeremiah Tinker, Esq; Grandson
of the late Governour Gibbs now stands seized, under the Deed of Gift of
his Mother, the Daughter and Heiress of the said Governour Gibbs. Per-
sons inclining to purchase may be informed of the Terms by applying to
Mr. James Parker, Merchant in Norfolk, or to Edward Foy, in Williams-
who will give an undoubted Title. (tf)

WARWICK, March 24, 1774.
AS I intend leaving the Colony about the
first of May next, all Persons who have had Dealings with me on
Account of Mess. James and Robert Donald and Co. are requested to
come and have their respective balances ascertained. The Debts due to
that Company, and formerly collected by me, will be left in the Manage-
ment of Mr. Robert Donald, their Partner and Attorney.

to Baillie John Lothian of Burntisland, in North Britain, who has
been in this Country about nine Years, will send to the Post Office, she
will receive a Letter from a Relation of hers, who does not know in
what part of the Country she lives. She must acquaint the printer, it
seems, what was her Grandmother’s Name by the Mother’s Side; but
for what Reason, he disna ken.

STANDS at my House in Chesterfield near the Falls of James
River, in Order to cover Mares at 20s. the Leap, and 3£. the Sea-
son. Good Pasturage for the Mares, but I will not be liable for any
that may be stolen, or get away. ROBERT GOODE.

RICHMOND County, March 24, 1774.
LOST, or mislaid, a TICKET, NO. 3452, in Lord
Stirling’s Lottery, New York. This is to pre-
vent any Person from claiming whatever Prize the said
Ticket may be entitled to, as it is the Property of

Column 2

BEGS leave to inform the Ladies that he has got an eminent Hand
from London, and intends carrying on his Business in all its Branches.
He makes turn and single Stays, Jumps, Half Bone Stays, Stays to
buckle before, pin or button, and covered Coats. Those who please to
favour him with their Commands may depend upon having them executed
in the nearest and best Manner, and at the lowest Rates (2)
N. B. He works for ready Money only.

PRINCE EDWARD, March 16, 1774.
I INTEND for Great Britain immediately.

NORFOLK, March 20, 1774.
THE Copartnery of the Subscribers will
expire the 10th of next Month; as we have a great Number of
outstanding Debts on our Books, we hope all concerned, upon Applica-
tion, will discharge their Accounts or give Bond.——Our Healths being so
much impaired as to render us incapable of giving the Attendance we
would wish, have taken Mr. William Foushee into Partnership, and pro-
pose to carry on the Business to its usual Extent. We shall be much
obliged to our Friends for a Continuance of their Favours.

To be LET on Friday the 22d of April, at the new
Church near
Pohick, in Truro Parish, Fairfax
County, to the lowest Bidder, by the Vestry of the
said Parish,

THE building of a Brick Vestry House 24 Feet long and 18 Feet
wide, the enclosing of the said Churchyard 158 Feet square, with
Posts and Rails, the Posts to be of sawed Cedar, and the Rails yellow
Pine, clear of Sap, with three hansome Palisade Gates, the Whole to be
done in the neatest and most substantial Manner.
(4||) THOMAZIN ELLZEY,} Churchwardens.

To be SOLD, on Tuesday the 10th of, May next, to
the highest Bidder, on the Premises,

ALL the LOTS in Suffolk Town belonging to the late Partnership of
Gibson, Granbery, and Co. upon which are several good and con-
venient Warehouses, a Tar House, a Dwelling-House and Storehouse,
and all necessary Outhouses. Twelve Months Credit will be allowed,
the Purchasers giving Bond and Security. (6)

RUN away from the Subscriber, near Suffex
Courthouse, the 20th of this Instant (March) two Apprentice
Boys. ISAAC SPAIN, eighteen Years old, about five Feet ten Inches
high, spare made, of a dark Complexion, took with him a dark coloured
Frieze Jacket, dark Russia Drill Breeches, and Osnabrug Shirt. WIL-
LIAM SEARS, about twenty Years of Age, and near the same Height
with Spain, of a dark Complexion, well set, and dark Hair tied behind;
had on and took with him a darkish coloured Duffil Jacket, stripped Coun-
try made Waistcoat, a Pair of blue Virginia Cloth Breeches, a Pair of
Leather Do. and an Osnabrug Shirt. I imagine Sears will endeavour to
follow his Trade, which is a House Carpenter, and keep Spain as an Ap-
prentice or Journeyman. Whoever delivers the said Appentices to me,
in Suffex, shall have 5£. Reward if taken in the colony, or 10£. if taken
out of it, or 50s. for either if taken in the Colony, or 5£. for either if
taken out of it. (2||) JOHN GARY.
N. B One John Sturdivant is missing out of the Neighbourhood, and
is supposed to be gone off with them.

