Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette. Number 433, Thursday, August 25, 1774


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The Virginia Gazette. Number 433, Thursday, August 25, 1774



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All Persons may be supplied with this GAZETTE at 12s. 6d. a Year. ADVERTISEMENTS, of a moderate Length, are inserted for 3s. the first Week,
and 2s. each Time after; long ones in Proportion. ____PRINTING WORK, of every Kind, executed with Care and Dispatch.

THE generous support which the printer of this paper has
received from the public, since the decease of her late
husband, induces her once more to return the warmest
acknowledgements, as well for past favours as the kind
promises of many individuals to continue their kindness
towards her; and it is with infinite satisfaction she can
assure her customers that she shall shortly, should Providence be pleased
to restore her health, be enabled to conduct her business with more ease
and extension than her most sanguine expectations originally dictated.

The known emoluments arising from a free exercise of the press, in all
matters which serve not the ends of corruption and malevolence, and the
numerous other advantages derived from a well conducted newspaper, are
so apparent, that it requires no comment, or expostulation, particularly
to enlarge or set them forth. To revive, at all times in her power, the
spirit of this paper, by a due observance of material intelligence, and a
proper attention to all pieces with which she may be favoured from any
of her correspondents, which, if they exceed not the bounds of her
gazette, and are fraught with either a decent or moral tendency, shall
have their proper arrangement.

The printer would by no means be understood to boast a superiority in
the conduct of a vehicle of this nature; the only advances, that it shall
be her particular endeavour to amuse and instruct, and, at the same time,
her firm determination, ever to preserve the dignity of her paper.

Nor will she presume to urge that this gazette will always be exempt,
or free, from small, or typographical errors, it being utterly impossible
for the nicest eye, at all times, to distinguish, or perceive, faults of that
nature, owing chiefly to the extreme hurry in which we are generally

A general correspondence with all the printers on this continent, as
also with many of the printers, and others with whom it is convenient
to carry on a correspondence of this sort, in many of the principal towns
and cities of Great Britain, is established, which will of course be
materially interesting and useful to us, by affording means to supply our
readers with the latest intelligence from those different quarters.

But while we are thus descanting upon the benefits resulting from a
paper conducted on such a plan as we have mentioned, it may not be
amiss, or unkindly taken, should we now drop a hint or two with respect
to the means which alone can prolong its existence:-----To every person,
then, but more especially to every customer, it must evidently appear,
that they are served at a very great expence, which cannot be defrayed
without punctual remittances from the subscribers yearly; nor would the
cash, due for advertisements at different periods, and for other kinds of
printing work, be unacceptable, were it to accompany the gazette money;
and which we must earnestly hope will be a material consideration with
our kind benefactors. This would enable her to proceed with spirit, and
at the same time to lay something by for the support of her children at
a future day; and she will not delay, that, under those circumstances, it
will be pretty considerable.

The printer must now, too, beg leave to observe, that this week
compleats the first year since she has had the management of an office;
and should it not be convenient for those of her subscribers who live
remote form Williamsburg to send their subscription money so soon as
they could wish, they will please to convey it by some merchant, or
other person, who would readily, she is persuaded, do that kindness for
her, when they attend the ensuing October general court.

Having nothing farther to add, and fearing that I have already been
too troublesome, I shall conclude the public’s most grateful, and much
obliged, humble servant,
August 18, 1774. CLEMENTINA RIND.

Messieurs BRADFORDS,
THOUGH I am very sensible that matters of politics belong more
to men than women, yet I cannot help sometimes indulging serious
thoughts on the present alarming situation of public affairs. The actions
of the ministry and parliament express a determined resolution to subject
the colonies to their will and pleasure; while the union of the colonies
and their deep rooted love of liberty, convince me, that they will not
tamely surrender their rights, nor, without a struggle, consent to hold
their lives and property by the precarious tenure of the will of others.
The natural timidity of my sex paints on my imagination the horrors of
the struggle in dismal colours, which are doubtless heightened by educa-
tion, and the peace and tranquility heretofore enjoyed. But dreadful
as the calamities of war may be, in my view, the horrors of slavery are
still more dreadful. Cities have been demolished, and under the auspices
of liberty have, in a few years, risen to their former splendour; armies
have been vanquished, and again repaired; but a people subjected to arbi-
trary government sink from misery to misery, till their wretchedness
beggars all description! SOPHRONIA.

The following ANECDOTE, not altogether unapplicable to the
present situation of affairs in Boston, may not be disagreeable to our

ABOUT the year 1734 sir Robert Walpole having planned an
act for a general excise, communicated to the king his intentions
of having it passed, with assurances at the same time of its producing a
very considerable revenue. His majesty approved the plan, and ordered
sir Robert to prosecute it. The bill was accordingly introduced into the
second reading, sir Robert, on his return from the house, would in all
probability have been murdered, had he not been rescued by colonel
Horsey of the guards; all the avenues to the house being thronged with
people, fired with resentment against so iniquitous a bill, and eager to
revenge themselves on the framer of it. Sir Robert then dreading the
consequences of its passing, went to his majesty and applied for permission
to decline it altogether. The king, however, insisted on the prosecution
of it, and sending for John duke of Argyle, who was then general of
the forces in Great Britain, asked him in what condition his army was?
The answer was, in a very good one. Are the regiments complete? As
much so as they generally are in times of peace. Can you depend on
them? I will be answerable for every one of them to a man. Then it
shall pass, said his majesty. On which the duke desired to know what
was to pass; and on being informed, the noble general answered, “May
it please your majesty! Whenever you turn your arms against your ene-
mies, I will pledge myself for their good behaviour; but if you turn
English arms against English arms, I will not be responsible for them.
Nobly said, even to his majesty! But now we are so genteelly bashful,
that we dare not say as much to a tyrant minister!

BOSTON, July 21.
A CORRESPONDENT observes, that if the bills should pass for
altering the government of Massachusetts Bay, it cannot be sup-
posed that any man of character will accept of, or act in, any affair con-
trary to the established laws and chartered rights of the people; if any
persons should be so abandoned,, as to act against the liberty and the
voice of this country, they must be esteemed the vilest enemies of free-
dom, and the basest wretches above ground.

The firmness and unanimity of the people to defend their invaluable
rights, notwithstanding the restlessness of a little selfish faction, does

Column 2

this province honour. At a meeting of sixty gentlemen, deputies of the
several towns in the county of Berkshire, a number of judicious, spirited
resolves were passed, and a non-consumption agreement agreed upon, to
encourage our own manufactures, and a subscription for the Boston suffer-
ers, by the port act. The accounts from Connecticut are the most en-
couraging, and the firmness, activity, and generosity, of the other colonies,
is astonishing to the enemies of American freedom. Courage AMERI-
CANS! and, with the help of God, the slavery intended us may be
warded off, and our tranquility established.

Large orders for fall goods have been countermanded, occasioned by the
non-consumptive agreement.

July 25. On the 4th of May, at Leeds, in England, wheat was sold
at the enormous price of 7s. sterling (exactly 10s. lawful money) per

A non-consumption agreement, we hear, is universally adopted in
New Hampshire, and in every part of this province; in many towns
scarce a dissentient. As this was foreseen, large orders for a fall importa-
tion have been countermanded. May the blessing of him that is ready to
perish fall upon the benefactors to this besieged and distressed town,
through the continent. Their sympathy and generosity are astonishing.

A subscription paper is said to be signing with amazing rapidity, by the
ladies and gentlemen of Portsmouth, “that from and after the 16th day
of July, 1774, they will not import, sell, purchase, or consume any kind
of East India teas, nor suffer the same to be used or consumed in their
respective families, until the present duty on that article shall be taken
off, and the port of Boston opened.”

Mr. Pelathiah Webster, of Philadelphia, has given orders to his cor-
respondent here to pay into the hands of the treasurer of the committee
for receiving donations, ten pounds lawful money, for the use of the
industrious poor, who are now suffering in consequence of the Boston
port bill.

July 28. Every part of this extensive continent, so far as we have yet
heard, appear to be deeply interested in the fate of this unhappy town.
Many and great are the donations we have already received, and many
more we have good reason to expect. The cry of hunger is not so great
as was at first expected. Even our poorest people have not suffered for
the want of bread. May that Being who hath the hearts of all men in
his hands, and who turneth them as he pleaseth, still dispose our sym-
pathising brethren to continue their benefactions, till we are happily
relieved from our present difficulties!

The governor of Connecticut has appointed the 31st of August next as
a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer.

At a town meeting on Tuesday last, the methods proposed for employ-
ing such as are out of business by the operation of the port bill, were
approved; a circular letter to the other town, relative to the bills for
vacating our charter, was reported, and accepted by the town. The
meeting stands adjourned to Tuesday the 9th day of August.

We hear from Marblehead that the fast was observed with great solemni-
ty there, and can find but two persons who were disposed to profane it
by opening their stores. As they both had addressed Mr. Hutchinson, they
refused to join in the merchants agreement of that town relative to stores
and wharves, or to subscribe towards the relief of such as would be void
of support under the oppressive port bill. This impious proceeding is
attended with aggravating circumstances. The persons were R---H---,
esquire, and his son in law S-----W----; and although the first has
rented his country seat to his excellency, we cannot think he was advised
to trample on religion and abuse holy things; since the army and navy,
although sent on a hostile errand, have hitherto conducted with more
decency. It is probable that such men as these have given encouragement
to parliament to persist in their arbitrary measures; men born amongst us,
who to get a place or pension are so active to ruin their country, are, by
far, more culpable than any persons of Great Britain can possibly be.
May proper steps be taken to hand their names and characters down to
posterity! The reverend clergy we are glad to find generally engaged in
the cause of liberty through the continent; they are fully sensible that a
people who lose their liberty, and submit to despotism, will inevitably
follow the examples of their tyrannical superiors, and throw of all reli-
gion. Christianity was never known to flourish in an arbitrary govern-
ment, and therefore our pious teachers do well in opposing slavery, as
an inlet to every vice; none but dupes of power assert that the clergy, in
such times as these, have nothing to do with politics, since the sacred
writings bear frequent testimony against oppression and tyranny. Surely
they are under every possible obligation to exert themselves in favour of
their country, since, with the loss of its liberty, religion must sink,
social happiness be destroyed, and in the ruin and downfall of America,
they and their families be impoverished and reduced to hardships and want.

