Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

The Virginia Gazette, no. 254, November 21, 1755


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The Virginia Gazette, no. 254, November 21, 1755


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Page 1

November 21, 1755. THE No. 254.
With the freshest ADVICES, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.

Column 1

From the London Gazetteer or Daily Advertiser.
Consideration upon the present State of the Commerce, Taxes, Armaments, Nary
and Cash; also upon the National Debts, public Credit, National Faith,
and other Affairs of Great-Britain and France.

To the PRINTER, &c.
Oblector bac Specula.

IN all Probability the Temple of Janus will be soon opened, the im-
prisoned God roused, and the Furies let out. A triple Alliance has
been formed; the Spear, the Shield, and the Trident, are united;
Man, Minerva and Neptune have ascended our Fleet to attend the
Genius of Britain and roll its Thunder, its Terror, its Vengeance,
through the Orb; to recover its long ravished Territories, and chastise
Gallic Perfidy.

At such a Juncture it may be some Amusement, afford some Instruction,
and be of some Use to your Readers and my Country, to take a short Sur-
vey of the present Posture of the English and French Affairs: This may
tend to rouze our Indignation, animate our Endeavours, spirit our Reso-
lutions, support our public Credit, reel in our apostate Sons, and to open
our Hearts and Purses freely and chearfully to assist our Administration in
the glorious Plan they have formed to recover our Rights, extend our
Commerce, and to scourge the pragmatical Insolence and barbarous Ra-
pine of the common Plagues of Mankind, and Disturbers of the Peace of
the Universe. The Ghosts of slaughtered Britons and their mangled Babes,
murdered in cold Blood, wandering on the Shores of the Ohio and Kenne-
bec, call out for Vengeance on their barbarous Assassins: Justice, Honor,
Interest, a noble Revenge, all claim our most strenuous Efforts and chear-
ful Contributions towards the Execution of our Judicious Plans, and driv-
ing the Plagues of Mankind out of the American World, as they have
shewn no Inclination to live at Peace in it.

These are the Sentiments which arise in my Breast; thus, Sir, I feel my-
self warmed with Zeal for the public Good, and fired by public Resent-

But when I reflect that France has twenty Millions of People, frugal,
industrious, and ingenious; a fertile Country of 120 Millions of Acres,
abounding in Corn, Wool, Silk, Iron, Hemp Flax, Cattle, Salt, and
Fruits; and enjoying a Monopoly of the finest Wines and Brandies in the
World, coveted by all the Gentry in Europe: When I consider that it has
a splendid and pompuous Court of an elegant Taste, that gives the lead in
Fashions to all its Neighbours, and the consequent Advantages it has in
Manufactures: When I consider that it employs near 40,000 Sailors in the
Cod, Herring and other Fisheries, at the Isle of Cape Breton and else-
where; as likewise the vast Trade it has in Indigo and Sugars; and its
prodigious Export of Cloth to Turkey, (and Spain, Italy &c.) and what ours
is dwindled to, in the Levant especially: When I consider that the Price
of Labor in France, even in the Neighbourhood of the Capital, is but 6d. a
Day, Sterling; in the Provinces but from 3d. to 4d in general; and that
the Price of Wheat, in Paris has been lately on an Average, for Ten
Years together, at 2d. a Bushel (b); that Flesh in the Provinces is cheap; and
that upon the whole, a Manufacturer in France can earn but 6d. a Day,
and yet live as well on that Six-Pence, exclusive of Taxes, as a Manufac-
turer in England for a Shilling a Day: When I reflect on the great Su-
periority the French must acquire over the English in all the Markets in
the World, both with Regard to their Produce and Manufactures, by this
Cheapness of Labor and Commodities: When I consider the Family Con-
nection, &c. between France and Spain, how much it is the Interest of the
last to traffick with the first, and that of about five Millions Sterling which
the Spaniards annually import in Plate from the West-Indies, the greatest
Part centers in France: When I reflect that France, in the Year 1727,
was possessed of 42 Millions Sterling in Cash, and has coined 54 Millions
Sterling since that Time, which it is probable is all at present in the King-
dom (c): I say when I consider all these Things, I almost tremble for the
Fate of my Country, its Religion, its Liberty, its Trade, its Manufac-
tures, its Commerce.

Let any reasonable Merchant reflect how it is possible for a Nation to
cope with a Country in Trade, when its Labor and Produce are double the
Price of what they are in the Country, that is in Competition with it in all
the Ports in the World. This is a Matter that merits the highest Regard
and the most speedy Remedy: And this is the true State of Commerce
with Respect to England and France at this present Time. The Case, then,
is come to a Crisis, England must either destroy the Commerce of France,
or France will ruin the Commerce of England, monopolize the Trade of
Europe, and aim, at least, to extend its its Dominions and Tyranny from the
Pillars of Hercules to the Baltic Sea; which the President of the Parlia-
ment of Paris, in 1662, told Lewis the XIV, they expected soon under his
Auspices, and from his Wisdom and the Specimens they had received of
the Success of his Arms. (d)

a See Hanway’s Travels.
b Voyeu Ouvrages Politiques de Mr. l’Abbe de St. Pierre, Tom. x.
c Voyeu les Elemens da commerce par Mr. Debonaire.
d Voyeu lettres et negotiations entre Jean de Wit, &c.

Column 2

Thus far we have seen the melancholy Side of the Question, let us next
contemplate the brighter.

