Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 274, Thursday, August 22, 1771


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 274, Thursday, August 22, 1771



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Page 1

T H U R S D A Y, August 22, 1771.
Open to ALL PARTIES but influenced by NONE.

Column 1

DUMFRIES, July 28, 1771.
ALTHOUGH it is not agreeable to me to appear in any public paper, yet I cannot,
in justice to myself, or to Mess. Glassford
and Henderson, whose factor, I am pass
over in silence the chars la[worn, illegible] in an address
to Peyton Randolph, Esq; Moderator, from Fauquier
county published in your paper of[torn, illegible] and signed
[torn,illegible] It is
there charged that a[torn, illegible] in Dumfries and
Falmouth have imported goods [worn, illegible] and
contrary to the association, more largely than ever and
a train of inferences are drawn, which sufficiently denote
their disposition. I am to request of you, Mr. Rind,
that you will give me an opportunity of refuting their
charge in a manner equally public with that by which it
has been intruded on your readers; I declare that I have not imported, directly or indirectly, one article
contrary to the association of this colony, since the same
was entered into in June, 1770. It follows, therefore,
that the allegations of the said Gentlemen, in as far as
they relate to me, as one of the merchants in Dumfries,
are unjust, illiberal, and contrary to truth.
I am, Sir, your most humble servant,

L O N D O N.
ON the 17th of May last dies, at Stanmore, in
Middlesex, the Right Honourable Lady TRYON,
mother of his Excellency William Tryon, now Gover-
nor of New York, and also mother of the Honourable
Miss Tryon, one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen.
[The deceased Lady Tryon was one of the daughters of
Robert, Earl of Ferrers, who was the Master of the House,
and Steward of the Household, to Catharine Queen con-
sort to King Charles the Second; and who at his pri-
late expense, raised the regiment called the King’s or<br<8th regiment, in 1685. He resigned it the very next,
year, on discovering that King James the Second had de
signs unfriendly to the protestant religion, and the laws
liberties of England. The Duke of Berwick then
[torn, illegible] the command and the Earl retired from business.
He was afterwards called to the Privy Council, born by
King William, and Queen Anne, but could not be per-
shaded to accept of any public employment. La-
dy Mary married Charles Tryon, Esq; of Bullwick, ia
Northamptonshire, and being adorned with every amiable quality becoming her noble birth, and connexions, she
acquired universal esteem, and died in an advanced age,
after a life devoted to those tender and benevolent offices,
which do honour to human nature.]

P H I L A D E L P H I A, August 1.
To the P U B L I C.
EVERY inhabitant of Pennsylvania must observe,
with pleasure, the progress we make in this pro-
Vince towards perfection in useful arts, and the general
encouragement that is given to genius and industry by all
ranks of men. It will be recorded, to the honor of
Pennsylvania, that an infant colony, scarcely risen on
hundred years from the rude vestiges of nature, has pro-
diced men who shine in the learned and polite arts
amounts the first characters of the present age. The
world is already indebted to this province for one of the
most useful mathematical instruments that has ever been
invented; for the most curious piece of astronomical<br<mechanism, and for discoveries in natural philosophy of
singular importance to mankind. It would not be very
to fix on the particular soil or climate, which is best
fitted by nature for the cultivation of liberal arts; but it
will never be disputed that liberty, in every region, is the genuine parent of industry and learning; under her
wings they are always found to thrive. In all probili-
ty the rapid progress of arts in this province, should be attributed to the falutary influence of our laws, and the
perfect liberty which we enjoy, rather than to any acci-
dental concurrence of favourable incidents. The friends
of liberty are ever found to be the first persons who pro-
mote works of genius by their countenance and fortunes.
No affront can be intended to any particular province,
when it is remarked that the Assembly of Pennsylvania
was the only public body on the continent, that on a
lat occasion, expended a considerable sum of money infor their accuracy and perfection, would have done are-
dit to any state in Europe. The genteel encouragement
they have since given to a rising genius for his elegant
piece of philosophical mechanism, is another proof of
their determination to support the growing reputation of
this province. It is sincere to be lamented that the mechanic arts and manufactures cannot be encouraged by
our legislature with the same propriety that they promote
the liberal arts and sciences; but it happens somehow,
that our Mother country apprehends she has a right to
manufacture every article we consume, except bread and
meat; our very drink is to come through her hands, or
pay to her support; in these circumstances it cannot be
doubted, that she would take great and insuperable
at any colony legislatures that should attempt to
encourage domestic manufactures; the smallest proof of
her resentment that might be expected is the she would

Column 2

disable them as she did the New York Assembly, on a
different occasion, from doing any bushels[?] till they had
reversed that vote. Were it not for this impediment, we might expect to see the mechanic arts soon arrive at great perfection in this province; they have already made
a very promising appearance. Several persons have been
found willing to risqué their fortune on the event, and
the public, in general, has [worn, illegible]desire to promote
their undertakings. Every person [worn, illegible] pleased with the
[worn, illegible] Wtiegel, who has erected the first
[worn, illegible] in America [?] for making [torn, illegible ] glass. [torn, illegible]
have already seen that work brought to perfection. De-
canters, wine glasses, & c. Are now manufactured in this
province, equal in which [torn, illegible] transparency, and figure,
to those which are [torn, illegible] pe. That many
thousand pounds [torn, illegible]to Pennsylvania by
this [torn, illegible] will read [torn, illegible] be granted. When
we [torn, illegible] the extensive consumption of glass, and the
great [torn, illegible]that commodity it will hardly be disputed
that [torn, illegible] has some claim to a public reward, who
had [torn,illegible] and fortitude to risqué his estate in erecting
such a manufacture, by which the province will presently
save twenty or thirty thousand pounds per annum. Ano-
ther manufac [worn, illegible] has been erected of similar importance
to the public, though, we are told that the work is more
curious, more hazardous, and much more expensive.
Glass has long been manufactured in Great-Britain and
Ireland in the utmost perfection but china ware is the
production of a foreign country, which the English have
only attempted to imitate within these few years. It
has been observed as characteristic of the English nation,
that they take up the inventions of other people,
generally bring them to greater perfection than the in-
ventors were able to do. How far this may hold good in the article of china, must be reserved to the decision
of time; but from the progress they have made, they
bid fair to overtake their originals in a few years, if the
factories, laborers, and all, should not be swallowed up in the vortex of an East-India company.

