Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 236, July 17, 1755


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 236, July 17, 1755


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July 17, 1755. THE No.236.

With the freshest Advices, FOREIGN and Domestic.

Column 1

From the Supplement to the Pennsylvania Gazette,
July 7th, 1755.

Last Night an Express arrived here from Halifax (via Boston) in Fourteen
Days, and proceeded this Morning to General Braddock. By him we have
the following important Intelligence, the immediate Publication of which we
hope will be agreeable to our Readers.

BOSTON, June 30.

ON Tuesday last arrived in Town, Major Bourne, who left the
English Camp near Chignecto the 18th Instant, charged with
Dispatches from the hon. Col. Monckton, to his Excellency
Governor Shirley, and brings us the agreeable News, That
on the first Day of this Instant, in the Evening, his Excel-
lency Governor Shirley's two New-England Regiments ar-
rived at Chignecto, in the Bay of Fundi, and on the second landed and
joined his Majesty's regular Forces there, near Fort Lawrence, that the
English Troops marched the fourth, and invested the French Fort of Beau-Sejour
(now called Fort Cumberland) in the Evening, and in their Way took Pos-
session of Pont du Buott, where the French had a Battery of four small Pieces
of Cannon and a Block-house, and had posted 400 Men to oppose their
Passage, who soon retired when closely attacked, and left their Block-house,
and the sundry adjacent Houses in Flames. Our Forces began to bombard
the French Fort from Batteries advanced within 500 Yards of it, on the
13th, which, by a constant Fire, obliged the French to surrender before our
Gun Batteries were finished, onthe 16th Instant. The Fort is a regular
built Pentagon, with 26 Pieces of Cannon mounted, chiefly of 12, 9 and
6 Pounders, and one 10 Inch Mortar, was garrison'd with 150 regular
Troops, and 400 Peasants, commanded by Monsieur Du Chambon, was
plentifully furnished with Provisions, as well as all other Kinds of Stores.
The regular Troops are to be transported to Louisbourg, and under a Pro-
hibition of bearing Arms in North-America for Six Months: The Fort the
French had on the Side of the Bay Verte had accepted the same Terms of
Capitulation, and Colonel Winslow marched with 500 Men, the same
Morning that Major Bourne came away, in order to take Possession of it:
And that the Forces were soon to sail for St. John's River, where it was
not doubted they would have the like Success.

Extract of a Letter from an Officer in our Army in Nova Scotia. From the
Camp before Beau-Sejour, June 11, 1755.
We had a very pleasant Passage of four Days from Boston to Annapo-
lis, where we all arrived safe on Monday the 26th of May; we re-
mained ther till Sunday the first of June, when we all sail'd and got up
here the same Night, but did not land till Monday. We were not a little
pleased to learn on our Arrival, that the French had received no Reinforce-
ment from Louisbourg, as we heard at Boston, nor were they apprized of
our Design, till we got here. The Troops were quartered the Night we
arrived upon the Settlers and Inhabitants, and Tuesday encamped near our
Fort, which Day was employed in preparing to march to the French Side
on the next Day : Accordingly on the 4th of June, (being the Prince of
Wale's Birth-Day) at Break of Day, the Troops were under Arms, and
joined by all the Regulars of our Garrison, both Officers and Soldiers, ex-
cept Captain Hamilton, who was left to command Fort Lawrence, with
whom we left Capt. Brintnal, and about 80 New-England Troops. At
7 o'Clock, the whole Army being about 2450 Men, march with four
Field Pieces in the Front : As soon as they arrived at the Carrying Place,
where was a Log-House, with some Swivel Guns, and a Detachment of
French Troops, they fired upon us, which was soon returned, and they
driven from their Post, which they set Fire to, as they did in their Re-
treat to all the Houses between them and the French Fort; and before
Night almost every House at Beau-Sejour, together with their large new
Mass House, the Priest's House, Hospital, Barns, &c. to the Number of
about 60, were burnt down to the Ground. This Step they took, that we
might not be sheltered by them in our Approach, or benefited thereby in
Case they were obliged to surrender, as they undoubtedly expected they
must. We had only one Man killed, (a Serjeant of our Garrison) and ele-
ven wounded, one of which is since dead, the French had five or six kill'd,
and we suppose more, how many wounded we can't tell. Our Troops
traversed the Ground on their Side, and reconnoitred the Fort pretty near,
without being fired on; their People were employed in strengthening their
Fort by a Glacis and covered Way, as if they did not intend to surrender
without a Dispute, but turned their Defencce chiefly against an Assault,Sword
in Hand, expecting we should storm the Garrison, as they did not apprehend
we had any Artillery, except our Field Pieces and some Cohorns. They
have since taken off the the Roofs from their Houses, and pulled down the Chim-
nies, to prevent the ill Consequences of our Cannonading, as they are now
satisfied we have battering Cannon, and 13 Inch Shells.
We have landed our Cannon and Mortars, and the Troops have been
employed in clearing a Road for transporting them to the Place where we
design to open our Battery (which we hope will be effected this Night)
within 300 Yards of their Ramparts. We had reconnoitering Parties fre-

Column 2

quently out within Half Musket Shot of the Fort, which they frequently fire
at, but have not as yet hurt us a Man. They have in the Fort about 150
Regulars, and as many of the Inhabitants, the Remainder, with the Wo-
men and Children are gone off to the Bay Verte, and other distant Places:
We have not lost one of the Men we brought from New-England, either by
the Enemy or Sickness ; and have only three slightly wounded. An Officer
of our Garrison was surprised by a Party of Indians, who were lurking in a
Copse of Wood on our Side, and taken Prisoner, as he was returning (alone)
from our Garrison to the Camp, early in the Morning a few Day s ago.
A Flag of Truce was sent to Colonel Monckton from the French Com-
mandant the same Day with Letters from the Officer to acquaint the
Colonel of his Misfortune, and that he was well dealt by. The same Day
we took one of their Garrison Prisoner, by whom we learnt, that they ex-
pect a Reinforcement from St. John's and Louisbourg ; but I am in Hopes
they will arrive too late. Our Men are in Health, and high Spirits, and
perform their Fatigues (which are not a few) with great Chearfulness.