By captait Lovett, arrived last sabbath in this town, after a short
passage to Portsmouth from Antigua, we learn that the merchants and
planters were in great consternation there on reading the proposals of
the colonies for suspending their supplies of lumber and provisions, which
they agree must be ruinous to them; and in consequence, they have ap-
propriated a third of their cane plantations for the culture of Indian corn,
yams, potatoes, &c. for the maintenance of their slaves, in case the
suspension does take place. It is further said Antigua has sent home a
remonstrance on that head, and prayed Great Britain, either to open the
port of Boston, and let them have provisions as usual, or furnish them
with the absolute necessities of life themselves; otherwise, say they,
their sugar planting must speedily come to an end, as they can neither
support their slaves, nor ship the sugars home for want of casks. Not-
withstanding the distress in which they foresee they must be involved by
our discontinuance of trade with them, they generously commend us for
the resolutions, acknowledging that in our circumstances any measure we
can lay hold on for relief from the chains imposing upon us is fully justi-
fiable. An instance of their generosity and patriotism captain Lovett had
the pleasure of witnessing. That old troubler of Boston, captain Bruce,
was railing against this town in a large company at a principal tavern at
dinner while he was there; and after he had expatiated largely on the
abuse he had suffered for bringing his blessed cargo of tea (though by the
way the old caitiff was used more tenderly than any shipmaster concerned
in that rascally job) and hoped the next freight he brought them would
be soldiers: A gentleman stepped calmly up to him, and asked him if
he had not for many years got his bread from the people against whom he
was so bitterly inveighing? And being answered in the affirmative, he
caught Bruce by the nose, and let him out of the company, requiring him
to keep his distance, as a dirty ingrate, unworthy of any gentleman’s
company or countenance. The company present, on this, agreed not to
afford him an ounce of freight on any terms, and it is thought the loyal
martyr will be forced to go home in ballast. A fine circle truly, captain
Bruce! You ought indeed to be noticed by his lordship; for it is great
odds if you are not as stiff, as obstinate, as wrong headed a miscreant as
ever listed under his banner.
From a rascal in office of exports and imports in Boston (one Murray)
to his friend, D. Ar. McNeil, in Carolina.

”Our sons of liberty, as you will see by the papers, have at length
procured for themselves a smart dose of correction, but they make faces
and take it with a bad grace, which will not make the operation the
gentler. Will your colony, and others of the same stamp take warning
by our discipline? If they do not they will certainly come in for their
share, now John Bull is roused.”

Column 3

Extract of a letter from Newport, dated July 22.
”Two vessels from South Carolina arrived here last night; the people
there have subscribed 2000 barrels of rice for your town; and two vessels
were loading for Boston with some of it, when the last advices came

Letters from the southern parts of North Carolina assure us, that the
inhabitants there will go as far in defence of American liberty as can be
expected, and recommend, if a congress should be deemed the first step
necessary to be taken, that subscriptions, or rather collections, be set on
foot throughout the continent, to raise and remit a sum of money to the
community in Boston, for the relief of their distressed and suffering
brethren there, who must stand in equal need of such assistance, as if
their town had been destroyed by fire.
Extract of a letter from Alexandria (Virginia) to a gentleman in town, dated
July 6, 1774.

”The following subscription for the benefit and relief of those (the
industrious poor of the town of Boston) who by the late cruel act of par-
liament are deprived of their daily labour and bread, to prevent the inha-
bitants sinking under the oppression or migrating, to keep up that manly
spirit that has made them dear to every American, through the envy of
an arbitrary parliament, is from the county of Fairfax, in this colony,
viz. 273l. in specie (equal to lawful) 38 barrels of flour, and 150 bushels
of wheat. This subscription being but few days on foot, we have not
had an opportunity to present it to the country in general; a large sum
will be given. Mr. Henley yesterday returned from Dumfries, after con-
sulting the committee of Prince William county, in which a subscription
is going on generously; this day he sets out to consult the committees of
Loudoun and Frederick counties, in each of which a spirit becoming gene-
rous and free born sons of liberty are in the like manner testified: Indeed,
all Virginia and Maryland are contributing for the relief of Boston. The
subscription is to be laid out in corn and flour, to be shipped and configured
to the honourable James Bowdoin and John Hancock, esquires, Mr.
Samuel Adams, Isacc Smith, esquire, and the gentlemen committee of
correspondence in Boston, to be distributed in such manner as they shall
think most proper, among the persons reduced to want and indigence by
means of the cruel and unjust act of parliament. We expect daily to load
our schooner Nassau with a cargo to be presented, as by the enclosed paper.
Our association was put off, as the people from the country could not at-
tend, being in the midst of harvest, and bad weather; they would have
lost much grain; but be assured Virginia and Maryland are determined to
unite with the colonies. Firmness and intrepidity are their characters.”

Thursday last the delegates from the several towns in the province of
New Hampshire met at Exeter, when they made choice of colonel
Nathaniel Folsom of Exeter, and major John Sullivan of Durham, to re-
present that province at the general congress.

A correspondent says it is expected that the congress will recommend
to the people of this continent to enter into an engagement not to pur-
chase any goods of the English East India company, or their factors, until
the company hath made compensation to Boston, and other towns of the
continent, which have suffered in consequence of said company’s basely
sending their detested tea to America.

A few days ago a number of small arms and a box of files, which were
transporting from this place to Salem, were seized on Boston Neck, by
order of lieutenant Johnston.

To the printer of the PENNSYLVANIA PACKET.
ON reading in the eastern papers the address to general Gage, from
the justices of Suffolk, in Massachusetts government, with his
excellency’s answer to it, brought to my mind the address of the mayor
and corporation of Coventry, to queen Elizabeth, on her paying them a
visit: I will attempt to repeat it, though perhaps not literally.
We men of Coventry
Are very glad to see
Your royal majesty;
Good laws, how fair you be!
To which her majesty replied:
My royal majesty,
Is very glad to see
You men of Coventry;
Good sirs, what fools you be!
Now though I do not pretend to that elegance of language, and beauty
of poetry, so eminently here displayed, I will aim at a humble imitation.
To general GAGE.
His royal majesty,
In this time of “difficulty,”
Has sent your excellency
To rule and govern we;
Dear sir, how wife you be!
I do most thankfully
Receive these lines from ye,
Men who plainly see
My great “ability;”
Dear sirs, what knaves you be!

To the KING.
I am going to address you in a stile with which the ear of a monarch
is but little acquainted; I equally detest the panegyric of a courtier,
and the malignity of a pretended patriot. Stimulated by a real zeal for
the welfare of my country, it shall be my endeavour to point out the
brink of destruction on which we at this moment stand; it ought to be
your’s to snatch us from it.

I have said that this nation is on the verge of ruin; think not that
such an assertion is idle declamation. There is but one method, that I
know of, by which we can judge of the future; it is by a retrospect to
the past. Look back, sir, to what hath happened in similar situations;
from thence you will be able to form a truer judgment than from the
information which reaches you through the medium of a court. Let the
historian be the faithful instructor of my sovereign. He who relates the
conduct of those who are no more hath no interest in deceiving. The
gloss of the picture may indeed be worn off, but its real beauties are
matured by time.

Believe not those who tell you that this country is in a flourishing
condition; it is their interest that leads them to impose such falsehoods on
your royal ear. They know that it is next to impossible they should be
detected. You have only an opportunity of beholding the wealth and
grandeur of your metropolis, with the beautiful country around it; the
wretchedness of the more distant parts is unknown. The cries and
distresses of the poor never pollute the atmosphere of a palace.

Your heart, I am confident, is capable of the most benevolent feelings.
Were you but acquainted with the misery that proceeds from that
corruption, which is too notorious to be doubted, you would no longer
suffer the industrious poor to be plundered, to bestow thousands upon
men who are a burthen to their country, and a disgrace to the hands that
exalt them.

Page 2
Column 1

I am aware of the nice situation in which a monarch is placed:
Surrounded by sycophants, to whom truth is a stranger, I pity him for
measures which I cannot but detest; and where every private virtue
adorns him, I must still esteem the man, however I condemn the
magistrate. But, sir, it behoves you to pierce through the veil that
surrounds you. Try to discern things as they are, not as they seem, and
let your own judgments be the director of your conduct, Be it my care
for the present to display a few truths to your view, with that duty and
respect which I owe to you, as my sovereign, and with that freedom
which I owe to myself and man.

I have before said that we are to judge of the future by the past; every
empire since the beginning of the world might be brought home to my
subject. The Roman was the latest, and, I believe, the strongest example;
to it therefore I shall confine myself. Shall I beg your attention? It
cannot be of disservice.

In the early days of Rome its citizens were linked together by the
strongest bond of nature, that of self-preservation. The meanest under-
standing very clearly perceived, that to defend themselves from the foes
that surrounded them, unanimity was the first essential. They perceived
also, that power belonged only unto those whose superior abilities could
dictate the wisest measures in the cabinet, and best enforce them in the
field. Nor were the abilities the only requisite to distinctions; the strictest
virtue, the noblest rectitude of life, were also necessary. They lodged not
power with those whose principles were suspected, lest they should betray.