MARCH 22, 1774.
RUN away from my Flat, about three
Weeks ago, a Mulatto Fellow named ABNER, has had both of
his Ears cropped, slim made, is quarrelsome when in Liquor, to which
he is much addicted. His Clothes which he carried with him consisted
of a Great Coat and Jacket of Duffil, a brown Beaver Coating Waistcoat
with Sleeves, but not lined, two new Osnabrug Shirts, yarn Hose, and
Virginia made Shoes; his Clothes are exceeding good, being nearly new.
As he has been frequently at Norfolk, and gone many Years by Water,
it is probable he may endeavour to make his Escape by passing as a Free-
man. All Masters of Vessels are hereby forwarned from carrying him out
of the Colony. I will give 5£. to any Person who conveys him to me, at

MARCH 23, 1774.
County, by Order of the said County Court, a Negro Man who
calls himself JOHN WELLMAN, about five Feet eight Inches high,
and appears to be upward of forty Years of Age. He says he was born
in France, and is a Freeman, that he has lived some Time in the town
of York since he came to this Country, and that several Gentlemen, in
and near that Place, know of his just Pretensions to Freedom.

O S C A R,
A BEAUTIFUL SORREL, fifteen Hands three
Inches high, of an elegant Form, great Strength
and Activity, now stands at my plantation near

Petersburg, and will cover the ensuing season at a
Pistole the Leap, or three Pistoles for the Season.

” This Horse was got by YOUNG SNIP, his Dam by Lord Morton’s
” ARABIAN, his Grandam by OLD CRAB, his great Grandam by
” the BALD GALLOWAY, his great great Grandam by Darley’s
” ARABIAN, out of BAY BOLTON’s Dam.”
Those who oblige me by sending Mares may rely that
the utmost Care shall be taken of them.


WILLIAMSBURG, March 22, 1774.
AS I intend to leave the Colony soon, those
who are indebted to me are requested to make an immediate Set-
tlement, and those who have any Demands against me to bring in their
Accounts. (2||) EPHRAIM ROSS.

FREDERICKSBURG, February 22, 1774.
Clerk of Spotsylvania Court, by Deed, dated the _____ Day of
______ 1766, and recorded in the said Court, did sell and transfer to
John Mitchell and Company all the fees and Profits arising and accruing
from his Clerkship from that Date, until several large Sums of Money, in
the same Deed expressed to be due the Company from Waller, were fully
satisfied, as by the Deed may more fully appear; and since the executing
thereof, although all the Fees and Profits that have been received by the
Company have been faithfully applied towards discharging the Debt, yet
a large Sum still remains due, and many of the Fees and Perquisites of
his Office, heretofore laced in the Hands of Sheriffs, and others, to col-
lect, are unpaid and unaccounted for, as also several Fees now due re-
main unplaced in the Hands of any One to collect, as I am informed: I
therefore take this Method to acquaint those whom it may concern, that
I have obtained from John Waller, and the Company aforesaid, an irre-
vocable Power and Authority not only to call any Persons to a Reckoning
that have been empowered to collect the said Fees and Profits, and have
failed properly to account for and pay the same, but also to receive those
that are now or may hereafter become due to the said Waller, by Virtue
of his Office and clerkship aforesaid, until the said Debt is fully paid; with
a farther irrevocable Power, to substitute any Person or Persons I may
think proper to act for me in this Matter. All Persons therefore, at their
Peril, are to take Notice, that Payments made of the Fees to any One
hereafter, except myself, or those I may substitute in my Place, will be,
deemed void; and I require all Sheriffs and collectors, that have failed
to account and pay the Fees placed in their Hands to collect, to do the
same immediately, otherwise I shall proceed against them as the Law

Column 3

LENT to some of my Acquaintance, or
HUMAN MIND. Any Person who has either of those Books
will oblige me by informing the Printer thereof or returning them to
me. The Name at the Bottom of the Coat of Arms denotes the
Owner. RALPH WORMELEY, Junior.