Nothwithstanding France has all these Advantages, all this Trade, Com-
merce and Treasure; yet from her former Conduct and bad Policy, and
the Nature of her Government, her natural Strength and Vigor are cramp-
ed and spackled. What Man is such a Fool as to lend his Money to a Go-
vernment, where a Dash of a Minister’s Pen shall annihilate Millions, ruin
Thousands of Families, and sink all National Debts in an Instant? Their
Courts of Liquidation, their Chambers of Justice, or rather of Iniquity,
their Visas in the Years 1715 and 16, are not easily to be forgotten. Then
Commissioners, chosen on Purpose, the supple Tools of Iniquity and ar-
bitrary Power, cancelled State Debts at Pleasure, obliged the Proprietors
to take one fifth of their just Dues, or loose all. And to such a Height of
Cruelty and Injustice Things were carried, and so little Care was taken to
pay the Interest of the Monies borrowed by the State, that the Securities
on the Hotel de Ville fell fifty per Cent and the Utencils Bills 90 per
Cent. (e); from whence the Proprietors of 1000£. due from the Govern-
ment received but 100£. at four per Cent. for 1000£. lent to the State at a
high Interest: Such inormous Oppressions and Frauds did the Creditors of
the Public suffer! As this has been the Case, who but Mad-men would
trust such a Government again!

I have been informed, that the French themselves, at this present Junc-
ture, have so bad an Opinion of the present Posture of their Affairs, and
so little Faith and Confidence in their Government Securities, that they
offer them every where at a high Discount: But as the French Ministry has
lately made such Dupes and Bubbles of the public Creditors; and as Go-
vernment Securities are so very precarious in France, one would imagine
that no one would (at least that no Man in his Senses would) run the
Hazard of purchasing their Securities even at 50 per Cent. Discount. If
we have any such apostate Sons, and ignorant Fools, I have one Consola-
tion attending the Reflection, which is “that they will meet with the
”deserved Fate of such a Visa and Chamber of Justice as were erected in
”the Year 1715.”

What hath been may be again; and we have seen the Time when a
100£. of French Government Securities have been worth but 10£. A Man
must then be infatuated, to trust such a perfidious Government again; a
Government, that has no more Regard to Justice towards its own Subjects
and Creditors, than it has to its Treaties and solemn Stipulations with its
neighbouring States.

Thus, tho’ France has great natural Advantages, a considerable and pro-
fitable Commerce, and a great Stock of Money, yet its faithless, its per-
fidious Government, cramp its natural Force and Vigor; and, like a
Tropedo, benumbs its Power and Faculties, when the greatest Necessity calls
for their Exertion.

It is impossible that their national Cash should have all the Influence it is
capable of, as the State has given such recent Examples of Cruelty to its
public Creditors. If a burnt Child dreads the Fire, surely sad Experience
must make Men diffident and cautious. But as our Fleets will obstruct
their Commerce, in all Probabilty their Money will be transported to other
States for Security, and in Order to make a Profit of it by Interest;
and tis very probable, that through the Hands of neutral Powers, large
Sums of French Property may be lent to us, by which we may be enabled
more vigorously to carry on our Naval Armaments; and extend our Foreign

But the Want of public Credit is not the only Misfortune and Im-
becilty France labors under: Its Debts are great, its national Interest
high, its Revenues anticipated, its Expences large, its Resources exhaust-
ed, its Taxes oppressive, and its Stock of Commodities small. What Re-
sources can be expected in a State where an Artizan, who earns 20£. per
Annum by his Labor, in Time of Peace, pays 5£. or 6£. per Annum in
Taxes and Gabellies to defray the common Expences of the State: Its
Commerce can afford no Assistance, since a Trader who has but a 1000£.
in Commerce, pays not less than 200£. a Year to the State in Times of
Peace. (f)

On the other Hand, the English Peasant does not pay above 14s. or 15s.
in Taxes, where the French pays four or five Pounds; the English Ar-
tizan does not pay above 20s. or 30s. where the French pays seven or
eight Pounds; nor in common does an English Trader with 4 or 5000£.
in Stock, pay above 10s. where a Frenchman would be obliged to pay
200£. It is easy, from hence, to perceive the different Resources of the
two Nations, exclusive of the Consideration, that 3-4ths of all the E-
states in this Kingdom are not assessed 1-4th of their Value to the Land-
Tax. The Gabelle of Salt only in France lies as heavy on the common
people as all the Excises and Customs do in England, unless the E [damaged, illegible]
Poor throw away their Money in purchasing infernal Liquor [damaged, illegible]
to Health.

ANT [damaged, illegible]

e Voyez Reflections politique, par Mr. Dutor, tam.[damaged, illegible]
Things are not the Representative of Money: Tyranny [damaged, illegible]
one bury their Money, L’Espirit des Leix, tom. II. P. [damaged, illegible]
f Voyez Dexcine Royale, par Mr. Vauban.

Page 2
Column 2


July 21. At this important Conjuncture, the Paris Gazette (a Paper
published by Authority) gives the World the following interesting Advices,
dated from Compiegene July 10.

”The 6th Instant, the Queen, accompanied by Madam Adelaide
and Misdames Victoire, Sophia and Louisa, heard high Mass at St.
James’s Church.”

”In the Afternoon the King and Queen assisted at the Salut (the last
Part of the Evening Service) in the same Church.”

“Their Majesties supped the 4th, 6th, and 9th, at the Grand Cover.”

“Yesterday the Dauphin arrived from Versailles, and is to stay here
till the 15th.”

”Madam Victoire took a Purge the 7th, by Way of Precaution.”

Extract of a Letter from Portsmouth, July 18.
”Mons. Hocquart, who commanded the Aicide, taken off the Banks
of Newfoundland, is a Knight of the Military Order of St. Lewis:
This is the third Time he has fallen into the Hands of the English; having
been taken in the Meda the 22nd of April, 1744, which was the first
Ship of War belonging to the French that was taken after the Decla-
ration. He was taken a second Time on the third of May, 1748, in the
Diamond, of 50 Guns (now called the Isis) and both Times brought
into this Port.”