Rome conquered every foe, not by a majority of numbers, but by superior
virtue. Love of country, and the public good, were the darling passions
of a Roman. They did not serve the state to plunder it; they led not mer-
cenary armies to the field, but men who fought for all they held dear.
No other forces could withstand them, for no other forces possessed such
uncorrupted manners. Surrounding nations sought their ruin, and num-
bers seemed to ensure it; but Roman virtue towered above them all;
their eagles flew victorious, and conquest crowned their arms.

Such once was Rome; in some degree, such once was Britain. Let
us then take a view of Rome’s decline; it may perhaps come home to
times more modern.

There is an old observation, and I believe a true on, that every crime
carries with it its own punishment; it is at least verified in the case before
us. Whilst Rome fought only against her real enemies, and from the just
principle of self-defence, she raised herself to the highest pitch of human
greatness; but when she carried her arms to distant nations, that never
had molested her; when the sword was drawn from the infamous motives
of plunder and conquest, she laid the foundation of her own destruction
Her Asiatic wars, indeed, brought wealth and riches into Rome, but
with them were introduced luxuries that had been before unknown.
From that moment virtue and public spirit sunk apace; dissipation banish-
ed temperance and independence; their bodies became enfeebled, and
their souls depraved; a few engrossed the riches of the empire, and po-
verty depressed the lower ranks of me; it was no longer virtue that
raised me up to the first employments of the state, but the chance of
birth, and the caprice of fortune. Those men, whose genius and whose
sentiments would have reflected honour on the highest offices, fled from a
court where vice and villainy prevailed. Such a situation could not long
continue. When universal corruption overspreads the body, dissolution
is at hand. Bodies enervated, and minds polluted, were but feeble
opponents, when attacked by invaders, who followed nature, undebauched
by art. The Roman empire, that had flourished for ages, that had been
the mistress of the world, was overturned from her very foundation in
less than two centuries. How instructive is such an example to succeed-
ing nations? Whilst the Roman people were virtuous; whilst every office
and honour were bestowed on those only whose superior merit claimed
pre-eminence; whilst public good was the universal pursuit, and whilst
none were possessed of overgrown fortunes, nor wanted the real necessa-
ries of life, they were invincible; But when the distinctions of birth and
riches arose, and to be good no longer led to greatness; when the public
treasure was squandered on unworthy individuals, and the poor were
plundered to enrich the rich; when love of country yielded to the love
of self; when one man was possessed of hoarded thousands, and millions
were unsupplied with the comforts of life, they sank to ruin, and dissolved

Such, sir, is the portrait which I lay before you. My observations,
though general, are, I believe, sufficient to convince you, that those very
symptoms which preceded the fall of Rome appear but too evidently in
the British constitution. Similar causes must ever produce similar effects.
The mode of our death may indeed be different, but it is equally certain,
unless some means can be found to recal our political health. We may
perhaps be too far gone even for medicine to avail; but however that may
be, the attempt would crown you with immortal glory. You would have
all the hounours due to the saviour of his country, though the enterprize
should fail. You see, sir, I do not accuse you of being the cause of those
evils I complain of; however popular such accusations may be, I am
satisfied they are unjust. It is the universal depravity of the times that
gives rise to those measures with which you are charged; I shall not
therefore attack any particular instance of corruption of which may have
happened since the commencement of your reign, but shall endeavour to
point out the original source from whence that corruption hath pro-

The source I mean to attack is the perversion of the house of commons.
I shall not detain you in proving what you cannot be unacquainted with.
In the construction of every body the soundness of each part is absolutely
necessary to the perfection of the whole: How happens it, then, that
a majority is obtained in the house of commons who will implicitly obey
the dictates of a cruel minister? Who no longer meet to deliberate on
what is necessary for the good of the nation, but to give their votes as
they have been before instructed? It is true, they have yet the shadow of
free debate, but how long even the shadow will remain after the substance
is gone, is not very difficult to determine. Sir Robert Walpole, to secure
his power, and to defend himself form the infamy due to his administra-
tion, first broached the absurd doctrine of the interests of king and people
being different; interested men have since supported it, and it now seems
established beyond redress. But, sir, be not blinded by false representa-
tions; five a fair and candid examination to the nature of that consti-
tution of which you are the head; you will then find that the
wealth of individuals may be of small service in the hour of danger,
when compared with the assistance which an independent and happy
yeomanry would cheerfully afford; you will find that the affections of
your subjects would be the best bulwark against every invader, and the
most faithful guardians of your person; in short, you will find, that the
propriety and happiness of a British monarch depends on every branch of
the constitution having that power and independence which was originally
designed. I know it may be said that there is a party against government
as well as for it: I grant it to be so; but let the one be no more, the
other will cease to exist, In the present parliament that indeed might
not be the case. Let us suppose one according to the plan that follows:

A king of England, convinced that his good, and that of his people,
were one and the same thing, issues his royal mandate for the election of
members to serve in parliament. As the welfare of the constitution is
his sole aim, he declares that no bribe of any nature, nor any interposi-
tion from the throne, shall influence the election of members, or bias
the debates of the house of commons when assembled. Let me ask what
would be the probable consequence of such a measure? It would be that
those men who at present spend such sums to be returned would no longer
be candidates; for they no longer would have the prospect of being amply
repaid. The best men in the kingdom would then be called forth by the
people to receive the sacred trust of representatives; for the people’s
poverty would no longer be tempted to make them resign their judgement
and integrity. men who now from principle fly to retirement, from
principle would then return to the world; for they would be happy to
serve their country when they could do it without an expence productive
of ruin. The designing knave would no longer dupe the vulgar with
pretended patriotism and noisy bombast; for he would then have nothing
to hope for. The king would meet a parliament ready to do every thing
loyalty and affection could dictate; for it would be the study of such a
parliament to promote the power and welfare of him and his kingdoms.
The taxes would then be laid on those shoulders that are best able to bear
them, and the real necessaries of life would come at the lowest rate to
to the meanest people. Luxury would then be made still more
luxurious; for such a parliament would supply the wants of the crown
by duties that would be levied off the wealthy, not off the indigent.
With such a parliament the confidence of the nation would be unlimited,
domestic foes would be unknown, and foreign enemies might well be
disregarded; wherever you appeared you would be hailed the deliverer of
your country, and the benevolent father of your people. Through life
your applauding subjects would look up to you with adoration, and at
your death the weeping multitude, in dismal accents, would proclaim,
our guardian is no more!

Such, sir, is the only method that occurs to me in the present emer-
gency. I cannot for a moment suspect you of aiming at the subversion of
our liberties; if I did, I should not trouble you with this address. For
a man’s real character I shall ever look into private life; here I have ex-
amined your’s, and find it without a fault. But, sir, though you do not
harbour a sentiment in your royal breast that is destructive to your people,

Column 2

we know not what your successors may do. The measures pursued since
your reign hath commenced must evidently tend to absolute monarchy.
You cannot blame your subjects for being alarmed, when they behold the
most useless employments created to reward the most worthless of men;
when they see pension after pension bestowed on beings who have never,
in the smallest instance, been of service to their country; but all their
jealousies and fears would cease was the parliament to be restored to its
primitive state; that is only to ne done by withdrawing the temptation
that perverts the institution. At present men lay out money in pur-
chasing seats, as the stock jobber does in the alley, from the expectation
of making hundreds per cent.

These, sir, are the sentiments of a man, who, from his infancy, hath
been taught to think the Hanoverian succession a source of freedom and
independence. Next to my country I would serve you with my life;
God forbid the service of the one should ever be incompatible with that
of the other.

LAST Wednesday arrived here the ship Swan, captain James
Ayscough, from New York; and brought with him a small pilot
boat, with about one hundred and forty pounds of tea, which he took
off Sandy Hook; he has since failed on a cruise, and on Saturday was
seen off Montague Point, bringing to vessels as they came out of, or
went into, the sound.

We can assure our readers that the town of Boston remains very firm
and resolute, and that nothing, under heaven, can force them to submit
to the assumed right of the present infamous parliament, unless the other
colonies should fail in their support, of which , thank God, there is not
the least probability.

Copy of a LETTER from the committee of BOSTON to the committee of
GENTLEMEN, BOSTON, July 16, 1774.

YOUR important letter of the 27th ult. with the enclosures, came
safe to hand, and were regarded as “good news from a far country.”
The part taken by the province of Maryland must henceforth stop the
mouths of those blasphemers of humanity, who have affected to question
the existence of public virtue. So bright an example as you have set; can-
not fail to animate and encourage even the lukewarm and indifferent,
more especially such honest men as wish to be assured of support before
they engage in so weighty an enterprize.

The account you give of us of the spirit and magnanimity of the people
of Virginia confirm us in the opinion we have ever had of that ancient
colony, of whose disinterested virtue this province has had ample expe-
rience. The noble sacrifice you stand ready to make of the staple com-
modity of your province, so materially affecting the revenue of Great
Britain, and your generous interposition in our favour, have our warmest
acknowledgements. So much honour, wisdom, public and private virtue,
so much readiness in every colony, to afford every species of aid and
assistance that the suffering state requires, must convince a venal herdthat
notwithstanding they may be utterly unacquainted with the meaning of
the word patriotism, it has, however, a substantial existence in North
America. With the smiles of all governing providence upon the vigorous
efforts of our inestimable brethren at home and abroad, we promise our-
selves a final deliverance form the calamities we are now subjected to;
and which, for our own, our country, and posterity’s political salvation,
we resolve, by God’s assistance, to sustain with fortitude and patience.
We are, gentlemen, your friends and fellow countrymen.
Signed by order, WILLIAM COOPER, clerk
Extract of a letter from an officer in the army, now in Ireland, who served
almost all the last war in
America, to his friend in this city, dated the
27th of
May, 1774.

”I hope my good friends, the Bostonians, may get themselves well
out of the scrape, both to their satisfaction and honour, as a house di-
vided against itself cannot stand. I was well acquainted with many of
their officers that served on different campaigns with me last war, and
proved to be good officers, and brave, worthy men. These are the sen-
timents of many here, who served in American last war, and would shud-
der at the thoughts of being ordered on so disagreeable service as that
of drawing a trigger against an American, and their countrymen. It is
my opinion we should all become Americans sooner than comply with
such an order.”