ALL Persons indebted to the Estate of
Captain William Wills, deceased, of Warwick County, are re-
quested to make speedy Payment, the Circumstances of the Estate not
admitting of any Indulgence; and those who have any Claims against the
Estate are desired to make them known.
THOMAS HAYNES,} Executors.

WILLIAMSBURG, March 22, 1774.
A SOBER Man that is well acquainted with Hair
Dressing and Wig Making, may meet with good
Encouragement by applying to the Subscriber.
*** Any Person who has a Servant’s Time to dis-
pose of that understands the above Business, may
apply as above.

MARCH 20, 1774.
ABOUT thirty choice Virginia born SLAVES
(Men, Women, Boys, and Girls) will be sold
at Winchester, on Tuesday the 5th of April (if fair,
otherwise next fair Day) for ready Money, or such
Merchants Notes as are approved of, payable at the
ensuing Meeting in Williamsburg. (2)

FREDERICKSBURG, March 16, 1774.
ALL Persons who have any Demands against the
Estate of George Gray, deceased, late of Stafford
,County are desired to bring them in properly attested,
that they may be settled and paid of as soon as possible.
GEORGE WEEDON, Administrator.

March 24, 1774.
THE next Meeting of the Subscribers to
the Fund for the Relief of the Widows and Orphans of Clergymen

is to be held on Saturday the 30th of April. Officers for the present Year
are, the Reverend John Camm, Treasurer, Reverend Benjamin Blogrove,
Henry Skyring, James Maury Fontaine, Thomas Price, William Btand,
Alexander White, Trustees; the Reverend William Leigh, Morning
Preacher; and the Reverend John Bracken, Afternoon Preacher.

ON the 14th of April will be sold, to the
highest Bidder at Bermuda Hundred, about two Hundred Pounds
worth of MERCHANDIZE. Six Months Credit will be allowed for
all Articles above forthy Shillings, upon giving Bond and Security to the
Executors of Captain John Hylton. FRANCIS EPPS.
*** The Executors desire those who have Claims against the Estate
to make them known, and those indebted thereto to make immediate

STANDS at Rosegill, and will cover Mares at 4£. the Season. Those
who send Mares must send the Money, otherwise they shall not be
left. The valuable Qualities, and the Pedigree, of this Horse, are
sufficiently notorious. RALPH WORMELEY, Junior.

THE noted high blooded English Horse
ARISTOTLE stands in full Perfection this Season at the Sub-
scriber’s Plantation in Southampton County, on Meherrin River, to cover
Mares at 30s. the Leap, 3£. the Season, and 5£. to ensure. Good Pas-
turage gratis, and all Directions carefully attended to, but I will not be
liable for any that may be lost. WILLIAM BLUNT.

COVERS the ensuing Season at Norman’s Ford, Fauquier County, for
fifty Shillings Cash, brought with the Mares, or three Pounds Cre-
dit, til October. Care will be taken to secure them from Accident, by a
strong Fence; and they will be supplied with very good Pastures, but
I will not make myself liable for them.

STRAYED from Mr. John Champe’s the
20th of October last, a BROWN BAY HORSE with a hanging
Mane and Switch Tail, a very small Star in his Forehead, about fourteen
Hands and a Half high, between four and five Years old, paces and
canters, and in heavy Roads will trot. His Rump falls a good Deal;
and as for his Brand, I cannot recollect it. Whoever will deliver him
safe to me, at Norman’s Ford, in Fauquier County, shall be entitled to
40s. Reward. LANDON CARTER.