August 30. Private Letters by Yesterday’s Dutch Mail, advise, That
a Plot for blowing up the Powder Magazine in the important Fortress
of Luxemburgh hath been seasonably discovered.

August 2. It is certain Fact that the Court of France has borrowed of
English Subjects, since the Close of the last War, Four Millions of Pounds
Sterling; and every one may hence see, that without Assistance from the
Unnatural and Persidious amongst ourselves, they could have been in no
Condition to give us Trouble at present. The Expence therefore of the Blood
and Treasure a War may occasion us, is all fairly to be imputed to these
degenerate Sons of our own Mother.

The Night before the Duke de Mirepoix left London he expressed
himself to the following Effect, to the Grandees at White’s Chocolate House
The high Civilities I have had the Honor to receive from you, having
laid me under great Obligations, I should behave beneath the Character
of a Gentleman, were I to depart this Kingdom without making those
acknowledgements which you are intitled to, and which I glory in.
It is with great Regret, Gentlemen, that I leave a Nation with Animosity
which I could have made my Exit in. The noble generous Spirit of
Freedom which reigns among you would make every wise Man wish to
be a Briton, did not that Liberty degenerate into Licentiousness. You
have the Happiness of a brave and wise King to rule over you; a Gentle-
man worthy of the Race of Heroes from which he descends, and you
ought to make it your Glory to demonstrate you deserve him. I will
not impeach the Conduct of your Ministry any farther than to observe,
their being influenced by the Multitude obscures those great Talents, which
in France would make a Blaze that would astonish not only Europe but
the Universe. It is your Misfortune to be a divided People, and yet
you are to the Surprize of the World a great and powerful Nation;
and if you are not happy, pardon my sayng, it is your own Fault.

WILLIAMSBURG, November 21.

This Week arrived at Hampton, from Nova-Scotia, about 1000 Neu-
tral French, Men, Women, and Children. The Council sat Yesterday,
and an Express was immediately dispatched to Hampton, but how they are
to be disposed of, we have not yet heard.

The Seaforth Man of War, Capt, Rawlings, is arrived at Hampton,
from England, but last from Boston. In his Passage he took Three Prizes,
Two of which were sent to England, and the other ransomed for 2000£.

On Wednesday, George M’Swaine, an Inhabitant of Cumberland County
in Pennsylvania, came to Town from Fort Cumberland, with Two Scalps,
and gives us the following Account. That on the 19th of last Month, he
with another, were taken Prisoners, by 10 Shawnese Indians, the next
Day they took a Dutchman Prisoner, and a few Days after Joined 43 De-
with King Shingiss at their Head. On the 30th they took an
old Dutchman Prisoner at Rays Town, whom they would have put to
Death (the general Fate oif their aged Prisoners) but were prevailed on to
spare him, as he was a Carpenter, and might be of Service to them. The
same Day M’Swaine and the old Dutchman were ordered to be carried to
the Delaware Town, and for that Purpose were committed to the Care
of Shingiss’s Cousin, called Connistobe Will, and one Jackson, (who deserted
from our Forces last Year, and had joined himself with the Indians) while
the rest with the other Prisoners, proceeded to do further Mischief.———They
lodged that Night in an Indian Cabbin, and M’Swaine being ordered to
rise to mend the Fire, took a favorable Opportunity, and with a Broad-
Ax killed the Indian, and then seizing his Gun shot Jackson dead on the
Spot: After scalping them, and setting Fire to the Cabbin, he and the
Dutchman made the best of their Way to Fort Cumberland, where they
arrived early next Morning.———M’Swaine has received Twenty Pounds for
the two Scalps.

This Day John Nicholas, for Murder, was executed at the Gallows,
near this City.

David Say and Richard Chapman, for Felony, pardoned, and John Hart,
for Felony reprieved.

To the PRINTER, &c.
As the Public may be desirous of knowing the Contents of the Acts passed last
Session, before they possibly can be published, you are desired to insert the fol-
lowing Extracts from them in your next Paper;
Yours, &c.

G. D.

[damaged, illegible] amend an Act, intituled. An Act for amending an Act, intituled,
[damaged, illegible] making Provisions against Invasions and Insurrections.
[damaged, illegible] it is Enacted, 1. That if any Person who is or shall be
[damaged, illegible] in Pay as an Officer, or who is or shall be inlisted, or in
[damaged, illegible] shall remain in the Service, or shall, during the Con-
[damaged, illegible] untarily enter himself in the said Service, as a Soldier,
[damaged, illegible] concerned in any Mutiny or Sedition in the Army, or
[damaged, illegible] ice; or being a Soldier voluntarily inlisted in any Re-
[damaged, illegible] Company, shall inlist in any other, without producing

Column 2

a discharge in Writing from the commanding Officer of the Regiment,
Troop, or Company in which he last served; and if any Officer refused to
obey the lawful Commands of his superior Officer, or shall strike or raise
any Violence against his superior Officer in the Execution of his Office; all
such Offenders shall suffer Death, or such other Punishment as a Court-
Martial shall inflict on them.

2. The Governor is impowered to grant a Commission under the Seal of
the Colony, to any Officer not under the Degree of a Field-Officer, for
holding a general Court-Martial, for Trial of the above Offences.

3. No general Court-Martial to consist of a less Number than Nine,
whereof none under a Commission Officer———Authorised to administer an
Oath to Witnesses.