A VESSEL, we hear, hath failed from the eastern shore of this
province with a cargo of provisions, as a free gift to our besieged
brethren at Boston.

The inhabitants of all the counties of Virginia and Maryland are sub-
scribing with great liberality for the relief of the distressed towns of
Boston and Charlestown. The inhabitants of Alexandria, we hear, in a
for that noble purpose.

Subscriptions are opened in this town for the support and animation of
the inhabitants of Boston, under their present great conflict for the com-
mon freedom of us all, which have already been so successful that a vessel
is now loading with provisions for that place, as a testimony of the
affection of this people towards their persecuted brethren, now bravely
contending against “fraud, power, and the most odious oppression,” which
God grant may never rise triumphant over “right, justice, social happi-
ness, and freedom!”

A GENTLEMAN, upon reading general Gage’s proclamation for
VICE, &c. observed, that it could be intended only as a
sneer at the Bostonians; and he was very much surprised to find his excellency
asserting that he did it
“in humble imitation of his majesty.”---BEWARE

AS the governnor, in his extraordinary proclamation, with much seeming
piety too, labours to make the people believe that he is greatly concerned for
their future, as well as present happiness, would it not have tended to pro-
mote such a truly pious purpose had his excellency been a little less on the reserve
after recommending an avoidance of hypocrisy, &c. (example being much
more prevalent than precept) and declared that he did not mean, nor intend,
such offenders of the military as might, either wantonly, maliciously, or con-
trary to the laws of God and man, maim, wound, kill, or plunder, any of the
inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay? All such trifling offences being cognizable
only in Great Britain; as a declaration of this kind must have carried con-
viction with it to the very breast of his excellency's least admirers, not to say
enemies, when there is so much goodness intended to those committed to his
charge. But in order to convince the world that the governor's regard for that
province is unfeigned, it may be necessary to publish the two folloiwng para-
graphs from his excellency's letter to the earl of Hillsborough, dated Boston,
October 31, 1768; by which it will appear that he had the constitution of
that government at heart when he was much less interested in it than he is at

”If it is asked why the governor does not turn all the justices of peace out
of commission, and put others in, who will do their duty, it is answered,
that the governor can neither appoint justices, or turn them out, but by consent
of council; and that the council opposes every thing proposed to the governor,
for the service of government, that is unpopular. From what has been said,
your lordship will conclude that there is no government in Boston. There is, in
truth, very little at present, and the constitution of this province leans so much
to the side of democracy, that the governor has not the power to remedy the
disorders which happen in it.” See printed letters from governor Bernard,
general Gage, and others, to the early of Hillsborough.

From the above description of the general’s, and the measures now carrying
on by the governor, does it not seem as if his excellency’s concern for a reforma-
tion of that constitution had recommended him to administration for the great
and important change that is manifestly intended to be made throughout all the
colonies, after the experiment has succeeded with one?


THE general cry that has for some time prevailed against my countrymen,
that they are, in toto, inimical to the liberties of America, is so mani-
fest a piece of injustice to them, that I must beg leave to claim a place in your
paper for a few words in behalf of the
Scots mechanics of this town, who
are numerous, in general a set of sober, industrious, honest men, and many of
them otherwise respectable: Let others answer for themselves.

This order, Mr. Timothy, I can assure you, are not tainted with those
views and expectations that generally warp men from a proper attention to the
general good. They have experienced the sweets of freedom in this land, and
they will shew that they value it as highly as any other people; they are not
destitute of the same feelings, and they have too much generosity of soul to make
ungrateful returns to their fellow subjects for the favours they daily receive,
in their respective occupations, form the natives in particular.

The day is approaching when every man will be tried; it will then be seen
whether our class are not determined to be free. I dare, be bold to affirm, sir,
that hardly a man of us will be found to withhold his concurrence in whatever
measures the body of the inhabitants shall, on Wednesday next, think necessary
and expedient to be adopted, for the preservation of the just rights of every
American. I am, sir, your’s, &c.


Column 3

As we have already published all the PETITIONS from the
AMERICANS that have come to our hands, respecting the oppressions
exercised towards us by a venal ministry, we hope the following will not
be tiresome to our readers, as it contains sentiments, in our opinion, the
most sensible and judicious.

The humble PETITION of several natives of AMERICA,
THAT your petitioners are constrained to complain to this right honoura-
able house of two bills, which, if carried into execution, will be fatal
to the rights, liberty, and peace, of all America.

Your petitioners have already seen, with equal astonishment and grief, pro-
ceedings adopted against them, which, in violation of the first principles of
justice, and of the laws of the land, inflict the severest punishments, without
hearing the accused.

Upon the same principle of injustice, a bill is now brought in, which, under
the profession of better regulating the government of the Massachusetts Bay, is
calculated to deprive a whole province, without any form of trial, of its
chartered rights, solemnly secured to it by mutual compact between the crown
and the people.

Your petitioners are well informed that a charter, so granted, was never
before altered or resumes, but upon a full and fair hearing; that, therefore,
the present proceeding is totally unconstitutional, and sets an example which
renders every charter in Great Britain and America utterly insecure.

The appointment and removal of the judges at the leisure of the governor,
with salaries payable by the crown, puts the property, liberty, and life, of
the subject, depending upon judicial integrity, in his power.

Your petitioners perceive a system of judicial tyranny deliberately at this day
imposed for them, which, from the bitter experience of its intolerable injuries,
has been abolished in this country.

Of the same unexampled and alarming nature is the bill, which, under the
title of a more impartial administration of justice in the province of Massachusetts
Bay, empowers the governor to withdraw offenders from justice; holding out
to the soldiery an exemption from legal prosecution for murder, and, in effect,
subjecting that colony to military execution. Your petitioners entreat this right
honourable house to consider what must be the consequence of sending troops, not
really under the controul of the civil power, and unameniable to the law, where
the crime is committed among a people whom they have been industriously taught,
by the incendiary arts of wicked men, to regard as deserving every species of
insult and abuse. The insults and injuries of a lawless soldiery are such as no
free people can long endure; and your petitioners apprehend, in the consequences
of this bill, the horrid outrages of military oppression, followed by the declaration
of civil commotions.

The dispensing power, which this bill intends to give to the governor, ad-
vanced as he is already above the law, and not liable to any impeachment
from the people he may oppress, must constitute him an absolute tyrant.

Your petitioners would be utterly unworthy of the English ancestry, which
is their claim and pride, if they did not feel a virtuous indignation at the re-
proach of dissatisfaction and rebellion, with which they have been cruelly
aspersed. They can with confidence say no imputation was ever less deserved.
They appeal to the experience of a century, in which the glory, the honour,
the prosperity of England have been, in their estimation, their own; in which
they have not only borne the burthen of provincial wars, but have shared with
this country in the danger and expence of every national war. Their zeal for
the service of the crown, and the defence of the general empire, has promoted
them, whenever it was requires, to vote suppliers of men and money, to the ut-
most exertion of their abilities. The journals of parliament will bear witness to
their extraordinary zeal and services during the last war; and that but a very
short time before it was resolved here to take from them the right of giving and
granting their own money.

If disturbances have happened in the colonies, they entreat this right honour-
able house to consider the causes which have produced the among a people
hitherto remarkable for their loyalty to the crown, and affection for this king-
dom. No bribery can shew, nor will human nature admit of, and instance of
general discontent, but from a general sense of oppression.

Your petitioners conceived, that when they had acquired property, under all
the restraints this country thought necessary to impose upon their commerce, trade,
and manufactures, that property was sacred and secure. The felt a very
material difference between being restrained in the acquisition of property, and
holding it when acquired under those restrictions, at the disposal of others. They
understand subordination in the one, and slavery in the other.

Your petitioners wish they could possibly perceive any difference between the
most abject slavery, and such entire subjection to legislature, in the constitution
of which they have not a single voice, nor the least influence, and in which
no one is present on their behalf. They regard the giving their property, by
their own consent alone, as the unalienable right of the subject, and the last
sacred bulwark of constitutional liberty. If they are wrong in this, they have
been misled by the love of liberty, which is their dearest birthright; by the
most solemn statues, and the resolves of this honourable house itself, declaratory
of the inherent right of the subject; by the authority of all great constitutional
writers, and by the uninterrupted practice of Ireland and America, who have
ever voted their own supplies to the crown; all which combine to prove, that
the property of an English subject, being a freeman, or a freeholder, cannot be
taken from him but by his own consent: To deprive the colonies, therefore, of
this right, is to reduce them to a state of villinage, leaving them nothing they
can call their own, nor capable of any acquisition but for the benefit of others.

It is with infinite and inexpressable concern that your petitioners see in these
bills, and in the principles of them, a direct tendency to reduce their country-
men to the dreadful alternative of being totally enslaved, or compelled into a
contest the most shocking and unnatural with a parent state, which has ever
been the object of their veneration and their love. They entreat this right
honourable house to consider that the restraints, which examples of such severity
and injustice impose, are ever attended with the most dangerous hatred.

In a distress of mind, which cannot be described, your petitioners conjure this
right honourable house not to convert that zeal and affection, which have
hitherto to united every American hand and heart in the interests of England, into
passions the most gainful and pernicious. Most certainly they beseech this right
honourable house not to attempt reducing them to a state of slavery, which the
English principles of liberty they inherit from their mother country will render
worse than death; they, therefore, pray that this right honourable house will
not, by passing these bills, overwhelm them with affliction, and reduce their
countrymen to the most abject state of misery and humiliation, or drive them to
the last resources of despair.
---And your petitioners, as in duty bound,
will ever pray.