RUN away, in the Morning of the 19th of
this Instant (March) from on Board the Justitia, Captain Finlay
at Leeds Town in Rappahannock, with the Yawl, Clinker built,
and four Oars, the five following Servants, and one of the Ship’s Com-
pany, viz.———ROBERT WALKER, born in Surry, 26 Years of Age,
five Feet six Inches high, of a dark Complexion, wears his own brown
Hair, had on when he went away a gray coloured Cloth and a brown
Surtout Coat, and either Shoes or Boots.———RALPH LAWSON, born
in London, 22 Years of Age, five Feet four Inches high, black Hair,
with a fresh Scar on his Nose, had on when he went away a blue Jacket
and Linsey Woolsey Waistcoat.———FRANCIS GRANGER, born in the
North of England, 30 Years of Age, five Feet four Inches high, of a
dark Complexion, with short black Hair, had on when he went away
a Drab coloured Jacket and Waistcoat, and a Pair of Fearnought Trousers.
———JAMES WATSON, born in Scotland, 20 Years of Age, five Feet Five
Inches high, a fresh Complexion, with black Hair, had on when he went
away a green Jacket, and blue Worsted Drawers.———ROBERT
WOOD, born in the North of England, 30 Years of Age, five Feet five
Inches high, of a dark Complexion, much pitted with the Smallpox,
wears his own black Hair, had on when he went away a blue Sailor’s
Jacket, and white Waistcoat and Trousers.———LYDIA HEATH-
COTE, born in London, 25 Years of Age, a fair Complexion, and fair
Hair, had on when she went away a black Gown.——Whoever apprehends
the above mentioned Servants, or any of them, and secures them in any
of his Majesty’s Jails, or sends them on Board the Ship at Leeds Town,
shall have 20s. Reward for each, besides what the Law allows, and 40s.
for the Yawl if brought to the Ship. FINLAY GRAY.

COMMITTED to the COUNTY Jail of Nor-
on the first of February, a Negro Woman about five Feet
four or five Inches high, thick made, appears to be about 35 Years of
Age, says her Name is MOLL CUFFY, and that she is a free born Wo-
man, but cannot make it appear.

For SALE, and may be entered on at Christmas,
A VALUABLE TRACT of LAND adjoining Sweed’s Bridge, on
Nottoway River, containing 582 Acres, more or less, on which is
a Dwelling House with two Brick Chimnies and underpinned with Brick,
and several Outhouses, all new, with a young Orchard of Apple and
Peach Trees. For father Particulars inquire of the Subscriber, on the
March 8, 1774.

Page 4
Column 1


NATIONS unborn shall curse the Men who first,
From Malice, Folly, or ambitious Thirst,
The baneful Seeds of Enmity have sown,
Which now, to Crops of fatal Discord grown,
Our Charters, Commerce, Laws, and Arts annoys,
The Bonds of mutual Confidence destroys,
And blasts the Parent’s and Children’s Joys.
Britannia ! once how kind a Parent she !
How much belov’d ! what duteous Children we !
How glow’d our Hearts with Transport at her Name !
How did her Spirit all our Breasts inflame !
From her we learn’d fair Freedom’s Worth to prize,
And read its Thousand Blessings in her Eyes.
Our Love, which made her interests all our own,
By more than filial Tenderness was shown.
How did our Eyes at her Success o’erflow!
How droop’d our Hearts with Sadness at her Wo !
Was she dishonour’d? How we felt the Wound !
How gloried, when with Glory she was crown’d !
Did we the Parent whence we sprung disgrace,
And show ourselves a mean degenerate Race?
Did we desert her in the Time of Need,
Or when our Aid was wanting fear to bleed
In her Defence? When Enemies arose,
Did we not willingly our Lives expose?
Her generous Love demanded this Return,
And tought our Hearts with Gratitude to burn,
But now, alas ! how sad a Change we find,
A Tyrant stern succeeds a Parent kind!
No Semblance of the Parent can we trace,
Nor find one single Feature of her Face,
Would she, whose Grandeur first from Freedom rose,
Her Children in that sacred Right oppose;
And, having taught them to be free and brave,
Wound her own Breast her Offspring to enslave!
It cannot be———some busy traiterous Foe,
Who aims at hers and Freedom’s Overthrow,
Has by some treacherous Practice, dark and deep,
Contriv’d to lull her Vigilance asleep;
Obtain’d her Confidence, and dar’d employ
Her Name and Power her Children to destroy.
Awake, Britannia ! from thy Slumbers rise,
Behold the Ruin that before thee lies !
Oh ! shun the Danger ere it be too late,
And drag each Traitor to deserved Fate;
Who at thy Freedom aim’d a Wound so deep,
That Nations yet unborn would feel and weep.
So shall the Traitors, branded with their Crimes,
” Examples stand, and stink to after Times.”

COMMITTED to the County Jail of Nor-
on the 27th of February, two white Servant Men, who say
they belong to Colonel John Syme at York. One of them says his Name
is THOMAS FARRALL, and the other that his is JEREMIAH QUIR.