The Manufacture of china ware in this province cer-
tainly deserved the serious attention of every man who
prays for the happiness of his fellow subjects, or that the
very semblance of liberty may be handed down to poste-
rity I would [torn, illegible] on this subject; I would
not have it suppe [torn, illegible]that [torn, illegible] naturally connect-
ed with chine ware, or even with tea, its gen [torn,illegible] at-
tenant; I sincerely wish they were both, with all their concomitant plagues, in the bottom of the Red Sea; but
we must consider matters as they are, and try to make
the best of them, rather than hope for a perfect revoluti-
on. The use of china is introduced, and well established. Custom has rendered it somehow necessary. We must
and will have it, whatever be the consequence. No
less than fifteen thousand pounds worth of china has been
imported into this province since the first of April last.
If this clay be paid for there are fifteen thousand pounds
of gold and silver less in the province than we should
have had, if the same ware had not been imported, but
manufactured amongst us. Add to this annually, the
immense sums that are sent away for every species of dry
goods, & c and the amount will be very alarming. No
man of common sense will venture to say that the pro-Vince can long endure such enormous taxes. Everythingthat is alienable must soon change its owner; the proper-
ty will be transferred to the other [folded, illegible] the Atlantic. We
must certainly investigate some method of saving cash>
We must manufacture some things for ourselves. No
manufactures are so ill fitted for exportation as glass and
china. None can be made with more propriety at home.
These we should make, and many things besides, else
we shall soon be a ruined people. Our Mother country
has left no measures untried, which may crush our ma-
nufactures, check the spirit of patriotism, and keep us in
the chains of subjection.
Obsta princip is her maxim;
she would nip us in the bud. The china manufactory
has supplies us with a cogent proof of this melancholy
fact. Every importer of china knows, and most retail
purchasers have observed, with pleasure, that the price of china is fallen five shillings in the pound since the commencement of a china factory in this place; the natural consequence of this change should be a full stop to the American manufactory, and a full stop it must have made,
had not the spirit of liberty taken a just alarm at this
insidious scheme. Few men of large fortunes engage in
new enterprises. These are commonly left to the young
adventurer, who has not so much to lose. Such persons
often, at the expense of all they possess, lay the
foundation for improvements, which become a national advan-
tase. They are sure of being praised by posterity, but
have frequently the fate of being deserted by their co-
temporaries. We are apt to discourage new inventions, and home manufactures, because they are not quite so
cheap, or not yet quite so good, as ancient or foreign,
provided they were equal in quality and price; until
that time he counts it his duty to buy at the cheapest
shop. This any often puts me in mind of a certain
islander, who could never consent that his son should go
into the water till he had learned to swim. If we do
not encourage imperfect works, we shall never get per
feet ones. Little do such persons consider that by per-
chasing pretty and cheap foreign manufactures, we shall,

Column 3

in a little time have nothing left where with to buy good
of any kind. I should not commend the propriety and [torn, illegible]
virtue of supporting the manufacture in question, through [torn, illegible]
the contracted view of saving the sum of two or the [torn, illegible]
pounds per annum.</ em> This very manufacture may [torn, illegible]
become the means of saving the sum of two or the [torn, illegible]
hundred thousand pounds per annum to ourselves, [torn, illegible]
our neighbors. The success of one adventure [torn,illegible]>br>fails to give motion [worn, illegible] a number, and the [torn, illegible]
[fold, illegible] enterprise, has [torn, illegible]
[worn, illegible] the public ardor for a series of years, [torn, illegible]
[worn, illegible] India company would avail themselves of the [torn, illegible]
bles of humanity, if they could demolish one [torn, illegible]
manufacture, they would certainly clip twenty [torn illegible]
from the growth of American improvements, and [torn, illegible]
they lost I the present and following year, by lo [torn, illegible]
their prices, they would gain in succeeding years [torn, illegible]
sufficient interest. We should then wish we had [torn, illegible]
in the neighborhood, where we might, like [torn, illegible]
tians, when our money was all gone, be able t [torn, illegible]
the necessary articles in barter for our produce [torn, illegible]
effects; but we should wish in vain. One ho [torn, illegible]
lished in a fruitless enterprise, would be set [torn, illegible]
mark to admonish the cautious passenger to [torn, illegible]
of American manufactures, and we should fa [torn, illegible]
in the ancient channel, till, deprived of ever[torn, illegible]
is desirable to rational beings, we sunk do [torn, illegible]
most wretched state of indigence and servitude [torn, illegible]
I consider the plausible attempt that has[torn, illegible]
lead us aside from our true interest, und [torn, illegible]
of consulting our profit and pleasure, and w [torn, illegible]
the general efforts that are made, notwithstanding [torn, illegible]
these schemes, to support the spirit of us [torn, illegible]
men’s in this province, I cannot help [torn, illegible]
myself that I was born in a colony, which [torn, illegible]
probability, be the best retreat of liberty. [torn, illegible]
A PENNSYLVANIA PL [torn, illegible]

L O N D O N. Ma [torn, illegible]
Extract of a letter from Dublin, May
IT was not long since prophecies that the
session would prove a far greater national in [torn, illegible]
the prorogation. It was then wisely foreseen [torn, illegible]
chief Governor bad, if not too much wisdom [torn, illegible]
cunning to all the Parliament, till he had [torn, illegible]
majority, not only to justify [torn, illegible]duct by which had palp [torn, illegible]to applaud [torn, illegible]
disgraced himself, insulted and abused the [torn, illegible]
and beggared and undone [worn, illegible]
completion of the fatal prophecy is come. [torn, illegible]
and contrary to the agreement of the mini [torn, illegible]
patriot members, the bills have been alto [torn, illegible]
minations rendered possibly perpetual, by [torn, illegible]
stand till a certain day, and to the end [torn, illegible]
session of Parliament.
So that if the [torn, illegible]
without Parliament, these bills have per [torn, illegible]
And though the previous conduct of the [torn, illegible]
in influencing members, in misrepresent by his protest [torn, illegible]
and redeeming the nation bankrupt and [torn, illegible]
universally known and confessed, yet [torn, illegible]
with having extorted addresses of [torn, illegible]
dread of military force, surrounding b [torn, illegible]
ligament, at the beginning of the ses [torn, illegible]
was yesterday made by Governor J [torn, illegible]
by his father in law, Counsellor [torn, illegible]
present an address of thanks to his [torn, illegible]
part of his administration. This [torn, illegible]
appeared too absurd to be suppor [torn, illegible]
upon the dictates of a more mod [torn, illegible]
was made, that an humble add [torn, illegible]
to his Excellency, for his just [torn, illegible]
This was oppo [torn, illegible]
and power of argument than [torn, illegible]
was, however, carried in the [torn, illegible]
is appointed to draw up the a [torn, illegible]
the House, and to meet at [torn, illegible]
rind, we are to kiss the feet [torn, illegible]
uplifted hands of those who [torn, illegible]
iron; and like tame flav [torn, illegible]
forged for us, and our p [torn, illegible]
never have fallen, but [torn, illegible]
is come, when, like [torn, illegible]
voured by their own [torn, illegible]
less, when there [torn, illegible]
either. [torn, illegible]

Part of another
”Thou [torn, illegible]
address [torn, illegible]
with [torn, illegible]
fo [rest of column is torn, illegible]

Page 2
Column 1

[torn, illegible] Thus undeserved thanks and praise became
[torn, illegible] reproach and satire; and, what was intended
[torn, illegible] smooth the rugged paths of administration served
only to strew the with thorns, and make it disgrace
and infamy appear more conspicuous.”

Speech of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to both Houses
on proroguing the Parliament.
My Lords and Gentlemen,

I CANNOT put an end to this session of Parliament
without returning you my sincerest thanks for the great dispatch which you have given to the public business

The many good laws which have now received the Royal assent, are the most honorable proofs of the faith-
fun performance of your important duty, and of your
successful solicitude for the happiness of your country.