4. Oaths prescribed to be taken by all Officers present at a Court Martial
before they proceed to Trial.—Court Martial directed to appoint a Clerk
to keep a Register of their Proceedings———His Oath———No Sentence
of Death shall be given against any Offender, unless six Officers concur
therein; and if there be more than nine Officers present, then Judgment
shall pass by the Concurrence of two Thirds of them———All Trials to be
between Eight o’Clock in the Morning, and Three in the Afternoon, ex-
cept in Cases which require an immediate Example.

5. Party tried entitled to a Copy of the Sentence and Proceedings, upon
Demand, (paying reasonably for the same) not sooner than five Days after
the Sentence, whether it be approved or not.

6. Members of a Court Martial to send a Copy of their Proceedings and
Sentence, under their Hands and Seals, to the Governor, as soon as con-
venient, and Execution to be suspended until his Pleasure be known, who,
if he thinks proper, is desired to issue his Warrant under the Seal of the
Colony, for putting the Sentence into Execution.

7. Power given to Justices of the Peace, and others, to apprehend Per-
sons suspected of being Deserters, and upon Conviction before a Justice, he
is to issue his Warrant to the next Constable to receive him, and so to be
conveyed from Constable to Constable, till delivered to his commanding
Officer.——Constable receiving such Warrant to execute the same, and
give a Receipt upon Delivery of a Deserter to him, under Penalty of 500 lb.
of Tobacco to the Informer.

8. Constable impowered to impress Men and Horses for conveying Deserters,
and if he suffers a Deserter to escape, forfeits 500 lb. Tobacco to the In-

9. Taker up intituled to 200 lb. Tobacco, upon Certificate from the

10. Penalty of 20£. on any Person harboring, concealing or assisting any
Deserter, or buying Cloaths or Arms of any Soldier or Deserter; and upon
Conviction before a Justice, Penalty to be levied by his Warrant, to be
paid to the Informer.

11. Persons sued for any Thing done pursuant to this Act may plead
the general Issue, and give the special Matter in Evidence.

12. Repealing Clause.

13. This Act to continue one Year.

II. An Act to amend an Act, intituled, An Act for preventing and repelling
the hostile Incursions of the
Indians at Enmity with the Inhabitants of this

BY this Act, 1. The sum of 10£. to be paid by the Treasurer to any
Indian in Amity with the Inhabitants of this Colony, for every Male
Indian Enemy above 12 Years old, taken Prisoner, killed or destroyed
within this Colony, within one Year aftrer the End of this Session of

2. If the present Hostilities cease within that Time, the Reward dis-

3. To entitle our friendly Indians to the Reward, their Prisoners are to be
delivered into the Country Goal, and there kept till discharged by the Go-
vernor, and the Scalps to be produced by the Indian killing the Enemy, to
the Governor, who, upon receiving sufficient Satisfaction of the Time and
Place of their taking Prisoner or destroying suchIndianEnemy, is desired to
issue his Warrant to the treasurer for paying the said Reward; and is also
desired to notify this Act to our neighbouring friendly Indians, as soon as

III. An Act for the better collecting the Land and Poll-Tax.

PReamble. Whereas some Sheriffs have refused or been unable to give
Security for collecting the Taxes imposed by the Act of the 28th of
his present Majesty, for raising 20,000£. &amp.c. and the Act to explain that Act,
(Passed last May, both now published) and no other Collectors have been
appointed in their Stead, as is directed by those Laws, to prevent any In-
convenience thereby, it is Enacted;

1. That when any Sheriff hath not given Security, and shall neglect or
refuse to give Security for the collecting the said Taxes, within three
Months after the passing of this Act, he shall forfeit 100£. and be prose-
cuted by the King’s Attorney, by Order of the respective Courts, and when
recovered to be paid to the Treasurer, for the same Uses as the taxes are
directed to be applied.

2. Provided, If the Sheriff will, in open Court, swear that he has en-
deavoured and cannot get such Security, he shall not be liable to the

3. And where any Sheriff shall refuse, or is unable to give Security for
Collection, and no other Person will undertake the same, the Court of the
County where this shall happen, shall certify it to the Governor, who is
thereupon impowered to appoint another Sheriff in his Stead, who shall at
the next Court after the Date of his Commission, give Security for the
Collection and Payment of the said Taxes, and is subject to the same Pe-
nalty in Case of Neglect or Refusal.

IV. An Act for settling the Rents of the public Warehouses, and Inspectors Sa-
laries for this present Year.

1. IT is Enacted, That the Salaries of the Inspectors of Tobacco be dis-
continued for this present Year, and in Lieu thereof they are entitled
to retain to their own Use, 3s. for every Crop Hogshead, and 5s. for
every Hogshead of Transfer Tobacco, delivered by them between the
20th of October last, and the 20th of October next, besides the Sixpence al-
lowed for Nails for every Hogshead of Transfer Tobacco, out of which
they are to pay to the Proprietors of the Warehouses, 8d. for every Hogs-
head delivered in that Time.

2. The Proprietors of all Warehouses, having an established Rent by
Law, shall instead thereof receive 8d. per Hogshead delivered as aforesaid,
and no more.

Column 1

3. Provided, That the Inspectors shall pay the Treasurer all the Money
arising by the said 3s. and 5s. per Hogshead, over and above their Sala-
ries established by Law, and the 8d. per Hogshed to the Proprietor.