Fort-Cumberland, June 18, 1755.
I HAVE now the Pleasure to congratulate you upon the Surrender of
the French Fort, which we have named above. I have not
Time to write you the Particulars. The Forts at Bay Verte and Gaspereau
have surrendered upon Terms, and Colonel Winslow is gone there this
Morning to take Possession ; we have lost but one of our New-England
Troops, killed in opening the Trenches, and about a Dozen wounded,
who are like to do well: We began to fire some small Shells the 13th, some
larger Ones the 14th, the 15th with a few 13 Inch, and the 16th they de-
sired to capitulate; the Terms being agreed upon, Colonel Scot, who
commanded in the Trenches, marched in the same Evening, took Possession
and struck the Colors Yesterday, the memorable 17th of June, the same
Day that Louisbourg surrendered to us. The English Flag was hoisted, and
saluted by all the Guns in the Fort. We found 24 Cannon, the largest 12
Pounders, and one 10 Inch Mortar, Plenty of Ammunition, and Provisions
enough to have held out a long Siege. I heartily wish our Army at the
Southward may meet with the same Success as we have. I doubt not but
our Acquisition will give them great Spirits, as well as give you all in Boston
a sensible Pleasure. I believe there never was so considerable a Conquest
with so little Loss. We had not a Man hurt by all their Cannon and Shells,
and I suppose at a moderate Computation they fired 500 Shot, and 60 or 80

Extract from another Letter.
We did not expect, by their Preparations, they would have surrendered so
soon, and it was chiefly occasioned by a Shell, which broke through one
of their Casements, whereby four Officers were killed and several woun-
ded ; among those killed was Mr. Hay, an Ensign of ours in Warbuton's
Regiment, who had been taked a Week before by some sculking Indians,
as he was passing from our Fort to the Camp. -

And we learn by other Letters, that the New-England Troops behaved
to the Satisfaction of ever Body. - That the only New-England
Man killed, was Joseph Pike, whose Friends belong to Newbury. -
That Col. Prebble received a slight Wound in the Thigh. - That the
French have lost in all eight Officers and fifty one private Men. -
As also, That three Indians were killed, one of which was a Sachem of
the Mickmacs, a stout Fellow, Six Feet and an Half high, about Forty
Years old.

BOSTON. June 26, 1755.
THAT his Excellency the Captain General be desired to commis-
sion proper Officers for raising by Enlistment, not exceeding Five
Hundred Men to march to Crown-Point, to reinforce the Army des-
tined there, if upon Advice from the Army had in the Recess of this
Court, it shall be adjudged by the Commander in Chief for the Time
being with the Advice of the Council, that it be necessary the Army
should be so reinforced.

That each Man be paid a Dollar upon his Enlistment, and in Case
of their being actually engaged in the Service, that they be allowed the
same Bounty, including the Dollar mentioned, Pay and Subsistance,
as the Forces already destined there have, they finding their own good
and sufficient Fire Arms.

The Pay and Subsistance to commence from the Time of their march-
ing, and that they be discharged as soon as the Place is reduced, or the Na-
ture of the Case will admit of, or not exceeding the Time the other
Forces are enlisted for.

That the enlisting Officer be allowed Half a Dollar for [illegible, torn]
so enlisted, and that his Excellency the Governor be desir[illegible, torn]
the other Governments of this Resolve.
Sent up for Concurrence, T. Hub[illegible, torn]
In Council, June 26, 1755. Read and concurred. J. Wi[illegible, torn]
Consented to, W.[illegible, torn]
Besides what is said of the Bravery of our New-Englan[illegible, torn]
their late Encounters with the French in Nova-Scotia ( as[illegible, torn]

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Column 1

the forgoing Letters ) we have a more full and express Testimo-
ny in their Favor, from several Officers of Note in the Army. One
writes, - The Behavior of your New-Englandmen, has fully an-
swered the Character I had often heard of them. - Another, - They
behaved to the entire Satisfaction of every Body. - And another -
Our People have gained double Honor, by their gallant Behavior. -
It would be almost endless to mention all that is said in their Favor;
yet we cannot forbear informing our Readers, that our People were as-
sisted by only two Hundred and Fifty of his Majesty's regular Troops, who;
tis said, also behaved extremely well,

About Nine o'Clock last Saturday Morning, his Excellency set out for
Providence, where he will embark on Board Capt. Saunders, for New-
York. His Excellency was escorted by his own Troop of Guards,
and attended by a great Number of Gentlemen.

Yesterday Capt. Jones arrived here Express from Halifax, by whom
we have the following short Article from a public Print, viz.

Halifax, June 21. Yesterday arrived Captain Spry, in his Majesty's
Ship Fougeux, who brought in with him here, the [Alcide?], a French Ship
of War of 64 Guns, taken by Admiral Boscawen's Squadron cruizing off
Louisbourg: The English Fleet have also taken the Lys, a French 74
Gun Ship, with eight Companies of French Troops on Board, several
Officers and Engineers, and the Military Chest. It is hoped by this Time
the Admiral has fallen in with the rest of that Squadron.

Captain Spry also brought in with him a French Brigantine and a

Besides the above Account, we are inform'd by Letters and Passengers,
that the French were design'd for Louisbourg, there to refit, and put them-
selves in a Condition to come and attack Halifax, and reduce all Nova-
Scotia. - That the Lys was hourly expected at Halifax, Captain Spry
having left her but a few Hours before he came in - That the Lys had
1100 Men on Board, and a General who was to command all the French
Troops on the Ohio, and elsewhere in those Parts. That the French Fleet
had a very large Train of Artillery on Board, and 30 Engineers, the
Chief of whom was kill'd by the first Broadside of our Ships - That
Admiral Boscawen had wrote to Governor Lawrence, that he should cruize
between Cape Sable and the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and also keep 3 or 4
Ships close in with Louisbourg. - That Admiral Boscawen has lent Or-
ders by Captain Jones, for Expresses to be sent to the Commanders of all
his Majesty's Ships in North-America, to come forthwith and join him, ---
That the Lys lost 70 Men in the Engagement, and the Ship that took her,
30. - And, that Captain Taggart was arrived at Halifax from England,
with Cannon and other Military Stores, and that another Store Ship was
daily expected.

Our Readers must be content with these short and confused Hints, 'til we
are able to procure a more particular Account, which probably will be by
the next Vessel from Halifax.