In the short interval between this and the next meet-
ing of Parliament, you will consider what may be fur-
ther done to promote the welfare and property of this kingdom.

The laws for making out new writs for the choice of
members to serve in Parliament, and for regulating the
[torn, illegible] of controverted elections, have, I flatter myself,
[torn, illegible] army completed the great improvement made in your
[torn, illegible] situation but he bill for limiting the duration of Par-
[torn, illegible]ments; and I had a particular satisfaction in giving
[torn, illegible] Royal assent to that for the better performance of
[torn, illegible] antine, the importance of which, towards securing
[torn, illegible] of his Majesty’s subjects, is so great and visible,
[torn, illegible]cannot doubt of its being duly and faithfully car-
[torn, illegible]not execution. < /p>

[torn, illegible] congratulate with you upon the prospect, which,
[torn, illegible] Majesty’s wisdom and magnanimity, we now have
[torn, illegible] general tranquility of Europe, in which this king-
[torn, illegible] at all times, essentially interested.

[torn, illegible] continuance of this great blessing you will be
[torn, illegible] leisure to give your attention to the industry,
[torn, illegible] observance and execution of the laws.

[torn, illegible] Gard to those great objects, in your several situ-
[torn, illegible] ll be the most acceptable return you can make
[torn, illegible]jesty for his tenderness and humanity to his
[torn, illegible] preserving them from he dreadful calamities
[torn, illegible] d in continuing to them ever blessing of peace
[torn, illegible] under the best laws, and the mildest govern-
[torn, illegible]

[torn, illegible] Gentlemen of the House of Commons,
anding a considerable unforeseen deficiency
[torn, illegible] es granted last session of Parliament, I have
[torn, illegible] ny resolution of not calling upon you, at this
[torn, illegible]further aid, being determined to shew that
[torn, illegible]gracious intention in assembling you toge-
[torn, illegible] ly in compliance with the wishes of his peo
[torn, illegible] for the purpose of asking new supplies. I
[torn, illegible]ave, at all times, the strongest dispositions
[torn, illegible] his Majesty’s government; experience has
[torn, illegible]he best grounded confidence in your duty and
[torn, illegible] I am persuaded that in the next session, when
[torn, illegible] ll be more time, and a betrayer opportunity, to
[torn, illegible] per provision for his Majesty’s services nd for
[torn, illegible] nal welfare and improvement of your country.

[torn, illegible] Lords and Gentlemen,
[torn, illegible] obliging approbations f my conduct, and the fa-
[torn, illegible] you express [torn, illegible] residence amongst you, are
[torn, illegible] eptable to me. I am happy in this circumstance,
[torn, illegible] abled me, from my own knowledge, to de-
[torn, illegible] shaken zeal of his Majesty’s faithful subjects
[torn, illegible] for the honour and dignity of his Crown,
[torn, illegible] label attachment to his person, family, and
[torn, illegible] and their constant and affectionate regard
[torn, illegible] ry; all which I shall continue to represent
[torn, illegible] and most faithful manner. It is my duty to
[torn, illegible] the most considerable intercourse between,
[torn, illegible] Sovereign and his people of this kingdom;
[torn, illegible] r’s on your return to your several counties,
[torn, illegible] and defeat every attempt that may be
[torn, illegible] the minds of the people with groundless
[torn, illegible] distrust; and I earnestly recommend it to
[torn, illegible] best endeavor to promote concord, har-
[torn, illegible] firm trust in government, so essentially
[torn, illegible] tranquility, happiness, and true interest,

[torn, illegible]was a numerous meeting of the Con-
[torn, illegible]at the Half Moon tavern, Cheapside,
[torn, illegible] Esq; in Resolved, that before any
[torn, illegible] lutions: Resolved, that before any
[torn, illegible] itted a member of society, he
[torn, illegible] following engagements, separately
[torn, illegible] hat purpose:

[torn, illegible]ly engage my word and honour,
[torn, illegible] will faithfully and sincerely en-
[torn, illegible] of my power, to promote and
[torn, illegible] cured, to maintain and continue< br> [torn, illegible] horten the duration of Parlia-
[torn, illegible] preserve to the people their
[torn, illegible] annual, or if that cannot be
[torn, illegible] choice of representatives.
[torn, illegible] House of Parliament, when
[torn, illegible] be made, I will not fail to
[torn, illegible] port to such motion. And
[torn, illegible] Britain for represen-
[torn, illegible] never, directly or
[torn, illegible] candidate who
[torn, illegible] art of the above
[torn, illegible] honour,
[torn, illegible] ely en-
[torn, illegible] and
[rest of column is torn, illegible]

Column 2

county. And I do further engage that if I am a mem-
per of either House of Parliament, when a motion of
this purpose shall be made, I will not fail to attend, and
give my utmost support to such motion. And as an
elector in any part of Great Britain for representatives
to serve in Parliament. I will never directly or Indi-
rectly, give my vote or interest to any candidate who
has not previously made this engagement.”

It is said that a court roll is called over every morning
at a certain house near St. James’s, to know how the
list stands of those who are to be provided for according
to their merit in the noble cause of venality.

Greatly to the honour of government, we hear it has been intimated to all the foreign Ministers, that, as both
Houses of Parliament has resigned the privilege of pro-
testing their servants in cases of debt, their Excellences are no longer to expect that indulgence for their train,
Secretary and all, must for the future, be open to the just demands of their creditors.

Last Tuesday died Christopher Smart, M. A. of
Pembroke college, Cambridge. This Gentleman was
distinguished for his poetical abilities. The five poems which he was the succeeding candidate under the [torn, illegible] of
Mr. Seaton, testify his powers as a writer.

The very diligent and accurate calculator, Muret, an

eminent physician [worn, illegible] an exact compari-
son of 43 registers of [torn, illegible] ishes round him )in the Paid de
[torn, illegible] computes [torn, illegible] more than one half of all that
are born in those parts die it 41 years and 4 months.
Mr. de Busson, in his natural history, affirms, that in
Paris, and its [torn, illegible] one half of the children
that are born are [torn, illegible] at the end of eight years. What
an alarming difference ! How proper a subject for disqui-
sition were this for then Royal academy of Sciences! But, alas! How frightfully are we, of this city, concerned to
prevent the monstrous mismanagement of children, so ge-
nearly, so fatally, prevailing here, that Simpson [torn, illegible] asserts,
after a most exact and diligent examination, that not
above half the children born in London ever arrive at
the age of three years and six months!

The death of General Wolfe, a picture at the exhibi-
bition of the Royal Academy by Mr. West, is said to
be purchased by Lord Grosvenor for 600 guineas, a
circumstance highly honorable to the British artists.
[Mr. West is a native of Pennsylvania]

Lord Chatham lately went to the exhibition of pictures, at the Royal Academy in Pall-Mall, on purpose
to see Mr. West’s celebrated picture of General Wolfe’s
death; his Lordship placed himself before the piece for a considerable time, and examined it with great atten-
sion; upon retiring, he pronounced it well executed upon the whole, but thought there was too much deject-
sion not only in the dying hero’s face, but in the faces
of the surrounding officers, who he said [torn, illegible] Englishmen,
should forget all traces of private misfortunes, when
they had so gloriously conquered for the country.