Written near 50 years ago by the celebrated Dr. George Berkely, dean of
Derry, and afterwards lord bishop of Cloyne, while he was in America.
THE muse disfigured at an age and clime,
Barren of every glorious theme,
In distant lands now waits a better time,
Producing subjects worthy fame:
In happy climes, where from the genial fun,
And virgin earth such scenes ensue,
The force of art by nature seems outdone,
And fancied beauties by the true:
In happy climes, the seat of innocence,
Where nature guides, and virtue rules;
Where men shall not impose, for truth, and sense,
The pedantry of courts and schools
There shall be seen another golden age,
The rise of empire and of arts,
The good and great inspiring epic rage,
The wisest heads, and noblest hearts;
Not such as Europe breeds in her decay,
Such as she bred when fresh and young,
When heav’nly flame did animate her clay,
By future ages shall be sung.
Westward the course of empire takes its way:
The four first acts already past,
A fifthshall close the drama with the day;
Time’s noblest offspring is the last.

BON MOTS of the present KING and a GENERAL OFFICER.
HIS majesty taking the air one fine morning on horseback with a
general who often has the hour to attend his royal master, on
passing by a beautiful seat in Surry, the king’s eye was attracted by the
delightful situation, which was heightened by the fineness of the wea-
ther. Pray, general, says his majesty whose rural and pleasant villa is
that? The general feeling the extreme good humour and condescension
of the kind, replied, without hesitation, “Sire, it is the seat of a very
great, and, indeed of a very extraordinary personage.” His majesty,
little imagining what he was going to say, and thinking the officer had
something singular to discover, hastily commanded him to tell who that
extraordinary personage was: “It is, please your majesty, no less a man
than the maker of kings and knaves.” The latter part indicating some-
thing not very respectful, the general finding it gave some disgust, added,
”Sire, though like death he mixes kings and knaves without distinction,
and though he deals largely in knaves, yet he is so good a man as to galn
many hearts, and even more queens.” By this time his majesty per-
ceiving that the villa belonged to a cardmaker, the king’s good humour
returned, and his majesty very pleasantly told the general, “that the
man played his cards well, for it seems they had all turned up turmps!”

Page 3
Column 1

From lord Chesterfield’s letters to his son.
PLEASURE (says his lordship) is the rock which
most young people split upon; they launch out with
crouded sails in quest of it, but without a compass to
direct their course, or reason sufficient to steer the vessel;
for want of which, pain and shame, instead of pleasure,
are the returns of their voyage. Do not think that I
mean to snarl at pleasure, like a stoic, or to preach against
it like a parson; no, I mean to point it out, and recom-
mend it to you, like an epicurean: I wish you a great
deal; and my only view is to hinder you from mistaking

The character which most young men first aim at is
that of a man of pleasure; but they generally take it
upon truth, and instead of consulting their own taste and
inclinations, they blindly adopt whatever those, with
whom they chiefly converse, are pleased to call by the
name of pleasure; and a man of pleasure, in the vulgar
acceptation of that phrase, means only a beastly drunk-
ard, an abandoned whoremaster, and a profligate swearer
and curser. As it may be of use to you, I am not un-
willing, though at the same time ashamed, to won, that
the vices of my youth proceeded much more from my
silly resolution of being what I heard called a man of
pleasure, than from my own inclinations. I always
naturally hated drinking; and yet I have often drank,
with disgust at the time, attended by great sickness the
next day, only because I then thought drinking as a ne-
cessary qualification for a fine gentleman, and a man of

The same as to gaming: I did not want money, and
consequently had no occasion to play for it; but I
thought play another necessary ingredient in the compo-
sition of a man of pleasure, and accordingly I plunged
into it without desire, at first; sacrificed a thousand real
pleasures to it, and made myself solidly uneasy by it, for
thirty the best years of my life.

I was absurd enough, for a little while, to swear, by
way of adorning and compleating the shining character
which I affected; but this folly I soon laid aside, upon
finding both the guilt and the indecency of it.

Thus seduced by fashion, and blindly adopting nomi-
nal pleasures, I lost real ones; and my fortune impaired,
and my constitution shattered, are, I must confess, the
just punishment of my errors.

Take warning then by them; chuse your pleasures for
yourself, and do not let them be imposed upon you.
Follow nature, and not fashion; weigh the present en-
joyment of your pleasures against the necessary conse-
quences of them, and then let your own common sense
determine your choice.

Were I to begin the world again, with the experience
which I now have of it, I would lead a life of real, not
of imaginary pleasure. I would enjoy the pleasures of
the table, and of wine; but stop short of the pains in-
separably annexed to an excess in either. I would not
at twenty years be a preaching missionary of abstemi-
ousness and sobriety, and I should let other people do as
they would, without formally and sententiously rebuking
them for it; but I would be most firmly resolved not to
destroy my own faculties and constitution, in complai-
sance to those who have not regard to their own. I would
play to give me pleasure, but not to give me pain; that
is, I would play for trifles, in mixed companies, to
amuse myself, and conform to custom; but I would take
care not to venture for sums, which, if I won, I should
not be the better for; but, If I lost, should be under a
difficulty to pay, and, when paid, would oblige me to
retrench in several other articles. Not to mention the
quarrels which deep play commonly occasions.

I would pass some of my time in reading, and the rest
in the company of people of sense and learning, and
chiefly those above me; and I would frequent the mixed
companies of men and women of fashion, which, though
often frivolous, yet they unbend and refresh the mind,
not uselessly, because they certainly polish and soften the


These would be my pleasures and amusements, if I
were to live the last thirty years over again; they are
rational, and moreover, I will tell you, they are really
the fashionable ones; for the others are not, in truth, the
pleasures of what I call people of fashion, but of those
who only call themselves so. Do good company care
to have a man reeling drunk among them, or to see
another tearing his hair, and blaspheming, for having
lost at play more than he is able to pay, or a whore-
master, with half a nose, and crippled by coarse and in-
famous debauchery? No; those who practice, and much
more those who brag of them, make no part of good
company, and are most unwillingly, if ever, admitted
into it.

A real man of fashion and pleasure observes decency;
at least, neither borrows nor affects vices; and if he un-
fortunately has any, he gratifies them with choice, deli
cacy, and secrecy.

I have not mentioned the pleasures of the mind (which
are the solid and permanent ones_ because they do not
come under the hear of what people commonly call
pleasures; which the seem to confine to the senses. The
pleasures of virtue, of charity, and of learning, is true
and lasting pleasure, which I hope you will be well and
long acquainted with. Adieu.

More than sixty days have expired since Boston, by
a late edict of the British parliament, has been
besieged by a British fleet and army, and its trade anni-
hilated. The inhabitants now receive that insult and
damage which was never experienced in the hottest wars
we have been engaged in with France, Spain, and their
allies, the savages of the American woods. The parti
culars of the siege, and the manoeuvers of our enemies,
may in future be told by some able historian. Suffice it
at present to inform the world, that though wood and
provisions have been allowed to us by said port act, the
introduction of these articles has been attended with such
loss of time, and unnecessary charges, as greatly to raise
the price of fuel upon the poor inhabitants. No wood
can now be brought form the rivers and bays included in
our harbour, upon which we depended for a considerable
part of our supply; no goods of any kind are suffered to

Column 2

be waterborne within a circle of 60 miles; no timber,
boards, shingles, brick, lime, sand, &c. are to be
transported from one wharf to another; and so even the
tradesmen, not immediately dependent upon shipping,
are thrown out of business; no barrels of liquors, bread,
flour, &c. are suffered to be brought a few rods in our row
boats, or across our shortest ferried; and even the vessels
on the stocks, which have for some time past been ready
for launching, cannot be put into the water, without
their being exposed to a threatened seizure; neither is
the dried table fish and oil, the charity of our Marble-
head friends, nor rice, the generous presents of the Caro-
linians, nor even house sand, to be brought us by water,
but must be encumbered with the great charge of land
carriage of about 30 miles; we are also cut off from the
advantage and profit of supplying, as usual, an extent of
sea coast on the north and south of more than 100 leagues,
even with British merchandize; and when any of these
hardships and distresses are mentioned to those insolents
in office, the commissioners, and their understrappers, we
are told it was the design of the act, and it is not their
intent to lessen these difficulties. This is the treatment
meted out by a British minister to a town and province,
by whose exertions in a late war, the strong fortress of
Louisburg was taken, which purchased the peace of
Europe, and delivered Britons from their terrible ap-
prehensions of an invasion by French flat bottomed boats.
What further cruelties we are to suffer we know not; but
whether America, or even this single town, is in this way
to be brought to the feet of lord North, with the full
surrender of their inestimable rights and liberties, time
only can determine.

Mrs. Rind,
If you are open to all parties, and influenced by none,
by inferring the following lines you will greatly oblige

THE man, what’er be his pretence,
Who obviates justice, forfeits sense,
If he’s secure from goal, no matter,
Tho’ every schoolman makes a clatter,
’Tis all his patriotic view,
From others to withhold their due;
No wonder then he censure those
Who wou’d his fraudful schemes oppose;
Of him let every sex beware,
Nor let him be one lady’s care;
Let MIDDLESEX his hate despise,
For to be just is to be wise.

MANY of our readers may probably be pleased with the following
little PRODUCTION, which was made public some years ago, in
honour of that worthy and much admired FRATERNITY, the FREE
MASONS, and therefore may not think it amiss to see if revived:----A
young gentleman was in company with some ladies, when, among other
subjects of conversation, FREE MASONRY offered itself. The
ladies were witty upon its mysteriousness, but particularly upon their being
excluded from the society, and desired the gentleman to let them know
what could be the use or intention of so strange an association. He
promised to give them a full account of the institution, if they would
permit him to wait upon them the next day; they consented, and agreeable
to his promise, he presented them the following VERSES:
OUR order, ancient as the world’s first date,
Sacred as virtue, and as fix’d as fate,
To ALL and equal LIBERTY impart,
The soul improves, and rectifies the heart;
And, fix’d in FRIENDSHIP, and in VIRTUE shines.