V. An Act to enable the Inhabitants of this Colony to discharge their Tobacco
Debts in Money for this present Year.

PReamble. By Reason of the small Quantity of Tobacco made this pre-
sent Year, the Inhabitants of this Colony are rendered unable to pay
their Levies, Officers Fees and Tobacco Debts, in Tobacco, therefore to
prevent the Sheriffs and other Collectors from taking Advantage of the
Necessities of the People, by exacting exorbitant Prices, it is Enacted;

1. That it shall be lawful for all Persons from whom Tobacco is due by
Judgement, for Rent, by Bond, or upon any Contract, or for Public,
County, and Parish Levies, or Secretary’s, Clerks, Sheriffs, Surveyors, or
other Officer’s Fees, or by any other Ways or Means, to pay the same
either in Tobacco or in Money, at the Rate of sixteen Shillings and Eight
Pence per Hundred, at the Option of the Payer, and the Sheriffs are re-
quired to receive the same in Discharge of any such Levies and Fees, and
to account with, and pay to the Persons intitled to the same, in Proportion
to their several Demands, all Money and Tobacco which they shall re-
ceive in Payment of such Levies and Fees, which shall discharge the Sheriffs
from any other Demand.

2. This Act not to extend to the Counties of which the Inhabitants are
already impowered to discharge their Levies and Fees in Money.

3. This Act to continue ten Months.

VI. An Act for paying the Burgesses Wages out of the Treasury for this Session
of Assembly.

THE Burgesses Wages to be paid by the Treasurer on the First of No-
1756, out of the public Money then in his Hands, accor-
ding to the Dirctions of the Act of the 3rd and 4th of his present Ma-
jesty, intituled An Act for the better regulating the Payment of the Burgesses


To be SOLD on January Court-Day, being the
Thursday in the Month, at Gloucester Court-

A Valuable Tract of Land, containing 404 Acress, 67 of which consists in good Dra-
gon Swamp, well timbered with Cypress and Oak; the high Land with Oak, &c.
a good Dwelling-House, with Brick Chimnies, and under pinn’d, with all other necessa-
ry Out-houses all in good Repair; a new Plantation in good Order for Cropping, with
Orchards of Peach and Apple Trees. The Land lies in Gloucester County, about 3 Miles
above the old Dragon Bridge. Any Person inclinable to purchase, may view the same
and know the Terms of Payment, by applying to the Subscriber on the Premisses.
1|| John Stubbs, Junior.

STRAY’D or Stolen from Mrs. Tarplay’s in Williamsburg, on Monday the 10th of
November, a young Bay Horse, five Years old next Summer, not branded, thin
black Mane, and Sprig Tail, without any white on him, about fifteen Hands high,
trots and gallops with great Life, has a large plain Feather on each Side of his Neck,
from the Middle to the Ears, with a Dimple in the middle of his Neck, about the Bigness
of a Musket-Ball. Whoever brings the said Horse to the said Mrs. Tarplay’s shall
receive Half a Pistole Reward if taken within Eight Miles of Williamsburg; if above, one
Pistole, from
Travers Tarplay.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Lunenburg County, near the Court-house,
a Sorrel Horse, his Main and Tail resemble a Flaxen Color, several Saddle
Spots, and branded thus X. The Owner may have him, on paying as the Law directs.
|| William Lidderdale.

NOTICE is hereby given, That the President and one of the Masters of William and
College, will be at Newcastle, on Wednesday the third of December, to exa-
mine into the State of the Lands in King-William County, and to grant new Leases where

Just Imported, by the Subscriber, in the MONTGOMERY,
Capt. Patterson, and to be Sold at his Shop, near the
A CHOICE and Large Parcel of Drugs and Medicines, faithfully prepared by the
best Hands in London; consisting of Sarsa and China Roots, best Rhubarb, Cam-
phire, Opium, Aloes, Borax, Mercury, Antimony and Jesuits Bark, Ipecacuans, Sperma
Ceti, Oil of Turpentine, Harthorn Shavings, French and Pearl Barley, Verdigrease,
Manna, flakey ditto, Balsam Capivi, Spanish Flies, &c. %amp;c. Also Anderson and
Lackyer’s Pills, Squire’s and Stougbron’s Elixirs, Bateman’s Drops, Godfrey’s Cordial,
choice Eating Oil, best Lancets, Annodyne Necklaces, Eaton’s Styptic, Lavender and
Hungary Waters, James’s Powders, Spanish Liqubrice, Castile Soap, Ivory and Pewter
Syrenges, Glyster Pipes, Vial and Vial Corks, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mace, Nutmegs,
black Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, Turlington’s Balsam, Sago, Copperass, Saltpetre, Allum
and all Sorts of Garden Seeds.
2 Peter Hay.

To be Lett, next Warwick Court-Day, to the highest

ONE Thousand Three Hundred Acres of Land, lying in Warwick County, with se-
veral Tenements thereon, belonging to the Estate of William Colt, deceased. The
whole will be rented by
Philip Edmondson, Guardian to the Heir at Law.

To be SOLD, on Thursday the first Day of January
next, (for Cash or Tobacco) at the Dwelling-
Place of the Subscriber, living in Isle of
County, near Col. James Baker’s;
THREE Hundred Acres of Land, with a Dwelling-House, Kitchen, Quarter, Shop,
Store-house, Smoak-house, Barn and Crib, with about 250 young Apple Trees,
mostly of the choicest Fruits.
Also, 400 Acres, adjoining to the above, about 200 young Apple Trees, and about
200 young Peach Trees,
Also, 150 Acres, with a Dwelling-house thereon, &c.
Also 270 Acres, lying in Surry County: a Dwelling-house thereon, with about 50
of Hughes’s Crab Apple Trees.
Also 100 Acres, lying in Southhampton County, adjoining Proctor’s Bridge, all well
timbered, and within about 8, 10, and 12 Miles of Warwicksqueak Bay-Warehouse.
Any Person inclinable to purchase before the Day of Sale, may know the Terms by ap-
plying to
Jordan Thomas.

Column 2

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Spotsylvania County, a small bright Bay Mare
with a black Mane and Tail, a small white Spot in her Forehead, andsundry Sad-
dle Spots on each Side of her Back, branded on the near Buttock W. she has been
posted and appraised at Three Pounds. The Owner may have her on proving his Pro-
perty, and paying as the Law directs. John Waller.