CAME to my Plantation on Queen’s Creek,
in York County, about three Months ago, a WHITE HORSE
between seven and eight Years old, with a gray hanging Mane and long
Bob Tail, a Snip on his Nose, a dark Spot on the Top of his Withers, his
off hind Hoof all white, also Part of both near Hoofs, paces, trot and
gallops, is shod before, branded on the near Buttock Z N, and there
appears to be some Brand on the near Shoulder, which cannot be made
out. Posted, and appraised to 9£. JAMES CARTER.

TAKEN up, in Brunswick, a BLACK HORSE about four Feet four
Inches, twelve Years old, a Star in his Forehead, one of his hind
Feet white, but has no Brand perceivable. WILLIAM SIMS.

TAKEN up in Brunswick, a large BAY HORSE about four Fee
nine Inches high, appears to be old, shod before, a hanging Mane
and Switch Tail, but no Brand perceivable.

PRINCE GEORGE, March 10, 1774.
MERRY TOM, in great Prefection,
stands at my Plantation to cover Mares at 15s. the Leap, and
40s. for the Season, Pasturage gratis. His Colts are strong, beautiful,
and active. I will not be accountable for such Mares as may be stolen
or get away, though the utmost Care shall be taken of them, and none
have ever been lost hitherto. JOHN BAIRD.

WILLIAMSBURG, March 10, 1774.
JUST IMPORTED from London, and to
be sold at Mr. Bruce’s Store on the south Side of the Capitol, Garden
PEASE, BEANS, and CABBAGE SEED of different Sorts, and the
earliest and best Kinds.

To the Inhabitants of VIRGINIA.
KNOWING that the Legislature of your Colony have prohibited
INOCULATING for the SMALLPOX, I therefore offer myself
to those who may choose to come abroad to take that Disorder; but as I
am almost an utter Stranger in Virginia, it would be extreme Folly to ex-
pect much Confidence without something more than a simple Information
to the Publick. The subjoined Testimony, I imagine, will be the best
Recommendation I can give of my Ability in that Branch of my Profession.

I have understood that a Prejudice prevails against Mercury in the Pre-
paration, and perhaps with Justice, if used indiscriminately; but as that
Change of Constitution for receiving the Smallpox favourably can be made
without it, though not with the same Expedition, I have always been
sparing of it. As I deal in no Secrets nor Nostrums, the Change I ap-
prehend to be made is this: The inflammatory Disposition of the Blood
is corrected, and the Elasticity of the Solids enfeebled; or, to speak still
in a more simple Style, the System in general is weakened to a certain
Degree. This Mercury effects, I think, quicker than any Thing else yet
discovered. Upon the Whole, whoever comes under my Care may be
assured of every Attention being paid in my Power.

THE above Alexander Stenhouse has inoculated for the Smallpox these
several Years in this County, and in our Families, when required,
with as much Success as any we have heard of in the Profession.


YOUNG BAJAZET stands at Mr. Joseph
’s in King & Queen, to cover Mares at a Guinea the Leap,
or two Pounds six Shillings the Season. He is a beautiful Mohogany
Bay, upwards of fifteen Hands high, and was got by Bajazet out of a
Janus Mare bred by Berington Moore, Esq; of North Carolina. Good Pas-
turage will be provided for the Mares, with proper Attendance, by
*** Who on Easter Monday, performs his Exploits in Horsemanship
at Gloucester Courthouse.

Column 2

GODOLPHIN, a full blooded Horse, by
Fearnought, out of an imported Mare, will stand this Season at
Mr. Richard Taylor’s, near Petersburg, to cover Mares, at twenty Shillings per
Leap, or three Pounds the Season, payable in October. Those Gentlemen
who are inclined to send Mares may be assured that the greatest Care will be
taken of them, but I will not be answerable for any that shall get away.

IMPORTED in the Richmond, Captain
Patterson, a small BOX, directed to the Subscriber at Cabin Point.
I will be much obliged to any Person who will inform me where it is,
or send it to me by the first Opportunity.