To confirm the above Accounts, we have Permission to insert the fol-
lowing Extract of a Letter from Admiral Boscawen.

Torbay, June 17, 1755, off Cape-Breton.

"The French have sent into these Parts a strong Detachment of Troops,
"conisisting of six Battalions of old Troops, under the Convoy
" of three large Men of War, and some Frigates. In pursuance of His
" Majesty's Instructions to me, I have seized the Alcide, a Man of War
" of Sixty-four Guns; and the Lys, pierced for Seventy-four Guns, her
" lower Battery not mounted, having on Board eight Companies of Foot,
" several Engineers, and the Military Chest, or Part of it. Monsieur De
" Bostange, who was to have commanded the Troops in the second Post,
" was killed on Board the Alcide."

We hear from Mount Johnson, in the Mohocks Country, that Major
General Johnson had, on the Twenty-fourth past, a Grand Assembly of
Indians at that Place, consisting of 1100 of 9 different Nations, who
were consulting on the proper Measures to be taken on the present Con-
juncture of Affairs; and there was great Hopes that their Deliberations
would end favorably for the British Interest.

We hear that the English Fleet now cruising between Cape-Sable and
the Gulph of St. Lawrence, consists of 30 Sail of the Line, under Ad-
mirals Boscawen and Mostyn, and Commodore Osburn; and that they daily
expected to meet more of the French Fleet, who it is said were 24 Sail
when they left Brest.


April 18. The new Grand Signior applies with such Assiduity to the
Study of the Finances of his Empire, that in a little Time they will
be put on a better Footing than they were ever known to be. His Sub-
lime Highness expressed himself in such Terms in a late Divan, that
there is Reason to think that it will not be long before the Porte marches
a powerful Army towards Persia, to recover the Provinces which the
late Thamas Kouli Kan took from the Ottomans.

Letters from Madrid of the 25th of March, that may be depended on,
advise that the Catholic King has ordered all the Officers of the Army
and Navy to get their Equipage in Readiness. His Majesty has also
ordered several Men of War to be fitted out with all Dilegence, to be
sent to America, to maintain the Rights of the Crown against any who
shall attempt to encroach upon them, his Majesty being every Day more
and more determined to hinder any foriegn Nation from entering the Bay
of Honduras, where the Spaniards are now erecting several Forts with
that View.

The following is a Part of some Advices from Paris, dated April 4.
" They write from Brest, that M. Macnamara has caused himself to be
carried thither from Nantes, notwithstanding the violent Fit of the Gout
[torn, illegible]which he was seized in that City, being desirous of giving Orders in
[torn, illegible]concerning the Embarkation of the Forces. There are thirteen
[torn, illegible]in the Road, and others will be ready in a short Time. The
[torn, illegible]expected there Yesterday: His Majesty is very generous to
[torn, illegible]the common Men five Sols each per Day without De-
[torn, illegible]their Maintenance from the Time of their going on Board
[torn, illegible]to France ; the Captains are to have each 230 Livres
[torn, illegible]hout any Deduction for Recruiting; and the Lieutenants
[torn, illegible]

Column 2

BOSTON, June 9.

Extract of a private Letter, by one of the late Ships from London, dated the 14th of
April, 1755.

- " The Reason of the expeditious Armament here, it is said our Court was
moved to, in Revenge of a hellish Plot discovered at the Court of France by Lord
Al-le before he died. The Plot was no less than a Design of invading Great-
Britain and Ireland in several Places as near the same Time as possible : And to destroy
with Fire and Sword, wherever they came; and to burn our Fleet that were laid up in
our Harbours.

When his Lordship's Discovery was known at Paris, it is said he was soon after seized
with his Illness, but most providentially (before he was taken sick) he had dispatched a
Courier to our Court with his Information. With how much Detestation ought every
Subject of Great-Britain, and every other honest Man of all other Nations, to look
upon such a treacherous, perfidious, and Blood-thirsty People!

The Gun-powder Plot was nothing to this, had Providence permitted them to put it
in Execution."

This Morning several Companies of his Excellency's Regiment marched from this
Town for Providence, where they are to take Shipping for New-York, &c,

By a Vessel that arrived here in 11 Days from Halifax, on Saturday last, we have Ad-
vice, that just before she left that Place, a Vessel came in from Louisburg, the Master
of which informed, that no Forces had arrived there from France this Year: - That
they were in Want of Provisions, and wonder'd greatly why no English Vessels had been
there for a long Time: - That they had no Advice of the Loss of their Schooner laden
with Provisions, &c. bound to St. John's, as mentioned in this Paper some Weeks ago,
they had no Advice of our Armaments against their Countrymen in Nova-Scotia.

By Letters from Rhode-Island we are inform'd, that the Collector of his Majesty's
Customs for the Port of Newport, having had Advice, that a large French Schooner was
hovering upon that Coast, endeavouring to get [Prattick?], sent out a Vessel in Quest of
her, which found her in a Creek or Cove, on the Back of Cape Cod, in Company with
a Sloop belonging to New-York. She came from Porto Prince, in Hispaniola, and had
150 Hogsheads of Melasses on Board, with which she was to purchase a Load of Prov-
sion; (especially Flour) of which 'tis said the French are in great Want in the West-
Indies. The Yorker had taken 50 Hogsheads of Melasses on Board, for which, and the
Remainder of the Cargo, Monsieur was to have Flour from New-York ; but the Rhode-
Island Man came upon them so abruptly, that he utterly made void the Bargain, and
carried both the Vessels into Newport last Friday Morning.

June 16. On Monday last the two first Companies of his Excellency's Regiment,
began to march from this Place for Providence, and two more each Day till Friday,
for the same Place, where they are to take Shipping for New-York, &c. The above
Regiment we hear consists of 960 Men, exclusive of Officers. ---- We hear that a Ser-
jeant of one of the Companies which marched on Wednesday, being very warm, drank
so much cold Water, that it immediately put an End to his Life.

By an Express last Saturday from the Westward, we learn, that on Wednesday last,
at a Place called Charlemont, two Men were killed; and Capt. Rice, his Son, and
Grandson, were taken Prisoners there by Indians.