DESERTED from Capt. David Bell’s Company of the Virginia Regiment, the
following Recruits, viz.
Peter Carrie, Virginia born, 22 Years of Age, 5 Feet 10 Inches high, well-made,
of a fair Complexion, with brown Hair, and is supposed now to be lurking in Albermarle
County, within 20 Miles of the Court-House.
Nathaniel Hall, Virginia born, 23 Years old 4 Feet 10 Inches high, round shoulder’d
of a fair Complexion, and light brown Hair, he has been for some Time past lurking in
Chesterfield County, and it is supposed is now removed into Granville County, near Col.
Eaton’s in North Carolina.
Robert Milton, born in Nansemond, 5 Feet 6 Inches high, of a black Complexion, his
Hair cut, had on a Bob or Que Wig, and pretends to be a Doctor.
James Hatton, an Englishman, well made, 5 Feet 2 Inches high, his Eye-Lids red, as
if he had fore Eyes, he is of a fair Complexion, his Hair cut off, and has been an Over-
seer several Years, he has much the Air of a Sailor.
It is supposed Hatton and Milton, who deserted the 22nd Instant, will go to Nansemond,
or the lower Parts of North Carolina.
Whoever apprehends any of the above Deserters, and delivers them to any Officer of the
Virginia Regiment, or to Archebald Cary, Esq; at Warwick in Chesterfield County; Mr.
John Lewis at Albermarle Court-house, or the said Capt. Bell, shall receive two Pistoles
Reward for each.
David Bell.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near this Court-House, a Soirrel Roan colored
Mare, about three Years old, and about four Feet and an Half high, with a Blaze
in her Face, her right hind Leg white near the Ham, full of Sorrel Spots, and
branded on the near Buttock [upside down W]. She has been appraised at Three Pounds Ten Shillings.
The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law directs.
Mackuess Goode.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Cumberland County, a Dun colored grey Mare,
about 14 Hands high, with some white Hairs in her Forehead, and branded on the
near Buttock S. She has been appraised at Six Pounds Nine Shillings. The Owner
may have her of me, on paying as the Law directs,
|| Bartholomew Stovall.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near Bull-Run, in Prince William County, a
large black Steer, mark’d with a Crop and Overkeel in the right Ear, and a Crop
and Slit in the Left, and very much scarrified on the Back. The Owner may have
him at my Plantation, paying as the Law directs.
Bridgar Haynie.

NOTICE is hereby given, That there are in Nominy Warehouose 4 Hogsheads of
Tobacco, which appear to have been taken in above three Years ago, vix.

Marks. No. Gross. Nett. Tare.
GH 11 1319 1221  98
IN  1 1137 1035 102
AW  9  998  889 109
18  964  857 107

William Pierce, and Fox Sturman, Inspectors.

TAKEN up by the subscriber, living near Sherwood Harris’s, on Tuckabee Creek,
in Goochland County, a small Sorrel Mare, about 4 Feet 2 Inches high, with two
Stars in her Face, one above the Break, the other below, a small Switch Tail, and
her near hind Hoof white, but no Brand to be perceived; she trots and gallops only;
and has been posted and appraised. The Owner may have her of me, paying as the Law
directs. David Causbey.

TAKEN up by the subscriber, living on Turnup Creek, Lunenburg County, a dark
Bay Horse, ten Years old, with a large Star in his Face, and branded on the near
Buttock JR. He has been posted and appraised at Six Pounds. The Owner may
have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
|| James Mitchell.

TAKEN away from the subscriber, in Henrico County, by a Man who called him-
self Thomas Buckner, he is a small Man of a black Complexion, who ’tis believed
lives in Culpeper County, a Bay Horse, about 14 Hands and an Inch high, a
natural Pacer, branded on the Shoulder and Buttock S within a Heart. Whoever
brings the said Horse to me, shall have a Pistole Reward, and Two Pistoles for the
Man. || William Harding.

TAKEN up by the subscriber, on the 9th Day of July, last, a middle-fited dark
Bay Horse, with a Star in his Forehead, a long Switch Tail, and paces naturally,
but not branded. He has run many Months at Mr. Walter King’s Plantation, at Nassau.
The Owner may have him of me, on paying as the Law directs.
N. B. He has been appraised at Six Pistoles.
|| Martin Key.

THE Virginia ALMANACK, for the Year of our LORD GOD, 1756
Being BISSEXTILE, or LEAP YEAR. Wherein are contained, the Lunations
Conjunctions, Eclipses; the Sun and Moon’s Rising and Setting; the Rising, Setting,
and Southing of the Heavenly Bodies; Weather; Court Days; an exact List of the
English Navy; a List of the Council, and House of Burgesses, of Virginia;a Summary
of the whole House of Commons; several useful Tables; Description of the Roads
through the Continent; Description of the Road to the Ohio; Poetry; Prudential Ad-
vice, &c. &c. Calculated according to Art; and referred to the Horizon of 328 Degrees
of North Latitude, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from the City of London; fitting
Virginia, Maryland, North-Carolina, &c. By THEOPHILUS WREG, Philomat.
[Price Seven Pence Half-penny each, or, Five Shillings per Dozen.]

To be SOLD the Day after Hanover Court, in De-
cember next, at the Subscriber’s House, in Hanover
Twelve Lots of Land, containing 300 Acres each, with many Improvements
thereon; also One Hundred choice Slaves, with all the Stock [damage, illegible]
Things.[damage, illegible]

NOTICE is hereby given, That there are remaining in [damaged, illegible]
Three Hogsheads of Tobacco, viz.