Many conjectures are formed among the seafaring part
of the community, of the most probably cause of the
loss of the Aurora; the major part of whom seem to
think she must have been det [torn, illegible] by taking fire at sea.
[torn, illegible] was passenger on
boa [torn, illegible] the Aurora was [torn, illegible], Esq son of
late Swedish Counsel at Algiers; he was secretary to
Mr. Scraston, one of the Supervisors. This Gentleman
had such a facility in acquiring languages, that he could
converse in all the European; read and wrote several of
them; understood the Turkish, and spoke Arabic
linguist to this court, to which he had been appointed
some little time before his departure on that voyage.

Her Majesty’s delivery was so sudden, that there was not time to provide any of the great officers of state
usually present on such occasions. Dr. Hunter and
some German Ladies only were present.

When some of the Livery met at the Paul’s Head, the first objection made by Mr. Oliver’s friends to the
election of Alderman Wilkes to the office of sheriff was,
that he would be burthensome to his colleague. To remove this objection Mr. Manning cleared, that he
had authority to say that security to say that security equal to Mr. Oliver’s
fortune would be given, if required. The next objection
was, tat nobody would stand with him. Mr. Man-
Ning declared, that Mr. Bull would accept the office,
if he was pitched upon by the Livery. The last ob
section was, that such a step would prove injurious to
the Electors of Middlesex, and to the great constituti
onal cause, which has so long engaged the attention of the nation. But it was soon given up.

Laughlin M’Lean, Esq; is appointed to superintend
the Lazarettos for quarantine at the different ports, with
a salary of 1000l. Per ann. And an allowance of 2.l per
day for traveling expenses.

It is said Mr. M’Lean, late member for Arundel,
will shortly far off for America, to officiate personally
in the place he enjoys under government there.

Dublin, May 21. From Ballington bay, in the
county of Wicklow, we learn that a most fatal accident
lately happened there through the carelessness of a boy:
A woman and her daughter being unwell, the boy was
dispatched to an apothecary’s at some distance off, for
some flour of brimstone, at the same time a neighbor
desired him to bring him some ratsbane; these ingredients
were carefully delivered by the apothecary to the boy,
who by mistake, gave the ratsbane to the woman
instead of the brimstone; the consequence of which was,
that the mother and daughter shortly after expired by
the effects of this poison and another daughter, who
was big with child, miscarried at seeing her mother and
sister dying so untimely, and is not expected to survive many days

CHARLESTOWNE, (S. Carolina) June 10.
Extract of letter from London, April 2

”The account of the famine in India is greatly ex-
aggregated. The Gentoos will eat nothing but rich and
vegetables, which are scarce; there is another cast that
east nothing but what dies of itself, so they feed on the
dead Gentoos: the Europeans are not sickly, nor
have more of them died, than usual.

Column 3

B O S T O N, July 25.
Saturday last arrived here, the Diamond, a transport
ship, Capt. Adamson, from England, having on board
several officers, and upwards of 150 recruits for his Ma-
jests 14th, 64th and 65th regiments: Those for the former are landed at Castle-William; and those for the two latter are sailed for Halifax.

N E W-Y O R K, August 1.
We hear that one Hopkins, *a Colonel in the
French service, has lately been promoted to the rank of
Brigadier General, and has obtained the government of
the Cayes, on the southern part of Hispaniola, in the
room of the Chevalier d’Argousse, who is gone to

*He is a native of Maryland, well known in this
city, and formerly was one of the Queen’s rangers in
America, soon after which he went into the French
service, where he has continued to since.

We have advice from Stratfield in Connecticut, that
on Sunday last the 28th of July, in time of Divine
service the steeple of the meeting house in that place,
was struck and much shattered with lightening, which at
the same time gave a great shock to most of the Congre-
gation and struck many of them down; but they all
recovered, except [torn, illegible] Burr, [torn, illegible] and Mr. Da[torn, illegible]
Shearman , who were instantaneously killed.

It is said Mrs Wright, with the assistance of her sister,
Mrs. Wells, of Philadelphia, has been so assiduous in
repairing the damage done to the wax work by the late
fire in her house, that the defect is not only supplied by
new pieces, the subjects of which are interesting and
well chosen, but they are executed with superior skill
and judgment, as the performers have improved by
practice and experience: To both these extraordinary geniuses, may, without impropriety, be applied what
Addison says of Kneller, a little varied,

By Heav’n and nature, not a master taught,
They give to nature, passion, life and thought.

The murder by Cain, and the treachery of
Delilah to Sampson, are two principal subjects of their
last performance.

P H I L A D E L P H I A, July 25.
The following letter, on the method of preserving

PEACH TREES from the damage done them by the
WORM, was communicated to the last meeting of
American Philosophical Society, by a Gentleman
of West Jersey.

I have included a brief account of my observations
on the worm and fly, so destructive to the peach trees.
For several years, my peach trees having been destroy-
ed, as I apprehended, by these insects, I determined,
if possible, to find out their time and manner of breeding.
I therefore in in the month of June, 1767, took one of the
these worms out of peach tree, and put it into a phial
stopping it, so as to keep it without stifling, but this one
died in a few days—I continued putting them them in for se-Vera weeks; at length one of them spun itself [torn, illegible]
the manner of a silk worm; I then put in two more,
which did in like manner. They remained thus until
the latter end of July, or beginning of August, when
they came out flies, something resembling a blue wasp ;
this I concluded was the time of their copulating and
laying their eggs in the trees, to prevent which, I tried
tarring such tress as were almost dying, their leaves
being turned yellow, the fruit ripening, and falling off,
at not a third part of the usual size. It was about the
first of August when I tarred the trees in the following
manner; I took raw tar, and with a small brush payed
the tree to about a foot high from the ground, and on
the ground about three inches from he tree all round,
taking care to leave no spot uncovered in that space.
This method I found answered the purpose beyond ex-
peculation; for the next summer my trees flourished, and
grew luxuriantly; I have repeated the experiment every year since, and my trees have flourished, grown and pro-
diced fruit as plentifully as if those insects had never
been in the country.

W I L L I A M S B U R G, August22.
Captain Necks, from London, is arrived in James
tier, after a long passage.

NOTICE is hereby given to all Per-
sons who have any Demands against the Public
for Tobacco lost and destroyed by the late Fresh at
Shockoe’s, Byrds, Rocky Ridge, and Warwick Ware-
houses, that the Commissioners appointed by Act of
Assembly to settle the Accounts of the Tobacco so lost
and destroyed, will meet at Richmond, in the County
of Henrico, upon Tuesday the third Day of September
next for that Purpose concerned are
desired to attend.