By a Letter from St. George's at the Eastward, dated the 6th Instant, we are informed,
that the Day before, two Lads (Brothers) being in a Canoe, not far from the Shore,
they were fired upon by some Indians, and either killed or taken, but supposed the for-
mer, 15 Guns being distinctly heard to be fired off. Three other Men were in a Gon-
dola at a small Distance from the Canoe, who happily escaped the Indians, and got home.

Saturday last was passed and published here, An Act, intuled, " An Act for the
" more effectual Prevention of Supplies of Provisions and warlike Stores to the French,
" from any Parts of this Province."

NEW-HAVEN; June 14.

This Week the Provincial Troops raised in the Colony of Connecticut, for removing
Encroachments at Crown Point, began their March to Albany, being [1000?] Men.

About 1000 Men more are raised in this Colony, some in his Majesty's immediate
Pay, and some in the Pay of the neighbouring Governments.


June 23. His Excellency the Hon. James De Lancey, Esq; our Lieutenant Governor,
has been pleased to appoint Mr. William Cockcroft, of this City (a Gentleman well
skilled in military Affairs) to be Colonel of our Provincial Forces, who are to act in Con-
junction with others from the neighbouring Colonies, on the present Expedition against
Crown-Point, the whole to be commanded by Major General Johnson.

A Letter from St. Kitts, dated June 14th, says, that Governor Purcell, of Tortola,
arrived there the Day before from Portsmouth, which Place he left the 22d of April
last, in Company with Thirteen Ships of the Line, and two Admirals ; but whither
bound was left to the general Conjecture.

A Sloop from Barbados in 14 Days touched here on Tuesday last in her Way to
New-England. By her we learn, that a Vessel from Guernsey-Isle, arrived at Bridge-
town a few Days before she sailed; the Captain of which reported, that to the East-
ward of the Western Islands, he saw a large Fleet of Ships standing, as he thought,
to the Westward ; and not being any ways inclined to speak with them could not tell
whether they were English or French.

Several Transport Vessels arrived here since our last from the Eastward, having the
Boston, Rhode-Island, &c. Forces on Board, and are since sailed for Albany. Others
from the same Quarter are hourly looked for.

Governor Shirley is expected in Town this Week.

We have the following News from Rhode-Island, dated the 7th Instant, viz.

" About a Week ago a French Sloop with 20 Men, 14 Carriage Guns, 16 Swivels,
40 small Arms, and other warlike Stores proportionable, was taken in this Harbour,
loaded with Melasses and Bale-Goods. There is a Gentleman on Board who says he was
Resident for the French Court in London in 1752, during the French Ambassador's Ab-
sence, and affects the Nobleman, and has a great many Wash Bills, Combs, and other,
Trinkets, suitable for the Ladies, or Valet de Chambres, together with valuable Clothes;
and gives out that he expected to be taken, and the Vessel and Cargo confiscated, other-
wise it would not answer his Designs. This Man and other Frenchmen are permitted to
go about our Streets, and sail in our Harbours without a Guard ; --- an Indulgence, which
if justifiable at a Time when our Armaments are just going upon Action (and for any
Thing we know a War may be declared already betwixt England and France) then our
Armies and Expences are only Amusements."

The Indians at Norridgewock, Arresaguntacock, Weweenock, and St. John's Tribes,
and the Indians of the other Tribes inhabiting in the Eastern and Northern Parts of
his Majesty's Territories of New-England, the Penobscot Tribe only excepted, having
contrary to their solemn Submission to his Majesty, long since made, and frequently re-
newed, been guilty of the most persidious, barbarous and inhuman Murders of [divers?]
of his Majesty's English Subjects, and have abstained from all Commerce and Corespon-
dence with his Majesty's said Subjects for many Months past ; and the said Indians have
fully discovered an inimical, traiterous and rebellious Intention and Disposition : His Ex-
cellency Governor Shirley has therefore issued a Proclamation, bearing date the 12th In-
stant, declaring the above recited Tribes, the Penobscots only excepted, to be Enemies,
Rebels and Traitors to his most sacred Majesty. And had likewise thought fit to pulish
the Premiums or Bounties following, offered by the General Court of that Province,
for the Bodies or Scalps of any of the aforementioned Indians, viz.

For every Male Indian Prisoner above the Age of twelve Years, that shall be taken
and brought to Boston, Fifty Pounds.

For every Male Indian Scalp, brought in as Evidence of their being killed, Forty

For every Female Indian Prisoner, taken and brought in as aforesaid, and for every
Male Indian Prisoner under the Age of twelve Years, taken and brought in as aforesaid,
Twenty-five Pounds.

For every Scalp of such Female Indian, or Male Indian, under twelve Years, brought
as Evidence of their being killed, as aforesaid, Twenty Pounds.


June 26. Tuesday last being the grand Anniversary or Feast of St. John the Baptist,
the Brethren of that most ancient and worshipful Society, the Free and Accepted Masons
went in a regular Procession from the Lodge-Room, to attend Divine Service at Christ-
Church, in this City. The Order in which they proceeded, was as follows :

I. The

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Column 1

I. The Sword-Bearer, carrying a drawn Sword.

II. Six Stewards, with white Rods, walking two and two.

III. The Grand Secretary, and Grand Treasurer, who bore each a Crimson Damask
Cushion, on one of which was laid the Bible, and on the other the Book of Constitu-

IV. A Reverand Brother.

V. The Grand Master, supported by two Brethren of Rank and Distinction.

VI. The Deputy Grand Master, supported in like Manner.

VII. The two Grand Wardens.

VIII. Two Members of the Grand Lodge.

IX. The Three Orders, Dorick, Ionick, and Corinthian, carried by three Tylers.

X. The three Masters of the three regular Lodges in this City.

XI.The two Wardens of the First Lodge.

XII. The two Wardens of the Second Lodge.

XIII. The two Wardens of the Third Lodge.

XIV. The three Secretaries of the three Lodges.

XV. The three Treasurers of the three Lodges.

XVI. The Visiting Brethren, walking two and two.

XVII. The Members of the First, Second, and Third Lodges, two and two.

XVIII. Six Stewards, with their Rods, two and two.

XIX. The Grand Master's, Governor Morris's, Governor Tinker's, and others of the
Brethrens Coaches and Chariots, empty.

The whole Number of Masons amounted to 127, who being all new cloathed with
Aprons, white Gloves and Stockings, and the Officers in the proper Cloathing and Jewels
of their respective Lodges, with their other Badges of Dignity, made an handsome and gen-
teel Appearance.