In FREEDOM equal, we all pride disclaim,
And hail each other with a BROTHER’S NAME;
Here mirth by strictest decency is rul’d,
And servent youth by aged precepts cool’d.
Nor vice nor riot can have entrance here,
Nor words that may offend a virtuous ear.

In this a true FREE MASON you will know,
A friend to virtue, and to vice a foe;
True to his prince, obedient to the laws,
But ever firm to die in FREEDOM’s cause.
With honest zeal he spurns each private end,
A constant LOVER, and a faithful FRIEND.

Nor you, YE FAIR! impute to us disgrace,
That we exclude ye from this sacred PLACE;
Full well we know the tenderness we bear,
For what creation boasts MOST WINNING FAIR;
From whence of old the interdiction sprung,
Which ALL hath suffer’d for the fault of ONE.

Th’ advice of EVE, and her delusive grace,
From bliss and freedom drove her wretched RACE;
The fault lamented, and the evil felt,
Long on the minds of our forefathers dwelt:
Hence female councils they excluded leave,
And in her DAUGHTERS fear another EVE.

Firm in this RULE the fix’d FOUNDATION lies,
And time, and change, and calumny, defies;
Hence unreveal’d our MYSTERIES remain,
Nor sins original, our craft defame.
Of every age the envy, pride and fame;
Monarchs have boasted a FREE MASON’S NAME!

THE minister, without intending it, is about doing your coun-
try most essential service, by entreating your numbers, and
furnishing your people with the knowledge of military discipline. This
seems obvious to a person who considers that the generous nature of an
English soldier will not allow him to fight against his innocent country-
men, who are contending only for their liberty and just rights; and I
am sure that all soldiers, who quit the arbitrary service they are in, and
the bad business of oppressing their friends and countrymen, will be re-
ceived with open arms in your country, protected, and encouraged, with
good living, and an opportunity of fixing on good lands, where they may
live easily and happily.

Wednesday evening last an express arrived in this city, who reports
that many families have very lately been barbarously murdered on the
frontiers of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and that his excellency lord
DUNMORE is endeavoring all in his power to repel those hostile and in-
human savages. Colonel Preston, and colonel Lewis, it seems, have
raised a thousand men each; and it is reported also that a like number
have enlisted under his lordship’s banner, he, as well as them, being
greatly exasperated at the late cruel and intolerable treatment of the
Indians towards the white people residing at or near the back parts of
this colony.

On the 10th instant dies, the reverend JAMES WISHART, rector of
Brunswick parish, in King George county.

MANCHESTER, August 18, 1774.
Yesterday, in this town, came on trial of Lord N___h, before a
court of the sons of liberty, on suspicion of his having betrayed his trust,
and endeavored to enslave his majesty’s subjects in America: After an
impartial trial, he was unanimously condemned, and sentenced to ride on
an ass through the streets, led by a deformed African, whose body was
tarred and feathered, and his face painted, and from thence to the gal-
lows, there to be hanged and burnt, which was accordingly done. In
his last and dying speech he confessed the justness of his suffering, and
predicted that it would not be long before some of his most intimate ac-
quaintance, and principle admirers, who had been instrumental towards
hjis suffering, would share the same fate. The penitent appearance of
this noble lord excited compassion in the minds of some of the spectators;

Column 3

but reflecting on the cause of his suffering, joined in the acclamation of
the people, and with one voice cried, “Away with him! Away with
this destroyer of the rights and privileges of his majesty’s good subjects in
America, and let him suffer according to demerit!”

NORFOLK, August 22, 1774. In consequence of letters from the
committees of correspondence for St. Mary’s and Charles counties in
Maryland, and from the burgesses of Elizabeth City county in this co-
lony, with information of the arrival of nine chests of TEA on board
the brigantine Mary and Jane, captain Chapman, consigned to some
gentlemen of this town, a meeting of the inhabitants was requested, and
accordingly held, at the courthouse this day, when it was

UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED, that the teas now on board the brig-
antine Mary and Jane, and consigned to Neil Jamieson and company,
George and John Bowness, and John Lawrence and company, being
subject to the payment of duties imposed by an act of the British parlia-
ment, ought to be sent back, and not suffered to be landed; and there-

ORDERED, that captain Abyvon, Mr. Boush, captain Loyall, Mr.
Richard Taylor, and captain Selden, be a committee to wait upon those
gentlemen, to know whether they will comply with the above resolu-
tion; and that they report their several answers.

The committee accordingly waited on those gentlemen, and made the
following return, in writing:
”WE your committee, agreeable to your resolve, have waited on the
”within mentioned Neil Jamieson and company, George and John
”Bowness, and John Lawrence and company, owners of the tea now on
”board the brigantine Mary and Jane, and acquainted them with your
”resolution, who severally and respectively answered, that they were
”willing that the tea should be sent back. Certified under our hands
”this 22d day of August 1774.
Unanimously voted, that the above committee wait upon those gentle-
men, owners of the tea, with the thanks of this meeting, for their
ready and cheerful acquieseence in the above resolution.

MAKES and sells all sorts of COPPER WORK, viz. stills,
brewing coppers, sugar boilers, fullers and hatters coppeas, brass
millwork, capuchin plate warmers, tea kitchens, all sorts of ship, fish,
and wash kettles, stew pans, Dutch ovens, tea kettles, sauce pans, coffee
and chocolate pots, &c. at the most reasonable rates. he gives the best
prices for old copper, brass, pewter, or lead.

Those who are so obliging, as to favour me with their employ in
the mending or tinning old work, may depend on having them soon
done, and in the neatest and compleatest manner.

FAUQUIER, August 16, 1774.
RUN away on the 3d of this instant (August) from my quarter, on
Carter’s Run, a negro wench named WINNEY; she is about
eighteen or twenty years of age, 5 feet 3 or 4 inches high, of a yellowish
complexion had on when she went away an oznabrig shift, petticoat, and
jacket; she also took with her a white dowlas jacket and petticoat, and
a great variety of other clothes. She being an artful, subtle wench, I
imagine will frequently change her dress. I do not recollect any parti-
ular mark she has in her face, though I am told there is a lump upon
the back of her neck, occasioned by the cut of a switch. About three
years ago she made an elopement, and got into Maryland,, near Port
where she passed several months for a free woman, and went by
the name of Winney Redman. Whoever will take up the said wench, and
deliver her to me, in Fauquier county, near the courthouse, or to my
overseer, on Carter’s Run, in the said county, shall receive TWENTY
SHILLINGS reward, if taken up in the said county, if in the adjacent
counties FORTY SHILLINGS, if out of the colony FIVE POUNDS,
besides what the law allows, and all reasonable charges paid.
3 JAMES SCOTT, junior.

FREDERICKSBURG, August 9, 1774.
A PERSON of the name of WILLIAM FOSTER CROSBY having procured a
recommendation to me, I lent him, the 19th of last month, my
SINGLE CHAIR and a MARE to visit captain John Lee, on Rappa-
to whom he said he was recommended, to return in four days
at the most; but not hearing of him since, except that he had mistaken
his way, and to to Richmond, on Jamesriver, and colonel William
in Cumberland county, I am obliged to take this method of
recommending him to all honest men, as a profound knave. Such a
flagrant act of injustice, accompanied with such ingratitude to me, will
no doubt engage every gentleman to endeavour to strip him of the price
of his villainy: But I will gladly pay FORTY SHILLINGS to have my
mare and chair detained till I can send for them, or FIVE POUNDS to
be delivered here. As the knave is young, I had rather he should turn
from his wickedness and live!

He is about twenty, of slim and genteel make, and fair complexion,
rather pale and foul skin, black hair, very long, and clubbed like
a macaroni! He is exceeding vain, boasts much of his learning, particu-
larly of geography, and professes teaching the classics, music, dancing,
and fencing; he grins much when he laughs, which he often does at his
own wit. His dress was shabby; I believe, one only coat, formerly a
pale blue, or sea green, the cuffs of which have been lately let down,
and the original colour makes a remarkable ring round his arm. He
passed on my friend, as from New England, and said he intended to visit
Virginia, in his way to Charlestown, South Carolina, in ooder from New
to see the country , expecting here some supplies he had ordered
from New England.

I cannot recollect whether the mare has any brand or flesh marks; she
is about 14 hands and a half high, half clouded, well made, rather round,
a chesnut bay, with a full long bob tail, and hog mane, very small feet,
and shod before, trots very nimbly, and remarkably low. The carriage
of the chair is new, the springs and axletree are iron, the body is
painted green, with the initials of my name on the back, in a double
cypher, in blue letters, in a gilt ground; it has been new lined, and has
now a carpet bottom; but I suspect he will quit of the chair for a saddle.

He borrowed a SILVER WATCH, quite new, made by THOMAS
of Fredericksburg, who will, I presume, give something to re-
cover it. tf JAMES MERCER.

To be SOLD, the first day of November next.
months credit will be allowed for all sums above 5l. on giving a
conditional bond, to carry interest from the date, if not punctually paid.
Five per cent. discount for ready money will be agreed to. At the same
time will be offered for sale, the LOTS and HOUSES whereon I live,
conveniently situated in Fredericksburg, for either store, tavern, or private
family, and are as valuable as any lots and houses in the town of the same
size. Also two lots, well enclosed with a stable 50 by 60 feet; and two
lots, near the courthouse, enclosed with a dwellinghouse unfinished, 50
feet square, the finest situation in the town, and commands a fine view
of both town and country. Likewise 15 acres of meadow ground, near
the town, and under a good fence. Also 391 acres of land, near the
center of this county, on 328 of which is a lease for six years, at a good
rent; and 100 acres of land on East North East Bridge: For all, or
either of which, may be had great bargains, both in price, and time of
payment; or, in case the purchasers chuse it, and will give a price agree-
able, they many em>never pay, upon paying the interest annually; for which
the lands will be taken in part, as security. In case I do not sell, I
would willingly rent on reasonable terms, for a year, or term of years.