THE tobacco saved at Shockoe, Byrds,
Rocky Ridge,
and Warwick warehouses will be
sold publicly at Richmond, on Wednesday the 4th of Sep-
And to prevent suits being brought against those
who have possessed themselves of tobacco floated from the
said warehouses, they are desired to account for the same
by that day, otherwise suits will be commended immedi-
ately against them by the commissioner, according to the
directions of the act of Assembly.

GOOCHLAND, August 8, 1771.
T O B E S O L D,
A VALUABLE tract of LAND in
Pittsylvania county, lying on the Mayo & Smith’s rives,
containing ten thousand and fifty five acres. Any person
inclinable to purchase may know the terms boy applying to
Col. Samuel Jordan, in Buckingham county, who is pro-
perly authorized to sell it. He will attend on the pre-
mises from the roth of October til the 20th of November.
Twelve months credit, or longer, is desired, will be given
the purchaser, giving bond and good security, to my
said attorney. THOMAS M. RANDOLPH

<5>Page 3
Column 1

will be SOLD at Rocky Ridge, for READY MONEY, or
payable at the ensuing General
Court, on Thursday the 26th of September, if fair, other-
wise the next fair day.

Just imported in the TWO SISTERS,
Captain TAYLOR,
A NEAT and gentle assortment of
consisting of caps; suits of worked
muslin, blond lace ditto, paste and other kind of neck-
laces paste ear rings, paste combs, bags, and roses for
Gentlemen’s hair, a variety of ribbonds, and many other
N. B. She expects a full and large assortment by the October court.

WILLIAMSBURG, August 22, 1771.
J U S T I M P O R T E D,
A LARGE quantity of coarse wool-
lens, consisting of Kendall and Welch cottons, blue
and green plains, bearskins, dussils, fearnoughts, Dutch
blankets of all sorts, a find assortment of bed blankets, worsted and yarn stockings, a variety of stuffs for women’s
gowns, & c. With other articles suitable to the season.
They are al well bought, being immediately from the
makers. The public may be assured they will be sold
on reasonable terms. A parcel of Ladies flowered silk
gauze, and stockings at 15 s per pair. A pair of course
white Scotch linens. Also Scotch threads of all sorts, as
usual, wholesale and retail, by
To dispose of, a book for teaching the way of writing,
the universal English short hand in the most easy, concise,
regular, and beautiful manner. It cost one guinea sterling.
2 A. and T.

THE vestry of Cople parish in the
county of Westmoreland, having determined
to make an addition of brick work 28 feet in length, with the
width of the present glebe house, and other repairs on
the said glebe, such undertakers as are willing to engage
in the said business, are desired to meet the church wardens
of the parish, at Cople glebe, on the second Tuesday in
October next. Bond and good security for performance of
covenants being given by the undertaker, the church war-
dens will pay such undertaker immediately 120l. the ba-
lance to be paid by the parish as quickly after the work
is received as parish collections are may by law.
Churchwardens: RICHARD HENRY LEE,

The following TRACTS OF LAND:
TWO thousand acres in Mecklenburg
county on the branches of Mumford, and Mr. Ste-
phen Evans
; and 300 acres in Bedford county, on
Staunton river and the branches of Seneca creed. Any
person inclining to purchase the above lands will be shew-
ed the same, by applying to Samuel Mangam, of Meck-
county and Mr Richard Stitch, of Bedford
county. The terms will be made known, by applying to
John Murray, living in Prince George county,

TAKEN up in James river, at the City Point, in
the late great fresh, five hogsheads of tobacco,
marked as follows: 1st hogsheads, LH, No. 11. 2d,
No x1 m N1, marked upon the head, and the same
upon the bilge. 3d ROES 0N—14, with an S in
the middle of the O, on one head, and ROE, with an
S in the middle of the O as before, on the other. 4 th,
DEDMA NS. 5th GMS, No.—3, with a heart
marked on each head. The owner or owners, on proving their property, may have them, by paying all
reasonable charges, and applying to the subscriber, at

CABIN POINT, August 16, 1771.
STOLEN out of the subscriber’s desk,
between the 1st and 7th instant about 18 lVirginia
paper money; among which were 2 bills of 5 l. and, I
think, only 1 less than 40s. I shall esteem it a favor if
such money is offered to be passed by a Negro, or any sus-
pected person, to have it stopped, and advise me of it, as
I expect to have it in my power to prove some of the bills.

TAKEN up about two miles from Yorktown, a bright
bay mare, about 13 hands and a half high, appears to
be about 6 years old, with a small star in her forehead, not
branded, as a scar on her left fore leg, with a switch tail
and mane, trots and gallops, her two hind feet white.
Posted, and appraised to 10 l.

TAKEN up in Nansemond county, a dark bay mare, about 6 or 7 years old, branded on the near buttock,
but with what cannot remade out, 4 feet 6 inches high,
has a hanging mane, and spring tail. Appraised to 6 1.

TO be SOLD, at Benjamin Johnston’s, in Frederik-
burg, September
fair next, sundry valuable SLAVES,
the estate of Captain William Johnston, deceased, to fa-
tisfy Mr. Andrew Leckie; the overplus for other cre-
editors. Those sold for balance of Leckie’s debt will be
for ready cash ; the others will be for credit till April
General Court following. Bond and approved security to
given to

KING WILLIAM, August 5, 1771.
I HEREBY beg leave to inform my
old clients, as well as the public in general, that I shall
again attend Louisa county court to practice the law.
Those who please to favor me with their business, may
depend on the utmost expedition and punctuality.

Column 2

Lately published an AMERICAN EDI-
TION complete in three volumes octavo,
and now be published from

R O B E R T. B E L L,
Street, Philadelphia,
Neatly bound in calf and lettered, price
one pound twelve shillings and
six pence,— Or the three volumes
sewed in blue boards at the small price of

one pound two shillings and six
pence, although the British edition is
sold at
five pounds twelve shillings
and six pence,
MANY; and of all the kingdoms and states in Europe
during his age.—To which is prefixed a view of the pro-
guess of society in Europe to the beginning of the six-
teeth century.--- Confirmed by historical proofs and il-

+++Nobleness of sentiment, perspicuity of reasoning,
sublimity of style, and elegance of composition; with il-
lustrous instruction; judiciously disused throughout this
literary performance, hath established its reputation,
equal, if not superior, to the most celebrated modern
productions in the historical world.——

Printed PROPOSALS with SPECIMENS, and condi-
ons annexed, for re-printing the following books by sub-
scripting, may be seen at all the great towns in America

HUME’s elegant HISTORY OF ENGLAND, in eight
volumes octavo, at seven shillings and six pence each
volume, which is only three poundsfor the whole set,
although the quarto edition is sold at eleven pounds five

LAWS of ENGLAND, in four volumes royal octavo,
page for page with the British edition, at fifteen shillings
each volume, which is only three poundsfor the whole
set, although the British edition is sold at nine pounds
fifteen shillings.


FERGUSON’s celebrated ESSAY on the HISTORY
of CIVIL SOCIETY, in one volume octavo, at seven
shillings and six pence,
although the British edition is sold
at one pound two shillings.