When the Procession came into Market-Street, both in going to, and coming from
Church, they were saluted by a Discharge of nine Cannon from a Brother's Vessel, hand-
somely ornamented with Colors, which lay opposite the said Street, for that Purpose.

The Procession enter'd the Church in the Order of their March, and the Brethren
seated themselves in the Pews of the Middle Isle, which were purposely kept empty for
them. After which, Prayers were read by the Rector, the Rev. Dr. Jenny, and a most
excellent and well-adapted Sermon was preached by our reverend and worth Brother
William Smith, A.M. The Words of the Text were, Love the Brotherhood, fear God,
honor the King, I. Pet. ii. 17. And the Scope of the Discourse was to shew that the
Observance of these three Grand Duties is not only the Foundation, of the ancient So-
ciety of Free Masons, but of Societies of every Kind. The Preacher therefore first de-
duced the Obligation to these Duties in a clear and philosophical Manner, from undeni-
able Principles. He then added many engaging Motives to a correspondent Practice, and
concluded with an earnest and pathetick Exhortation, first to the Audience in general, and
then to the Fraternity of Masons in particular, to consider that in our present critical Si-
tuation, our Success and future Glory, as a People, depend on our Regard to Religion,
Unanimity among ourselves, and a firm Attachment to our civil Privileges and to our
gracious King, who is the just Guardian of them. - Both before and after Sermon,
Psalms were sung suitable to the Occasion.

After Divine Service was over, the Procession returned in the same Order to the Lodge
Room to Dinner ; the musical Bells belonging to the Church, and a Band of Musick
before them, at the same Time playing the Tune of the Enter'd Apprentice's Song.
The whole Ceremony was conducted with the utmost Decorum and Solemnity, and, as
we hear, afforded great Satisfaction to the Inhabitants in general.

After Dinner, the following Toasts were drank in the Masonic Manner, under re-
peated Discharges of Cannon, planted in the Square adjoining the Lodge Room.

1. The King and the Craft.

2. The Grand Master of England.

3. Our Brother Francis, Emperor of Germany.

4. The Grand Master of Pennsylvania.

5. Our Brother, His Honor the Governor of Pennsylvania.

6. Our Brother, His Excellency John Tinker, Esq; Governor of Providence, returning
him Thanks for this his kind Visit.

7. The Grand Master of Scotland.

8. The Grand Master of Ireland.

9. The several Provincial Grand Masters of North-America and the West-India Islands.

10. All charitable Masons.

11. All true and faithful Masons, wheresoever dispersed or distressed, throughout the

12. The Arts and Sciences.

13. General Braddock, and Success to His Majesty's Forces.

14. Prosperity to Pennsylvania, and on an happy Union to his Majesty's Colonies.

The greatest Order and Regularity was observed, Chearfulness, Harmony, and good
Fellowship abounded, during the whole Time of Meeting ; and at Five a Clock in the
Afternoon, the Grand Master having closed the Lodge, the Brethren return'd to their
respective Homes.

N. B. Before the Lodge was closed, the Grand Master, at the Desire, and in the Name
and Behalf of the Grand Lodge, and the Masters and Brethren of the three regular Lodges,
return'd the Thanks of the Society to the Reverend Mr. Smith for his Sermon, and requested
that a Copy thereof might be immediately sent to the Press, which is accordingly done.

Tuesday last His Majesty's Snow of War the Jamaica, Capt. Hood, arrived here
from Virginia.

The same Day Capt. Condy arriv'd in ten Days from Halifax, and advises, that the
New-England Forces were got safe to the Bay of Fundi, and had disarm'd the Neutral
French : And that the Day before he sail'd, a Flag of Truce arriv'd there from Cape-
Breton, to demand the Schooner, seiz'd lately by Capt. Cobb ; the Master of which re-
ported, that Six French Men of War had got to Louisburgh, one of which was a 64
Gun Ship.


Last Monday about Three o'Clock in the Morning, an Express arrived from Fort
Cumberland, with a Letter from Col. Innes, dated July 11, to his Honor the Governor,
informing him, That our Army was defeated, the General killed, and Numbers of our
Officers, and all our Artillery taken ; but as three Days are elapsed since, and further
Account of it, to confirm the above, we are in Hopes, that Col. Innes has been impos-
ed upon by some Runaway, and that the Account is false.


Just Imported by the Subscriber in Williamsburg,
A CHOICE Assortment of very fine Hairs, and other Materials, from London, for
making all Kinds of Wigs, viz. Tie Wigs, Brigadier Wigs, Bag Wigs, Bags, Al-
bermarle Wigs with Roses, Que Wigs, with Ribbon, Bobs, Scratches, Cuts, &c. &c.
Gentlemen may depend on being expeditiously served, after the neatest Manner, and good
Allowance made for ready Money, by Their humble Servant,
Robert Lyon.
N.B. As I intend to settle my Affairs in October next, I desire all Persons indebted
to me to make immediate Payment, that I may be enabled to fulfil my Promises to the
Gentlemen I am indebted to. - I now keep Tavern at the Sign of the Edinburgh-
Castle, near the Capitol; where Gentlemen may depend on very good Pasturage and Sta-
blage for Horses ; also the best Accommodations in my Power. Robert Lyon.

Williamsburg, July 11, 1755.
WHEREAS several Sheriffs have not yet accounted with the Trea-
sury, for the Poll-Tax due the 25th of April last, and many others
have paid only Part thereof; I do hereby give them Notice, That unless
they come to my House in the County of King & Queen, or to Williams-
burg, on or before the 11th Day of August next, and pay the Ballance due,
Process will be immediately issued against all such who shall then be in
Arrear. John Robinson, Treasurer.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Henrico County, a small black Horse, about
13 Hands high, branded on the off Buttock resembling two Fish-hooks in a Piece.
The Owner may have him of me on proving his Property.
Peter Randolph.