Marks. No. Gross. Nett. Tar [damaged illegible]
December 4, 1751. ER 1 1283 1180 107 [damaged, illegible]
February 6, 1748. WT 1 1046  944 10 [damaged, illegible]
MD 2 1089  994 95 [damaged, illegible]

John Hasseman, and B [damaged, illegible]

Page 4
Column 1

To be SOLD to the highest Bidder, at the Door of
Raleigh Tavern, in Williamsburg, on the second
Tuesday in December next,
A Valuable Tract of Land, formerly belonging to John Steuart, coutaining 650 Acres,
lying on Cob Creek, in Lunenburg County; it is all very fine rich Land, and a great
Part of it very fine large Meadows; there are several good Houses and other Improvements
on the said Land. The Purchaser will be allowed Six Months Credit, and may enter
upon the Premisses immediately; Five per Cent. will be allowed for ready Money.
t. f. Charles Turnbull.

ALL Persons indebted to the Subscriber by Bond or otherwise, are desired to make im-
mediate Payment, or else they may expect to be sued immediately. I shall atrend
at Mr. Franie’s, in Williamsburg all the following Week.
John James Hulett.

STRAY’D or stolen from the Quarter of the Hon. William Beverley, Esq; near
the old Park, in King & Queen County, on the 29th of August-last, a large black
Horse, near 15 Hands high, and branded on the near Buttock WB in a Piece, with a
Diamond at Top. Whoever delivers him at my House in Essex County, shall have a
Pistole Reward.

TAKEN up the Subscriber living in James-City County, a small black Horse, about
four Feet Four Inches high, a dull Brand on the near Buttock like a W, The
Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
John James Hulett.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber in Surry County, a middle fix’d Sorrel Mare, branded
on the near Buttock H, all her Feet white, has been appraised at Four Pounds
tenh illings. The Owner may have him of me paying what the Law directs.
|| Henry Watkins.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living on Appomattox River, in Amelia County, two
Hogs, one a white Sow, the other a black Barrow, marked with a Crop on each
Ear; the Sow has had Pigs since taken up. The Owner may them of me, paying as the
Law directs. David Greenbill.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living near Amelia Court-house, a large Bay Horse,
about Five Feet Eight Inches high, neither branded or mark’d to be observed.
The Owner may have him of me, on paying as the Law directs.
|| Thomas Wren.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Albermarle County, a Bay Mare, branded
on the near Shouldor H, and on the near Buttock M. The Owner may have her
of me, paying as the Law directs. || John Allen.

THERE is in the Subscriber’s Plantation, in Fairfax County, a large red and white
Steer his hind Parts white, marked with a Crop and Slit in the Right Ear. The
Owner may have him again of me, paying as the Law directs.
|| James King.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber living near Culpeper County, one red Steer, about two
Years old, has a little white on one of his Flanks, and was appraised at one Pound
five Shilings. The Owner may have him of me, paying as the Law directs.
Benjamin Case.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber living on Goldmine-Creek, in Louisa County, a Bay
Horse, about 4 Feet 4 Inches high, and branded on the near Buttock IM, very
dulll The Owner may have him of me on paying as the Law directs.
|| Richard Esles.

To be SOLD by the Subscriber on Nottoway River in
Amelia County, about forty Miles from Bolling’s

A TRACT of Land containing 650 Acres, all very rich, both high and low Ground,
three Plantations thereon, a Grist Mill, Six new Tobacco Houses, Barns and other
convenient Houses, with a sufficient Quantity of fresh Ground to work about Twelve
Hands. Credit will be allowed, the Purchaser giving Bond and Security, to
John Winn.

RAN away about the 8th of August, from the Subscriber in Westmoreland County,
a Negroe Wench named Patience, about 30 Years of Age, had on when she went
away, a Virginia Cloth Wastecoat and Petticoat, and carried with her a chequer’d Waste-
coat turned up with stripp’d Persian. Whoever brings her to me, shall have Two Pi-
stoles Reward, besides what the Law allows.
William Booth.

IMPORTED in the Charming Ann, Capt. Baker, last February, a small Parcel
marked MT, No. 1, for which no Bill of Lading was given, The Owner on applying
to Capt. Baker, at York, may hear of it.

A MAN, well recommended, who can teach Reading, Writing and Arithmetic,
will meet with good Encouragement, by applying to the Subscribers at Fre-
|| Robert Jackson,
Freiding Lewis

FOUND by a Negroe Man, on the Road near Col. Ludwell’s Mill, a Pocket-Book
bound in Parchment, with Bonds and Accounts in it, any Person describing the
same, and paying the Charge of this Advertisement may have it again. Enquire of Mr.
John Brown below the Capitol.

THIS is to give Notice that there are several choice Slaves to be sold for ready Money
by the Subscriber at Hog Island, &c.
John Holt.

To be SOLD, on the Premisses, on Wednesday the
26th of
November, 1755.
[damaged, illegible] and, lying in Glocester County, containing 350 Acres, with a goop
[damaged, illegible] and all other convenient Houses for Cropping: Also Thirteen
[damaged, illegible] head of Cattle, for Cash or Bills of Exchange.
Thomas Boswell.
[damaged, illegible] at the Plantation of William Marlow, deceas’d.