THE inhabitants of this continent have now an easy
and advantageous opportunity of essentially establish-
ing livery manufactures int eh British colonies, at mode-
rate prices, calculated for the meridian, the establishment
of which will absolutely and eventually produce mental
improvement and commercial expansion, with the additional recommendation of positively saving thousands of
pounds to and [torn,illegible] the inhabitants of the British empire in
America. This—the importation of one thou-
sand sets of Blackstone’s Commentaries manufactured in
Europe at ten pounds per set is sending very near ten
thousand pounds across the great Atlantic Ocean. Where-
as—One thousand sets, manufactured in America, and
sold at the small price of three pounds per set, is an actual
saving of seven thousand pounds to the purchasers, and
the identical three thousand pounds, which is laid out for
our own manufactures, is still retained in the country,
being distributed among manufacturers and traders, whose
residence upon the continent of course causeth the money
to circulate from neighbor to neighbor, and by circla-
sion in America there is a great probability of its revolv-
ing to the very hands from which it originally migrated.

AmericanGentlemen or Ladies who at this juncture,
retain any degrees of that ancient and noble, but now al-
most exploded affection, denominated patriotism, and are now pleased to exemplify it by extending with celerity and
alacrity their auspicious patronage through the cheap
mode of reporting their names and residences (no money
expected till the delivery of an equivalent)
with any book-
seller or printer on the continent, as intentional purchasers of any of the literary works now in contemplation to be
reprinted by subscription in America—will render an es-
sential service to the community by encouraging native
manufactures—and therefore deserves o be had in grateful
remembrance—by their country—by posterity—and by their much obliged, humble servant, the publisher—

SUBSCRIPTIONS for Hume, Blackstone, and Fergu-
are received by said Bell. at the late Union Library, in Third street, Philadelphia; and by the booksellers
and printers in America.

Just imported from London, in the Virginia, Capt. Roberson, and to be
SOLD at the subscriber’s shop in

A LARGE and complete assortment of DRUGS and MEDICINES, chymical and galeni-
cal. Also spices of all sorts, jar raisins, currants, prunes,
figs, plain and colored comfits, white and brown sugar
candies, barley sugar, orange chips, candied ginger and
eringo, capers, best sallad and barber’s oil, best Durham
flower of mustard, fago, vermicelli, saloon, pearly barley, fine
rich old sack and Rhenish wines, salt Peter, red and white
lead, verdigrease, Prussian blue and vermillion, Ander-
son’s, Lockyer’s
and Ward’s pills, Godfrey’s and Free-
cordial, eau de Luce, Turlington’s balsam, and
balsam of honey, Dassy’s, Squire’s, and Stoughton’s
elixir, Eaton’s styptic, Hill’s tincture of valerian, Mrs.
Rednap’s red fit drops, Greenhow’s tincture for the gums
and teeth, ditto for the tooth ache, British rock oil, Bate-
and Jesuit’s drops, essence of water dock and
lemons, elixir bandana, Dr. Jame’s fever powders,
Blackrie’s famous lixiviim for the stone and gravel, very
neat smelling bottles, anodyne necklaces, breast pipes
and nipple glasses, ivory and pewter syringes, best and
second lancets, with or without cafes, gold and silver leaf,
court plaister, small glass funnels, vials, gallipots, lint,
town & c. & c. & c. WILLIAM PASTEUR.
N.B. I would willingly dispose of my shop bottles,
pots, & c. at a reasonable price.

Column 2

DUMFRIES, August 6, 1771.
Mr. Rind,
OBSERVING a publication in your
papers from Fauquier, addressed to Peyton Randolph, Esq; moderator, and signed by the committee cho-
sen by the associators of that county, I think it incumbent
upon me, in justification of my own character to answer
it so far as regards myself.

It is with great concern I observe those Gentlemen cast-
ing so general and severe a reflection, to insure the reputa-
tions of the merchants in
which they view the trading people in this colony. Why
the merchants should be regarded in so different a light in
this country from other states, is a matter which those
Gentlemen have not thought proper to declare, and would
do well to consider. I am however far from imagining that
their opinion in this [torn,illegible]ct till be the sentiments of the
people of this colony [torn,illegible] general, and must think the warmth they have shown on this occasion will not add much
to the credit of their performance.

It is not my intention to examine here into he conduct
of other associators, or of committees. I only mean to
exculpate myself from so violent, and, give me leave to
say, so unjust an attack, by assuring the public that there
are only 16 dozen of gloves, value 12|. 14[torn,illegible] 3d. In my
last importation (an oversight when I ordered my goods)
contrary to the association, and that it was my resolution
to adhere in every particular to the intention and spirit of
that general engagement.

I shall on all occasions, be ready to evince my inno-
cence to the public of the charge so wantonly laid against
me, though I confess I shall, in future, be more cautious
in entering into such engagements.

NEW KENT, August 10, 1771.
To be SOLD, on Monday the 2d of Sep-
member next, at the plantation of Mr.
Richmond Terrell, deceased, in New-
Kent county,
THE personal estate of the said Ter-
consisting of horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, house-
hold and kitchen furniture, about 100 barrels of corn,
some brandy and cider, hoes, nails, oznabrigs, rolls,
Dutch blankets and stockings, with sundry other things
too tedious to mention. Twelve months credit will be al-
lowed for all sums exceeding thirty shillings, the purcha-
sets giving bond, with approved security, to

To be SOLD, for ready money, to the
highest bidder on
Saturday the 31st
August, before the Raleigh door, in
ONE hundred and twenty acres of
LAND [torn,illegible] in York county on Queen’s creek
about a mile from Williamsburgin the possession of
Mr. Peter Powell. There are [torn,illegible] the said land, a good
dwelling house, kitchen, barn, orchard, & c. Mrs. Ma-
ry Cobbs
has her dower in it.

I INTEND for England soon.

RUN away from he subscriber about
the 1st of June, an Irish convict servant man named
CHRISTOPHER DOLTON; he is about 25 years of
age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, of a clear and fresh com-
complexion, has a down look, clumsy made, stoop shoulder-
ed, has short black hair, pitted with the small pox, and
has a lump on one of his fingers next to his thumb. Had with himpiece set in the brim, not altogether of the same color
with the rest of the hat, 3 home made shirts, 1 pair of
trousers, and 1 pair of drawers, both of coarse home
made linen, an old hunting shirt, and a pair of old shoes.
It is imagined he will change his name and apparel. Who-
ever apprehends and secures the said servant, so that I may
get again, shall have FORTY SHILLINGS reward,
and reasonable charges allowed, if brought home.
Calf Pasture, Augusta.

To be SOLD to the highest bidder, on
Thursday the 24th of October, on
the premises, if fair, otherwise
the next fair day,

containing 400 acres, be paid down, the other part in two equal payments, one
in twelve months, the other in two equal payments, one
in twelve months, the other in two years. Bond and se-
purity will be required. Any person inclinable to pur-
chase privately, may know the terms by applying to John Balard, jun. deputy sheriff of the above country.