Column 2

To be SOLD,
IN Orange County, Eight Hundred Acres of Land, at the Little Mountain, with good
Peach and Apple Orchards, very large, convenient to Church and Mill, near Todd's
Thoroughfair; to be sold with seven Negroes, and Stock, or without : For the Price
enquire of the Subscriber in Caroline County, or to Richard Willson, Overseer, at the

Seventeen Hundred and Thirty-seven Acres of Land, in Louisa County, about 4 Miles
from the Court-house, convenient to Church and Mill ; it's laid off in five Lots : For
the Price enquire of Mr. Champness Terry, who lives joining to the said Land, or the

Three Hundred and Forty Acres of Land in Spotsylvania County, about 12 Miles from
Fredricksburg, convenient to Church and Mill, and five Lots in Fredericksburg, Lot
No. 53, and one joining to it : For the Price enquire if Mr. Humphrey Wallis, Mercht.
in Fredericksburg, or the Subscriber. Credit will be allowed for the above 'til the fifth
Day of April next, on giving Bond and Security, as usual, and if ready Money, 5 per
Cent. Discount shall be allowed, by Benjamin Hubbard.

TAKEN up in February last, by the Subscriber, living in Cumberland County, a small
grey Fleabitten natural-pacing Mare, neither dock'd nor branded; also a Yearling
Sorril Mare Colt, a natural Pacer, with a Star on her Forehead, a small Blaze and Snip
on her Nose, and both hind Feet white, but neither dock'd nor branded. They have
been posted and appraised at Six Pounds. The Owner may have them of me, paying as
the Law directs. Robert Hudgens.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Cumberland County, a small black Mare,
branded on the near Buttock EB. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the
Law directs. Samuel Allen

RAN away from the Subscriber, on Beaverdam, in Goochland County, about the
Middle of May last, Two Virginia-born Negroe Men, One named Will, about 30
Years of Age, 5 Feet 8 Inches high ; had on when he went away, a Cotton Wastecoat
and Breeches, an Oznabrig Shirt, a Felt Hat, Shoes and Stockings; he is a little lame,
occasioned by Splits in his Feet. The other named Don, about 25 Years of Age, 5
Feet 9 Inches high, of a bold Look and Speech ; had on a blue Coat and Breeches with
white Metal Buttons, an Oznabrig Shirt, an old fine Hat, Shoes and Stockings; he is
of the blackest Complexion. Whoever apprehends the said Slaves, or either of them,
so that they may be had again, shall receive a Pistole Reward, besides what the Law
allows. Thomas Pleasants.

RAN away from the Schooner Warwick, near the Mouth of Potomack, a Mulat-
toe Man, named Peter, about 35 Years of Age, near Six Feet high and very
slim ; had on when he went away, a light colored Pea Jacket, lined with striped Flan-
nel, striped Flannel Trousers, and a Straw Hat covered with a Tarpawlin. Whoever
apprehends the said Fellow, and conveys him to me, shall have Two Pistoles Reward.
John Jones

To be SOLD, at public Sale,
AT King-William Court House, on the Court Day, in September next, a Tract of
Land, containing One Thousand Acres, lying within two Miles of Aylett's Ware-
house, in the said County : Also another Tract of Land, containing two Hundred
Acres, within one Mile of Todd's Warehouse, in King and Queen County. Any Per-
son inclinable to purchase the said Tracts, or either of them, may view the same, at
any Time before the Day of Sale, by applying to Benjamin Hubbard one of the Sub-
scribers, or Mr. Todd, living near the Warehouse.
Benjamin Hubbard,
John Robinson.

To be SOLD, at public Sale,
AT the Dwelling House of the Subscriber, in Glocester County on Tuesday the 25th
of November next, several Tracts of valuable Land, lying in the said County, and
upwards of one Hundred choice Slaves. Six Months Credit will be given, the
Purchaser giving Bond and Security.
John [Symmer?].

June 18, 1755.
RAN away from the Subscriber, a Convict Servant Man, named Thomas Hudly, a
Ploughman, about 40 Years of Age, and about 5 Feet 10 Inches high, of a fresh
Complexion, with his own dark-brown Hair; had on when he went away, a dark color'd
Pea Jacket lined through with Oznabrigs, a Pair of Hempen Roles Trousers, an Ozna-
brig Shirt, and Country-made Shoes; he also took with him a light color'd Cloth Coat,
with Metal Buttons, patched at each Elbow. Whoever apprehends and conveys him to
me, shall have Two Pistoles Reward, besides what the Law allows.
A. [Churchbill?].

To be SOLD, by the Subscriber, in York Town, on
Monday the 21st instant, being York Court Day,
A complete Sett of Black-smiths Tools, some Bar-Iron andn Steel,
Lead, Pots, Crucibles, Brass Pump Chambers, Mounting for Harness, &c. &c.
Six Month's Credit will be allowed, the Purchasers giving Bond and Security, as usual,
to [2?] Martha Goosley.
N. B. To be hired at the same Time, a Negroe Fellow who strikes very well to a
Blacksmith. M.G.

A Plantation, consisting of Sixty Acres of Land, lying in New-Kent County, very
commodious for a Merchant, being pleasantly situated on Pamunkey River, whereon
is a good Dwelling-House 28 by 16, with two Brick Chimneys, convenient Out-houses,
and a very good Garden. Any Person inclinable to lease or rent the same, may know
the Terms by applying to the Subscriber, in Hanover County.

Likewise to be sold, a Tract of very good Land, lying on Ivy Creek, in Louisa County,
containing 400 Acres. The Terms may be known by applying to
[2?] John Waddy.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Louisa County, a Bay Mare, about
Feet 6 Inches high, branded on the near Buttock neatly thus [O?]. She has been
appraised at Forty Shillings. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
March 25, 1755. [Woddy?] Thomson.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Merchant's-Hundred, James-City County [torn, illegible]
light-grey Gelding, almost white, about 14 hands high, with a Switch T[torn, illegible]
very full Mane, but no Brand to be perceiv'd; he is a natural Pacer, and h[torn, illegible]
and appraised at Four Pounds. The Owner may have hime of me, pa[torn, illegible]
directs. [torn, illegible]

THERE is a the Subscriber's Plantation, near Rocky-Run Church,[torn, illegible]
a Steer, mark'd with a Half Crop and Slit in the right E[torn, illegible]
Moons under the Left. The Owner may have him of me paying as[torn, illegible]