Column 2

TAKEN up on the 24th Day of July last, by the Subscriber, living in Amelia
County, on Deep-Creek, a middle-sized black Horse, branded on the near Shoul-
der II., has a Star on his Forehead, and been appraised at five Pounds The Owner may
have him of me, on paying as the Law directs, || George Forrest

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Augusta County, a bright Bay Horse about
13 Hands high, a large hanging Main, a Piece cut out of his left Ear, and
branded on the off Buttock EE He has been posted and appraised to three Pounds.
The Owner may have him of me, on paying as the Law directs.
John Trimble.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living at Clifton’s Neck, on Potowmack River, in Fair-
County, two large barrow Cows, one a Brindle, with a grey Face, and mark’d
with a Swallow-Fork in the right Ear, a Crop and Hole, the Hole slit-cut, in the
left Ear: The other Brown, mark’d with a Swallow-Fork in the left Ear, and an
half Spade in the Right, and her Tail white up to the Small of her Back. They
have been posted and appraised at Two Pounds Seventeen Shillings. The Owner may
have them of me, on paying as the Law directs.
Thomas Smith.

TAKEN up by the Subscriber, living in Louisa County, a middle-siz’d white Mare,
with a Switch Tail, a hanging Mane, and branded on the near Buttock CB, tho’
since she has been posted the Brand appears more like AG than a C. The Owner
may have her of me, on paying as the Law directs.
Henry Basdale.

Williamsburg, October 28, 1755.
NOW in the Public Goal of this City, a Negroe Man, named James, who says he
belongs to Adam Porter, in North-Carolina : He hath been in Warwick Goal two
Months, according to Law. The Owner may have him of me, on paying Charges.
t. f. Thomas Penman, K. P. G.

To be SOLD, at Public Auction, pursuant to the
Will of
Isaac Bates, deceas’d,
FOUR Hundred and Eighty seven Acres of Land, lying in York County, about seven
Miles from Williamsburg, near Fleming Bates’s, on both Sides the Road that leads
from Glass’s Ordinary to York River, well wooded and watered: The Sale to be on the
second Tuesday in December next, before Mr. Doncastle’s Door, in Williamsburg. Credit
will be allowed ’til the 10th Day of April next, on giving Bond and Security as usual. Any
Person that hath a Mind to puchase, and is willing to view the Land, may be shewed
any Part of it, by applying to Fleming Bates, who has already promised to do that Fa-
vor, for t.f. George Carrington, Executor.<,/p>

To be LET, and ENTERED on immediately,
A VERY commodious Dwelling-House, with a Well of very good Water, Out-
Houses, Garden pailed in, and other Conveniences, in perfect good Order, and
very convenient for a private Family, or Lodgers, and situated in one of the most agree-
able Parts of the Town: Also one other very good Dwelling-House, well accommodated
with Out-Houses, Garden, Well, fine large Stable and Coach-House, &c. situate on
the main Street, the lower Side of the Market Place.
t.f. Philip Ludwell.

To be SOLD,
TWO Lots in the Town ofFredericksburg, fronting the main Street, opposite to
Fredericksburg Warehouse, whereon there is a convenient Dwelling-House, with
seven Rooms in it, three of which are Fire Rooms, as also a Kitchen, Stable, Meat-
House, Garden, Store-House, and a large commodious Warehouse, the Whole pailed in.
Any Person intending to purchase may apply to William Cunningham, in Falmouth, or
to John Sewart, in Fredericksburg. II

To be SOLD on the 24th Day of March next,
A TRACT of Land, containing 1500 Acres, lying on Ware River, in Glocester
County. Any Person inclinable to purchse, may know the Terms, on applying to
6 Ludwell Grymes.

FOR raising the Sum of £. 6875, for the further Protection of his Majesty’s Sub-
jects against the Insults and Incroachments of the French, in Pursuance of an Act
of Assembly, passed the 9th Day of July last.
This LOTTERY consists of 25,000 Tickets at 21s. 6d. each, 2050 of which
are Prizes, of the following Value:

Number of Prizes. Value in Current Money. Total Value.
    1 of £.2000 £.2000
    1 of   1000   1000
    4 of    500   2000
    5 of    200   1000
    6 of    150    900
    8 of    100    800
   15 of     50    750
   50 of     20   1000
  150 of     10   1500
 1810 of      5   9050
——— ———
 2050 Prizes amounting to £20000 Total Value
22050 Blanks.
25000 Pistoles, at 21s. 6d. each, is £. 26875
   To be paid in Prizes, 20000

£. 6875 to be applied to the particular
Purposes by the said Act directed, for the Protection of the Country.

If 20,000 Tickets are disposed of by the 11th Day of December next, the drawing of
the Lottery will then begin at the Capitol, in Williamsburg; and the Tickets remaining
unsold will be drawn on Account, and for the Benefit, of the Country; but if there
should be more than 5000 Tickets remaining unsold on that Day, then the drawing of
the said Lottery is to be put off ’til the 6th Day of May next.

As soon as the Drawing is finished, the Prizes will be published in the Gazette, and
the Money paid to the Possessors of the fortunate Tickets, if demanded in Six Months after:
But the Prizes, not demanded in that Time, will be demed as generously given for the
Use of the Country, and be applied accordingly.

The Persons following are appointed Managers of this Lottery, viz. John Robinson,
Charles Carter, Peyton Randolph,
Esqrs. and Landon Carter, Carter Burwell, Benjamin
and James Power, Gentlemen, who have given Bond and Security, and are on
Oath, for the faithful Performance of their Trust.

TICKETS are to be sold by the said Managers, at their respective Dwellings.

[damaged, illegible] BURG: Printed by WILLIAM HUNTER, at the GENERAL POST-OFFICE; by
[damaged, illegible] may be supplied with this Paper. Advertisements of a moderate Length are inserted for Three
[damaged, illegible] first Week, and Two Shillings each Week after.

Original Format

Ink on paper




Hunter, William, -1761, printer. , “The Virginia Gazette, no. 254, November 21, 1755,” Special Collections, John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, accessed April 27, 2024, https://cwfjdrlsc.omeka.net/items/show/8.