RAN away from the subscriber an
apprentice boy, named JAMES CURTIS; he is of
a yellow complexion, has a sharp nose, and wear his own
short light colored hair; he went off bare footed, and
has got several scars on his legs. He took with him a
coarse felt hat, two brown linens shirts, both patched with
cotton, 2 pair of crocus trousers, one light colored dussil
jackets, and a double breasted striped Virginia cloth waist-
coat. I hereby forewarn all masters of vessels from em-
ploying him, or any person whatever from entertaining
him. Whoever will convey the said boy to me, shall re-
chive FORTY SHILLINGS reward.

Page 4
Column 1

COMMITTED to Frederick county
gaol, for felony, a Negro man named Charles, be
longing to Brett Randolph, Esq; deceased.

BEING very desirous to settle all my
affairs, and to release the Gentlemen (who at my
request became trustees) from their engagements for me,
I propose to sell at the Rocky Ridge, on Monday the 2d
of December next to the highest bidder, 2500 acres of
exceeding rich and valuable lands, lying just below the
falls of James river, in the county of Chesterfield, on
which is an exceeding good dwelling house, and all con-
leniencies for cropping. There will be land enough
sown in wheat to produce 5000 bushels. A stream
of water runs through it sufficient for a mill. I like-
wise intend to sell the warehouses and many lots in
Rocky Ridge, the valuable ferries on each side the river,
the fishery (?) on each side the river,
the fishery,(?) known by the name of Sandy Barr with
several hundred acre lots in Henrico, and many lots in
Shockoe. At the same time will be sold 250 Negoroes, and
stocks of all sorts. The time of payment will be agreed
on the day of sale. Those who have an inclination
to purchase may view the premises, by applying to Mr.
David Pa [torn, illegible] person, who will shew them the same.

ROCKY RIDGE, July 26, 1771.
THE subscribers store at this place, will be, from the first day of September next,
under the management of Mr. John Scott, by whom
customers will be supplied as formerly; we therefore
hope they will continue their dealings.

For S A L E, the following tracts of
L A N D,

THREE thousand three hundred
acres, 1100 of which is low grounds, on Dan
river, Halifax county, Virginia. 1540 acres on Grassy
creek, Granville county, North Carolina. 640 acres on Fishing creek
Halifax county, North Carolina. 200 acres on
Governor’s Branch, Halifax county, North Carolina.
Long credit will be given if required, and the terms made
known by the subscriber, who resides near Suffolk, in
Nansemond county. DAVID MEADE.

RUN away from the subscriber, the
1st of April last a Negroe woman named Jenny,
she is about 23 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high,
has a small scar on one of her cheeks, which seems to have
been occasioned by the stroke of a whip. I am informed
that she has been seen lately in Williamsburg in the habit
of a man.
She lived with Mr. James Anderson, Black-
smith, last year, and since, some time, with Mr. Robert
Hyland.whoever takes up the said servant, and se-
cures her so that I get her again, or delivers her to me, at
Green Spring, shall have TWENTY SHILLINGS re-
ward and if outside the colony, FIVE POUNDS. I
hereby forward all [torn, illegible] era of vessel from taking her out
of the colony, and an [torn, illegible] determined to prosecute any per
son whatever who shall harbor or entertain her.

ROCKY RIDGE, August 1, 1771.
For SALE, or to be rented for a term of
years, and entered on immediately.
THE capital prize drawn in Col.
Byrds’s lottery, consisting of a double forge, and va-
liable grist mill, with two acres, and a half of land adjoin-
ing. Also two thousand acres of exceeding good land, the
farthest part of which is not more than three miles from
the works. The land will be sold or rented with or with-
out the forge and mill, and laid off in small parcels suit-
able to the purchasers. Long credit will be given, if re-
queried, for the greatest part of the money, on giving
bon, with approved security.

The subscriber has no objection to dispose of one moiety,
or the whole, or the stream without the land. It is capa-
blue of great improvement, as it is situated in the heart of
a wheat country. The forge may be converted to a good
merchant mill at a small expense, and will manufacture
one hundred thousand bushels of wheat in a season, besides
the profits arising from he grist mill, which is worth, at
least, two hundred pounds per annum. The terms will be
made agreeable; and the land and works may be viewed
at any time, by applying to Mr. Richard Crump, mer-
chant at Rocky Ridge. HENRY MORSE.
N. B. The utensils and old iron belonging to the
forge will be sold on reasonable terms.

NORFOLK, July 1, 1771.
may be had a constant supply of that article, and
Those who favor us with their orders may depend up-
on being well used; and they will please to address them
to Mr. William Calderhead, who conducts the business of
the distillery, or to
CALVERT & Company

J A M E S Q U I N,
S T A Y M A K E R,
TAKES this method to inform the
Ladies in general that he carries on the said business
in all its branches; and as he is well versed in said business,,br> by particular care and punctuality hopes to merit the fa-
vour and kind recommendation of those ladies that please
to honour him with their commands, which shall be exe-
luted in the neatest and genteelest manner.
N. B. Enquire at Mr. Jonathan Proffer’s, tailor.


TAKEN up in Louisa (?) , near Hunter’s Ford, a flea
bitten mare about 4 feet 4 inches high, paces slow,
about 9 years old, branded on the near buttock some-
thing resembling a dog, has a white spot in her forehead,
has the sign of a fistula, which has been cured some time,
a black spot on the point of each shoulder, which appears to have been occasioned by a collar. Posted and ap
praised to 4 |. JOSEPH ISBELL.

COMMITTED to Essex county gaol,
a Negro man who calls himself LYHE; he has
passed several years in this neighbourhood as a free man,
and understands the carpenter’s business. Since he was
apprehended he says be belongs to one Moses Allman,
of Isle of Wight county. The owner may have him, on
paying charges of imprisonment, and what the laws al-

RUN away from he subscriber on
the 16t day of July a convict servant man named SA
MUEL BAILEY, by trade a house joiner, about 30 years
of age, is a stout well set fellow, of a ruddy complexion,
about 5 feet 7 inches high, one of his legs sore, and
swelled, his hair is remarkably grey, occasioned by the
small-pox, has a cast in his eyes, and been int he country 2
years; he was clothed, when he went away, in an oznabrig
shirt and trousers, an old light brown jacket, old felt hat,
country made shoes tied, and commonly wear a green
worsted cap. All masters of vessels are forewarned from
harboring or employing him. I will give a reward of
FORTY SHILLINGS to any person who will take up and
deliver to the subscriber, in Richmond county, the said
servant, besides what the law allows.

NOTICE is hereby given to all Per-
sons who have any Demands against the Public
of Tobacco lost and destroyed by the late Fresh at
Quantico Warehouse, that the Commissioners appointed
by Act of assembly to settle the Accounts of the To-
back so lost and destroyed, will meet at Dumfries,in
the County of Prince William, upon the 16th Day of
September next for that Purpose, when all Persons con-
corned are desired to attend.

To be SOLD at Fredericksburg, on Mon-
day the 23rd of September next, being
fair day (the sale formerly advertised
being prevented by the badness of weather)

ABOUT fifty choice SLAVES, used to
cropping and farming. Twelve months credit
will be allowed, on bond with security, bearing interest
from the date. I have also some other slaves to dispose of
at private sale, among whom are two carpenters, and a
few house servants. I will also sell the plantation whereon
I now live, in King George county, opposite to Frede
with or without the ferry. Credit, if required,
will be extended to one, two, or three years, to suit the
purchaser. JAMES HUNTER.