Page 4
Column 1

THIS is to give Notice, That I shall leave the Colony about the Middle of August
next, in the Ship Speedwell, Capt. John Gaitskill, bound for London. All Persons
that have any Demands against me are desired to bring in thier Accounts, in Order to have
them adjusted ; and all Persons that are indebted to me are desired, if they can't make
Payment before that Time, to apply to Mr. Fielding Lewis, who is impowered to receive
and pay on my Account. B. Grymes.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, near Cumberland Court-House, a small black Mare,
4 Feet 4 Inches high, with Saddle Spots, branded on the near Buttock AN in a
Piece ; and has been appraised at Thirty Shillings. The Owner may have her of me,
paying as the Law directs. Henry Stratton.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near Green-Spring, in Louisa County, a middle-
siz'd light-grey Horse, about 4 Feet 6 Inches high, supposed to be 18 or 19 Years
old ; has a Switch Tail, a hanging Mane, and branded on the near Buttock [M?] ; paces
a little ; and has been posted and appraised at Four Pounds. The Owner may have him
of me, paying as the Law directs.
The 26th of the 11th Month 1754. Thomas Moremen.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, in Albermarle County, a small black Gelding, about
4 Feet 3 Inches high, branded on the near Buttock IB ; and has been appraised
at Three Pounds Ten Shillings. The Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law
directs. George Anderson

ANY Person of a good Character, capable of teaching Children Reading, Writing,
and Arithmetic, may meet with Encouragement by applying to the Vestry of
Bruton Parish, who meet at the Church on Tuesday the 15th Instant, and, in the mean
Time, on Application to the Minister of the Parish, the Rev. Mr. Commissary Dawson,
they may be acquainted with the Terms.

MR. John Irons, You are to take Notice, That in the Suit now depending in the
General Court, Sydenbam and Hodgson, of London, Merchants, against you, the
Plaintiffs intend to examine their Witnesses next Essex Court Day, at Emerson's Ordinary,
in the County of Essex. John Mercer, Attorney for Plaintiffs.

ON Tuesday Night, the 24th of June last, coming from Williamsburg, got away
from William Bickham, a bright Bay Horse, branded on the near Buttock RD in a
Piece, one of his fore Leggs has been hurt, and looks as if it had been broke; he had
on a Saddle and Bridle. Whoever will bring the Horse and Saddle to the Brick-House,
shall be handsomely rewarded, by
Robert Dudley.

To be SOLD, by the Subscriber, on reasonable Terms,
A TRACT of Land, containing 6 or 700 Acres, lying in the County of Cumberland,
on both Sides Willis's River, great Part thereof low Ground, with two Plantations
thereon ; one of them in very good Order for Cropping, having an Overseer's House,
Negroe Quarter, two Barns, &c. also a good Peach and Apple Orchard, all very conve-
nient to a Church, Court-house and Mill, and within about 50 Miles of several Ware-
houses, to where Tobacco is frequently convey'd from the said Plantation, by Water, with
very little Expence. Any Person inclinable to purchase, may know the Terms by ap-
plying to George Carrington, who lives near the Premisses, or to the Subscriber in Lunen-
burg County. t. f. Paul Carrington.

STRAYED or stolen from the Subscriber, about the Middle of May last, a middle-
siz'd bright Bay Horse, branded on the near Buttock A ; he has a small white Spot
on his near Buttock, and paces very well. Whoever brings him to me, near Col. John
Baylor's, in Caroline County, shall have a Pistole Reward, paid by
Jasper Haynes.

STRAY'D from the Subscriber, living in King-William County, on the 23d Day of
May last, a dark Bay Horse Colt, two Years old, 13 Hands and an Half high,
docked, and branded on the near Buttock NB. Whoever brings him to me, shall have
half a Pistole Reward. Nathaniel Burwell.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Lunenburg County, about twelve Months
ago, a bright Bay Horse, about 4 Feet 9 Inches high, with a Star in his Forehead,
branded on both shoulders SB, only on one Shoulder the Brand is wrong End upwards;
and on the near Buttock S. He has been appraised. The Owner may have him of me,
on paying as the Law directs. John Ashworth.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living on Cedar Run, near Brentown, Prince-William
County, on the 5th Day of March last, a dark Roan Mare, neither dock'd nor
branded, about two Years old, and about twelve Hands high, a natural Pacer, with her
Mane hanging on the near Side. She has been posted and appraised at Forty Shillings.
The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
George Foote.

Amelia County, June 20, 1755.
THERE has been in these Woods, and at the Subscriber's House, near Wynne's Or-
dinary, since early last Fall, Nine Hogs, mark'd as follows, viz. a large sandy
black and white Barrow, and five Shoats, with a Crop a Hole and Underkeel in the right
Ear, and the left Ear long ; also two reddish color'd Sows of the same Mark, only one has
a Crop in the left Ear ; the other a black Shoat, with a Crop a Hole and Underkeel in
the left Ear, and the right Ear long. They have been posted and appraised at Forty
Shillings. The Owner may have them of me, paying as the Law directs.
Patrick McQuaid.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near Southern's Ferry, in Essex County, a
middle-sized grey Flea-bitten Mare, with a raw Nose, a Slit in each Ear ; and
hath been appraised at Three Pounds. The Owner may have her of me, on paying as
the Law directs. Daniel Thomas.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near Otter River, in Bedford County, a bright
Bay Horse, about 4 Years old, with a Star in his Forehead, and branded on the off
Shoulder K and Flower de Lys. He has been appraised at Five Pounds Ten Shillings.
The Owner may have him of me, on paying as the Law directs.
John Currey.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Northumberland County, a small Rone Mare,
about four Years old, neither dock'd nor branded. She has been posted and ap-
praised. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
Spencer [Mottrem?] Ball.

[torn, illegible]KEN up by the Subscriber, living in Fairfax County, near the Town of Alexan-
[torn, illegible] large bright Bay Mare, with a Stare in her Forehead, has been hurt in her
[torn, illegible] and branded on the off Buttock with a Horse Shoe. The Owner may
[torn, illegible] paying as the Law directs.
[torn, illegible] Jeremiah Hampton.

Column 2

IMported by the Virginia-Merchant, Benjamin Wright, Commander, a Cask mark'd
IW, containing 3 Dozen Broad-Axes. The Owner may have them, by applying to
the Subscriber, in Blandford. Thomas Knox.