WE will dispose of the LOTS and IMPOVEMENTS in Frede-
where the BREWERY now stands; there are three
lots and a hald. On the lot and a half, which are situate on the river,
are the brewhouse, malthouse, comptinghouse, cooper’s shop, &c. all
new, and in good order for carrying on the brewing business. We would
also sell the implements and stock belonging to the brewery. The other
lots are contiguous, and paled in, having thereon a small dwellinghouse,
and stable with stalls for eight horses. The terms may be known by
applying to William Woodford.

WHEREAS I have lately purchased a tract of LAND, formerly
the property of Anthony Strother, merchant, deceased, lying in
Culpepper county, on the Robsinson Fork, and sold by him to colonel Philip
Rootes, of King & Queen, but I am informed it was conveyed by the
honourable John Tayloe, esquire, to Mr. Roger Dixon, deceased, any
person who has any right in the said tract of land are desired to make it
known immediately.

Page 4
Column 1

KING WILLIAM, August 10, 1774.

RUN away from the subscriber, on Herring Bay, in Anne Arundel
county, Maryland, an indented servant man named HENRY
REED, who professes the coachmaker’s business, is about 22 years old,
5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, well made, full face, dark hair, little or no
beard, and very talkative; had on, and took with him, a white negro
cotton jacket and waistcoat, trowsers of ditto, half worn, 2 oznabrig
shirts, coarse shoes, old hat, and a check handkerchief; but probably he
may change his dress, as he went away with one JOHN WHITE, an indented
servant. I understand they stopped at a plantation belonging to the earl
Dunmore, in Berkeley county, Virginia. Whoever secures the said
servant, so that I get him again, shall be entitled to the above reward.
I imagine he has got in some coachmaker’s shop in Virginia. All masters
of vessels are forewarned from taking him on board their vessels.

PURSUANT to an order of Amherst court, will be let, to the lowest
bidder, at the courthouse of the said county, on the first Monday
in November next, being court day, the building of a PRISON, 37 by
22, the walls of which to be of brick and timber, 3 feet thick, to be
9 feet pitch in the clear, and to have a brick rood; a plan of which will
be shewn, and a more particular description given, on the day. Bond
and approved security will be required of the undertaker for his perform-
ance of the same. WILLIAM CABELL,

NORFOLK, July 30, 1774.
WANTED, for Elizabeth River parish, a CLERK. As the
emoluments arising from the said parish are very considerable,
none need apply, unless he produces a recommendation of his good cha-
racter, who can read tolerably, and perform psalmody well.

TAKEN up, in Sussex,a bay mare about 4 or 5 inches high,
branded on the near buttock I, docked, has some white strokes on
both her fore legs, is a natural pacer, and is about 15 years old. Posted,
and appraised to 4l. PETER JONES.

TAKEN up, in Louisa, a grey mare, about 4 feet 7 inches and a half
high, docked, but not branded, has been hurt by a saddle on each
side her back, had on a bell, fixed on with a brass buckle, and appears to
be about 4 or 5 years old. Posted, and appraised to 12l.

TAKEN up, in Hanover, a black horse, 4 feet 8 inches high, and
branded on the near buttock T. Posted, and appraised to 10l.

TAKEN up, in Culpepper, a roan mare, about 4 feet 1 inch high, and
about 6 years old, branded on the near shoulder ɔ, part of one of her
hind feet white, has some white hairs in her forehead, much scarred on
her back, and is a natural pacer. Posted, and appraised to 1l. 15s.

TAKEN up, in Spotsylvania, an iron grey horse, with a light mane
and tail, the mane half ridged, about 4 feet 6 or 7 inches high,
branded MP, in a piece, on the near buttock, shoulder, jaw, and
on the off buttock C; he is about 9 years old. Posted, and appraised to

TAKEN up, in King William, near Aylett’s warehouse, a small grey
mare, about 4 feet high, sprig tail, and hanging mane, half of which
has been cut, and branded on the near buttock something like an
anchor. Posted, appraised to 3l.
() WILLIAM COWNE, junior.

TAKEN up, in Goochland, on Tuckahoe creek, a bay horse, about 15
years old, 4 feet 5 inches high, has some saddle spots, a film over
his right eye, with a small bell on, hanging mane, and switch tail; he
is branded on the near buttock A. Posted, and appraised to 4l. 10s.

NEW YORK, July 27, 1774.
WHEREAS on the 19th of June last past a certain JOSEPH
THORP was entrusted with a considerable sum in half jo-
hannes, of nine penny weight, to be delivered by him at Quebec, and as
he has not yet made his appearance there, with other suspicious circum-
stances, it is apprehended he is gone off with the money. He is a native
of England, about 6 feet high, swarthy complexion, very dark, keen
eyes, and pitted with the small pox, of a slender make, stoops as he walks,
talks rather slow, and has some small impediment in his speech. He
lived some time in Boston, from whence he removed to Quebec, assuming
the character of a merchant in both places; he was also once in trade
in Newcastle, Virginia, and has a brother settled there. It is believed
he went on board captain John F. Pruym, for Albany, and took with
him a blue casimir, and a dark brown cloth suit of clothes. Whoever se-
cures the said Joseph Thorp in any of is majesty’s gaols on this continent
shall be entitled to ten per cent. on the sum recovered, and the above
reward of 50l. when convicted. Apply to Curson and <Seton of New York,
Joseph Wharton,
junior, of Philadelphia, Robert Christie of Batimore,
James Gibson
and company of Virginia, John Bondfield of Quebec, Me-
latiah Bourne,
or John Rowe, of Boston. It is requested of those who
may have seen this Joseph Thorp since the 19th of June last, or
know any thing of the rout he has taken, that they convey the most
early intelligence thereof to any of the above persons, or Greenwood, Rit-
and March, in Norfolk, or to Mr. Robert Pleasants and company, at
Four Mile creek, Henrico county; the favour will be gratefully acknow-
ledged. All matters of vessels are forewarned from taking him off the

A TRACT of LAND, containing upwards of 3000 acres, in the
county of Richmond, upon Rappahannock river, opposite to the seat
of Robert Beverly, esquire, extending more than 2 miles upon the river;
the land is extremely well timbered, a great part of it lies well, and is
equal to any in that part of the country. There are also, beside the
quantity of dry land above mentioned, between 4 and 500 acres of valua
ble marsh, which may easily be reclaimed; a large water course running
through the greatest part of the tract affords a considerable quantity of
rich, valuable meadow land, and a good mill seat, There are also several
delightful situations for a gentleman’s seat, commanding extensive prof-
spects up and down the river, where the greatest plenty of fish and fowl
are to be had. A part of the tract is in possession of several tenants at
will, some of whom pay from 20l to 25l. annual rent for 100 acres. It
will be sold (and may be entered upon next Christmas) either together,
or in parcels, by private bargaining, at any time before the 10th of October,
and if not disposed of before that time (of which notice shall be published
in this gazette) it will then be offered for public sale, upon the premises,
on the 3d Monday in November. Twelve or 13 months credit will be
allowed, upon giving bond, with good security; to bear interest from the
25th of December, if the purchase money is not paid agreeable to the
contract. The terms will be made known to those who incline to pur-
chase privately, and the lands shewn, if required, and an undoubted title
made, by the subscriber, living in Westmoreland county.
10|| c 1- oct. WILLIAM BERNARD.

To be SOLD, by the printer hereof,
JULIET GRANVILLE, by the celebrated Mr. Brooke.

A GENERAL MEETING of the subscribers for opening a naviga-
tion through the falls of James river is desired, at the house of
Mr. James Gunn, in the town of Richmond, on Monday the 5th day of
September next.
JOSEPH CABELL, August 7, 1774. 3

STRAYED or stolen from the subscriber in Fredericksburg, a likely
sorrel mare, about 14 hands high, branded T, with a small a blze in
her face, her shoulder has been galled by working, but is now well, has
some saddle spots, paces, trots, and gallops. Any person that will bring
her to me, in Fredericksburg, shall receive THREE DOLLARS.

TAKEN up, in Halifax county, about 5 miles above Booker’s ferry,
near Staunton river, a bay mare, about 4 feet 1 inch and a half high,
with a good bell on, branded on the near shoulder TD, and on the near
buttock ROSE, about 7 years old, and crestfallen. Posted, and ap-
praised to 4l. 10s. JAMES BATES.

THE subscriber intends to leave Petersburg about the 1st of September,
and as he has several WATCHES belonging to different people in
his custody, will be much obliged to the proprietors to call fo them as
soon as possible, otherwise I propose taking them away with me.

Column 2

DUMFRIES, July 28, 1774.
is to be run for on Tuesday the 15th of November next, which is
fixed on for the 1st day of the Dumfriesraces for this year. No person
will be allowed to start a horse, mare, or gelding, for this purse, but an
actual member of the club. There will be a SUBSCRIPTION
PURSE run for the second day, and another the third day, of the
races. The particulars with regard to them will be advertised hereafter.
A premium of five GUINEAS will be given to the person or persons
that brings the largest and fattest bullock to this market the Saturday
before the races; a premium of three GUINEAS to the person or per-
sons that brings the six largest and fattest muttons; and a premium to
the person or persons that brings the two largest and fattest veals.

To be SOLD, to the highest bidder,at WESTBURY, the seat of the late
Littlebury Cocke, in Charles City, on Charles City, on Thursday, the 25th of
August next, if fair, if not the next fair day,
TEN likely Virginia born SLAVES, consisting of men, women, and
children, one of which is a very good HOUSECARPENTER;
also stocks of cattle, horses, hogs, and sheep, and sundry household and
kitchen furniture, belonging to the estate of the said Littlebury Cocke.
One or two of the slaves will be sold for ready money, and six months
credit allowed for the remainder, on giving bond, with approved security,
to carry interest from the date, if not punctually paid. All persons have-
ing demands against the said estate are desired to attend the sale with their
several claims, properly authenticated.