FOUR thousand acres of LAND,
belong to James Burwell lying in the county
of Isle of Wight, on James river, 11 miles below Smith-
will be exposed to public sale on the 10th day of
November next, if fair, otherwise the next fair day. It
is very level, and extraordinary good for grain and stock,
having firm marshes belonging to it, and so convenient to
Norfolk, that whatever is made thereon may easily be
carried there by the water; there is also a very find merchant
mill in the neighbourhood thereof, the proprietor of
which, will, no doubt, readily take all the wheat that
can be made upon it. Oysters and fish are to be had in
plenty, and extremely good. The land will be laid off
in lots to suit purchasers, and may be entered on the 1st
of January next. Six months credit will be allowed
from he day of entry on bond and approved security
being given to

RUNaway from the subscriber, in
Frederick, the 19th of May last, a Negro man
named JASPER lately purchased of George Bowness,
tanner, in Portsmouth, and formerly the property of
William Simpson butcher, in Norfolk, and Francis
in Princess Anne. The said slave is about 27
years of age, remarkably strong built, about 5 feet 9
inches high, speaks good English,wears much hair on his
cheeks, the first joint of the fore finger of his right hand
rendered useless by a wound, has a down cast aspect, a
large scar on one of his knees from a burn, has worked at
the carpenter’s and cooper’s trades, but more accustomed
to work on board vessels, and has much the air of a sailor:
had on when he went away, a new pair of buckskin
breeches, and good shoes and stockings. Whoever will
apprehend the said slave, and convey him to me, or to
Mr. William Allason, merchant in Falmouth shall receive
THREE PISTOLES reward, and if taken out of this co-
lony FIVE PISTOLES. As I have reason to suspect that
he will endeavor to get on board a vessel, in order to make
his escape, I forewarn all masters and commanders of
vessels from taking him on board.

Column 3

STRAYED away the 26th of April
last a blooded bay mare, about 4 feet 6 inches high
with a star in her forehead, and snip on her nose, switch
tail and hanging mane, branded on the near buttock RB.
Whoever will bring the said mare to the subscriber, living
in Spotsylvania shall receive 20s reward.

GEORGE the THIRD, by the grace
of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith, & c. To the Sheriff of
Fairfax, greeting: We command you that you summon
John Pound, son and heir of Morris Pound, deceased,
late of the county aforesaid, to appear out Justices
of our county aforesaid, to appear before our Justices
of our county court of Fairfax, at Alexandria, on the
third Monday in next month, to answer a bill in chancery,
exhibited against him by William Savage, and Margarethis wife, executrix of the last will and testament of Charles
deceased, and Spence Grayson, administrator of
all the singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits,
of Benjamin Grayson, deceased. And this he shall in
wise omit, under the penalty of 100 |. sterling. And have
then there this writ. Witness Peter Wagener, clerk of
our said court, this 20th day of December,in the 11th
year of our reign. P. WAGENER.

MAY 23, 1771
I HAVE for sale ten LOTS or half
acres of LAND, in the city of Williamsburg near Dr.
James Carter’s being the lots whereon the late Col.
Hollaway lived. There is a dwelling house Theron in
good repair, with a kitchen under it, and two large brick
vaults. I would also sell the brick WINDMILL I lately
purchased of Major Taliaferro, which very late experi-
once has proved may be made with very little alteration, ex-
cheeringly convenient and profitable. Any person inclina-
blue to become a purchaser of the above may know the
terms by applying to Mr. Tazewell in Williamsburg,
or the subscriber in Middlesex county.

General Post Office, New York, Jan. 22, 1771.
GENERAL having (for the better facilitating
of Correspondence between Great-Britain and Ameri-
been pleased to add a 5th PACKET-BOAT to
the Station between Falmouth and New-York Notice
is hereby given, that the MAIL, for the future, will
be closed at the Post Office in New-York at 12 of the
Clock at Night, on the 1st Tuesday in every Month,
and dispatched by a Packet the next Day for Falmouth.
By Command of the

GEORGE the Third, by the grace
of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland,
King, Defender of the Faith, & c. To the sheriff of Lou-
doun county, greeting. We command you that you sum-
mon Thomas Patterson, brother and heir of John Petter-
late of Leesburg, in the said county, merchant
deceased, to appear before the Justices of our said county
court, at the court-house thereof, on the 2d Monday in
December next to answer a bill in chancery, exhibited,
against him and Fleming Patterson of Leesburg, mer-
chant, by Henry M’Cabe of Alexandria, mer-
chant, by Henry M’Cable of Alexandria, merchant,
William Craufurd, jun, and company merchants, Willia-
am Craufurd, Thomas Dunmore,
and company of Great-
merchants. And this he shall unwise omit,
under the penalty of 100 |. And have then there this writ.
Witness Charles Bings, clerk of our said court, the 15th
day of November, in the 11th year of our reign, 1770.

FREDERICK, July 2, 1770.
THE subscriber proper to in-
form the public, that he purposes beginning to
inoculate the SMALL-POX on the 12th day of Septem-
ber next, and to continue the same until July following,
at his house, six miles from Winchester:. The situation
healthful and agreeable. The terms for each patient
TWO PISTOLES for inoculation, and 20s a week
for board.

He flatters himself that his experience in Europe, and
his repeated success in inoculating in this county, will
render any account of his being regularly qualified, un-
necessary. To these he chooses to appear, rather than
speak confidently of himself.

Patients may depend upon every necessary accommoda-
sion; likewise the greatest care and tenderness; Nd need
not be under any apprehension of confinement.

Maryland, August 15, 1770.
THE subscriber, who has been regu-
early bred to the practice of PHYSIC and SUR-
GERY, gives this public information that begins to
inoculate on the 5th of September, and continues till
the last of June 1771, at his house when stands about
half a mile from Baltimore Town, on a healthy situa-
sion, with a very agreeable prospect. The price (as
before) TWO PISTOLES, and twenty-five shillings
per week for board. The sickness is really trifling, and
the confinement none. They may safely return to their
homes in 21 days. Those that choose to come, are re-
quested not to alter their diet, and to give timely notice,
that necessary care may be taken to prevent their being
disappointed. NEGROES will be insured at five per-
cent. The subscribe declared he has inoculated upwards
of eight thousand, and has lost but seventeen, and they
died more from obstinacy and a too great indulgence,
than from the small-pox. HENRY STEVENSON.

WILLIAMSBURG: Printed by WILLIAM RIND, at the NEW PRINTING-OFFICE, on the Main Street.
All Persons may be supplied with this GAZETTE at 12s6 per Year. ADVERTISEMENTS of a moderate Length
are inserted for 3s. the First Week, and 2 s. each Time after; and long ones in Proportion.

Original Format

Ink on paper




Rind, William, 1733-1773, printer., “The Virginia Gazette, no. 274, Thursday, August 22, 1771,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 26, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/19.