To be SOLD by virtue of a Deed of Trust to Lucas
and Dixon, and John Dixon, on Monday the 18th
April, if fair, otherwise next fair Day,
A VERY valuable TRACT of LAND on Milford Haven, in KINGSTON
Parish, being on the Main opposite to Gwyn’s Island, in Gloucester
County, containing about 500 Acres. This fine Plantation is remarkable
for many Advantages and Conveniencies; for, besides the Land being
very good, there is a Brick Dwelling-House with three Rooms on a Floor
and a large Passage, a Kitchen, Barn, and all other necessary Houses, in
the best Repair; there is likewise a Brick Windmill open to the Bay,
which gets upwards of 100 Barrels of Corn a Year, besides an excellent
Orchard. And for great Plenty and a Variety of Sea and River Fish,
and the finest Oysters, it yields to no Place in Virginia. (5)

To be SOLD on very reasonable Terms, and long
Credit, if required, or
LEASED for a Term of

THE valuable and well known Plantation joining the City of Willi-
and leading to the College Landing, which is one of the
best Tracts of Land for a Farm in Virginia, and to which adjoins a large
Quantity of Marsh and Low Grounds proper for Meadow. There are
likewise several valuable SLAVES and STOCK, which may be had, if it
is agreeable, with the said Land. Undoubted Security will be required.
———In the Meanwhile, there is an enclosed Pasture to be rented, and
several small Dwelling-Houses, for Terms of which apply to

DINWIDDIE, March 1, 1774.
THE repeated Losses I have sustained, for
some Months past, make it necessary that I should grant no longer
Indulgence to those indebted to me; and as I intend to leave the Colony
so soonas I can get my Affairs settled, I am determined to put every
Bond and Account due to me, that is not discharged in a few Weeks,
into a Lawyer’s Hands.

I will dispose of the Tract of LAND whereon I live, containing about
820 Acres, six Miles from Petersburg, mostly very level, good Wheat and
Corn Land, as may appear from the present Crop of fifty Acres sown in
Wheat; it is well timbered with Pine, White and Red Oak, has on it a
new Dwelling-House 32 Feet by 18, neatly finished, good Cellars, a new
Kitchen and Laundry 36 Feet by 18, an old Dwelling-House with two
Brick Chimnies, four Rooms below and two above Stairs, which with
repairing and finishing, at a small Expense, might be made a commodious
Dwelling-House, a fine young Apple and Peach Orchard; ten or twelve
SLAVES, most of whom are very valuable, forty Head of CATTLE,
twenty of which areexceeding good Work Steers, with new Carrylogs,
Chains and Screws, that one able Fellow can raise a Stock of 5 or 6000
A Plantation of 464 Acres, about a Mile and a Half from that whereon
I live; there is a Dwelling-House and Dairy on it, a fine young Apple
and Peach Orchard, very well timbered with Oak and Pine, lies pretty
level, good for both Corn and Wheat, and has about fifty Acres cleared.
———A plantation of about 200 Acres in Prince George County, twelve
Miles from Petersburg. on Jones’s Hole Run, adjoining Thomas Bonner’s
Land, well timbered, and tolerable good Land, 20,000 Cornhills cleared,
and there is on it a Dwelling-House and Apple Orchard.———400 Acres
of Land in Surry County, on Cypress Swamp, six or seven Miles below
Cabin Point, and as far distant from James River.———150 Acres of Land
in >em>Dinwiddie County, on Cox’s Road, twenty Miles from Petersburg,
with a Dwelling and other Outhouses, being the Plantation whereon
Mr. Robert Hutchings formerly lived.———200 Acres of Land on Aaron’s
Creek, in Mecklenburg County, very good Corn, Wheat, or Tobacco
Land.———The Purchasers will be allowed a reasonable Time of Pay-
ment, and the Terms may be known of

F O R S A L E,
A TRACT of LAND in Amelia County, containing 500 Acres, about
four Miles below the Courthouse, it is remarkable fine Land for
Grain, and will bring good Tobacco. The Plantation is in good Order
for Cropping, sufficient to work six or eight Hands, with all necessary
Houses. Any Person inclinable to purchase may depend on having a
Bargain, and know the Terms by applying to

KING WILLIAM, February 25, 1774.
RUN away, in July last, MATT, a tall
slim Negro Man, by trade a Carpenter, and about forty Years
old; he walks badly, having been Frost-bit in Prison some Years ago, by
which he lost one of his great Toes, and the Print of the Irons he then
had on may be seen plainly on his legs. Whoever delivers him to me
shall receive 3£. if taken within twenty Miles of my House, and 5£. if at
a greater Distance.

F O R S A L E,
A VALUABLE FARM of 1500 Acres, within
sixteen Miles of Petersburg. The Terms may
be known on Application to the Subscriber.