To be SOLD,
A TRACT of Land, containing 3121 Acres, lying in Prince-Edward County, being
the Land whereon the Court-House now stands, together with a Dwelling-House
where the Ordinary is now kept, a Store House, and several convenient Out-Houses,
with an Orchard belonging to it, and five Slaves ; the Land will be sold either in the
Whole or in Parcels. The Sale to be on the Premisses, on the 20th Day of September
next, and Credit will be allowed, the Purchasers giving Bond and Security, 'til the 10th
Day of April following.
Charles Anderson.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, in Surry County, a bright Bay Mare, about 4 Feet 8
Inches high, and branded on the near Buttock I'B. She has been appraised at
Seven Pounds. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
Henry Browne.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Albermarle County, two Stray Steers, which
came to my Plantation in Goochland County, last Fall ; one of them is Black and
White, with some white in his Face; the other is Red, with a white Face, and some
White under his Belly. They are both marked with a Crop and an Underkeel in the
right Ear, and have been posted. The Owner may have them of me, paying as the Law
directs. Allen Howard.

Just PUBLISHED, Price Is. 3d.
A TREATISE on BAPTISM ; in which the Quaker-Doctrine of Water Baptism is
considered ; their Objections answered ; and the Doctrine of our Church of Eng-
land upon this important Point, stated and vindicated. By a Layman.
The Truth endureth, and is always strong, it liveth and conquereth for ever. I Esdras iv. 38.

TAKEN up at the Subscriber's Plantation, in Cumberland County, an old grey
Gelding, about 14 Hands high, with a black Mane and Tail, and branded on the
near Buttock ooo ; also a white Mare, somewhat Fleabitten, and White about the Mouth,
branded on the off Shoulder G, and the off Butock H. The Horse has been appraised
at Forty Shillings, and the Mare at Five Pounds. They have been at my House these
twelve Months. The Owner may have them of me, on paying as the Law directs.
Daniel Stoner.

To be SOLD, (for want of Employment)
A NEGROE GIRL, about 13 Years of Age, that has been used to serving in a
Family. Enquire of the Printer.

To be SOLD,
A VERY good Windmill, and all other Houses fit for carrying on the Business of a
Baker, being Part of the Estate of Robert Todd, late of Norfolk, Merchant, de-
ceased ; the said Houses are build upon the Glebe, within Half a Mile of Norfolk, and
the Terms of Sale may be known by applying to Capt. Edward Pugh, of the said Town,
or the Subscriber.

All Persons indebted to the said Estate, are, to prevent Trouble, desired immediately
to pay their respective Ballances to Messieurs James Holt, and William Young, Attornies at
Law in Norfolk, or to the Subscriber living in Suffolk ; and such as have in their Posses-
sion any Notes, Bonds, or other Papers of Consequence belonging to the said Estate, are
equested to give Information thereof to 9 John Watson, Administrator.

To be SOLD in Hanover County,
SIX Thousand Acres of good Land, whereon are eight good Plantations ; the Manor
Plantation is well situated, with a very good Dwelling-house, and all other necessary
Out-Houses, a good Water-mill, and a fine Meadow. Any Person inclinable to purchase
the Whole, or any Part, may know the Terms by applying to the Printer. t. f.

To be SOLD,
A Valuable Tract of Land, consisting of 500 Acres, all plantable, pleasantly situated
on the River, within two Miles of Norfolk Town, and one of Portsmouth, a suffi-
cient Quantity of which is cleared and fenced either for Pasture or Cropping, the rest
well wooded and timber'd, with a good Dwelling-house, Kitchen, Barns, Outhouses,
Orchards, and all other Necessaries, good Landings, Fish and Oysters at the Door : The
Land to be Sold, with or without the Negroes, Stock of Cattle, &c. Whoever is willing
to purchase the same, may apply to Anthony Walke, in Norfolk. 6

To be SOLD, by the Subscribers, by Virtue of Powers
of Attorney, from William McRedie, Brother and
Heir at Law to Thomas McRedie of Fredericks-
burg, Merchant, deceas'd, and Thomas McRedie,
Father of the said Thomas,
A Plantation in Augusta County, on [Shenandoe?] River, containing 450 Acres more or
less, 100 of which are extaordinary rich low Grounds ; as also, Ten choice
working Slaves, with Hogs, Horses, and Cattle. The Premisses may be entered upon,
and enjoyed, at any Time after the Sale. Whoever has a Mind to purchase, may ap-
ply to us and know the Terms. John Mitchell,
t. f. William Cuningham.

To be SOLD, in Prince-George County,
FOURTEEN Hundred Acres of Land, containing both valuable high and low
Grounds, affords good Water, good Pasturage, and is well tiber'd with large Oak,
Pine and Poplar, whereon are three good Plantations, in good Order for Cropping; and
the Manor Plantation is a very handsome Situation, with the following Conveniencies, viz.
One Dwelling-House 32 by 25, containing 4 Rooms and 4 Closets, with 2 Brick Chim-
neys, plaister'd and white-wash'd ; also another Dwelling-House 38 by 18, with a Stack
of Chimneys in the Middle, 2 Rooms on a Floor, and a large Closet, plaister'd and white-
wash'd, a good Dairy, Meat-House, Smoke-House, Kitchen, Quarter, Spinning-House
with a Brick Chimney, one 40 and one 32 Feet Tobacco Houses, a large well-fixed Store,
with several other convenient Houses and Orchards ; and on each of the other Plantations
are two 32 Feet Tobacco-Houses, an Overseer's-House, and Negroe Quarters, likewise
Orchards, and good Water. Any Person inclinable to purchase may know the Terms,
by applying to Charles Turnbull at Petersburg, John Hyndman at Smithfield, or William
Stevenson at York. t.f.

[torn, illegible]AMSBURG : Printed by WILLIAM HUNTER, at the GENERAL POST-OFFICE ; by
[torn, illegible]Persons may be supplied with this Paper. Advertisements of a moderate Length are inserted for Three
[torn, illegible] the first Week, and Two Shillings each Week after.




Hunter, William, -1761, printer. , “The Virginia Gazette, no. 236, July 17, 1755,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 27, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/7.