RUN away from the subscriber, in Amherst, the 10th of July, a
mulatto woman slave named SALL, though commonly goes by the
name of SALLY GREY; she is of the middle size, well shaped, Vir-
born, about 25 years old, and had on a brown jacket and pet-
ticoat; I cannot learn that she carried any other clothes with her. She
is of a numerous family of mulattoes, and formerly belonged to a gen-
tleman of the name of Howard, in York county, from whence I pur-
chased her a few years ago, and where probably she may attempt to go
again, or perhaps into Cumberland or <Amelia, where, I am informed,
many of her kindred live. I shall esteem it as a particular favour of those
gentlemen who have of her relations in their possession to have her ap-
apprehended, should she be lurking about their plantations; and I will give
a handsome reward, besides what the law allows, to any person who shall
deliver her to me. 6 GABRIEL PENN.

THE noted and well accustomed TAVERN, at present occupied by
the subscriber, lying in James City county, about 15 miles from
Williamsburg, on the main road leading to New Kent courthouse and
Ruffin’s ferry, with 500 acres of LAND in good order for cropping, and
6 fields under good fence. The terms of payment will be made easy by
the subscriber. THOMAS DONCASTLE.

NINE hundred and forty acres of valuable land, lying
on both sides of Contrary River, in Louisa, with
three plantations thereon, two of which has sufficient
houses for overseers and negroes; the other is improved
with all necessary buildings, and orchards of all kinds,
fit for the reception of a gentleman, the houses being
finished in the best manner. This tract is well timbered
and watered, lies within 32 miles of Fredericksburg, and
43 of Page’s warehouse; there are at least 400 acres of
low grounds, of the best soil, 300 of which are now to
cut. The three plantations are under good fences, and
in good order to work 12 or 15 hands. Robert Flem-
ing, John Massey, and John Lain, are now in possession
of the plantations, who will shew the land to any person
inclinable to purchase, and Major Thomas Johnson will
agree with them for the price. The above tract is esteem-
ed the most valuable in Louisa for growing corn, wheat,
or tobacco, and situation in the bst range for stock of any
below the great mountains. (tf 1*)

RUN away, from Neabsco furnace, the 16th of
March, a light coloured mulatto man named
BILLY, or WILL, the property of the honourable
John Tayloe, esquire. When I tell the public that he
is the same boy who for many years used to wait on me,
in my travels through this and the neighboring pro-
vince, and by his pertness, or rather impudence, was
well known to all my acquaintances, there is the less
occasion for a particular description of him. However,
as he is now grown to the size of a man, and had not at-
tended me for some time past, I think it is not amiss to say
that he is a very likely young fellow, about 20 years
old, 5 feet 9 inches high, stout an strong made, has a
remarkable swing in his walk, but is much more so by a
surprising knack he has of gaining the good graces of
almost every body who will listen to his bewitching and
deceitful tongue, which seldom or ever speaks the truth.
He has a small scar on the right side of his forehead, and
the little finger of his right hand is quite straight by a
hurt he got when a child. Had on, when he went away,
a blue fearnought jacket, and an under one of green
baize, cotton breeches, oznabrig shirt, mixed blue sale
stockings, country made shoes, and yellow buckles.
From his ingenuity, he is capable of doing almost any
sort of business, and for some years past, has been chiefly
employed as a founder, a stone mason, and a miller, as
occasion required; one of which trades, I imagine, he
will, in the character of a free man, profess. I have
some reason to suspect his travelling towards James river,
under the pretense of being sent by me on business.
Whoever apprehends the said fellow, and brings him to
me, or to his master, the honourable John Tayloe, at
Mountairy, or secure him so as to be had again, shall
have treble what the law allows, and all reasonable
charges paid. tf

ABOUT twelve thousand acres of exceeding rich
TOBACCO LAND, in Amherst county, whereon
are several plantations and improvements sufficient to
work forty or fifty hands. There is on this land for sale
a very valuable GRIST MILL, lately bult, with a
stone dam and a pair of good COLOGNE MILL-
STONES, which mill has for two years past got up-
wards of 100 barrels of toll corn, and is situated on a
never failing stream. The land will be shewn by William
Womack, who lives at one of the plantations, and the
prices of the land made known by him. One or two
years credit will be allowed, interest being paid for the
second year, and also for the first, if the money is not
paid agreeable to contract. The land is to be laid off
and surveyed by Colonel William Cabell, at the expence
of the purchaser. Deeds will be made, upon bond and
approved security being given, either to Call, William
Cabell, or the subscriber. Six per cent. discount will be
allowed for ready money, or good merchant notes. If
any person would chuse to exchange lands in the lower
part of the country, on or near some navigable river,
that are good, it is more than probable we should agree.

Column 3

FIVE hundred acres of land, lying on Deep Creek, in
Louisa, about 45 miles of Richmond town, and is
exceeding good land, well watered by Deep Creek, and
a large branch thereof, which runs through the middle
of the land, and affords a large quantity of rich meadow
ground. Any person inclinable to purchase may see the
land, and know the terms, by applying to the subscriber,
living near it. tf 1* GEORGE MERIWETHER.

TO be SOLD, at public auction, at Westmoreland court-
house, on Tuesday the 27th day of September, being
Westmoreland court day,
TWENTY very likely VIRGINIA born SLAVES.
Credit will be allowed until the 10th of November
following, on giving bond and good security. The
bonds to bear interest from the date, if not punctually

THE beautiful seat of the honourable George William
Fairfax, esquire, lying upon Potowmack river, in
Fairfax county, about 14 miles below Alexandria. The
mansion house is of brick, two story high, with four con-
venient rooms and a large passage upon the lower floor,
five rooms and a passage on the second, and a servants
hall and cellars below; convenient offices, stables, and
coach house, adjoining, as also a large and well furnish-
ed garden, stored with great variety of valuable fruits, in
good order. Appertaining to the tract on which these
improvements are, and which contains near 2000 acres
(surrounded, in a manner, by navigable water) are se-
veral valuable fisheries, and a good deal of cleared land
in different parts, which may be let altogether, or sepa_
rately, as shall be found most convenient. The terms
maybe known of Colonel Washington, who lives near
the premises, or of me, in Berkeley county,
tf FRANCIS WILLIS, junior.

NORFOLK, April 21, 1774.
NOTICE is hereby given, that a number of vessels
will be wanted this summer to bring about 6000
tons of stone from Mr. Brooke’s quarry, on Rappahan-
nock, and land the same on Cape Henry, for the light-
house. Any person inclinable to engage in such work
are desired to treat with Matthew Phripp, Paul Loyall,
and Thomas Newton, junior, esquires. The directors
of the lighthouse will also be glad to purchase one or
two flat bottomed vessels from 80 to 120 tons burthen.

A TRACT of land, on Charles river, York county,
containing about 600 acres, part of which is marsh,
that may be drained with very little expence. The situ-
ation of this place is very convenient for a family, as it
lies upon a river that abounds with oysters and fine fish,
particularly sheepsheads; it is within 200 years of a mill,
and 2 miles of the church. My reason for selling it is,
my having bought a tract of land more convenient to me.
Whoever inclines to purchase may know the terms by
applying to the subscriber, in York town.

WANTED for the lighthouse directors eight second-
hand ANCHORS, nearly a thousand weight
each. Any person having such for sale are desired to
make their terms known to the subscriber in Norfolk.

A PLANTATION in good order for cropping, none
of the land having been cleared above six years,
with all necessary houses, quite new, together with 1500
acres of exceeding rich land, the soil of which is so good
that it will bring large tobacco for five or six years with
out dung. I have made on this plantation above three
thousand pounds of tobacco per share. The place is very
healthy, and has a fine range for stock. This land lies
in the lower end of Buckingham county, near to Appo-
mattox river, on each side of Great Ducker’s and Mayo
creeks. Tobacco has been carried above this land near
to Petersburg by water, and last month, in the dry wea-
ther, two canoe loads of wheat were carried near to
Petersburg, and the canoe loads brought back; they were
loaded but a little below this land. I make no doubt
but Appomattox river will be soon cleared, and then the
expence sending wheat, tobacco, &c. will be trifling.
Any person inclinable to purchase will see, by the produce
o the land, that it is exceeding rich. I really do not
know of any better high land in the colony. This tract of
land is well timbered, and has excellent water on it. I
do not know a better place for a merchant mill than is on
Ducker’s creek. People are going much on raising wheat
in these parts, and a good mill would be very advantage-
ous to the owner. Also another tract of land of 826
acres, in Albemarle county, I believe about ten miles
from the courthouse, joining Mr. James Harris and the
quarters of Mr. John Winston. On this land is a small
plantation, a good apple orchard, &c. The land is
good, and my price so low, that I am convinced any
person who viewed either of the above tracts of land
would not hesitate to give the price I shall ask. Neither
of these tracts are under any incumberance whatsoever.
A reasonable time of payment will be allowed.

YORK town, June 9, 1773.
THE subscribers being very solicitous to comply with
the will of their testator, the lare Honourable
William Nelson, desire that all persons who were indebted
to him will endeavor to make as speedy payments as
possible. Those who have accounts open on his books,
and who cannot immediately discharge the balances,
are desired to give their bonds. This request is the
more necessary, as most of the legacies bequeathed by
the testator are to be paid in sterling money, and he has
directed that his younger sons fortunes shall be placed
out at interest upon undoubted securities, so soon as it
can be done. Those who have any demands are desired
to make them immediately known.

Original Format

Ink on paper



Rind, Clementina, -1774, printer, “The Virginia Gazette. Number 433, Thursday, August 25, 1774,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 26, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/172.