NOTICE is hereby given to the Gentlemen,
Officers, and Soldiers, who claim Land under his Majesty’s Pro-
clamation of the 7th of October, 1763, having obtained Warrants from
His Excellency the Right Honourable the Earl of Dunmore, directed to
the Surveyors of Fincastle County, and intending to locate their Lands on or
near the Ohio, below the Great Kanhawa, that several Assistant Surveyors
will attend at the Mouth of the New River, or Great Kanhawa, on Thurs-
the 14th of April, to survey for such only as have or may obtain his
Lordship’s Warrants for so doing. I would therefore request that the
Claimants, or their Agents, will be very punctual in meeting at the Time
and Place above mentioned, properly provided with Chain Carriers and
other Necessaries to proceed on the Business without Delay. As several
Gentlemen, who are acquainted with that Part of the Country, are of
Opinion, that, to prevent Insults from strolling Parties of Indians, there
ought to be at least fifty Men on the River, below the Mouth of the
Kanhawa, to attend the Business in such a Manner as the Gentlemen
present judge most proper until it is finished, or the Season prevent them
from surveying any more, should the Gentlemen concerned be of the
same Opinion, they will doubtless furnish that or any less Number of
Men they believe necessary. It is hoped the Officers, or their Agents,
who may have Land surveyed, particularly such as do not reside in the
Colony, will be careful to send the Surveyor’s Fees when the Certificates
are demanded.
(5) WILLIAM PRESTON, Surveyor of Fincastle..

TAKEN up, in Chestefield a GRAY HORSE about five Years old,
four Feet two Inches high, a hanging Mane and Sprig Tail, his
off hind Foot whiter than the others, and branded on the near Buttock
with a Figure of 8. (||) THOMAS BURTON.

Column 3

TAKEN UP, in Brunswick, a BAY HORSE about four Feet four
Inches high, a roached Mane and Bob Tail, paces naturally, and
has no White about him except on the Nose. Posted, and appraised to
7£. 10s. (||) JOHN SIMS.

COMMITTED to the publick Jail, a Run-
away Negro Man, named BEN, middle sized, very black, has
lost his right Eye, stoops a little when he walks, and appears to be
above forty Years old; being an African, he speaks bad English, but
gives me to understand that he belongs to the Estate of William Smith,
deceased, whose Widow used him ill, which induced him to run away,
but he cannot, or will not, inform where she lives. His Owner is desired
to take him away, and pay Charges.

BERKELEY, February 24, 1774.
TEN very likely young VIRGINIA born
SLAVES will be sold at Chesterfield Courthouse, on Friday the
1st of April, upon Credit till the 10th of January next, the Purchasers
giving Bond with good Security to

NEWPOST, February 10, 1774.
APOLLO will begin to cover the 1st of
April, at 5£. the Season, the Money to be paid when the Mares
are taken away. Should that not be convenient, a Note of Hand, pay-
able in October at the Fredericksburg Races, will be accepted. Good Pas-
turage will be found, and the greatest Care taken of the Mares; but I
will not be answerable for any that may get away.———I propose taking
Corn, Wheat, and Pease, at the Market Price, as it may not suit every
One to pay the Cash.

RUN away, on Monday the 18th of October
last, a likely Mulatto Girl named FANNY, about fourteen or fif-
teen Years of Age; she formerly belonged to Mr. Angustine Smith, of Mid-
with whom I am informed her Mother, named Joan, now lives as
Cook. I have great Reason to suspect that she has been harboured by a
Negro Fellow named Moses, belonging to Payton Randolph, Esq; about
his Quarter in Merchants Hundred, from whence, I suppose, she will en-
deavour to cross about York to go to her Relations in Middlesex. Whoever
apprehends the said Slave, and secures, her in any of his Majesty’s Jails,
and gives me Notice thereof, shall have 3£. Reward, or 4£. if delivered to
me in Williamsburg. (tf) JOHN LEWIS.

To be SOLD for ready Money, or Credit not exceeding
five Years, or
RENTED upon good Terms,
THE beautiful and pleasant Seat known by the Name of OXFORD,
together with the Land adjacent, containing 1000 Acres, whereon
Granville Courthouse and Jail now stands. The Land lies very level,
Part of which will produce Tobacco, and most of it is very good for
Wheat, Indian Corn, Oats, &c. The Improvements consist of a large
well finished Dwelling-House, Kitchen, Tavern, Granary, and other
convenient Buildings, almost new. There is on the Plantation an Apple
Orchard of about 340 Trees of exceeding good Fruit, just beginning to
bear. The Water is perhaps as fine as any in the World, and the Place
is in good Order for Tavern-keeping. Any Person inclinable to purchase
or rent the same may know the Terms by applying to the Subscriber,
upon the Premises.

NEWMARKET (Caroline) December 1, 1773.
RUN away from the Subscriber, the latter
End of October 1772, a likely Mulatto Man named RANDOLPH,
about thirty Years of Age, and five Feet eight or nine Inches high; he
had on, when he went away, a Suit of Green, with red Livery. As he
has many Acquaintances about Williamsburg, it is probable he is lurking
about that Place. Whoever delivers the said Slave to me shall hav

For S A L E,
ABOUT twelve Thousand Acres of exceeding rich TOBACCO
LAND, in Amherst County, whereon are several Plantations and
Improvements sufficient to work forty or fifty Hands. There is on the
said Land for Sale a very valuable GRIST MILL, lately built, with a
Stone Dam and a Pair of good Cologne Millstones, which Mill has for two
Years past got upwards of 100 Barrels of Toll Corn, and is situated on a
never failing Stream. The Land will be shown by William Womack, who
lives at one of the Plantations, and the Prices of the Land made
known by him. One or two Years Credit will be allowed, Interest being
paid for the second Year, and also for the first, if the Money is not paid
agreeable to the Contract. The Land is to be laid off and surveyed by
Colonel William Cabell, at the Expense of the Purchaser. Deeds will be
made upon Bond and approved Security being given, either to Colonel
William Cabell, or the Subscriber. Six per Cent. Discount will be allowed
for ready Money, or good Merchants Notes. If any Person will choose
to exchange Lands in the lower Part of the Country, on or near some
navigable River, that are good, it is more than probable we should agree.

To be SOLD, Separately or TOGETHER
TWO TRACTS of LAND. One lies in Albemarle County, on
Hardware River, about five Miles from the great River, contain-
ing 370 Acres, 100 of which are the best Kind of low Grounds, and
situated so as always to have the best Range for Stock of any Land be-
tween the Capes and Little Mountains.

The other Tract lies in
Goochland County, on Lickinghole Creek, near
the Three notehed Road, and contains 700 Acres. The high Land is
equal to any in these Parts, fine for Tobacco and Wheat, or any Kind
of Grain or Meadow. About 200 Acres are cleared, now under good
Fences, laid off in three Fields, and in fine Ordee to work about ten
Hands to great Advantage. The Improvements are a good Dwelling-
house, Kitchen, Smokehouse, a Dairy, four good Tobacco Houses, with
Negro Quarters, and other convenient Buildings, also a fine Apple and
Peach Orchard. The Place is pleasantly situated, has fine Water, is as
healthy as any Part of the Colony, and is convenient to Church or Pro-
Meetinghouse, and several Mills, besides one on the Land turned
by a Spring Branch to grind for three of four Families the whole Year,
and is not in the least unhealthy, as the Water may be ground off every
Day. Credit will be given for Part of both Tracts. Any Person inclin-
able to purchase may know the Terms by applying to Mr. William Mit-
Merchant in Richmond, or to the Subscriber, who will show the
land. (tf) WILLIAM PRYOR.
GOOCHLAND, November 1773. 3,

YORK Town, June 9, 1773.
THE Subscribers being very solicitous to
comply with the Will of their Testator, the late Honourable Wil-
liam Nelson,
desire that all Persons who were indebted to him will endea-
vour to make as speedy Payments as possible. Those who have Accounts
open on his Books, and who cannot immediately discharge the Balances,
are desired to give their Bonds. This Request is the more necessary, as
most of the Legacies bequeathed by the Testator are to be paid in Sterling
Money, and he has directed that his younger Sons Fortunes shall be placed
out at Interest upon undoubted Securities, so soon as it can be done.
Those who have any Demands are desired to make them immediately

ALL Persons may be supplied with this PAPER at 12s. 6d. a Year, and have ADVERTISEMENTS (of a moderate Length) inserted in it for
3s. the first Week, and 2s. each Week after——*** All Sorts of PRINTING WORK done at this Office in the neatest Manner, with
Care and Expedition.

Original Format

Ink on paper



Purdie and Dixon, printer, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 1173, March 31, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 26, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/167.